Is all that you have written above 100% true and accurate: Yes, or no?Age wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:00 amEVERY thing, EVERY one of EVERY 'thing', or EVERY SINGLE 'thing' of ALL things.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:12 pmWho or what is a "one"?Age wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:07 pm
I use the word 'behaviours', instead of the 'actions' word. The reason for this will come about later on as 'we' progress, here. But, 'Yes', to achieve or create goals certain behaviours are necessary.
If 'this' is just what you were MEANING, previously, then WHY did you NOT just ASK 'this clarifying question', BEFORE?
Now, BY SHOWING and REVEALING the 'HOW TO' of HOW the Truly peaceful world, for EVERY one CAN BE and WILL BE ACHIEVED, and CREATED, is HOW I plan on achieving 'the goal', here.
See, you human beings can NOT CREATE and ACHIEVE some thing UNTIL you have LEARNED and/or OBTAINED 'the Knowledge' of HOW to ACHIEVE or CREATE 'that thing'. So, you all JUST NEED to LEARN and/or OBTAIN 'the Knowledge' and/or 'the KNOW HOW', FIRST.
Which is the EXACT SAME WAY that EVERY thing that you human beings HAVE CREATED, WAS ACHIEVED.
OH, and by the way, ACHIEVING 'world peace' IS, ACTUALLY, FAR, FAR SIMPLER and EASIER than you people in the days when this is being written could have even possibly imagined.
EVERY one.
Otherwise, OBVIOUSLY, it would NOT BE A 'peaceful world'
And, when EVERY thing, or EVERY one, comes together, as One, then that 'Thing', or that One, is 'Everyone' or 'Everything'
To me, the words;
'one' refers to A 'part' of the ALL or WHOLE.
'One' refers to ALL or the WHOLE, together.
Is starting a sentence with, 'If someone is NOT a one', really a logical way to begin a sentence? (But, in asking that it is GREAT TO SEE you pondering and wondering MORE, here.)Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:12 pm If something or someone isn't a "one", then does that mean you will not try to make a peaceful world for them?
The VERY REASON WHY I WRITE the word 'every' capitalised IS TO EMPHASIZE the Fact that I AM referring to ABSOLUTELY ALL, and, literally, EVERY one.
So, WHEN I say or write 'A peaceful world for EVERY one', then that MEANS there is NOT a 'single one' that is 'left out'.
Now, I AM AWARE that at times, and even some times 'most times', you posters, here, say and use words like 'all' and 'every' when you do NOT ACTUALLY MEAN ALL nor EVERY at all. Which, AGAIN, IS WHY I HAVE CHOSEN TO EMPHASIZE SOME words in capital letters, so that they 'stick out MORE' and ARE HIGHLIGHTED TO EMPHASIZE the Fact that 'those words' ARE what I AM ACTUALLY MEANING, and by which I WILL USE to SHOW that I HAVE BEEN SAYING and CLAIMING 'this', whatever 'it' is], ALL ALONG, as I c CAN SHOW, and which HAD EVEN BEEN HIGHLIGHTING IN capital letters AGAIN, ALL ALONG, WHEN I WILL BE ACCUSED IF NOT BEING 'MORE CLEARER' in my writings, here
To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
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- Location: It's my fault
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
WHO CARES?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:40 pmI usually behave differently when I meet someone in person.Age wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:29 pm1. What do you MEAN by 'real life interactions'? And, compared to what 'OTHER life interactions' ARE THERE?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:51 pm
I think most people respond differently to real life interactions with others.
Meeting someone in person, face to face as opposed to corresponding on the Internet through typing words.
2. WHY did you say and write that you, only, 'think most people respond differently to, (real life), interactions with others'? Does NOT EVERY person respond DIFFERENTLY to interactions with others, to you?
I KNOW EVERY one responds DIFFERENTLY to interactions with others.
Okay, but does you saying this have ANY thing AT ALL to do with what you quoted me saying above, here?
If yes, then what is 'that', EXACTLY?
Okay, interesting, 'Why is that's, EXACTLY?
What is 'it', about the internet that CAUSES 'this phenomenon' in you, exactly?Okay.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:51 pm So maybe we aren't as bad in real life as we are on the Internet.I NEVER thought otherwise.
Again, it appears as though your ASSUMING HAS LED you ASTRAY, here, ONCE MORE.
Just in case you have some interest, my point was that 'philosophy forums' are 'set up' with the intention of being just 'a place' for having 'philosophical discussions'. Which, obviously, is where 'critical thinking' and 'logical reasoning' is MEANT TO 'take place', AND if ANY 'attacking' were to 'take place', then it would only EVER BE ON 'an idea' or 'a view' ONLY, and NEVER ON 'a person's NOR 'people', EVER.
So, what I was saying was if this was how 'these people' spoke to and interacted with, 'each other', here, in A 'philosophy forum', back in the days when this was being written, then one could imagine how they spoke TO and WITH each other outside of where 'logical thinking' was NOT necessarily meant to be 'taking place'.
Does 'this' now CHANGE what you, previously, thought I was saying and meaning?
If those in a 'philosophy forum', who are MEANT TO COME FOR 'logically reasoned discussions' ARE CRITICIZING, RIDICULING, and/or FIGHTING WITH 'each other', IN THE PAST, then one COULD IMAGINE HOW they MISBEHAVE OUTSIDE of the MEANT TO BE 'logically reasoning places'.
If you WENT TO A PLACE WHERE 'philosophical discussions' ARE MEANT TO 'TAKE PLACE', and there WAS 'face-to-face' INTERACTIONS, then would you ARGUE 'politics', or 'philosophize' THERE?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:40 pm If I meet the same person online, and don't know who they are then I might argue politics or philosophy with them, however, with face to face meetings, I just let people be who they are and don't argue politics of philosophy with them.
WHO CARES?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:40 pm I usually just try to get along amicably with them.
YET, you WANT me TO ANSWER and CLARIFY IF I am NOT the 'same way'?
For 'me' to be ABLE TO ANSWER 'you' WITH 100% Accuracy AND Correctness, you WILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN MUCH MORE, and EXACTLY, ABOUT 'the way' that 'you' are ASKING 'me' ABOUT, here, IF 'I' AM the 'SAME WAY', or NOT.
It DEPENDS on HOW MUCH 'AUTHORITY' they are 'TRYING TO' SHOW, and/or EXPRESS IN 'their words'.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:40 pm If you meet someone in person, face to face, do you ask them to clarify everything just like you do here?
Do people EXPRESS 'their words' IN the 'SAME WAY' outside of this forum as they DO in this forum?
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- Location: It's my fault
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
As far as I AM AWARE, YES.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:08 amIs all that you have written above 100% true and accurate: Yes, or no?Age wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:00 amEVERY thing, EVERY one of EVERY 'thing', or EVERY SINGLE 'thing' of ALL things.
And, when EVERY thing, or EVERY one, comes together, as One, then that 'Thing', or that One, is 'Everyone' or 'Everything'
To me, the words;
'one' refers to A 'part' of the ALL or WHOLE.
'One' refers to ALL or the WHOLE, together.
Is starting a sentence with, 'If someone is NOT a one', really a logical way to begin a sentence? (But, in asking that it is GREAT TO SEE you pondering and wondering MORE, here.)Gary Childress wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:12 pm If something or someone isn't a "one", then does that mean you will not try to make a peaceful world for them?
The VERY REASON WHY I WRITE the word 'every' capitalised IS TO EMPHASIZE the Fact that I AM referring to ABSOLUTELY ALL, and, literally, EVERY one.
So, WHEN I say or write 'A peaceful world for EVERY one', then that MEANS there is NOT a 'single one' that is 'left out'.
Now, I AM AWARE that at times, and even some times 'most times', you posters, here, say and use words like 'all' and 'every' when you do NOT ACTUALLY MEAN ALL nor EVERY at all. Which, AGAIN, IS WHY I HAVE CHOSEN TO EMPHASIZE SOME words in capital letters, so that they 'stick out MORE' and ARE HIGHLIGHTED TO EMPHASIZE the Fact that 'those words' ARE what I AM ACTUALLY MEANING, and by which I WILL USE to SHOW that I HAVE BEEN SAYING and CLAIMING 'this', whatever 'it' is], ALL ALONG, as I c CAN SHOW, and which HAD EVEN BEEN HIGHLIGHTING IN capital letters AGAIN, ALL ALONG, WHEN I WILL BE ACCUSED IF NOT BEING 'MORE CLEARER' in my writings, here
Are you AWARE of ANY that is NOT 100% true and accurate?
If yes, then will you PLEASE INFORM me and the readers, here, of where, EXACTLY, and of why, EXACTLY, also?
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
Are you referring to, here, this philosophy forum, or just absolutely ANYWHERE, in Life?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:31 amHi, Age. Have you ever made another person feel bad about themselves?
Have you ever made another person feel bad about "themselves", ANYWHERE, "gary childress"?
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- Location: It's my fault
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
Hi, Age. Have you ever made another person feel bad about themselves?Age wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:53 amAre you referring to, here, this philosophy forum, or just absolutely ANYWHERE, in Life?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:31 amHi, Age. Have you ever made another person feel bad about themselves?
Have you ever made another person feel bad about "themselves", ANYWHERE, "gary childress"?
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
I may well have "gary childress", but I can NOT legitimately speak for others feelings, so you would have to ASK others about how 'they' felt, instead.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:00 pmHi, Age. Have you ever made another person feel bad about themselves?Age wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:53 amAre you referring to, here, this philosophy forum, or just absolutely ANYWHERE, in Life?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:31 am
Hi, Age. Have you ever made another person feel bad about themselves?
Have you ever made another person feel bad about "themselves", ANYWHERE, "gary childress"?
Why do you ask?
Have you ever, intentionally, tried to make another feel bad about "them" 'self', "gary childress"?
- Posts: 9973
- Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:08 pm
- Location: It's my fault
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
I have intentionally tried to make others feel bad about themselves on multiple occasions. I would be surprised if that's something unique to me or you or many others out there--especially on the Internet.Age wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:46 pmI may well have "gary childress", but I can NOT legitimately speak for others feelings, so you would have to ASK others about how 'they' felt, instead.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:00 pmHi, Age. Have you ever made another person feel bad about themselves?
Why do you ask?
Have you ever, intentionally, tried to make another feel bad about "them" 'self', "gary childress"?
I guess I was kind of wondering if you were perfect or not. Sometimes you seem very uniquely powerful. But with that power seems to come a kind of ability to make some of us feel very unsettled about ourselves, especially when we try to interact with you. Maybe you feel the same way about us?
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
I am not sure what bearing 'the internet', itself, would have on this, but okay. Do you think that with the anonymity that can come with 'the internet' this then encourages people like "yourself" to want to ' make others feel bad about themselves" ', more often?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:08 pmI have intentionally tried to make others feel bad about themselves on multiple occasions. I would be surprised if that's something unique to me or you or many others out there--especially on the Internet.Age wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:46 pmI may well have "gary childress", but I can NOT legitimately speak for others feelings, so you would have to ASK others about how 'they' felt, instead.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:00 pm
Hi, Age. Have you ever made another person feel bad about themselves?
Why do you ask?
Have you ever, intentionally, tried to make another feel bad about "them" 'self', "gary childress"?
Also, I would suggest that EVERY human being, living in the days when this is being written anyway, and over a certain age, have at one time or another, have INTENTIONALLY 'tried to' make another feel so-called ' 'bad' about "themselves" '. However, SOME DO 'grow up' and 'out of' this, obviously, Wrong, and bad, misbehavior.
If this is what 'you' were/are REALLY wondering and REALLY would like to KNOW, for sure, then 'we' will NEED to have a discussion about who and what the words 'me', 'you', AND 'I' are MEANING and are REFERRING TO, EXACTLY, FIRST.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:08 pm I guess I was kind of wondering if you were perfect or not.
ALL human beings, including 'the human being' writing under the name and label "age", here, are NOT perfect. However, 'I' am PERFECT, and ONLY 'I'.
And, when 'you' ALSO UNDERSTAND and KNOW who and what 'I' AM, EXACTLY, then 'this', and 'all-of-this' DOES and WILL make PERFECT SENSE.
From what you see of 'the world', in the days when this is being written, do you have a 'sense' that there NEEDS to be A CHANGE, for the better?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:08 pm But with that power seems to come a kind of ability to make some of us feel very unsettled about ourselves,
If yes, then just maybe 'unsettling' the 'common denominator', here, might be what IS ACTUALLY NEEDED.
I am NOT RUSHING into EXPLAINING things, from the outset, because of the ACTUAL GOAL, which has been set in motion. See, if 'the goal' is NOT done GENTLY, GRADUALLY, and GRACEFULLY, then the 'unsettling', which is NEEDED, might turn things in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Which is some thing that ABSOLUTELY NO one wants, NOR needs.
Okay, and THANK you for making me AWARE of this.
Have you or anyone else considered CHANGING 'the way' that you or they INTERACT WITH me?
There is NOT A thing people could say TO, nor ABOUT, me that I could or would find 'unsettling'.
Because I do NOT like to ASSUME absolutely ANY thing, I request you be more specific, here, and instead of writing the word 'matter' you just write the ACTUAL 'thing', itself, which you are asking me, 'What are 'my thoughts' ON', (exactly).
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- Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:08 pm
- Location: It's my fault
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
OK. Sounds good.Age wrote: ↑Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:36 amIf this is what 'you' were/are REALLY wondering and REALLY would like to KNOW, for sure, then 'we' will NEED to have a discussion about who and what the words 'me', 'you', AND 'I' are MEANING and are REFERRING TO, EXACTLY, FIRST.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:08 pm I guess I was kind of wondering if you were perfect or not.
ALL human beings, including 'the human being' writing under the name and label "age", here, are NOT perfect. However, 'I' am PERFECT, and ONLY 'I'.
And, when 'you' ALSO UNDERSTAND and KNOW who and what 'I' AM, EXACTLY, then 'this', and 'all-of-this' DOES and WILL make PERFECT SENSE.
Re: To Age: I am in the wrong. I went too far.
So, would you like to discuss ANY or ALL of ANY thing, here?Gary Childress wrote: ↑Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:08 amOK. Sounds good.Age wrote: ↑Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:36 amIf this is what 'you' were/are REALLY wondering and REALLY would like to KNOW, for sure, then 'we' will NEED to have a discussion about who and what the words 'me', 'you', AND 'I' are MEANING and are REFERRING TO, EXACTLY, FIRST.Gary Childress wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:08 pm I guess I was kind of wondering if you were perfect or not.
ALL human beings, including 'the human being' writing under the name and label "age", here, are NOT perfect. However, 'I' am PERFECT, and ONLY 'I'.
And, when 'you' ALSO UNDERSTAND and KNOW who and what 'I' AM, EXACTLY, then 'this', and 'all-of-this' DOES and WILL make PERFECT SENSE.
If yes, then 'what', exactly?
Or, would you like to just leave things as they are, here, 'now'?