accelafine wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:35 am
Gary Childress wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:47 am
He's definitely convincing.
I have no idea what he is saying but he speaks as though he's backed by some seriously incontrovertible evidence. It's kind of funny, I gave up on ever understanding science when I encountered all the quantum physics made simple books in the 1990s. I realized then that there was something to science that I would never know the answers to. That some would forever be talking above the clouds as far as I'm concerned.

What he's basically saying is that our 'reality' is simply an 'interface', something we have created.
OF COURSE you human beings 'own reality' is just some thing that you have created. For example;
The earth is flat.
The sun revolves around the earth.
The Universe began.
The Universe is expanding.
These are all CREATED so-called 'realities'. But, they are, OBVIOUSLY, NOT 'Reality', Itself.
And, 'those human being created realities' are among a countless number of other ones.
However, 'Reality' WILL ALWAYS STAND ON Its OWN and BY Itself. you human beings COME-TO-KNOW, and UNDERSTAND, 'Reality', Itself. Some just QUICKER than others.
Also, and quite humorously ALL new born human babies, which OBVIOUSLY includes ALL of you, here, SEE and VIEW 'Reality', EXACTLY, for what 'It' is. But, 'this perception' QUICKLY GOT TWISTED, DISTORTED, and/or LOST COMPLETELY through and by a False and Wrong 'education system'.
accelafine wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:35 am
An artificial 'reality' that hides a much deeper reality--a 'consciousness' that we are all part of.
But, the Truth, or 'Reality', Itself, is NOT 'hidden' once one LEARNS HOW TO LOOK AT and SEE things, for what they Truly ARE, ONCE AGAIN.
accelafine wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:35 am
He likens it to a computer desktop, where we have no clue about, and don't need to know, all the workings that are going on that give us the pretty icons etc. we see on our screens. There are several quantum theories of reality that are theoretically sound but can't be tested empirically (yet).
BUT, they CAN BE tested, empirically. However, they do NOT REALLY NEED TO BE, BECAUSE the ACTUAL, IRREFUTABLE, Truth of things IS ALREADY KNOWN.
OBVIOUSLY if there are two or more contradictory or inconsistent 'theories', which, laughably, are also can NOT YET be 'empirically tested', then this is a SURE SIGN that you ARE, STILL, A LONG WAY OFF, and ARE GOING DOWN THE Wrong TRACK, in Life.
accelafine wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:35 am
He says that reality is not part of space/time and uses the word 'doomed' a lot when referring to 'space/time' in the universe of classical physics that we are familiar with.
So what if some one USES the word 'doomed' A LOT?