Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Immanuel Can
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Post by Immanuel Can »

Trajk Logik wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 1:56 pm Transgenderism is a counterculture movement. They've embraced the Palestinian movement because it is another counterculture movement. Just because one movement is counterculture does not mean that it will share the values of another counterculture movement. The trans crowd doesn't seem to realize that their movement is counter to all cultures on the planet.
Actually, an insightful comment. Well done. We could continue, too...

The root ideology of all the so-called "counterculture movements" is, of course, Neo-Marxism. They all look to produce the next stage of "human progress" by "countering" the current "culture." They all aim at sweeping interventions and disruptions in the status quo, to "free up" some mysterious power that's going to produce the next phase of "liberation." They all think they're "on the right side of History," heroes in their own way, "freedom fighters" and forward-thinkers, making steps toward some dimly-envisioned utopia or "better state."

Like all Neo-Marxists, they believe that History (capital "H") is like a sort of god-force that is automatically producing "progress," so long as it's not impeded by people like social conservatives, who are protecting the status quo from changing as fast as it could. All of these "counterculture movements" believe that if History is just "freed up" to "progress," good things will be possible (for their own group).

So the common enemy is the status quo, regardless of what it is, and the problem is the various more establishment or conservative folks who don't join enthusiastically enough in the "liberation" of History.

On the counterculture side, this makes common bedfellows of odd couples. White, privileged, middle-class Leftists can rally with supporters of Black racist advocacy, like BLM. Gays (men who don't like women) can ally with lesbians (women who don't like men), both can ally with transers (men and women who aim to replace them both), all can ally with Islamists (who throw them off buildings) and so on, who can be allied with Feminists (whose values and practices are hated by Islam). The only thing they all agree on is that if the present status quo is properly busted, then their own group will make gains, as History will move forward. So for all of them, destruction is creative. To destroy is to free History to move forward.

Only when the common enemy, conservatism or establishment stability of any kind, is gone will the antipathies between these groups reappear. Then whichever group has "won" the most will surely be seen to control the status quo, and thus become the target of the others, and a new culture war will break out. For now, they can all make common cause of hating all proponents of the status quo, and shelve their very substantial antipathies to each other.

But for now, the common thread is simple: all aim to destroy the status quo. The Neo-Marxist element of the projects they all stand for is the glue that holds them all together. Hatred is their unity. (What they claim to "love" or want to "advance," by contrast, is the element that would divide them from the others, were they not united in envy and hatred of the established order, and in the project of working its destruction.) But (and here is the cautionary point) the very minute the common destruction project is not being advanced by a particular group, the ideological Marxists will kick them to the curb.

Here's one clear recent illustration of that. The minute the men-in-women's-sports issue came up, the Neo-Marxists immediately all sided against Feminists and with the trans men. All the Feminist gains in protections for women's sports were thrown out instantly, and nobody in the counterculture block cared about women's rights anymore. Those demands had become part of the status quo: women in women's sports was standard. Now, it's THAT that had to be destroyed, it was THAT that the counterculture now hated, and thus they invented the pejorative "TERFs" to disparage ordinary Feminists, and declared all those who supported them as "oppressors." The Left, you see, only ever loves its own as long as they remain useful to advancing destruction; when they make an actual gain, and become part of the established order, and want to conserve their wins, they're inevitably changed into the enemy.

So to come back to your point, for Neo-Marxist, countercultural groups, the fact that transing is against Feminism, against lesbians and gays (whom transing replaces with their biological opposites), that it is despised by Islamists, and so on, is not at all disruptive to the goals of the larger countercultural block. They literally do not care who gets hurt, so long as their aim of social destruction is advanced, so History can deliver the next stage. Neo-Marxism even recognizes that "History is a wasteful process," as they say, and that people will die, and die in large numbers, as History "advances." And they do not care. It might even be a signal that the destruction at which they aim is being really, really successful, and History is progressing well.

The controlling orientation is what's called "queer." Queer is different from "gay" or "lesbian," as David Halperin so famously says in his famed essay that launched the movement, in that "queer" aims to "queer everything": not meaning "make it gay," but rather to "twist," "distort," "deface," "reshape," "pervert," "sicken" and "disfigure" anything that is "norm." Pedophilia (which they valorize as "intergenerational encounters," their term) is their main cause, because sexual interference with minors is the ultimate distorter of personality, the ultimate disruptor of normal psychological and social development, and is thus the best preparer of what queer aims at, which is the production of a generation so maladjusted that they literally cannot live in normal society, and have to destroy it continually; a restless, loveless, miserable, perpetually-angry and aggrieved generation, that can really launch the Neo-Marxist project of destroying everything.

The trans crowd is another perfect demographic for them. Transers are perpetually unhappy, perpetually at war with their own physiology and sexuality, tortured by surgery and drugs, with shortened lifespans, and reduced possiblities for love, and no prospect of reproducing anything like a normal family structure. They're going to be miserable, self-loathing and angry forever...ideal Neo-Marxist foot soldiers.

Likewise the Palestinians. There's arguably no more miserable, hateful, sad, self-destructive cultural group on the planet. Other Arabs hate them, (which you can see from their refusal to accept any refugees from them) but gleefully use them to torture Israel. And Palestinians are myopically devoted to hatred of the West. They're destructive, restless, hateful, alienated, socially disruptive...again, ideal foot soldiers for the next Neo-Marxist revolution.

But there is no group they will not toss aside. Now that the "L" and "G" factions and the Feminists are very much mainstream, they're the next "status quo." They're now in the enemy group that has a stake in preserving some of their gains, some of the establishment order. And so we're starting to see all three of these groups being pushed out of the mainstream of their advocacy, their vaunted gains being quietly traded away in order to serve new, more radical, "queerer" agendas.

What makes sense? Stop the Neo-Marxism. Don't join any causes with it. Recognize it for what it is: it devours its own children. Call it out, and then reject its catcalls and bully tactics outright. Ridicule it, point out its inconsistencies. Laugh it to death. Make it so risible as to be impossible to occupy any part of the public agenda. Make its mendacious strategies obvious to everybody, so they no longer work. Don't let it stay in the background, pulling the strings. Start finding the good that is now in the status quo, the established order, and get as serious about preserving the good as about fighting the bad.

I recently heard small "c" conservatism described this way: it's "progress with safety rails." That's really clever and apt. Conservatism, rationally practiced, is the advocacy of progress without the radicalism of countercultural-destructiveness. It keeps one eye on the goods of the past, while it's reaching for the goods of the future. It's the modus operandi for circumspect and mature thinkers. It has none of the impulsive adolescence of the counterculture. It's a creed for preservers and builders, not for destroyers and saboteurs. It's a creed for those who listen to both the past and to their opponents, rather than simply demonizing and destroying.

The counterculture needs to be dead. It's poisoned itself with Karl Marx. It really has no future for any group that trusts it, even if it seems to them at present to be advocating their interests. It will turn on them in a trice. Ultimately, it's anti-human.
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Post by attofishpi »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:49 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:33 pm
FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:21 pm
By the definition of ad hominem that you have stolen from Immanuel Can, calling me a wanker to avoid watching the video that is too difficult for you to understand is ad hominem.

Please go to your doctor and get back on your meds. This current version of you is a total dick.
Meds? You think because I used a shrink to get the goverment off my back while I did artwork (as insisted by God\sage) that I would take their drugs?
I assumed at some point you would probably have been medicated. On your good days you are a harmless unmedicated schizophrenic who believes he hears the voice of God, and that God communicates universal wisdom to him in the form of childish rhyming games. But when you have your bad days, you get dark and obsessive and you become less harmless. If you don't use medication to deal with that cycle then now is about the right time for you to do whatever it is that you do to break it. That's just me being nice to you, I have nothing at all riding on whether I can defeat you in open argument.
GOD exists - I have provided ample evidence of it. God forced me out of work by scrambling the lettering on my screen, putting flames on my screen (in the office) while a voice kept calling out "do art"

I explained that to a shrink as I needed to stop redrawing on my mortgage and get some goverment money since the GOD entity that runs REAL_IT_Y forced me out of my job. In fact when I said to God\sage that I needed some money since they fucked me out of work - the next day $4500 was put into my bank account with the transaction title BT PORTFOLIO (BT my initials).
When I asked the shrink that the only way for me to keep the goverment jobseeker crap off my back was to take meds (psychiatrist) - he said yes that is a gov requirement. He asked me "so you don't think there is anything mentally wrong with you?" - I replied "I know there is nothing mentally wrong with me" - He said., I have to put something down on the certificate - I said well define SCHIZOPHRENIA - maybe its God fucking with people. He asked should he put that down - I said yes.
SO. Every tablet that I was issued went down the toilet. Eventually I ripped off two insurance companies - once I got what I needed out of the shrink - 7 years ago now - I have never seen another one of the stupid atheist kunts. As Arthur Daley would say - it was a nice little earner - thank you God - "HE" works in mysterious ways :twisted:

By your definition of my actions lately Sculptor SHOULD BE ON MEDS - He has called me loads of names - no evidence - simply because my views are aligning more with the RIGHT of politics now. HE is happy to have Muslims migrate - majority of Muslims surveyed in Britain want homosexuality outlawed. SO WHO ACTUALLY NEEDS FUCKING MEDS?

FlashDangerpants wrote:
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:33 pm I don't care that you misunderstand the meaning of ad hominem to think that it only involves slagging someone off - such as me calling you a wanker. I don't care that you have called me a total dick.
I didn't ad hominem you.
You did - you insinuated that I didn't have the intelligence to comprehend the video - instead of addressing my continued argument regarding what is a transexual (shove ya video)

FlashDangerpants wrote:
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:33 pm What I do care about, is addressing the topic at hand, that being:- WHAT IS A TRANSEXUAL ACCORDING TO YOU?
watch the video or don't. But I don't have any interest in your silly conditions to do so. They are absurdly simplistic compared to whathte video contains.
Again, shove the video. If you can't put into your OWN words what you mean by TRANSEXUAL - then clearly philosophically you are inept at providing any reasonalbe argument.

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Post by FlashDangerpants »

attofishpi wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:16 pm Again, shove the video.
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Post by attofishpi »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:18 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:16 pm Again, shove the video.

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Post by FlashDangerpants »

Astro Cat wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 8:03 am To attempt to respond to this again, in a lesser way than I did originally. Gender is not about parts. It’s about how society treats a person. SEX is about parts.
I also shall attempt to respond with my original point without getting distracted by other shit.

Judith Butler's gender performance theory works on the basis that some acts can be both anounced and enacted in the same breath (to say a promise is to make a promise is to become a promiser and to adopt a commitment all with one sentence beginning "I promise to...") Their position extends beyond that to hold that we esatablish our gender roles in a similarly performative way.

Here's a pretty good philosophy youtuber (philosophytube) covering Judith Butler's work on performative gender.
I Read The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the World

It's quote long (75 minutes) and the subject matter is fairly heavy, but one of the major thrusts is that it contains ideas that certain people cannot ever actually take the time or make the effort to understand. So quite a lot of it (too much in my opinion) is about dissecting the reasons why some people are so terribly afraid of transexuals.

Sadly, our residents are not for some reason able to actually watch the video, which is arguably ironic given that it explicitly predicts that they cannot. Although the reality is that those are not people who can connect with any other difficult philosophical works either ... so that has to count against the irony.
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Post by attofishpi »

I'm off to bed - hopefully I will have another lucid dream and chat with the sages :wink:

Watch this video and see another reason as to Y I am leaning towards the RIGHT now - to have to put up with these idiots is beyond stupidity!

Rita Panahi reacts to lady who ‘prefers’ to be called ‘it’
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Post by Sculptor »

Here's someone who has actually met a muslim ... 1nIfRYeorW
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Post by FlashDangerpants »

Trajk Logik wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 12:47 pm
FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 10:54 am It's quote long (75 minutes) and the subject matter is fairly heavy, but one of the major thrusts is that it contains ideas that certain people cannot ever actually take the time or make the effort to understand. So quite a lot of it (too much in my opinion) is about dissecting the reasons why some people are so terribly afraid of transexuals.

The video is too difficult for you no matter what you do.
So we're "afraid" of trans and we're "stupid"? Who's mislabeling who here?
Please explain why you edited together two seperate posts to take a point I was making at Fishpie out of context and take offence at it if none of what you are up to here is personal?
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Trajk Logik
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Post by Trajk Logik »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:29 pm
Astro Cat wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 8:03 am To attempt to respond to this again, in a lesser way than I did originally. Gender is not about parts. It’s about how society treats a person. SEX is about parts.
I also shall attempt to respond with my original point without getting distracted by other shit.

Judith Butler's gender performance theory works on the basis that some acts can be both anounced and enacted in the same breath (to say a promise is to make a promise is to become a promiser and to adopt a commitment all with one sentence beginning "I promise to...") Their position extends beyond that to hold that we esatablish our gender roles in a similarly performative way.
But if they don't keep the promise, which requires action and not just words, then it ends up they were all talk and no action. In effect, they are not what they said they are.

With this argument roaring like a lion makes me a lion. Stupid.
FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:29 pm Here's a pretty good philosophy youtuber (philosophytube) covering Judith Butler's work on performative gender.
I Read The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the World

It's quote long (75 minutes) and the subject matter is fairly heavy, but one of the major thrusts is that it contains ideas that certain people cannot ever actually take the time or make the effort to understand. So quite a lot of it (too much in my opinion) is about dissecting the reasons why some people are so terribly afraid of transexuals.

Sadly, our residents are not for some reason able to actually watch the video, which is arguably ironic given that it explicitly predicts that they cannot. Although the reality is that those are not people who can connect with any other difficult philosophical works either ... so that has to count against the irony.
Wrong. It's because we don't want to waste 75 minutes of our time when we could take 5 minutes to read your summary of it, but you are just to lazy and disrespectful to do that.

FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:59 pm
Trajk Logik wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 12:47 pm
FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 10:54 am It's quote long (75 minutes) and the subject matter is fairly heavy, but one of the major thrusts is that it contains ideas that certain people cannot ever actually take the time or make the effort to understand. So quite a lot of it (too much in my opinion) is about dissecting the reasons why some people are so terribly afraid of transexuals.

The video is too difficult for you no matter what you do.
So we're "afraid" of trans and we're "stupid"? Who's mislabeling who here?
Please explain why you edited together two seperate posts to take a point I was making at Fishpie out of context and take offence at it if none of what you are up to here is personal?
I've asked you several questions that you have ignored so why would you expect that I would return the favor? Oh yeah, because I'm just better than you.

Your initial post was to no one specific declaring that people that are simply questioning the trans premise are transphobic and unable to understand. The second part was you making the same point but just to one member. I consolidated them because it was you making the same point and that point was what I was responding to.

So, you see how this works: Someone asks a direct question and you give a direct answer. Try it.
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Post by FlashDangerpants »

Trajk Logik wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 4:19 pm Your initial post was to no one specific declaring that people that are simply questioning the trans premise are transphobic and unable to understand. The second part was you making the same point but just to one member. I consolidated them because it was you making the same point and that point was what I was responding to.
You misquoted me on purpose in order to misinterpret me.
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Post by Immanuel Can »

Interesting fact.

Cross-sex hormone therapy causes 95% of transers (woman to man, obviously, in this case) to have pelvic floor disfunction. According to the Better Health Channel, PFD is normally a disease of post-menopausal women, with symptoms including unpredictable incontinence, increased flatulence, and reduced sensation in the genitals, including inability to orgasm.

95%. That's practically every single case that gets some or all of those symptoms. In their '20s.

Who thinks that's going to make for a happy individual?
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Post by attofishpi »

Since Sculptor decided to get a Muslim card thrown into the mix..and he's happy to let them all into the shores of Western nations where eventually their numbers will give them the vote to invoke Sharia Law and their other disgusting practices, such as below FGM.

IRONIC That Sculptor has labelled me Misogynist and Homophobic - yet wants open borders for Muslims to settle.
IRONIC That Flashdangerpants states I should be on meds, simply for aligning now to the RIGHT side of politics, and my views are not aligning with his.

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is practised by the Dawoodi Bohra, a sect of Shia Islam with one million members in India. Known as khatna, khafz, and khafd, the procedure is performed on six- or seven-year-old girls and involves the total or partial removal of the clitoral hood.
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Post by promethean75 »

"Give me JK Rowling any day"

U can have her. She wrote like fifty fuckin potter books to hardly do what Tolkien did in five. Rowling needs to wrap that shit up, B
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Post by accelafine »

attofishpi wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 9:58 pm Since Sculptor decided to get a Muslim card thrown into the mix..and he's happy to let them all into the shores of Western nations where eventually their numbers will give them the vote to invoke Sharia Law and their other disgusting practices, such as below FGM.

IRONIC That Sculptor has labelled me Misogynist and Homophobic - yet wants open borders for Muslims to settle.
IRONIC That Flashdangerpants states I should be on meds, simply for aligning now to the RIGHT side of politics, and my views are not aligning with his.

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is practised by the Dawoodi Bohra, a sect of Shia Islam with one million members in India. Known as khatna, khafz, and khafd, the procedure is performed on six- or seven-year-old girls and involves the total or partial removal of the clitoral hood.
It has nothing to do with 'left' or 'right'. It's this kind of 'identity politics' 'right left' bullshit that is fucking up the whole planet and frog-marching us to extinction. Philosophy is supposed to be about thinking critically, not being locked rigidly into political ideology.
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Post by accelafine »

promethean75 wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 10:13 pm "Give me JK Rowling any day"

U can have her. She wrote like fifty fuckin potter books to hardly do what Tolkien did in five. Rowling needs to wrap that shit up, B
And you probably haven't read any of it. Couldn't stand Tolkien's writing myself. I'm sure Rowling will be terribly distressed to know you don't think highly of her--then I suppose it's fashionable to make oneself appear 'intellectual' by unfavourably comparing her to him. I've seen that a lot :roll:
Still, I'm sure she can console herself with her billions and almost universal adoration.
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