with the death of god, comes......

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Peter Kropotkin
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with the death of god, comes......

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

if we were to accept the word of the ''madman'',
we would see, without question, the death of god...
and we, as Nietzsche pointed out, we are the killer of god....
and in doing the killing, we feel shame and guilt,
as murderers often do.... as Raskolnikov feels......

the question is not about the killing of god, that is
''fait accompli'' but the question becomes, now what?

as with most great questions, it has taken and will take generations
for us to make sense of what the ''death of god'' actually means......

we still don't, philosophically, understand what the theory of
relativity means to us..... that it even has a philosophical side
is little understood.... and the ''religious'' concept of the death of
god, also has a philosophical side...

the two sides/areas where the death of god impacts philosophy
the most, is in metaphysics and ethics/morality.....

the great metaphysical questions of philosophy all require a god,
a religion, and what happens to metaphysics if there is no god?
and what happens to ethics/moral when there is no god to
dictate our ethics, our morals? One what basis do we now
understand our ethical questions? The Nazi's decided upon
Darwin and evolution as being the basis of ethical/moral
questions..... but being the dummies they are, they missed
the point.... as do our modern-day Neo-Nazi's, the GOP/MAGA/
conservative parties.... these modern-day parties accept the
idea that the ''fittest'' are the ones who have amassed great wealth....
with wealth being the determination of the ''fittest of us''....
hence the right-wing worship of Gates and Musk and Buffet....
and the worship of other very wealthy people.....
these are the new gods, the new deities... the ones with wealth.....
the real understanding of evolution comes from the understanding of
the real point of evolution.... that of the continuation of the species....
evolution makes no judgement about right or wrong, or good or evil,
all evolution says is that the priority of the species is the continuation
of the species.... it says nothing else......

but unlike the Nazi's, new or old, we can deduct the ramifications
of evolution into a new/old understanding of ethics/morality......

that the priority of the species is to turn the newborns into adults
that can bred..... the operative act in evolution is the creation
of the next generation..... to continue the species...... that is all,
ALL the morality or ethics one can deduct from either Darwin
or evolution.....the salient point of evolution is the continuation
of the species..... if we were to reorientate society or the state,
to this basic point of evolution, what would or wouldn't change?

the key point becomes the family.... but we can allow both
homosexual and heterosexual families to have children....
what does it matter what the sexual orientation of the families
raising the children...recall, that the point of evolution is
the continuation of the species..... and the children can continue
their growth and readiness of being adults with any combination of
adults... be it gay, straight, trans, LGBTQIA..... and the cry might come
from the right, what about morals and ethics? Are you trying to say that
families from the LGBTQIA group don't teach little ones
good or evil? right or wrong? that is clearly wrong..... all families
teach children right from wrong, the question becomes on what foundation
does the family teach right from wrong? What standard or criteria is
the family using to teach right from wrong?

and in here lies the first step into one of the primary problems
of every single state and society that has ever existed....that of
education...... on what grounds, or foundation do we educate
our children? on which gods, or on which philosophical principle
do we educate our children?

our understanding of right and wrong is an educational problem......
our teaching of morals and ethics is an educational problem.....

for me anyway, education is the path from the past to the present to the
future..... a child is born as mandated by evolution, and we must
get that child to his/her ''sacred'' evolutionary step which is the
creation of the next generation.....And the best path for that
is education.....

How so Kropotkin?

How do we get from birth to the evolutionary step of procreation?
A woman knows what do women want in the state/society/family?
Think about how women want to raise a family?
I am married with a child.... my wife wanted a peaceful and stable
nonviolent environment for our daughter....
and so, it goes for women since the beginning of time....
the family life must be conductive for raising children....
that is the goal of mothers/parents since the beginning....
we raise our children to the point where they, our children,
can go out and continue their biological/evolutionary
command.....which is the continuation of the species....
and this is done by the education we impress on our children....

and so we return to our original question.... with the death of god, comes?

the question of existence is a biological/evolutionary question......
which animals have no idea or understanding of god or any such thing......
they simply follow the mandate of evolution in which they recreate
the species.... and education is the means of getting from point a,
birth of a child, to point b, which is the continuation of the species,
the creation of the next generation by that child.....
and the two points are connected by the education that child
receives that allows that child to create the next generation.....

one of the primary questions of existence is about education.....
how do we educate our next generation enough for them to fulfill
their evolutionary tasks of the creation of the next generation?

but the question also faces us is that with the death of god, what next?
what if, what if both questions are answered with one answer,

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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Harbal »

As a man who lives in a country where no presidential candidate who admitted to not believing in God would stand a remote chance of being elected, I am surprised to hear you announce that God is dead, Kropotkin.
Peter Kropotkin
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

as I have proclaimed education as being a prime means of
achieving the prime directive of evolution, which is the continuation of
of the species and, and the question of with the death of god,
what next, how does education connect the two?

education within a society/state is to take the values
and beliefs of that state/society and pass them on to
that next generation... not only do we have a continuation
of people/species, but we have a continuation of the values
and beliefs/principles of those people...... that is the point of education......
as defined by the state.......

but in looking at history, say American history and its values/principles,
we can easily see that values/beliefs change... one of the primary
values of America, to date, has been one of self-reliance...
that has been a American value since the days before the founding
of our country...... but ask yourself, where does that value come from/
and the answer is quite simple.... the frontier....
the 300 years move of Americans to the frontier helped established
this notion of self-reliance.... to live on the frontier forced one
to be self-reliant.... you had no other choice.....
but think about it.... does the value/belief in self-reliance hold
true in our modern day world? being self-reliant works great on
the frontier, but in our modern day society, does it work?
no, it doesn't...... we are, as a state/society/civilization too
connected to practice self-reliance.... far too many things can go wrong
today that we cannot fix ourselves..... can you fix your dishwasher, or your
car or rebuilt the walls of your bathroom? I cannot, and most people
who can do these things are specialist... one who can fix cars doesn't
fix dishwasher or repair bathroom walls...and one who can fix the dishwasher
cannot fix their car......

the very idea of self-reliance fails because of the complexity of
our modern world....
and yet, as a value, the idea of self-reliance still holds true in modern day
America...and our educational system has yet to catch up to this fact....
and therein lies one real problem with values and beliefs.... they are often
behind the actual situation on the ground.... values/beliefs can be one,
two or even three generations behind the times.......I can bring this point
out with our modern technology.... we old folks have a real problem with
modern technology.... I can't cut or paste to save my life.. and I am not alone.....
and the values we grew up with are also out of date..... we are behind the times....
in thinking about music for example, I don't know anyone who is current and
popular.... my musical taste runs from Jazz to classical music and what rock
I do listen to, comes from the 60's, 70's... Steely Dan for example... or the Who....
I am woefully behind the times, musically, technically, movies... and I
really am not that concerned about it.... it is the way of the world.....
each generation goes from accepting the topics we grow up in,
to creating our own, to falling behind the times....

my values/beliefs are behind the times... I hold to the values I
grew up with.... the old fashion values..... I have no idea what values
or beliefs are being taught in schools today..... but I can see
the values being espoused by the media today.... and the movement
of values and beliefs can be traced.... the value of tolerance,
that began in the 50's and 60's..... be tolerant of others....
that was part of the hippy generation values and beliefs.....
the value that people can love and marry who they want, that
was also part of the hippy generation.... values and beliefs
we carried as baby boomers, the generation right behind the hippies...
and we carried those values and beliefs into today...... that values
and beliefs carry over generations is a key one.... and so, we will
continue to see those values and beliefs that started with the hippies,
and carried through by the baby boomers, will continue on, hopefully
with our children and grandchildren....maybe, maybe not.....

in this description, we can see how values and beliefs can change
over a period of time.... values and beliefs are not fixed, set values
that last over long periods of time..... and we too must change
and adapt our own personal values and beliefs to remain in
''game'' or do we, as I and millions of us have done, which is
fall behind the times..... I am behind the times because I have
failed to keep up with the new values and beliefs....
every generation has new values and beliefs... and does the ''old''
generation keep up or does it hold fast to the old '''values/beliefs''...

the death of god... that happened over the last 200 years....
do we continue to hold onto that value/belief or, or do
we accept that fact, and it is a fact, and we discover what
the death of god actually means to us, as individuals
and as a species.... thus comes the need for education....
for it is education that allows us to come to grips/terms
with the loss of god......

Gary Childress
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Gary Childress »

I'm pretty sure human beings aren't capable of "killing" God. Either there's a God or there is not. I wouldn't waste time with Nietzsche's literary flourishes.
Peter Kropotkin
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

Harbal wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 5:49 pm As a man who lives in a country where no presidential candidate who admitted to not believing in God would stand a remote chance of being elected, I am surprised to hear you announce that God is dead, Kropotkin.
K: here in America, very few candidates for public office, will be elected....
but the fact is, that the single growing number of people in America
has become Atheistic, over any growth in any religion....
we have already elected presidents who didn't believe in god,
they just never admitted to this.... Both Washington and Jefferson
and Lincoln and both Roosevelts were non-believers.... as was IQ45
and Clinton.....it has been suggested the upward of 20% of the
entire world's population is now atheist... maybe 2 billion people....

but that is not really what I am after.... god is dead...
and now what? as I have pointed out, values and beliefs
often go on for decades after they have any value......
America still holds to a value, self-reliance, that as a value,
no longer has any value since the end of the frontier...
about 1900....god is dead and yet, we still haven't come to terms
with that....and it might take years, even decades for us to come
to grips with that....and while we wait,..... what are we supposed
to do? that is my goal... answering the question, now what?

Gary Childress
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Gary Childress »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:31 pm
Harbal wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 5:49 pm As a man who lives in a country where no presidential candidate who admitted to not believing in God would stand a remote chance of being elected, I am surprised to hear you announce that God is dead, Kropotkin.
K: here in America, very few candidates for public office, will be elected....
but the fact is, that the single growing number of people in America
has become Atheistic, over any growth in any religion....
we have already elected presidents who didn't believe in god,
they just never admitted to this.... Both Washington and Jefferson
and Lincoln and both Roosevelts were non-believers.... as was IQ45
and Clinton.....it has been suggested the upward of 20% of the
entire world's population is now atheist... maybe 2 billion people....

but that is not really what I am after.... god is dead...
and now what? as I have pointed out, values and beliefs
often go on for decades after they have any value......
America still holds to a value, self-reliance, that as a value,
no longer has any value since the end of the frontier...
about 1900....god is dead and yet, we still haven't come to terms
with that....and it might take years, even decades for us to come
to grips with that....and while we wait,..... what are we supposed
to do? that is my goal... answering the question, now what?

What is it with the term "God is dead" that so captivates people? God either is or is not. I doubt a creator of all that is has "died" and I doubt mortals are capable of "killing" a creator of all that is, if such exists. I suggest sticking with rational terms and not literary drama nonsense.
Peter Kropotkin
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

Gary Childress wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:19 pm I'm pretty sure human beings aren't capable of "killing" God. Either there's a God or there is not. I wouldn't waste time with Nietzsche's literary flourishes.
K: for Nietzsche, it wasn't a ''literary flourish'' it was a reality...
so, how does one go about killing a god?

let us go back into time.... that in Roman times, there were hundreds
of gods.... and we can point out countless number of gods around the world...
Thor, Ra, Jupiter, Apollo, Osiris, Rama, Tialoc, Cernunnos, Apsu, to name a few....
and how did those gods die?

Simple, the loss of belief... faith is the food of the gods...
faith feeds a god... the loss of faith means a god starves... until
death.... and today, the god of the bible is dead, starved undo death.....

the question is not if god is dead, he/she/it is, the question becomes
what replaces it? that is the fight going on today.... what is next?

when John Lennon stated that the ''Beatles were more popular than Jesus''
he was right...but what he missed was that music, popular music
was and still is, more popular than Jesus... and the Christian god,
and Christianity is less popular than popular music.....

our ''faith'' was transferred from religions to more secular things,
such as music, movies and TV..... is this the replacement of religions
to such things as in music that I am thinking about, when I ask,
what is next?

I don't think so..... the faith of music isn't strong enough to cause
us to live for it or to die for it...... we must have something
stronger, faith wise, for us to live for and to die for, than music or

but what?

Gary Childress
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Gary Childress »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:54 pm
Gary Childress wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:19 pm I'm pretty sure human beings aren't capable of "killing" God. Either there's a God or there is not. I wouldn't waste time with Nietzsche's literary flourishes.
K: for Nietzsche, it wasn't a ''literary flourish'' it was a reality...
so, how does one go about killing a god?

let us go back into time.... that in Roman times, there were hundreds
of gods.... and we can point out countless number of gods around the world...
Thor, Ra, Jupiter, Apollo, Osiris, Rama, Tialoc, Cernunnos, Apsu, to name a few....
and how did those gods die?

Simple, the loss of belief... faith is the food of the gods...
faith feeds a god... the loss of faith means a god starves... until
death.... and today, the god of the bible is dead, starved undo death.....

the question is not if god is dead, he/she/it is, the question becomes
what replaces it? that is the fight going on today.... what is next?

when John Lennon stated that the ''Beatles were more popular than Jesus''
he was right...but what he missed was that music, popular music
was and still is, more popular than Jesus... and the Christian god,
and Christianity is less popular than popular music.....

our ''faith'' was transferred from religions to more secular things,
such as music, movies and TV..... is this the replacement of religions
to such things as in music that I am thinking about, when I ask,
what is next?

I don't think so..... the faith of music isn't strong enough to cause
us to live for it or to die for it...... we must have something
stronger, faith wise, for us to live for and to die for, than music or

but what?

There's either a God or there isn't. If there isn't, then we don't "replace" God. We change our understanding and move past the God hypothesis toward whatever is the case. If there is a God, then we don't "replace" God either. We try to find out what it means for God to exist (which perhaps we already know to whatever limited degree). Otherwise, it's peddling philosophical nonsense.
Peter Kropotkin
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

Gary Childress wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:59 pm
Peter Kropotkin wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:54 pm
Gary Childress wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:19 pm I'm pretty sure human beings aren't capable of "killing" God. Either there's a God or there is not. I wouldn't waste time with Nietzsche's literary flourishes.
K: for Nietzsche, it wasn't a ''literary flourish'' it was a reality...
so, how does one go about killing a god?

let us go back into time.... that in Roman times, there were hundreds
of gods.... and we can point out countless number of gods around the world...
Thor, Ra, Jupiter, Apollo, Osiris, Rama, Tialoc, Cernunnos, Apsu, to name a few....
and how did those gods die?

Simple, the loss of belief... faith is the food of the gods...
faith feeds a god... the loss of faith means a god starves... until
death.... and today, the god of the bible is dead, starved undo death.....

the question is not if god is dead, he/she/it is, the question becomes
what replaces it? that is the fight going on today.... what is next?

when John Lennon stated that the ''Beatles were more popular than Jesus''
he was right...but what he missed was that music, popular music
was and still is, more popular than Jesus... and the Christian god,
and Christianity is less popular than popular music.....

our ''faith'' was transferred from religions to more secular things,
such as music, movies and TV..... is this the replacement of religions
to such things as in music that I am thinking about, when I ask,
what is next?

I don't think so..... the faith of music isn't strong enough to cause
us to live for it or to die for it...... we must have something
stronger, faith wise, for us to live for and to die for, than music or

but what?

Gary: There's either a God or there isn't. If there isn't, then we don't "replace" God. We change our understanding and move past the God hypothesis toward whatever is the case. If there is a God, then we don't "replace" God either. We try to find out what it means for God to exist (which perhaps we already know to whatever limited degree). Otherwise, it's peddling philosophical nonsense.

K: I have held that the idea of god is similar to the idea of Schrodinger's cat.....
as long as god is in a box, he could be either dead or alive, simultaneously,
so, which is it? dead or alive?

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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by attofishpi »

Gary Childress wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:59 pm There's either a God or there isn't. If there isn't, then we don't "replace" God. We change our understanding and move past the God hypothesis toward whatever is the case. If there is a God, then we don't "replace" God either. We try to find out what it means for God to exist (which perhaps we already know to whatever limited degree). Otherwise, it's peddling philosophical nonsense.
Peddling philosophical nonsense appears to be all Kropotkin is capable of.

He searched for God, got no reply and thus concludes God is dead. LMAO.

Clearly God NOSE as well as I do that you went the wrong way about sniffing out the Truth.
Peter Kropotkin
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

attofishpi wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 3:19 am
Gary Childress wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:59 pm There's either a God or there isn't. If there isn't, then we don't "replace" God. We change our understanding and move past the God hypothesis toward whatever is the case. If there is a God, then we don't "replace" God either. We try to find out what it means for God to exist (which perhaps we already know to whatever limited degree). Otherwise, it's peddling philosophical nonsense.
Peddling philosophical nonsense appears to be all Kropotkin is capable of.

He searched for God, got no reply and thus concludes God is dead. LMAO.

Clearly God NOSE as well as I do that you went the wrong way about sniffing out the Truth.
K: No, I did it the right way.... there is no god and I am very comfortable
with that.... well, you might say, god will send you to hell forever for that....
and whatever happened to that god of love that is in the New Testament?
turn the other cheek?

the other little brick in the wall is that if there is a god, he is remarkably
inept and incompetent god... Nipples on men? children, babies getting cancer
and dying of terrible pain and agony? if god is responsible for everything,
then god is responsible for evil..... and there is no justification for evil....
if god takes the credit for the good stuff, he also gets the blame for
the bad stuff.... I know of a three year old who is fighting for his
life in a hospital.... and god gets that ''credit'' too.....

a god that allows such evil to exist, is not a god I am willing to believe in...
or follow..... and if god himself came to me and demanded I believe or
''else'''.... I would reject his ''kind'' offer.... I would rather spend eternity
in hell than to spend eternity in heaven with such an ''EVIL'' god....
worshiping a god who makes it a point to torture babies with cancer
and allow such great evil to exist in the world.... is not a god worth
believing in..... and so, I don't... and I am good with that....

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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by attofishpi »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:35 am
attofishpi wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 3:19 am
Gary Childress wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 6:59 pm There's either a God or there isn't. If there isn't, then we don't "replace" God. We change our understanding and move past the God hypothesis toward whatever is the case. If there is a God, then we don't "replace" God either. We try to find out what it means for God to exist (which perhaps we already know to whatever limited degree). Otherwise, it's peddling philosophical nonsense.
Peddling philosophical nonsense appears to be all Kropotkin is capable of.

He searched for God, got no reply and thus concludes God is dead. LMAO.

Clearly God NOSE as well as I do that you went the wrong way about sniffing out the Truth.
K: No, I did it the right way.... there is no god ...

Peter Kropotkin wrote:there is no god, well, you might say, god will send you to hell forever for that....
No. Why would I say that? There is nothing in the Bible that says you will go to hell forever simply for not believing that God exists.

Go ahead, find the scripture to support your claim.

Peter Kropotkin wrote:and whatever happened to that god of love that is in the New Testament?
turn the other cheek?
What, the one that occasionally communicates with me? Clearly you didn't cut the mustard in your "faith"less search.

Peter Kropotkin wrote:the other little brick in the wall is that if there is a god, he is remarkably
inept and incompetent god... Nipples on men? children, babies getting cancer
and dying of terrible pain and agony? if god is responsible for everything,
then god is responsible for evil..... and there is no justification for evil....
if god takes the credit for the good stuff, he also gets the blame for
the bad stuff.... I know of a three year old who is fighting for his
life in a hospital.... and god gets that ''credit'' too.....

a god that allows such evil to exist, is not a god I am willing to believe in...
or follow..... and if god himself came to me and demanded I believe or
''else'''.... I would reject his ''kind'' offer.... I would rather spend eternity
in hell than to spend eternity in heaven with such an ''EVIL'' god....
worshiping a god who makes it a point to torture babies with cancer
and allow such great evil to exist in the world.... is not a god worth
believing in..... and so, I don't... and I am good with that....
Idiot. Human suffering is nothing in comparison to what God endured - and has its limits, the souls of these babies are protected.

The above argument expects HEAVEN automatically. How boring - no need for doctors and science just leave it all to God. What inspiration would we have to learn and fix things.

So your life has been that shit has it? Can't even manage a little thanks to God for a walk on a beautiful day.
Peter Kropotkin
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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

Peter Kropotkin: the other little brick in the wall is that if there is a god, he is remarkably
inept and incompetent god... Nipples on men? children, babies getting cancer
and dying of terrible pain and agony? if god is responsible for everything,
then god is responsible for evil..... and there is no justification for evil....
if god takes the credit for the good stuff, he also gets the blame for
the bad stuff.... I know of a three year old who is fighting for his
life in a hospital.... and god gets that ''credit'' too.....

a god that allows such evil to exist, is not a god I am willing to believe in...
or follow..... and if god himself came to me and demanded I believe or
''else'''.... I would reject his ''kind'' offer.... I would rather spend eternity
in hell than to spend eternity in heaven with such an ''EVIL'' god....
worshiping a god who makes it a point to torture babies with cancer
and allow such great evil to exist in the world.... is not a god worth
believing in..... and so, I don't... and I am good with that"

ATTO: Idiot. Human suffering is nothing in comparison to what God endured - and has its limits, the souls of these babies are protected.
The above argument expects HEAVEN automatically. How boring - no need for doctors and science just leave it all to God. What inspiration would we have to learn and fix things.
So your life has been that shit has it? Can't even manage a little thanks to God for a walk on a beautiful day.

K: give thanks to a god that allow unimaginable evil in the world? who allow
children to die terrible deaths, painful deaths? who gives a fuck if god ''suffered"
if he allowed such suffering to millions of people including children....
it is this question of evil that forces one to reject god....

''thank god for a walk on a beautiful day''

how many children died horrible deaths? if god is the creator of all,
then he OWNS evil.... How can you follow a god who is quite happy
to sentence millions of children to die horrible deaths.... oh, but
their souls are saved.... just another lie.... because one cannot in fact,
know what happens after death.... if one were actually honest,
you can't know what happens after death.... be happy in your fantasy
land.... I prefer to live in reality...

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Re: with the death of god, comes......

Post by attofishpi »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:10 am I prefer to live in reality...
Actually, it really doesn't sound like you do.

God made me suffer more than anyone I know. I attempted suicide around 2003 - I think I may have been resurrected!! Woke up in bed, amazing sketch on the wall of a wizard or God cradling a child or the solar system.

I'm in HEAVE-n now, life is great - amazing what God did with the place. Pity most humans are fuckwits.

There are limits to suffering (pain) that God controls. I'm glad to know this - that Reality is a convoluted apparition of the Truth -- one of my very own quotes since analysing that not everything we witness is actually happening - i would not be surprised if 90% of REAL_IT_Y is a projection of bullshit.


This is a beautiful song (sung in Hebrew I hope!)
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