Quote of the day

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

American Psycho

Patrick [voice-over]: I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I’m 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I’ll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

No, really, what do you do differently?

Patrick [voice-over]: There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable…I simply am not there.

Next up: you're there but your're fractured and fragmented.

Patrick: Come on, Bryce. There are a lot more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.
Timothy: Like what?
Patrick: Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

Who the hell knows what to make of that, right?

Patrick: New card. What do you think?
Craig: Whoa-ho. Very nice. Look at that.
Patrick: Picked them up from the printer’s yesterday.
David: Good coloring.
Patrick: That’s bone. And the lettering is something called Silian Rail.
David: It’s very cool, Bateman, but that’s nothing. Look at this.
Timothy: That is really nice.
David: Eggshell with Romalian type. What do you think?
Patrick: Nice.
Timothy: Jesus. That is really super. How’d a nitwit like you get so tasteful?
Patrick: [thinking] I can’t believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten’s card to mine.
Timothy: But wait. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Raised lettering, pale nimbus. White.
Patrick: Impressive. Very nice.
David: Hmm.
Patrick: Let’s see Paul Allen’s card.
Patrick: [Thinking] Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark.
Luis: Is something wrong, Patrick? You’re sweating.

You know, like a new avatar here.

Patrick [voice-over]: I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.

Cue Keyser Söze?

Patrick [voice-over] There is a moment of sheer panic when I realize that Paul’s apartment overlooks the park…and is obviously more expensive than mine.

Here, of course, it's our dueling pedants.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

American Psycho

Patrick: Do you like Phil Collins? I’ve been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn’t understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins’ presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group’s undisputed masterpiece. It’s an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums…Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument…In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism…Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I’ve heard in rock…Phil Collins’ solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds…But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.

Phil Collins, meet Paul McCartney. If you get my drift.

Patrick: Do you know what Ed Gein said about women?
David: Ed Gein? The maitre 'd at Canal Bar?
Patrick: No, serial killer, Wisconsin, the '50s.
Craig: So what did he say?
Patrick: “When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. One part wants me to take her out, talk to her, be real nice and sweet and treat her right.”
David: And what did the other part think?
Patrick: "What her head would look like on a stick… "

Start here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27980902/

Patrick: I have to return some videotapes.

Remember them? Neither does he.

Patrick: Did you know that Ted Bundy’s first dog, a collie, was named Lassie?
Jean: Who’s Ted Bundy?

Next up: the Zodiac killer?

Patrick: I’m fucking serious. It’s fucking over, us, this is no joke. I don’t think we should see each other any more.
Evelyn: But your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. I really don’t think it would work. You have a little something…
Patrick: I know that your friends are my friends and, uh…I’ve thought about that. You can have 'em.

Let's just say that, as with all the rest of us, she's...confused.

Patrick [on phone]: Harold, it’s Bateman, Patrick Bateman. You’re my lawyer so I think you should know: I’ve killed a lot of people. Some girls in the apartment uptown uh, some homeless people maybe 5 or 10 um an NYU girl I met in Central Park. I left her in a parking lot behind some donut shop. I killed Bethany, my old girlfriend, with a nail gun, and some man uh some old faggot with a dog last week. I killed another girl with a chainsaw, I had to, she almost got away and uh someone else there I can’t remember maybe a model, but she’s dead too. And Paul Allen. I killed Paul Allen with an axe in the face, his body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell’s Kitchen. I don’t want to leave anything out here. I guess I’ve killed maybe 20 people, maybe 40. I have tapes of a lot of it, uh some of the girls have seen the tapes. I even, um…I ate some of their brains, and I tried to cook a little. Tonight I, uh, I just had to kill a LOT of people. And I’m not sure I’m gonna get away with it this time. I guess I’ll uh, I mean, ah, I guess I’m a pretty uh, I mean I guess I’m a pretty sick guy. So, if you get back tomorrow, I may show up at Harry’s Bar, so you know, keep your eyes open.

Uh, not really?

Patrick [voice-over]: There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.

On the other hand, once insanity itself becomes a factor in a free will world, things can quickly reach the point where they are "beyond our control".
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Slavoj Žižek

Every civilisation that disavows its barbarian potential has already capitulated to barbarism.

So, how civilized are we?

I mostly considered my professors idiots.

And they, him?

“[When asked about the dangers of Internet trolls being able to say whatever they want because of false profiles]
What interests me (if you ask me) in phenomenon – not only Facebook, but generally, this, let's call them 'staged identities'...is how there can be more truth in the mask that you adopt than in your real, inner self. I always believed in masks; I never believed in the emancipatory potential of this gesture of 'let's tear off the masks.' Let me give you a simple example. Let us say that I'm in reality a shy, impotent, stupid person, afraid...but then, in Internet reaction, I adopt a screen persona of a brutal, racist guy who humiliates people, beats women and so on...It's too easy to say, 'Oh, I'm really a coward, but there I imagined to be a powerful macho.' What if it's the opposite? What if I really am that brutal guy – but in real life, because of social pressure and so on, I oppress it...so that the true mask is my authentic, real self? And the truth comes out precisely in the guise of a fiction.

Any "staged identities" here?
Any that aren't staged?

For Lacan, psychoanalysis at its most fundamental is not a theory and technique of treating psychic disturbances, but a theory and practice that confronts individuals with the most radical dimension of human existence. It does not show an individual the way to accommodate him- or herself to the demands of social reality; instead it explains how something like ‘reality’ constitutes itself in the first place. It does not merely enable a human being to accept the repressed truth about him- or herself; it explains how the dimension of truth emerges in human reality.

Indeed, all I do here is to make that all the more scarier still.

So when the ruling ideology enjoins us to enjoy sex, not to feel guilty about it, since we are not bound by any prohibitions whose violations should make us feel guilty, the price we pay for this absence of guilt is anxiety.

In other words, SEX SELLS! The consequences be damned!!

Jean-Paul Sartre wrote that if you are attacked for the same text by both sides in a political conflict, this is one of the few reliable signs that you are on the right path.

Same here. The FFOs at both ends of moral and political spectrum tag team those of my ilk. Well, if you get my drift, of course.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

"One stupid fucking mistake and then…out of the blue…everything changes."

The Lookout

Chris: I think about fucking you all the time.
Therapist: You think that is something you would have said before your injury?
Chris: So now you’re gonna bring up the frontal lobe bullshit?
Therapist: Disinhibition. That might be getting in the way of your meeting someone. I’ve got the feeling that walking up to a stranger for sex isn’t the best way to start a relationship.

In a nutshell, the profound mystery of the human brain in what may or may not be a free will universe.

Mr Tuttle [the bank manager]: Chris, I want you to write down “bank extra clean” in your little notebook.

And all Chris wants is to become a wage slave teller!

Lewis: [after Chris racks a shotgun] Oh, there’s a comforting sound.

Down the road for example.

Father: Would you rather me let you win?
Chris: Dad, I can’t play chess anymore.

Talk about "failure to communicate".

Chris: You wanna steal from farmers?
Gary: No, Chris. I’m gonna steal from the corporate fuckers who rape the farmers. Agribusiness fat cats who give the American farmer enough to grow his crop but not really enough to live on. Fucking tragedy is what it is.

Imagine then your own reaction to this guy if that actually was his motive.

Gary: My old man used to say to me, probably the only thing we ever really agreed on, that whoever has the money has the power. You might wanna jot that down in your book. It’s something you’re gonna need to remember.

Now, just make that crucial distinction between the good guys with power and the bad guys with power. And how hard can that be?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“I'll come and make love to you at five o'clock. If I'm late start without me.” Tallulah Bankhead

He wondered if anyone ever did.

“You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.” Mitch Albom

Or not as the case may be.

“They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more.” Samuel Beckett

Time in a nutshell?

“History isn't the lies of the victors, as I once glibly assured Old Joe Hunt; I know that now. It's more the memories of the survivors, most of whom are neither victorious or defeated.” Julian Barnes

Ah, of course: all the rest of us.

“Time’s a goon, right? You gonna let that goon push you around?” Scotty shook his head. “The goon won.” Jennifer Egan

Of course, she's only paraphrasing Grace Slick: "the idiots have won".

“I wake up and I see the face of the devil and I ask him, "What time is it?"
And he says, "How much time do you want?” Diamanda Galas

Tit for tat?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

The Lookout

Lewis: [to Luvlee] Please tell me you’re not waving your hand in front of my face.

Gasp! That's exactly what Luvlee is doing!!

Loan Officer: Who exactly are these sandwiches named after?
Lewis: People I've admired. We could name one after you, if you wanted?
Loan Officer: Oh, no. No, I don't think that's necessary...
Lewis: Sure, sure why not?
Loan Officer: Well, that's very kind of you but...
Lewis: Come on! What's your first name?
Loan Officer: [pause] Reuben
Lewis: What's your middle name?

What are the odds?

[first lines]
Chris Pratt: It only happens once a year, and then they die. It's like a mating ritual or something.
Kelly: Isn't that romantic?

More to the point [here] isn't that ironic?

Lewis: No, the Luvlee Lemons of this world do not end up with Chris Pratt.
Luvlee: Thank you. Asshole.
Lewis: Sad but true. But that brings me back to that original question, Luvlee. So tonight, in the dark, I’m gonna help you out and ask it again: What are you doing here?

Of course, we've already figured that part out ourselves.

Chris: Just because of the fucking fireflies. I only wanted to show her. I wanted to see her face.

Cue Benjamin Button?

Chris Pratt: [voice over] I started skating again. I’m not as good as I used to be, but I’m okay. What happened that night along Route 24 is a part of me now. I just hope that one day Kelly will be ready to see me again and I can finally tell her what I’ve only been able to say in my dreams. Until then, all I can do is wake up, take a shower, with soap, and try to forgive myself. If I can do that, then maybe others will forgive me too. I don’t know if that will happen, but I guess I’ll just have to work backwards from there.

As a bank teller?
In other words, I'd have kept the money myself. Or, rather, I think I would have.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

In the Company of Men

Chad: I got a crop of these young dudes after my desk. Taking jobs as production assistants. The title didn’t exist two years ago. Just to hang out in the coffee room. Vultures waiting for me to tire out. I get low numbers two months in a row? They’re gonna feed on my insides.

The corporate “climate”. It can breed tidal waves of anxiety. So of course you are going to take it out on others. Thus:

Chad: And it comes to me…the truth. I do not give a shit, not about anybody. A family member, a job, none of it. I couldn’t care less.

Let's introduce him and his ilk to...Kant?

Chad: You know, if we were living in India you could have burned your fiancée on a pyre in the village square for even hinting at what she did to you, to this day.

Next up: you live in Afghanistan.

Chad: Say we were to find some gal. This person’s vulnerable as hell. You know, young thing, wallflower type or whatever. Disfigured in some way. Some woman who is pretty sure that life…and I mean a full, healthy sexual life, romance, stuff like that…is lost to her forever. We take a girl of that type…some corn-fed bitch who’d mess her pants if you sharpen a pencil for her… and we both hit her. Small talk, a dinner date, flowers. No pushing it the first night out, but it’s like taking her out, you know, to see an ice show. Something like that. We just do it, you and me, upping the ante all the time. Suddenly, she’s got two men. She’s calling her mom. She’s wearing makeup again. On we play, and on and on. Then one day out goes the rug and us pulling it hard, and Jill…she just comes tumbling after…Hour later, we’re on a flight back to civilization like nothing ever happened. Trust me. She’ll be reaching for the sleeping pills within a week and we will laugh about this till we are very old men.

The plot let's call it.

Chad: No matter what happens after it - jumped over for promotions, wife runs off with some biochemist, who knows what…But we would always have this thing to fall back on. We could always say, “Yeah, fine, but they never got me like we got her.”

You start.

Chad: She speak at all?
John: I’ve never heard her. I think she’s got one of those voices. You know, like…
Chad: Like a dolphin. Like having a Sunday chat with Flipper.

Time to cue Howard?

Chad [telling Howard about Christine who is deaf]: …you should see her going at it…working to put the simplest sounds together. A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y is like the Holy Grail to this poor wretch. After about 15 minutes I can’t watch any more saliva form in the corner of her mouth or I’m gonna lose my taco salad.
Howard: But was she nice? I mean…
Chad: Nice? Yeah. Sweet, giving, all those things.
Howard: That’s good.
Chad: One of the kindest people I’ve ever had spray spit in my face.

We get where this is going, of course.
Or, as Claire Niveau might have encompassed it, "Howard's the sweet one and Chad's the shit."
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by promethean75 »

"There are only two types of people who discuss philosophy. Me, and everyone else." - HumAnize


That's one of those lines u wish u thought of yourself but didn't and now u wanna use it but can't becuz somebody already said it and you'd be a biter if u did.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

In the Company of Men

Chad: What’s the difference between a golf ball and a G-spot?
Howard: I don’t know.
Chad: I’ll spend twenty minutes looking for a golf ball!

Pick one:
1] before Howard meets Christine
2] after Howard meets Christine

Chad: I’ll wonder to myself, “He got the balls for this?” Right? I can’t help but think it.
Keith: I do.
Chad: Yeah?
Keith: Yes. Ax anybody.
Chad: Let me give you a professional tip. The word is “ask.”

Just imagine if Keith were deaf too.

Chad: Show. Me. Your. Balls.
Keith: I don’t…
Chad: Listen. You got a pair the kind that men carry around, you wear them on your sleeve. That’s what business is about: Who’s sporting the nastiest sack of venom and who is willing to use it.

Well, Keith axed for it. He shows Chad his balls.

Howard [finally confessing the truth]: We did.
Christine: What?
Howard: We did know.
Christine: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Howard: You went out with me, dated me, had fun with me but you went to bed with him. Don’t say anything. I can tell. I’m sitting here, some asshole who cares about you and you’re in love with him. Are you so desperate… you can’t see a yard in front of you? Chad? He doesn’t like you. He loathes you. He detests you and your pathetic retard voice. That’s what he calls it. Christine, you bought that shit? See each other at parties? He’s my friend, okay? We hang out back home. You better wake up. You were used. It’s a game. To Chad, it was a game, and he found you “so perfect,” he said. “She’s deaf.” That was the thing. Not love you. Not flowers and the feelings I have for you inside. No, it was meant to be a sport fun to watch you fall apart. I’m telling you…
Christine: Stop it!
Howard: Christine, l…We did this thing, and I am so sorry…but I can’t change it because it’s true.
Christine: No! Chad would never do that!
Howard: Why are you trusting him?! Look at me. What did I ever do to you? Kindness, courtesy. What is the matter with you? Can’t you see I’m the good guy? I’m the good person here. I can’t alter what we’ve done, and I’m a fuck and a bastard and everything else on your list, but I’m here. I’m here, and I’m telling you…I love you.

No, seriously, what would you do?

Chad [to Christine]: I was gonna let you down easy, but I can’t keep a straight face…so fuck it. [he burst out laughing] Surprise. So how does it feel? I mean right now. This instant. How do you feel inside, knowing what you know? Tell me.
[she slaps him]
Chad: That’s all? It only hurts that much? Well, I guess I can go now.

It’s just acting. It’s all scripted. But we know better, don’t we?

Chad: I did it short. Over in a second. Left her sobbing in the hotel room. Then I walked over to Pizza Hut. It was your hotel room actually.
Howard: What?
Chad: See, I knew you’d be late wrapping stuff up, so I took the liberty. I got a maid to open up, and l…Well, I did the same thing when I first fucked her. I thought that you might find her there, so…
Howard: Chad.
Chad: What?
Howard: I’m trying to tell you I’m in love with her.
Chad: Oh…

Enough said?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“It is said that God is always on the side of the big battalions.” Voltaire

Or else?

“God, Who is everywhere, never leaves us. Yet He seems sometimes to be present, sometimes to be absent. If we do not know Him well, we do not realize that He may be more present to us when He is absent than when He is present.” Thomas Merton

Uh, point taken?

“I stared up at the sky and raised my middle finger, just in case God was watching. I don't like being spied on.” Annabel Pitcher

Yeah, what about that?

“If we assume that man actually does resemble God, then we are forced into the impossible theory that God is a coward, an idiot and a bounder.” Henry Louis Mencken

Yeah, what about that?

“Mine was a patchwork God, sewn together from bits of rag and ribbon, Eastern and Western, pagan and Hebrew, everything but the kitchen sink and Jesus.” Anne Lamott

Next up: Judgment Day, right?

“The whole war between the atheist and the theist comes down to this: the atheist believes a 'what' created the universe; the theist believes a 'who' created the universe.” Criss Jami

Unless, of course, it has always existed.
What or Who then?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

The Fabulous Baker Boys

Jack: l have to go.
Girl: Why?
Jack: A job.
Girl: Funny hours.
Jack: Funny job.
Girl: Will l see you again?
Jack: No.

And, at the time, he probably even meant it.

Jack: ‘‘Be the envy of your friends with Miracle Hair’’? This is paint, Frank.
Frank: No, it’s a magical sheath that simulates a dazzling head of hair.
Jack: Frank, this is paint!
Frank: Just help me put it on. You’re supposed to spray in a circular motion.

Whatever works?

Frank: Good evening and welcome to the Starfire Lounge. My name is Frank Baker. And 88 keys across from me is my little brother, Jack. My brother and l have been playing together for how long, Jack?
Jack: Thirty one years.
Frank: That’s a lot of water under the bridge, huh, Jack?
Jack: A lot of water.
Frank: Of course, things were different then. l was 11, Jack was 7. The only one who’d listen to us was the family cat, Cecil. We must have shaved 3 lives off that cat, huh, Jack? But seriously, it’s been 15 years since Jack and l stepped on stage as professionals. But though we’ve played some of the finest venues in the world, there’s always been a very special place for us. That place is this place. The Starfire Lounge. Why? l guess you could just say… the people.

The look on Jack's face? Priceless.

Lloyd: Terrific, boys, really terrific. Yes, sir! You’re just what we needed on a night like this.
Frank: Thanks, Lloyd.
Lloyd: Only Jack, do me a favor will you, pal? lf you want to smoke on stage, put on a pair of sunglasses and go play with the niggers on State Street.

Little does Lloyd know?

Jack: Count it.
Frank: Jack.
Jack: Count the fucking money, Frank.

Then count it again.

Frank: What is this?
Charlie: Your pay.
Frank: What about tomorrow night?
Charlie: lt’s all there. Both nights.
Frank: What are you saying, Charlie?
Charlie: You and Jack have been working here a long time.
Frank: 12 years.
Charlie: Maybe it’s time we took a vacation from one another.
Frank: Vacation? Come on, it’s Monday night! You said so yourself. l got the pianos for two nights.
Charlie: lt wasn’t even half full out there tonight. l have six waiters in the back listening to basketball. l gotta move the liquor. So, l have to fill the tables. lt’s a matter of economics. l love you guys. You’re class. But people today…they don’t know class if it walks up and grabs them by the balls.

Cue Susie. Susie Diamond.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

The Fabulous Baker Boys

Frank: Thank you, Miss Moran, that’s enough. Miss Moran… Miss Moran!
Frank: Blanche!
Blanche/Monica: Sorry! I get so caught up in it sometimes, it’s scary.
Frank: Yes, it is.

You tell me: https://youtu.be/HxDqVhC-1ko?si=YpoefMViom8epzEU

Susie [literally stumbling through the door]: God damn it! Shit! This shoe.
[walks over to Frank]
Susie: ls this where the auditions are?
Frank: Where the auditions were. We’re finished.
Susie: What about me?
Frank: You’re an hour and a half late.
Susie: l had trouble catching a cab.
Frank: Punctuality, first rule of show business.
Susie: This is show business?

Good point?

Susie: l come down here, break a heel and you won’t give me a chance because l’m a little late!
Frank: You’re an hour and a half late. Want me to say it again?
Susie: Well, it’s not exactly bewitching me. Besides, you’re not going anywhere.
Frank: l beg your pardon?
Susie: lntuition. l had a hunch about this all day. Only, in my mind, it was a little more glamorous…So, where’s the winner?

The beginning of the end for "the boys".

Frank: Do you have any previous experience as a singer?
Susie: No.
Frank: Any entertainment experience at all?
Susie: Well, for the last couple of years l’ve been on call for Triple A Escort Service.

Just don't call her a whore.

Susie: Guest vocalist? Who’s next week, Beverly Sills? How come you guys are the only ones with your picture on the poster?
Frank: We’ll talk later. Where’s your dress?
Susie: What are you talking about?
Frank: ls there a language problem? Where’s your dress for tonight?
Susie: What, do l look like l’m naked?
Frank: What, that? What are you, insane? Are you going trick or treating?
Susie: He doesn’t like my dress, right?

I liked it.

Frank: She says ‘‘fucking’’ in front of an entire room of people.
Susie: l apologized.
Frank: Did you hear her?
Jack: Fucking.
Susie: They were on their third Mai Tai by the time l got out there.
Frank: Fucking.
Susie: For Christ’s sake, l said it, l didn’t do it.

That's true.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“Death, so called, is a thing which makes men weep. And yet a third of life is passed in sleep.” Lord George Gordon Byron

One word: dreams.
Mine in particular.

“The absence of the will to live is, alas, not sufficient to make one want to die.” Michel Houellebecq

So far, anyway.

“Even in the grave, all is not lost.” Edgar Allan Poe

For the worms in particular.

“I think people believe in heaven because they don't like the idea of dying, because they want to carry on living and they don't like the idea that other people will move into their house and put their things into the rubbish.” Mark Haddon

I know, I know: what if that were actually true?!

“Death should take me while I am in the mood.” Nathaniel Hawthorne

Of course, not many of us would still be around if that were the case. Most, I supect, would be long gone.

“Most men fear getting laughed at or humiliated by a romantic prospect while most women fear rape and death.” Gavin de Becker

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

The Fabulous Baker Boys

Susie [to Jack]: Listen, you’re not going soft on me, are you? I mean, you’re not going to start dreaming about me and waking up all sweaty and looking at me like I’m some sort of princess when I burp?
Jack: Forget it.
Susie: lt would be too creepy, with us working together.
Jack: Better hurry, you’re a nickel down on your cigarette.

French, as I recall.

Frank: You know, I think it’s been years since l’ve seen you without a cigarette. The whole room upstairs smells like an ashtray. You know that? The sheets, the carpets, the drapes. The towels, my tux, my shirt. Want to smell my shirt?
Jack: Maybe later.
Frank: l’m not kidding. Do you know what an insidious habit that is? How many do you smoke a day? Must be hundreds!
Jack: This is just a wild stab, but is something bothering you?
Frank: Leave her alone. l mean it. This isn’t a hatcheck girl you can leave behind at the Sheraton. You’ve got two shows a night with her.
Jack: You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Frank: l know trouble, and it’s name starts with ‘S’.
Jack: Do me a favor, Frank. Relax.
Frank: Do me a favor, little brother. Stick to cocktail waitresses.

The beginning of the end, let's call it.

Frank: Okay, we’ll take the Plaza. Then the Capri for 5 days.
Susie: Not the Luau Lounge again.
Frank: What the matter? They don’t salt their peanuts?
Susie: Singing ‘‘Feelings’’, knee-deep in paper orchids and plastic Tiki lamps is not my idea of a fun evening.
Frank: Fun? Who promised you fun? We get paid, remember?
Susie: l’m saying, maybe we should vote on it. Maybe we should ask Jack what he thinks.
Frank: l don’t have to. l know what he thinks. lt’s 5 days, the money’s green. We’re there. Speaking about ‘‘Feelings’’, you might brush up on the lyrics. The other night, you sang the first verse twice.
Susie: Really? That explains the gasps l heard from the audience.
Frank: Okay, let’s hear it. We trashed the Avedon, the Luau Lounge - what’s our beef with ‘Feelings’?
Susie: Nothing… except who cares? I mean, does anybody really need to hear ‘Feelings’ again in their lifetime? It’s like parsley, okay? Take it away, nobody’s going to know the difference.
Frank: ‘Feelings’ is not parsley!
Susie: Frank, to you ‘Feelings’ may be goddamn filet mignon, but to me, it’s parsley. It’s less than parsley.
Frank: Look, ‘Feelings,’ despite what you may think of it, has always been one of the bright moments of the show, and a consistent crowd-pleaser, and consequently we have an obligation to perform it. If we didn’t, the audience would be disappointed.
Susie: Oh. Well, they weren’t exactly crying their eyes out on New Year’s Eve.
Frank: You passed over ‘Feelings’?
Susie: Yeah. Oh, and ‘Bali Hai’ went out with the bathwater, too.
Frank: Ah ha. I see. The cat goes away for the night, and the mice take over the orchestra.
Susie: Hey! I ain’t no mouse.
Frank: That’s right - you’re parsley.

What the hell, let's climb into the Way Back Machine: https://youtu.be/CyBcHUe4WeQ?si=i9Ti77wkkgyW7TPb

Jack: Why don’t you loosen the leash?
Frank: Let’s not let a whiff of perfume blow off 15 years. Be reasonable.
Jack: l play 300 nights a year with you. How much more reasonable do you expect me to be?

On the other hand, unlike Frank, Jack can actually play the piano...seriously? All Frank can do is to teach the rugrats.

Susie: l told Frank l’m quitting.
Jack: Congratulations.
Susie: As of now.
Jack: lf you need a recommendation, you let me know.
Susie: Jesus you’re cold! You know that? You are like a fucking razor blade.
Jack: Careful, you’ll have me thinking you’re going soft on me.
Susie: You don’t give a fuck, do you? About anything.
Jack: What do you want from me? You want me to tell you to stay, hmm? Is that what you’re looking for? You want me to get down on my knees and beg you to save the Baker Boys from doom? Forget it, sweetheart. We survived for 15 years before you strutted onto the scene. Fifteen years. Two seconds, you’re bawling like a baby. You shouldn’t be wearing a dress; you should be wearing a diaper.
Susie: Jesus, you and Egghead are brothers, aren’t you?

And not just literally?

Jack: Let me tell you something. They’ve dropped like flies in every fucking hotel in the city. We’re still here! We’ve never held a day job in our lives. He’s an easy target, but add it up, he’s done fine.
Susie: Yeah, Frank has done great. He has the wife, kids, little house in the suburbs. While his brother lives a shitty apartment with a sick dog, Little Orphan Annie and a chip on his shoulder size of a Cadillac.
Jack: Listen to me, princess. We fucked twice. That’s it. Once the sweat dries, you still don’t know shit about me. Got it?
Susie: I know one thing. While Frank Baker was home putting his kids to sleep last night, little brother Jack was out dusting off his dreams for a few minutes. I was there. I saw it in your face. You’re full of shit. You’re a fake. Every time you walk into some shitty daiquiri hut, you’re selling yourself on the cheap. Hey, I know all about that. I’d find myself at the end of the night with some creep and tell myself it didn’t matter. And you kid yourself that you’ve got this empty place inside where you can put it all. But you do it long enough and all you are is empty.
Jack: I didn’t know whores were so philosophical.
Susie: At least my brother’s not my pimp. You know, I had you pegged for a loser the first time I saw you, but I was wrong. You’re worse. You’re a coward.

Who won?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster.” Voltaire

Well, with important exceptions of course.

"There is no reality except in action.” Jean-Paul Sartre

Pick one:
1] For better
2] For worse

“I would prefer a sword to fight duel, but a pen to plan a war.” Robert Thier


“To make light of philosophy is to be a true philosopher.” Blaise Pascal

If only up in the clouds?

“As a philosopher, if I were speaking to a purely philosophic audience I should say that I ought to describe myself as an Agnostic, because I do not think that there is a conclusive argument by which one can prove that there is not a God. On the other hand, if I am to convey the right impression to the ordinary man in the street I think that I ought to say that I am an Atheist, because, when I say that I cannot prove that there is not a God, I ought to add equally that I cannot prove that there are not the Homeric gods.” Bertrand Russell

The True Homeric gods, of course.

“Regardless of the staggering dimensions of the world about us, the density of our ignorance, the risks of catastrophes to come, and our individual weakness within the immense collectivity, the fact remains that we are absolutely free today if we choose to will our existence in its finiteness, a finiteness which is open on the infinite. And in fact, any man who has known real loves, real revolts, real desires, and real will knows quite well that he has no need of any outside guarantee to be sure of his goals; their certitude comes from his own drive.” Simone de Beauvoir

The ethics of ambiguity, indeed.
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