Quote of the day

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Pulp Fiction

Maynard: Nobody kills anyone in my store except me and Zed.
[doorbell rings]
Maynard: That’s Zed.

Next up: the gimp.

Butch: You okay?
Marsellus: Naw man. I’m pretty fuckin’ far from okay.
Butch: What now?
Marsellus: What now? Let me tell you what now. I’ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin’ niggers, who’ll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin’, hillbilly boy? I ain’t through with you by a damn sight. I’ma get medieval on your ass.
Butch: I meant what now between me and you?
Marsellus: Oh, that what now. I tell you what now between me and you. There is no me and you. Not no more.
Butch: So we cool?
Marsellus: Yeah, we cool. Two things. Don’t tell nobody about this. This shit is between me, you, and Mr. Soon-To-Be-Living-The-Rest-of-His-Short-Ass-Life-In-Agonizing-Pain Rapist here. It ain’t nobody else’s business. Two: you leave town tonight, right now. And when you’re gone, you stay gone, or you be gone. You lost all your L.A. privileges. Deal?
Butch: Deal.
Marsellus: Get your ass out of here.

And it's not like either one of them are reservoir dogs.

Jimmie: You know what’s on my mind right now? It ain’t the coffee in my kitchen, it’s the dead n***** in my garage.
Jules: Oh, Jimmie, don’t even worry about it.
Jimmie: Let me ask you a question. When you came pulling in here, did you notice a sign out in front of my house that said “Dead n***** Storage”?
Jules: Jimmie, you know I ain’t seen no…
Jimmie: [cutting him off, getting angry] Did you notice a sign out in front of my house that said “Dead n***** Storage”?
Jules: [pause] No. I didn’t.
Jimmie: You know WHY you didn’t see that sign?
Jules: Why?
Jimmie: 'Cause it ain’t there, 'cause storing dead niggers ain’t my fucking business, that’s why!

Let's run this by Spike Lee.

Jimmie: I can't believe this is the same car.
The Wolf: Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet.

Not literally, I suspect.

Jules: I want you to go in that bag, and find my wallet.
Pumpkin: Which one is it?
Jules: It's the one that says Bad Motherfucker.

He means Mr. Reasonable, of course.

Jules: If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

Of course, being philosophers, that's not really an option here.

Jules: You read the Bible, Brett?
Brett: Yes.
Jules: Well, there's this passage I got memorized, sorta fits the occasion. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
[Jules and Vincent shoot and kill Brett]

Next up: the miracle.

Paul: So, I hear you're taking Mia out.
Vincent: At Marsellus's request.
Paul: You met Mia yet?
Vincent: No.
[Jules and Paul laugh]
Vincent: What's so fucking funny?
Jules: I gotta piss.
Vincent: Look, I'm not stupid. It's the Big Man's wife. I'm gonna sit across from her, chew my food with my mouth closed, laugh at her fucking jokes, and that's it.

Next up: Murphy's Law.

Butch: Where's my watch?
Fabienne: It's there.
Butch: No it's not.
Fabienne: It should be.
Butch: Yes, it most definitely should be but it's not here now, so where the fuck is it?

Again, Vincent is now a dead man.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“God existed before every religion; He exists in spite of all religions.” Danail Hristov.

Well, that settles that then.

“Love the animals: God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky

In the slaughterhouse as it were.

“I may not be where I want to be but I'm thankful for not being where I used to be.” Habeeb Akande

Can you say that?

“God is the same, even though He has a thousand names; it is up to us to select a name for Him.” Paulo Coelho

Want to hear mine?

“If you place your bet with God, you lose nothing, even if it turns out that God does not exist. But if you place it against God, and you are wrong and God does exist, you lose everything.” Peter Kreeft

Now all we need is an actual God.

“Even though you can't finally grasp me, guess what? I still want to be known.” William P. Young

Place your bets!
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


Sissy: We're not bad people. We just come from a bad place.

Or: We're not good people. We just come from a good place.

Sissy: I'm trying, I'm trying to help you.
Brandon: How are you helping me, huh? How are you helping me? How are you helping me? Huh? Look at me. You come in here and you're a weight on me. Do you understand me? You're a burden. You're just dragging me down. How are you helping me? You can't even clean up after yourself. Stop playing the victim.
Sissy: I'm not playing the victim. If I left, I would never hear from you again. Don't you think that's sad? Don't you think that's sad? You're my brother.

That family bullshit again. Right, Hank?

David: Listen, one more thing. Your hard drive is filthy, all right. We got your computer back. I mean, it is, it is, dirty. I'm talking like hoes, sluts, anal, double anal, penetration, inter racial facial, man. Cream pie. I don't even know what that is. Do you think it was your intern?
Brandon: On my hard drive?
David: Yeah, someone's fucking with your account, man. And we're blowing our wad in cash, you know? It takes a really really sick fuck to spend all day on that shit.

Next up: your hard drive.

Brandon: I'll fucking kill you!
Sissy: What the...What the fuck?
Brandon: Jesus Christ Sissy.
Sissy: Brandon. Don't you fucking knock?
Brandon: What the fuck. Why would I knock? I live here.

So, do they or don't they?

Brandon: If you had a choice to live in the past or the future, and you could be anything you wanted to be , what would you be?
Marianne: What would you be?
Brandon: Well, I always wanted to be a musician in the Sixties.
Marianne: That's cool. Musician?
Brandon: Yeah.
Marianne: Sixties it's tough though! I saw Gimme Shelter recently, you know, the Rolling Stones documentary?
Brandon: Yeah.
Marianne: Kinda seemed like hell!
Brandon: What?
Marianne: Yeah, Sixties be like the last place I want to be.
Brandon: No way!
Marianne: [laughing] Yes. Ugh, chaos!
Brandon: So, where would you and what would you want to be?
Marianne: Umm, i dunno. Here, now.
Brandon: [pauses] That's boring.
Marianne: Fuck you.

In fact, as I recall, they don't, do they?

Brandon: Some people fuck up all the time.

Let's name names.

Brandon: Sissy, get out of my room.
Sissy: It’s cold.
Brandon: Sissy, get out of my room. Get out of my room…GET THE FUCK OUT! GET OUT!!

He wondered what brought that on.

Brandon: He’s not going to screw you again. You left him a message, didn’t you? You can’t help yourself. It’s disgusting.
Sissy: Why are you so fucking angry?
Brandon: Why am I so fucking angry? That’s my boss. You sleep with him after twenty minutes. Now you’re calling him up. What’s the matter with you?

Coming from him, right?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

How To Get Ahead In Advertising

Dennis: Let me try and clarify some of this for you. Best Company Supermarkets are not interested in selling wholesome foods. They are not worried about the nation’s health. What is concerning them, is that the nation appears to be getting worried about its health, and that is what’s worrying Best Co., because Best Co. wants to go on selling them what it always has, i.e. white breads, baked beans, canned foods, and that suppurating, fat squirting little heart attack traditionally known as the British sausage. So, how can we help them with that? Clearly, we are looking for a label. We need a label brimming with health, and everything from a nosh pot to a white sliced will wear one with pride. And although I’m aware of the difficulties of coming to terms with this, it must be appreciated from the beginning, that even the nosh pot must be low in something, and if it isn’t, it must be high in something else, and that is its health-giving ingredient we will sell. Which brings me to my final question: who are we trying to sell this to? Answer: we are trying to sell this to the archetypal average housewife, she who fills her basket. What you have here is a 22 year old pretty girl. What you need is taut slob, something on foot deodorisers in a brassiere.
Larry: I, uh, I’m not quite sure we can go along with that, Mr. Bagley. I mean, if you look at, like, the market research…
Dennis: I don’t need to look at the market research. I’ve lived with 13 and a half million housewives for 15 years and I know everything about them. She’s 37 years old, she has 2.3 children, 1.6 of which will be girls, she uses 16 feet 6 inches of toilet tissue a week and fucks no more than 4.2 times a month. She has 7 radiators and is worried about her weight, which is why we have her on a diet, and because we have her on a diet we also encourage her to reward herself with the little treats. And she deserves them, because anyone existing on 1200 calories of artificial synthetic orange-flavoured waffle a day deserves a little treat. We know it’s naughty but you do deserve it, go on, darling, swallow a bun! And she does, and the instant she does, the guilt cuts in. So here we are again with our diet. It’s a vicious, but quite wonderful circle, and it adheres to only one rule: whatever it is, sell it. And if you want to stay in advertising, by God, you’d better learn that!

The part Mad Men scarcely explored?

Dennis: Anything else, I’m fine. Give me any other part of the human body and I’ll sell it something. Give me a bald head and I’ll sell it shampoo. But I cannot get a handle on the boils. The moment I think of a boil, my mind slips into a sort of dreadful oily neutral. I just sit there hour after hour chewing the ends off pencils, smoking myself daft.
Julia: What exactly is this stuff?
Dennis: It’s a standard 16-20 year old acne attacker. It’s a hexifluoride.
Julia: Does it work?
Dennis: No idea. It’s probably junk.
Julia: Well that’s probably the problem. If you knew it worked and actually got rid of boils you’d probably have no problem selling it.
Dennis: Nobody in advertising wants to get rid of boils, Julia. They’re good little money-spinners. All we wanna do is offer hope of getting rid them, and that’s where I’m blocked.

Next up: the boil from Hell.

Businessman on Train: [reading a newspaper] I see the police have made another lightning raid. Paddington drug orgy.
Priest on Train: [Irish accent] I suppose young girls were involved?
Businessman: One discovered naked in a kitchen. Breasts smeared with peanut butter. “The police took away a bag containing 15 grams of cannibis resin. It may also have contained a quantity of heroin.”
Dennis: Or a pork pie.
Businessman: I beg your pardon?
Dennis: I said the bag may also have contained a pork pie.
Businessman: I hardly see how a pork pie’s got anything to do with it.
Dennis: All right then, what about a large turnip? It may also have contained a big turnip.
Priest: The bag was full of drugs.
Dennis: Nonsense.
Priest: The bag was full of drugs, it says so!
Dennis: The bag could have been full of anything. Pork pies, turnips, oven parts. It’s the oldest trick in the book.
Priest: What book?
Dennis: The distortion of truth by association book. The word is “may”. You all believe heroin was in the bag because cannibis resin was in the bag. The bag may have contained heroin, but the chances are 100 to 1 certain that it didn’t.
Businessman: A lot more likely than what you say.
Dennis: About as likely as a tit spread with peanut butter.
Businessman: Do you mind?
Priest: The tit was spread with peanut butter!
Dennis: Nonsense.
Priest: It says so! Who’s the man you are to think you know more about it than the press?
Dennis: I’m an expert on tits. Tits and peanut butter. I’m also an expert drug pusher. I’ve been pushing drugs for 20 years. And I can tell you a pusher protects his pitch! We wanna sell them cigarettes and don’t like competition, see? So we associate a relatively innocuous drug with one that is extremely dangerous, and the rags go along with it because they adore the dough from the ads!
Businessman: I’ve had enough of this. I’m getting off at Datchet.
Dennis: [getting even more animated] Getting off at Datchet won’t help you! Getting off anywhere won’t help you! I’ve had an octopus squatting on my brain for a fortnight, and I suddenly see that I am the only one that can help you! It would be pointless to go into the reasons why, but I’ve been worried sick about boils for a fortnight! Large boils, small boils, fast eruptors, they’re incurable, all of them!
[the other 3 men leave the compartment and head to the door, Bagley follows them]
Dennis: I know that and so does everybody else, until they get one! Then the rules suddenly change. With a boil on the nose, there’s sudden overnight surge in fate, they wanna believe something will work!
[points to the priest]
Dennis: He knows that, which is why he gets a good look-in with the dying.
[they step off the train and shut the door. Bagley sticks his head out of the window]
Dennis: Sells them hope, see? But these boys would be full time into real estate if anyone came up with a genuine cure for death!
Priest: Good God, this is a madman!
Dennis: What do you know about God, you wire-haired mick?

Let's invite Dennis here.

John: Don’t you think the way you reacted could be considered a little irrational?
Dennis: Don’t start the old irrational bollocks with me, Bristol, I’m up to here with it! I know everything there is to know about rationality, and I know everything there is to know about advertising. So don’t tell me I’m being irrational, cos I’m the man who’s taken the stench out of everything but shit!


Doctor: Running naked round a garden insisting a boil has spoken to you is more than just exhaustion, Julia.

Tell that to the boil, Doc.

Psychiatrist: Tell me about advertising. Now, you resigned from a very important firm with a very highly-paid job. I’d like to know your reasons.
[Bagley doesn’t answer]
Psychiatrist: Well, at least try and give me an example of even one of those reasons.
Dennis: All right. Reason 1: advertising conspires with Big Brother.
Psychiatrist: And you’re afraid of Big Brother? Someone or something coming into your life and telling you what to do?
Dennis: No, I’m not afraid of him. I’m one of the few who really understands him. The man who conceived of Big Brother never knew what was coming down the line. Thought his filthy creation was gonna be watching us. But it is us who watch it. There’s one in every living room. The monstrous injustice of it is we stare at it of our own free will.
Psychiatrist: So we could say principally that it’s television that you blame.
Dennis: We can say entirely it is crux who’ve infiltrated it that I blame. They’ve moved in on the greatest means of communication since the wheel, and now they’ve done it their greed is insatiable. They’re cutting down jungles to breed hamburgers, turning the whole world into a car park! They’d sell off the sea to satisfy the needs of their great god Greed! But it won’t be satisfied, not til we’re squatting in one of it’s fucking hatchbacks on a motorway. But there isn’t gonna be anywhere left to go, except in slow revolutions towards the crest of the next slag heap.

And now even the Sundance Channel has the fucking things! Between segments of Law and Order and NCIS, no less!!
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

How To Get Ahead In Advertising

Dennis: You bastard. I only have one wish, that I could be awake to see you lanced. I’d like to see the knife going in. I’d like to see you suffer!
Voice of the Boil: A typically communist statement.
Dennis: I’m not a communist!
Voice of the Boil: Yes, you are, you want to take everyone’s car away.
Dennis: I do not want to take anything from anyone. I want to give them the choice of something better.
Voice of the Boil: Oh yes? What?
Dennis: Trains.
Voice of the Boil: Trains? Trains are no good, they’re old fashioned. I hate trains, they’re rotten.
Dennis: Only because they don’t consume. Only because they were already there and don’t eat up more and more and more. That’s why you hate them. That’s why government hates them. That’s why they’re old fashioned and rotten.
Voice of the Boil: You Commies don’t half talk a lot of shit.

Who wins?

Dennis: Shall I tell you why people buy hydrogen bombs? Because they’re not like the bombs people used to use in wars. We put an added ingredients into bombs these days. It’s called peace. Our warheads are stuffed to the brim with it.

Mutually assured destruction, let's call it.

Julia: You still want to sell them boils!
Dennis: Nothing crazy about that. It’s a free market, people will either buy or they won’t buy. Nobody’s forcing them. Everyone knows what they’re getting.
Julia: Perhaps they don’t.
Dennis: Of course they do. People might be a bit greedy from time to time but we’re not blind. We’ve got our eyes open, and we have a choice.
Julia: Perhaps.
Dennis: Stop saying perhaps! What’s perhaps got to do with it?
Julia: Perhaps they don’t.
Dennis: Perhaps if they’d hanged Jesus Christ we’d all be kneeling in front of a fucking gibbet! That’s not the real world. In the real world I have a choice. Do I want it, or don’t I.

Next up: perhaps here.

Dennis: We’re living in a shop. The world is one magnificent fucking shop. And if it hasn’t got a price tag, it isn’t worth having. There is no greater freedom than freedom of choice, and that’s the difference between you and me, boil. I was brought up to believe in that, and so should you, but you don’t. You don’t want freedom, do you? You don’t even want roads. God, I never want to go on another train as long as I live! Roads represent a fundamental right of man to have access to the good things in life. Without roads, established family favorites would become elitist delicacies. Potter’s soap would be for the few. There’d be no more tea bags, no instant potatoes, no long life cream. There’d be no aerosols. Detergents would vanish. So would tinned spaghetti and baked beans with six frankfurters. The right to smoke one’s chosen brand would be denied. Chewing gum would probably disappear, so would pork pies. Foot deodorizers would climax without hope of replacement. When the hydrolyzed monosodium glutamate reserves run out, food would rot in its packets. Jesus Christ, there wouldn’t be any more packets! Packaging would vanish from the face of the Earth. But worst of all, there’d be no more cars. And more than anything, people love their cars. They have a right to them. They have to sweat all day in some stinking factory making disposable cigarette lighters or everlasting Christmas trees, by Christ, they’re entitled to them! They’re entitled to any innovation technology brings. Whether it’s ten percent more of it or fifteen percent off of it, they’re entitled to it! They’re entitled to one of four important new ingredients! Why should anyone have to clean their teeth without important new ingredients? Why the hell shouldn’t they have their CZT? How dare some smutty Marxist carbunkle presume to deny them it? They love their CZT! They want it, they need it, they positively adore it! And by Christ, while I’ve got air in my body they’re going to get it! They’re going to get it bigger and brighter and better. I’ll put CZT in their margarine if necessary, shove vitamins in their toilet rolls. If happiness means the whole world standing on a double layer of foot deodorizers, I, Bagley, will see that they get them! I’ll give them anything and everything they want! By God, I will! I shall not cease, till Jerusalem is builded here, on England’s green and pleasant land!

Take that, you Commies!!

Psychiatrist: Do you have trouble in getting an erection?
Denis: What?
Psychiatrist: Can you get an erection?
Denis: Yes!
Psychiatrist: Masturbating much?
Denis: Constantly! I've got a talking boil on my neck! What would you do?

What else is there to do, right?

Penny: You dislike me because I'm not one of those starved little tarts you exploit. I don't rush out and buy your latest makeup, I have a mind of my own and I have a body of my own that doesn't fit into the preconceived patterns men like you dictate.
Denis: You mean you're fat.
Penny: Yes, I'm fat! And you're perfectly at liberty to hate me for it!
Denis: You're quite wrong, I don't dislike you because of that. I wouldn't care if you were so huge we'd have to put scaffolding up to feed you.

Imagine that.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“We're all mad, the whole damned race. We're wrapped in illusions, delusions, confusions about the penetrability of partitions, we're all mad and in solitary confinement.” William Golding

Clearly, however, some more than others.

“In reading The History of Nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities, their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.” Charles MacKay

Next up: fractured and fragmenterd communities.[/b]

“The manic relief that comes from the fantasy that we can with one savage slash cut the chains of the past and rise like a phoenix, free of all history, is generally a tipping point into insanity, akin to believing that we can escape the endless constraints of gravity, and fly off a tall building. “I’m freeeee… SPLAT!”.” Stefan Molyneux

Next up: SPLAT! here.

“In their brief time together Slothrop forms the impression that this octopus is not in good mental health, though where's his basis for comparing?” Thomas Pynchon


“I am stark sane, but my mind is erratically crazy.” Suman Pokhrel

Sound familiar?

“Dramatic uprising of stupidity can start from nowhere and only be seen when it reaches it's climax.” Oscar Auliq-Ice

Let's start here.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Wonder Boys

Terry Crabtree: Let me get this straight. Jerry Nathan owes you money, so as collateral he gives you his car.
Grady Tripp: Only I'm beginning to think that the car wasn't exactly Jerry's to give.
Terry Crabtree: Ah, so whose car was it?
Grady Tripp: My guess? Vernon Hardapple.
Terry Crabtree: The hood jumper?
Grady Tripp: He said a few things that lead me to believe that the car was his.
Terry Crabtree: Such as?
Grady Tripp: "That's my car, motherfucker."

I forget: was it?

Grady Tripp: Okay, James, I wish you hadn't shot my girlfriend's dog. Even though Poe and I weren't exactly what you'd call simpatico, that's no reason he should've taken two in the chest.

Next up: Marilyn Monroe memorabilia.

Terry Crabtree: [after he lost Grady's manuscript] Naturally you have copies.
Grady Tripp: I have an alternate version of the first chapter.

Better than nothing or worse than nothing?

Hannah Green: James will know about George Sanders.
James Leer: George Sanders?
Hannah Green: Mr. Crabtree was saying how George Sanders killed himself, only he couldn't remember how.
James Leer: Pills. April 25, 1972, in a Costa Brava hotel room.
Terry Crabtree: How comprehensive of you.
Hannah Green: James is amazing. He knows all the movie suicides. Go ahead, James. Tell him.
James Leer: There are so many.
Hannah Green: Well, just a few. The big ones.
James Leer: Pier Angeli, 1971 or '72, also pills. Donald "Red" Barry, shot himself in 1980. Charles Boyer, 1978, pills again. Charles Butterworth, 1946, I think. In a car. Supposedly, it was an accident, but, you know, he was distraught. Dorothy Dandridge, pills, 1965. Albert Dekker, 1968. He hung himself. He wrote his suicide note in lipstick on his stomach. William Inge, carbon monoxide, 1973. Carole Landis, pills again. I forget when. George Reeves, "Superman" on TV, shot himself. Jean Seberg, pills, of course, 1979. Everett Sloane - he was good - pills. Margaret Sullavan, pills. Lupe Velez, a lot of pills. Gig Young, he shot himself and his wife in 1978. There are tons more.
Hannah Green: I haven't heard of half of them.
Terry Crabtree: You did them alphabetically.
James Leer: It's just how my brain works, I guess.

Next up: chronologically.

Grady Tripp: It's been a long time since someone wrote a really good book in jail.

Start here: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2009/ ... -in-prison

James Leer: Professor Tripp? Can I ask you a question?
Grady Tripp: Yeah, James.
James Leer: What are we going to do with... it?
Grady Tripp: I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out how to tell the Chancellor I murdered her husband's dog.
James Leer: You?
Grady Tripp: Trust me, James, when the family pet's been assassinated, the owner doesn't want to hear one of her students was the trigger man.
James Leer: Does she want to hear it was one of her professors?
Grady Tripp: ...I've got tenure.

Good point.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Marilynne Robinson from Housekeeping

When we did not move or speak, there was no proof that we were there at all.

The best of all possible worlds, say.

It is better to have nothing, for at last even our bones will fall. It is better to have nothing.

Cue Ruth and Sylvie leaving town...and into the blackness beyond the railroad bridge.

The force behind the movement of time is a mourning that will not be comforted.

Starting with Mama committing suicide...

Dawn and its excesses always reminded me of Heaven, a place where I have always known I would not be comfortable.

Still, it's got to be more comforting than Hell.

My mother was happy that day, we did not know why. And if she was sad the next, we did not know why. And if she was gone the next, we did not know why.

We can still speculate, however.

Why must we be left, the survivors picking among the flotsam, among the small, unnoticed, unvalued clutter that was all that remained when they vanished, that only catastrophe made notable?

So, they leave.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Bob Roberts

Bob Roberts: [singing] Some people will have / Some simply will not / But they’ll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain / Some people will work / Some never will / But they’ll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain / Like this: / It’s society’s fault I don’t have a job / It’s society’s fault I’m a slob / I’m a drunk, I don’t have a brain / Give me a pamplet while I complain / Hey pal you’re living in the land of the free/ No-one’s gonna hand you opportunity.

One of many such “songs” strewn throughout the film.

Narrator: His second album The Times Are Changin’ Back peaked at number 3 on the charts. Quite an achievment for a gentleman that Spin magazine once called, “a crypto-fascist clown”.

Indeed, and imagine Tim Robbins playing him!

Bob [on morning talk show]: Let’s face it, the 60s were a dark stain on American history. Never was there a time when lawlessness and immorality had been so widespread.
Kelly: You’re speaking of course of Watergate and the invasion of Cambodia.

Actually, he wasn't.

Kelly: Is social protest a disregard for our laws and institutions?
Bob: Certainly it is.
Kelly: And yet it is a guaranteed right in our Constitution.
Bob: So is burning the flag. Need I say more?
Kelly: Yes, you need say more. Or are we to believe that what Bob Roberts stands for is a silent and a complient public which respects the wishes and actions of its president no matter how immoral or illegal.
Bob: Are you a Communist?

She'd certainly be construed as one here.

Kelly: Bob Roberts is yet another of that faction that lives to destroy whatever good came out of the 60s, to rewrite the history of that important period. A period where the American people actually were informed and aware, and realized that they had a voice. They demanded that a war end. Bob Roberts is Nixon, only he’s shrewder, more complicated, this Bob Roberts. Now here is a man who has adopted the persona and mindset of a free-thinking rebel and turned it on itself. The Rebel Conservative! That is deviant brilliance. What a Machiavellian poser.

Yep, another fucking Communist.

Senator Brickley Paiste: I’m totally opposed to the war in the Middle East. It’s the enemy-of-the-month club again. Saddam Hussein is said to be the most evil man since Hitler. Before that it was Noriega. He was the most evil man since Fu Manchu. Then there was Gadaffi and Castro. These figures are thrown out through the media and made into great monsters. Why? Because we must justify the military budget. In order to do that we must have enemies. We blow up these local thugs into these huge Hitler-like figures and pretend it’s World War II all over again.

The deep state let's call it.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Bob Roberts

Senator Brickley Paiste: I believe in Bob Roberts background – if it is true – that he has had some experience with the CIA. If so, then he comes better prepared than most people do to the Senate with a knowledge of what the real government of the United States is. Which is the National Security Council. The country is governed by the NSC, which is the Defense Department and the CIA in combination with the great makers of weapons around the country. So he has already had some initiation into true power.

How deep does the state go?
How deep do you think it goes?

Cutting Edge Host: In the beginning, our great company provided appliances for the neighborhood. We heated your home, we refrigerated your food, and improved the quality of your life. We prospered, and you loved us. And we grew into a large multinational corporation. In fact, we own this very network…Our chief source of income, however, is the arms industry! Yes, we rely heavily on those fat government contracts, to make these useless weapons of mass destruction. And even though we have been indicted and convicted for fraud several times, you don’t hear too much about our bad side, because, well, we own our own news division…Chances are pretty slim that you’ll hear reports of our environmental mishaps, or the way we bust those unions. We even have a highly-rated Saturday night show that the public buys as entertainment with a leftist slant.

Not counting the original cast of course.

Carol: You can’t fucking do this. You lied to me.
Michael: The network has reviewed the material and want it on.
Carol: How dare you! This is obscene. This is a fucking commercial for a fucking political candidate. You have nothing left Michael. You’re nothing but a fucking shill and a goon.
Michael: Are you having your period?

Celebrity shills! https://youtu.be/Ve2miT5iF2M?si=BvfGD3_vXDKMrjxh

Bugs Raplin: You see, the truth of this is that American taxpayers have been paying for covert wars waged in countries we haven’t even heard of. Up until now Americans have payed for these wars everytme they used cocaine or crack or heroin or other drugs smuggled in by these so-called patriots. But now we have a situation where all Americans will soon paying for the smuggling in of all these drugs in the form of taxes to bail out failed savings and loans…savings and loans that misused people’s funds and provided money for the covert drug smuggling operations. And surprise, we find ourselves with a seemingly uncontrollable drug problem.

How much of this is true? Who the hell really knows. But only a fucking idiot would expect the corporate media to probe very deep below the surface.

Bugs Raplin: The reason that Iran-Contra happened is because nobody did anything substantial about Watergate. And the reason that Watergate happened is that there were no consequences from the Bay of Pigs. They are all the same operatives, didn’t you notice? The foot soldiers in the Bay of Pigs, the plumbers that got busted at Watergate, the gunrunners in Iran contra: they are all the same people. The same faces. Now it doesn’t take a genius to make the connection here. A secret government beyond the control of the people and accountable to no-one. And the closer we are to discovering the connection, the more the Congress turns a blind eye to it. “We can’t talk about that in open session!” they say. “National security reasons”. The truth lies dormant in their laps and they stay blind out of choice. A conspiracy of silence.

No, really, what if that's true?

Bugs Raplin: There are no Mr. Smiths in Washington. Mr. Smith has been bought. They’re just a bunch of dealmakers.

So, don't forget to vote!

Bugs Raplin: The corporations and the big businesses that own the networks and the major newspapers, they won’t tell you the truth. It’s not in their interest. It’s too dangerous to them. If you want the truth in this country you have to seek it out. You must be vigilant, unrelenting, uncompromising.

Coming here, for example?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“You can not die of grief, though it feels as if you can. A heart does not actually break, though sometimes your chest aches as if it is breaking. Grief dims with time. It is the way of things. There comes a day when you smile again, and you feel like a traitor. How dare I feel happy. How dare I be glad in a world where my father is no more. And then you cry fresh tears, because you do not miss him as much as you once did, and giving up your grief is another kind of death.” Laurell K. Hamilton

Repeat as necessary.

“No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun — for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax — This won't hurt” Hunter S. Thompson

Next up: no more word games.

“Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead.” Hans Christian Andersen

If that is still an option, of course.

“Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to 'die before you die' --- and find that there is no death.” Eckhart Tolle

Details please.

“Choking with dry tears and raging, raging, raging at the absolute indifference of nature and the world to the death of love, the death of hope and the death of beauty, I remember sitting on the end of my bed, collecting these pills and capsules together and wondering why, why when I felt I had so much to offer, so much love, such outpourings of love and energy to spend on the world, I was incapable of being offered love, giving it or summoning the energy with which I knew I could transform myself and everything around me.” Stephen Fry

Want me to explain it?

“I've crossed some kind of invisible line. I feel as if I've come to a place I never thought I'd have to come to. And I don't know how I got here. It's a strange place. It's a place where a little harmless dreaming and then some sleepy, early-morning talk has led me into considerations of death and annihilation.” Raymond Carver.

Go figure?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Dr. Strangelove

Title Card: It is the stated position of the U.S. Air Force that their safeguards would prevent the occurrence of such events as are depicted in this film. Furthermore, it should be noted that none of the characters portrayed in this film are meant to represent any real persons living or dead.

Now, that's bullshit.

Ripper: The base is being put on Condition Red. I want this flashed to all sections immediately.
Mandrake: Condition Red, sir, yes, jolly good idea. That keeps the men on their toes.
Ripper: Group Captain, I’m afraid this is not an exercise.
Mandrake: Not an exercise, sir?
Ripper: I shouldn’t tell you this, Mandrake, but you’re a good officer and you’ve a right to know. It looks like we’re in a shooting war.
Mandrake: Oh, hell. Are the Russians involved, sir?

Yeah, in Ripper's head.

Major Kong: Well, boys, I reckon this is it - nuclear combat toe to toe with the Roosskies. Now look, boys, I ain’t much of a hand at makin’ speeches, but I got a pretty fair idea that something doggone important is goin’ on back there. And I got a fair idea the kinda personal emotions that some of you fellas may be thinkin’. Heck, I reckon you wouldn’t even be human bein’s if you didn’t have some pretty strong personal feelin’s about nuclear combat. I want you to remember one thing, the folks back home is a-countin’ on you and by golly, we ain’t about to let ‘em down. I tell you something else, if this thing turns out to be half as important as I figure it just might be, I’d say that you’re all in line for some important promotions and personal citations when this thing’s over with. That goes for ever’ last one of you regardless of your race, color or your creed. Now let’s get this thing on the hump - we got some flyin’ to do.

Him in particular.

Mandrake: Uh, what about the planes, sir? Surely we must issue the recall code immediately.
Ripper: Group Captain, the planes are not gonna be recalled. My attack orders have been issued, and the orders stand.
Mandrake: Well, if you’ll excuse me saying so, sir, that would be, to my way of thinking, rather, well, rather an odd way of looking at it. You see, if a Russian attack was in progress, we would certainly not be hearing civilian broadcast.
Ripper: Are you certain of that, Mandrake?
Mandrake: Oh, I’m absolutely positive about it.
Ripper: And what if it is true?
Mandrake: Well, I’m afraid I’m still not with you, sir, because, I mean, if a Russian attack was not in progress, then your use of Plan R - in fact, your order to the entire Wing…Oh. I would say, sir, that there were something dreadfully wrong somewhere.
Ripper: Now why don’t you just take it easy, Group Captain, and please make me a drink of grain alcohol and rainwater, and help yourself to whatever you’d like.
[Mandrake snaps to attention and salutes]
Mandrake: General Ripper, Sir, as an officer in Her Majesty’s Air Force, it is my clear duty, under the present circumstances, to issue the recall code, upon my own authority, and bring back the Wing…
Ripper: I told you to take it easy, Group Captain. There’s nothing anybody can do about this thing now. I’m the only person who knows the three letter code group.

Cue David Lightman?

Ripper: Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war?
Mandrake: No, I don’t think I do, sir, no.
Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Sure, he's insane, but point taken?

President: Then do you mean to tell me, General Turgidson, that you will be unable to recall the aircraft?
Turgidson: That’s about the size of it. However, we are plowing through every possible three letter combination of the code. But since there are seventeen thousand permutations it’s going to take us about two and a half days to transmit them all.
President: How soon did you say the planes would penetrate Russian radar cover?
Turgidson: About eighteen minutes from now, sir.

Crunch time?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“We throw our parties; we abandon our families to live alone in Canada; we struggle to write books that do not change the world, despite our gifts and our unstinting efforts, our most extravagant hopes. We live our lives, do whatever we do, and then we sleep. It's as simple and ordinary as that. A few jump out windows, or drown themselves, or take pills; more die by accident; and most of us are slowly devoured by some disease, or, if we're very fortunate, by time itself. There's just this for consolation: an hour here or there when our lives seem, against all odds and expectations, to burst open and give us everything we've ever imagined, though everyone but children (and perhaps even they) know these hours will inevitably be followed by others, far darker and more difficult. Still, we cherish the city, the morning; we hope, more than anything, for more. Heaven only knows why we love it so...” Michael Cunningham

You know, if there is a Heaven.

“Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not.” Epicurus

Does that actually work for anyone here?

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” Horace Mann

In other words, be ashamed to die.

“The thought that I might kill myself formed in my mind coolly as a tree or a flower.” Sylvia Plath

That ever happen to you?

“He: What’s the matter with you?
Me: Nothing.
Nothing was slowly clotting my arteries. Nothing slowly numbing my soul. Caught by nothing, saying nothing, nothingness becomes me. When I am nothing they will say surprised in the way that they are forever surprised, "but there was nothing the matter with her.” Jeanette Winterson

Next up: nothing here.

“Things die. But they don't always stay dead. Believe me, I know.” Richelle Mead

For example?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by promethean75 »

That Cunningham one almost made me cry. That was good shit.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Dr. Strangelove

Turgidson: General Ripper called Strategic Air Command headquarters shortly after he issued the go code. I have a portion of the transcript of that conversation if you’d like me to to read it.
President: Read it!
Turgidson: Ahem… The Duty Officer asked General Ripper to confirm the fact that he had issued the go code, and he said, uh, “Yes gentlemen, they are on their way in, and no one can bring them back. For the sake of our country, and our way of life, I suggest you get the rest of SAC in after them. Otherwise, we will be totally destroyed by Red retaliation. Uh, my boys will give you the best kind of start, 1400 megatons worth, and you sure as hell won’t stop them now, uhuh. Uh, so let’s get going, there’s no other choice. God willing, we will prevail, in peace and freedom from fear, and in true health, through the purity and essence of our natural… fluids. God bless you all” and he hung up. Uh, we’re, still trying to figure out the meaning of that last phrase, sir.
President: There’s nothing to figure out, General Turgidson. This man is obviously a psychotic.
Turgidson: Well, uh, I’d like to hold off judgement on a thing like that, sir, until all the facts are in.
President: General Turgidson! When you instituted the human reliability tests, you assured me there was no possibility of such a thing ever occurring!
Turgidson: Well, I, uh, don’t think it’s quite fair to condemn a whole program because of a single slip-up, sir.

The slip-up from Hell?

Turgidson: Mr. President, we are rapidly approaching a moment of truth both for ourselves as human beings and for the life of our nation. Now, truth is not always a pleasant thing. But it is necessary now to make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless distinguishable, postwar environments: one where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed.
President: You’re talking about mass murder, General, not war!
Turgidson: Mr. President, I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks.

Let's run that by the best and the brightest in Washington D.C. and in Moscow today.

Turgidson: Is that the Russian ambassador you’re talking about?
President: Yes it is, General.
Turgidson: A-A-Am I to understand the Russian ambassador is to be admitted entrance to th-the War Room?
President: That is correct, he is here on my orders.
Turgidson: I… I don’t know exactly how to put this, sir, but are you aware of what a serious breach of security that would be? I mean, he’ll see everything, he’ll…he’ll see the Big Board!

Next up: the Big Board today.

Major Kong: Survival kit contents check. In them you’ll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days’ concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings. Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.

Next up: Survival Kits today.

President: Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room.

That's what we need here.

Ambassador de Sadesky: The fools…the mad fools.
President: What’s happened?
Ambassador de Sadesky: The doomsday machine.
President:The doomsday machine? What is that?
Ambassador de Sadesky: A device which will destroy all human and animal life on earth. When it is detonated, it will produce enough lethal radioactive fallout so that within ten months, the surface of the earth will be as dead as the moon!
Turgidson: Ah, come on DeSadeski, that’s ridiculous. Our studies show that even the worst fallout is down to a safe level after two weeks.
Ambassador de Sadesky: You’ve obviously never heard of cobalt thorium G.
Turgidson: No, what about it?
Ambassador de Sadesky: Cobalt thorium G has a radioactive halflife of ninety three years. If you take, say, fifty H-bombs in the hundred megaton range and jacket them with cobalt thorium G, when they are exploded they will produce a doomsday shroud. A lethal cloud of radioactivity which will encircle the earth for ninety three years!
Turgidson: Ah, what a load of commie bull.
President: But this is absolute madness, Ambassador! Why should you build such a thing as a doomsday machine?
Ambassador de Sadesky: There were those of us who fought against it, but in the end we could not keep up with the expense involved in the arms race, the space race, and the peace race. At the same time our people grumbled for more nylons and washing machines. Our doomsday scheme cost us just a small fraction of what we had been spending on defense in a single year. The deciding factor was when we learned that your country was working along similar lines, and we were afraid of a doomsday gap.
President: This is preposterous. I’ve never approved of anything like that.
Ambassador de Sadesky: Our source was the New York Times.

A Commie rag if there ever was one.
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