Hello - Project Assistance

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Hello - Project Assistance

Post by djugroop »

Hi there.

The facts and how you may help me are below.

1) I am doing a Masters in Film & Television.
2) For one of the assignments we had to evaluate a film based on an academic argument (I selected Forrest Gump).
3) Upon doing some research for the film it brought me to an article on this site by Terri Murray - https://philosophynow.org/issues/83/Forrest_Gump
4) I had never heard the term Existentialism before and after buying a PDF from this site and the book Existentialism For Dummies I was hooked as it resonated quite clearly with me.
5) In the end I did not do the assignment on the philosophy, it turned into more of a political debate.
6) BUT: Massively intrigued I have continued to read on.
7) I have a love of bicycle travel and I have decided to make a film about my next tandem bicycle journey across Canada with the focus on using Existentialist principles to guide the discussions and debate through the trip.
8) The trip is going to be off road and we will be living wild with the bears and the cougars and the elk etc.

What I want to know is this.....
1) Does the project have legs? Will this be an interesting project?
2) Can the principles be applied to a journey like this?
3) I have quite a few ideas but what principles of existentialism do you think relate to a journey like this?

So Far:
1) I have created the website to promote the film
2) Made an initial plan for filming

I appreciate any input you may have.

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Re: Hello - Project Assistance

Post by Impenitent »

First I'd suggest Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche - it's a great introduction - (anything by Nietzsche would be good but that would take years - plus he is full of references to previous philosophers - each of which should be understood in their own right)

Then you should check out Either/Or by Kierkegaard (both books - it's massive but worth it- existential ethics)

Keep a rigorous diary on your trip (use lots of adjectives and don't be afraid to express your feelings good and bad)- think about your place and your surroundings (and your place in your surroundings)... take things as they appear, not as they are described or preconceived (I know, almost impossible) - relate and try to be relatable - be unscripted

the only existentialist principle that really matters is: it is your existence- you call the shots

I hope you get as much enjoyment from the excursion as possible...

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Re: Hello - Project Assistance

Post by djugroop »


Many thanks for your advice. With my cycling trips I have been used to doing the blog type YouTube recording of my trips, that has become very boring. With the aid of the Masters I am doing in Film and Television I really have the opportunity to tell a different type of story. I am wanting to try and make this look as professional as I can considering the limitations I have as a couple on a bike with a camera, but I think with prior planning an interesting bit of storytelling could be produced. Especially if I can get hold of some good sound recording as well.

Your advice on what to read and how to introduce that through the journey is very appreciated as that is the part of the storytelling that needs to be on point with the principles, so I will check out the suggestions. I think I will need to keep a breakdown of the principles of each philosophers on me at all times as well as carting a couple of books to reference as I make my way.

If anything else springs to mind please don’t hesitate to get in touch. When I have finished the website etc I will post a link so you can follow the project.

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