a vision of the universe....

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Peter Kropotkin
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a vision of the universe....

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

we all have a vision of the universe... and what is a human being
place in that vision.....and the question becomes about that
vision is the statements we use to describe that vision...

I have a vision of the universe.. and so, I say, man/human beings are not
bounded, fixed within the universe... human beings are the only ''animals''
that are not fixed by their nature... other animals are bounded, fixed by their
instincts and the evolutionary process that created them... a dog cannot be
anything other than a dog.. a cow cannot act outside of or differently than
what their instincts are... but a human being, we can act on our instincts, but
we can also ignore our instincts.. the fight or flight instinct in all animals,
also exists within human beings, but here is the thing... we can override that
instinct... we can make a third choice... and we quite often do make
other choices... choices that are different than our instincts...
human beings can do something no other animal in the world
can do.. we can kill ourselves, willing ourselves to death...
and no other animal on planet Earth can do that... the instinct in life,
animal, plant, sea, air, all life is to exists... if there is one maxim to
life, one instinct to rule them all, it is the will to live... to live as long
as we possible can....and we can, as human beings, overcome this
most dominant of instincts...an animal, such as a dog, might sacrifice itself
for its owner.. and this has been seen before, but to outright kill itself?
no dog has ever done that...the will to life is too strong.. no animal
cannot overcome this ''will to life'' this instinct....

except for human beings, thus showing us that we can overcome our instincts,
and act outside of or beyond our instincts...

So, part of my vision of life is that we can overcome our instincts...
we are not bound to our instincts like other animals...we have something
that no other animal has, which is choices.... we can make choices outside
of our instincts...
and because of our choices, there is no such thing as inevitability
in our lives... we are doomed to die is one such inevitability in our
lives... but as Hume pointed out, we can't actually know that...
just like we can't know if the sun is going to rise tomorrow,
we can't know if we are going to die.... we can assume it,
but that is all we can do.... assume it...

we are not locked into any sort of actions, behaviors or
conduct or convention.... the only thing we have that connects us,
is our needs... and as biological beings, we are forced into having
needs... but even here, we can overcome it... we can reject the need
for education, and for health care and even for shelter... I have been
homeless and I am aware that even the need for shelter can be overcome...
there are but three biological needs that we cannot overcome...
the need for food, the need for water and the need for sleep...
without these three needs, we die....and yet even here, we can
deny these three needs.. we have hunger strikes, and we can
avoid drinking water and the one that really creates difficulty
is the need for sleep... we die after three days without water
and we can last 33 days or so without food, but without sleep,
we can last roughly 10 days...and in those ten days without sleep,
we can develop severe mental and physical issues....
to the point of incapacitation.....so in many ways, our need for sleep is
the one we as human beings cannot avoid...

so, in my vision of the universe, we have needs that must be meet,
and the point of existence is to meet those needs as best we can...
so, all the ism's and ideologies of the universe is just a way of meeting our needs....
so, the isms of democracy and communism and Catholicism
are just means to reach our needs... and not just our biologically
needs but our emotional and psychological needs too....

we need love as much as we need food and water, we need to be safe,
as much as we need to have sleep... and we need to be esteemed and wanted
as we need to be educated....our psychological needs are as necessary as
our physical needs...

so, my vision of the universe is that we must meet our needs, both
our biological and our psychological needs and what path can we take
that will allow us to meet those vital needs?

this is a very strong argument for democracy as being our political system.....
not a monarchy or dictatorship, but a full fledge democracy.......
and within an economic system, we would think that capitalism is our
economic system of choice, but therein lies the problem...
today, capitalism isn't about choice, where only 6 companies
own 95% of all media and 6 companies own 95% of all cereals...
and 7 companies own 95% of all cars sold today......but then again,
I hold that capitalism is not about choice, but about gaining
the trinkets of existence... where the choices in capitalism are
about money, power, material possessions, titles, and status...
and status is about ego, as is money and material possessions and titles...

so, in my vision of the universe, we leave our egos behind and deal with
the reality of the universe without ego...so without ego, how do we see
the universe? we no longer put humans before other life... human first is
the motto of the modern society/state... but the truth is that we are not
above or underneath animals, we are equal cousins....
and animals have the same right to existence as we do...

that in my vision of the universe is that we hold to one distinct concept,
that one concept is equality...which is essentially
justice... for that is what justice is, the treatment of all persons
before the law equally...

but equality for me is not just about political or legal equality, but also
about economic equality... but some might say, if we allow economic
equality, as we do political or judicial equality, then people might
want to give up... and so? people are giving up today because they
cannot ever achieve any sort of economic or political
or legal justice... why play a game that is rigged against you?
there is no point... and so, for many millions of people, they
have simply given up, they stay home and are quite apathic to
the goings on in our world... because why bother? it won't change
the fact that I can't change or improve my lot in life.. if the
political system and the judicial system and the economic systems
are against me, why should I bother? Indeed, why should we bother?

So, my vision of the universe is that we must give people a chance,
a possibility of improving their lives, of having a chance to make
a difference in their lives..... we allow people the chance to invest
in their world... as of right now, we don't have an investment in
what happens in the world... for actions are taking place outside of
our reach and we have no say or voice in what happens in the world...
we have no investment to act, or any reason to engage in the goings
on in the world... it won't benefit us... in any way, shape, or form.....

and in my vision, that changes... we not only invest in people, but
we allow people to invest in the world by giving them choices, a voice
and the possibility to act in their benefit... not like today....

and will the world be more chaotic? yep... will there be more violence,
probably... but the chance to offer people their own choices and possibilities
is worth some violence...

in my vision, I am willing to offer people a possibility to act in their own
name and offer them the chance to make their own goals, to become who they
are, to be adults.. instead of telling people what they think or believe in,
or who to vote for.... we risk it by allowing them to be adults.....
will it collapse? possibly.... but that is the risk of being an adult..
the path to the future is paved with as much failure as it is with success...
we can't be so afraid of failure that we never try to be adults..
and live and die by our own choices..... failure is a painful lesson,
but we learn far more from failure than we do from success...
and it isn't from success that defines us as human beings, it is
from failing and then dusting ourselves and trying again, and again,
and again...we are defined as human beings by our failures not
our success... So, in my vision of the universe we aren't afraid to fail...
behind every great person lies dozens of failures.. the trick is to
learn from our failures, not to be ashamed or fearful of failing,
but be willing to fail.. if we can learn more about the goal or point
of existence and we can do that best from failing, not succeeding...

and so in my vision of the universe, we are allowed to fail...
and those who are afraid to fail, are also afraid to try something new..
and we cannot be afraid to try something new, even if we fail....

that is some of my vision of the universe....

what is your vision of the universe?

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Re: a vision of the universe....

Post by Harbal »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 6:36 pm
that is some of my vision of the universe....

what is your vision of the universe?
Basically, just lots and lots of sky. :(
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Joined: Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:59 am

Re: a vision of the universe....

Post by sheepishknow »

Just a whole lot of sky, really. scratch geometry dash
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