The Better Angels of Our Nature

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Re: The Better Angels of Our Nature

Post by VVilliam »


I came to the wall but I just couldn’t climb any further
I’ve done all I can. How far can this man really go?
Do you think I’m a fool? Do you think I am really unworthy?
A heart beats within don’t you see this is me don’t you know?
If I could run at the speed of sound
I would run for the sun ‘till my feet left the ground.
I would follow my heart and show you just what I have found.
But this angels’ still walking around.
I’m an angel still walking around.

Is your head full of birds? Have you heard anything that I’ve said to you?
Why don’t you speak to me? What do you want me to say?
Nothing comes easy – at least not for some…but we all make do.
We’ve done all we can. One day we will find the way through.
If I could run at the speed of sound
I would run for the sun ‘till my feet left the ground.
I would follow my heart and show you just what I have found.
But this angels’ still walking around.
I’m an angel still walking around.

Image 1: The Unyielding Wall
The climber facing an imposing and unyielding wall, expressing frustration.

Image 2: Exhausted Horizon
The climber, worn and fatigued, gazing into the distance where the horizon meets an insurmountable obstacle.

Image 3: Weary Reflection
The climber looking at their own reflection in a pool of water, conveying introspection.

Image 4: Limits of Human Journey
Transitioning from the reflective scene to a celestial body within a vast galaxy, symbolizing the cosmic scale of the journey.

Image 5: Questioning Self-Worth
The climber, surrounded by a subtle aura of self-doubt, expressing introspection.

Image 6: Heartbeat Revelation
A close-up of the climber's chest, emphasizing a heartbeat within.

Image 7: Embracing Identity
The climber confidently revealing their true self, with an emphasis on the heart.

Image 8: Personal Revelation
The climber reaching a moment of clarity against a backdrop of an expansive landscape.

Image 9: Chasing the Sun
The climber running towards the sun, leaving a trail of motion.

Image 10: Heart's Journey Revealed
The climber following the path of their heart, with a visual representation of the heart guiding the way.

Image 11: Elevated Flight
Transitioning from running to the climber's feet leaving the ground, symbolizing elevation and freedom.

Image 12: The Eternal Wanderer
The climber wandering among celestial bodies, symbolizing the eternal journey.

Image 13: Zoom into Reflective Pool
Zooming into the reflective pool, revealing the climber's introspective gaze.

Image 14: Zoom into the Heart
Further zooming into the climber's chest, where the heart is depicted as a radiant source.

Image 15: Running for the Heart of the Sun
The climber running towards the sun, symbolizing the pursuit of the heart's desires.

Image 16: Transformation to Flight
The climber sprouting angelic wings, symbolizing liberation and transcendence.

Image 17: Revelation to the Self
The climber looking down upon the cosmos, indicating a broader understanding of self.

Image 18: Returning to the Insurmountable
The climber, having discovered a new sense of self, returns to the base of the insurmountable wall.

Image 19: Introspective Reflection
The climber engages in a moment of introspection, viewing the person at the base of the wall from within the reflective pool.

Image 20: Introspective Touch
The climber in the pool reaches out and touches the person at the base of the wall on the forehead.

Image 21: Head Full of Birds
The person at the base of the wall with a surreal portrayal of birds flying around their head.

Image 22: Unheard Words
The person in the reflective pool reaching out to touch the person at the base of the wall, with a subtle barrier representing the challenge of being heard.

Image 23: Silence and Longing
The person at the base of the wall with an expression of longing, waiting for a response.

Image 24: Dialogue in Reflection
A mirrored dialogue where the person in the reflective pool appears to speak, while the person at the base of the wall listens attentively.

Image 25: Communion of Thoughts
The climber and the person at the base of the wall in communion, symbolized by a touch on the forehead and the release of a flock of birds.

Image 26: Birds in Flight
The flock of birds takes flight from inside the climber's head and into the external reality.

Image 27: Liberation of Thoughts
The flock of birds emerging from the climber's head, symbolizing the release of confusion and reception of understanding.

Image 28: Struggle and Perseverance
The person at the base of the wall facing challenges and obstacles.

Image 29: Making Do
The person creatively making do with resources, demonstrating resilience.

Image 30: Endurance and Determination
The climber embodying endurance and determination, persistently facing the wall.

Image 32: Unity of Self and Challenge
The climber, in a moment of transformation, morphing not only with the introspective "inner angel" but also with the insurmountable wall. This image symbolizes the unity of self with both internal aspects and external challenges.

Image 33: Angelic Transformation
The climber, after the morphing, now stands as a unified and transformed figure. The flock of birds returns, forming ethereal wings for the climber.

Image 34: Ascension
The climber is lifted by the murmuration of the flock of birds which have formed wings enabling the climber to ascend.

The climber, with newfound wings, takes flight and ascends the insurmountable wall by becoming one with it. The visual narrative concludes as the climber soars upward, representing the triumph over limitations and the journey towards self-acceptance.
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