Critical Social Theory

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Gary Childress
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Critical Social Theory

Post by Gary Childress »

It seems almost a given that when one looks at social institutions, one looks at what is wrong with them. We can see it in the way we often discuss social issues on this forum. Sometimes it seems as if social institutions can do very little right. From a psychological standpoint, an individual can become maladapted or develop mental issues if the majority of feedback they receive in life is negative. It's often seen as having an unhealthy effect on the individual. What about Critical Social Theory? Does it have unhealthy effects on society (if we may turn the tables and speak critically of it as well)?
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Walker »

With his platform for bringing back mental hospitals, Trump is looking at what is right with them ... not what is wrong with them. Trump is quite popular with "We", The People.

It's about seeing a glass half full, and not half empty.

When required, The Opposite George Practice is about consciously overriding what you think is a given and assessing the effects of the resulting actions, which include written offerings.
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Walker »

Christian Rock (It's probably not what you think)

For those who don’t care for awesome music, here’s the lyrics.


[Verse 1]
And with the early dawn moving right along
I couldn't buy an eyeful of sleep
And in the aching night under satellites
I was not received
Built with stolen parts, a telephone in my heart
Someone get me a priest
To put my mind to bed, this ringing in my head
Is this a cure or is this a disease?

Nail in my head from my creator
You gave me life, now show me how to live
Nail in my head from my creator
You gave me life, now show me how to live

[Verse 2]
And in the after birth on the quiet earth
Let the stains remind you
You thought you made a man, you better think again
Before my role defines you

Nail in my head from my creator
You gave me life, now show me how to live
Nail in my head from my creator
You gave me life, now show me how to live

[Instrumental Interlude]

And in your waiting hands, I will land
And roll out of my skin
And in your final hours, I will stand
Ready to begin
Ready to begin
Ready to begin
Ready to begin

Nail in my head from my creator
You gave me life, now show me how to live
Nail in my head from my creator
You gave me life, now show me how to live

Show me how to live
Show me how to live
Show me how to live
Show me how to live
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Immanuel Can
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Immanuel Can »

Gary Childress wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:10 am What about Critical Social Theory? Does it have unhealthy effects on society (if we may turn the tables and speak critically of it as well)?
Good heavens, yes. Critical Social Theory is one of the great plagues of the late-modern world. Of course we can speak critically of it.

But one must be careful, when one uses the word "critical," because so-called "Critical Social Theorists" have grossly propagandized the term. What they mean, when they say "critical" is not what we used to mean, when being "critical" meant, "employing logic and reasons to evaluate things." What they mean is a particular kind of limited "criticism" only...that of Neo-Marxist thought. For them, if you're not a Neo-Marxist, then you're not somebody who is "critically" aware at all. You are a drone or cog who is "alienated" from your "humanity," because you have not been "conscientized" (another of their words) into realizing your "systemic oppression."

So no matter how much criticism you're doing, you are not, according to them, being "critical," because you're not a Neo-Marxist. :shock:

it's hard to believe that's what they actually mean, but I assure you it is. As one of today's great experts on the subject, James Lindsay has said, "These people share your vocabulary, but they do not share your dictionary." In other words, they use all the same words you and I think we know, but they infuse them with their own "dog whistle" meanings. (That's another term of theirs, by the way.) So you think you're talking about things like "justice" or "equality," and they're trying to warp your conversation until you're both talking about "social justice" and "equity," but oblivious to the bait-and-switch they've pulled off. They do that stuff all the time, until it's pretty much impossible to have a coherent discussion with them -- at which point, you give up, and they win.
Gary Childress
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Gary Childress »

I don't have a full grasp of things, however, fighting all the time (regardless of who it's for or against) has pretty much drained the life out of me, I think.

In some ways, it does maybe give a person a kind of vitality and purpose (to whatever extent) to channel the 'warrior' in us, however, I wonder if there's a better, more harmonious way of approaching problems and such that might promote better health and welfare for all. I feel like a rebel without a good cause.

The art of compromise and reconciliation seems to be lost. Instead, I lean more toward extremism, adamant that I'm right and everyone else is wrong.

I also see it in Noam Chomsky's demeanor (he's been a hero of mine for a long time). But he can be outright fanatical. He seldom concedes a point to anyone in such a manner as to show any genuine feeling of human vulnerability or fallibility. It appears heroic and virtuous but perhaps it's not. Some of us who have admired him have become monsters while looking for monsters to destroy.
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Alexiev »

It's good to see that some Americans respect the Constitution. The 14th amendment states:
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
The result: the Colorado Supreme Court has determined that Donald Trump may not appear on the ballot in the next Presidential election because of his support for the insurrection on January 6, Who will garner Lauren Bobert's will vote has yet to be determined. Maybe she will be too busy having sex in a theater to bother voting.

Perhaps those conservatives that honor the U.S. Constitution will agree with the decision, but I doubt it.

In other news, Trump's ex-wife Ivana has said that The Donald used to keep a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed for light bedtime reading. Like Trump, Hitler was "popular with We the People".
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Immanuel Can
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Immanuel Can »

Gary Childress wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:19 am The art of compromise and reconciliation seems to be lost. Instead, I lean more toward extremism, adamant that I'm right and everyone else is wrong.

I also see it in Noam Chomsky's demeanor (he's been a hero of mine for a long time). But he can be outright fanatical. He seldom concedes a point to anyone in such a manner as to show any genuine feeling of human vulnerability or fallibility. It appears heroic and virtuous but perhaps it's not. Some of us who have admired him have become monsters while looking for monsters to destroy.
That's a pretty self-aware comment, Gary. Good for you.

The problem is that "critical consciousness" only deals in extreme polarities: "racist" and "anti-racist," "oppressor" and "oppressed," "right-wing" and "left-wing," "fascist" and "democratic," and so on. It structures the world for us as two camps, one totally good -- so good that any hesitancy about it is treated as heretical and beaten into silence, and the other one stygian bad -- so bad that mere association with it is polluting, disgusting and evil, and makes one subhuman. In a public square structured that way, there's no dialogue or conversation: there's only "dialectical conflict," between two diametrically-opposed factions that cannot speak to each other. And that's seen as okay, to "critical consciousness," because their belief is that language is just a "game" anyway, and a ruse by which power is seized by one group or the other. Conversation is all inauthentic. Understanding is impossible between sexes, races, genders, cultures and so on, because each one of those factions has its own unique "consciousness," and cannot speak the other's language authentically anyway.

That's Chomsky's world too, in many ways. He's essentially a Neo-Marxist, but of a somewhat odd kind. And nowadays, he's certainly yesterday's man: he has not kept up with the new armies of the hateful that clash by night. He doesn't speak their language anymore, but the old-Socialist jargon of a dying generation, that of our fathers.

But there actually isn't any reason this attitude has to characterize you or me. And really, it would be bad if it did; we would be bad people, if we let somebody who just disagrees with us become an object of slander and spite. And that's really all the Critical Theory crowd has to offer -- resentment, bitterness, hatred, violence and covetousness. It's no way to live, and no worldview worth holding.
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Walker »

Alexiev wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:53 am It's good to see that some Americans respect the Constitution. The 14th amendment states:
Such naked desperation. The story is just cheap thrills for the media and minions.

Trump was never even charged with insurrection. That bears repeating. Trump was never even charged with insurrection. Why? Because it was a ridiculous charge.

So, the decision is just showboat for the media and minions to detract from Biden’s historic unpopularity, and the Colorado's mirage will likely be treated accordingly.

This is why you need to think these things through. The Left has misled you, but you seem awfully willing, although critically unable.

Have you been diagnosed with TDS?


Don't worry. The Left is attacking Trump on all fronts. Although popular with the people, the swamp is deep and wide. I think the Left is so focused on getting rid of Trump, by any means necessary, that it will be a suprise if ever makes it in.

The Swamp doesn't want him in because he will disrupt their empire. But the minions aversion to Trump is pure TDS conditioning, because the minions don't have the personal interest of the swamp rats.
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Impenitent »

and the democrats think it ends with Trump...

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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Walker »

Impenitent wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:54 am and the democrats think it ends with Trump...

They fear the smoting and are desperate to have one of the hundred or so spaghetti indictments stick to the felony wall before the election. They under estimated Trump the first time. This time they’re ready.

Biden's crimes are high and impeachment is the way to go after a sitting president, but there probably won't be a robust impeachment, if any at all, robut being a word of the politicians that for some unexplained reason makes me think of roasted brussels sprouts, which is neither here but could be there.

The Left has set the precedent that ex-presidents can be criminally charged. Now, they fear retribution rained upon future Democrat ex-presidents. No need to worry. The Legislature will never have a more air-tight case than now, however impeachment of Biden is nothing but talk. The Republicans want luxury seats on the boat, they don't want to rock it, they want go along with the Left.

There will not likely be a riper candidate for prosecution than the worst US President in the history of the universe, so if this one doesn't qualify, no Democrat president ever will be impeached. However, given how voting laws have changed, all changes designed for eliminating fraud protections, there's a good chance that The Uniparty has now been achieved. From now on only pomp and circumstance to pretend that there are two political parties in the good ol' USA, and the pomp is the big pretense that there is a contest.
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Alexiev »

Walker wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:58 am

There will not likely be a riper candidate for prosecution than the worst US President in the history of the universe....
I'm glad we finally agree, Walker. The Donald was both the worst president, and the one "ripest" for prosecution, as the number of cases against him clearly demonstrates.. I knew you'd see the light eventually.
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Walker »

Alexiev wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:50 am
Walker wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:58 am

There will not likely be a riper candidate for prosecution than the worst US President in the history of the universe....
I'm glad we finally agree, Walker. The Donald was both the worst president, and the one "ripest" for prosecution, as the number of cases against him clearly demonstrates.. I knew you'd see the light eventually.
You got everything else wrong. It's not surprising that you twisted this meaning also.

Trump is one of the greatest US presidents in the history of the universe.
Biden is the worst US president in the history of the universe.
That should be clear enough, and now that it is ... learn it, live it, love it.

Look at this as a good opportunity for your personal growth into objectivity, to wean yourself away from that lying propaganda they've been feeding you about Trump in order to get the boogy-man of world properly mis-identified and slotted into the taxonomy, to distract you from the Left's evil, constitution-hating machinations.

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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Walker »

Gary Childress wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:10 am It seems almost a given that when one looks at social institutions, one looks at what is wrong with them. We can see it in the way we often discuss social issues on this forum. Sometimes it seems as if social institutions can do very little right. From a psychological standpoint, an individual can become maladapted or develop mental issues if the majority of feedback they receive in life is negative. It's often seen as having an unhealthy effect on the individual. What about Critical Social Theory? Does it have unhealthy effects on society (if we may turn the tables and speak critically of it as well)?
- Problems are not caused by the social institutions in the USA.
- Problems are caused by corruption of the social institutions.
- The Left's Marxist ideologies that corrupted the institutions, now claim the authority to make things right.

- Obviously, any rights to that illicitly claimed mandate are bogus.

- Obama = Bo.
- Biden = Gus

(hee hee hee)
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Walker »

Even some Democrats are horrified at what The Party is doing, but admittedly, this next Democrat isn’t in lock goose-step with the misinformed minions, which probably makes him an object of hatred in The UniParty.

Bobby Kennedy Jr., Democrat, made these points, hat-tip Blaze Media:

- "Every American should be troubled by the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to remove President Trump from the ballot." Kennedy tweeted.
- "The court has deprived him of a consequential right without having been convicted of a crime. This was done without an evidentiary hearing in which he is given the basic right of confronting his accusers," he wrote.
- "It's time to trust the voters. It is up to the people to decide who the best candidate is. Not the courts. The people. That's Democracy 101," he noted.

Comment: Every American should be troubled, but quite a few are tickled pink at the attack upon America, because with doublethink they've been taught that hating America is exercising the freedom of speech recognized by the constitution, therefore by hating America they are loving the principles of America ... thereby making the fantastic leap of logic that the purpose of the constitution is to hate and destroy the constitution.

I know, screwy, but that's The Left for ya.
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Re: Critical Social Theory

Post by Alexiev »

Walker wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:26 pm Even some Democrats are horrified at what The Party is doing, but admittedly, this next Democrat isn’t in lock goose-step with the misinformed minions, which probably makes him an object of hatred in The UniParty.

Bobby Kennedy Jr., Democrat, made these points, hat-tip Blaze Media:

- "Every American should be troubled by the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to remove President Trump from the ballot." Kennedy tweeted.
- "The court has deprived him of a consequential right without having been convicted of a crime. This was done without an evidentiary hearing in which he is given the basic right of confronting his accusers," he wrote.
- "It's time to trust the voters. It is up to the people to decide who the best candidate is. Not the courts. The people. That's Democracy 101," he noted.

Comment: Every American should be troubled, but quite a few are tickled pink at the attack upon America, because with doublethink they've been taught that hating America is exercising the freedom of speech recognized by the constitution, therefore by hating America they are loving the principles of America ... thereby making the fantastic leap of logic that the purpose of the constitution is to hate and destroy the constitution.

I know, screwy, but that's The Left for ya.
The "attack upon America" occurred on January 6, 2021. Everyone involved should be barred from holding office in this country. The Confederate politicians whom the 14th Amendment was designed to ban from holding office hadn't been convicted of crimes -- just like Trump. The amendment was designed to prohibit seditious, unAmerican traitors -- like Trump -- from holding office and is being properly employed by the state of Coloorado.

I can see why Walker likes Trump, though. They are both trolls.
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