Iwannaplato wrote: ↑Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:40 pm
Age wrote: ↑Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:05 am
At least 'you' here ADMIT that 'you' could NOT COUNTER NOR REFUTE what and when I have POINTED OUT your INCONSISTENCIES, et cetera here.
No, he precisely did not do that. He did not admit that. He said he couldn't be bothered to. IOW he had no interest. That doesn't no mean he lacked the ability, that he could not do it.
THANK 'YOU' for 'this' "iwannaplato". 'you' ARE PROVING, ABSOLUTELY and IRREFUTABLY, just how Truly SIGNIFICANT MY CLAIM that, 'Absolutely EVERY 'thing' is relative, to the observer'', REALLY IS.
What 'we' can CLEARLY SEE here is HOW DIFFERENT 'ones', can SEE VERY DIFFERENT 'things'.
What I SAW was VERY DIFFERENT to what 'you' SAW, and SEE.
Now, AFTER RE-READING AGAIN, a few times, I SEE what 'you' SEE and SAW, here.
Now that 'this' has been SHOWN TO 'me' FOR what was, maybe, Truly MEANT, then, if "attofishpi" would now like TO CLAIM that 'it' COULD COUNTER and/or REFUTE what was being talk ABOUT, then just SAYING and CLAIMING that 'it' could NOT BE BOTHERED, is in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY True NOR Correct, and COULD BE just ANOTHER EXCUSE TO just ATTEMPT TO RUN AWAY and TO 'TRY' and HIDE for 'its' True and REAL LACK OF ABILITY TO COUNTER and/or REFUTE.
Iwannaplato wrote: ↑Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:40 pm
ALSO, it would NOT matter ONE IOTA if I added, 'be BOTHER to'. 'you' ALREADY ADMITTED that 'you' 'could NOT' anyway.
Did you not understand? He meant that THEN, with the addition, it would be correct. Without the addition it was not.
WHY did 'you' ASSUME otherwise and/or NOT WAIT FOR my REPLY, FIRST?
I TOOK the words 'could NOT', which "attofishpi" SAID and CLAIMED, 'were right', IN RELATION TO what I was SAYING and CLAIMING. Whereas, now WITH the HELP FROM 'you' I WAS ABLE TO SEE, MORE CLEARLY, that "attofishpi" was, apparently, REFERRING TO the two words ONLY, in relation to 'themselves' ALONE. Which, if true, MAKES 'my reading' here VERY CLUMSILY and a VERY HUGE MISTAKE. And, it is ONLY FROM the HELP of 'you' CLARIFYING 'things', which MAKES the ACTUAL Truth of 'things' COME-TO-LIGHT and be REVEALED MORE EASIER and SIMPLER FOR "others".
Iwannaplato wrote: ↑Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:40 pm
BUT NO one is MORE 'intelligent' than "another one", IS. WHY would 'you' ASSUME or THINK such 'a thing'?
He didn't. That was irony. How can you possibly know what humans need when you can't understand rather blunt irony/sarcasm.
One of the VERY REASONS WHY 'you', human beings, do NOT YET KNOW, in the days when this was being written anyway, WHAT 'you', human beings, NEED, in Life, IS BECAUSE of 'your' sarcastic and ironic language and USE of words.
Now, what can be CLEARLY SEEN here IS that INSTEAD OF REFUTING or COUNTERING what is CLAIMED COULD BE, 'that one' just CLAIMED that 'it' COULD, BUT, USES THE EXCUSE, 'I just could not be bothered to'. AND THEN went on with the MOST RIDICULOUS OF sarcastic or ironic CLAIMS, which I Corrected by the way, to 'TRY TO' DEFLECT FROM the ACTUAL Truth, which IS; ACTUALLY the REAL REASON 'that one' does NOT COUNTER NOR REFUTE what I SAID IS BECAUSE 'it' COULD NOT, and NOT BECAUSE 'it' just could not be bothered to, AT ALL.
Also, WHY are 'you' PRESUMING that I did NOT UNDERSTAND the rather blunt irony nor sarcasm there?
Am I NOT ALLOWED TO WRITE, and RESPOND, DISREGARDING what was/is BLATANT irony or sarcasm, and JUST Correct the ACTUAL Wrongness and Incorrectness that was being SAID and WRITTEN?
Furthermore, was that 'that one' was IMPLYING that some are MORE INTELLIGENT than "other's" ARE, ALSO 'sarcasm' and/or 'irony', or was 'that' what was ACTUALLY BEING MEANT?
'your' HELP in CLARIFYING 'things' here would be MUCH APPRECIATED, as ALWAYS.
Iwannaplato wrote: ↑Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:40 pm
1. It does NOT matter HOW MANY TIMES I INFORM SOME of 'these people', BACK THEN, that I do NOT USE some 'caps lock key', 'they' STILL PERSIST WITH the BELIEF, and the CLAIM, that I DO. Which JUST FURTHER PROVES True what I SAY and CLAIM in regards to HOW the BELIEF-system, through and with 'the brain' STOPPED and PREVENTED 'people' FROM FINDING OUT and LEARNING what the ACTUAL Truth IS, EXACTLY, MUCH EARLIER.
2. What 'this one' has WRITTEN and LINKED here, in regards TO what 'these people', BACK THEN, THOUGHT or BELIEVED was 'Intelligence' SHOWS and PROVES just how FAR BEHIND 'they' WERE, BACK in those days, or times.
It is like 'this one' is 'arguing': 'we' ALL SAY and CLAIM that 'intelligence' is 'this', and/or that we ALL SAY and CLAIM that 'the sun revolves around the earth', SO what 'we' SAY and CLAIM here, MUST BE TRUE. AND, TO PROVE what 'we' SAY and CLAIM IS TRUE 'you' ONLY need to LOOK AT 'our writings'.
Instead of asking clarifications about his tone or what he meant with his 'suggestion', you ran along with all your assumptions and completely misunderstood what he meant.
BUT THANKS TO 'your' HELP "iwannaplato" I WAS and AM ABLE TO SEE-THE-LIGHT, as some might say.
Iwannaplato wrote: ↑Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:40 pm
You fit right in with your own assessment of what people are like in the time this was written. Welcome to humanity.
AND, IF 'you' STOPPED 'running along with all your OWN assumptions', ALSO then 'you', TOO, would NOT be, completely, MISUNDERSTANDING what I have MEANT here, (and in other places), AS WELL.