solving racism

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Re: solving racism

Post by LuckyR »

attofishpi wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:45 pm
LuckyR wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:35 pm
attofishpi wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:24 pm

You first...really where? (and note I am talking mainly with regards to the establishment - in particular police)
Okkaaayyyy... You make the red statement then suddenly are shy on backing it up?

Now it seems you're backing off on the country and speaking of the "establishment" (whatever that is). Just so you know, "America" doesn't have a police force (the police are run by cities). There are federal Marshals but I have heard no particular complaints of racism about them.
Run by cities or not - cities have a police force!

Put the context back in..
I feel America is particularly racist within the realms of the establishment, such as the police and their protocols

..and explain part of my key point - that on a police arrest form, for RACE, they fill out "BLACK" - does this mean Indians, Pakistanis, Africans, etc, etc...

Chinese? what would they write? Go on tell us, is their race "YELLOW' perchance?
Where to start?

1) "America" doesn't run the police forces, so at best your comment should be: "some American cities..."

2) If your definition of "racist" rests on the design of police forms, it is my opinion that that is not a common (nor logical) definition, though I acknowledge you are free to use city police forms to label countries as racist. Your call.

3) Even using your unusual criteria, when asked, you provide no context for evaluating American city police paperwork by contrasting other country's paperwork. So even under your odd definition, there is no data to call out US paperwork as substantively worse than average.
Last edited by LuckyR on Mon Dec 04, 2023 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: solving racism

Post by attofishpi »

LuckyR wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:25 am
attofishpi wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:45 pm
LuckyR wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:35 pm

Okkaaayyyy... You make the red statement then suddenly are shy on backing it up?

Now it seems you're backing off on the country and speaking of the "establishment" (whatever that is). Just so you know, "America" doesn't have a police force (the police are run by cities). There are federal Marshals but I have heard no particular complaints of racism about them.
Run by cities or not - cities have a police force!

Put the context back in..
I feel America is particularly racist within the realms of the establishment, such as the police and their protocols

..and explain part of my key point - that on a police arrest form, for RACE, they fill out "BLACK" - does this mean Indians, Pakistanis, Africans, etc, etc...

Chinese? what would they write? Go on tell us, is their race "YELLOW' perchance?
Where to start?

1) "America" doesn't run the police forces, so at best your comment should be: "some American cities..."

2) If your definition of "racist" rests on the design of police forms, it is my opinion that that is not common (nor logical) definition, though I acknowledge you are free to use city police forms to label countries as racist. Your call.

3) Even using your unusual criteria, when asked, you provide no context for evaluating American city police paperwork by contrasting other country's paperwork. So even under your odd definition, there is no data to call out US paperwork as substantively worse than average.
Well, I've got more interesting things to do than give a shit about this thread atm, like ironing my socks.
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Re: are you a racialist

Post by JavierEscuella92 »

Advocate wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:47 pm What if you think race matters but not in a particular good or bad way, what does that make you?
If you believe that race matters, but not in a strictly positive or negative way, you may be aligning with the perspective that recognizes the significance of race and its impact on societal dynamics without inherently assigning value judgments to specific races. This perspective often falls under the umbrella of acknowledging and understanding racial diversity, experiences, and cultural backgrounds.

Here are a few terms and concepts that people might use to describe this perspectiveYoWhatsApp 7.0 Download:

Racial Realism: This perspective recognizes the existence of racial differences and acknowledges that these differences can influence individual experiences and societal structures without necessarily ascribing superiority or inferiority to any particular race.

Cultural Pluralism: This viewpoint emphasizes the value of diverse cultures and promotes the coexistence of various cultural and racial groups, fostering mutual respect and understanding.

Race Awareness: You may simply describe yourself as someone who is aware of the significance of race and its role in shaping individual identities and societal structures.

It's essential to note that discussions around race can be nuanced, and individuals may have varying perspectives on the matter. It's always encouraged to engage in open and respectful dialogue to better understand different viewpoints and promote constructive conversations about race and diversity.
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Re: solving racism

Post by RWStanding »

It may generally be agreed that a cult of the superior race denotes a society and country of tyranny.
But it is not obvious what is the democratic or virtuous attitude to race, and that often gets confused with culture.
Race may be treated as a virtue, with preservation of global diversity very desirable. Necessitating a degree of national autonomy, while cooperating.
Race may be treated as virtually a vice, or to be ignored, with all societies and countries mixing into one identity. The outcome of that probably being that the existing large population races mainly Asian will extinguish minority racial identity.
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Re: solving racism

Post by Advocate »

Race was an arbitrary biological development due to species development in a variety of niches. As the world gets relatively smaller it is relatively less meaningful. Besides which, every individual can only be judged on their characteristics which are under their control, which cannot include race.
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Re: solving racism

Post by Advocate »

Race was an arbitrary biological development due to species development in a variety of niches. As the world gets relatively smaller it is relatively less meaningful. Besides which, every individual can only be judged on their characteristics which are under their control, which cannot include race.
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Re: solving racism

Post by promethean75 »

The truth might be a little more ironic; races, and race differences, aren't a problem becuz the circumstances under which such differences conflict and are made meaningful (culture clashing) prolly won't ever be changed enough to resolve those conflicts, so it duddint matter that these conflicts are happening.

An example is black people in ermerica. I could reduce every single 'problem with black people' that anyone might have down to the circumstances created by western capitalism, and argue that those 'problems' wouldn't exist in a marxist society. Every one of em. Without exception.

Black folks were brought to america for the wrong reasons and in the wrong circumstances. Black people are now the most significantly troubled (and troublesome) race in ermerica due to the peculiar circumstances created by capitalism. If there is anything disagreeable about black people, those disagreeable things are utterly exacerbated by capitalism (the sociological and economic conditions, specifically).

Now the irony is that if there are meaningful differences between races - say one is statistically smarter than another - in the 21rst century that intelligence difference should not be enough to result in such a yuge class and culture disparity between blacky and whitey. That is to say, if black folks is gettin in more trouble, it's not becuz they dumb, but becuz the environment is not such that dumb folks can get along without causin trouble. Exacerbate is the key word here. In the 21rst century u should be able to not have a 100 IQ and still be a positive and productive member of society. But in a class based society that functions economically by exploitation, a race that ain't the brightest is gonna have some serious problems. Again, not becuz they ain't the brightest, but becuz they in a capitalism.

U can't change what u are becuz u are what u is. But u can change the circumstances in which u is.
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Re: solving racism

Post by promethean75 »

Another version from the rock opera album Thing Fish with Ike Willis narrating (as Thing Fish).
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Equality Street

Post by Advocate »

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Re: solving racism

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 2:06 am The truth might be a little more ironic; races, and race differences, aren't a problem becuz the circumstances under which such differences conflict and are made meaningful (culture clashing) prolly won't ever be changed enough to resolve those conflicts, so it duddint matter that these conflicts are happening.

An example is black people in ermerica. I could reduce every single 'problem with black people' that anyone might have down to the circumstances created by western capitalism, and argue that those 'problems' wouldn't exist in a marxist society. Every one of em. Without exception.
You claim that you could do 'this', but yet you could not even sufficiently define 'black people', nor even a 'black person', itself. Which you would have to do before you could even begin to start with your claim here.

But as you will show, and prove True, here, you cannot sufficiently define what so-called 'black people' are, exactly.
promethean75 wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 2:06 am Black folks were brought to america for the wrong reasons and in the wrong circumstances. Black people are now the most significantly troubled (and troublesome) race in ermerica due to the peculiar circumstances created by capitalism. If there is anything disagreeable about black people, those disagreeable things are utterly exacerbated by capitalism (the sociological and economic conditions, specifically).

Now the irony is that if there are meaningful differences between races - say one is statistically smarter than another - in the 21rst century that intelligence difference should not be enough to result in such a yuge class and culture disparity between blacky and whitey. That is to say, if black folks is gettin in more trouble, it's not becuz they dumb, but becuz the environment is not such that dumb folks can get along without causin trouble. Exacerbate is the key word here. In the 21rst century u should be able to not have a 100 IQ and still be a positive and productive member of society. But in a class based society that functions economically by exploitation, a race that ain't the brightest is gonna have some serious problems. Again, not becuz they ain't the brightest, but becuz they in a capitalism.

U can't change what u are becuz u are what u is. But u can change the circumstances in which u is.
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Re: solving racism

Post by Age »

If one separates groups of people into different classes, then that one can be defined as a "classiest", just like if one separates groups of people can be defined as a "separatist". Which is exactly what can be done with those that separate groups of people by class, they could be defined as "racists".

Now, considering the irrefutable Fact that all of you adult human beings here separate groups of human beings into different 'races', then this could make absolutely every one a "racist", which absolutely none of you could refute. However, for those who instinctively know that to do this is Wrong, then those ones of you will not associate "yourself" as being a "racist", itself. Although you will continue doing, exactly, what the term and phrase "racist" actually means, and/or is referring to, exactly.

So, all of you adult human beings here, when this is being written, are "racists", even if you do not want to recognize nor want to actually admit this.
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Re: solving racism

Post by promethean75 »

The assbackwardness of multiracial coexistence in society: people of different races with different cultures and customs and habits and interests demand of others that they be considered 'equal' where it is entirely impossible to do so, but do not demand to be counted as equal where it is entirely possible to do so; in their right to receive the full value of their labor and to have full democratic control of the means and modes of production that they participate in.

The irony: the only way that people can be considered 'equal', can actually be 'equal' in any meaningful way, has never and may never exist. Yet everyone is demanding 'equality' where it isn't possible or even desired.

Take that rapper dude in advocate's video up there. I have so so very little in common with that dude that we might as well be two different species. Nothing he'd say would ever interest me. Nothing he'd do would ever interest me. His musical tastes are shit in my opinion. I would consider him superficial, obnoxious, ignorant (of many things). I would never have him over for dinner. I don't want to hear his life story. In short, if he fell over dead it would mean nothing to me. We are, in any of the most relevant and important ways, entirely 'unequal'.

Seriously think about what all the hype is about when people demand this 'equality'. What does it mean? What do they want? They don't even know. U don't even know. It's become a catch phrase that people absentmindedly shout at everyone else.

The only kind of 'equality' possible is the equality created by a marxist system. Moreover, that is the only kind of 'equality' that should be desired by anyone with any sense.

No, i don't want to be thought of as your 'equal' becuz i absolutely am not in any of the ways u think are relevant.

But where does this ambiguous idea of 'equality' come from? It had its origins in religion. 'Equality' meant: there is something greater than us all (god), and relative to that, we are all 'equally' inferior, on equal footing, etc.

The idea had its origins in a) a slave revolt in morality (see N's GOM), and b) the propagation of the 'god' lie to subjugate the lower classes to the ruling classes.
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Re: solving racism

Post by promethean75 »

The capitalism/consumersism ideological superstructure (Big Swifty and Associates; see link) that is building momentum across the globe is gonna make u all 'equal' in ways that u ought not be (as mindless commodified trend mongering wage slaves), and prevent u from being 'equal' in ways that u should be (as governing democratic participants in economy). You'll see. Think I'm playin? Keep watchin.
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Re: solving racism

Post by Sculptor »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:30 pm
Advocate wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 6:41 pm You trust that racist people around you to have your best interest in mind.

Each of these can be addressed in a certain epistemological way.
What is the epistemological demonstration that racists who view you as a member of their own team and worthy therefore of respect and protection denied to others don't have your best interest in mind - at least in so far as they understand your interests, which is what is in their mind?

I can't immediately see a non circular option there given that the overall stated objective is to show that racism is wrong, so we can't just use racism being wrong as part of this bit.
It would seem that racism is a primitive response to think of "others" with suspicion. To the weak minded, that would mean that people who look similar to you, are likely to be like you, and that you can trust them as they would think the same things as you , including being racist themselves. Two racists that look the same are going to find common ground against others who do not look like them.

When a black person tells another back person they are "a coconut" this occurs when they find another person like themselves acting, not like a black, but like a white (white on the inside, black in the outside). This is an indication that the black person making the claim is racist. It is a sort of cognitive dissonance whereby the expectation of similarity is thwarted and the reaction is an insult. The insulting stance re-inforces the racism, rather than undermines it as it should. It's the black equivalent to the white chant "N*ggorLover". The small mind is not capable of seeing that a black and white person can be friends, so they react to re-inforce their prejudice.

In exactly the same way when a white person defends a black or points out some racism in society and are called "WOKE", that too is an indication that the caller is a racist. And when you appoint a government minister whose duty it is to fight a war on "Woke" that means the entire government is essentially racist, except that the lines are blurred now.

Prejudice and villification are colour blind. In the UK we have a core of brown people (Sunak, Bravermann, Patel) directing the hate against "woke" as they know that division and ramping up the hate is likley to improve theit electoral chances. Haing lotted the economy for their mates they now seek to find other issues to dominate the political agenda and hate is what they have chosen. The morons' natural tendancy to racism is now being directed at sexual orientation, and immigration.

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Re: solving racism

Post by Sculptor »

promethean75 wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:37 pm The assbackwardness of multiracial coexistence in society: people of different races with different cultures and customs and habits and interests demand of others that they be considered 'equal' where it is entirely impossible to do so, but do not demand to be counted as equal where it is entirely possible to do so; in their right to receive the full value of their labor and to have full democratic control of the means and modes of production that they participate in.
This is just a reworking of a misconceived understanding of two completely distinct meanings of "Equality".

It does not matter and should not matter that people are different. You are definitley not the same as me, and I would not want to be you or like you. I do not care what your age, race, gender is. And neither does it matter. It does not matter who your ancestors are nor that you have different ones to me. Because unless we are twins, we definitley are different.

Yet we CAN be considered equal. And it is only because you are confusing the meaning of the word in the context of political discussions.
This is an age old trick of the racist politicians, that seek to divide and rule, for people to avert the gaze from their corruptions.
EQUAL means equality under the law, with an aspiriation of equality of opportunity.

It is not a plea that we all have to be the same.
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