The Democrat Party Hates America

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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Walker »

Sculptor wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:17 am I am so sorry that you are so badly served by your news media.
-That's all in the news.

- Your piss stream is as weak as your attention that's so easily misdirected. With great compassion we pity your ignorance and gullibility, and your pathetic attempts to hang others with their own petard of decency.

- The situation is not about free thought. The situation is not about banning books.

- The situation is about legally freeing teachers up so they can graphically talk to children and adolescents about sex, with illustrations of sexual organs.

- That is what the Left is fighting for but will not admit, at least for now. The rest of it is directing attention away from the grooming and state ownership of children by means of overruling the parents. It's about cheapo thrills for teachers who want to take advantage of their golden opportunity to explore this suddenly legal activity that would have gotten them arrested a couple of decades ago.

- Sex abuse by teachers happens in far greater numbers than by priests, although priests have much more power over, and trust from, their abused.

- The Evidence: The teacher unions' activist push for sex books aimed at children, plus the horribly poor results of competency tests administered to school children, indicates that teachers via their unions have lost their purpose and meaning in the lives of the little children, at least compared to the days of yore when children learned more than confusion about sex.

- Here’s the thing. Both idiots and smarties can see this, so what’s the deal? The deal is, The Democrat Party Hates America, as evidenced by what the Democrat-controlled teachers’ unions are teaching, and what they are not teaching.

- Python strikes again.
Meaning of Life – Sex Education.

Warning: This clip is banned from children's eyes and ears. You must sign into Youtube as an adult to watch it. Hilarious for adults and I would wager, disturbing for the little children.
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Walker »


The point being: the legality of community standards.
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Sculptor »

Walker wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:44 pm Meaning of Life – Sex Education.

Warning: This clip is banned from children's eyes and ears. You must sign into Youtube as an adult to watch it. Hilarious for adults and I would wager, disturbing for the little children.
Wrong again.
It is only banned in America by the religious RIGHT..
Ask your pal Immanuel Can't get it up.

This is on mainstream TV in the UK.
So is the Life of Brian.
English people understand irony
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by commonsense »

Walker wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:52 pm (continued)

The point being: the legality of community standards.
Your words are endearing to Republicans, who are registered sex offenders.
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Walker »

Obviously, just because The Democrat Party is the party of secularism, as everyone knows, this does not negate The Worship Gene.

Secularism merely replaces God with The Party.

The Party rather than God is worshiped. The Party first, then country, then family.

The Party directly exercises power through government, and indirectly through societal institutions such as law and education, and now with advancements in technology, through messaging-control via censorship and omission.

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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Immanuel Can »

Walker wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:36 pm Obviously, just because The Democrat Party is the party of secularism, as everyone knows, this does not negate The Worship Gene.

Secularism merely replaces God with The Party.

The Party rather than God is worshiped. The Party first, then country, then family.

The Party directly exercises power through government, and indirectly through societal institutions such as law and education, and now with advancements in technology, through messaging-control via censorship and omission.

That's exactly right.

Secularism tells the story this way: "If it's to be, it's up to me." There's no God, no authority higher, no purpose for which we're destined, no ultimate meaning to things, and no future beyond the grave. So if I'm a person of goodwill, and I want to see the world become a better place, it's up to me to make it that way.

But I have a problem: I'm only me. :shock: I'm small. I'm weak. I'm mortal. I'm limited. I have only so many resources, so many ideas, and so much power -- not much, really. So if I want the world to become a better place, what can I do?

There's only one option left: the Left.I have to become a collectivist, and hope that what I am insufficient to do will be done by mobilizing the masses to my cause. If enough people get on the project, maybe things will get better.

But I still have a problem: I'm not a charismatic leader, or anybody with the authority to make the kinds of changes I feel are needed. And the masses will not follow me. So now, what can I do?

Answer: I can call on big government 🇨🇳 to do the mobilizing of the masses for me, and on the masses to achieve my utopia. So I must delegate all my power and support to big government. In other words, I must become an enthusiastic supporter of government tyranny, or even of totalitarianism. For only then will the masses be mobilized, and only then will I get the "reforms" for which I long, before I die out and death closes off all my hopes.

This is the inevitable fate of those who aspire to better humanity, but who reject God. So the Democrats talk about social justice, fairness, openness, equity, etc., but are viscerally committed to whatever form of government they conceive as delivering that to them. And in the end, that's totalitarianism. It's man trying to control his own future, in defiance of God. He ends up enslaved to other men.
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Immanuel Can »

commonsense wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:30 pm
Walker wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:52 pm (continued)

The point being: the legality of community standards.
Your words are endearing to Republicans, who are registered sex offenders.
You mean as opposed to the unregistered ones, like Clinton, Biden, Swallwell and so on? :lol:
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Walker »

Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:03 pm There's only one option left: the Left.I have to become a collectivist, and hope that what I am insufficient to do will be done by mobilizing the masses to my cause. If enough people get on the project, maybe things will get better.

But I still have a problem: I'm not a charismatic leader, or anybody with the authority to make the kinds of changes I feel are needed. And the masses will not follow me. So now, what can I do?
Quite a few fade into the anonymous bureaucracy.

These clips that single some out of the herd are more entertaining than Hollywood.

'You're A Senior Member Of Homeland Security, Are You Not?': Kennedy Stumps Top Biden Officials
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Immanuel Can »

Walker wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:02 pm
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:03 pm There's only one option left: the Left.I have to become a collectivist, and hope that what I am insufficient to do will be done by mobilizing the masses to my cause. If enough people get on the project, maybe things will get better.

But I still have a problem: I'm not a charismatic leader, or anybody with the authority to make the kinds of changes I feel are needed. And the masses will not follow me. So now, what can I do?
Quite a few fade into the anonymous bureaucracy.
Right. Bureaucracy is a real problem. I've been thinking about that.

Here's the way it works.

People call on Big Government to deliver them from the stresses, dangers and trials of life. Big Govenrment is only too happy to pretend to do so, because that increases its power on multiple fronts: not only does it become more important and influential, it can now justify raising taxation even further, since it's become responsible for additional things.

Big Government takes the tax money, and uses it to create layers of bureaucracy between itself and the problem. It establishes a new "department of X", and along with it, a "subdepartment of enforcement of X." All the functionaries in this bureaucracy must now be paid, given benefits, health insurance, a company car, and office, a staff, equipment....etc. And all this will come out of the tax money the ordinary Joe has to pony up to Big Government. So by the time Joe gets any benefit, it's a tiny trickle of what he's had to pay, mediated by a cumbersome and unresponsive bureaucracy which, like the top Big Government, has no market discipline involved in its activities, and no incentive to be frugal or responsible with public money.

The bottom line is that Joe loses badly. And all his rising tax dollars, alleged to be to solve his stress, danger or trial, are actually siphoned off by the parasites in the middle layer...whatever has not already been spent on lear jets and free alcohol by the Big Government bigwigs.

The solution: small government. Only the essentials. And minimum taxation: only the essentials for public works. No mandate-creep for Big Government. Checks and balances, with accountability.
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Walker »

Sculptor wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:37 pm
Walker wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:44 pm Meaning of Life – Sex Education.

Warning: This clip is banned from children's eyes and ears. You must sign into Youtube as an adult to watch it. Hilarious for adults and I would wager, disturbing for the little children.
Wrong again.
It is only banned in America by the religious RIGHT..
Youtube is the religious RIGHT?
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Sculptor »

Walker wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:11 pm
Sculptor wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:37 pm
Walker wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:44 pm Meaning of Life – Sex Education.

Warning: This clip is banned from children's eyes and ears. You must sign into Youtube as an adult to watch it. Hilarious for adults and I would wager, disturbing for the little children.
Wrong again.
It is only banned in America by the religious RIGHT..
Youtube is the religious RIGHT?
Youtube has not banned it dick
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Walker »

Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble but in the long run that gets shorter every day it’s good to lay off the bubbles.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. These clips are more entertaining than Hollywood.

The first few minutes of this one is a read-aloud session from childrens’ books. Remember when you were a little shaver and teacher would read aloud to the class? I don’t recall teacher reading anything like these books that the Democrats Who Hate America want all the little children to read.

Of course, being a Democrat isn't required to hate America, although hatred is a strong commonality that shares particular views of the world, such as an affinity for totalitarianism rather than the rationality inspired by The Enlightenment.

Wouldn’t these books make a nice Christmas gift to encourage literacy and education of diverse world views? (sarcasm)
Would reading the passages aloud, Christmas morning, be a successful Leftist corruption?

It's the Leftist evolution of Dick and Jane, or rather, Dick and Dick.

SHOCKING MOMENT: John Kennedy Reads Graphic Quotes From Childrens' Books At Senate Hearing
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Walker »

We Are Well Beyond Hypocrisy
- Victor Davis Hanson ... hypocrisy/

“The abject narcissism of the insular Left is startling. They apparently believe the American public is amnesiac enough to forget what leftists once did, now that they’re doing the utter opposite. And they assume we are to discount their hypocrisy and self-absorption simply because they self-identify as erudite and moral and assume their opponents are irredeemable and deplorable.


“The Left is saturating the airwaves with outrage over the current House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry. They allege that formally investigating Joe Biden’s role in the family grifting operation is somehow a poor constitutional precedent, if not out-of-bounds entirely.

“So we hear further arguments that it will be unwise to impeach a first-term president when he loses his House majority, that there is no reason to “waste” congressional time and effort when Biden will be automatically acquitted in the Democratically controlled Senate, and that the impeachment is cynically timed to synchronize with president’s reelection efforts.

“All of these are the precise arguments many of us cited when Donald Trump was impeached in December 2019 (as his reelection campaign began, and immediately after being cleared of the 22-month, $40-million-special-counsel Russian-collusion hoax).”
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by mickthinks »

Wow! Victor Davis Hanson is brazenly dishonest, isn’t he?
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Re: The Democrat Party Hates America

Post by Walker »

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