I know God

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Gary Childress
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I know God

Post by Gary Childress »

I've lived in this world and it's often a dead end with no suitable direction as an alternative. Maybe, I'll try to go vegan, though I'm not fond of many vegetables other than potatoes cut in strips and fried in animal fat. Or I can simply continue with eating what is enjoyable and subject other living beings to fear and pain. I'll try dating. Unfortunately, I'm a mess and no one wants to be with a mess and therefore I'm avoided like a leper, which drives me equally insane. Of course, if I were them, I wouldn't want to be with me either. Maybe I can try therapy with someone who will tell me that all I have to do is "think positive" and that alone will bring happiness. Sure, I think negative, therefore it's my fault I feel the way I do. I guess blaming the victim for his own problems works for everyone except the one experiencing the problems.

I've lived in this world. I don't know God in any other way than what I see and experience in this world. However, perhaps the God botherers are right. If I immerse myself in cloudcoockooland and fantasize about eternal heaven coming to me after I am likely to painfully die, then I'll live in bliss. Oh wait, I'm bitter toward God and don't believe Jesus = God. Guess I'll be going to Hell to top this life off.

Or, instead of fantasizing about heaven, I could watch a Disney Movie where fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day. That's a tough choice. At least I can see fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day on the "silver screen". I suppose that's better than not seeing it at all.
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Re: I know God

Post by Dontaskme »

Gary Childress wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:33 pm I've lived in this world and it's often a dead end with no suitable direction as an alternative. Maybe, I'll try to go vegan, though I'm not fond of many vegetables other than potatoes cut in strips and fried in animal fat. Or I can simply continue with eating what is enjoyable and subject other living beings to fear and pain. I'll try dating. Unfortunately, I'm a mess and no one wants to be with a mess and therefore I'm avoided like a leper, which drives me equally insane. Of course, if I were them, I wouldn't want to be with me either. Maybe I can try therapy with someone who will tell me that all I have to do is "think positive" and that alone will bring happiness. Sure, I think negative, therefore it's my fault I feel the way I do. I guess blaming the victim for his own problems works for everyone except the one experiencing the problems.

I've lived in this world. I don't know God in any other way than what I see and experience in this world. However, perhaps the God botherers are right. If I immerse myself in cloudcoockooland and fantasize about eternal heaven after I am likely to painfully die, then I'll live in bliss. Or I could watch a Disney Movie where fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day. That's a tough choice. At least I can see fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day on the "silver screen". I suppose that's better than not seeing it at all.
All these thoughts arising here now, are the perfect expression of oneness.

There is no escaping thought. Thought simply arises, and there is no thing that makes thought arise, nor can stop thought from arising.

Oneness is without beginning or end.

Unconditioned expressions of oneness are infinitely free eternally.

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Re: I know God

Post by Sculptor »

Gary Childress wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:33 pm I've lived in this world and it's often a dead end with no suitable direction as an alternative. Maybe, I'll try to go vegan, though I'm not fond of many vegetables other than potatoes cut in strips and fried in animal fat. Or I can simply continue with eating what is enjoyable and subject other living beings to fear and pain. I'll try dating. Unfortunately, I'm a mess and no one wants to be with a mess and therefore I'm avoided like a leper, which drives me equally insane. Maybe I can try therapy with someone who will tell me that all I have to do is "think positive" and that alone will bring happiness. Sure, I think negative, therefore it's my fault I feel the way I do. I guess blaming the victim for his own problems works for everyone except the one experiencing the problems.

I've lived in this world. I don't know God in any other way than what I see and experience in this world. However, perhaps the God botherers are right. If I immerse myself in cloudcoockooland and fantasize about eternal heaven after I am likely to painfully die, then I'll live in bliss. Or I could watch a Disney Movie where fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day. That's a tough choice. At least I can see fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day on the "silver screen". I suppose that's better than not seeing it at all.
You sound like you need to get back to basics.

Part of the deep angst of civilisation is that as humans evolved in nature we find ourselves somewhat ill equipped to deal with the constructed reality of our culturallly defined existence.
Whilst civilisation can provide some of our most fundemental needs such as warmth ans shelter we live without those things from which our somatic traits are evolved. In this we tend to have the wrong sorts of stress; the wrong sorts fo diet and the wrong demands upon exercising our bodies. Food is adulterated ,and full of substances for which we have no ability to process, and even when eated fresh the items of fruit and vegetables are mutated and bloated versions of their wild counterparts.
We have only cultivated foods for a few thousands years. We've been eating wild natural foods for millions of years, but it was only 200 generations ago that most of us started eating bread, and other preparations of cultivated food. And worst still the foods now available have only been around for 2 or 3 generations. There is a damn good reason why there is a pandemic of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes,mental health problems, sleeping problems, stress, Alzhiemers and their associated insulin and leptin resistence. Obviously its not all diet, but diet is the most fundemental and easy way to address problems.

No hunter/gatherer was even a Vegan. This abberation is unlikely to improve your outlook.

We are evolved to eat mainly meat with very high fibrous (because natural) and small roots, and greens. Wild wheat is so small as to have made it absurdly impractical to even eat. Wheat intolerance is common since we are not adapted for it. In nature large amounts of root vegetables are rare and the most common (potato) was completely absent from the diet before 1600, also maize and tomatoes.
Natural vegetables were tiny compared to modern cultivars and fruits were never available until late summer and autumn.
A typical pattern would be long periods of fasting, and activity (hunting) before eating. Eating as soon as you wake is stupid, slows you down, and the idea of eating 3 square meals per day; little and often; breakfast is the most important meal are all dangerous myths invented by the food manufacturers and have only been with us for 100 years.
A couple of years ago I looked into this and now eat more meat, almost no carbs, and consume green vegetables. I have dumped pasta, bread, rice and wheat based products. I never eat breakfast and tend to only eat in short window no more than 2-5hours, giving me a daily fasting period of 22-19 hours everyday. Once a month I have a 48 hour fast, where I only drink water and minerals. This gives me major mental clarity.
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Re: I know God

Post by LuckyR »

+1 on the skipping breakfast and intermittent fasting.
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Re: I know God

Post by attofishpi »

When I first bought a nutri-bullet I popped up the shops and got some stuff to blend up.

I used kale, probably carrot and some blueberries for sweetness, but mostly kale. Well, that night I had the best sleep in years and first time for a while felt extremely clear headed at work.

Kale Gazza, kale - not particularly tasty but popping some other stuff like blueberries to add some sweetness it's actually a nice drink.

Like Sculptor said about the fasting, I'm doing 18:6 - only eating food in 6 hour period from 1200 ish to 6 ish. So I do my nutri-bullet for lunch.

Definitely at least cut down on the carbs. Full keto is pretty difficult, I'm going to progress gradually into no carbs (for some period of time)

oh, and at least a 1hr walk every day..through some parklands, appreciate nature.
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Re: I know God

Post by Averroes »

I too agree that intermittent fasting has great health benefits. The mental health benefits are clear from my experience of Islamic fasting, which is abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations for a specified period of time, ie from before the light of dawn upto right after sunset. Depending on where one is on earth and on the season of the year, this time can range anywhere from 12 to 19 hours.

Another thing that I find beneficial to health in general and mental health in particular is ginger tea in the morning and the evening. The recipe is very easy. Take a thumb of ginger, clean it then grate it and boil the gratings in about 1L of water for 10-15 mins. Serve with some honey. I have taken it with milk also in the evening and this works for me.

Samantha Hawrylack narrates her experience of the effect on her mood of trying ginger tea for a week thus:
Samantha Hawrylack wrote:My experience: For me, changing my morning drink of choice from coffee to ginger tea did something I didn’t expect. It worked wonders for improving my mood on a regular basis in only a week. I laughed and smiled more, as well as enjoyed the day-to-day. My lifted spirits and energy also increased my confidence with everyone around me. It made me remember Tim Ferriss’s mention of switching to a brew of ginger tea and turmeric in his book The 4-Hour Workweek.

Ginger is known to affect the release of serotonin in the brain, which is called the “happiness molecule.” It helps maintain blood sugar levels and increases blood flow to the brain, affecting your energy levels and mood.
https://www.theladders.com/career-advic ... tal-health
Ginger is also purported to have many other health benefits as well, for example for man it is said to boost testosterone levels. May be you could give it a try in addition to fasting and see the effects on your mental health.
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Re: I know God

Post by attofishpi »

I think I'll try the natural ginger as you mention above. I have been drinking Twinnings lemon and ginger (aside from their Earl Grey) and really enjoy it. Occasionally I have put a little honey with it.
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:33 pm...
Are you there Gary? Is anything we are saying resonating with you in any way?
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Re: I know God

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:00 pm
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:33 pm I've lived in this world and it's often a dead end with no suitable direction as an alternative. Maybe, I'll try to go vegan, though I'm not fond of many vegetables other than potatoes cut in strips and fried in animal fat. Or I can simply continue with eating what is enjoyable and subject other living beings to fear and pain. I'll try dating. Unfortunately, I'm a mess and no one wants to be with a mess and therefore I'm avoided like a leper, which drives me equally insane. Of course, if I were them, I wouldn't want to be with me either. Maybe I can try therapy with someone who will tell me that all I have to do is "think positive" and that alone will bring happiness. Sure, I think negative, therefore it's my fault I feel the way I do. I guess blaming the victim for his own problems works for everyone except the one experiencing the problems.

I've lived in this world. I don't know God in any other way than what I see and experience in this world. However, perhaps the God botherers are right. If I immerse myself in cloudcoockooland and fantasize about eternal heaven after I am likely to painfully die, then I'll live in bliss. Or I could watch a Disney Movie where fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day. That's a tough choice. At least I can see fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day on the "silver screen". I suppose that's better than not seeing it at all.
All these thoughts arising here now, are the perfect expression of oneness.

There is no escaping thought. Thought simply arises, and there is no thing that makes thought arise, nor can stop thought from arising.
But the VERY 'thing' that MAKES 'thoughts' arise ALSO STOPS 'thoughts' from arising.

Once 'you' LEARN, UNDERSTAND, and KNOW what 'this thing' IS, EXACTLY, then 'that Wrong thought' in 'that body' WILL STOP arising, "dontaskme".
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:00 pm Oneness is without beginning or end.

Unconditioned expressions of oneness are infinitely free eternally.

And, as just SHOWN, ONCE AGAIN, some expressions are ABSOLUTELY False, Wrong, Inaccurate, AND Incorrect.
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Re: I know God

Post by Age »

Sculptor wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:33 pm I've lived in this world and it's often a dead end with no suitable direction as an alternative. Maybe, I'll try to go vegan, though I'm not fond of many vegetables other than potatoes cut in strips and fried in animal fat. Or I can simply continue with eating what is enjoyable and subject other living beings to fear and pain. I'll try dating. Unfortunately, I'm a mess and no one wants to be with a mess and therefore I'm avoided like a leper, which drives me equally insane. Maybe I can try therapy with someone who will tell me that all I have to do is "think positive" and that alone will bring happiness. Sure, I think negative, therefore it's my fault I feel the way I do. I guess blaming the victim for his own problems works for everyone except the one experiencing the problems.

I've lived in this world. I don't know God in any other way than what I see and experience in this world. However, perhaps the God botherers are right. If I immerse myself in cloudcoockooland and fantasize about eternal heaven after I am likely to painfully die, then I'll live in bliss. Or I could watch a Disney Movie where fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day. That's a tough choice. At least I can see fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day on the "silver screen". I suppose that's better than not seeing it at all.
You sound like you need to get back to basics.

Part of the deep angst of civilisation is that as humans evolved in nature we find ourselves somewhat ill equipped to deal with the constructed reality of our culturallly defined existence.
Whilst civilisation can provide some of our most fundemental needs such as warmth ans shelter we live without those things from which our somatic traits are evolved. In this we tend to have the wrong sorts of stress; the wrong sorts fo diet and the wrong demands upon exercising our bodies. Food is adulterated ,and full of substances for which we have no ability to process, and even when eated fresh the items of fruit and vegetables are mutated and bloated versions of their wild counterparts.
We have only cultivated foods for a few thousands years. We've been eating wild natural foods for millions of years, but it was only 200 generations ago that most of us started eating bread, and other preparations of cultivated food. And worst still the foods now available have only been around for 2 or 3 generations. There is a damn good reason why there is a pandemic of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes,mental health problems, sleeping problems, stress, Alzhiemers and their associated insulin and leptin resistence. Obviously its not all diet, but diet is the most fundemental and easy way to address problems.
So, if 'it' is NOT 'all diet', then what IS the one so-called 'damn good reason' for these 'things' here?

For example, what diet WILL address problems?
Sculptor wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm No hunter/gatherer was even a Vegan. This abberation is unlikely to improve your outlook.
So, what diet WILL improve "gary childress's" outlook?
Sculptor wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm We are evolved to eat mainly meat with very high fibrous (because natural) and small roots, and greens.
Are we also evolved to look at 'things' negatively?
Sculptor wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm Wild wheat is so small as to have made it absurdly impractical to even eat. Wheat intolerance is common since we are not adapted for it.
Are you even AWARE that 'you', human beings, have evolved over DIFFERENT areas and places on earth?

In some areas and places 'you', human beings, evolved eating so-called 'wild wheat', and so the ones living in those areas or places are ADAPTED for so-called 'wild wheat'.
Sculptor wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm In nature large amounts of root vegetables are rare and the most common (potato) was completely absent from the diet before 1600, also maize and tomatoes.
1. ABSOLUTELY EVERY 'thing' HAPPENS 'in Nature'. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING outside of Nature, Itself.

2. The most so-called 'common potato', in the days when this is being written, was NOT the most 'common potato' BEFORE so, OF COURSE, 'this potato' was absent from the diet BEFORE. Just like the most 'common potato' 'today' WILL BE and IS absent from the diet AFTER, or in THE FUTURE.
Sculptor wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm Natural vegetables were tiny compared to modern cultivars and fruits were never available until late summer and autumn.
There is NO 'unnatural vegetable' NOR 'unnatural fruit'. There is, however, and OBVIOUSLY, 'adulterated' vegetables and/or fruits BECAUSE of 'you', adult human beings.

And, could 'your' OWN personal views here "sculptor" be ANY MORE narrowed and short sighted?

Fruits fruit DIFFERENT at times of the year, and at DIFFERENT times depending on what areas or places on earth 'they' fruit.
Sculptor wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm A typical pattern would be long periods of fasting, and activity (hunting) before eating. Eating as soon as you wake is stupid, slows you down, and the idea of eating 3 square meals per day; little and often; breakfast is the most important meal are all dangerous myths invented by the food manufacturers and have only been with us for 100 years.
'you', adult human beings, in the days when this is being written, have been and ARE being ABSOLUTELY MANIPULATED in MANY, MANY WAYS. AND, 'you' WILL continue to do so UNTIL 'you' CHANGE 'your ways'. HOW and WHAT to eat is just ANOTHER one of the MANY DIFFERENT MANIPULATIONS.

But 'you' seem to be under some sort of DELUSION "yourself" here that if "gary childress" just CHANGED the food and the times 'it' put food into 'that body', then ALL will be WELL and GOOD.

Which is just ANOTHER example of ANOTHER adult human being trying to MANIPULATE "another human being", based on nothing more than what 'it', "itself", has been MANIPULATING INTO BELIEVING is true.
Sculptor wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm A couple of years ago I looked into this and now eat more meat, almost no carbs, and consume green vegetables. I have dumped pasta, bread, rice and wheat based products. I never eat breakfast and tend to only eat in short window no more than 2-5hours, giving me a daily fasting period of 22-19 hours everyday. Once a month I have a 48 hour fast, where I only drink water and minerals. This gives me major mental clarity.

Will you provide example/s of ANY so-called 'major mental clarity' that you supposedly have 'now' that you did NOT have 'before', and how, EXACTLY, changing your diet CAUSE 'this new found clarity'?

If no, then WHY NOT?
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Re: I know God

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:43 pm I think I'll try the natural ginger as you mention above. I have been drinking Twinnings lemon and ginger (aside from their Earl Grey) and really enjoy it. Occasionally I have put a little honey with it.
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:33 pm...
Are you there Gary? Is anything we are saying resonating with you in any way?
Would it REALLY matter what one is eating, or not eating, if they are, for example, continually thinking, 'I have been shafted in Life', and/or, 'There is NO point in being born and living'?

Now, of course, CHANGING 'diet' HELPS TREMENDOUSLY for 'mental health', but as can be CLEARLY SEEN here people are ONLY expressing the CHANGE that helped them, which OBVIOUSLY would NOT necessarily create and cause the SAME help, as what might HELP 'one' might HINDER "another". For example, if 'one' CHOOSES to go to an animal or meat less diet, to HELP in 'their' 'mental health', then does ANY one think that TELLING 'them' that doing 'this' IS ABERRATION is, REALLY, going to HELP 'their' 'mental health'?
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Re: I know God

Post by Age »

Averroes wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:29 pm I too agree that intermittent fasting has great health benefits. The mental health benefits are clear from my experience of Islamic fasting, which is abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations for a specified period of time, ie from before the light of dawn upto right after sunset. Depending on where one is on earth and on the season of the year, this time can range anywhere from 12 to 19 hours.

Another thing that I find beneficial to health in general and mental health in particular is ginger tea in the morning and the evening.
How, EXACTLY, does drinking 'ginger tea', in the morning and the evening, have a benefit to 'your' physical and mental health?

And, could there be ANY 'placebo effect' happening here?

In fact could the 'belief' and 'believe' words USED in 'religious texts' have some 'thing' to do with what is sometimes called 'the placebo effect'?
Averroes wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:29 pm The recipe is very easy. Take a thumb of ginger, clean it then grate it and boil the gratings in about 1L of water for 10-15 mins. Serve with some honey. I have taken it with milk also in the evening and this works for me.

Samantha Hawrylack narrates her experience of the effect on her mood of trying ginger tea for a week thus:
Samantha Hawrylack wrote:My experience: For me, changing my morning drink of choice from coffee to ginger tea did something I didn’t expect. It worked wonders for improving my mood on a regular basis in only a week. I laughed and smiled more, as well as enjoyed the day-to-day. My lifted spirits and energy also increased my confidence with everyone around me. It made me remember Tim Ferriss’s mention of switching to a brew of ginger tea and turmeric in his book The 4-Hour Workweek.

Ginger is known to affect the release of serotonin in the brain, which is called the “happiness molecule.” It helps maintain blood sugar levels and increases blood flow to the brain, affecting your energy levels and mood.
https://www.theladders.com/career-advic ... tal-health
Ginger is also purported to have many other health benefits as well, for example for man it is said to boost testosterone levels. May be you could give it a try in addition to fasting and see the effects on your mental health.
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Re: I know God

Post by bahman »

Gary Childress wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:33 pm I've lived in this world and it's often a dead end with no suitable direction as an alternative. Maybe, I'll try to go vegan, though I'm not fond of many vegetables other than potatoes cut in strips and fried in animal fat. Or I can simply continue with eating what is enjoyable and subject other living beings to fear and pain. I'll try dating. Unfortunately, I'm a mess and no one wants to be with a mess and therefore I'm avoided like a leper, which drives me equally insane. Of course, if I were them, I wouldn't want to be with me either. Maybe I can try therapy with someone who will tell me that all I have to do is "think positive" and that alone will bring happiness. Sure, I think negative, therefore it's my fault I feel the way I do. I guess blaming the victim for his own problems works for everyone except the one experiencing the problems.

I've lived in this world. I don't know God in any other way than what I see and experience in this world. However, perhaps the God botherers are right. If I immerse myself in cloudcoockooland and fantasize about eternal heaven coming to me after I am likely to painfully die, then I'll live in bliss. Oh wait, I'm bitter toward God and don't believe Jesus = God. Guess I'll be going to Hell to top this life off.

Or, instead of fantasizing about heaven, I could watch a Disney Movie where fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day. That's a tough choice. At least I can see fairy pixies come to the rescue and save the day on the "silver screen". I suppose that's better than not seeing it at all.
Oh, come on Garry. I was personally in the bottom of the dirt several times but I managed to stand up again. Nobody can change your life but you!
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