Sustainable Future

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Sustainable Future

Post by RWStanding »

Sustainable Future
The only remotely homogeneous or holistic form of society found across the world is the nation state. The world itself talks unity but is not remotely so in ethical-political terms. The future must therefore depends on the nation states behaving responsibly together with their people. Responsibility is the ethical term or value that defines a sensible form of democracy opposed to authoritarianism or outright tyranny. Rights in such a democracy are mere reciprocals of social duty. Unfortunately the value that is most vaunted is ‘rights’ which are a human construct and do not exist in their own right. A democracy based on human vanity and rights, especially if those rights are globalised, is self destructive. Our world has for millions of years been a place of virtually separate zones and continents, each with their own evolved species and ecosystems. They have in the past many thousands of years cultivated different cultures in humanity, on which our diversity depends. Treating culture and global ethics as being as distinct as possible. As matters stand we depend on responsible and cooperative nation states to maintain that diversity, and avoid conflict of many kinds. It is largely autonomous nations that must deal with the climate and environmental crisis, within their boundaries, and only then in conjunction with other nations globally. We are at such a critical juncture for society and nature, that these national boundaries must be water tight. Large movements of species and humanity are not rational. Britain, as an instance, must balance its population and nature to fit the land available. At this time most of the country is little more than Hyde Park with farm crops and animals. Nature is an afterthought. If we want human social – cultural diversity in the world then national identities as long inherited need to be maintained. Otherwise we will have a social mush, and depleted nature reduced to species that can survive globally. Even if our rank folly in avoiding treating climate change as an emergency, isa not an outright disaster. We need to change our economy to ensure it produces only what is necessary and sustainable, and not base the economy on monetary profit.
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Re: Sustainable Future

Post by Impenitent »

one man's necessity is another's luxury

obey your government master

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