Rejection of the infinite causality critique

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Rejection of the infinite causality critique

Post by Not-Self »


A person might say that an infinite causal chain of the universe is not possible, because if it existed, then we couldn't traverse it, and therefore we couldn't get to "today".

I'm going to try and prove this person wrong.

But first, you need to know that some people reject this criticism by saying that at the level of space, there are an infinite number of points between my knee and my hand, and yet I am able to cross this infinite number of points by touching my knee with my hand. However, I don't think this rejection is correct. I think that to say that there are infinite points between my knee and my hand is to say that these "points" (= "surfaceless portions") really exist in space. But there's no reason to believe that such points exist. Of course, physics shows us that there are very small particles in the space between my knee and my hand. But there's no evidence that anything as small as "surfaceless portions", i.e. points, exists. So it's not reasonable to say that there are such points between my knee and my hand. It's quite possible that there aren't, and that there are only particulies (with a surface).

Some people might reply that a particle with a surface implies that the particle is made up of points, since a surface is made up of points. But I think that, on closer inspection, there's no reason to think that surfaces are made up of points. Even in my own mind, when I imagine a surface and try to regrasp the points making up the surface, I find that the so-called "points making up the surface" are not points, but are in truth surfaces themselves (albeit very small ones). In fact, even when I try to imagine a point, I can only imagine a tiny surface.

So, how do I reject the criticism of infinite causality?

Well, precisely, I think that even if there really are no points (= portion without surface), I think that everything is only surface, and that there are an infinite number of successive surfaces. In other words, between my knee and my hand, there aren't an infinite number of points, but an infinite number of surfaces. And to understand this, I think that, in fact, each surface is made up of an infinite number of surfaces. For example, imagine a large circle filled with red in your head. This big red circle is made up of tiny surfaces (but not points), and when you look (mentally) at these tiny surfaces, you can see that they themselves are made up of tiny surfaces, themselves made up of surfaces, ad infinitum. It's the same with physical particles: they're made up of an infinite number of surfaces. This seems more reasonable to me than assuming the existence of points I've never seen, because unlike points, we know that surfaces exist and are mentally representable.

Now, despite the fact that there are an infinite number of surfaces between my knee and my hand, I can still touch my knee. So the fact that there are an infinite number of surfaces doesn't prevent me from crossing that infinite number of surfaces. In the same way, when it comes to time, there are no temporal points (= temporal portion without temporal surface/duration), but only temporal durations/surfaces. In my opinion, even Plank's time is made up of an infinite number of temporal durations/surfaces. In other words, between the moment when I don't walk and the moment when I do, there are an infinite number of temporal durations/surfaces (which may be very small, but which are not points), and yet this doesn't stop me from walking. So the fact that there's infinite causality doesn't prevent me from walking through it.

What do you think?

Thanks in advance.
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