the limitations of reality

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Peter Kropotkin
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the limitations of reality

Post by Peter Kropotkin »


les etre humain...

human being...

now look at a picture... you see 4 people,
they have names... one is George, the other, Paul,
Ringo and finally, John...

I might say, human beings... and another might say, mensch...
and another might say, les etre humain....

and who is right? all of them, but why? and where does the
connection come from that allow us to identify each of these
4 human beings occur? or said another way, how do we know
that these 4 people are actually human beings? when I say
the words, human beings, and I see actual human beings,
where is the connection between the words, human beings,
and the reality of human beings connect?

the identification of human beings, occurs within our minds...
it is within us, that the identification of human beings happen..
in my mind.. not out there in the world, but within me....

now many religious types and some name Berkely have
said that the connection between objects, say human beings
and the word, human beings, occur out there...
that the connection point between words and actual beings
is in god... god is the connection between the words, human beings
and actual human beings... and Hume said that there was no
actual connection between our words, human being and an
actual human being... but for Hume, he meant cause and effect...
what is the connection, what connects cause with effect?
we see the sun go down every day and we assume that
it will rise tomorrow, but we in fact, have no reason to assume
it will rise tomorrow...we think so because of the habit
that the sun will rise tomorrow.. and habits are really within
us, not outside of us...

so this is a long way of saying that idealism, the idea that
everything is a mental idea and all of reality, the connections
between things, objects, and people happens in our heads...
not out there...

but Kropotkin we know that the earth is 93 million miles
from the sun... but the fact is that we have created that
"reality" within our own ideas... a mile is an artificial construct..
and that the earth is 93 million miles from the sun is an
artificial construct within our own head...

In other words, reality is something that happens in our head,
in our thinking about something... we make connections
in our head.. and those connections have no real world meaning..

he is standing a mile away from me... virtually every word in this
sentence is an artificial is true only in my head
and no where else...

what is happening in our heads, the reality we create within us,
that is assumed to be the reality out there...
reality is supposed to be the connection between what
we think, in our head, and what is actual there...
but the truth is that there is no physical connection between
events, people and objects.. we see a picture of George,
John, Paul and Ringo... and the connections that exists between
them lies in our head... and not in "reality" .....

the only ''reality'' that exists is the one that exists in our minds, in
our head...for that is where the connections between objects
and us, exists...

now one may say, but human beings exist... we breath
and we eat and we drink and we poop.. we exists...
but that connection between that object, a human being
only exists within our head...otherwise it is an object that
has no dimensions, no reality, no mass...for we create
all of that in our head...

Bob weighs 200 pounds... even weight has no reality, it
is just a concept in our head and the idea of 200 pounds,
that too, only exists in us, not in the world...
and, what about bob? there are literally millions of
bob's out there... which bob am I referring to?
one might say, but Kropotkin, the class of people name
''bob" exists... but even the idea of a class or genera,
family, phylum, or kingdom or domain.. those are artificial
idea's... into which we classify living things.. that act
of classification is a mental one, it exists within our head
and not in reality....

of course, we have limits...

the next post...

Peter Kropotkin
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

when last heard from, I argued that there are no such
things as a universal or an individual.. they both exists
as concepts in our minds.. concepts that we created within
us and by us and for us....

and now for our limits... we have biological, physical and
scientific limits... we cannot overcome biological limits
we must eat, drink, excrete and die... we must..
and we cannot overcome the limits set by gravity,
thermodynamics, entropy... the scientific limits...
and we cannot overcome our physical limits...
I cannot live to 200 years old... I cannot avoid disease,
or old age or suffering...I cannot fly or swim like a fish or
run as fast as a cheetah... I have limits to what I can
physically do...

and my limits are also mental/intellectual..
I cannot know everything.. I can only know so much
because of the limits on my senses... I can only see
so much, hear so much, taste so much, smell so much
and touch so much... I cannot by my senses, go beyond
that.... I cannot by eyesight, see atoms, or distant galaxies...
and I cannot hear a roar by an lion in Africa.. or touch
the moon or smell the atmosphere of Venus....
I am, bound by, limited by my senses...and thus I have
limited information about the world... we cannot see
the connection between things by our senses alone...
I cannot actually see gravity as it keeps our solar system
circling around the sun... I can't see or hear or touch or
taste or smell gravity.... but how can I know that gravity exists?
it is a connection made inside of my head... now that
connection made, maybe right or it maybe wrong....

all connections within the universe are made inside of us,
inside of me... I am the aspect that connects the universe,
all connections that are made, are made within us...

think of childbirth.. we see a women give birth... and we might
wonder, how did that happen? the connection between a man
and a women is a connection, made in our own minds...
and until we actually think about it, we don't know that
connection between a man, a women and childbirth...
and what is the connection? why sex and the exchange
of sperm from a man to a women.. but that isn't a connection
that is obvious unless, and until you are able to mentally
connect the sexual act, sperm and a women together...
try as you might, the connection between a man
and a women having sex is not available to us in regards
to childbirth unless we make that connection mentally...
the connection is the passing of sperm.. and any and all
connections made in the universe is made within us,
by us, for us....
there is no possibility for a connection to be made without
human beings...for we are the connection in the universe...

remove human beings and there is no such thing as
a connection within the universe... the tree's, rain and
the land has no connection unless a human being makes it...
it is just random events.. the rain falls, the tree grows,
the land holds both the rain and the tree.. there is no
connection between the three things until we human beings
make it...

and If I am right, what does this mean?

Peter Kropotkin
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

if reality is created by connections made in the human mind,
then all of reality is a creation of the human mind...
and that means that the GOP/MAGA understanding of the world
is right, and the liberal understanding of the world is right
and the moderate understanding of the world is right...
everyone is right about what the world is....

as the world is simply a creation of our understanding of
what the world is... we create the world and that creation
can be anything we want it to be... cruel, mean, hostile
or lovely, safe, wonderful... the world, it is ours to create...

Again, with the limitations force on us by science and biology...
we cannot imagine or create a world where pigs fly...
that is scientifically and biologically impossible...
so no matter how hard we try, we cannot create that world...
our mental constructs have limits forced on them by science
and biology...

so a liberal world, one where everyone simply lives their lives
in peace and harmony and love, is not impossible by science
or by biology, so it is well within the realm of possibility...
we can conceive of it and we can create it....
we can only create what we can conceive...
we cannot go outside of the reality we can conceive..
if we can't think it, we can't create it...

so the fact is that our reality is dictated by
the limits of science and biology and what
we can conceive of.....

so, we have concepts like Star Wars and the Foundation,
we can conceive of them, so we can create that universe
in thought and so we can create that universe in reality..
given time and the problem of limits...
perhaps science will not allow us to travel faster than light..
then our reality must be limited by that science....
then the possibility of Star Wars or the Foundation isn't
there.... but other realities can be thought of and those
realities, those possibilities, may be possible because
they aren't dictated, declared to be impossible by science or biology...

our reality is created by what we think is possible... we
create reality with our minds... and so any possibility,
not deem impossible by science or biology, is conceivable
and within the realm of being made real..

we create the world in which we live in.... let us think
about living in a world where we can live in peace and love
and about achieving our possibilities... if we can conceive it,
we can build it...

so, what kind of world do you want to live in, what
kind of world can you conceive of?

and what will it take to build that world, for all of us?

Peter Kropotkin
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

so what is left wing and what is right wing?

just another set of possibilities...

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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Harbal »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:45 pm
so, what kind of world do you want to live in, what
kind of world can you conceive of?

I want to live in a world where people who write to an atrocious standard restrict -out of simple courtesy, and common decency- the amount they churn out. Ideally, they would write less, and pay more attention to the quality.
and what will it take to build that world, for all of us?
You tell me. :|
Peter Kropotkin
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

Harbal wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:38 pm
Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:45 pm
so, what kind of world do you want to live in, what
kind of world can you conceive of?

I want to live in a world where people who write to an atrocious standard restrict -out of simple courtesy, and common decency- the amount they churn out. Ideally, they would write less, and pay more attention to the quality.
and what will it take to build that world, for all of us?
You tell me. :|

K; philosophers who can philosophize, do
people who can't do philosophy, teach
and those who can't do philosophy or teach philosophy,
criticize other philosophers and philosophies...

I wonder if you know what category you are in?

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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Dontaskme »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:45 pm
so, what kind of world do you want to live in, what
kind of world can you conceive of?
I would like to live in the kind of world that hasn't been born, and never will be born.
Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:45 pmand what will it take to build that world, for all of us?

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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Dontaskme »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:43 pm
Harbal wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:38 pm
Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:45 pm
so, what kind of world do you want to live in, what
kind of world can you conceive of?

I want to live in a world where people who write to an atrocious standard restrict -out of simple courtesy, and common decency- the amount they churn out. Ideally, they would write less, and pay more attention to the quality.
and what will it take to build that world, for all of us?
You tell me. :|

K; philosophers who can philosophize, do
people who can't do philosophy, teach
and those who can't do philosophy or teach philosophy,
criticize other philosophers and philosophies...

I wonder if you know what category you are in?

Well, you did ask the question, and yet it seems you are pissed with the answer. What to do about that? :roll:
Peter Kropotkin
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

Dontaskme wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:51 pm
Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:43 pm
Harbal wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:38 pm I want to live in a world where people who write to an atrocious standard restrict -out of simple courtesy, and common decency- the amount they churn out. Ideally, they would write less, and pay more attention to the quality.

You tell me. :|

K; philosophers who can philosophize, do
people who can't do philosophy, teach
and those who can't do philosophy or teach philosophy,
criticize other philosophers and philosophies...

I wonder if you know what category you are in?

Well, you did ask the question, and yet it seems you are pissed with the answer. What to do about that? :roll:
K: and that is ''your interpretation'' of my answer.. I am in fact,
not pissed or mad or even glad.. as I mentioned elsewhere,
if anything, I am sad...remember, your interpretation is
just that, your interpretation.. not mine...

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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Harbal »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:43 pm
Harbal wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:38 pm
Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:45 pm
so, what kind of world do you want to live in, what
kind of world can you conceive of?

I want to live in a world where people who write to an atrocious standard restrict -out of simple courtesy, and common decency- the amount they churn out. Ideally, they would write less, and pay more attention to the quality.
and what will it take to build that world, for all of us?
You tell me. :|

K; philosophers who can philosophize, do
people who can't do philosophy, teach
and those who can't do philosophy or teach philosophy,
criticize other philosophers and philosophies...
Even if you had something worthwhile to say, the standard of your writing would make it unintelligible. Don't you review your posts before you submit them? If you can't even be bothered to edit your work before you present it, you can hardly complain at a negative reaction to it. Less quantity; more quality, Kropotkin.
I wonder if you know what category you are in?
Well I don't regard myself as a philosopher, or a teacher of philosophy, but I am a forum member, and when you post your work you are implicitly inviting me to read it, so the least you can do is present me with something readable.
Yes, I'm well aware of who you are. :|
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Dontaskme »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:57 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:51 pm
Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:43 pm

K; philosophers who can philosophize, do
people who can't do philosophy, teach
and those who can't do philosophy or teach philosophy,
criticize other philosophers and philosophies...

I wonder if you know what category you are in?

Well, you did ask the question, and yet it seems you are pissed with the answer. What to do about that? :roll:
K: and that is ''your interpretation'' of my answer.. I am in fact,
not pissed or mad or even glad.. as I mentioned elsewhere,
if anything, I am sad...remember, your interpretation is
just that, your interpretation.. not mine...

You yourself have interpreted an answer to your question as being a criticism to your writing.

Your interpretation, no one else's

The answer to your question made you sad, but not mad or glad or pissed. But sad.

Saddened by your own interpretation of the answer given to your question.

( I've had to reword this answer because my first response sounded wrong) so is this more fair to say K ?
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Harbal »

Dontaskme wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:01 am

The answer to your question made you sad, but not mad or glad or pissed. But sad.

Saddened by your own interpretation of the answer given to your question.
That's so sad. :(
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Iwannaplato »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:47 pm so what is left wing and what is right wing?

just another set of possibilities...

Yes, both Burger King and McDonalds want you to think there are only two ways to get a hamburger. Once they've got you believing that, then they compete over the spoils.
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Dontaskme »

Harbal wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:35 am
Dontaskme wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:01 am

The answer to your question made you sad, but not mad or glad or pissed. But sad.

Saddened by your own interpretation of the answer given to your question.
That's so sad. :(
It's so utterly saddening. :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: the limitations of reality

Post by Agent Smith »

Excellent post! To the point even though verbose and unstructured. Perhaps bitten ... by rabid dogs ... typical symptoms. The sequelae of an ancient affliction that no one has any clue about ... for very good reasons I suppose. The world is turning in all sortsa possible ways (there's a youtube video you can watch if you can type in the right words in the search box).

Reality is limited, true and that's something that won't change in any real sense unless ... alterations occur in other areas that everyone seems to be aware of but nobody wants to talk about.

Deus Magnus Est.
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