
How should society be organised, if at all?

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Re: woke

Post by Age »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:45 pm Dictionary.com :lol:
That 'definition' is full of language bastardisation. When people give THEMSELVES a label that tells everyone else what wonderful human beings they are then it's inevitable that it will become an ironic insult. They are asking for it. Compliments have to come from OTHERS. You can't go around telling people you are 'handsome' or 'beautiful'. People will just laugh and think there is something wrong with you. Einstein didn't go around callling HIMSELF a genius. It was an honour that was bestowed on him by others. Did MLK tell everyone how 'woke' he was? Describe himself as a 'social justice warrior'? Of course not. He had a real cause, a job to do, and just did it.
And yes, conservative yank fuckturds have muddied the waters and called everyone who is left-leaning 'woke', and anyone who is 'woke' a 'leftie', confusing everthing. There's really no hope for the world...
'Wokie' is short, simple, and layered. 'Virtue-signaller' is good but cumbersome, doesn't 'say' as much and is lacking in irony. I'll stick with 'wokie'.
Are you even AWARE that the word 'wokie' does NOT even mean NOR even refers to what 'it' does to you "vegetariantaxidermy", to "others"?

From what I can ascertain here what a 'wokie' means or refers to 'you' is just a person who is 'boastful', which is VERY DIFFERENT from what a 'wokie' means to "others".

And LOL your OWN "justification" that 'that' definition is full of so-called 'language bastardization' is just MORE PROOF of just how CLOSED or NARROWED your VIEW of 'things' REALLY IS.
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Re: woke

Post by Age »

Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:00 pm
iambiguous wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:12 pm From dictionary.com

Usually Disparaging. promotion of liberal progressive ideology and policy as an expression of sensitivity to systemic injustices and prejudices:
"She worked for nearly a decade at the university before she finally tired of the influence of wokeism."
“The only religion allowed around here is wokeism,” he complained.

Okay, but is there or is there not the conservative equivalent of this?
There isn't one, I suspect, for a very simple reason: wokism is collectivist, conservatism is individualistic.

Wokism emphasizes diversity of appearance, culture and morals, but uniformity of thought. Conservatism (at least the centrist, classical liberal kind), emphasizes diversity of thought, because "free speech" and "freedom of conscience" are central to its program.
...conservatives don't in turn insist that in order to be truly "awake", others are obligated to think as they do?
Exactly, so, but understandably so.

Classical-liberal conservatives take freedom of conscience as a primary right. (see Locke at al.) And as conscience differs among people, they don't refer to a singular paradigm of content as explicatory of all reality. They assume that people should be more or less left alone to make judgments for themselves, so long as they do not violate the basic necessities of civil order. So they don't have any particular ideological package they insist upon...theirs is a solution of political form, while the wokies are devoted to controlling the particular content of thought.

Meanwhile, "wokies" aren't actually "awake." They aren't even "awake" to proper English usage, let alone to reality. Why they imagine they are "awake" is that they think they have "seen through" reality to the truth about power that they imagine lurks behind it. So their word is an insult directed to their former state, when they were "unawake" to how CRT now "explains" everything for them.

In truth, though, they're just indoctrinated so badly they've become effectively blind to everything else in reality. To borrow a phrase from Chesterton, "in the clean and well-lit prison of a single idea," namely that everything can be explained by power dynamics expressed through race, culture, sex, and so on.

This, they imagine, has "awakened" them.
Here we have ANOTHER example and MORE IRREFUTABLE PROOF of just how NARROWED or CLOSED some VIEWS were, back in the days when this was being written.
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Re: woke

Post by Age »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:03 pm Perfect. We have two morons from opposite sides of the spectrum here, neither of whom grasp the meaning of 'wokism'. Sculptor and Immanuel Can. Two agenda-driven idiots who are incapable of thinking past their personal politics.
Do you REALLY BELIEVE that there is ONLY One meaning of 'wokism'?

And, just COINCIDENTALLY that One and ONLY meaning is the EXACT SAME One that 'you' USE, right "vegetariantaxidermy"?
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Re: woke

Post by Age »

Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:22 am
iambiguous wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:31 pm
Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:00 pmWokism emphasizes diversity of appearance, culture and morals, but uniformity of thought. Conservatism (at least the centrist, classical liberal kind), emphasizes diversity of thought, because "free speech" and "freedom of conscience" are central to its program.
Okay, choose a context for us in which to explore this more substantively.
??? I have no idea what you're thinking, here.

What "context"? What "explore"? How "substantively"? It's just a statement about what the ideology prescribes.
...some of the conservatives here are not too far removed from, say, the Holocaust?
Nowhere near so close as the Lefties were. National Socialism is ardently Leftist. It has all the trademarks: collectivism, nationalizing industry, regulating everything, suppression of political dissent, a one-party system, militarism, and capitulating to totalitarianism...the total Leftist package.

And to the Left, you can add the Holomodor, the Killing Fields, the Maoist and Stalinist purges...and an almost endless stream of economic debacles from which the involved countries have never recovered.


AND, 'we' WILL RIDICULE and DISPARAGE 'you' for as long as 'we' can for just NOT being ONE OF 'US'.
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Re: woke

Post by Age »

Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:33 am
iambiguous wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:16 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:22 am
??? I have no idea what you're thinking, here.

What "context"? What "explore"? How "substantively"? It's just a statement about what the ideology prescribes.

Nowhere near so close as the Lefties were. National Socialism is ardently Leftist. It has all the trademarks: collectivism, nationalizing industry, regulating everything, suppression of political dissent, a one-party system, militarism, and capitulating to totalitarianism...the total Leftist package.

And to the Left, you can add the Holomodor, the Killing Fields, the Maoist and Stalinist purges...and an almost endless stream of economic debacles from which the involved countries have never recovered.
Absolutely shameless!
But true.

That's the problem for the Left...their own record, an unbroken record of human rights disasters and economic failure.
And 'it' says this as this is the ONLY WAY 'things' ARE.

Luckily for 'you' then "immanuel can" 'you' JUST HAPPEN TO BE, SOLELY and ONLY, ON the so-called 'right', correct?
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Re: woke

Post by Age »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:41 am See what I mean? Another moronic religious fuckturd misusing the word 'left'. Probably hates left-handed people too.
The entire universe is 'socialist' you stupid idiot. Everything is dependent on everything else.
As well as the whole of human beings' existence was, and IS, dependent upon human beings being a SOCIAL animal.
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Re: woke

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Age wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 3:50 am
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:03 pm Perfect. We have two morons from opposite sides of the spectrum here, neither of whom grasp the meaning of 'wokism'. Sculptor and Immanuel Can. Two agenda-driven idiots who are incapable of thinking past their personal politics.
Do you REALLY BELIEVE that there is ONLY One meaning of 'wokism'?

Since it's not an actual word then it doesn't have an actual meaning. It's a mind-set. A personality type if you like (unpleasant).
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Immanuel Can
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Re: woke

Post by Immanuel Can »

iambiguous wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:54 am Right. Like those who tune into Carlson and Hannity and Ingraham on Fox News aren't ferociously, in unison, nodding their heads to practically everything they hear.
I don't know whether or not they do. But nobody's compelling them to, either way, because conservatism is not collectivist -- i.e. there's no emphasis that "group think" or "political correctness" is mandated or required by anybody, even Hannity or whomever. If there's any commonness of belief, it's a result of people choosing their beliefs. It's not "woke."
2] Your own "woke" mantra is that those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior will burn in Hell for all of eternity!
Compelling belief is a contradiction in terms, Biblically speaking: you can't make a person believe something they don't. God Himself doesn't try that. You can only tell them, and let them make their own choice, regardless of the consequences. And the fact that that involves no compulsion is evident...for you, yourself, profess not to believe.

So if being Christian is "woke," then how come you're not one? :shock:
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Re: woke

Post by iambiguous »

Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:40 am
iambiguous wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:54 am Right. Like those who tune into Carlson and Hannity and Ingraham on Fox News aren't ferociously, in unison, nodding their heads to practically everything they hear.
I don't know whether or not they do. But nobody's compelling them to, either way, because conservatism is not collectivist -- i.e. there's no emphasis that "group think" or "political correctness" is mandated or required by anybody, even Hannity or whomever. If there's any commonness of belief, it's a result of people choosing their beliefs. It's not "woke."
Right. The MAGA crowd could not possibly be more diverse in their opinions. I mean look at the Trump rallies. Bitter factional fights are breaking out in the audience all the time.

But even if there were, they're not "woke" because only the liberals can be that. Only liberals compel others to agree with them or else. The conservatives never do that in regard to their own convictions.
2] Your own "woke" mantra is that those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior will burn in Hell for all of eternity!
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:40 amCompelling belief is a contradiction in terms, Biblically speaking: you can't make a person believe something they don't. God Himself doesn't try that. You can only tell them, and let them make their own choice, regardless of the consequences. And the fact that that involves no compulsion is evident...for you, yourself, profess not to believe.
The things you won't do to keep from admitting even to yourself what you profess to believe!!

Or are you now telling us that if the henry quirks of the world are told by you, quoting directly from the Christian Bible...

"John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

...that they must accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior to be judged worthy of immortality and salvation in Heaven, they can simply refuse to and face no consequences?

Are all those who go door to door and span the globe as Christian missionaries attempting to save souls fools?
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:40 amSo if being Christian is "woke," then how come you're not one? :shock:
I'm not one because I have been shown no accumulation of evidence that has convinced me that the Christian God does in fact reside in Heaven. After all, why Him and not one of the other One True Paths...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_r ... traditions

...that others insist I be on?

Or are you still standing by those videos?
Last edited by iambiguous on Sat Dec 03, 2022 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Immanuel Can
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Re: woke

Post by Immanuel Can »

iambiguous wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 6:48 am Right. The MAGA crowd not possibly be more diverse in their opinions.
Nobody says that. (Not that MAGA is a group, but never mind: we can let the Leftist trope go unchallenged here.)

But there's all the difference in the world between beliefs freely chosen and those compelled.
Only liberals compel others to agree with them or else. The conservatives never do that in regard to their own convictions.
That seems to be how it works.

If you disagree with a Leftist, you have your business burned, your children harassed, your reputation destroyed, your social media feeds cut, your character assassinated, your head punched...

If you disagree with a conservative, you get disagreed with.
...quoting directly from the Christian Bible...

"John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

...that they must accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior to be judged worthy of immortality and salvation in Heaven, they can simply refuse to and face no consequences?
There is no such thing as a decision with no consequences. Only Leftists seem to think there ought to be.

But you are still not a Christian. So clearly, nobody's forcing you or compelling you. And mention of eternal damnation itself fails to move you. So for now, you're just fine...as free as a bird...nothing is compelling you to anything.

But every decision comes with consequences. And I guess we'll both see if that's true or not.
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Re: woke

Post by Iwannaplato »

Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:00 pm Wokism emphasizes diversity of appearance, culture and morals, but uniformity of thought. Conservatism (at least the centrist, classical liberal kind), emphasizes diversity of thought, because "free speech" and "freedom of conscience" are central to its program.
That might fly with young people, but I'm old enough to remember when political correctness was conservative. Not only was it dangerous and, yeah, incorrect to be gay, but any behavior that some people connected with gayness - like say, how you crossed your legs or didn't as a man or women - could lead to all sort of social, professional and even physical punishment from not only peers but teachers, cops, bosses...authority figures of any kind. Eccentricies of a wide variety could lead to similar kinds of punishment, though usually without the physical threat except in schools where conservative value trained eccentricities out of all but the most stubborn or brave people. I mean, the terror, rage and punishment inspired in conservatives about the length of men's hair....!? In a world where children are dying this could and did lead to violence.

Criticism of US policy was punished in schools per se. Bringing up things that were left out of textbooks that did not shine a great light on US policies and actions in the past were punished by most teachers. Yes, some teachers with other political or pedagogical persuasions were more open, but the rule was keep that shit out of your mouth or face the consequences.

The way conservatives related to women was its own form of political correctness. Women should have certain roles and not others, period, regardless of their skills and interests and the justification, when I was young included clearly false misestimates of what women were capable of. There are other reasons why conservatives don't want or often prefer women not to have certain roles, but included in their arguments and attitudes were false ideas about what women could do - and this affected their judgments, extremely effective ones in the work world - on a wide range of jobs with physical tasks and mental tasks that we now know were systematically and foolishly underestimated. Liberals and leftists were not remotely as close-minded or controlled by the hallucinations about what women are capable of.

Political correctness on the right allowed for things like the buying of the bs idiotic excuses for the second war in Iraq, a war against a man hated by Islamic extremists S. Hussein. Support the troops - who were put in harm's way by neocons - is a vastly more effective propaganda tool when used with conservatives. Protecting the troops by not sending them there, protecting the troops by having a healthy skepticism of the policies and words of warmongering conservative presidents, protecting the troops by bringing them immediately home is just off the table in the de facto political correctness of conservatives in comparison to other groups.

And a hellava lot more.

I am no fan of the current fanaticism of wokism.

That said conservatives have very poor memories, and conveniently, of what it was like when their political correctness was the political correctness.

It empowered viciousness and mind control and conformism throughout my childhood in what is considered by much of the middle of the country to be some leftist bastion city run by jews bent on world control. And we were taught again and again that diversity of opinion was not important, not a goal, evil, unpatriotic and always, somehow, in support of the commies.

Commie, fag, godless and other common conservative labels for ANYTHING going against their political correctness were unbelievably effective on adults also. And these categories of judgment affected government policy at many levels. It fucked the lives up of people on the ground.

It fucked up people's minds, souls, hearts, Immanuel Can
and from my experience of you
you simply cannot admit anything, which is so fucking familiar it is a odd kind of negative nostalgia for me.

The horrible thing is now we have two extreme political correctness ripping the hearts out of people, and yes, the Left one has the high ground right now, but it's NOT at all like the right these days is open to diverse opinion. They just correctly note that the left is not open and they think this makes them open. So much sour grapes confused with contrast.

So, little memory.

In thirty years when your on top again, suddenly your version of conformism and control will just be 'natural' and not some kind of political correctness.

Shit, you both hate the human soul.

We got two kinds of parasites. One loves to shame people. The other loves to guilt trip them.

Haters both and neither able to see in the funhouse mirror how much the other side is like themselves.
Last edited by Iwannaplato on Sat Dec 03, 2022 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: woke

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Iwannaplato wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 8:33 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:00 pm Wokism emphasizes diversity of appearance, culture and morals, but uniformity of thought. Conservatism (at least the centrist, classical liberal kind), emphasizes diversity of thought, because "free speech" and "freedom of conscience" are central to its program.
That might fly with young people, but I'm old enough to remember when political correctness was conservative. Not only was it dangerous and, yeah, incorrect to be gay, but any behavior that some people connected with gayness - like say, how you crossed your legs or didn't as a man or women - could lead to all sort of social, professional and even physical punishment from not only peers but teachers, cops, bosses...authority figures of any kind. Eccentricies of a wide variety could lead to similar kinds of punishment, though usually without the physical threat except in schools where conservative value trained eccentricities out of all but the most stubborn or brave people

Criticism of US policy was punished in schools per se. Bringing up things that were left out of textbooks that did not shine a great light on US policies and actions in the past were punished by most teachers. Yes, some teachers with other political or pedagogical persuasions were more open, but the rule was keep that shit out of your mouth or face the consequences.

The way conservatives related to women was its own form of political correctness. Women should have certain roles and not others, period, regardless of their skills and interests and the justification, when I was young included clearly false misestimates of what women were capable of. There are other reasons why conservatives don't want or often prefer women not to have certain roles, but included in their arguments and attitudes were false ideas about what women could do - and this affected their judgments, extremely effective ones in the work world - on a wide range of jobs with physical tasks and mental tasks that we now know were systematically and foolishly underestimated. Liberals and leftists were not remotely as close-minded or controlled by the hallucinations about what women are capable of.

Political correctness on the right allowed for things like the buying of the bs idiotic excuses for the second war in Iraq, a war against a man hated by Islamic extremists S. Hussein. Support the troops - who were put in harm's way by neocons - is a vastly more effective propaganda tool when used with conservatives. Protecting the troops by not sending them there, protecting the troops by having a healthy skepticism of the policies and words of warmongering conservative presidents, protecting the troops by bringing them immediately home is just off the table in the de facto political correctness of conservatives in comparison to other groups.

And a hellava lot more.

I am no fan of the current fanaticism of wokism.

That said conservatives have very poor memories, and conveniently, of what it was like when their political correctness was the political correctness.

It empowered viciousness and mind control and conformism throughout my childhood in what is considered by much of the middle of the country to be some leftist bastion city run by jews bent on world control. And we were taught again and again that diversity of opinion was not important, not a goal, evil, unpatriotic and always, somehow, in support of the commies.

Commie, fag, godless and other common conservative labels for ANYTHING going against their political correctness were unbelievably effective on adults also. And these categories of judgment affected government policy at many levels. It fucked the lives up of people on the ground.

It fucked up people's minds, souls, hearts, Immanuel Can
and from my experience of you
you simply cannot admit anything, which is so fucking familiar it is a odd kind of negative nostalgia for me.

The horrible thing is now we have two extreme political correctness ripping the hearts out of people, and yes, the Left one has the high ground right now, but it's NOT at all like the right these days is open to diverse opinion. They just correctly note that the left is not open and they think this makes them open. So much sour grapes confused with contrast.

So, little memory.

In thirty years when your on top again, suddenly your version of conformism and control will just be 'natural' and not some kind of political correctness.

Shit, you both hate the human soul.

We got two kinds of parasites. One loves to shame people. The other loves to guilt trip them.

Haters both and neither able to see in the funhouse mirror how much the other side is like themselves.
And where were the wokies back then? Deathly silent as a matter of fact. Wokies don't 'do', they tweet. Brave souls.
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Re: woke

Post by Age »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:10 am
Age wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 3:50 am
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:03 pm Perfect. We have two morons from opposite sides of the spectrum here, neither of whom grasp the meaning of 'wokism'. Sculptor and Immanuel Can. Two agenda-driven idiots who are incapable of thinking past their personal politics.
Do you REALLY BELIEVE that there is ONLY One meaning of 'wokism'?

Since it's not an actual word then it doesn't have an actual meaning. It's a mind-set. A personality type if you like (unpleasant).
So, 'you' go on about how there are two posters here, whom NEITHER of, can grasp the MEANING of the word 'wokism'. BUT, when I just pose a VERY SIMPLE and EASY question to 'you', for CLARIFICATION, 'you' then 'try to' DETRACT and now CLAIM that the word 'you' USED and SAID, and CLAIMED the "others" did NOT KNOW the MEANING to, is REALLY NOT even an ACTUAL word and does NOT even have an ACTUAL 'meaning'.

Which is ALL VERY CONTRADICTORY, to say the least.
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Re: woke

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Good grief. I'm not wading through that sea of upper cases :roll:
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Re: woke

Post by Age »

Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:40 am
iambiguous wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:54 am Right. Like those who tune into Carlson and Hannity and Ingraham on Fox News aren't ferociously, in unison, nodding their heads to practically everything they hear.
I don't know whether or not they do. But nobody's compelling them to, either way, because conservatism is not collectivist -- i.e. there's no emphasis that "group think" or "political correctness" is mandated or required by anybody, even Hannity or whomever. If there's any commonness of belief, it's a result of people choosing their beliefs. It's not "woke."
So, here we can CLEARLY SEE VERY GOOD PROOF that these so-called 'adult human beings', back in the days when this was being written, would FIGHT or ARGUE of the EXACT SAME WORD but EACH, individually, USING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT 'definitions' for the EXACT SAME WORD.
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:40 am
2] Your own "woke" mantra is that those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior will burn in Hell for all of eternity!
Compelling belief is a contradiction in terms, Biblically speaking: you can't make a person believe something they don't.
WHY is this so-called, 'biblical speaking'?

'you' can NOT make a person BELIEVE some 'thing that they do NOT want to, just like 'you' can make a person SEE what the ACTUAL and IRREFUTABLE Truth IS, when they BELIEVE otherwise, and thus do NOT want to even LOOK AT thee Truth, let alone SEE 'It'.

This is just thee Truth, which does NOT necessarily have absolutely ANY thing to with the 'bible', per se.
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:40 am God Himself doesn't try that.
Do 'you' STILL BELIEVE that God is a male gender 'Thing', Itself?

Even God, Itself, does NOT even try to get 'you', "immanuel can", to SEE thee ACTUAL Truth here, and this is BECAUSE 'you' are TO BLINDED by 'your' OWN BELIEFS and ASSUMPTIONS here.
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:40 am You can only tell them, and let them make their own choice, regardless of the consequences. And the fact that that involves no compulsion is evident...for you, yourself, profess not to believe.

So if being Christian is "woke," then how come you're not one? :shock:

LOOK, YOUR GROUP of human beings BELIEVE that ANOTHER OTHER GROUP of human beings are DESTINED for an ETERNAL HELL-like EXISTENCE.
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