What is the basis for reason? And mathematics?

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Post by roydop »


In order for paradox to be solved, it must be recognized that:

A. The medium through which paradox presents, is that of symbol. These words that are “things” are symbols that represent non-physical ideas and systems of thought.

B. Symbol is in a superposition of existing as both a physical thing and a non-physical thought.

“This statement is false” exists within the physical realm because you can see it, and the statement also exists in the non-physical realm* as a “voice” within consciousness.

It is imperative that the statement in question is recognized as being “symbol”, and that “symbol” is in a superposition of existing simultaneously in the physical realm of the senses, and in the non-physical realm of thought.

Symbol is a special type of physical object in that interaction with it produces a non-physical phenomenon within consciousness. When looking at a three-dimensional tree, that interaction does not automatically produce a voice in your consciousness saying: “tree”. However, the word/symbol “tree” automatically produces a non-physical phenomenon to arise simultaneously with the sight of the symbol. This non-physical phenomenon is “the voice in your head.”

* The Paradox Solved theory assumes that “the voice in your head” (“thought”/”mind”) is non-physical. The senses of smell, touch, sight, hearing, taste constitute the physical realm. Thoughts constitute the mental realm, which is non-physical and is represented by quantum mechanics in the form of the “wave function”.

Paradox arises within “this statement is false” because the symbols are explicitly revealing the state of superposition that is symbol itself.
“This statement” points attention to the visual sense aspect of the symbols. “Is false” then pulls that attention to focus exclusively on the thought aspect of the symbol. The concept/thought aspect of the symbol “false” relates to no phenomenon within the physical realm (not to three-dimensional objects; not to the two-dimensional plane; nor to the linear one-dimensional symbol of language that exists within the two-dimensional plane).

A physical object cannot be “false”; only another thought can be false. “This statement is false” appears as paradox because the statement is referring to itself, which is symbol, which is in a superposition of existing as both a “thing” and a “thought”. The thought-sensation “paradox” is the feeling resulting in consciousness as its attention is pulled from the three-dimensional realm, through the two-dimensional realm (the screen or page) and onto the one-dimensional linear realm that is the symbol of language. Attention that is laser-focused on this one-dimensional realm will experience a non-physical phenomenon within consciousness: thought.

So paradox appears so clearly and strongly with: “This statement is false” because within the span of four symbols, attention is directed away from three-dimensional experience and onto a linear, one-dimensional experience within a two-dimensional plane. Interaction with this one-dimensional realm generates a zero-(spatial)dimensional phenomenon to arise within consciousness (thought/the “voice in your head”).
As symbol exists in a superposition of existing simultaneously as a thing and a thought, symbol is a portal connecting the physical and thought realms.

And herein is the “WHY”.

The blatant paradox revealed is Truth/Kali, explicitly exposing the spell that is cast, the magical slight-of-hand trick, that ignorance/Maya has used to mesmerize human consciousness.

Simply put, “This statement is false” is a lie, and due to Maya’s subtle and persistent programming, human consciousness believes the lie.

“False” generates an error (resistance) because the symbol “false” attempts to convince consciousness that the non-physical realm of thought is as “real” and substantial as the physical realm.

The statement is/all statements are, a one-dimensional stream of information that is expressed upon a two-dimensional plane within a three-dimensional realm. The statement exists in the physical realm but in a lower-dimensional state than that of three-dimensional objects. The act of “reading” has a four-dimensional consciousness narrowing its focus of attention onto a one-dimensional stream of information that produces a zero-dimensional, non-physical phenomenon: thought.

In this way, the process of “symbol” is a portal connecting the three-dimensional realm experienced by human consciousness with the zero-dimensional non-physical realm of thoughts. Through the use of symbol, Maya lures attention away from the three-dimensional experience of consciousness, through the third, second and singular dimension, and onto the non-spatial dimension of thought.

“Tree” is symbol representing a three-dimensional object that exists in a four-dimensional realm. “This statement” is symbol representing the linear one-dimensional symbol of language that exists in a two-dimensional plane. “This statement is false” is symbol that represents both the linear one-dimensional symbol of language and the zero-dimensional, non-physical thought realm, simultaneously. Maya has human consciousness believing (via thought) that “false” can apply equally to thoughts and sensations, but a sensation cannot be “false”. So consciousness that has seen through the artificially manufactured substantialness of thought itself sees not the paradox of two equally substantial realms “battling over truth”, but instead sees the process as the slight-of-hand deception, the lie, that Maya tells us in order to move consciousness deeper into delusion.
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Post by Dontaskme »

Nonduality the one question to all our answers.

Since understanding cannot be an object to itself, just like sight cannot be its own object. There simply is understanding. No need to dualistically divide it in an intellectual understanding. There is in fact no separate entity doing the understanding; there is only the One expressing as understanding.
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Post by roydop »

Dontaskme wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:01 pm Nonduality the one question to all our answers.

Since understanding cannot be an object to itself, just like sight cannot be its own object. There simply is understanding. No need to dualistically divide it in an intellectual understanding. There is in fact no separate entity doing the understanding; there is only the One expressing as understanding.
Paradox itself has been solved and this is your response? How about trying to understand the proof rather than just blurting out random stuff?
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Post by Dontaskme »

roydop wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:09 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:01 pm Nonduality the one question to all our answers.

Since understanding cannot be an object to itself, just like sight cannot be its own object. There simply is understanding. No need to dualistically divide it in an intellectual understanding. There is in fact no separate entity doing the understanding; there is only the One expressing as understanding.
Paradox itself has been solved and this is your response? How about trying to understand the proof rather than just blurting out random stuff?
There is in fact no separate entity doing the understanding; there is only the One expressing as understanding.

The one who apparently solves "That is the Mystery", and that the mind's curiosity is always digging up questions wanting to 'know' things that maybe cannot be 'known'. The mind's curiosity is also Consciousness asking Itself, because there is nothing else.
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Post by Iwannaplato »

Sentences are supposed to be about stuff, usually. They describe. Give us information. That sentence fails. It's not really a sentence. It's nonsense. Not all strings of words are either true or false.

The cabbage.

Is that true or false? No absolute bivalence.
In some conversation it might work, might convey. But doesn't serve any purpose, except, perhaps in some artistic context.

Of course language doesn't have to inform. It can express. It can point.

This statement is false....

bothers at least some people because you can't resolve it. We give some power to words on a page and give them a purpose. Give that sentence some power (we oughta listen to it) and purpose (it's informing us) and we find a spasm in the brain.

It's not a lie. A lie is to tell something false and know that it is false.

That sentence is not false nor is it true. It doesn't get to a meaning.

The purposes it can serve, as far as I can see, are to amuse
to act as a kind of Koan.

If you project power and purpose onto words you end up mentally crosseyed with this sentence.

And if you mull that enough it might make you question (or no longer as much) give power to words and purpose to words in the ways we sometimes do.

Words and sentences pouring into our brain. Often we just let them pour in without letting our natural reactions take place. Like we are a cup with no desires and interests and perceptions. If we allow ourselves some kind of filter then we check to see if it is false or true (or if it comes directly from a human, we might look at their intentions).

If you think whatever comes must be true or false, well, you get that spasm in the brain.

And you probably have trouble with people who view language not merely a conduit for information.
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Post by iambiguous »

We'll need a context of course.
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Post by wtf »

It's not well known, but Bertrand Russell had lifelong problems with his feet and his teeth. Wherever he traveled, he was always accompanied by his podiatrist and his dentist. People would say, Here comes Russell with his pair o' docs. His biographer mis-transcribed this to Russell's paradox, and the error persists to this day.
roydop wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 4:20 pm PARADOX SOLVED

In order for paradox to be solved, it must be recognized that:
You haven't even deigned to tell us what you mean by paradox. You haven't distinguished true logical paradoxes from veridical (merely apparent) paradoxes. You haven't shown how your "theory" addresses or resolves Russell's paradox, or the Banach-Tarski paradox, or the Burali-Forti paradox, or any other of the famous antinomies known to logic, math, and science. You don't appear to have even glanced at the linked Wiki page on the subject of paradoxes. You've said nothing and explained nothing.

I did click on your video link and by great coincidence happened to fast forward directly to where you rapped your knuckles on your whiteboard and knocked it over, making a loud crashing sound. That was hilarious. Is all this a joke? You seem very serious, but I see no intellectual content.
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Post by roydop »

Just as I suspected; none of that got through

"Philosophers" are the most deluded of all because they can't see through the illusion of thought itself.

It is fun to drop by and watch the crazies spin on their hamster wheel
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Post by Iwannaplato »

roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:03 am Just as I suspected; none of that got through

"Philosophers" are the most deluded of all because they can't see through the illusion of thought itself.

It is fun to drop by and watch the crazies spin on their hamster wheel
Facile. No specific response to points made...and a generalized condescending response which fits with what I predicted elsewhere....
Here's a prediction. You keep coming here and lecturing you will again get people reacting to you as they have. You in turn will get more and more insulting and/or begin to hide your reaction to people not appreciating the condescension and assumptions on your part.

You are much more likely to find that your natural state of happiness for some reason quite easily turns sour when you interact with people who have a different take on life.

One might even guess that you are seeking to be in the dynamic with people who you think don't get it. As this is a way of 'confirming' that you do.

We seen this happen once. Let's see if it happens again.
Note the part I bolded in his post near the top of this one. Just as he expected...iow getting what he wants. And then this....
It is fun to drop by and watch the crazies spin on their hamster wheel
Though honesty about sadism in a would-be-guru has it's silver lining.
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Post by wtf »

roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:03 am Just as I suspected; none of that got through

"Philosophers" are the most deluded of all because they can't see through the illusion of thought itself.

It is fun to drop by and watch the crazies spin on their hamster wheel
Just condescend to my pathetic level and explain to my poor beknighted self how your theory resolves the Banach-Tarski paradox or the Burali-Forti paradox or the lottery paradox or the Kleene-Rosser paradox or any of the many other paradoxes enumerated in this Wiki list.

Pick any one and apply your theory to it. If you can't do that for a single one of these well known paradoxes, all you have is a pile of word salad. With lo-fat dressing. And of course a hilarious moment of unintended high humor on your video, which made my morning.

ps -- Let me give an example. In 1915 Einstein came out with his theory of general relativity, which described gravity as an effect caused by the curvature of 4D spacetime. People didn't say, "Wow, huzzah, now it's all clear." On the contrary, nobody believed him until he APPLIED his theory to make a specific prediction that could be verified or refuted by astronomers. In 1919 Sir Arthur Eddington made the measurement and confirmed Einstein's theory. THEN Einstein became famous.

You can't just type in words. If someone challenges you to apply your theory and show how it gives insight, you either need to put up or shut up. If you applied your theory to, say, the Banach-Tarski paradox and I read your explanation and went, "Wow, NOW I understand something I didn't understand before," then I'd say you have something.

But if you can't give a single example of an application of your ideas, perhaps your own intellectual integrity would cause you to have a moment of self-awareness, and go back and have yourself another think.
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Post by Skepdick »

wtf wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:25 am Just condescend to my pathetic level and explain to my poor beknighted self how your theory resolves the Banach-Tarski paradox or the Burali-Forti paradox or the lottery paradox or the Kleene-Rosser paradox or any of the many other paradoxes enumerated in this Wiki list.
Just get rid of the "points" and work with localaes?

This stuff is standard reductionism (properties of whole are properties of the parts) vs holism (the whole has properties the parts do not) conceptual clashes.
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Post by roydop »

wtf wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:25 am
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:03 am Just as I suspected; none of that got through

"Philosophers" are the most deluded of all because they can't see through the illusion of thought itself.

It is fun to drop by and watch the crazies spin on their hamster wheel
Just condescend to my pathetic level and explain to my poor beknighted self how your theory resolves the Banach-Tarski paradox or the Burali-Forti paradox or the lottery paradox or the Kleene-Rosser paradox or any of the many other paradoxes enumerated in this Wiki list.

Pick any one and apply your theory to it. If you can't do that for a single one of these well known paradoxes, all you have is a pile of word salad. With lo-fat dressing. And of course a hilarious moment of unintended high humor on your video, which made my morning.

ps -- Let me give an example. In 1915 Einstein came out with his theory of general relativity, which described gravity as an effect caused by the curvature of 4D spacetime. People didn't say, "Wow, huzzah, now it's all clear." On the contrary, nobody believed him until he APPLIED his theory to make a specific prediction that could be verified or refuted by astronomers. In 1919 Sir Arthur Eddington made the measurement and confirmed Einstein's theory. THEN Einstein became famous.

You can't just type in words. If someone challenges you to apply your theory and show how it gives insight, you either need to put up or shut up. If you applied your theory to, say, the Banach-Tarski paradox and I read your explanation and went, "Wow, NOW I understand something I didn't understand before," then I'd say you have something.

But if you can't give a single example of an application of your ideas, perhaps your own intellectual integrity would cause you to have a moment of self-awareness, and go back and have yourself another think.
Here is the application of my ideas:

I'm done. I know why all of THIS exists and have realized true, Absolute Self. All of that thinking is an errant path. It leads consciousness deeper into delusion. I'm pointing to the exit sign within the labyrinth of mind.

Walk through it or not.
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Post by Harbal »

roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:02 pm I'm done.
Don't forget to flush this time. :|
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Post by roydop »

The thing about genius is that it presents convention from a completely novel perspective. Then those who believe convention cannot adopt that new perspective refute and mock the new perspective,in their ignorance

I can't help it that you can't understand what is being presented. That doesn't make it incorrect, it simply means you don't understand it

This is genius and rather than trying to refute it one should try to understand it
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Post by Harbal »

roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm The thing about genius is that it presents convention from a completely novel perspective. Then those who believe convention cannot adopt that new perspective refute and mock the new perspective,in their ignorance

I can't help it that you can't understand what is being presented. That doesn't make it incorrect, it simply means you don't understand it

This is genius and rather than trying to refute it one should try to understand it
You are right: It was thoughtless of me to mock you, and I am aware of that now. :wink:
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