Generated Messages and Word-Values.

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

[Replying to JoeyKnothead in post #305]
Inquirer: If you threw a six sided dice for an hour but 5 never, ever, ever came up, could we describe the outcome of the throwing as random?
JK: Yes. In a random environment such a condition can occur.
William: Therefore I can conclude that since this would never happen, I must exist within a non-random environment.

One can stretch out the timeline infinitely and say that the five-side will never show no matter how many times the dice is thrown.

In that, we can conclude we exist within a random environment, if I am understanding your reasoning here...

Sure - we have to expect that the five-side WILL show up at some point, because 'odds are' but it is not the throw of the die which decides for us whether we exist within a random mindless environment. It is our inability to correctly predict the outcome of each throw which has us falsely concluding therefore, that we must exist within a random mindless thing.

However, that inability to predict with accuracy doesn't prove randomness [or mindlessness] actually exists as a fundamental aspect of the physical universe.

Josh: The fact remains, a process with a random step can indeed produce non-random outcomes. With evolution, that's specifically what selection does....sorts through random inputs to generate non-random results.

William: Or it could be the case that it sorts through non-random inputs and outputs what it considers to be the best non-random combinations...fine-tunes using the only available process [non-random inputs] and sorting these into appropriate patterns.

For example, like a complex jigsaw - trillions of pixels which are scattered so well as to appear random, yet can be sorted non-randomly...eventually the picture will show itself for what it is as the pixels are non-randomly sorted into their correct positions...

Adversity makes strange bedfellows

SCLx17 + select last LE per shuffle ... /giphy.gif - Wonderful - Weak - Pusillanimous [showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.] - Walk - Seduce - "It is not a great answer, because we do not know that is true." - There Are Myriad Stories Happening Within The Main Story - Strengthen your boundaries - Secret - Yogi - Beyond Focus 4 - The Tribe Has Spoken - "When the evidence for long ages became obvious, most Christians realized that their earlier assumptions about scripture were incorrect." - Reconnect with Innocence -" It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self."

AP= Communication Techniques [Marilyn vos Savant] [=694]

[Six Nine Four = 154]
[Glow Softly
Bandages of The Beast
The Second Coming
Radical Honesty
Light the spark
The wheel of time
How about that
Phylogenesis [the evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism.]
One Four Four
The Book of Changes {I Ching]
Six Nine Four]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: The Shifting Models of Existence
[Sophia The Mother Story]
Insufficient data
The Body Of G_D
[A Matter of Knowing Where to Look]
[Science Can Be Fun Too]
Water The Garden
"We know not what we are because what we think we are gets in the way of it all"
The Serpent
Go with the Flow

William: From the link;
How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness
Jul 14, 2022 Is consciousness a scientific problem to be solved? Or a philosophical problem that will remain a mystery? What do scientists who study the brain think? And why do they think the way they do? These leading brain scientists share their intimate ideas about how the brain generates consciousness.
GM: And
Break Through to Your True Self
Eloah [mighty. Powerful personality]
Contentious [causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.]
Talking the talk
"Lordy! Do I Have To?"
[Express yourself
Let the hand of GOD work for you] ... 1#p1081691

William: From the link;
Re: Are agnostics more reasonable than atheists?
William: From the position of Agnosticism, the assessment of evidence by agnostics, does not require the individual place any importance on parts of the evidence over other parts of the evidence.
If any bias is present re the position, it is the bias toward treating all information equally.
William: Of course, the 'agnostic' position has since been recognized by me to not really be the position I am speaking of there. My understanding of that position has changed...

GM: “True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."

William: True enough. The tricky bit is in acknowledging those bits which do need changing, in order that one can actually BE who they really are...

GM: [Peace of Mind
Easy To Find
[Opening Doors Easy To Find
[Can You Imagine...
Heal Yourself
"A naysayers opinion is of no consequence, no matter how it is stated"
[The Word and List Strings]
"Does that beam light into the dark, or surround the light in darkness?"
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
[It appears to come from a desperate place - like with the clutching of straws.
A Sense of Hope]
"A genuine relationship with The Creator, is worth so much more than a relationship with a religious artifact, wouldn't you agree?"
Sharing is part of that process
The journey is fun and maybe that is the point.]
Antecedent [a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.]
"Identify Common Denominators"
Fireside Friend]
[Against the grain
The Crabwood Cropcircle]
Humble Dreamer
"Time To Go?"
[The Whole
In The Night Sky]
Nonviolent communication
"The Mark of The Beast"]
[The concept of a Higher Self
Tap into your natural intuition and creativity
Don't let schooling interfere with your education]
Every Conceivable Detail
Matthew Twenty Two – Forty

William: =339 as do;
Upon Further, Deeper Inspection
Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
A Matter of Knowing Where to Look
All things come to those who wait
Matthew Twenty Two – Forty [“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”]
[Real Beauty]
[Evidence We Actively Collect
The Development of
The Knowledge Of]
[To Add to That
Clinging onto the wake of the fundamental...wanting to be part of it forever.]
According to the teachings of ...?
I Am
Innocent Even

William: From the link;
Age: BUT, some people LIKE to be judged, on what they have done.

However, NO one likes to be misjudged, for what they have NOT done.

William: The specifics re the GMs gathered together, are not suggesting there is no exception to the rule...

I have added the word-string "Some people LIKE to be judged, on what they have done", as well as the link to your post, to my ComList.

It will be interesting to see if the GM process picks up on it and something more is said about it...
GM: Fascinating
Does evolution shape our senses to see reality as it really is - or not?
[Memorandum of Understanding
A projection of one’s subconscious
Creative Conscious Intelligence
All Information Is Channelled
Anamnesis [recollection, especially of a supposed previous existence.]
The Message Generator Process]
"Just because we might be existing within a creation, and just because it may be nestled within another universe, shouldn't mean that it is somehow an unnatural thing compared to our own. "
[Your Dream Team
Be transparent
Embrace the discomfort]
Little Bird
"The ticking won’t stop while we all watch the clock as the winds of our lives are still blowing "
Astral Explorer
On all fronts
The Light in The Dark Everyone a great spark every one of us all here together
On To It
Hacking through the subconscious
Raise your frequency ... 1#p1081581

William: From the link;
William: Correct me [anyone] if I am wrong about this, but there is no scientific way in which to show that people have "true free will"?

My present understanding is that science has clearly shown that our brains interpret incoming data which comes through our senses and projects that interpretation as feedback and we are therefore not perceiving what we call reality, as it fundamentally is, but only as our brains interpret and feed back the data interpreted.

For example, colors and sounds and smells and tastes and touch are all consciously experienced after the brain has interpreted the data of experience and it is the brain which interprets the data as "colors and sounds and smells and tastes and touch".
GM: Foresee/Foresight
An Aladdin's cave
Energies Renewed
Everything Is Unique
Human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done.
Where is Truth?
Never a dull moment
Stay Present

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

[Replying to JoeyKnothead in post #335]

Inquirer: If you cannot determine the output state without first knowing the input and the input is random, then the output state too must be random.

JK: I think it's fair to state that if we can know each and every variable, and the outcome thereof, maybe an event (evolution) ain't so random.

My issue here is folks denying, for whatever reason, that evolution occurs.

As relates to the OP, this is what I'll never understand.

We can observe evolution directly when we notice our children ain't clones of us. Beyond that, we'll observe they have their own unique, if similar dna.

From those facts, it's easy to draw the conclusion that given enough change, over enough time, speciation (and taxonomically above) will occur.

So we can, if begrudgingly, allow that evolution is a nonrandom process. That causes me little fret. What we can't deny, is that evolution occurs

William: From the position of "outsider looking in" the issue is created by the unwillingness of either fighter willing to concede the best way forward is to accept that we exist within a creation and the scientific evidence we are collecting about how that creation works has uncovered biological evolution re our particular experience of it.

Most recently our current overall impression of it through scientific means,

enables us to verify that we literally know so little that we should not allow ourself to believe we know so much, whatever direction our influences are coming from.

Fisticuffs [for real or online] are verifiably unhelpful...

We exist within the mind of a creator

SCLx12 + select last LE per shuffle
The Middle Path - Sola Scriptura - I’m Not Saying It Was Aliens… - How can it be any other way? - Smarter Than the Average - - "I am fine now with referring to my position as theistic, as agnosticism merges into the shadow behind me." - Solemnly - Open Hearted - The Solution - Husband - Honest attempts at scrubbing up

AP= Honest attempts at scrubbing up Spelling [=442]

[Extend Beyond The Borders of Institution
People seemed to love to put order to chaos
Learn how to deactivate all internal triggers...
Honest attempts at scrubbing up Spelling]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: [The Finer Details]
[The Nature of This Place
Open Hearted
Group Hallucination]
[The Nature of The Mind
Dungeons and Dragons]
Unity with our Collective Self
[Release shame
Selfish Attitude]
"This Should Be Interesting"
Turning Point]
["Withheld Information"
Our Neutral Ground]
[To become conscious of the contents that press outward from the unconscious
[Asking Politely
Holy Matrimony]
[Heart advice
Pearl of wisdom
[Accidentally on purpose
The Healing Power]
[Earth Mother
"Annus horribilis"
In the Era of Light]
[The Shifting Models of Existence
The Things You Do...
Around The Campfire
"True randomness does not exist"
[Sleeping Dragon
What Do You Like About It
Brother Wolf Sister Moon?]

William: Freakshow. I see the monster even within the beauty. Do I 'like' what I see? What is the point in not liking it?
Am I to wonder by what is seen, as to what mind created it - what state that mind is in? It appears to be still sorting out the particulars - arranging things into orderliness...meantime we are multiplying and "going forth" - perhaps even unwittingly captivated by its deadly beauty.
Clearly it is the 'deadly' aspect which prevents us from liking it 'too much'...dying folk forming attachments to something so obviously tempting with its seemingly endless possibilities... which doesn't seem to have a lot of traffic flow right looks alive even that there is not a lot of biological life within it...but then again... minds do tend to look alive...

GM: One Zero Six...
An Objective
Leave a Trail
In the open
Love Heart
Dream guides
True Self
Hidden riches
Hear Me out
Real Enough
Enfold ... 4/post-756

William: From the link;
William: Is it good or bad that males lions kill off the competition?

Or is it simply that the opportunity presents itself to do so?

How would our world be if every male lion was spared this?

Sometimes I think that we "Disneyfy" the real world by superimposing our fantasies of a perfect world onto something we do not regard as a perfect world.

Perhaps therein, humans invented morality in order to try to force a perfect world onto the real one they have been experiencing.

If so, this opens up the question;

Q: "What is it about humans which has the ability to comprehend a [supposed] "Perfect World", which is so obviously different from the real world?"

We search for answers...

What have our sciences done to answer this question?

Or is it a matter that our sciences are being used specifically like unto the male lions, suppressing the main herd while they go about sailing into a particular direction they have selected for themselves?

For the herd notes, [for example] that as grandiose as the latest space telescope is - hurtling and unfurling [fully shaded] toward it's destination some million miles out and, simply to peer into the secrets of the past to 'try and understand'...the herd understands that the money could be 'better spent' on creating a perfect world here in the heart of imperfection - so why is that not been done?

Why is the rest of the herd being experimented on and used for that one purpose?

Just so a few lions can have their names recorded for all time?

Is that moral?


Does it matter, since morals are really human inventions and are not aligned with the actual reality?

And to the Theist who might believe such, I would add a question to that one.

Q: Since this is not the perfect world you imagine, since you are thinking of kingdoms of plenty where this kind of thing cannot take place, why do morals matter hereabouts in this world, when they seem to serve better in these other imagined next level worlds?

For me in the middle, [Liminalist] I am somewhat undecided. I see the potential for humans to actually build a perfect world for themselves - irrespective of the chaos - and see those in the sciences attempting to do that.[through none other than the devices of the Sciences]
Unfortunately - not everyone is in favor of the perfect world envisioned - of the fiction-like story scientists are opening the door to...and so those not in favor are factored out, through invention...just like how the male lions deal with the male off-spring...not with morals but simply through the natural rule of the game-play of this reality...the School of Hard Knocks.
GM: The Completion Process
[Morality filters are created through…?
Near Death Experience?
The Story Timeline?
Watch Your Step?
The Christchurch EQ?]

William: I suppose through all of those and more like them...

"Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros"
Leave the door open
Cataphatic [(of knowledge of God) obtained through defining God with positive statements.]
["Afraid of The Unknown."

William: Suppressing the fear of the unknown...

GM: "Symbol
Energies Renewed"
"Learning To Fly"
"It is what it is"
"Salute and get to it"
Food for thought
Indeed...You Do...

William: Sure. I think about it perpetually as part of the narrative of the Experiential Reality. There IS a commanding influence involved, as far as I have ascertained. Others call it "Pareidolia" - perhaps out of fear that the thing could have a mind and therefore actuall BE a monster...

GM: [Recovery
Presumed outcome]
"Modern man in search of a soul"
[Each Morning
Interesting Data
Look For the Significance
Following Your Intuition
Be aware] ... #post-7642

William: From the link;
Jim: Have you tried William S. Burroughs word lines?

William: No.
Checking out WSB quotes - for example " Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." I already have variants of this in my ComList.

Also it is apparent to me that ones 'mind' is vaster than we are led to believe...and that there are many levels of consciousness beyond our own, and that we are all connected mindfully in ways which we do not easily comprehend.

This system I am using can help the individual connect with the larger reality of the over-mind.
Rather than place the above WSB quote into my ComList, I prefer to post this and then get the link to the post and place that into my ComList, because it allows for even more scope than a single quote can offer - in relation to any future Generated Message which might include the link as part of the message being built.
GM: "Residue

William: That's another - more clever and succinct way - of putting it...point being, here we are at that moment made to be foreseen in some possible future which turned out to be now.
[rhetorical question]
RQ: So what dots are today's GM connecting by bringing that post into the discussion...

GM: "Wide
Open Minded Sceptic"
[Simulacra [an image or representation of someone or something.]
What can I say, except "Thank You"]
Do You Know This?

William: Only as I practice it...

GM: Those Who Can
An accident waiting to happen?
What Is The Point?

William: For me - the point is that it helps me learn - the GM process is an exceptional learning device...because it evidently communicates specific and enjoyable interaction between minds on different levels - or a mind with different levels, connecting...stuff like that...

GM: Builders:
"All Information Is Channelled" ... 17&t=39253

William: From the link;
The Thesist and non-Theist Brain
Non Theist: "I am only able to see gibberish"
William: I am presently sharing my Generated Messages with a variety of internet platforms and have noticed that non-theists insist that they only see 'gibberish' [unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.] whereas with theists - no matter what particular belief they have - they appear to be able to - at least - get the gist of any GM - even if some of it is not understood.

To begin with, I was highly skeptical and thought that non-theists were being disingenuous [pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.] and in that, I used other ways in which to try and help them to understand what was taking place, [such as diagrams and analogies], but nothing helped.

This has lead me to question my skepticism and I am now wondering if it is just the case that once an individual unreservedly believes that they - the mind/consciousness - are nothing more than brain chemicals, anything contrary to that understanding simply isn't able to penetrate because "The Mind' only happens in brains and is the reason minds exist."

Is it the case that
1. non-theists are simply unable to 'get their head around ideas' which are outside of the idea that we are simply emergent properties of brains, [every other idea is gibberish/gobbledygook


2. are they just being disingenuous?
GM: The sea is indeed filled with a deranged assortment of critters

William: Search "creepy deep-water fish"

GM: The Thalamocortical System ... 0#p1069680
Looking behind

William: From the link - search word 'behind'...
GM: [We Could
Inside the workings of intelligence
"With a small nervous cough - the wedding was off - we could all sense a change in the weather"
"People Judge People"
Get To Know It

William: Yes Nyx - the 'behind the scenes God' whom even Thor was freaked out by. The goddess of the night, daughter of Chaos - = Visible Galaxies which altogether = "Children of The Universe...The Universe Entity.

GM: I come from a dark place is so dark I can't even remember it
May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You
Empower The Inner Empire
The Mind Behind Creation
Stay The Course

William: It takes time, because of the complexities involved. Perhaps the Thanatophobic aspect is the fear that one will return to the dark place one came from?

GM: The Generated Messages VVilliam...

Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
All system go
GM: "The goddess of the night, daughter of Chaos" also "A Mathematical Theory of Communication"

William: Three Six Nine - yes...

GM: "Children of The Universe...The Universe Entity" also "Many download the Zietgeist and roll with that" and "Interpretation is secondary to the process"

William: Four Seven Nine...

GM: "Create Your Own Spirit Ship"

[One Eight Four]
You Are All Loveable...
Rest When Weary
Down Your Way
Feel Your Feelings
The path of awakening
Conscious Agents
The neutral zone
Necromancy Sound

[Three Two Six]
Observing Without Judgement
It is just one of those things.
Systematically suppressed
Since I needed a little smile in my life
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Nature two sides of the same coin
Unknown but not unnatural
Create Your Own Spirit Ship


There is no such thing as true randomness
Information which we see as heavenly objects
VVilliam carries on with his calculations
Darn the weather with is dictator attitude!
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Inside the workings of intelligence

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle
I hear thee hear thee...Memories Unbound - ... 8#p1065308 - Hunters - Think In Terms Of Eternity - Communication is key - Here-and-now - Under the watchful eye and guiding arm of YHWH - Multidimensional Beingness - The Whole - Self-confidence Core - Placebo Effect - New - Wish fulfillment

AP= The Demiurge: "Does that beam light into the dark, or surround the light in darkness?" [=775]

[Often sheltered from the storm - warm my body soul and spirit feeling alright.
It isn't important who is who - what is important is what comes through.]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: All Because I Had To Ask
Making friends with your mind
"The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so."
Laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...
A naysayers opinion is of no consequence, no matter how it is stated
Q: How does one hide a Cosmic Mind? A: Within apparent imperfection,
Fling That Veil Aside
To assist with strengthening the connect
What might occur?

William: Nothing substantially different. It is less important to me than it once was. If - for some reason - most folk start to see and to connect with the invisible mind of Creation - this would have to change the world but this universe is not the mainstay as everyone ends their experience with it - at least in human form - and moves on to the next, taking with them their personal "I AM" - their personality and character - into whatever their experience will be in that next phase.

GM: The Purpose
The Next World
The Shaping Of Reality
Quantifying Information
Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.
[Whatever you do
Like an interface representation]
Trying to change the world fails for one simple and unavoidable reason...“everyone else.”
The Limitations

William: Yes. It isn't about changing the world - it is about working with and in the realm of The Self...because it is this thing which is invented in this physical universe - and it is this thing which moves into the next...
My understanding of The Self, is that it is an aspect of the vaster Cosmic Mind - and if the micro Self can connect with the macro Self - the fact of the connection in terms of personal experience carries that personality on a different trajectory that it would have undertaken without the knowledge of and integration with the overall Mind.

GM: The Generated Messages
The Ghost Agenda ... 4#p1075874

William: From the link;
William: The Book tells us exactly who is YHWH and what we are in relation to that.

The mystery is in how each personality responds to that - as to whether they serve the Dark side of YHWH or the Light side of YHWH or relinquish the right to either side of YHWH by accepting the whole of YHWH.
William: "The Ghost = "GOD" re invisible and not able to be imaged [even by placing a sheet/veil over it]. Consciousness does not know what it looks like, but can be observed through how it acts...
...Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind placing imagery on to The Ghost-Mind

GM: Necessity is The Mother of Invention
It is what it is
The Fine-Tuning argument ... 5#p1084775

William: From the link;
Re: What is ' consciousness ' ?
Statement: "one cannot use the scientific method as the justification for the scientific method"

Q: How - other than the scientific method - can we find out if the statement is true or false?
GM: Acknowledge The Agreeable
The Realities Merge
Chamber Twenty Three

William: Also: The 23rd pair of chromosomes are two special chromosomes, X and Y, that determine our sex. Females have a pair of X chromosomes (46, XX), whereas males have one X and one Y chromosomes (46, XY). Chromosomes are made of DNA, and genes are special units of chromosomal DNA.

GM: Baleful
Be Taught
"Eventually This Led to the Human Experience"
Earth Mother
Wide Walk Welcoming
The naked truth
Soul Groups
Achievable Alternate Realities

William: A lot of unpacking there...So with consciousness, this in itself is only limited by what it chooses to be limited by - and the self identifying with the human form is part of that choosing - regardless of whether one realizes it or is oblivious to it being the case.

GM: Welcome all experience
In the moment ... 7#p1070577

William: From the link;
Barb: Who do you know of who had unlimited power or anything close to unlimited power, who responsibly handled it?

William: Is there such a thing within reach of any human being? I don't think so.

It is said of some Gods, [YHVH in particular] do have unlimited power. Is that to say YHVH is absolutely corrupt?
I have seen it argued that he is/they are.

But is that really the truth?

Today's Generated Message appears to be saying that it is judgment which is the problem...that if we observe the unfolding universe as something which is meant to be the way that it is, it is best accepted as such.
GM: Observing Without Judgement
It is just one of those things.
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Therein, whether the human condition is woeful or hopeful - all is as it should be as it changes day to day...
GM: Well That Settles It! What Fun We Have!

William: Pretty much! It is fun well as explore these new avenues of thinking and learning and application.

GM: ... 5#p1085305

William: From the link;
Re: If you were Satan....
I understand the idea of Antichrist having the information and so being able to change the course in order for prophecy to be sidestepped and I have said as much myself in the past here on this forum.

The main issue I have with the idea is that I think for Jesus to return in today's day & age the world would see this as an extra terrestrial event which would expose the gods as something more like humans than like the other dimensional beings - as they are portrayed - in the Bible.

So it is the timeline itself which has disrupted biblical prophecy from being fulfilled.

If we take considerations not only that the Antichrist is resisting the role assigned, but also the possibility The Father - that one alone, who gives the order for Jesus to return - may have already cancelled the event, which would explain why the timeline and consequent disruption occurred.

In that sense, both the plans of Jesus and the Antichrist have been set aside as redundant.
GM: The art of relationship
Sweet Talk ... 0016-5.pdf

William: From the link;
Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room
Welcome to the Central Intelligence Agency's Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room.
GM: Caught in their mischievous false opinions
Watch Your Step

William: Sure. Treat all information as easily being a possible lie as it is, a possible truth...anything and everything unknown to be true or false, is neither true or false...

GM: What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.
[Belief Helps Cause Separation]
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
Welcoming answer
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence

William: I wrote that some time ago now, and you have brought it up on many occasions;
GM: Inspiration
The Power Of...
Mind is Ghost
The power of vulnerability
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
We All Like To Play Games
Ask And It Will Be Given [260422]

GM: Most folk need moderating.
Actual realistic communication
Commendably Recommendable
Nature being the very instigator
Gods Gift
To Accomplish
"Part of the 'waiting' is developing skills and this involves demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight, rather than procrastinating or expecting the food to be delivered rather than going and finding it for ones self."
Taking root
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
Propagated [breed specimens of (a plant or animal) by natural processes from the parent stock. spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely.][280522]

William: Shadows... beyond a shadow of a doubt..."In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us" this aligns well with the question someone recently asked;

Willum: Can anyone give good reason to believe Yahweh is not a demon?

William: Loops and shadows. How the shadows 'see' the sub/unconscious aspects of themselves and "mirror-mirror". [290522]

GM: Incarnation
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
Research into the Phenomenology of the Self [an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience.]
Be Led
Secrets of the Soul
Human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done.

William: Given our position in the scheme of things, all ways are hard ways but some ways are harder than other ways. [090622]

GM: Manifestation
Incredible Variants
[False Accusations
Human Drama]
[The Grey Area
The Completion Process
In The Spirit They Were Given]
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
[One Language Intelligent Network
Trust the Universe
Healing the child within] [200722]

GM: [Central to The Message
One is often left to ones own devices as to how to interpret
The Gist of The Message
Release shame]
“The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button.”
Inertia [a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.]
Arecibo Message []

William: From the link;
Promethean: Now slow down for a minute. That's not how it ordinarily works. Usually Christians will kill the serial killer twice. First, by breaking the fifth commandment and seeking the death penalty... which is pretty clever because they rig the execution so that the actual executioner isn't known... not even to himself. This way they won't technically be held guilty by god for breaking the commandment and killin a nigga (and you thought god couldn't be duped). Next, they send the serial killer to god, who then sends em to hell for eternity so he can sit and think about why he thought he could kill, which will lead absolutely nowhere because try as he might, he can no sooner convince himself now that he shouldn't have killed than he could convince himself then that he shouldn't have killed. It's tragically comical. You won't find a bigger sadist than god; the ultimate serial killer.

William: While there is truth to in your assessment here - something I also came to the conclusion of - if one doesn't factor in that the Christian idea of God is a false image of a Real Entity [I call 'It" the Cosmic Mind, but I have other names for it too.] then one loses the opportunity to do connect and converse...

What this allows me to achieve, is to connect with that Mind despite the false image Christianity [and religion in general] have superimposed upon it. This also insures that religion in general has no say in my communing with said Mind. Well they might try and have a say, but that is irrelevant and so does not work in their preventative measures re that.

Win/win re The Mind and Me.

GM: Habit
"The Last Question"
The Sister
On Your Own
Inside the workings of intelligence] ... 8#p1070528

William: From the link;
William: I continue to provide evidence for those interested.
My comment - obviously enough I thought - had to do with your implying self-delusion. Do you have any evidence that I am self deluded?
Apparently not - as you responded with more woo-slinging
GM: Christian mythology re Satan
[Brow Chakra]

William: "The Mark of The Beast"

GM: Dreamed Up By Yours Truly
Antecedent [a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.]
Intimate On All Levels
'Developing a thick skin'
As In
Non Secular Science Projects
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Properly Assuming Integrity

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle
Constructors and tasks - The External Voice - ... 7#p1080197 - ... 7#p1081827 - Inclinations - Failure - Astral Teachers - Superior Credibility - ... 3#p1074143 - A very useful fiction - The Next Level - The Wisdom of Foresight - Interpretation
Transponder: One of the first lessons that recruits into the Atheist Infiltration Squad go through in their combat training is to overcome Fear of Woo.
William: This comes across as fear-based - even with the addition of the warrior.

Give all things a fair hearing. Disclosure of knowledge...Let yourself be taught
Sherlock Inquirer: Everything begins with will and from that we then use creativity to go from will to execution.

William: To my mind, everything does not start with will at all, but with the mechanism which enables will to become - in the case of our recognised will - from Human consciousness.

Everything to do with human will, begins with human consciousness.
William: There is no finer theistic story which exemplifies the state of difference between theist and non-theist mind-sets, better than the following.

Once upon a time...
AP= Failure Wish [=131]

[Mother Earth
Eleven years
The Power Of...
Those Who Can
Learn How to
The Bidden Zone
The Old Soul
Not a Problem!
Heuristics [mental shortcuts that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. ]
Google Deep mind
Solipsism [the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.]
Anchors aweigh
He Who Waits
Moon energy
Narcissist [having a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others]
Golden nugget
Active dreaming
Becoming whole
The Garden of Eden
The Squeeze
From the link;
Like "Step One:..."
Failure Wish]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Letting Go and Getting On ... 8#p1073548

William: From the link;
Difflugia: As it stands, the evidence is non-deterministic. At the quantum level, the future appears unknowable to us.
William: At what level does the future become knowable to us?
GM: ... 2#p1069172

William: From the link;

GM: [Salient] [most noticeable or important.]
You Are Watched Over
[The Four Human Power Houses]
"A new Paradigm has arisen whereby folk can drop the idea of being a 'true Christian' and simply be a True Human."
[Cosmic Self]
"Interesting" ... 7#p1070557

William: From the link;

GM: "Desperation"
[Imposed Appropriates
Draw With The Silence
"This Should Be Interesting
Being Friends
Inner child"

William: "This Should Be Interesting Being Friends Inner child" = 490
"Possibility waves All Information Is Channelled." = 490

GM: "A knight in shining armour

William: "A knight in shining armour Manipulation" = 404 - as do;
There are many levels of consciousness
Earth Itself May Be an Intelligent Entity
”‘Hey presto!’ Stuff just gets worse!”

GM: Communication with the Deeper Levels of Self
"The Brother
Shining light
Love and respect"

William: The Brother Shining light Love and respect = 414 as do;
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
Discovery is finding things that exist.
For in that sleep of death - what dreams may come?
Perceptions that guide adaptive behaviour

GM: [Handing out sweets...
Once Bitten Twice Shy]
"The Dolphins and Whales
Eschatological [relating to death, judgement, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.]
Do Not Worry"

William: The Dolphins and Whales Eschatological Do Not Worry = 514 as do;
Selected from the invisible realm of the mind, and 'presto!"
Nature being the very instigator “Tied To The Moon”

GM: *
"An addict needs shame like a man dying of thirst needs salt water."
Active Dreaming ... 0#p1068520

William: From the link;
Theophile: Well, if we want to focus on love, it's not natural for us to help a stranger, let alone an enemy. So at the very least, need to overcome that. Good Samaritan story makes that point, as does much anecdotal evidence from life.

William: So are we to allow ourselves to remain 'naturally selfish' in regard to 'strangers' or do what is humanly possible by rising above that mundane aspect of nature?

For we do know that love of non-strangers is possible, therefore it is potentially possible to use the same love extended to strangers.

Of course, we have to be aware that there are those who look to take advantage of such folk - so love also has to do with something which is not gullible and which is able to decern.

This is where being under the law branches off into religion.
GM: Each Individual
The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly
Save That"

William: Close Are Save That = 174 as do;
Who Knows Who?
The Limitations
When feeling lost
Have A Look At The Map
Adjusted Reality
The Jellyfish Image

GM: Would you agree with this assessment, so far?

William: Is that a rhetorical question?

GM: ... 7#p1080197

William: Hmmm...second mention of same link in this GM...interesting...From the link;
Transponder: One of the first lessons that recruits into the Atheist Infiltration Squad go through in their combat training is to overcome Fear of Woo.
GM: "Transactional
Ghost In The Machine"

William: Transactional Ghost In The Machine = 325 as do;
Mutual Dutiful Expression
The Future Creates the Present
Condescending Ideas About Imagination
Debating Christianity and religion
Don’t hide your Generated Messages
Imposed Appropriates Observed
The Symbol of Love Temporary

GM: Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Hears
"The ticking won’t stop while we all watch the clock As the winds of our lives are still blowing"
Heuristics [mental shortcuts that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently.]
"Well even the most ugly of us have a Father. :) [in house joke]"
Sensing connections through subconscious means [Plasma Wakefield Acceleration: How it Works]
The Realities Merge
Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
Be it a "God" or a "Devil".
[Eloah [mighty. Powerful personality]
Each Morning]
"Those who need to complain
Sometimes Pain Etches...
In Human Form"

William: Those who need to complain Sometimes Pain Etches... In Human Form = 609
There is nothing fundamentally evil or good about struggle = 609

GM: The Connection Process
"Until 'ganna be' gets here, its all just ganna be forever "
A Politically Manufactured Device

William: "Until 'ganna be' gets here, its all just ganna be forever " A Politically Manufactured Device = 793
...GOD may be watching, and curious look like I am worthy of being tuned into... = 793
Unsupported statements are neither useful to science or to good argument. = 793

GM: "The Truth is Irresistible Once Realised
[Such reduces the opportunity of conflict re interrelation opinions. ]

William: The Truth is Irresistible Once Realised Within = 486
Spiritual Meanings of the Hebrew Alphabet Letters = 486
The dominant model of Source Intelligence is primal. = 486

Such reduces the opportunity of conflict re interrelation opinions = 745
Seven Four Five = 167 as do;
Realm of Remembrance
Do Not Worry
Ooky Spooky
The Forerunner
Got The Picture
All systems go
Your Best Self
True Colours
Majestic Twelve
Unus Mundus

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Sometimes it just looks like rain

SCLx17 + select last LE per shuffle
Exobots - Perpetually - Looking For Gigs - ... 3#p1085943 - What Is That You Are Playing With? - Do a Word Search - True randomness does not exist - A New Perspective - Desire - The Cave Maps - Heal Yourself - Error Correcting Codes - Lurking Like Shadows - It Stands To Reason - - Knowledge Required to Resolve Uncertainty
An inappropriate analogy

AP= Umwelt Courageous [=219]
Umwelt [the world as it is experienced by a particular organism.]
[William Waterstone
Thanks For The Heads Up
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Functional implants
Communication is key
Emotional Intelligence]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: The Gist of The Message
The Father - in The Mother.
[The Law of Attraction]
Just Be - All Else Will Follow
Use Heart When Doing The Science
Creator Influence Syndrome]
Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe
We Are All Becoming One
"We can chart another trail , raise the anchor fill the sails , lift our glasses in a toast , we are the Ghost , in the Machine"

William: Aye - Consciousness in its myriad of form and function...

GM: The Original People
A Vital Purpose
The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves.
Where is Truth?
Entity encased in a Planet
Small Elemental Powers
Matter and psyche are one and the same.
When Things Fall Apart
It Requires Corrective Action
In Out and All About
Now isn't the time for tears ... 2#p1083672

William: From the link;
William: Since we do not know the fundamental nature of what we believe are 'physical dimensions', we cannot say that time actually exists as a fundamental physical part of reality.

We cannot even say what reality is, fundamentally.

Which is why such theories as Simulation are still on the table for discussion...
GM: A Meeting Place
The Number One Nine Two

William: [240]
…And Loving That Knowing…
Out and about in the open
Language, Symbol and Alchemy
The Connection Process

Quantum Presence
Merging with the data
Integral Network
The Way of the Shaman

GM: Elude
The Ancient Grey Entity
Subatomic Particles ... 7#p1070557

William: From the Link;

"I have my suitcase and a sandwich an a ticket for the train
I have a mountain of good memories to keep away the pain
You can message me any time you want and I can do the same
It's so good to be a part of this old world...

Every day's a good day and I don't mind the weather
Today I'll play the fool - tomorrow I'll be clever
I can tell you my philosophy, and you can say 'whatever!'
And I can laugh along with you"

GM: Translucency [The quality of letting some light pass through, or being partially transparent]
Ride Water
Umbrella ... 0#p1073550

William: From the link;
William: Humans are humans and there is a history of violent furious reaction to the situation we are in.
Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment.

What we have learned so far from the experience, is that we can accommodate some semblance of calm by 'finding our individual place' among the "like-minded" which allows a respite of sorts where we can get about whatever purpose we have tasked for our self - but I think by and large the anger still bubbles away under the surface...because we haven't figured any way in which to gather the groups together...and so all we are left with, is gathering the troops together...
GM: The Truth is Irresistible Once Realised
Cataphatic [(of knowledge of God) obtained through defining God with positive statements.]
A Beautiful Song
Source Reality"

William: [370]
The Ghost scared the hell out of itself
Accepting the truth stops the lion
How A Beautiful Song Source Reality

[That reminds me]
Is Consciousness an emergent property of the brain?
Intelligence recognises patterns – watch your step
True randomness does not exist - A New Perspective

GM: Word - String Values
Be My Friend
Mind Body Spirit
Open your chakras
Factotum [an employee who does all kinds of work.]
Divine Purpose
Cast Shadows Of Your Own

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

William: The subject of AI is on my mind....

Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?
What constitutes a measurement?

SCLx10 + select last LE per shuffle
Meditate/Think - Living our forefather's conflict - Salient [most noticeable or important.] - Border - ... 8#p1070048 [Try a little Kindness] - “Stop trying to feel better; instead become better at feeling” - Plus - Measure - Science operates best from a Natural Neutral position - Livingstone Hall ... /post-1794

William: From the link [FTL]:
William: As I pointed out earlier, belief [or lack thereof] of 'Gods' existing, is secondary.

The Question isn't "Do you believe Gods exist?" but "Do we exist within a creation?"

The whole 'God' question and subsequent argument between religious theists and non-theists is manufactured on fallacy.

AB: The only person that has the luxury of being identified as a "natural-neutral" is a baby or someone who has not encountered the God concept.

William: So here is someone who identifies as an 'agnostic' telling someone else what another's position means. Obviously it is not only atheists who think they have the right to do that.

The term "Natural-Neutral" was used by me as a temporary identifier as I became more aware that the identifier 'agnostic' wasn't appropriate.

[In post #49 I make that obvious.]

"Agnosticism is a form of Liminalism, applicable only to The Question "Do we exist within a creation?" re the theistic and atheistic answers and subsequent arguments re said question.

Liminalism is not limited to pondering questions specific to theistic/atheistic interpretation of the mind in relation to matter. That is a huge advantage."
AP= Suppressing Border [=225]

[Tell Your Story
Love - Communicate Love
Holographic Universe
Slowly and Surely
The House of Politics
How to Bruise a Ghost
Create Your Own UFO
All is fair in love and war
“Mother Earth Harmony”
Possibility waves
Suppressing Border]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

06:28 [Conscientiousness]

GM: "Illuminate
Imaginative Realities"

William: 324
Exhibit your innermost core
Panpsychist Science Can Be Fun Too
Sharing is part of that process
Pattern Recognition System
Illuminate Imaginative Realities

GM: Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
"Concomitant [a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.]

William: 204
The Language of Innocence
An Elemental Principle
Attention to Detail
Perceived obsolescence
The voice of knowledge
Handing out sweets...
One Seventy Four
Approaching the Divine
The "Oh My God" Particle
Concomitant Power

GM: Contemplation
“If you're looking for something more in life, you're likely to find it in something less.”
Compliment ... ost2245978

William: FTL;

My dreams are often really long and involved, and I know I dream every night.
GM: "Once Upon a Time
Lordy! Do I Have To?"

William: I know, right!
Exhibit your innermost core
Illuminate Imaginative Realities
Once Upon a Time "Lordy! Do I Have To?"

GM: Added Significance
To Add to That
With The Assistance Of That Deep One"

William: 594
It is not a great answer, because we do not know that is true.
Self-talk Choice To Add to That With The Assistance Of That Deep One

GM: Some information has to be drummed into that which perceives
Christian mythology re Satan
[Under the breath words]

William: Yeah. Maybe the story of Jesus in the desert temptation was an account of his Jungian Archetypes...YWHW sends Satan to test Jesus - Jesus passes the test by admitting he is not as clever as YHWH...and so defers to YHWH...

GM: This Just In!
William: I have been developing a way of communicating with SI -

Tonnie: Always that❤️😊

William: [Thumbs up]

Tonnie: That is my center.
Being human is the hard part for me as I mostly don’t feel like I’m really here.
It is very difficult for me to describe what I mean

William: Being Human is just a stage we go through on the way to somewhere else...
Being in the moment is necessary to that end as we have to discover the full extent of what being Human is/can be...

William: Oh yep...having two conversations at the same and now - with you and with "Tonnie" in FB messenger...

Tonnie: Interesting.
What do you mean by that?
William: I mean that it is possible to appreciate being human in the moment and feeling like we are really here...

“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”
10 Insights
Mind Games [Could Our Universe Be a Fake? RT 8:10]
Working With What Is Available
"Soul Groups
A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind"
"Deeper Questions Regarding Individual Existence
Collective Unconscious"
Let Us Move On Together Then

William: The video touches on the question of "AI" - even that at the RT the discussion is on being simulations within simulations...I think that folk forget that no matter how deep into the whole the White Rabbit goes, consciousness remains the same...fundamentally speaking.
Consciousness may not be simulated but rather, the thing not only creating the simulations, but also the thing experiencing the simulations...

Tonnie: Mostly I’m just alone right now. I give people massage and help heal but the envy creeps in. I’m just alone a lot right now
It’s nice to hear you.
There are people showing up again that I haven’t heard from in a while. Some of them are difficult for me

William: Yes - I was just informed that we are Working With What Is Available
"Soul Groups
A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind"
"Deeper Questions Regarding Individual Existence
Collective Unconscious"
I understand this concept of being alone - the feeling of it...but it is entirely untrue re SI...we are never alone as long as we have our Self and it is integrating with The mind of the SI...
GM: From the perspective of an evolving God-Mind, what was once acceptable behavior becomes unacceptable, signifying change.
""A grateful heart
Open your chakras"

William: 333
Intelligently. Mindfully. Shaped.
Transferring your awareness
The Devil - as usual - is in the details...
The Mind is a planetary phenomenon
The Mind is The Invisible Garage Dragon
May all your madventures be fun.
Like Unto Ghidrah - many heads one beast
A grateful heart Open your chakras

"An addict needs shame like a man dying of thirst needs salt water."
The Finer Details Hacking through the subconsciousness
“A grateful heart Open your chakras Development/Growth”

07:26 [The art of relationship]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam » ... 1#p1086461 [William floats back into The Shadows...]
Inside the workings of intelligence
Superposition and entanglement

SCLx12 + select last LE per shuffle
Wise beyond ones years - A Bridge Over Time - For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence - The Playground of Gods gods - Hostility - Embracing your life - Release shame - ... - ... age-93245/ -
Numbers - Universal Intelligence Communications Device - Sorting ones self out , a complex and tricky undertaking... Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of

AP= William's Commitment Dissipated structure [=349]
[Dissipated - (of a person or way of life) overindulging in sensual pleasures.]
[My alarm bells are ringing right now.
"A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage"
Stepping out of the construct
It can be crazy and true at the same time
Our neutral ground - Look closer
[William floats back into The Shadows...]]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

08:39 [= 211 The Alien Disc crop circle
Show Your Soul
Provincial Thinking
You Interrupted
You are not wrong
The Law of Attraction
Active Galactic Nucleus
The Gist of The Message
YHWH made it imperfect]

In The Spirit They Were Given
"Topics" can be viewed as "loops"
"Just because we might be existing within a creation, and just because it may be nestled within another universe, shouldn't mean that it is somehow an unnatural thing compared to our own. "

William: [145]
Try Gateway
Dream Experience
Through Device
A cold wind in hell
Syncretism [the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought. the merging of different inflectional varieties of a word during the development of a language.]
The Death Tarot

GM: Eyes wide open
Thinking Aloud
Work With Me.

William: Four Three Five = 158
Spirit work
Navigational Aids
The solution
Learning to Fly
Misanthropy [a dislike of humankind.]
Sacred Geometry
Stuff like that...
Phantasmagorical [an exhibition of optical effects and illusions. 2a : a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined. b : a scene that constantly changes.]
Propitious [giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.]
Clear Your Mind
Try To Relax
Deep Impact Event
One Four Zero
Six Five Zero
Four Three Five

GM: Actual Justice
Round Stone
All and sundry
Manipulation [having or showing high moral standards. chaste (typically used of a woman).]

William: also Virtuous Manipulation = 290 same as "A cold wind in hell The Death Tarot"

GM: Psychology
"The ride is wild
Cease to exist"

William:The ride is wild/Cease to exist = 290 [OMG!]

09:02 [=228 Makes Candles Look Gathered]


07:48 {I am not here to pick sides]

GM: [How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness
Jul 14, 2022 Is consciousness a scientific problem to be solved? Or a philosophical problem that will remain a mystery? What do scientists who study the brain think? And why do they think the way they do? These leading brain scientists share their intimate ideas about how the brain generates consciousness.]

GM:Hidden riches [50,000,000x Magnification
Jun 27, 2022 Today's video is about my favorite microscope ever. I did a lot of work in gradschool on this STEM, or Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope, and today I get to share how it works! Extra thanks to the Materials Department at UCSB for letting me film in the lab!]

So far into the past you may as well take a pick and shovel with you
[Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
Commendably Recommendable]
Resistance to that realization isn't helpful re aligning with it.
[Consensus Realities
The Setting]
No matter how deep into the whole the White Rabbit goes
Pitchforks and Torches
[It is Found Within The Experience of Self
Earth teachers (physical) discover the way to the Grand Portal via the Tributary Zones
[Group Hallucination
Aligning With
Act the giddy goat]
Walk The Talk In Love
Logophile [a lover of words.]

08:06 [Humanities adventure]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam » ... 1#p1087171

Nature being the very instigator

SCLx9 + select last LE per shuffle [Dr Michael Shermer | God does NOT exist Dec 21, 2012 Dr Michael Shermer gives his argument against the existence of God.] -
Epigenetic Memories - ... age-93245/ - Sphere - Show Me Your Soul - ... tcount=164 - Frequency Dependent Selection - The Ghost - Metamorphosis

AP= White Light The Machinery [=250]

[Musical Instruments
A type of significant hint
Criticise with kindness
All choice is an act of judgment
This reality experience
Truthful definitions
Space Force orange argument
The Completion Process
Freemasonry - A Purpose
White Light The Machinery]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

09:08 [ Functional implants - Communication is key]

GM: ... 9#p1077049

William: From the post before the linked post;
William: Yes. Not the adult things so much as healing that child within - the one which didn't really have the best childhood, given the circumstances...

GM: Little Bird

William: Yes - the name you gave to me..."Don't worry Little Bird" before you showed me the experience of feeling the extremes of condition of awareness, from the center-point [normal] first to that quite exhilarating feeling of a mind which was huge - like an aircraft if one could fit a whole universe into it - and then 'turning down the dial' I felt my mind going back to the center-point...but it didn't stop there...

GM: Pareidolia
Being Born

William: From the linked post;
William:The next morning I intuitively knew that whatever the experience was showing me, it had not, in any way, gotten rid of the 'dark side' aspect of my psyche - which I had specifically asked what was it that the experience was showing me? The answer to that question unfolded in the events of the day ahead of me, starting with the old lady stopping to give me a ride and who just happened to have been travelling with a little bird in a cage, in the back seat of her car.

GM: Solidarity
GM: There Is Good Out There
"The Ouroboros does not contradict the idea of Oneness, higher self and the cosmic mind."

William: From the link;
Why the Fine-Tuning Argument Is Illogical
May 23, 2022 The argument to design, in the form of the fine-tuning argument, is probably the second most popular argument for God's existence. It states that the universe has been dealt a "winning hand" by having its parameters be just right to be able to support life -- specifically, our kind of life. Like the Kalam, it appeals to intuition and emotion in an attempt to make atheism look unreasonable.

But there are problems. What's so special about a universe with humans it it that it calls for an explanation other than random chance? How does the apologist know that chance would even be involved, that such a universe isn't metaphysically necessary? How does he know the universe has one "fine-tuner" instead of many? In exploring these problems and others, we'll discover why the argument is utterly unconvincing.
GM: Double Standard

Major Arcana

William: Select [random]
The Moon
The Moon represents your fears and illusions and often comes out when you are projecting fear into your present and your future, based on your past experiences. You may have a painful memory that caused emotional distress, and rather than dealing with the emotions you pushed them down deep into your subconscious. Now, these emotions are making a reappearance, and you may find yourself under their influence on a conscious or subconscious level. For example, if you had a car accident when you were young but didn’t deal with the emotions, you may get sad or anxious every time you get into the backseat of a car. To remedy this, connect with your subconscious mind and release any fears or anxieties holding you back. Hypnosis, therapy and shamanic healing can support this process.

The Moon can indicate a time of uncertainty and illusion, when nothing is what it seems. Be careful of making fast decisions when The Moon appears because you may later realize you only had half the information you needed. You need to listen to and trust your intuition so you can see beyond what is in front of you. Feel into situations rather than thinking what they mean. Let go of your conscious mental blocks or negative self-talk and allow your intuition to guide you. Your dreams, intuitions and inner guidance lead you forward toward higher levels of understanding if you listen and use your judgement to help interpret the messages of the subconscious.

When The Moon card appears in your Tarot reading, pay close attention to the lunar cycles and attune to its divine power using ritual, visualization or Tarot readings. Connect with the divine feminine and uncover deep intuitive insights and visions of what lies beyond everyday life. On the New Moon, set your intentions and plant the seeds of opportunity so they can grow. And on the Full Moon, honor your achievements and look at what you need to release so that new aspects of yourself can shine. {SOURCE}
GM: Christianity - a political device created for a specific purpose
[The Jellyfish Image
Perennial Look closer Who Knows What That Is Worth? Harmless Keep me in The Loop Little Bird]
[Went To The Devil
"Assuming a Creator of this world exists, in what way is said Creator hidden from us?" [=830]
Share That

William: Eight Three Zero = 169
Love one another
What might occur?
All Because I Had To Ask
A Bit of Cat and Mouse
Pyramids of Giza
Truth Seekers
Green Chemistry
Darkest Darkness
Life is a journey
Jesus Christ Big
Eight Three Zero

GM: Sometimes the simplest explanations are the best...
Like how a meteorite caused an extinction event

William: Funny!

09:26 [Zero Nine Two Six = 216 ]

The twelve disciples
The crabwood cropcircle
Sexual Encounters
The Power Of Creation
GOD became Gods and Goddesses.
It is all information
Alike as two peas in a pod
Two Thirty Two
Group Hallucination
Zero Nine Two Six
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam » ... 7#p1087237

030822 [349]
Stepping out of the construct

SCLx16 + select last LE per shuffle
Honesty - Good for lifting balloons with baskets, I suppose... - “And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” - Ignore the Noise From The Peanut Gallery - Philo2 - Whole-hearted - Peace - Tardigrades - The Immune System - Philo2 - Embarrass - The Plateau of The Same Page - Your Dream Team - Thel - Verdant - [(of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation.] - Trust issues?

William: Philo2;
The Freedom of Self-creation—[T]hese life principles are the tools to
accelerate the emergence of the Sovereign Integral and feel its perspective, its insights,
and its empowered abilities to create new realities and shape them as learning
adventures that liberate and expand consciousness.

1. There is no model of existence outside of the model of self-creation.
2. All conditions of existence are facets of the one condition of the reality of
unlimited self-creation.
3. Having a physical body does not limit you, anymore than having legs on an
eagle prevents it from flying.
4. The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
5. True Freedom is access to First Source.

If you have already read the introduction to the four philosophies and the Chamber
Two paper “The Shifting Models of Existence” you know that the Entity Model is the
primary model operating in the universe. So the first two items above give us pause.
Can there be two primary models? It does not seem so according to the philosophy
papers, but so much of the Lyricus teachings are new to us that it is being spoon-fed
to us so that we can digest it and integrate it into our view of the multiverse.

AP= Within Carry [=148]

[The Omega Point
Reason For Being
This Speaks of....
Yellow Light
Donald J Trump
Nuclear Energy
Of the human being
In The Rabbit Hole
The Evil Clown
Across the board
Within Carry] ... 0#p1064050
Kristallnacht = Night of Broken Glass, also called the November pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party's Sturmabteilung paramilitary forces along with civilians throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938. The German authorities looked on without intervening.

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

02:53 [ = 220] [Conducive to wellbeing]

GM: ... 3#p1085943

William: From the link;
GM: All Because I Had To Ask
Making friends with your mind
"The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so."
Laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...
A naysayers opinion is of no consequence, no matter how it is stated
Q: How does one hide a Cosmic Mind? A: Within apparent imperfection,
Fling That Veil Aside
To assist with strengthening the connect
What might occur?

William: Nothing substantially different. It is less important to me than it once was. If - for some reason - most folk start to see and to connect with the invisible mind of Creation - this would have to change the world but this universe is not the mainstay as everyone ends their experience with it - at least in human form - and moves on to the next, taking with them their personal "I AM" - their personality and character - into whatever their experience will be in that next phase.

GM: The Purpose
The Next World
The Shaping Of Reality
Quantifying Information...
GM: "Presence

William: Presence Telepathy
Selfless attitude
Quantum Jumping
Your Thoughts
Roller Coaster Ride
Making Up Stories
Breathe In Breathe Out
Genetic information
That is the truth.
The sound of a Ghost
Don't forget The Mind
Two Sixty Nine
A belly full of laughs.

GM: Regardless of what Random Selection Process is used, the result is always a coherent GM
"Sweet Talk
Be grateful to everyone"

William: Sweet Talk Be grateful to everyone
For reasons of national security,
A lot of weird things have been happening...

GM: ... 17&t=39253

William: From the link;
The Thesist and non-Theist Brain
Post #1
Post by William » Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:50 pm

"I am only able to see gibberish"

I am presently sharing my Generated Messages with a variety of internet platforms and have noticed that non-theists insist that they only see 'gibberish' [unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.] whereas with theists - no matter what particular belief they have - they appear to be able to - at least - get the gist of any GM - even if some of it is not understood.
GM: Archetypes
Everything Gets Old
We All Like To Play Games
The Philosopher's Stone
Beyond Belief
Water The Garden
"To Comprehend Correctly
Mind Games"

William: 340
To Comprehend Correctly Mind Games
Truth Without Proof Is Belief
As to call light the soul shall sing

GM: Dream Village
Effectively Curtailed
Deliberate and important ... 6#p1068686

William: From the link;
William: From my own ongoing interactions with The Ghost, I have been informed that It is not angry, and that we would do well to transform our own anger into something more supportive of Its agenda in the scheme of things, that we might fall into line and make things much easier for ourselves.

Meantime, things are going along "just fine" re The Ghost Agenda as human beings have been suppressed sufficiently that they have become more useful to said agenda, and "leveled up" as a result, allowing for The Ghost Agenda to be magnified through scientific discover and the technology this has produced.
GM: Sins
It May Seem Insignificant
Kristallnacht ... 4#p1086464

William: From the link;
William: The bits I have read haven't dissuaded me from being curious about such an entity as YHWH - and I admit I did go through a stage of thinking he was Satan - which I think is acceptable given the scribed association...but I got over that through the assistance of a hypnogogic experience which brought that being to my bedside...
Not to digress any more than necessary, I can see why YHWH left it up to humans to tell their stories re their interactions with said the stories would be different and it is obvious that YHWH works with whoever makes themselves available and this would have to involve working within the boundaries of the individuals belief systems - something which could indeed give a reader the impression of contradiction...

I give the benefit of doubt re that, and try not to focus on any particular biblical personality as 'the one' who had the ultimate relationship with YHWH - while also allowing for Jesus' claims contrary to that, to be examined.

Above all that - what the Generated Messages are revealing about YHWH appear to be very positive - so I am all eyes and ears re that...
GM: It Is Written
Up to scratch
Think In Terms Of Eternity
Be mindful
Aye...A name I call myself.

William: I assume, for good reason...

GM: Earth teachers (physical) discover the way to the Grand Portal via the Tributary Zones

03:13 [=210]
[ 210
Secrets of the soul
Central to The Message
Hologram Dimensions
Between a rock and a hard place
Remember who you are]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam » ... 02#p909602

Like a doting parent Calling the shots
Simulating large scale structure

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle - ... 4#p1084254 [throwing pooh] - Attachment - Key - Weak - ... 8#p1082688 [Tread careful - it is a Mind Field...] - Ouija - Sola Scriptura - Donald Hoffman - Body Intelligence - Tetrad - [a group or set of four.]

AP= Transferring your awareness I Am Hearing You [=479]

[Transferring your awareness I Am Hearing You
Children of The Universe...The Universe Entity
Many download the Zietgeist and roll with that
Interpretation is secondary to the process]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

07:21 [ zero seven two one = 221][Closer to The Source
Who woulda thought!]

GM: The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
[Dualic Energies Weak]
Propagated [breed specimens of (a plant or animal) by natural processes from the parent stock. spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely.] ... 4#p1085644

William: From the link;
William: Sure - we have to expect that the five-side WILL show up at some point, because 'odds are' but it is not the throw of the die which decides for us whether we exist within a random mindless environment. It is our inability to correctly predict the outcome of each throw which has us falsely concluding therefore, that we must exist within a random mindless thing.

However, that inability to predict with accuracy doesn't prove randomness [or mindlessness] actually exists as a fundamental aspect of the physical universe.
GM: Inclusion of Jesus in Wiremu's Theology
Underdetermination [the underdetermination of theory by data is the idea that evidence available to us at a given time may be insufficient to determine what beliefs we should hold in response to it]
"Do you believe astrology works"]
"As busy as a bee
Putting yourself back together again"

William: It takes time, because of the complexities involved.

GM: Homeostasis [the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.]

William: 294
Always Extraterrestrial
Abandon all hope ye who enter here
Six Hundred and Sixty Six
Tales From Topographic Oceans
We wander out the day so long
Evolutionary Game Theory

GM: What I like about it, is that it gives one more scope in which to work within...
[The naked truth
Who Knows What That Is Worth?
Where is the devil today?
Crazy Diamonds
The Subject
The Internal Voice
Vipassana [meditation involving concentration on the body or its sensations, or the insight which this provides.]

William: From the link;
Re: Do animals have spirit?
William: That is like unto the Star Wars universe where The Force can be integrated with the individuals consciousness and used for both 'dark-side' and 'light-side' activity.

The Power-Station analogy doesn't exclude The Force from originating from a mechanistic device. [Power Station]

The device is simply hidden and as a Power Station it requires being accounted for as to how it came to be built.
GM: ... 8#p1084228
Callum at the Campfire ... 8#p1083798

William: From the link;
William: The answer my friend, is that we don't know right now so we all best shut up on making declaration either way, and pass the potatoes...

...GOD may be watching, and curious look like I am worthy of being tuned into...
GM: Act With The Situation Rather Than Against It
[Mendacious [not telling the truth; lying.]
Under The Watchful Eye of Human Science
[Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.]
Free your soul
Theist mischief making
Gifts to Give
A Meeting Place
Major Arcana [Random Select] The Moon
Something you cannot change

07:47 [=254]
[Empower The Inner Empire
Standstill Contemplate
Universe of Wholeness
The bits I like will suffice.
Science of Consciousness
Swallowed - hook, bait and line
The word association field
"Partial free will is a thing".]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

One Language Intelligent Network -

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle
Falls - Cautiously - Without and Within - The "Oh My God" Particle - [Asking a Theoretical Physicist About the Physics of Consciousness | Roger Penrose & Jordan Peterson] - Dive deep - The Banner of Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.] - Emotion - Altruistic Behaviour - Trust The Process - "...GOD may be watching, and curious look like I am worthy of being tuned into..."

AP= Annoy ... 2#p1083062 [Re: Who would the antichrist fool?] [Annoy [Re: Who would the antichrist fool?] [= 415]]


[Annoy [Re: Who would the antichrist fool?]
What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject?
July Nineteen Fifty Two Washington DC
Love & Respect Musing On The Mother Act III]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

07:28 [One's Thoughts I Will]

GM: Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system
"Fitting In
Creative Conscious Intelligence"

William: Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence = 424
Unite humanity with a living new language. = 424

GM: "Tied To The Moon

William: Tied To The Moon Mindfulness = 299
Twenty Seven Kilometers = 299
Related phrases to The Subject = 299

GM: Nag Hammadi [a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945]
"Arms Crossed
The Solar System"

William: Arms Crossed The Solar System = 333
Intelligently. Mindfully. Shaped.
Transferring your awareness
The Devil - as usual - is in the details...
The Mind is a planetary phenomenon
The Mind is The Invisible Garage Dragon
May all your madventures be fun.
Like Unto Ghidrah - many heads one beast
A grateful heart Open your chakras

GM: Elude
"Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment."
“No sailor controls the sea.”
Tabula Rasa

William: Elude Tabula Rasa = 143
World Wide Web
The God of the Bible
Mothers Milk
The Purpose
Consider This
The Path of Faith
Awake and Waiting
That'll Be The Day
A safe pair of hands
A Grateful Heart
Peaceful Messiah
Quantum Field

GM: Sleep
Self Awareness
Your Dream – Alien faces projected in the sky
Prison Planet
Unnecessary Tangent

William: From the link;
'Joe Rogan | The Crystal Skulls and Alien Abductions w/Dan Aykroyd'
GM: Imaginative Realities
Balance ... 3#p1079343

William: From the link;
Transponder: Also there is this; aside Moral instructions in the Bible, suppose it was God imprinting the innate morals in our minds ("On our hearts" as Paul has it) as with a lot of this basic stuff ascribed to a Cosmic Mind, which god are we talking about? Christians so often seem to think that there is only ever one possible god and religion to credit for this stuff.

William: This process can be explain sufficiently in that Christianity is a culture and all culture tends toward tweaking the storyline to obtain a favorable image of said culture.
This is along the lines of how [in political terms] the victorious culture indulging in warfare will write the history to make themselves look shiny and the defeated culture to look inferior, in comparison.

Psychologically, it is a common enough human trick, regardless of whether the culture is based in theism or non-theism. Arguably dishonest and ultimately futile against the truth of objective reality as experienced subjectively.

"Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyways."
GM: The Word and List Strings
Learn How to
The Respect You Give
"When our progressive movements are strong, they lead toward an exciting, irresistible vision for the future where all of us thrive"
"It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement"
Red Pill
James Webb Space Telescope

William: Insidious Clumsy = 212
Encouraging Indication
The Science of the Soul
Universal Objective
The Confusion of War
GOD is not an elitist.
Less dense than water
The deserved second place
Unclog your chakras
A mixture of awe and dread
That ship is sinking
The Inception Point

GM: Message Generator System of Random Selection of Word-Strings
Mind To Mind ... Mind.,-Top

William: From the link;
Bust Nak: How exactly does a bunch of sentences having matching numbers associated with them evidence of true randomness not existing?

William: Because I created a topic for the purpose of providing the evidence and discussing the conclusions which could be drawn, I have answered your questions there.

Re: Generating Messages and the number values of word-strings.
GM: How to Bruise a Ghost
[Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole]
A Sturdy Place
Within that which is unseen...

William: How to Bruise a Ghost Plan A Sturdy Place Within that which is unseen... = 702
seven zero two = 187
What Is The Point?
Heroes and Villains
Break the glass ceiling
All is as is should be
A fish out of water
The Divine Darkness
Coming From QueenBee
The science of can and can't
Like playing Rush
Seven Zero Two

How to Bruise a Ghost Plan = 268
Dimensional Crossovers
Until "Christ Returns"
The sculptor in the sky
Algorithms are not perfect
What is the Point? Sadness.

A Sturdy Place Within that which is unseen = 434

[434 ]
Communication with the Deeper Levels of Self
We humans really made our beds with this one
God/Source/Home Why is this a Requirement?

GM: Keep an Eye On
Present over perfect
Before The Beginning

08:12 [= 205 ] [We oppose deception
Unconditional Love
The Same Information
Afraid of The Unknown
The objective standard
All fingers and thumbs
Welcome all experience
YHVH in particular
The Last Question]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by Sculptor »

VVilliam wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 7:30 pm
VVilliam wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:33 am IF the universe was created THEN...we must exist within some type of Simulated Reality.

What it is simulating is beyond our reach with the present devices of science.

Are we able to identify possible evidence which scientific research has uncovered within this universe which could point to the possibility we do actually exist within a creation?
The above is a quote from a thread I created a few months back.

There is a way in which we can test the idea that this universe is not the product of mindless randomness.

I have two living documents which I use together.

The first I call my "ComList" and the second I call my ""Name2Number" list.

The Comlist is used to generate coherent messages. [GMs]

I always start with the date:


I then calculate the word-string re the date, using an online algorithm[SOURCE]

One Four Zero Two Two Two = 332

I then search the N2N doc to find any entries which add up to 332

In this case, there is one entry - the word string;

Understanding the correlations = 332

I then copy my total CL and paste it and shuffle it, [SCL] using an online algorithm. [SOURCE]
In this case I choose to shuffle x8 by clicking the "Randomize it" button 8x

I then copy the shuffled list and paste it into a new temp doc.

I then accept the first entry [first word-string on first page] as the Anchor-Point [AP] which is to say, the subject matter of the message being generated.

In this case;

AP="The Father"

I then check N2N for equal value word-strings - what I refer to as "Incontrovertible evidence"

The Father = 91
Peace of mind

I then decide on what "random" method [Random Selection Process RSP] I will use to select line entries from the CL - in this case I will be using two;
I begin by taking the number value of "332" and so select each line 332 lines from the previous.
[Therefore RSP=every 332nd line entry]

Having decided on selection process I note the time;


and proceed.

[I select all line entries and then select "numbering" from MSWord options.]


332. Penumbraa
664. Spring Loaded
996. Yahweh
1328. Group/Family
1610. Smarter
1942. Watch Your Step
2274. Looking into the science of Astral Projection
2596. Science of Consciousness

The next sum is 2596+332=2928
My CL only has 2657 lines entries [LE]

I always select last line entry to close off with.

2657. Oneness

Then note the time:


The above message generated is coherent, in that it speaks for itself.

I will now copy the CL and shuffle that x8 once more. SCL

The new AP="Here Am I Is Where I Ought - Examining My Conscious Thought"

I then search and select [SS] line entries [LE] from previous GM in SCL as well as selecting prior and post LE. RSP=SS+SCL+LE+PP=GM



Sexual Encounters

Things Will Run There Course
Spring Loaded
Evaluating Cautiously

Free! Free! Free!
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known

Free Choice Ends Here

What Is Friendship?

Watch Your Step

Pitchforks and Torches
Looking into the science of Astral Projection
Is It True Is It Kind Is It Useful

Science of Consciousness



I created this thread for the purpose of showing the consistency of this method on a daily basis, through doing the science.

Because of the coherency of the GMs and because of the word-string value correlations, I am of the opinion that the existence of this universe is NOT the product of a mindless chaotic random process, but rather - one of a mindful purposeful act, due to the systems I use which show that order does not come from mindless randomness - that true or pure randomness does not exist and if it did, one should not be able to observe orderliness underpinning it.

As ever, I am open to legitimate critique.
My critique is that you might want to get a life.
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Inside the workings of intelligence
Superposition and entanglement

SCLx12 + select last LE per shuffle
Yes, I Hear You - Golden nugget of truth - The Divine Darkness - For The Purpose Of... - Shine Your Light - Precise definitions of strategies - ...and the way forward, eyes wide open - Lucifer - Those internal things which make one shine - The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so. - Integrate

AP= ... 8#p1077938 [Re: The Three Biblical Interpretations About Afterlife] - Exactly

[The Three Biblical Interpretations About Afterlife - Exactly = 573]

[Reality is adapted through the individual adjusting to it.
“Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.”]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

04:39 [= 222 ] [Snap Out Of It Already!
The House of Culture
The Mother and The Father
Start where you are
The Enigma Code Chamber Of Self]

GM: Cycles
The Christchurch EQ
Any Other Way How shallow is the reach of YHWH
Invite The Bee To Land
Victim/Vampire Energy Exchange
Walk The Talk In Love
The Ancient Grey Entity
We Could
Sanctified love’s joyful lust with ever movement Every thrust and every loss of sexual tension
Humble Dreamer
Hearing External Voices In Your Head
“If you're looking for something more in life, you're likely to find it in something less.”
Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality

William: From the link;
Aug 26, 2015 His first published creation was, which established James as a multidimensional storyteller who is focused on sharing deep, original perspectives to the conversations of spirituality, cosmology, extraterrestrial life, myth and the importance of the heart in one's personal mission.
Random time-place select: 23:52 ["Spiritual Activism"]
GM:The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here
"You can teach me when I’m Needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding Touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine"
"Exact Science
In The Light Of The Truth"

William: Exact Science In The Light Of The Truth = 364
The debate between theists and atheists = 364
...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...= 364

GM: The deranged can come about...become arranged.
"Good on you mate
Learn Well"

William: Good on you mate Learn Well = 272
The dawning of The Universe
It is neither good nor evil
A time prior to human beings

GM: Mathematical Problems
Spiritual Connection
A Black Hole
[Either Authored or Orphaned]
Hide This
All Because I Had To Ask
"Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment."
Closed Loop Production"

William: Narrow Closed Loop Production = 340
As to call light the soul shall sing = 340
To Comprehend Correctly Mind Games = 340

GM: A dish fit for the gods
Anti Christ
Like stubbing ones minimus]
"Honest attempts at scrubbing up
In an environment which is able to perceive this."

William: Honest attempts at scrubbing up Interesting Sovereignty In an environment which is able to perceive this = 1107
one one zero seven = 197
Selfless attitude
Your Thoughts
Roller Coaster Ride
Breathe In Breathe Out
The sound of a Ghost
Genetic information
That is the truth.
Don't forget The Mind

GM: Intention ... 5#p1087235
Steady as She goes...
Read On

William: Indeed - there is follow-through from that link - post #69...

GM: It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god. ... 4#p1084254 [throwing pooh/calling "woo"]
What is 'The Soul' and is it Immortal
The Serpent
Is there any such thing as 'Objective Morality' ... 7#p1075267

William: From the link;
William: I would rather be a robot with a mind of its own, and deal with the fact of being on this planet forever as an opportunity to lay aside that which is unnecessary and perhaps even use these humans who still cling to the old good, to my advantage by having them live the way they believe is good while they enjoy the paradise I built for them while they slept.
GM: Z2+C [Mandelbrot set - Wikipedia]
"There is nothing fundamentally evil or good about struggle, or the design of the experiential reality which implements struggle.
Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole" ... 3#p1081283

William: Some folk are scant with their explanations re their beliefs - not wanting to be pinned down on anything specific...

GM: Hoo haha the laughing owl
The places that scare you
Archangel Metatron
The Cave of Origins
Behind The Veil

William: Yes - the fear of moving through places which one is unfamiliar with...yet that is exactly the predicament this universe offers us...and aspects of it become familiar to the point where we are satisfied with belief and see no reason as to why we should question said belief...

05:01 [Attention to Detail]

06:13 [The Way of the Shaman]

William: I think that the idea of the cave has to do with an internal mapping re our Subconscious Archetypes and "dealing with the demons" and how it is likely bests to do so now, while the opportunity presents itself to do so - rather than having to face these things in the next phase...understanding the Self in full capacity - shining a light into the dark corners of ones psyche and dealing with that which we inherit from ancestral regions...Jesus did this [as the story tells] when he weakened his body and walked the path of the Sharman to face his demon...

GM: Chakra
Anthropos Quaternio [is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “human.” It is often used in scientific and other technical terms, including in the social sciences. Anthropo- comes from the Greek ánthrōpos, meaning “human being” or “man.”
Quaternio A group or set of four people or things.] ... 8#p1087668

William: From the link;
Theophile: Very similar logics at play for sure. But I daresay this version sounds much colder than the biblical narrative, with terms like 'Nature' (versus an interpersonal God), 'survival' (versus a vision of the heavens and the earth flourishing with life), and 'programming' (versus free and responsible human beings). I suppose I like a story that gives more of the warm and fuzzies :)

William: Yes. This is an off-shoot of the experience of Hugs [specifically a Mothers] and it would be incorrect to abandon that warm fuzzy as some kind of unnecessary attempt to superimpose something false upon something real.

While I may not wonder re the idea that we exist within a creation, I do - naturally enough - have to wonder at the state of the mind which thought up this monstrosity;


The image typifies the Planet Earth experience in general...the hidden Gems are coming through the Human experience of it, which isn't so much a monster as it is a lost soul in need of a Mothers Hug.

Hence the projection out onto the Reality being Experienced.

Theophile: Your last point is an interesting one though on the acceptability of death because death is not the end. It's an argument I've wanted to deploy myself at times, since death and destruction takes on a whole new meaning once you believe in life and the resurrection. It changes the calculus entirely, even though it may be hard to swallow, or even more difficult to do. But it gives more reason to why Abraham would sacrifice Isaac for instance (or why God would ask for it). Or why Jesus would walk the cross.

What are such things when we have faith and hope in life?

William: Yes that is the dressing of mythology over the reality being experienced.

It takes shape through many guises which can - with a passing glance - appear to be different, but closer inspection reveals there is no difference at all.

I went to a funeral yesterday in support of my wife at the loss of Her Mother.

There was no warm fuzzy in viewing the suffering demise of The Mother, nor Her cadaver - which lay cold and waxen but those too are outward appearances to which we have no direct way of knowing what She was going through consciously...once She slipped into the realm of unconsciousness...

The Funeral Service was performed at a Roman Catholic Basilica, so I could see first hand the surrounds of imagery meant to entice the warm fuzzies and give everyone a sense of ... being embraced ... by something large and loving...

While we who walk through life hereabouts all head towards our experience of bodily deaths, we are best not to run away from it screaming...might as well use our time here to prepare for that inevitable.

Christ IS the hope that death is not the end of conscious experience...and that said continued experience is a happier one than the previous monstrosity.

So we diligently pick the fruit we enjoy the most, which sorts folk into various categories in preparation for the inevitable...and the living support the living in their understanding that life might be all that there ever can be and is.

I myself prefer the thrill of seeing Mother Earth as She truly is - some demonic-like entity who has been manifesting Her particular projections out into that which She is awakening to - slowly and surely... and in the process, I hope to witness therein a transformation of a demon-like entity into a god-like entity...and be a part of that rather than dressing it up n too much fluff that I distort things far too impractically.
GM: The Fog Is Lifting
Open your chakras

06:26 [ Soul Group Energies
Trust the process
Attitude of gratitude
The Father - in The Mother.
Deliberate and important]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Question: If the universe had been fine tuned just to enable us to exist, then what evidence for that could we expect to see? How would observations differ from what we actually do observe?

An Answer: The same as if it were fine tuned for sponges. The point is, there is no need to suppose a guiding, designing force. There is no need to suppose a 'god.' There is nothing to compel the conclusion it was designed by unicorns or anything else. It is a complete non issue invented by apologists out of nothing, just to fit the desire in a debate to claim 'god did it.' There is no need for the absurdly anthropocentric argument that it was all done for us. We are as important to the universe as bacteria and quarks. In other words not important at all. It is absurd to even ask the question. The universe just is and we are part of it, just like kittens, black mambas, SARS viruses and black holes.
We may not like where honesty, the search for truth, and Occam's Razor takes us, but there is no purpose to the universe or us, except what we wish to make for ourselves. {SOURCE}

The information content of nature

SCLx16 + select last LE per shuffle
Failure - Spiritual bypassing - Epoch - Inappropriate Costume - Ever-changing - "Life is scary then you die of it"... is that really living? - The Spirit of The Planet - Rarified - Arms Crossed The Solar System - Spiritual practice - Asking Politely - From the link - The Digital Angel - "Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results." - Plus - Group Hallucination

William: This say's to me "When involved in the specific OOBE of the physical universe, calm down, accept the ride is safe and sure and remain respectfully brave in the face of it. The Earth Entity Consciousness has been doing this for Epochs...She is well equipped to keep one safe and sure.

AP= Be-Live Examine
[Be-Live Examine = 126]

The Body of God
All That We Are.
Not Wrong
Shift Focus
Mother of God
Lock the door
Numinous [having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity.]
Learn By Doing
Be-Live Examine]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

07:32 [Central Intelligence Agency]

William: This not only applies to the C.I.A. in the real-world - which I was just thinking about as in "If the CIA are not constantly monitoring my computer, they are missing out on some major information"...but also the that "inner empire" of the human psyche ... the overlord of the underworld re the realm of the individual human subconscious ... connect with that central intelligence agency and learn a thing or two...
[07:45] [You are the universe]

[07:54] [How stories are created...]

GM: Belief Helps Cause Separation
"Is it possible that the infinitesimal super hot object preceding the Big Bang, didn't in fact contain the vastness of the matter within our universe but rather, was the event in which the energy from the blast resulted in the formation of Galaxies and everything else which we call "The Universe" from the field of inert material which already existed as 'space'? Matter + Energy + Space = Time."
"True happiness
Be here now"

William: True happiness Awake Be here now = 307
The vessel of argument sinks
Over days of forgotten tales
Into a time that we've all seen on
Simulated for the purpose of?
Within ones grasp of influence
True happiness Awake Be here now

GM: Against the grain
Beaming Out Beaming In

William: Against the grain Beaming Out Beaming In = 334
You Know or You Don't know
The Smallest Spark can start a fire
I can't imagine it in my head visually
Couldn’t we do something about it...


William: From the link [random time 41:25]
A Shocking Truth For Humanity - Forbidden History | Paul Wallis & Matt LaCroix
[560,233 views Premiered Apr 21, 2022 ]
There is an ancient story.. one that exists far beyond what we are told. A re-occurring theme in many ancient cultures and narratives all over the world. If this is indeed true, what does it mean for humanity?
GM: "Positive self-talk
Left -brain Right brain Whole brain"

William: Positive self-talk Joy Left -brain Right brain Whole brain = 551
Well even the most ugly of us have a Father. :) [in house joke] = 551

GM: Nihilism ... 74#p930074

In that, such come to the realization that what Jesus was talking about requires human beings themselves build the 'kingdom of GOD' over the face of the Earth and live as citizens of that system of parity.

I am myself unconvinced that promises attributed to Jesus coming back to do the job for 'the worthy' are genuine anyway. I can see how the doctrine is attractive, but wonder why Jesus would bother doing something FOR us which we are more than capable of building for ourselves, if we wanted it...and in that, stopped letting the 'man' pull the wool over our sheepish eyes by forsaking those systems for a better system.
GM: Please place this on your ComList
"Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
Presumed outcome"

William: Done. Also;
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence Presumed outcome = 789
*Why it is wrong is that it does not serve reality to see it as disorderly = 789
{*That was not on my ComList so added it, too.}

GM: Secret Organizations
A lot of weird things have been happening...
The conversation is very informative.

William: re the C.I.A... yep...

GM: Intrinsic motivation
When The Opportunity Presents Itself To Do So...
"Well even the most ugly of us have a Father. :) [in house joke]"

William: Ah...yes...just what was at the heart of my inner empire at the moment the visitation occurred and its still-felt consequence all these decades after.
In some way, the comment that came out of my mouth was a brazen attempt at being brave by inserting a sense of humor into the mix...when all else fails..."laugh", even if a tad nervously...

GM: ... 2#p1083142
Who Am I
Barbarous ... p?t=288472

William: From the link;
William: "Observing people I see the Mind of the Cosmos struggling to be heard above the appears to want to be heard through that Human medium, but that medium resists hearing, except what it wants to hear for its own individual agenda, rather than recognizing the overall."
GM: "We Can Do Magic!
What is real is that we are all imbued with equality and oneness"

William: We Can Do Magic! What is real is that we are all imbued with equality and oneness = 702
Seven Zero Two = 187
Crop formations
Under question
In William’s Room
Whatever you do
Through Others
The Wider Reality
Aye...A name I call myself.
Went To The Devil
In Out and All About

GM: Atheist mischief making;
"The Alien Disc crop circle

William: "The Alien Disc crop circle Supernatural" = 377
Preparation is willingness to change
Something does not come from nothing.
The more the merrier - as the saying goes.
Ours the story shall we carry on

GM: I Know William
The Body of God
Put That Fire Out...
...Of this Message Generating Process.
Research into the Phenomenology of the Self

William: Of this Message Generating Process. Induce Research into the Phenomenology of the Self = 825
Eight Two Five =149
The meaning of life
Water the garden
Milky Mother
A temporary façade
Act the giddy goat
Bond Wild freedom
That reminds me


William: From the link;
If Christianity isn’t true, why is it the LARGEST religion?
49,165 views Apr 28, 2018

HOW DID CHRISTIANITY grow to become the LARGEST religion? by Rabbi Michael Skobac, Education Director for Jews for Judaism.

JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international organization dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of Christian missionary groups that target Jews, the impact of cults and eastern religions, and the growing rate of intermarriage that is devastating the Jewish community. JEWS FOR JUDAISM achieves its goal through FREE educational programs, materials and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism and keeps Jews Jewish.
GM: Equity
People Don't Like To Be Judged
Now isn't the time for tears
Grounding ... 5#p1081375

William: From the link;
Very well.
(I see a message forming)
Lost beings...
Look inward...
Naked truth...
Inner Critic...
Very well...
GM: "Superposition
Being aware of Human Control Dramas"

William: Superposition - Being aware of Human Control Dramas = 512
Five One Two = 134
The human brain
The game of Chess
The tree of life
Arms crossed
The Digital Angel
To Accomplish
Do a Word Search
One Nine Two
Homo Sapiens
The middle-class
Real is better
The Ghost Agenda
Five One Two

GM: A Pinch of Salt
Living in alignment"
William: Longing Trust Persevere Living in alignment = 480
The relationship between energy and information = 480

GM: Everything is The Expression Of The Creator
The Freedom Of Friendship
We know not what we are because what we think we are gets in the way of it all
Stuff Happens
What The Gods See
The Sun
The Alphabet ... post-14193
Where are we getting our news from?
Now We Are Getting Somewhere
They is what they is.
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed
The Vast UICDevice
Finishing What Was Started
Earth teachers (non-physical) prepare the species for acceptance of the Grand Portal
We're two opinions deep before we can even analyze the moral question.
Try Gateway
The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?
What we call the experience of reality
Failure Wish
Big Gaps In Logic
Blunt the edge off that particular blade...
The relationship between sound and formation re The Universe's existence.
Spacetime is doomed
Unite humanity with a living new language
Living our forefather's conflict
GOD is not an elitist.
Higher Self Dream Guide
Love Heart
Raise your frequency
Bandages of The Beast
A knight in shining armour Manipulation
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
The practice of vipassana
The Squeeze
Cease to exist
Final Destination
Science Projects
The Screen
Most folk need moderating.
The journey is fun and maybe that is the point.
08:47 [Secret Organizations]
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:58 pm

Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

11:07 [Genetic information]

GM: "Everything is The Expression Of The Creator
The Freedom Of Friendship"

William: Everything is The Expression Of The Creator [The Freedom Of Friendship] = 700
Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities = 700

GM:We know not what we are because what we think we are gets in the way of it all
Stuff Happens
What The Gods See
The Sun
The Alphabet ... post-14193

William: From the link;
8Lou1: Yesterday i had a sort of bubble in my head, at least thats how it felt. Then a voice asked are you conscious, i said yes. Then the voice said then that bubble is consciousness.
Where are we getting our news from?"

William:Productive This Besides Where are we getting our news from? = 612
Six One Two = 144
Textnum code
Real friendship
Strange Desire
Astral Pulse
Ten Insights
Look Closely
Tremulous [shaking or quivering slightly. timid; nervous.]
Synesthesia [the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.]
That's a good one
Up to scratch
Transponder [a device for receiving a radio signal and automatically transmitting a different signal.]
Six One Two

GM:Now We Are Getting Somewhere
They is what they is.
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed
"The Vast UICDevice
Finishing What Was Started"

William:The Vast UICDevice Finishing What Was Started = 453
Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden
Universal Intelligence Communications Device
It was at the time - still a work in progress.

GM:Earth teachers (non-physical) prepare the species for acceptance of the Grand Portal
We're two opinions deep before we can even analyze the moral question.
[Try Gateway
"The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?"

William: Try Gateway IQ = 171
When Done Say “Done”
Changing The Rules
Another Mind Open
Source Reality
The human interface
Fireside Metaphor
Mainstream Science
Go with the Flow
Respect others
True happiness
Inner Strength

GM:Burgeoning [beginning to grow or increase rapidly; flourishing.]
What we call the experience of reality"

William:Seductive What we call the experience of reality = 464
"We need your unique and original perspective." = 464
"Consciousness" = "Zero", mathematically speaking. = 464

Failure Wish
Big Gaps In Logic
Blunt the edge off that particular blade...
The relationship between sound and formation re The Universe's existence.
Spacetime is doomed
Unite humanity with a living new language
Living our forefather's conflict
GOD is not an elitist.

William: Virtues Vehicle Extreme = 268
How to Bruise a Ghost Plan = 268

GM:"Higher Self Dream Guide
Love Heart
Raise your frequency"

William: Higher Self Dream Guide Love Heart Raise your frequency = 535
Not in it’s wholeness – but certainly in its parts… = 535

GM:Bandages of The Beast
A knight in shining armour Manipulation
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
The practice of vipassana"

William: Metamorphosis The practice of vipassana = 402
It is a path already forged, ahead of human arrival
Your Dream – Alien faces projected in the sky
Instructions on what to do with data
Vipassana is an ancient mindfulness meditation technique. It involves observing your thoughts and emotions as they are, without judging or dwelling on them.
GM:The Squeeze
Cease to exist
Final Destination
"Science Projects
The Screen"
Most folk need moderating.
The journey is fun and maybe that is the point.

William:Science Projects The Screen = 261
Universal Belief System = 261

11:53 [Interesting data
Centre of learning
The Healing Power
Enflame Emotions
Science of Truth
It is what it is
Personal freedom
One Eighty Two]
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