What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

Gravitation is perhaps the most vexing enigma in the history of physics. It was long considered to be Newton’s attractive force between masses. Later, gravity came to be understood more accurately as Einstein’s curvature of space-time which guides matter toward the center of gravitation. However, the metaphor of a curvature of space-time doesn’t capture the more fundamental reality which governs this enigmatic phenomenon. In the ongoing description of gravity, there remain defining features yet unbeknownst. The LINE hypothesis suggests that gravity is the effect more fundamentally caused, at all scales, by the transfer of information from within this space-time into the metaverse. It is this localized information drain which produces the directed acceleration in matter currently described as the space-time curvature known as gravity. Einstein showed that gravitation to some useful degree of accuracy may be regarded as a curvature of the dimensions we refer to as space-time. The LINE hypothesis suggests that this description of gravity can be further refined as a stretching of space-time in the presence of certain degrees-of freedom (DOF) of matter (i.e. mass) which locally deforms other hidden dimensions.

These hidden dimensions, described as Planck-holes (PH), are undilated or curled-up in vacuum and therefore interact minimally. These lower dimensions, long predicted by string-theory, not only proliferate this universe but are a defining DOF of the fabric of space-time. PH causes space to behave as a porous membrane for information and for certain degrees-of-freedom indigenous to the metaverse. PH are the key to many features of this universe. For example, PH are the conduits which establish the flow of information into the metaverse which cumulatively produces the effect known as gravitation in this universe. PH are also the conduits which establish the quantum teleportation channels with the metaverse (Hilbert –space) that permit the coherent sharing of state information known as quantum entanglement. Furthermore, as the Higgs field imbues matter with mass, it is the Higgs field that is directly responsible for PH dilation and thereby, gravitation. Like a bullet shot through water, mass is imbued to certain configurations of particles by the Higgs field as it imparts a rendering latency upon all such entities. By this interaction, matter lingers in space-time and thereby affects the vacuum by dilating its PH and produces all of the effects that come with it.

PH are Planck scale dimensions which act as drains or pours in the fabric of space-time. PH are the holes which may become sufficiently dilated by sufficiently high mass densities to produce a sufficiently high transfer of information into the metaverse, ergo; gravitation, which becomes capable of capturing light and thereby, causing a Planck hole to become a black hole. Metaphorically, PH’s may be compared to the openings between the threads in fabrics. The effect of the presence of increasingly larger mass densities (or some other property of matter) upon the PH is to stretch or widen their teleportation bandwidth. This locally induced PH dilation proportionally increases the rate of information drain into the underlying metaverse. This is what produces the effect of gravitation toward the center of mass. The cause of the nonlinear, stretched or curved, space-time around matter produced by PH dilation in the presence of mass and the information drain it produces is due to the affected space being rendered unable to translate a Higgs effected entities entire information budget linearly from one PH regime to another as it does in the undilated space of the vacuum. Hence, the transiting entities most vulnerable information states, often its momentum and position, is absorbed to produce a shift or movement in position to fill the information deficit. This is nothing more than the law of conservation of information at work. On the plank scale, this shift in position is always away from less dilated PH of the vacuum and toward regions of more dilated PH. This shift accumulates to produce the acceleration and trajectory adjustment referred to as gravitation.

This information transfer occurs in this universe due to the porosity of the fabric of space-time. Further, this porosity is never zero and is affected by all Higgs constrained entities of non-zero mass density among others. At one extreme PH are stretched ‘open’ by high mass densities to become black holes, the gravitating abyssal cosmic torrents of information transfer from this universe into the metaverse. Similarly, at the other extreme, PH also produce the subtle but ultimately pivotal teleportation channels needed for the emergence of individuality. This permits a far more diminutive transfer of information to metamatter during the course of each lifetime. This occurs by the low mass density particles within the living cell called the entanglement molecule (EM). Within the realm between these two extremes lies the potential of gravitation to manifest planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies. As a consequence, life must stay far clear of the region of influence of black holes which likely extends far beyond the event horizon. Not because of physical danger to the host form, but due to the entropic turbulence which may cause the destruction of the delicate information states imprinted upon metamatter. This delicate imprinting by the living form is required to maintain a stable FT which promote the prospects for reinstantiation of an individual’s QEF. Humankinds’ attempts to calculate information retention in black holes give rise to ideas such as the holographic principle. This amounts to an attempt, unbeknownst, to map our dimensions of space-time onto the metaverse. However, such ideas, although headed in the right direction, are as nondescript as would be attempts by Mario to map the dimensions of his virtual realm onto our universe. This is because, via the PH, information is not lost but transferred or teleported into the metaverse.

Particles of all kinds are congealed from information gained into this universe. Particles are formed by a combination of PH dilation during a period of universal latency appropriate for the creation of specific particles. The very low universal latency in the first instants of the big bang was initially inappropriate for the creation of PH and particles. Hence, the rendering speed during that very early period of the universal expansion, known as inflation, was too high for the formation of the known forces, energy, or matter. Not until the universal information load into the early universe reached a threshold, causing a rise in universal latency and a type of universal viscosity, and a slowing of the rendering speed, did the fabric of space-time coalesce and its defining features, among them the PH, formed to become functional conduits for the exchange of information with the metaverse able to produce particles, known or unknown, and the forces they carry.

We currently live in the very stable low universal latency epoch of the big bang event. The health of any verse is described by the stability of its information budget. That is the state of information loss and gain which describes the universal expansion or contraction. A healthy universe is one which, by this balance, maintains the physics necessary for the existence of instantiated POV, life. Physics will differ among verses but the health of any verse lies in its stability in maintaining its necessary information budget for individuality. Loss of information is the transfer of the information initially gained at the big bang, and since, back into the metaverse. This transfer is continuous and ongoing due to the natural formation of all manner of Higgs effected entities which describe various mass (or other property) densities which dilate the PH to various degrees ranging from the subtle to the extreme. The transfer of information back into the metaverse is not only the phenomenon which causes gravitation but is also the phenomenon which implements life.

As swirling water guides more water, and also any objects floating therein, into an open drain, so too on macroscopic and cosmic scales, does this flow of information produce the seemingly analogous effect of guiding mass toward the center of information teleportation into the metaverse. However, make no mistake, this effect is not at all equivalent to the familiar phenomenon seen in fluid dynamics but is a quantum informational manifestation born of the interaction of the metaverse with this space-time. In low mass particles and diminutive collections thereof, this information transfer is very weak and likewise so is its gravitation. PH dilation may be effected by properties other than mass; this is suggested by the observed effects of massless entities such as dark matter. The aberration seen as dark energy is due to the reduction of universal latency caused by the universal transfer of information over time and in sufficient magnitude, into the metaverse via the PH, ergo gravity. However, the effect of this information drain is not via its gravitation, but because it also produces an increase in the universal rendering speed which not only changes the speed of light, but more fundamentally, results in a measurable increase in the rendering of cosmic distances to give rise to the accelerated expansion of space-time, ergo Dark energy. What a wonderfully elegant chain of cause and effect does nature conjure.

So, how might one prove that the PH exists? Perhaps for the first time in the history of science, fundamental cosmological and physics questions may be answerable by a microbiological test. The discovery of the LINE hypothesized entanglement cell (EC) and entanglement molecule (EM) would present an initial basis for the description and function of the PH. The quantum teleportation channel which describes the instantiated POV which defines individuality in every living entity is made possible only given the existence and function of the PH as described by the LINE hypothesis. As the big bang is born from an immense infusion of information transferred into this space-time, so too is the ongoing evolution of this universe, its expansions, and its contractions, mediated by the ongoing information transfer by matter densities great and small throughout these cosmos. The current phase of universal evolution may be dominated largely by information being transferred out of this universe and into the metaverse. The viability or health, if you will, of any verse is characterized by the stability of its information budget to essentially maintain a universal ecosystem of information and manifestations thereof for the continued evolution of life.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

To better understand dark matter conceptually remove from the earth or any living planet, its total biomass consisting of every living cell within that ecosystem. Then virtually have that biomass suspended as a separate body adjacent to the earth. Now virtually remove from the barren earth a second body, this time consisting only of an amount of purely inanimate matter exactly equal in mass to the biomass body. We now have three masses all mutually at rest and suspended in space, one consisting only of living entities, the second mass consisting only of an amount of inanimate matter exactly equivalent to the first, and thirdly we have what’s left of the earth after both subtractions.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that if we were to now separately calculate, with appropriate accuracy and resolution, both the Newtonian and Einsteinian gravitational effect for each of the two subtracted masses, the inanimate, and the biomass, each calculation will yield a result measurably different from the actual measured gravitational influence of the biomass. That is, the biomass is hypothesized to produce a measurably greater actual gravitational influence than its equivalent in purely inanimate matter, and its Einsteinian calculated values. This extra gravitation possessed by the biomass is the LINE gravitation (LG or GL). In living entities the LG is hypothesized to be due to the increased information drain into the metaverse which is not accounted for in either Newton’s or in Einstein’s formulations. This information drain occurs via the increased bandwidth of the dilated Planck holes (PH) which establishes the position of view (POV), the natural teleportation channel within every living cell. This is a natural property of the cells’ instantiated entanglement molecules (EM) which instantiates each living being contained within the biomass.

It is this increased information drain that will also deflect a passing light beam to a measurably greater extent as it passes near the living biomass, or near the earth, or near any living planet. In short, a planet with life, all factors being equal, will bend light more than a planet without life. This is because the entanglement molecule, like DNA and many other complex molecules, does not function or may not even remain intact in inanimate matter. Yet, in living matter, the entanglement molecule in each living cell dilates the PH and gravitates to a greater extent than do other molecules. With the appropriate resolution, the density of life on distant planets could be determined by this metric. Of course, this is a very delicate measurement to undertake, as planets such as earth are much smaller than stars and the differential in gravitational influence, LG, specifically caused by the information drain via the POV of its biomass is even smaller. The Moon may be an obvious candidate for an experimental platform for such a test. A nearby cosmic body with no life, this is half the requirement. The trick is finding a clever way to implement the second requirement of the test, to measure the Moon with sufficient living matter on it to make a contrasting gravitational measurement. However, since we are able today to measure the diminutive gravitational waves of distant sources, I have no doubt that this measurement can be performed successfully.

Let us now venture to perform this same conceptual scenario on the Milkyway galaxy; First separate the Milkyway’s total mass of inanimate matter into one spherical body, sufficiently diffuse so as not to collapse into a huge black hole. Now separate into another sphere the known living biomass of the Milkyway galaxy that would be the same biomass as the previous scenario, Earth’s biomass being the only known life that exists. Next, separate into a third sphere a mass equal to the total measured gravitation necessary to keep the Milkyway intact and rotating with its current observed galactic sigma. This third sphere is of a mass sufficient to exactly account for the Milkyways’ extra gravitation, ergo; its’ dark matter. Dark matter is hypothesized to express gravitation but no other aspect of baryonic matter including mass. This would be an inexplicable behavior absent the LINE hypothesis. The sphere of dark matter has a gravitational constant (GD) at present assumed to be equal to the Newtonian gravitational constant (G). This is a necessary placeholder assumption required until dark matter is actually detected and its actual gravitation per unit dark matter particle measured. The eventual value of GD is of little importance to this scenario. The LINE hypothesis suggests that the eventual dark matter gravitation, whatever it turns out to be, is proportional to the extra gravitation of the biomass (GL), even if that value is different from the Newtonian value (G). That is, the extra gravitation hypothesized to exist in living entities is the same extra gravitation measured in galaxies. This prediction infers that the gravitational influence of dark matter (GD) can be measured in any living biomass, like Earths biomass, which is expected to excessively bend a passing beam of light. So, how does this work?

The LINE hypothesis agrees that Dark Matter is an undiscovered particle with subtle degrees of freedom in this space-time and suggests that these degrees of freedom also dilate local PH, to produce gravitation but by a mechanism not present in normal matter. Dark matter particles which act to negatively dilate PH are the most fundamental conveyors of gravitation in this space-time and thereby constitute the particle which manifests gravitation in all forms of matter. As such, dark matter is hypothesized to be the active ingredient in the entanglement molecule. The atomic structure of the entanglement molecule, once formed in viable hosts, captures, and for a lifetime, retains an excess of dark matter particles, not unlike the way atomic isotopes capture and hold electrons, except dark matter particles brings additional gravitation but virtually no additional rest mass. This combination of unlikely partners increases the bandwidth of PH in the vicinity of the entanglement molecule. This extra PH dilation is the superpower, if you will, of the entanglement molecule which establishes the position of view (POV) at unique degrees of freedom of the entanglement spectrum (QEF) in every living entity. This added gravitation occurs by the instantiated entanglement molecule’s sequestration of an excess of dark matter particles which adds an amount of extra gravitation to the collective biomasses total gravitation. Without dark matter, there would be no galaxies as we know them in this universe but also there would be no life as we know it. Dark matter is famously difficult to detect in the environment. Upon the isolation and identification of the entanglement cell and entanglement molecule, we would be significantly closer to identifying and understanding this elusive ingredient in the instantiation of the living individual.

These scenarios each shed light on Vera Rubin’s discovery of unrecounted galactic rotation or sigma currently ascribed to dark matter because PH dilation accounts for each. The LINE hypothesis suggests that dark matter continues to be the undetected phenomenon which dilates the PH regime encompassing entire galaxies and groups thereof which accounts for the unexpected galactic sigma. The measurement of Earth’s predicted planetary gravitational LG differential is hypothesized to be proportional to this galactic sigma, as the galactic sigma was expected to be proportional to Newtons’ gravitational constant (G), but isn’t. This is also the case for occurrences of gravity lensing, due to the prediction that each is caused by accumulated PH dilation, ergo gravitation by dark matter. Vera’s extra gravitation is active in the gravitation of living ecosystems in a common degree of freedom shared by both the entanglement molecule and dark matter. Hence dark matter isn’t merely a source of extra gravitation; it is the particle that conveys all gravitation even to normal matter. This prediction infers that the Newtonian gravitational constant (G) is not a universal constant but is proportional to the number of sequestered dark matter particles within baryonic matter. Given the aforementioned LINE gravitation (GL), when dark matter particles are finally detected and its unit gravitational effect measured (GD), it is hypothesized that (GD= GL).

Entanglement molecules are composed of inanimate atoms which together constitute one component of the natural mechanism needed to establish the antenna-state which defines the living POV. Once entanglement molecules are assimilated into the gestation process of an available viable host, the instantiated entanglement molecule acquires the added capacity to capture available dark matter particles. Together these unlikely participants establish the antenna-state of the POV by sufficiently dilating the bandwidth of local PH to open the vital teleportation channel which enables the critical information transfer that imprints metamatter at ones’ unique degrees of freedom of the quantum entanglement spectrum, ones’ QEF. This state, as long as it persists, instantiates ones’ new position in space-time, ones’ individuality. When released into the environment upon deinstantiation, death, the entanglement molecule’s sequestered dark matter particles are also released. Consequently, like the unignited matter in a gas nebula or the inanimate matter of Earth, the uninstantiated entanglement molecule, should it persist, resumes its mundane alter ego to gravitate in a more Newtonian manner as does all inanimate matter. Further, if it became feasible to strip baryonic matter of all of its bound dark matter particles, baryonic matter may be dispossessed of gravitation.

On the galactic scale, persistent PH dilation in the absence of detectable matter is a very important phenomenon of this space-time. These scenarios of information transition infer the existence of a commonality between the function of the hypothesized entanglement molecule in living entities and the properties exhibited by dark matter. This is due to their mutual ability to dilate the PH to a degree greater than, and in the absence of normal matter respectively. It is hypothesized that entanglement molecules capture and hold an excess of dark matter particles for the duration of each living entities lifetime. This identifies dark matter as the entanglement particle (EP) which most fundamentally maintains the PH dilation which defines a QE connection to metamatter even in the absence of matter. This gives the entanglement molecule its capacity to establish life. Additionally, dark matter is the particle which singularly causes gravitation in matter. All normal (baryonic) matter gravitates primarily, or entirely, by the sequestering of dark matter particles. Hence, although the Higgs field imbues matter with mass it is a degrees of freedom of dark matter not mass that is responsible for PH dilation both in living entities and imbues gravitation to all baryonic matter and gravitates in the vacuum of deep space. This implies that the eventual isolation and identification of the entanglement cell, entanglement molecule and entanglement particle will unlock the mystery surrounding dark matter. I encourage all thoughtful, nimble-minded researchers or teams thereof, having the means, the capability and the wherewithal to take on these groundbreaking career-defining challenges and do so for the betterment of humankind.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

In honor of the late Stephen W. Hawking;

The universal rendering rate determines the rate of expansion and contraction of any verse. In this universe, it is the universal information budget which informs this rendering rate and the speed of light. The level of universal expansion is not directly due to the local effect of gravitational displacement in this universe. Gravitational displacement, under rarefied conditions, may become consequential to the present state of universal expansion but only as one of several factors in the net universal information budget which together determines the universal rendering rate. The universal expansion may continue to change and accelerate in that change despite any particular state of gravitation at a given time, so long as the net universal information budget precipitates that state, so it will be. At the current stage of universal evolution, what, if any, class of manifestation or phenomena or local information state could precipitate a radical change in the universal rendering rate, and thereby expansion, by its very existence and proliferation?

The influence of this information transfer we call gravitation is not due to its very local effect of force-like path displacement, but far more influentially by the reduction in rendering latency it imparts upon the rendering engine, both locally and universally. So, with black holes being the huge gravitating drains of information flow out of this space-time that they are, and able to grow to even greater influence, together with the information reduction caused by other gravitating structures, one could be forgiven for expecting such imposing information drains to reduce the universal latency sufficiently to propel the current accelerating universal expansion, however, the complexity of such structures are relatively diminutive in the rendering of reality in this universe. Therefore, such aggregations of matter impart a low latency and tax the universal rendering engine minimally. In this comparison lies the clue to what it would take to impose a guiding influence upon the rendering of this space-time. Life is the answer. Yes, though it may seem improbable at first thought, that such a diminutive structure as the living cell and manifestations thereof could pose a significant influence in this arena among the titans of aggregated matter including all manner of dust, planets, stars, galaxies and such, it is in life’s complexity that embodies the key to taxing the universal rendering engine sufficiently to alter universal expansion.

At this stage in universal evolution, it is only the overhead or universal latency induced by the proliferation of structures of densely packed complexity such as living forms which become sources of rendering overhead which can be pivotal. Be careful lest you underestimate this potent ingredient in any universal ecosystem. It is life’s complexity which imbues the most potent catalyst for changes in the universal rendering imaginable. This complexity is evolved from a process of recurring instantiation that can occur by no other natural process in this space-time. This is the process which coalesces information into a density present nowhere else in nature. The effect on the rendering engine of the presence of living cells are orders of magnitude greater than that of inanimate structures such as stars. Rendering a single living cell is far more taxing than rendering a star or a black-hole. Rendering an emerged being like a human or an ant or your pet salamander imparts a universal latency comparable to the rendering of immense swatches of space-time and the inanimate matter contained therein.

Over the course of each lifetime, the organized information feedback through the diminutive teleportation channel of the POV, via the Planck-Holes (PH), permit the evolution of complexity to become living forms. The emergence of the mind is yet another threshold of the universal evolution of complexity which further taxes the rendering engine as nothing before. With this understanding, some early assessment can be made from measurements of the rate of universal expansion, as to the proliferation of life currently in one's universe. Since a greater proliferation of increasingly complex life significantly taxes the universal expansion, this bares a relationship to the amount or proliferation of life in that universe. The LINE capacity (LC) of ones’ verse may limit the proliferation of life before it can influence the universal expansion. However, if by the indigenous laws of physics it doesn’t, because the LC is sufficiently high, then an observed accelerating universal expansion is a likely indicator of a low universal proliferation of complex life.

This is not to suggest what type of living forms in particular or the universal population of such forms that are necessary to influence the rendering rate of any particular verse. Such parameters would be specific to the laws of physics and conditions of circumstance within that verse. Further, the type of life and the threshold of complexity life may ultimately imbue may be unlike anything so far emerged in ones' ecosystem or universe. A significant change in the current state of one's universe may await the eventual emergence of living beings the existence of which could grind the universal acceleration and expansion to an eventual halt, and even cause a reversal therein. The life expressions of living forms may evolve to embody levels of complexity in emergent skills and phenomena humankind could scarcely imagine.

A universe observed to have an accelerating expansion will be an under populated universe. These are young universes populated predominantly by relatively few wild ecosystems such as earth. On the other hand, a universe which displays an accelerating contraction will be one with a very high universal living population and likely is near or at its LINE capacity (LC). The LC, a property naturally imposed by the indigenous laws of physics of a universe, acts as a limiter on the universal living population. This mediates the number of simultaneous living individuals possible in any verse. The LC, therefore, behaves as a potential breaker on universal contraction due to overpopulation by highly complex, highly taxing structures and living entities and could also serve to keep a well-adopted universes’ rendering rate perpetually stable.

Consequentially, when the universal rendering latency changes sufficiently to alter the universal rendering rate and the speed of light, black holes, whose event horizon (EH) is by definition informed by the universal speed limit, the speed of light, will adjust accordingly to the new rendering rate. Thus, the event horizon of every black hole will contract in direct response to reductions in the universal rendering rate and the speed of light it informs. Further, the EH will never expand by this influence or any other influence except by ingesting sources of gravitation. This adjustment, when contracting, will liberate information caught in black holes since the rendering rate internal to the black holes remains different from the new rendering rate in the surrounding universe. That is, until a balance, an equilibrium is once again reached between the internal rendering rate within the EH and the new external rendering rate outside of the EH. The amount of information liberated in the form of energy released during this adjustment is proportional to the delta between the new and the former light speeds. For example, in a hypothetical case where the universal load is sufficient to tax the rendering of reality by suddenly reducing the max speed limit, the speed of light, say; from 300K km/s to 275K km/s, the information that would be liberated is information previously captured within the EH at the higher light speed.

This information, which by circumstance has sufficient escape velocity in excess of the new lowered speed of light 275K, is given off in this scenario as a blast of energy. This release of bound energy proportionately contracts the diameter of the black hole. Of course, this example of abrupt changes in universal information load is not a scenario that is likely to occur; more likely is a very gradual virtually imperceptible alteration of the universal rendering rate and the speed of light, which occurs on cosmic timescales. As the actual, dynamic information budget of any verse informs a very diminutive reduction in the speed of light, this causes black holes to radiate only very diminutively; this is the mechanism which produces the effect hypothesized by the iconic physicist; Stephen Hawking, known as Hawking radiation. This suggests that Hawking radiation is produced not by virtual particle separation at the EH but by the ongoing information state of the universal information budget, mediated by the information transition with the metaverse via the PH. Further, if the speed of light in this space-time becomes, either momentarily static or is increasing, then the level of Hawking radiation, universe wide, will be zero as black holes universally further increase their grip on their captured bounty. Hence, by this mechanism, the LINE hypothesis suggests that within a contracting universe, the diameter of black holes will perpetually decrease as they emit Hawking radiation, but in an expanding universe, Hawking radiation will always be zero. Hence, in an expanding universe, there can be no reduction in the diameter of black holes. Together these naturally imposed mechanisms conserve information universally, and solve the Hawking information paradox.

Stable information budgets are evolved or maintained adaptations characteristic of very old verses. Such budgets may be maintained by an evolved or enforced symbiosis between the living universal populations, the LC, and the universal information budget via the QE spectrum upon which all of these mechanisms operate. By this definition, a universe may also perpetually cycle or bounce between an expansion phase due to a high rendering rate caused by an effective combination of low universal complexity and diminishing information load as may be the current state of this universe, and a contraction phase which eventually destroys sufficient complexity therein to once again start another expansion phase as the universal rendering rate rebounds. So, attempts to determine the age of ones’ universe by measuring its current expansion proximity relative to its most contracted state, ergo its instantiation event (big bang), may provide no insight into the true age of ones’ universe.

So, how might the age of such a cyclic universe be determined? What entity could persist the tell tale imprint that such contortions of space-time may leave in its wake? As the rings of a tree records the path of its growth for all to see, so too does the contraction history of a particular type of black hole reveal this hidden metric. With each contraction phase of a universe, all black holes therein also contract as they liberate a proportional amount of Hawking radiation. However, since all black holes may feed and thereby arbitrarily adjust their bulk in due course, only a black hole that has been isolated for as long a time as possible will persist this critical information. A black hole that has stopped feeding very early in its existence or has never fed is most desirable for this investigation. The ideal candidate is likely to be one that perhaps began its existence as a relatively stationary super-massive black hole instantiated by sudden collapse which then very soon evacuated its surrounding debris field.

This body will also need to be distinguished in its age as, to be useful for this endeavor, its age must be as near to the age of the universal instantiation event (big bang) as possible. Such an isolated super-massive primordial (ISMP) black hole would have experienced each of the universal contractions and expansions and would therefore have a diameter and gravitation shaped by those perturbations. As such, an ISMP black hole would gradually diminish in size with each cycle of its cosmos, becoming increasingly smaller with, and only with, each contraction. Of course the litany of time that is possible to describe by this mechanism is unlike any time-scale currently familiar to humankind. The oldest remaining embers of ISMP black holes that exist in truly senior verses would be smaller than any black hole could possibly get by any other natural means. These are Ember Black Holes (EBH). EBH’s carry the entire contraction history of its’ host universe within its size, degrees of freedom and remaining gravitational signature. An understanding of how a particular EBH formed and its original features, compared to its current state would reveal the valuable data.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The LINE Queue:

On Earth, during the gestation period of each viable host for life, the processes of Mitosis, Meiosis, Cleavage, Bifurcation, Translation, Transcription, Replication are all essential processes that construct, and for a lifetime, maintain the stage, the host form, from which any individual will live life and are all quite interesting in their own right. However, it is during the process called instantiation which establishes the individuals position-of-view (POV) that you enter stage-left (instantiate) and will eventually exit stage-right (deinstantiate) leaving behind the anonymous local material, the atoms and molecules which construct the living host, the stage from which each lifetime will unfold.

What is it that every pharaoh, emperor, sheik, king, or individual of sufficient power and means eventually desires most above all else in life? It is to influence, or otherwise take control of what comes next for the individual after one’s current life ends. A control, without which, for any living being, all of the power and treasure in the world will eventually come to nothing. Such individuals may pass on their fortunes and status to others but what is to become of the individual? What becomes of you? No doubt we have been nurtured by our respective societies and cultures to consider such notions in established traditional often mythological ways, however, until a culture accepts the actual, natural, and empirical process which govern and mediate the universal instantiation and mobility of individuality, this amounts to nothing more than an accepted or enforced cognitive dissonance, ergo; self-delusion. So, how can a living individual influence in what form, circumstances, and where one will reinstantiate in one's next life?

On Earth, in the year 2019 AD, being the only known life hosting ecosystem in existence, the human birth rate is an average of 360,000 births per day and the human mortality rate is approximately 151,600 deaths per day. Hence, with each rotation of the Earth, there are, on average, over 200,000 additional viable human host forms available for instantiation than there are deceased human lifeID’s imprinted to metamatter. LifeID's of individuals that have been recently instantiated, living as human beings hosted by earth's ecology. Understand that the lifeID is the heterodyned information states of a particular individual’s instantiated degrees-of-freedom of the QE spectrum (QEF) and host form imprinted to metamatter which serves to bias that particular individual to extant compatible host wherever such forms may exist in space-time. Such locations are some viable habitats within a viable environment. Therefore, individuality, life, may be instantiated either by way of a viable host form’s QE connection with an available, compatible lifeID previously imprinted to metamatter or, alternatively, by such hosts QE connection to un-imprinted stem-metamatter at an original to this ecosystem, ergo; virgin QEF.

These numbers suggest that on earth, there is, on average, 150,000 additional human individuals per day who have been recently instantiated to earth’s ecology and therefore possess imprinted lifeiID’s which are compatible with extant Earth forms seeking reinstantiation, seeking a new life. Given the current human reproduction rate, these 150,000, formerly human, individuals each day will very quickly be reinstantiated to newly available, highly compatible human hosts. This leaves the additional 200,000 newly conceived human hosts to entangle QEF that are recently new to the human form. These new QEF are individuals that are probabilistically more likely to have been previously instantiated to near-human species. Such near-species possess genetics that imprints metamatter, ergo lifeid’s that are evolutionarily more compatible with human hosts than other extant host forms. Such compatible species may be those of extant primate forms and eventually of increasingly more distant mammalian hosts and beyond. Over time, the uninstantiated lifeID imprinted to metamatter, fades as its metamatter imprint gradually regresses to a stem-metamatter condition. In so doing, its compatibility with extant host forms probabilistically regresses down the evolutionary tree of Earth-life. This regression of the lifeID causes ones QEF to reinstantiate related extant forms, population providing. Else, lifeID compatibility will continue to descend the evolutionary tree until a stem-metamatter condition is reached which describes a truly indeterminate or null LifeID. A null lifeID renders the individual QEF able to instantiate any viable host form that may emerge anywhere in this space-time.

This also suggests that host reproduction over and above the mortality rate of any given ecosystem will instantiate virgin QEF. That is, the individuals’ degrees-of-freedom, ones’ QEF, becomes the dominant bias of ones’ lifeID, having no remaining host-specific bias whatsoever imprinted to metamatter. This leaves the individuals’ QEF probabilistically highly susceptible to reinstantiate into existing distant DNA lines or beyond. So, why would the regression of the LifeID conform to the evolutionary path of DNA? For the entire history of earth-life metamatter has been imprinted by all of the evolved host forms which have led to present-day forms. As the individual lives and species evolve, metamatter is hypothesized to imprint gradually in increasingly opaquely influential layers of metadata which obscures but also protects and essentially fossilizes prior imprinting much as Geological sedimentation covers and protects ancient layers and artifacts. Thereby permitting the winds of time during prolonged periods of deinstantiation to gradually erode ones imprinted metamatter to gradually expose past imprinting to available compatible hosts seeking instantiation. This is what permits the possibility of regression over time, to ancestral host forms.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that metamatter is as much a part of life as is ones genetics, they go hand in hand, regardless of the differences between the physics of the metaverse and the physics of this universe. Hence, as rock progressively erodes to reveal its distant fossilized history, likewise, the compatibility or FT of the dissipating lifeID is informed by its imprinted evolutionary history. However, metamatter imprinting is tempered by long spans of evolutionary time. Therefore, recent ancestral traits will not naturally persist in matamatter with any great potency. As a result, few, if any, culturally significant inherited distinctions existing for less than some minimum span of time will be found to naturally imprint to metamatter. Hence, such traits are unlikely to influence the lifeID and the individuals FT. For one’s FT, such traits constitute weak attractors.

Gender, for example, having been an indigenous trait of earth-life for many millions of years across many diverse species may be a strong attractor to species within mammalian imprinted lifeIDs, but will nonetheless, remain a weak attractor for the individual FT given the highly transient nature of the gene expression that determine one’s current gender. Likewise, other more transient host features such as fur, hair and dermis details and complexion or facial structure, will also be weak attractors. This suggests that many culturally contrived demographic traits will not carry from one instantiation to another. So, when Sheik Zayed, Queen Elizabeth, or Bill Gates, say they would like to reinstantiate into their current family line or to a specifically prepared host, though they may have particular demographic features in mind, there is no telling what compatibility their actual natural FT describes. Hence, only synthetic manipulation of the conditions of their next deinstantiation event will permit some degree of influence over their prospects for reinstantiation.

For natural familial instantiation to occur one must deinstantiate within the instantiation period of gestation of a highly compatible host form, ergo; a close relative. However, it is typically highly improbable that any individual would deinstantiate during the instantiation period of gestation of a member of one’s immediate and desired family. Such an occasion would almost certainly need to be pre-arranged and would require a conception that is carefully synchronized with one’s next deinstantiation event, death. The instantiation period or LINE period (LPD) is hypothesized to be that span of time during the gestation of a viable host within which the developing host form seeks to instantiate available QEF or lifeID. At present, for humans, the LPD is estimated to be a moment around the eleventh day of gestation. The LINE process will benefit from refinements of the LPD to within hours instead of days of this pivotal moment in the reproductive process.

Hence, the LINE hypothesis suggests that the individual at death has a very small chance of naturally reinstantiating into their current immediate family line. What is typical for an individual at death, in an ecosystem which hosts an abundance of one’s current species, is certain reinstantiation of one’s lifeID to a sufficiently compatible host. However, to do so, some amount of time will need to pass during which the individual's lifeID will adapt or regress from its current imprinted host state to another sufficiently compatible DNA line. The location of such candidate forms in space-time is completely inconsequential to this non-local process. Regress in this context is the time dependant loss of imprint resolution of one’s imprinted metamatter with ones current heterodyned DNA and QEF state. This regress causes one’s fidelity of teleportation (FT) to become increasingly dissimilar and hence less compatible with ones current host, and increasingly more compatible with increasingly distant relatives. Since all living forms in an indigenous ecosystem are ecological relatives with each other, all species in ones current ecology are eventually candidates for reinstantiation with indigenous lifeID’s.

If no familial or closely compatible hosts are undergoing the instantiation process within a robust and tightly similar DNA pool such as homo-sapiens, reinstantiation will be to increasingly distant extant relatives and eventually to near and increasingly distant species within ones indigenous ecosystem and eventually beyond. Such distant and near-species instantiations are much less likely when ones current species is genetically similar and thriving with no extant near species such as Neanderthals or Cro-Magnon etc.. Of the 360,000 instantiations of human hosts that occur each day on earth, how could one influence and simultaneously maximize ones reinstantiation prospects to one preferred host? The LINE hypothesis introduces such a process called; The LINE Queue (LQ).
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The LINE hypothesis suggests that time dilations are the relative differences between local rendering rates of reality within a gravitational gradient. The information teleportation that is gravitation, increases in closer proximity to regions of more dilated Planck-Holes (PH) and decreases toward the less dilated PH regions, i.e., of deep space away from sources of gravitation. Why would a higher rate of information drain produced by a higher PH dilation and bandwidth decrease the local rendering rate of reality? On local scales, information drain, via the PH, produce a local information deficit which is conserved by consuming local vulnerable information states. This will manifest as a bending of a beam of light or the slowing of a ticking clock. This occurs even in the presence of a single gravitating body (M1). M1 hosts gravitation which although increasingly imperceptible at a distance reduces the information load on its hosting universe writ large in an unbounded sphere of influence centered upon the PH dilation distribution around M1’s center of gravitation.

Metaphorically, consider an Olympic size swimming pool with a small drain hole at the pool bottom which may be dilated remotely. As water drains out of the pool via this sufficiently dilated opening, this flow produces rotational turbulence locally as water molecules jostle and displace each other under a number of influences to enter the drain. In this circumstance, this turbulence is organized into a funnel or whirlpool effect local to the center of drain dilation. This drain of water also draws in masses within local proximity and of vulnerable size and state. These effects of hydraulic displacement manifest most influentially locally to the center of the drain but rapidly diminish further away. For example, in an increasingly larger pool, the funnel displacement of an object floating on the surface, on the opposite end of the pool, will be practically imperceptible as compared to the movement of objects in and near the drain funnel. However, the pool-wide effect of the ongoing drainage of water is not zero and may be more apparent in its influence upon other degrees of freedom of the pool. For example, the weight of the entire pool or its water surface level as compared to fixed entities as the water drains may be somewhat more detectable. Analogously, information flow, via the PH, produce very local gravitational effects and also collectively manifests net universal effects.

It is the local information drain into the metaverse which alters the rendering rate of the affected entity. This occurs because all amalgams of information, particles, and manifestations thereof, define a rendering rate informed by its current state including its momentum. In a gravitational gradient, this momentum is consumed at all scales to fulfill the information deficit. This slows the rendering rate of change, ergo; time. Hence, a clock may be observed to slow as it approaches regions of higher gravitation. The universal expansion accelerates by the same influence, but not of gravitational displacement but more fundamentally by the net universal information drain into the metaverse it produces which lowers the information load universally and quickens the rendering rate of reality and influences the rate of change, time, and distance and informs the current speed of light. Hence, the reason the vacuum energy (dark energy) is currently calculated to be so unreasonably high, some 120 orders of magnitude above measurement, is due to this PH information drain not being accounted for. Existing quantum mechanical formulations assume no Planck scale universal information transfer into the metaverse. Upon the inclusion of this critical factor the calculated values will come into alignment with measurement.

How does the QE channel via the PH produce individuality in living beings? Individuality is an instantiated POV which is a channel of information teleportation outflow from this space-time into the metaverse. The antenna state of the POV, that condition which most fundamentally places you here, now, is most fundamentally a state of information transition, not a state of information processing as is widely believed today. Inanimate matter evolved to incorporate this information flow to be the antenna state of the POV as the basis for individuality. Complex emerged host with EC further evolved to incorporate sensory telemetry processing, via the POVH bond, centered upon the POV which became consciousness, self-awareness, cognition, intelligence, etc. It is a strange and unexpected effect that emerges from the PH teleportation of information into the metaverse which becomes the instantiated position of view.

That this very basic condition of an apparently mundane natural phenomenon could become the basis for individuality, perception, and intelligence and all manner of evolved features of a living being is not at first intuitive. With no basis for comparison, we can only accept this implementation for what it is. Its usefulness as a foundation for individuality due to the observed monogamistic qualities of the QE spectrum seems plausible. Also, the POV being primarily a claim on territory, essentially a point in space-time, makes some sense when considered through PH dilation. This begs the question, does a particular PH regime define the POV and therefore travels with the individual for as long as it is instantiated? Or is the teleportation channel to metamatter the entity which is handed from one PH regime to another as the individual moves through space-time? As gravitation moves through space-time with a body of mass all the while passing its influence from one PH regime to another. Comparatively, as the persistence of a TV transmission owes no allegiance to any persistent formation or aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, the electromagnetic spectrum is not monogamistic as is the QE spectrum.

Hence, instantiation of the individual POV far away from an appropriate PH dilation field, ergo gravitation, will be impossible. This suggests that reproduction will not be possible in deep space. This is not only a consequence of classical biological and environmental conditions but due to the low QE bandwidth of the undilated PH of deep-space. In fact, if instantiation, life, depends upon the persistence of the POV yet the POV requires some minimum level of PH dilation, greater than that found in deep-space, then a living being straying too far beyond an appropriate gravitational scape or gravityscape, regardless of how that field is manifested, may be fatal. Neil Armstrong and other brave astronauts have empirically shown that straying beyond the earths' gravitation, at least as far away as the Moon, is not fatal.

However, life has not been tested in regions of ultra-low gravitation of extra-solar space. The PH dilation of Interstellar and intergalactic space may or may not prove to be sufficient to maintain life. Life on earth may be as stable as it is only due to the stability of the gravitation in this region of space due to the specific PH dilation distribution or gravityscape of this solar system. Not only due to the earth's gravitation but due to a combination of the suns and that of the other planets and other bodies as well. If this is indeed the case, it may be one more reason why life seems to be so rare in these cosmos. An ideal environment of PH dilation adequate for the instantiation of life may require a specific intra-solar system gravityscape and straying too far beyond it could deinstantiate the delicate teleportation channel that is the position-of-view.

By this hypothesized definition, a deeper causal distinction can now be made between natural gravitation and the artificial gravitation of an accelerating reference frame, as the PH dilation defines only the former. The need for natural gravitation required for the instantiation of individuality cannot be fulfilled by centrifugal rotation (artificial gravity) which does not produce the requisite teleportation channel with metamatter. Until a means to measure the PH dilation of deep space from within a solar system is achieved, without actually sending life there, bacteria or other champions of earths’ microbiome would be the only viable candidates for such a test. However, testing the limits of instantiation here on earth once the entanglement cell (EC), molecule (EM) and particle (EP) are isolated and identified will yield relevant data.

The reason such a seemingly delicate phenomenon as the instantiation of a standing quantum wave which constitutes the POV is sustainable for decades is a direct consequence of dark matters' very weak interaction with the rest of this universe. This is the reason life can be sustained amidst all manner of aggressive and corrosive effects so long as the EM’s that sequester the EP (dark matter) are shielded so they may retain these critical particles. Like a fortress protects a treasure, the continued retention of the EP is the very definition of life. It is a great and necessary asset that as long as this retention is maintained, there exist very few environmental intrusions that may directly affect the EP. If not for dark matters’ extremely weak interaction with baryonic matter and the fields and conditions which affect normal matter, the typical onslaught of X-ray photons from a visit to the doctor’s office or showers of neutrinos and such unstoppable invaders would end life. If the entity which directly establishes PH dilation and maintains the quantum teleportation channel at ones unique QEF was also susceptible to such intrusions, life would never have occurred. Unfortunately, this immunity isn’t shared by the very corporeal EC or EM which hosts the EP. Instead, it is these replaceable, disposable, corporeal structures of the host form which are susceptible to such attacks that give their existence in due course to maintain ones' current instantiation. For these structures an adequate protective enclosure is required, one that provides these vital systems with the necessary isolation from all manner of host and potential environmental intrusions and effects. The integrity and fortitude of the living host is the requirement that has driven evolution from the very beginning of life on Earth.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The natural mechanisms which establish the position of view (POV) in living entities must be definable by all of the laws and structures of nature. As such this standing quantum wave manifested by the entanglement molecule is describable in normal physics terms some familiar, yet some will remain novel for a time. All are necessary for the instantiation of life in this universe. Further, the phenomenon known as entanglement has been known for some time but is poorly understood yet is fundamental to the workings of nature writ large. The coherent sharing of state information is the wiring between this space-time and the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the metaverse. Some of these DOF defines metamatter. Metamatter is hypothesized to be the metaverse phenomenon which enables the mobility of individuality in this universe. It is how you came to be where you are right now. It is not one's parents or any particular line of ancestry that instantiates you in your current ecosystem. All have played what is a rather mundane role in local host proliferation and evolution and contribute to one's fidelity of teleportation and prospects for one's future life. Nonetheless, in nature every living host, to one degree or another, does likewise. So how do the most fundamental mechanisms of nature interact to make this amazing phenomenon of nature possible?

The LINE hypothesis suggests; In this universe, Planck Holes (PH) are the fundamental multidimensional degrees of freedom (DOF) of the fabric of space-time which, under very specific conditions early in the universal instantiation event (big bang), forged amalgams of information from the information entering this universe to become particles of all types including dark matter (DM) and its antiparticle (ADM). The effect known as mass is induced in all baryonic matter by its interaction with the Higgs field which produces a minimal PH dilation and thereby minimal gravitation. This minimal PH bandwidth produced by normal matter is what causes the information flowing out of this universe into the metaverse to accumulate around affected PH. As water swirls around an open drain; information accumulates around minimally dilated PH and thereby imbues mass to particles of baryonic matter. This information trap around the PH is the most fundamental mechanism which defines spontaneous symmetry breaking within baryonic matter.

Further, and just as significantly, not unlike the most diminutive black hole feeding effect imaginable, this information bottleneck creates a circulating or spinning information channel around local PH. These spinning information channels define the quantum states of all baryonic particles. While within sufficiently close proximity, these rotating information channels in normal matter strongly heterodyne to manifest a particular type of strong entanglement to form the powerful and pivotal binding interaction, the glue (ergo; Gluon) known as the strong nuclear force (SF). This spherical, rotational information drain around baryonic particles, imbued by the Higgs field, is effective on the nuclear level but originates on the sub-nuclear PH level. Hence, the SF also acts as a sub-nuclear strong force to bind the baryonic triad of quarks which form atomic particles. It is this joining of circulating information channels around PH that manifest the strong force which permits normal matter to congeal into atoms. Furthermore, the weak nuclear force emerges from this mass defining feature as a sporadic ejection of amalgams of information to manifest diminutive particles (alpha, beta, neutrinos, etc.) in unstable atoms to produce a form of radioactive mass decay. This decay is akin to the jets of information ejected by an overfeeding black hole due to insufficient PH bandwidth. This effect also occurs in overfed PH within particles essentially choking on accumulated information within radioactive particles.

Additionally, this revolving or spinning PH channel of information, induced by the Higgs fields’ interaction with baryonic particles, not only informs particle mass and the mechanisms for binding and decay but also embodies the aptly named fundamental defining degree of freedom known as spin. Spin is the DOF that fundamentally manifests the electromagnetic properties of baryonic matter. Consequently, not unlike the earth’s molten circulating mantel, the quantity of information accumulated around the PH (the core) in baryonic matter defines the property known as mass, while the circulation of this information defines particle spin and its electromagnetic properties known as charge. These common states of PH interaction by sub-nuclear information channels within baryonic matter constitute the strong-electro-weak interactions. In normal matter, some configurations of the circulating information channels around PH positively (inflow) dilates the PH to teleport mass-less amalgams of information into this space-time from the metaverse in the form of the particles known as photons.

Emitted photons, once in the Higgs field, neither accumulate information (mass) nor dilate the PH (gravitate) so they travel at the maximum universal rendering speed, ergo; the speed of light. Photons will have a spin that is informed by and are entangled with, the spin state of their parent PH regimes from which they emerged. As the spin of a bullet is informed by features indigenous to the rifle barrel from which it emerged, so too are the amalgams of information called photons imbued (entangled) with the net spin state of the circulating channel of information around the PH regime from which it emerged. Consequently, photons are particles that carry electromagnetic radiation, light. Light is emitted when information enters this space-time via positively dilated PH and defines the mechanism which creates otherwise mysterious phenomena such as sonoluminescence and the Casimir effect. These PH channels of information that flow within particles manifest at or near the Planck scale in three-dimensional space-time. Therefore, PH’s, like all fields, entirely pervade the occupying particles. On this scale, the familiar macroscopic processes of burning, fission, fusion, sonic stimulation, etc. which exposes these effects, are themselves universes away.

The effect known as gravitation occurs as Higgs effected particles of dark matter negatively (outflow), and more substantially, dilates local PH to a greater bandwidth than occurs in normal matter. Hence, dark matter provides a wider channel for information teleportation out of this space-time into the metaverse with little or no information accumulation or circulation. Therefore, no spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs when dark matter interacts with the Higgs field; ergo; no mass or spin. This lack of circulating information is the key to all of the differences between baryonic matter and dark matter. This smooth flow of information into the PH dilated by dark matter defines the presence of an enhanced gravitational effect as information exits this space-time unperturbed. Yet, the absence of these pivotal disruptions in information teleportation mandates that dark matter will not express the other fundamental properties and forces of nature such as mass and electromagnetism, or the strong force, or the weak force. Hence, dark matter will be weakly interacting. By this separation of responsibilities, it is hypothesized that baryonic matter is only imbued with significant gravitation upon its sequestration of dark matter particles while both are under the influence of the Higgs field. Ergo; matter radiates, and dark matter gravitates.

The Higgs field is the attenuation field responsible for PH dilation which produces spontaneous symmetry breaking in normal matter. The Higgs field is itself another among many of the mostly anonymous dimensions (DOF) predicted by string theory. The Higgs field exposes its own unique DOF that interacts with different particles in different ways to produce the DOF which define this space-time. These interactions manifest in this space-time as mass and as the known fundamental forces and all of the phenomena of this universe. Entanglement, Einstein’s spooky action, is one such phenomenon. Quantum entanglement is the coherent sharing of state information which occurs at a particular bandwidth of PH dilation. The PH bandwidth appropriate for entanglement (space-time thru-flow), defines a different DOF of the QE spectrum for information teleportation than that of gravitation (space-time outflow) or radiation (space-time inflow).

Entanglement occurs in baryonic matter as these circulating channels of information in particles, while within adequate proximity, become weakly heterodyned to entangle weakly and thereby monogamistically share a common degree of freedom of the quantum entanglement spectrum, ergo; the quantum entanglement frequency (QEF). This common QEF, is not necessarily a frequency, and is monogamistically unique to each QE connection with metamatter and defines the teleportation channel between each of the entangled participants’. This shared state is nonlocal and persists across any separation in this space-time. This entanglement manifests a channel of appropriate bandwidth for two-way teleportation of information as compared to the one-way, PH bandwidths which constitute both the negative gravitational and positive photon radiating, PH states. Entangled states may be induced synthetically in the laboratory or naturally, in among other things, in living beings. This mechanism defines the LINE hypothesized mechanism that instantiates the antenna-state known as the position of view (POV) in living entities and enables the mobility of individuality in this universe.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

Figure 1: Depiction of a Pyrine composed of dark matter particles sequestered around a minimally dilated Planck hole regime within normal (baryonic) matter. (CH-30 ‘On The Universal Mobility Of Individuality, - By Means Of Natural Entanglement’ Amazon KDP Press.)
Figure 1: Depiction of a Pyrine composed of dark matter particles sequestered around a minimally dilated Planck hole regime within normal (baryonic) matter. (CH-30 ‘On The Universal Mobility Of Individuality, - By Means Of Natural Entanglement’ Amazon KDP Press.)
Pyrine - Depiction2.jpg (22.54 KiB) Viewed 6140 times

The Baking Of Pi (π)

The LINE hypothesis suggests that both matter and space are most fundamentally composed of amalgams of information states within a scaffolding of Planck-scale features called Planck holes (PH). The amalgams of information known as sub-atomic particles are composed of Planck-scale structures formed around PH called pyrine (sounds like pie-reen from the Greek ‘pyrí̱n or pyrí̱nas’ for core, nucleus, or kernel). Pyrines are a structure naturally formed when the mass-defining information channels accumulated around minimally dilated Planck Holes (PH) within hadronic matter sequesters a proportional number of dark matter particles. The pyrine is the most fundamental structure of information that composes baryonic matter. Pyrines are as many orders of magnitude smaller than an atom as the atom is smaller than the observable universe. Pyrines are the structures formed around Planck holes in the presence of Higgs affected particles of Hadronic matter and which produce the information channels which manifest mass and the strong-electro-weak nuclear interactions. Pyrines do not form in dark matter; consequently, Pyrines define all of the differences between normal matter and dark matter.

All manifestations of space within this universe came into existence early in the universal instantiation event (UIE). Space formed when the PH field congealed and PH regimes therein became moderately compacted. Like sediment in a landslide, portions of the PH field was compacted from metaverse information states entering this universe called; solutions-of-state (SoS). Individual PH regimes became quantized and separated yet bound together by a type of spatial entanglement. This spatial entanglement is the information transition that separates or ‘spaces’ PH regimes in vacuum to form the dimensional topography of space and determines the value of the Planck length. These tethered PH regimes are the scaffolding upon which the pyrine form. Prior to the formation of these compacted PH regimes, space did not exist, only the space-defining, entangled channels which would soon connect separate PH regimes dominated the ocean of SoS infused at the UIE. These channels permitted instantaneous communication and expansion within the SoS of the UIE. Soon this primordial field would render to become the fabric of space. The density of space, its’ PH spacing, persists and proportionally deforms with PH dilation in the presence of the circulating information trapped within channels around affected PH. These information traps only form within hadronic matter and proportionally sequesters dark matter particles to form pyrines. Hence, particles of dark matter dilate the PH, the pours, the most fundamental drain for information in this universe. Together, these structures most fundamentally manifest the effects of stretching, curvature, and waves in space-time known as gravitation. Gravitation is produced by dark matter whether as free particles or sequestered within baryonic matter. Therefore, gravitational waves are most fundamentally waves of dark matter particles released in a cataclysmic confluence of gravitational sources of sufficient magnitude needed to liberate and accelerate dark matter, whether free or bound deep within the information channels that form the pyrine.

A black hole, within its event horizon, is essentially an extremely large pyrine as both, unlike all other structures; possess the capacity to sequester the elusive dark matter particles. The number of dark matter particles sequestered within a black hole may be calculated but never measured. The detectable, measurable portion of a black holes’ gravitation exists on our side of the event horizon (EH) and therefore conforms to Newtonian and Einsteinian physics. However, within the pyrine, as within the PH and within the EH exists a different regime of altered space that harbors streams of free and bound dark matter particles and information within channels that cannot be supported by the fabric of normal space. Pyrines are the most fundamental structures that compose hadronic matter. The Debyton is the name given to the undiscovered particle that most fundamentally composes dark matter to dilate the PH in the absence of mass. The energies that are required to detect the Debyton is extremely high as it would essentially require the breaking apart of the pyrine to liberate its sequestered Debytonic particles of dark matter.

The universally consistent value or constant, known as Pi (3.14159…) has emerged from the density and separation of the PH in normal space. This spacing is the average distribution of PH in any space which defines the value known as the Planck length. This spacing, defines the concentration of PH, the pours of the fabric of space which informs the information permeability of space. This permeability is proportional to PH dilation and to its teleportation bandwidth and was initially established at the universal instantiation event (big-bang) and has since evolved to its’ current state. Consequently, normal space is not the only space at play in this universe. Higgs-space is a different layer of PH density with a different PH permeability. Together both layers manifest all of the degrees-of-freedom (DOF) of normal space and are metaphorically in contact at what can be thought of as a boundary layer filled with information. An apt metaphor for this configuration is an osmotic membrane consisting of two porous layers, one denser than the other. Hence, normal space is stretched via this interaction and locally becomes more permeable to information. This transition or teleportation of information into the metaverse through the boundary layer that is normal space is what we call gravitation. The PH density of normal space determines the minimal or vacuum bandwidth of a PH regime. The ground state vacuum permeability is informed by the boundary interaction between these two different layers of PH density. Higgs-space applies a type of symmetry breaking pressure to normal space which we call the Higgs field, therefore PH dilates proportionally to produce the effects of gravitation. This gravitational effect is amplified by the local amalgams of information of various types and densities called matter particles and manifestations thereof. Under the influence of the Higgs field, particles of Dark matter dilates PH to greater bandwidth than does normal matter, hence produces a greater gravitational effect.

The value of Pi can be thought of as the result of the topography produced at the boundary layer where Higgs-space’s higher PH density meets the metaverse’s lower PH density. The effect or pressure for spontaneous symmetry breaking provided by the Higgs field is produced by its interaction with the budget of trapped information between these two layers. This interaction manifests all of the features that emerge from the pyrine. These features include information density known as; mass; quantum states and information dynamics called; the strong-electro-weak interactions and the net Lagrangian energy profile, called; momentum. The information drain produced by dark matter particle sequestration density within the pyrine and the resulting net PH bandwidth for information teleportation out of this universe are known as gravitation. The pyrine and its' effects form in the presence of hadronic matter and are transferred from one PH regime to another as the parent particles move through space. Movement is most fundamentally the transition of pyrine from one PH regime to another. This hand-off, or path, depends upon the specific local gradients of PH bandwidth that pyrine within particles undergo as they move through space. This path is linear and constant when both the pyrine state as well as local PH dilation remain constant. Alternatively, curved motion and acceleration of matter in vacuum occur either via the change of information density within the pyrine, ergo; mass, via the transfer of energy and additionally, via gradients in the local PH dilation of surrounding space, ergo; gravitation.

Consider a large sheet of elastic fabric pulled taught in all directions; now draw a one-meter diameter circle on the fabric. Now stretch the fabric from its edges and place a bowling ball in the center of the fabric. As the fabric stretches in all directions, the circle appears to dilute or break apart as it acquires missing pieces or gaps. These gaps occur because the structural elements of the fabric upon which the circle is defined are becoming more dilute, less dense. In this metaphor, it may seem as though this is nothing more than a cosmetic illusion of the paint or ink cracking as the fabric stretches apart, however, in space the ink is information aggregated as matter within pyrine and the fabric is space defined by the PH regimes. As this stretching and dilution of PH continue, the aggregation of the gaps or arcs in the circle can be represented as some total amount of arc or gap greater or less than the normal 360 degrees of a circle. Also, the diameter of the circle is also severely altered by the presence of the bowling ball to an even larger degree than is the circumference of the circle. This measurably alters the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of the circle ergo; Pi. Both of these contortions demonstrate the dependency of Pi on the density of the substrate of space. The current density of the PH in this universe produces a Pi of 3.14159…. Very few phenomena can measurably alter this relationship of Pi to PH density in real-time. Gravity waves and black holes are two such phenomena.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The empirical foundations of nature upon which life and the recurrence and mobility of individuality is implemented is as real, and eventually, as definable as ones genetics. The LINE hypothesis suggests that the most fundamental topography of this space emerges from multiple layers of compacted Planck hole (PH) regimes. The layer of denser compacted PH called Higgs-space is in contact or otherwise, affects the less compacted PH of the Hilbert space called the metaverse. The influence or pressure at the boundary layer where these two multi-dimensional topographies meet creates normal space and the iconic feature of this space known as the Higgs field. Higgs-space has a higher (by convention) PH density hence a higher Pi value, whereas the metaverse has the opposite (lower by convention) PH density and therefore a diminishing value of Pi. With a diminishing Pi value of the metaverse, the diameter of circles and spheres therein unintuitively becomes greater than its’ circumference. Within the metaverse, this altered relationship manifests a space that approaches the state known as a singularity.

As with any more dense substance that is in contact with a less dense substance, Higgs-space behaves as a weight resting against a sheet of the fabric of the metaverse. The primordial amalgams of information in this space called matter emerge from an ocean of information infused at the universal instantiation event (UIE) and are akin to grains of sediment trapped between these two boundary layers. This interaction produces a type of universal attenuation field or pressure on the information-filled boundary layer that is this universe. This pressure, called the Higgs-field is proportionally amplified by aggregations of matter particles of various densities which dilate local PH bandwidths. As a direct result, matter becomes non-relativistic, thereby locally further dilates the PH of normal space to produce local information transitional effects. Hence, information osmotically teleports through the locally dilated PH of normal space in the presence of normal matter and in the vacuum of deep space via free dark matter particles under the influence of the Higgs field and, to a greater extent, within living beings via the instantiated entanglement molecule (EM).

The entity known as the Higgs boson is produced by the local shortening of the Planck length in space. This fundamental length, which describes PH spacing and density, is due to a particular spike in the PH bandwidth of affected PH regimes by a sufficiently high infusion of information, ergo; energy. A more gradual increase in PH dilation is produced by increasing the velocity at which matter moves through space. As the relative velocity of baryonic matter approaches the current maximum universal speed limit, the speed of light, information accumulation per pyrine also begins to increase. Consequently, dark matter particle sequestration capacity per pyrine and its’ accompanying gravitation increase proportionally. Hence, increasing PH dilation will begin to proportionally absorb the spatial entanglement channels which separate the PH in normal space. This is the mechanism by which the information deficit demanded by increasing gravitation is paid and thereby produces the phenomenon known as Lorentz contraction, among others. The attenuation of PH spatial entanglement reduces the separation between affected PH but only in the path of motion since only those PH regimes become occupied by the pyrine of the accelerating matter. This contraction directionally shortens distance (and diameters) within the affected space. Consequently, highly localized, concentrated infusions of energy may cause a highly localized deformation of the fabric of space. Such contortions of space may be measured as a fleeting bump which can be described as a particle known as the Higgs boson. Similar deformations of space greatly amplified under the proper conditions are the phenomenon which amalgamates space to produce all manifestations of matter particles within this universe.

The average PH density or separation of normal space, which is a metaphor for a property that may have no analog in this universe, is directly responsible for the value of Pi. Pi is the relationship between the diameter and circumference of any minimally enclosed PH regime, ergo; a circle or sphere. One could easily outline a PH regime that is not minimally enclosed. This would be any closed outline in space that is not perfectly circular or spherical (perimeter is not continuously circular or spheroid or is bumpy). A circle arises when any outline minimally encloses a PH regime in any space. Once a circle is outlined, in any density of space, some value of Pi is the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of this minimized enclosure. This is because the largest linear distance across the boundary of the regime, its diameter, is determined by the PH density of the enclosed space. This density determines the relationship between linear paths and non-linear paths in space, ergo; Pi. Increase the density of the PH, as in Higgs-space, and you get a greater value of Pi (i.e. Pi=7.32879…) for any minimally enclosed PH regime therein. In short PH density defines space, distance, and geometry. Reduce the PH density of space, as in the metaverse, and you get a space that produces equivalent circles with a diminishing value of Pi (i.e. Pi=0.05623…), and thereby circles and spheres therein approach a point, a point known as the singularity. The singularity is predicted by general relativity to exist within maximally dilated PH regimes known as black holes.

Density and volume emerge from changes of the quantity of information accumulated within PH regimes by any of several means. Means which include increasing velocity, adding mass, heating within a confined space by any means, etc.. Such processes increase the quantity of information within PH regimes or accumulated per pyrine in normal matter. Velocity has the unique property of directly uniformly increasing the information aggregated per PH, ergo; mass, which forms individual pyrine. At first, adding more mass in bulk does not increase information accumulation per pyrine, but does initially increase both mass and volume to produce a normalized increase in the density of matter as seen in the accretion process of planetoids. In the accretion process, while the mass of the body rises, so too does its volume, while total gravitation remains insufficient to compact the PH regimes therein. As mass and volume gradually rise, so too does the bodies’ total PH bandwidth ergo; gravitation, within a growing PH regime. This normalized increase in density continues until all unoccupied space between and within the object's atoms becomes occupied to the nuclear level. Eventually, within any space, gravitation may become sufficiently powerful to compress and merge multiple separate pyrine into a single compacted pyrine while maintaining the normal spatial entanglement bandwidth which separates the PH. In so doing, the quantity of information accumulated per pyrine and its proportional number of sequestered dark matter particles increases within a given PH regime. Increasing density under hyper gravitational compression in matter involves the rising of dark matter sequestration capacity of individual pyrine therein. It is at this stage that a maximally dilated PH regime known as a black hole begins to form.

Normal gradients in mass density within baryonic matter describe a change in the number of pyrine within the affected volume while maintaining the same proportion of sequestered dark matter particles per pyrine. This spatial compacting of pyrine within a diminishing PH regime will continue to increase the density of the body up to a critical point. That point is reached when the number of sequestered dark matter particles per unit volume reaches a maximum number, ergo a critical density and gravitation within a given PH regime. The radius of such a gravitationally saturated PH regime in any space, for a given value of Pi, is known as the Schwarzschild radius. As information density increases past the critical stage within the Schwarzschild radius, PH separation begins to increase as PH density decreases and space abnormally begins to stretch, not into normal space, but into the singularity. Hence, PH teleportation bandwidth, ergo; gravitation, may also continue to increase while the value of Pi continues to decrease. This phase describes the spatial collapse toward the metaverse space known as the singularity. In this collapse, the normal meaning of distance demarked by a circles diameter not only changes value but loses its meaning in normal space and in the mathematics thereof.

The Schwarzschild radius is the radius of a PH regime wherein the spatial entanglement channels, which bind the PH to define space, can no longer normally support additional dark matter particles per pyrine. Within the Schwarzschild radius, space then becomes immediately unstable. Fundamentally, the PH teleportation bandwidth of gravitationally saturated pyrine now begins to consume the bandwidth of the critical spatial entanglement channel which normally separates and binds PH together to create space as we know it. This spatial entanglement separates the PH at the core of every pyrine and determines the current normal value of Pi in this universe. Within the Schwarzschild radius, the value of Pi is no longer normal as it diminishes toward the metaverse value of Pi. With it, the degrees of freedom (i.e. bandwidth) of the entanglement channels which maintain spatial separation between the PH is absorbed. In so doing, space within the EH undergoes what appears to observers in normal space to be a spatial contraction. This contraction inferred by general relativity is referred to as the collapse toward a singularity. This collapse is counter-intuitively produced by PH separation. This stretching of space expands not into the three dimensions of normal space but into the dimensions of the singularity, into the metaverse.

Comparatively, as an overabundance of baryonic particles sequestered within the atomic nuclei within radioactive atoms become unstable, so too does an overabundance of dark matter particles sequestered within the pyrine produce an information drain and a teleportation bandwidth that may eventually destabilize the spatial entanglement channel that normally binds PH regimes together. As the critical spatial entanglement which normally binds the PH begins to weaken deep within the photon trap that is the event horizon, the metaphorical separation or spacing between the PH also begins to increase. This stretching effectively deforms the fabric of space and alters its’ PH teleportation bandwidth and the value of Pi within the maximally dilated PH regime of black holes. The space within the EH of a black hole begins to contract as the value of Pi reduces and inextricably guides captured information into the metaverse. These interactions define the most fundamental relationships between the PH field that is space and the various forms of information transitions and teleportation; ergo; gravitation, radiation, entanglement, momentum, and information accumulation known as mass, and informs the flow of time and the geometry of any space and its' value of Pi. All are manifestations of the interdependent degrees-of-freedom which inform the universal information budget and emerge from the dynamics of a common universal quantum entanglement (QE) spectrum. Further, the LINE hypothesis suggests these DOF define the quantum entanglement frequency (QEF) which establishes the state of PH dilation that is the antenna state that defines the unique position of view (POV) able to recurringly instantiate individuality (you) throughout this universe.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

Dark Matter Comes To The Standard Model;

The LINE hypothesis suggests that space in this universe is defined by a three-dimensional scaffolding of Planck holes (PH) that are interconnected and separated by spatial entanglement channels. With a sufficiently high infusion of localized information as energy, this space and particles therein may be contorted, amalgamated and splintered off to form matter particles of all types. These particles populate the well-known catalog of particles known as the standard model but also inform manifestations of other fundamental particles currently only hinted at and yet others remain unbeknownst. The most fundamental amalgamation of PH regimes that form matter particles known or unknown involves the splintering off of a single minimal PH regime which consists of one entanglement channel terminated at each of two ends by a single PH to form a strand otherwise known as a string. The PH at each end of a separated strand is thereafter called a transmission conduit (TC).

One or more strands or mesh, once separated from the fabric of space, will describe a particle informed by the specific local conditions which precipitated its separation. For example, a strand may have sufficient energy to dilate both of its TC’s sufficiently to fully absorb the entanglement channel which separates them. Thereby producing a particle having no spatial separation, no distance between its TC, no size, hence produces a point particle. On such occasions when both TC’s also become opposing overlapping and outward-facing conduits, (make two adjoining fists with thumbs extended and each pointing in the opposite direction), the particle becomes emissive and radiate phase-shifted information into this space-time in the form of entangled packets called photons. The well-known point particle produced on such an occasion is called the electron.

Each TC of an electron perpetually emits information in the form of entangled photons. Photons are emitted in opposing directions and phase and thereby manifest two types of fields known as electric and magnetic. Each photon pair attracts the other and may travel through space-time as electromagnetic waves in the eternal dance of the photons. Photons emitted by electrons circumstantially also enable all manner of bonds between baryonic particles. This opposing TC configuration of the electron gives the electron a more stable demeanor, like two rockets strapped together but with thrust directed in opposite directions. Hence, the electron may spin but comparatively tends not to go very far or very fast. Consequently, and most importantly for reality, as we know it, the electron can, therefore, be stabilized to form atoms.

Alternatively, a severed strand may follow most of the electrons prescription except, instead of its TC becoming opposing overlapping outward-facing conduits they may be oriented in the same outward-facing direction (make two adjoining fists with thumbs extended and each pointing in the same direction) this configuration produces another well-known point particle called the neutrino. Within the neutrino, the complementary outward-facing TC configuration makes the neutrino all go and no stay. The neutrino is akin to two rockets tied together but having their thrust vectored in the same direction. Hence the neutrino is a fleeting highly transient point charge that showers space-time from any sufficiently energetic and emissive source.

The PH at the core of every pyrine within baryonic particles is not actually a part of the particle but composes the fabric of space. This abstraction allows the particle the mobility to move through space by transitioning from one PH regime to another. The rest mass of baryonic particles is defined by the accumulated information channel around this transient core PH regime. Other more massive versions of the hadronic point particles are formed similarly but with a different information accumulation forming a more massive pyrine. Such particles include the Muon and the Tau variants.

The force-carrying particles exist as pure information states which do not consist of strands of separated TC. These information packets may originate from the mass defining circulating information channel accumulated around the PH which sequesters dark matter particles to form pyrine, or alternatively, may emerge from the underlying metaverse. The Gluon is a strong binding interaction between neighboring information channels. The W and Z bosons, like the jets from a diminutive overfeeding black hole due to insufficient PH bandwidth, are packets of information ejected from the channels of accumulated information within the pyrine.

Photons, on the other hand, are an original inflow of information into this universe from the metaverse and constitute an information gain to the universal information budget of this space-time. Gravitation, in all cases, is the outflow of information into the metaverse via the dilated PH or TC and constitutes an information loss to the universal information budget of this space-time. Since each of these transitions or teleportation’s of information is universally conserved, no fundamental laws of nature are broken. The photon, gluon and W and Z bosons all have gauge symmetry because they are not structured amalgams of PH strands which give the other particles dimensionality and rest mass via the pyrine. Gauge bosons exist only as unstructured information and therefore travel at the current maximum universal rendering rate, the speed of light.

However, dark matter is a strange animal which possesses none of the information trapping features of other strand based particles, and yet harbors a much greater indigenous gravitational outflow. This is unlike baryonic particles which acquire their gravitation via the sequestration of dark matter particles. A debytonic particle of dark matter is a negatively hyper-dilated strand and is a point particle like the electron or neutrino but hosts no pyrine structure thereby possesses none of those DOF and yet establishes enhanced gravitation. The LINE hypothesis suggests that the cause of this unique debytonic behavior of dark matter is due to a DOF that dark matter coherently shares with the metaverse via its very own undiscovered particle. This shared metaverse DOF is called; metamatter. This behavior grants dark matter the capacity to dilate the PH to create the tangible physical structure that manifests viable habitats for life and the living forms they host in this space-time and also to instantiate emerged individuality (you) via the entanglement molecule (EM) wherever viable host forms may arise in this universe.

The emerged information channels produced by the PH regime of a strand or a mesh of strands produce the color charge of Quarks. The triad of emerged information nodes called quarks is a projection into the subatomic scale of a composition of PH strands that define a particulate PH regime which exists at the Planck scale. Each quark is defined by two TC’s and their combined degrees-of-freedom (DOF) of in or out information flow combinations known as colors. The information hot spots within baryonic matter known as quarks are not separate entities but are projections of an underlying PH regime and are akin to a three-pronged household electrical socket into the underlying PH regime and cannot be permanently separated.

Furthermore, these PH regimes are congealed into a mesh of three end-to-end strands possessing insufficient energy to further dilate the TC at the end of each strand and are thereby unable to absorb the spatial entanglement channel which separates them. This state, for which we are eternally grateful, produces the persistent separation between the emerged TC nodes that form this pivotally important structure, thereby forming the familiar triad of quarks that give baryonic particles dimensionality, ergo; size. This persistent separation bestows upon the emerged particle (protons and neutrons) a DOF of dimensionality called size, or the lack thereof, and is among the most important manifestations of reality in this universe. This relationship reveals the basis for the distinction between dimensionality (size) and substance (mass). An entity may possess any amount of mass and yet possess no size in this space-time (i.e. a point particle) and vice-versa, informed only by the spatial entanglement channel which separates its quarks.

Each quark in this universe is defined by a combination of two TC, each from one end of two adjoining strands of the triad of strands which compose hadronic matter. There are six known types of quarks; Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, and Charmed. However, the LINE hypothesis suggests that each quark is defined by two possible TC information flow orientations in combinations of; (in, out or null). The combinations of these information transitions yield eight possible effective flow orientations for each quark:

Up (in-in), Down (out-out), Top (in-out), Bottom (out-in), Strange (in-null), Charmed (null-in), ? (out-null), ? (null-out). BG (null-null)

The null-null TC flow combination is the background (BG) state which describes a minimal, no-flow transmission mode. This BG state defines the ambient non-quark regions surrounding the three effective-transmission nodes known as quarks within particles such as the proton and neutron. The remaining eight effective transmission states each possess at least one effective TC flow state of either (in) or (out). Of these eight, there are six widely known standard-model quarks that produce all of the hadronic matter in this universe. These six are readily apparent because each is defined by TC pairs which include, or are always accompanied within the triad by, at least one inflow TC state. That defining inflow channel of information exists within each baryonic combination of the six known quarks, and most influentially within the Up-quark, and delivers all of the baryonic information that defines normal matter and connects the underlying PH regimes to the macro-world we may experience.

Further, notice that there are two other TC information flow orientations remaining; (out-null) and (null-out). These two states also define quarks, for nature waists nothing. These undiscovered quarks are defined by TC pairs which include only information outflow channels and thereby constitute purely gravitational channels and render these quarks very difficult to detect. These purely gravitational quarks unknown to the standard model define the much sought after, purely gravitational particle, widely known as dark matter. This new particle is called the Debyton. Consequently, the LINE hypothesis suggests that there are in fact eight flavors of quarks; these two missing quarks bring the elusive dark matter and its anti-particle into the standard model to include the proton, the neutron, and the debyton. The debytonic quarks attempt to configure as other quarks do into a triad but consume the spatial entanglement channels that separate them to collapse the triad into a point particle having all six TC in the outflow (gravitating) orientation. Hence, the debyton becomes the hyper-dilated gravitating particle that is dark matter. The debyton is the missing fundamental particle which dominates every aspect of reality in this space-time.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

A secret only Tabby’s star can tell;

The LINE hypothesis suggests that Ember Black Holes (EBH) are the remains of Isolated Super Massive Primordial (ISMP) black holes that have undergone all or most of a universe’s expansion and contraction cycles. With each contraction cycle of a verse, all black holes therein contract as they emit a proportional amount of Hawking radiation. By this process, ISMP becomes EBH black holes. EBH, therefore, carries the information which reveals a verse's true age. So, how can an EBH be found? Since EBH are as small as a black hole can get by any natural means and is, by definition, isolated for most of its existence, one could be forgiven for expecting it to be a significant challenge to find EBH in a circumstance conducive to extracting this valuable data. However, in nature, with proper consideration, the possible becomes practical.

Consider that the mass of EBH’s may range from the very massive to being sub-planetary in size. Within this envelope, one crucial factor for the detection of EBH is the observers’ technological capability. For humans, in the year 2019 A.D., planet-sized EBH is the best fit for current human technological capability and accuracy in determining the age of this universe. This viable approach is to search for EBH’s which, after surviving countless universal contraction cycles spanning epochs of deep universal time, have been captured by a star’s gravitation and now orbits its host star as a typical planet does. These are solar EBH. In this approach, we may use a suite of exo-planetary detection technology and methods to study and mine the desired data. So, what to look for?

What distinguishing features would a solar EBH captured at a stable distance from its host star reveal? In this endeavor, both the transit and wobble methods of planet detection remain options for the study of solar-bound EBH. Solar EBH’s will display many of the features of a planet orbiting its star with one revealing exception. All EBH will lens light in a manner distinguished from a normal planet of any given size. In place of the normal atmospheric effect upon light displayed by some planets, instead, an EBH will offer a dynamic gradient of light distorting gravitational lensing effects as any black hole would. The innermost border of this lensing PH regime marks the boundary called the event horizon (EH). Near the EH the lensing distortions of light succumb to the gravitational well of the EBH which captures light in an invisible orbital sphere just outside of the EH. This is the wall of fire (WOF). The WOF is not directly observable and is a feature of all black holes, including the light-feeding solar EBH. The WOF is the orbital wall of information created where the path of affected photons is curved by its gravitation into a closed orbit around the EBH. Within the WOF, photons temporarily neither fall into the event horizon nor escapes the gravitation of the black hole but are in a temporary orbit above the EH. Hence, as a satellite orbits its planet, light orbits the EBH. Because light is captured within the WOF, it will never be detected unless such light can somehow be perturbed into escaping its covert path around the EBH.

As a satellite may be knocked from its orbit by external effects, so to can the light captured within this unusual orbit. Similar perturbations of the WOF can be produced by very few influences. Gravitational gradients are perhaps the only influences that can affect the WOF. As planets and other gravitating bodies tug on the Earth and moon and as the Moon gravitates the earth, EBH in orbit within an otherwise typical planetary solar system will participate in similar influences in due course. However, within the delicate balance that is the WOF, even a relatively minor gravitational imbalance may give light captured in the WOF just the right escape conditions needed to liberate information from this dark path. This lensing and emission of energy can occur constantly and sporadically around the sphere of the WOF informed by the local solar environment. Make no mistake, such emissions are not the liberation of information from within the black holes’ event horizon, since the WOF is not within the event horizon but is just outside of it. The difference being, information within the EH will forever remain beyond the influence of any external effect. Whereas, information within the WOF which is outside of the EH, may succumb to adequate external gravitational stimuli. The distinguishing light signature of a solar EBH that is properly aligned with its observer, will appear periodically during transits as it orbits its host star. A solar EBH, like a planet, is continuously bathed in the solar energy of its host star. The light signature of a solar EBH will be observed as a periodic but erratic and arbitrarily extreme light signature in place of what should be a diminutive, predictable, normal planetary transit signature.

Unlike a normal satellite that can be knocked, boosted or thrown out of its orbit, and with the speed of light being constant on human planetary time scales, how then could captured light be similarly liberated from the WOF? The speed of light will remain the same for the duration of any foreseeable observation, therefore, it is only via the gravitational tidal effect of the solar environment that will alter the gravity well of the EBH. Not by altering the escape velocity of light but rather by high tide, if you will. The gravitational tidal effect in one location on the WOF will produce a low tide on some other location of the WOF. It is these gravitational tidal differentials that will permit the liberation of information previously captured around the EH. Low tide is in effect a reduction in gravitation which will act as a hole or opening through which a proportional amount of information possessing sufficient escape velocity may escape from the otherwise impenetrable gravity well that is the WOF. The profile of such releases can be quite tumultuous yet possess a certain periodicity indicative of planetary solar orbits. Tabby’s star is one such profile. The LINE hypothesis suggests that most of the observed perturbations in starlight intensity seen in Tabby’s star may be due to a combination of gravity lensing and photon capture and release within the WOF of an orbiting solar EBH under the influence of the local gravityscape in that solar system.

Further, the LINE hypothesis suggests that the presence of solar EBH anywhere in one's universe is the sole indicator that this universe is a cyclic universe older than one universal transition event (big bang). The presence of EBH requires many cycles of universal contractions to contract an ISMP black hole to this diminutive mass. Solar EBH formation is not possible by any other natural means within the time span of only a single universal transition phase. To further refine the known age of one’s universe to its true age we must look into the light released from the wall of fire (WOF) of a gravitationally perturbed solar EBH such as the one orbiting Tabby’s star. The WOF is the invisible closed region of space-time adjacent to and outside of the EH which traps photons within a spherical orbit. Consider the perspective of a single photon trapped within the WOF. From the photon's perspective, it is traveling through space-time normally. The fact that the space-time of the WOF is a closed orbit around a maximally dilated PH regime of a black hole is inconsequential. Photons will travel for eons of deep universal time within the WOF oblivious to their circumstance even as the ISMP contracts into an EBH.

Photons that have managed to remain within the WOF of an ISMP black hole for the entire duration since the universal instantiation event are called primordial photons (PPH). PPH’s are photons that, by chance, have never had the occasion to escape the dark treadmill of space and time that defines the WOF of its black hole. As an ISMP black hole experiences each of the universal contraction cycles, it liberates a proportional amount of information as Hawking radiation. Moreover, due to its isolation, it all the while remains significantly unchanged for each universal expansion. By this mechanism, the mass of an ISMP black hole diminishes as does its footprint and sphere of influence in space-time. In so doing, the space-time of the WOF in which PPH relentlessly orbits the EBH also contracts. For PPH this contraction of WOF space is no different from the contraction or expansion of normal space, each will produce a proportional Doppler shift in the PPH degrees of freedom. The LINE hypothesis suggests that the contraction of all EBH is informed by the universal information budget, and produces PPH that is proportionally blue-shifted in a manner equivalent to the manner in which the current universal expansion of normal space produces a proportional red-shift of light.

Consequently, EBH are like time capsules for light. As emissions from a solar EBH are released by local gravitational tidal differentials, such releases contain a mix of photons from every stage of an ISMP’s existence, including the valuable PPH. The telltale degrees of freedom of PPH imbued with the long history of the ISMP’s evolution into an EBH is told by emissions of the most heavily blue-shifted PPH compacted within the WOF. The proper measurement of the degrees of freedom of EBH from the otherwise mysterious emissions of stars like Tabby’s star ascribes the litany of time that reveals the true age of this universe.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by Age »

tonylang wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 8:51 pm Pyrine - Depiction2.jpg

The Baking Of Pi (π)

The LINE hypothesis suggests that both matter and space are most fundamentally composed of amalgams of information states within a scaffolding of Planck-scale features called Planck holes (PH).
But 'matter' and 'space' are fundamentally composed of 'matter', and of 'non matter', 'anti matter', 'dark matter', no 'thing', or just 'space'. I will let you decide which one works best for you, and which one fits with which one.
tonylang wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 8:51 pm The amalgams of information known as sub-atomic particles are composed of Planck-scale structures formed around PH called pyrine (sounds like pie-reen from the Greek ‘pyrí̱n or pyrí̱nas’ for core, nucleus, or kernel). Pyrines are a structure naturally formed when the mass-defining information channels accumulated around minimally dilated Planck Holes (PH) within hadronic matter sequesters a proportional number of dark matter particles.
What ARE 'dark matter particles'?

Also, the smallest 'particle of matter' is NOT made up by ANY thing else, bar itself, and, each and EVERY one of these 'particles of matter' are "separated" by 'space', or 'a distance'.

Which, once again, are the two fundamental things of the Universe, Itself.
tonylang wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 8:51 pm The pyrine is the most fundamental structure of information that composes baryonic matter. Pyrines are as many orders of magnitude smaller than an atom as the atom is smaller than the observable universe. Pyrines are the structures formed around Planck holes in the presence of Higgs affected particles of Hadronic matter and which produce the information channels which manifest mass and the strong-electro-weak nuclear interactions. Pyrines do not form in dark matter; consequently, Pyrines define all of the differences between normal matter and dark matter.

All manifestations of space within this universe came into existence early in the universal instantiation event (UIE). Space formed when the PH field congealed and PH regimes therein became moderately compacted. Like sediment in a landslide, portions of the PH field was compacted from metaverse information states entering this universe called; solutions-of-state (SoS). Individual PH regimes became quantized and separated yet bound together by a type of spatial entanglement. This spatial entanglement is the information transition that separates or ‘spaces’ PH regimes in vacuum to form the dimensional topography of space and determines the value of the Planck length. These tethered PH regimes are the scaffolding upon which the pyrine form. Prior to the formation of these compacted PH regimes, space did not exist, only the space-defining, entangled channels which would soon connect separate PH regimes dominated the ocean of SoS infused at the UIE. These channels permitted instantaneous communication and expansion within the SoS of the UIE. Soon this primordial field would render to become the fabric of space. The density of space, its’ PH spacing, persists and proportionally deforms with PH dilation in the presence of the circulating information trapped within channels around affected PH. These information traps only form within hadronic matter and proportionally sequesters dark matter particles to form pyrines. Hence, particles of dark matter dilate the PH, the pours, the most fundamental drain for information in this universe. Together, these structures most fundamentally manifest the effects of stretching, curvature, and waves in space-time known as gravitation. Gravitation is produced by dark matter whether as free particles or sequestered within baryonic matter. Therefore, gravitational waves are most fundamentally waves of dark matter particles released in a cataclysmic confluence of gravitational sources of sufficient magnitude needed to liberate and accelerate dark matter, whether free or bound deep within the information channels that form the pyrine.

A black hole, within its event horizon, is essentially an extremely large pyrine as both, unlike all other structures; possess the capacity to sequester the elusive dark matter particles. The number of dark matter particles sequestered within a black hole may be calculated but never measured. The detectable, measurable portion of a black holes’ gravitation exists on our side of the event horizon (EH) and therefore conforms to Newtonian and Einsteinian physics. However, within the pyrine, as within the PH and within the EH exists a different regime of altered space that harbors streams of free and bound dark matter particles and information within channels that cannot be supported by the fabric of normal space. Pyrines are the most fundamental structures that compose hadronic matter. The Debyton is the name given to the undiscovered particle that most fundamentally composes dark matter to dilate the PH in the absence of mass. The energies that are required to detect the Debyton is extremely high as it would essentially require the breaking apart of the pyrine to liberate its sequestered Debytonic particles of dark matter.

The universally consistent value or constant, known as Pi (3.14159…) has emerged from the density and separation of the PH in normal space. This spacing is the average distribution of PH in any space which defines the value known as the Planck length. This spacing, defines the concentration of PH, the pours of the fabric of space which informs the information permeability of space. This permeability is proportional to PH dilation and to its teleportation bandwidth and was initially established at the universal instantiation event (big-bang) and has since evolved to its’ current state. Consequently, normal space is not the only space at play in this universe. Higgs-space is a different layer of PH density with a different PH permeability. Together both layers manifest all of the degrees-of-freedom (DOF) of normal space and are metaphorically in contact at what can be thought of as a boundary layer filled with information. An apt metaphor for this configuration is an osmotic membrane consisting of two porous layers, one denser than the other. Hence, normal space is stretched via this interaction and locally becomes more permeable to information. This transition or teleportation of information into the metaverse through the boundary layer that is normal space is what we call gravitation. The PH density of normal space determines the minimal or vacuum bandwidth of a PH regime. The ground state vacuum permeability is informed by the boundary interaction between these two different layers of PH density. Higgs-space applies a type of symmetry breaking pressure to normal space which we call the Higgs field, therefore PH dilates proportionally to produce the effects of gravitation. This gravitational effect is amplified by the local amalgams of information of various types and densities called matter particles and manifestations thereof. Under the influence of the Higgs field, particles of Dark matter dilates PH to greater bandwidth than does normal matter, hence produces a greater gravitational effect.

The value of Pi can be thought of as the result of the topography produced at the boundary layer where Higgs-space’s higher PH density meets the metaverse’s lower PH density. The effect or pressure for spontaneous symmetry breaking provided by the Higgs field is produced by its interaction with the budget of trapped information between these two layers. This interaction manifests all of the features that emerge from the pyrine. These features include information density known as; mass; quantum states and information dynamics called; the strong-electro-weak interactions and the net Lagrangian energy profile, called; momentum. The information drain produced by dark matter particle sequestration density within the pyrine and the resulting net PH bandwidth for information teleportation out of this universe are known as gravitation. The pyrine and its' effects form in the presence of hadronic matter and are transferred from one PH regime to another as the parent particles move through space. Movement is most fundamentally the transition of pyrine from one PH regime to another. This hand-off, or path, depends upon the specific local gradients of PH bandwidth that pyrine within particles undergo as they move through space. This path is linear and constant when both the pyrine state as well as local PH dilation remain constant. Alternatively, curved motion and acceleration of matter in vacuum occur either via the change of information density within the pyrine, ergo; mass, via the transfer of energy and additionally, via gradients in the local PH dilation of surrounding space, ergo; gravitation.

Consider a large sheet of elastic fabric pulled taught in all directions; now draw a one-meter diameter circle on the fabric. Now stretch the fabric from its edges and place a bowling ball in the center of the fabric. As the fabric stretches in all directions, the circle appears to dilute or break apart as it acquires missing pieces or gaps. These gaps occur because the structural elements of the fabric upon which the circle is defined are becoming more dilute, less dense. In this metaphor, it may seem as though this is nothing more than a cosmetic illusion of the paint or ink cracking as the fabric stretches apart, however, in space the ink is information aggregated as matter within pyrine and the fabric is space defined by the PH regimes. As this stretching and dilution of PH continue, the aggregation of the gaps or arcs in the circle can be represented as some total amount of arc or gap greater or less than the normal 360 degrees of a circle. Also, the diameter of the circle is also severely altered by the presence of the bowling ball to an even larger degree than is the circumference of the circle. This measurably alters the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of the circle ergo; Pi. Both of these contortions demonstrate the dependency of Pi on the density of the substrate of space. The current density of the PH in this universe produces a Pi of 3.14159…. Very few phenomena can measurably alter this relationship of Pi to PH density in real-time. Gravity waves and black holes are two such phenomena.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The Blooming Of The Galaxies;

The distinguished astronomer Vera Rubin was the first on Earth to discover the non-Einsteinian galactic sigma. The galactic sigma is the non-Newtonian relationship between the orbital velocities of stars at the outer edges of galaxies and those deeper within. Since Vera’s seminal discoveries and the subsequent discovery by others of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies, a great debate has ensued. How to account for this strange discrepancy in what should be resolved physics. How does the central black hole fit in? The answers to these questions lie in understanding how galaxies form through the prism of the LINE hypothesis.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that it is only during phases of universal contraction that black holes liberate information as Hawking radiation. The final emissions of Hawking radiation released by surviving black holes in the latter stages of each universal transition event (UTE) mark the blooming stage of surviving black holes to become transitional primordial structures called galaxoids. The UTE phase compresses all particles into a free information state. Any free information not bound within the event horizon of surviving black holes degenerates back into the original information state of the SoS (solution of state) from which all information in this universe originated. Even the Planck Holes (PH) that normally define the scaffolding of normal space succumbs to this degeneracy. In addition to the free SoS, this compacting leaves only a background substrate consisting of the spatial entanglement channels which normally separates and binds together the PH in normal space. During the UTE, space as we know it is no longer normal as it degenerates into a very high rendering, extremely low latency information teleportation mode. In this mode, the barrier of space that normally separates the verses is stirred into the SoS carried by spatial entanglement channels.

A UTE produces an inflationary phase which approaches but is not identical to the original inflation phase of the universal instantiation event (UIE). Today both of these very different and pivotal phases of universal instantiation and transition are referred to as big bangs. This is because they are incorrectly thought to be one and the same. Each UTE phase initiates a new expansion phase when the vast amount of information liberated as Hawking radiation from all black holes within a contracting universe is compressed to a critical density, temperature, and state. This rebound is the hyper luminal inflation of the information liberated from all black holes during the entire contraction phase as black holes establish equilibrium per the surrounding universal information budget. During each UTE, some, but not all of the universal degrees of freedom (DOF) known as ‘constants’ which will inform the next universal expansion and reality, are uniquely initialized thereby probabilistically informing a unique evolution of information in the burgeoning universe. Black holes that do not completely dissipate are the only structures that may survive the UTE.

The primordial phase immediately following the universal instantiation event (UIE) called inflation, was first hypothesized by Alan Guth. The UIE and UTE inflation phases both imbue a certain homogeny to affected information within the new verse. However, only the UTE has the opportunity to inflate the information trapped within the WOF of black holes. This inflation is informed by the universal information budget. Consequently, a new universal expansion phase ensues. In the UTE this early inflationary phase grows or blooms the information released as Hawking radiation around every black hole into a dispersed homogenous (in substance and in kinetics) disc of gas which in time evolve to become nebulae, stars and all manifestations thereof in galaxies. Because the atoms in this transitional disc of gas did not migrate to their positions by Newtonian physics but by rapid inflation, the stars and other cosmological manifestations that emerge from these constituents also will not be observed to strictly adhere to Newtonian dynamics.

The blooming of black holes into new galaxoids, occurs during UTE inflation. UTE inflation occurs as a consequence of the severe contraction of space-time. This contraction destroys complexity universally at all scales and initiates a universal phase transition. Consequently, as a CPU’s rendering rate increases with the shutdown of all active complex processes therein, likewise, by destroying complexity, the UTE initiates a rebound of the decreasing universal rendering rate and with it an increase in the maximum universal speed limit. Additionally, upon this phase transition state, the spatial entanglement channels which normally bind the PH in normal space become dominant during the UTE. This degenerate state of space permits information to travel within this unfamiliar medium at a non-deterministically high velocity that is much greater than the familiar speed of light.

During each UTE, Hawking radiation accumulates around each surviving black hole. This accumulation forms the shell of information formerly described in normal space as the black hole’s wall of fire (WOF). During the inflationary phase of the UTE, the WOF shell around each surviving black hole also inflates. This WOF inflation produces a far more defused sphere of information around each black hole called the WOF halo. This inflated information bloom gravitationally encompasses each primordial transitional black hole. Together these manifestations compose a galaxoid. Galaxoids are the primordial seeds that evolve to become galaxies. Galaxies cannot gravitationally aggregate in normal space as planets and solar systems do. Galaxies evolve from galaxoids that are superluminally inflated during each universal transition event.

Like the free information that fills the new universe, the WOF halo is the material that, in time, condenses into particles and atoms around central black holes. These particles eventually gravitationally collapse to become stars and all of the manifestations which form galaxies, which may thereafter be circumstantially held together by dark matter. Hence, there can be expected to be a remnant of the blooming black hole remaining at the center of a typical galaxy. By transitional inflation during each UTE, the uniformity, distribution, and velocity of stars and other matter at the galactic edge become unexpectedly correlated with matter deeper within. So too is the uniformity, trajectory, and velocities of structures throughout the cosmos writ large informed by the initial inflation at the UIE and with each subsequent UTE inflation.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that transitional black holes bloom into galaxoids during the inflationary phase of the UTE. This is the process that forges the otherwise mysterious relationship between a galaxy and its central black hole. The Hawking emissions from black holes during all stages of universal contraction and particularly during the final stages of each UTE causes a verse’s inflationary rebound. This inflation disperses information at the then maximum universal rendering rate, a velocity faster than light as we know it. This circumstantially cyclic inflation accounts for the initial homogenous distribution of matter in galaxies. Moreover, the UIE, which sparked the initial, much different, universal inflation widely known as the big bang similarly accounts for this universe’s initial homogenous microwave background and distribution of galaxies.

So how can an ISMP black hole remain isolated through numerous UTE? Doesn’t a UTE cause black holes to become galaxoids with a WOF halo? Yes, but not all WOF halos are equal or substantial. It is important to remember that within the UTE, space as we know it does not exist and neither does distance or size. Black holes within the UTE is nothing like black holes in normal space. So, picturing black holes as regular black holes all bunched together is a completely false representation of the UTE state. Suffice it to say that the laws of conservation of information are maintained through each UTE. Hence, once the PH and space reconstitute after inflation and the next expansion phase ensues, black holes may maintain their prior information content within their enclosed regime and near the event horizon. Therefore, transitional black holes may not all become viable galaxoids. Many black holes may continue in their isolation in the new universe. A subset of these will maintain their significant isolation through each UTE to the present. While the majority become galaxies that hosts life, these relatively few become the tell tale ember black holes (EBH).
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

In memory of George P. Floyd Jr.: Memory is a mirror we cannot see beyond;

It has been over 160 years since Charles Darwin helped to open one of humanity's eyes to an understanding of life on Earth, that is, how living entities transform and evolve in the forms they do within Earth’s ecosystem. Prior to Darwin’s seminal insights humanity remained in a state of abject ignorance. Unfortunately, with Darwin’s insights, humanities ignorance has become only slightly less abject. In fact, one could say that humanities ignorance has become even more abject for all of the dysfunction that has since emerged or grown even more so from them. The problem is, evolution and its genetic underpinnings doesn’t explain what humanity has always realized, perhaps even subconsciously, must be true about life, that is; you are not your body, and yet has never had the knowledge to explain this natural implementation. Consequently, religious notions became the rule of the day. Mysticism and narrative fantasy were long practiced and were the easiest source of explanations available.

Despite humanity's historical failure to explain this abstraction of the body from individuality, we were not wrong in principle. As it turns out in nature individuality is indeed abstracted from form. We have all the evidence required to prove this fact. And yet, even the most educated, able and contemplative among us overlook this fact time and again. I have personally listened to numerous highly enlightened conversations between the most professional of practitioners in various fields as they brush within a singe of the flame of truth on this matter and yet are never quite able to land on it. If even one could see the reality of life this could change the world. This is how human enlightenment often comes about, the essential details are gleaned often by a few or by the one and then that insight is shared with the rest of humanity, at such moments progress is made. The abstraction of form from individuality has long been embraced by the many religions of the world. This causes the science community to repel any possibility of this implementation as being fundamentally natural.

Most of humanities dysfunctions have emerged from this lack of understanding of personal individuality. Individual identity, in each lifetime, is iconized by what one sees in the mirror and the explanations and narratives given to us by our respective cultures. Which culture you are exposed to depends on the random lottery of circumstance that informs the specific location where you instantiate within any ecosystem, like Earths’ ecosystem, ergo; where on Earth you are born. This initial culture gets initial critical access to your new mind and so will influence its’ development. Within closed societies, for the individual, this initial access to a new mind could be decisive. Within more open societies, not so much. The misunderstanding that fuels the flame in which humanity has always burned is that the individual, you, can never live in any form other than the form you currently see in the mirror, it is the only form you can remember. However, memory is a mirror we cannot see beyond.

Carl Sagan once said; “The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be.” True he may be, and furthermore; life is short. The Earth is small. Viable habitats for life are rare. Healthy living conditions are far too limited. Preferred living circumstances are even more limited. There is no paradise, no inferno no heaven or hell. In this universe there is only nature, the earth, and other viable habitats not unlike it. With humankind possessing no grasp of the reality which informs the individuals’ presence and placement in space-time, the future of the individual human being remains entirely dependent upon the one degree of freedom left by this pervasive ignorance. That is, the conditions human individuals foster for each other and for all life on earth, and eventually, beyond. Other individuals seem to be significantly different or alien to oneself only because we are ignorant of the most fundamental natural mechanisms of life that informs the instantiation of the individual, the mechanism by which one lives.

Currently, the Earth and its myriad circumstances, such as they are, are probabilistically what comes next for you and every living individual on this planet. The natural processes that implements individuality, you, don’t cease to operate when one’s current life ends. In life, you laugh, you cry, you hurt, you long, you hunger, you thirst, you suffer, or nothing at all, by means of the form you instantiate. Regardless of where, or when you live it will be you that is the target of that experience as it is now you, only physically, experientially, differently. In each case, ones’ position-of-view (POV) is the target, the definition, the instance of your presence in nature. With no control over how and where one instantiates, you will remain at the mercy of the unconstrained probabilities of nature and random chance. As you live each lifetime confident in the certainty that the living conditions of others will never apply to you, be equally certain of how misguided you may be in that certainty. This ignorance leads to the delusion that the form with which you self-identify can be replaced by living forms that are perceived to be physically and culturally different from yours. Individual humans, while in this confused state of mind, can hardly conceive of how a past or future instantiation of ones QEF was, and will again be you, as much as you are you at this moment. Furthermore, while any individual is hosted within a wild culture, ignorant of the principles of the LINE hypothesis, by any name, and having no control of the instantiation process, one will continue to naturally reinstantiate into unforecastable circumstances for perpetuity.

The LINE hypothesis suggests that the more prolific, equitable, prosperous and benevolent a culture becomes, the less reason each individual member has to be concerned about death and what comes next. However, while vast deficits in the moral and situational landscape of living conditions persist and with no recognition and therefore no control over the instantiation process of its ecological tenants exists, all individual QEF remain fodder for the circumstantial reinstantiation lottery of nature. As conditions for all living entities in an ecosystem improves, even in the absence of any control of the instantiation process, so does each individual's prospect for naturally reinstantiating into a preferred living condition with reduced suffering, strife, and despair from which none is otherwise immune. As this preferred condition is approached, the most disrupting element that remains of concern may be the loss of any memory of all that was held dear to the individual in past lifetimes. This loss of inter-longevous identity can eventually be mitigated by the development of an accurate and accessible QEF detection technology and methodology. Thus, reinstantiated individual QEF’s, once identified, may be informed of their past recorded histories across multiple instantiations if so desired.

In nature, each living host form is indeed a one-off occurrence. The specific features formed by atoms and molecules by which you and others self-identify has been changing since the time of your initial gestation in the womb up to this moment. Human individuals self-identify by a persistent mental image of self that most fundamentally has little to do with what one actually looks like. Most individuals, throughout a lifetime, are not often challenged in this regard. Nonetheless, disfigurements occur all too often and without warning. It is at times such as these that the individuals’ perception of self becomes salient. Misfortunes of gestation or of circumstances such as the loss of a limb or severe facial disfigurement induce contemplation in all but the most recalcitrant minds. In humans, skin is not often fully disfigured or entirely altered so it remains an all too popular feature for the support of prejudices. There are conditions that can alter the individuals’ complexion severely, so a combination of often superficial features is used to maintain the cognitive dissonance of self-identification that racism among humans requires. The belief, conscious or not, that the living circumstances you currently enjoy or suffer as a consequence of these physical features and demographics and their ascribed historical narratives, is all you can and will ever be, is an unnatural and unscientific belief.

Wild evolution tends to encourage early group survival by the cultural adoption of preferences informed by the use of evolved host senses such as they are implemented in the individual. These preferences which become prejudices occur even as most living individuals remain unaware of one’s own physical form. Since for example, for sighted hosts, mirrors and other reflective surfaces were nonexistent for most of human evolution. Nonetheless, this now dysfunctional evolved tendency, like many others, can, should, and ultimately must be overridden by enlightened cognition. For humankind, that time has arrived. In each life, the story that self-aware individuals tell themselves has been hitherto contrived based upon that individuals’ current host form. The host form and too often its superficial features and emerged properties dictate the narrative which informs individual and group behavior. Upon death and subsequent reinstantiation, the individuals’ memory is reset by host termination and POV deinstantiation and by the gestation process of a new host form, and therefore each previous identity and its prior narrative is abandoned to adopt the next. Humankind has been ignorant of the natural process which implements each individuals’ instance of life in any available form that can emerge and evolve in this universe.

What then do you accept as the description of how you are present in this universe on this planet in this form at this time? Assuming you don’t accept some supernatural narrative, do you believe that the natural processes that implement you in this life occur only once for you and for all individuals? Why would you think that life for you and any individual is a one-off occurrence? We don’t accept that any other natural process, which amounts to all processes, is a one-off. This is the Copernican principle upon which all of science is based. If any individual announces the discovery of a novel natural process, the first thing that happens is all interested parties, wherever their viable position in space-time, seeks to duplicate that process as described. If the stated process can be successfully duplicated in various locations then the process is validated, else it is debunked. So why do most believe that the process that instantiates the living individual presence is thought to be a one-off natural occurrence, ergo; you only live once?

While, at present, we may imagine this to be true for other individuals, for one’s self this is not so obviously true. The Copernican principle dictates that the natural mechanisms that instantiate you as a living being can do so again. Memory is the mirror we cannot see beyond. What’s hidden just beyond the mirror of our memories or the lack thereof, is your true history and all of the possibilities that nature describes for any individual. Those possibilities are all around you. They are all of the possibilities that any living being may experience. If you think that the thin veneer of fur, hair, skin, etc. or preferred delicate facial features upon which you self-identify are naturally kept in escrow just for you, think again. Neither is ones' preferred location or circumstance in space-time kept in account for any individual. The natural process that implements individuality is fundamentally agnostic to any individuals’ cognitive expectations, desires, or comfort.

Human understanding of one’s own identity and the process which places you where you are, in the form that you are, is the basis for all that follows. What becomes one's loves and hates and fears and joys and beliefs and oppositions all derive from the narrative, true or false, that one accepts either consciously or subconsciously. What one fights for defends or perpetrates is underpinned by what you accept as the process natural or otherwise that will inform what you believe comes next for oneself and one's progeny and for other living beings perceived to be different from you.

Prior to Darwin, what humankind accepted as the reality which describes the individual’s presence on this planet and what comes next was widely supernatural or similarly misguided. After the mechanisms that underpin Darwin’s insights were discovered, a new natural description of life became available to each individual. These natural underpinnings of evolution by natural selection are supported by data and observation, a new option for how the human individual understands oneself became a science. With this revelation, newly instantiated individuals gained the option to learn or were taught early in one's new life, these new ideas.

Darwin’s insights and the ensuing genetic revolution are the descriptions of the outer layers of the local processes which construct and evolves the physical host forms upon which an individual may instantiate. These descriptions are only the transient, perishable, temporary façade of a living individual. The missing component of life is the instantiation of the individual to this physical host form. The LINE hypothesis is the introduction of humankind to the description of this missing component because in nature you don't only live once.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

To conquer the heavens, technology is not enough;

Human social dysfunction, today and historically, is a direct result of accepted false narratives about life and individuality of both a religious and secular nature. These erroneous ideas lead individuals to accept one’s current host DNA demographic history as one’s personal history. To most, this makes complete sense. Indeed, what else could one’s history be? It is certainly true that events which become history is executed by individuals that are instantiated to living hosts as are we. Moreover, if what one sees in the mirror will define the entirety of one’s living memory, then what other understanding could there be? The false belief that you are your body seems to lend credibility to these widely accepted human misconceptions. However, if in nature you are in fact not your body, and ones’ individuality is instead defined by anonymous degrees of freedom that is in each life, naturally instantiated by available living forms, then the belief that you have been, and will always be, in the form you currently are, primarily because at present, one is contented with one's current form, renders this belief unnatural and improbable.

Such narratives are at present, widely popular and tolerated in human civilizations. Like misaligned gears in a time-piece, malfunction will result within societies repeatedly, often followed by complete failure, ergo; extinction. For as long as individuals’ don’t understand and accept that one will recurrently naturally re-instantiate into life in a form not of one’s own choosing, or influence, individuals will continue to look upon others as being foreign or alien entities outside of their own ill-conceived grouping. Even if, on occasion, such unenlightened individuals find it in themselves to do the right thing, nevertheless, it will continue to be for misguided reasons. Consequently, such well-intentioned initiatives will be short-lived. With no understanding of the common pool of viable living forms that probabilistically hosts all life and which has defined one's past and will continue to define ones’ future reinstantiation in this space-time, dysfunction remains inevitable. The result is a willingness by misguided individuals to burn down the proverbial house rather than share it with others who seem to be different from one’s current host form or culture. A house, which is not only ones’ village, town, country, or even nation, but is also the viable ecosystem upon which all depend for life. The only solution to the hard problem of lasting cultural and social individual coexistence and the prevention of the extinction of living cultures of high potential such as humankind is a critical mass of enlightened minds and their acceptance of the recurrent universal mobility of individuality. Else, dysfunction remains inevitable. This is because there will always be differences, real or imagined, no matter how similar the host forms, which will serve to separate unenlightened minds from each other.

The expansion of earth-life to other viable habitats in this universe is eventually necessary and perhaps inevitable. However, attempts to export unenlightened dysfunctional human cultures to other habitats in this universe are foundationally counterproductive and such dysfunction will function as a proverbial gravity-well all its own. It may seem as though we have no choice in this regard, that we are who we are, and must live with it. If this was indeed the case, humankind would still be a hunter-gatherer, nomadic species today. We willingly expect and accept exponential change in our scientific, technological, and methodological way of life, so why do humans so willingly accept the opposite for one’s cultural, political, economic, and social underpinnings.

Benevolent innovation in human self-perception and governmental, social, and economic methodology is urgently necessary worldwide before the exportation of human culture beyond the earth can be successful. No doubt the technological requirements for extraterrestrial migration may arrive first, but until humankind understands and accepts the actual, natural underpinnings of individuality and ones living circumstances in this universe, such endeavors will ultimately fail time and again, as they do on earth.

The difference is, on earth a surviving few can go off on their own to begin again whereas in space and in hostile environments beyond earth this will not be possible. The fractious formulations of physical self-identification and the cultures they manifest create the false and corrosive understandings now held by individuals. This occurs by the individual acceptance of current host-specific historical narratives, true or false, as being one's own combined with the acceptance of false belief systems and misunderstandings of both a religious and scientific nature that inform personal identity. Such dysfunctions eventually ferment into toxic divisions and intolerance regardless of how similar the hosts may appear physically or culturally. Absent an understanding and acceptance of the probabilistic universal implementation of life which recurrently instantiates every individual to available compatible hosts in existing viable habitats, and the non-local universal mobility of individuality, the sky will remain the limit, because to conquer the heavens, technology is not enough.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The Ancestry Delusion;

Humanity has long been shackled by a debilitating crisis of identity ever since it began its staggered climb out of the animal kingdom. To finally counter this crisis and the systemic dysfunctions it manifests, cultures must first counter individual prejudice. What acknowledgments must occur within human minds to combat such identity-related dysfunctions? The solution, it is believed by most, is a reckoning with numerous relevant culture-specific historical narratives, true or false. This belief is due to individuals’ acceptance of an identity-defining connection both cognitive and physical, with individuals in history. It is with the culturally contrived demographic traits of the host forms of past individuals known as ancestors that many perceive a shared connection.

This misperceived demographically imagined connection with ancestry has long substituted for ones’ true history. One’s true history is the diverse and varied history of all of the unbeknownst living forms that has actually played host to ones’ individuality, ones’ position of view (POV) by the instantiation of the individuals' degrees of freedom of the universal quantum entanglement spectrum (QEF). To the extent that historical occurrences are influenced by demographic considerations and persist within laws and practices to affect the lives of new individuals, such dysfunctional conditions in societies must be acknowledged and corrected. This must be done not with the incorrect delusional perspectives of the past but with the correct understanding of nature and individuality in this universe.

The reckoning that must occur is the understanding and acceptance of the underpinnings of individuality revealed by the LINE hypothesis. In truth, any human demographically imagined connection with individuals in history is a delusion born of contrived tradition and the lack of an accurate description of life and individuality. Birth and death aren’t singular occurrences for any individual but as long as one misperceives ones’ host form as defining ones’ individuality, this is misperceived to be the case. No society can claim to be a mature civilization while not understanding and accepting this reality. It is an understatement to say that the delusion of human demographic ancestry is an influential factor in human cultures.

This error of perception is not uncommon or surprising in ascending wild cultures throughout this universe. In fact, it is a rung on the ladder up the thresholds of life that is skipped by very few wild cultures. Nonetheless, for a culture of high potential to survive, this reckoning is essential. Humankind, due to its’ current level of advancement in the year 2021 AD, is in a critical convergence of technology and cognitive dissonance that represents an existential singularity for humanity and perhaps for earth life writ large. Although this danger is not a new realization, the necessary answers to the underlying questions revealed by the LINE hypothesis have never before been available. The road ahead to accomplish a critical mass of enlightened minds is long, however, the time to begin has arrived.

Human acknowledgement of a connection with past individuals can be a largely positive tradition that can be quite beneficial when properly motivated and recognized. The problem is, the erroneous filters that human cultures have always placed upon this recognition. Poorly understood and conceived physical features of one’s current host form are chosen as demographic identifiers and categorizations that are used to recognize past groups and individuals as being one’s ancestors. This is done with no realization that what you are now, one’s current host form, is certainly not what you will always be, nor what you likely were in history, nor what you are guaranteed to be in any future life. One’s current preferences and feelings about ones’ current host, location, and situation are not taken into precise account by the laws that govern the natural instantiation of individuality. While these laws will inform some location and host information to guide one's reinstantiation to prior host ecosystems and living forms therein, these laws do not honor ones’ culturally contrived, preferred, or disliked racial and other weakly significant demographic traits.

On earth, as within all wild ecosystems, populations of living hosts (species) naturally rise and fall according to local conditions. The viable earth forms that qualify to be called human in the history of earth life are no exception. At one point after the Toba eruption, it is believed that the human population dropped as low as ten thousand human beings on the entire planet. When any population drops from some higher number, what becomes of those individuals that no longer have viable, let us say, human hosts. For example, if the global human population at any time falls from one million individuals to ten thousand what becomes of the 990,000 individuals that were at one-time human? For some reason, human cultures either abdicate, ignore, or discourage such notions or they fabricate some` mystical narrative to address such empirical inquiries.

Nonetheless, nature never goes on vacation nor takes a break, not even for a moment. The laws of nature that instantiates any individual operates continuously. In nature, one viable living form is no different from any other. This is the agnostic quality of life. When populations fall, like an ecological game of musical chairs, individuals that were formerly hosted by that population are left out. However, although one may be out of that population, that species, in nature there are almost always other viable hosts available for eventual reinstantiation within the current ecosystem. Only a global catastrophe of epic proportions can eradicate an entire ecosystem. However, even this does not end the game of life, because within this or perhaps another universe, there will always be other viable habitats and their indigenous living forms that can eventually host your individuality. In all of this, it is always ones’ current form that is forfeit.

On the other hand, each day on earth, while the human population rises to all-time highs, by definition, this means there are that many more viable human hosts available for the instantiation of an equal number of new individuals. New individuals, that have never before lived in the human form in the entire history of humankind. Other individuals QEF may have previously instantiated to human hosts for the first time previously and since and may similarly reinstantiate yet again, however, the definition of an all-time high population count means that there has never before been this many human hosts on earth at one time. Hence, only new individuals, with QEF new to the human form, will instantiate to the next highest numbered available human host. This lowers the probability of any individual naturally reinstantiating repeatedly to one's culturally contrived demographic DNA lineage, whether preferred or not. In short, how you currently self-identify, what you think you are that matters, ones’ physicality, race, gender, nationality, etc., is not what you have always been and will not determine what you become in your next life. We will all live everyone’s life, eventually. Ergo; the conditions you foster for others in this life could be your own in another.

This is additionally exacerbated by cultures' tendency to change boarders and location in space-time and also to change what demographic features and practices are culturally significant. The already weak and arbitrary physical traits that inform current cultural demographic categorizations of human beings have no significant influence upon ones’ next host form. The LINE hypothesis suggests that DNA is quite significant to ones’ fidelity of teleportation but it is only host traits with strong, deep genetic alleles that can significantly influence the FT and ones’ prospects for future reinstantiation. In short, within a wild culture, you don’t get to choose your next host form by any cultural declaration but only by living. By living in your current host form those genetic traits that are in fact strong attractors having a long history of metamatter imprinting over epochs of deep ecological time across many viable host forms some you may be reluctant to classify as human, will guide how you land next on earth and in this universe.

When individuals die, the trivial groupings by race and location, nationality, and behavior have weak genetic significance and are meaningless to how you will exist and live in your near future. Hence your true ancestry is not other individuals that looked as you do now but are all of the untold lineages of living hosts, human or otherwise, that have hosted your individuality throughout your QEF’s instantiation history. Pretending that you only live once does not change nature. The fact that you are now alive conclusively informs you that the laws of instantiation and the universal mobility of individuality exist and operate in this space-time. You can be sure that those laws will not relent just because you or I prefer to believe they do. Be careful lest what one supports, defends, and perpetrates assumes you will always remain in the form and circumstance you currently are or perhaps nothing at all, in nature, each is a false assumption.
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