Since Women Were "Liberated"

Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Sculptor »

simplicity wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:57 pm
Sculptor wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:46 pm
simplicity wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:33 pm
Then what explains the incredible strength of the AA nuclear family up until the liberals in the 60's decided to destroy it with the imposition of their welfare state resulting in the the out of wedlock birth rate skyrocketing from 25% in the 50's to 75% now?
There is such a lot wrong with this statement it is hard to know where to start. Let's brake it down.

1) The nuclear family, treated women as chattel slaves with not ability to earn their won livings, but properly educated, or get fulfilment except as breeding stock for children. This was a sick system which ruined the lives of many battered wives.

2) "The liberals" who ever the fuck they are were never in a position to destroy anything. What destroyed the nuclear family was TRUTH, and the growing aspirations of women who were able to assert their rights as human beings in their demand for equality.

3) The welfare state was a response to this growing awareness and the realisation that the government is suppose to serve the people and not the other way round.

4) Your figures are bollocks and made up o the spot. The current "out of wedlock" birth rate is 40% in the USA. That would be smaller if morons like you did not make it so difficult for young people to get sex education and abortions of needed.
Historically what you like to call "out of wedlock" is the NORM.

Nobody cares about kids like their parents. And if this is not the case, your society is pretty sick [by definition].
Marriage does not guarantee good parenting.
You are sick.
You truly are THE stereotypical example of what happens when you completely buy into the left and all of its non-sense.

Did you ever notice that you have one narrative and repeat the same thing over and over and over...

I tried...but please do not engage me again.
And as fucking usual you have fuck all to say to support your idiotic out-of-date morality or apologise for your lies and mis-directions.

What you really hate is the most women are far smarter than you are , and I imagine that you have been rejected by your wife and children like many failed men who buy into this out of date bullshit.
Let women be and do their own thing you moron.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Immanuel Can »

Belinda wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:18 pm Islam's moral code is similar to Christianity's moral code.They have a common root in the OT.
Wrong both times, I fear.

Go and read the Koran (and, of course, the OT) before you decide this. Clearly, you have not.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Immanuel Can »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:20 pm And how did this 'christian empathy and compassion' manifest itself?
Well, since you ask, here are a few cases:

Hospitals — From Basil’s first Christian hospital in fourth century Caesarea to the present day, Christians have always been on the forefront of providing medical care and creating medical institutions worldwide: mission hospitals, leprosy wards, immunization and pre-natal clinics, addiction treatment sites, and so on. In many places, Christian clinics are the only available medical care. Moreover, we serve all people, regardless of creed, culture and poverty. In nursing, medical ethics and social health relief, Christians are inevitably on the forefront, even today. Add it all up, and you’ve got overwhelming evidence for Christian good.

Medicine — Naturally, a host of medical innovations and social-medicine benefits have issued from all of the above sites. Add to that the number of Christian (and Jewish, of course) clinical researchers, and again you’ve got a big body of evidence.

Public Schooling —The idea of educating all children, especially those of the industrial poor, began with Methodists, Baptists and Anglicans in eighteenth century Sunday Schools in England, and then was imported to places like America and Upper Canada afterward. In Lower Canada, the Catholic parochial system also had a lot to do with the shape public schools would take. Today’s general education and secular schooling are essentially gifts of Christianity.

Universities — Universities are an old idea. But open, public universities are not. Whether it’s Harvard (Puritan), Yale, Princeton and Edinburgh (Presbyterian), Oxford (various Christian groups) or Toronto (Anglican), almost all the secular universities we so admire today owe their inception to Christian founders or particular denominations.

The Justice System — Indisputably, the Torah and the moral precepts of the New Testament have historically defined the shape of Western jurisprudence and informed our ethical codes in all our practices and professions.

Charitable Giving — The vast majority of charitable work carried out worldwide is done by Christianity. Moreover, Christian charities generally serve people of all faiths and none, from Hindus and Muslims to Buddhists and Taoists, to secularists and atheists, open-heartedly and without distinction.

Monogamy — Thanks to journalist Barbara Kay for pointing out this one. While 75% of the world’s societies (including even ancient Judaism) have been polygamous, the marital structure of the most successful and least warlike societies, and by far the most successful arrangement for women and children and the preservation of families, owes its origin and popularization to Christianity.

Literacy — Here a big round of applause to the Jews as well, of course. The desire to read the Bible has been by far the biggest incentive to literacy in the history of the human race, from the ancients to Gutenberg’s printing press, to today, where the Bible remains the best-selling and most-often-read book of all time, the number one top seller worldwide, every year on record.

Prison Reform — Who cares about criminals and prisoners? Apparently Christians do. You won’t find any atheist organizations working assiduously to save them, or ponying up the dough to reform them or reintroduce them to society. But Christians do that. From Elizabeth Fry and Herbert Gladstone, to today’s John Howard Society and New Life Prison Ministry, Christians have been on the cutting edge of prison improvements throughout modern history.

Regulation of Substances — From Prohibition to Alcoholics’ Anonymous, Christians have historically been on the forefront of the war against intoxication and addiction. Their influence through lobbying and their contributions through charitable provision of programs have saved innumerable lives.

Street Missions — Who cares about the homeless, the drug addicts and the prostitutes? Who does anything to save them? Christians do. From the Salvation Army to the YMCA, to the various inner-city rescue missions, educational and health programs, Christians have always led the way, doing things no secularist will do and no government organization can do.

Foreign Aid — Just go and compare the tradition of international giving coming from nations that are traditionally religious (Buddhist, Taoist, Animist, Hindu, Islamic or other) and the recent record of secular regimes with the tide of international aid that has flowed — and still flows — from countries with a Christian past. Of the top twenty, all are nominally Christian or post-Christian countries — except for Japan, which has also done very well, but only after the tradition of isolationism and emperor-worship was broken by WWII and Christian influence there increased.

Preservation of Ancient Cultures — As Yale’s professor of missiology, Lamin Sanneh (a Gambian by birth) has cogently argued, pioneer Christian missions were the key to the survival of many ancient cultures, as they brought literacy, self-respect, health and regional identity to many people groups before the colonists, merchants and soldiers arrived. Those that had missionaries early survived; but many tribes that were not first reached by missionaries are extinct, or have lost key elements of their language, culture, legends and identity.

Western Prosperity — Max Weber, a secular sociologist, has cogently argued this. Apart from the combination of a strong, Protestant work ethic coupled with a strong Christian impetus to save money instead of expending it on luxuries, the West would never have acquired the capital to create the modern world.

The Social Safety Network — In Canada, social welfare programs began during the Great Depression, and were produced almost exclusively by Christian churches and charitable organizations. These became the prototype for the reforms of later groups, also heavily dominated by Christians, such as the CCF, led by Methodist minister J.S. Woodsworth and Baptist minister Tommy Douglas.

Liberal Values — Most liberally-minded people today are blissfully unaware that things like individualism, women’s rights, minority rights and autonomy rights are entirely byproducts of Protestantism. Neither in secularism or religious collectivism is there any warrant for believing they exist. Only we have that.

Freedom of Belief — For real Christians, conversion can only be genuine if it is unforced. To force people to profess Christianity against their wills or by means of coercion, bribery or lies produces no belief at all. Thus conservative Christians have, from the very first, been the world’s chief proponents of freedom of the private conscience, a value now enjoyed widely by all religious groups in the West, including all skeptics and atheists. The right to think for yourself is a Christian right.

Human Rights — The only rationally-grounded explanation for why we have any rights as human beings comes from a Christian, John Locke, the first person to explain systematically why we have unalienable rights to life, liberty and property. His language and reasons have been taken over and used as the basis of every human rights code in the West since. And his rationale is specifically, unapologetically Christian. There is no other such rationale.

Character Improvement — Have you ever heard someone say, “I was a drunk / drug addict / wife beater / gambler / homosexual / criminal, until one day I discovered atheism”? Me neither. But I’ve met many people whose lives were completely transformed in that way by knowing Christ. And on a report basis, there are countless such cases. Where is there a comparable record of saving people from themselves?

Science Itself — In modern scholarship, this is known as “Whitehead’s Thesis”. A.N. Whitehead simply observed that unless you live in a society that believes that the universe runs according to stable laws, you never go looking for any. And the only way you assume there ought to be stable laws is if you think there is a single God, with a single, reliable nature, behind the regularities of the universe. The keystone of science, the Scientific Method, was invented by Francis Bacon — not just a skilled scientist, but an impressive writer of Christian theological essays, and an ardent believer.

Secularism — The right to be secular is a Christian right. It comes from the Protestant conviction that the eliciting of the private conscience is essential to salvation. People have to be allowed to be religious or non-religious precisely because they cannot be forced to become Christians. Regimes that believe otherwise (see the Islamic world) brutally suppress not merely religious alternatives but also deny anyone the right to be secular. So the ability of Christianity haters to carp, bellyache, insult and harangue without being locked up or killed is actually maintained through residual Christian values.

The Gospel — But for Christianity, there’s no hope for freedom from sin, death and judgment. There’s also no eternity. A world without Christians would be a world with no hope beyond the grave, and no ultimate future by universal heat-death. If Christians brought no other benefit, this one would still be greater than all the previous ones combined. Nobody, but nobody has ever done more good — and more profound good — to the human race than Christians do.

There’s more, of course. I didn’t even mention things like business ethics. But Christian values like savings, debt-paying, fair interest, promise keeping, not stealing from employers, keeping faith with suppliers, not bilking customers, and so forth. Look what not living within our means has done to Western economies: it seems that greed, deception and exploitation are poor economic foundations. But I think we have plenty already,
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

All riddled with corruption. Don't have to pay taxes so of course they have to be seen to be 'do-gooding'. The Salvation Army, as one example, is a multi billion dollar multi national corporation that owns some of the most valuable realestate in the world. So it has some soup kitchens, staffed by do-gooding volunteers, and lots of second-hand shops that over charge for stuff they got for nothing. Big fucking deal. Kristian 'giving' always comes at a price, and they always take far more than they (appear to) give.
And so-called 'atheists' have a habit of being individuals who just get on with their lives. Some of them might even believe in goblins and leprechauns for all I know. They don't tend to have gatherings, and might have nothing in common apart from the fact that they don't believe in your particular god...
I can't be bothered with the rest of your crap. The shallow, credulous ridiculousness is too overwhelming.

Amusing aside. At school we used to have 'religious (kristian) instruction' as part of the curriculum. As far as I know I was the only afairyist in the class, yet I was the only one who quite enjoyed it and behaved myself, feeling sorry for the hapless characters who had the job and had to put up with the taunting and rudeness of all the 'good kristian' children. Those 'classes' were the only time I've seen completely out of control children in a classroom. They used to go nuts. It would make a good psychological study. Children are far more intelligent than adults. Perhaps it was a reaction to what they instinctively knew to be bullshit, whereas I had never been brainwashed so had nothing to 'react' to.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by promethean75 »

"Chilren are far more intelligent than adults. Perhaps it was a reaction to what they instinctively knew to be bullshit"

Mm-hm, and it's because chirlrens are too distracted and engrossed by an energetic love of life that hasn't yet been crippled by the maturing awareness of mortality, purpose, suffering, and any of the real, substantial struggling that comes during later stages in life, e.g., decisions about career, family, property, finances, etc.

Note that one isn't really primed for religious belief until they have had to think deeply about something... and one only stops long enough to think deeply when one isn't having unadulterated fun.

Nobody ever sought 'god' because they were having too much fun. Rememba that. It's a clue to the darkest regions of the religious mind, the anxiety it is everywhere overwhelmed with.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

promethean75 wrote: Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:15 am "Chilren are far more intelligent than adults. Perhaps it was a reaction to what they instinctively knew to be bullshit"

Mm-hm, and it's because chirlrens are too distracted and engrossed by an energetic love of life that hasn't yet been crippled by the maturing awareness of mortality, purpose, suffering, and any of the real, substantial struggling that comes during later stages in life, e.g., decisions about career, family, property, finances, etc.

Note that one isn't really primed for religious belief until they have had to think deeply about something... and one only stops long enough to think deeply when one isn't having unadulterated fun.

Nobody ever sought 'god' because they were having too much fun. Rememba that. It's a clue to the darkest regions of the religious mind, the anxiety it is everywhere overwhelmed with.
Don't underestimate children, and who suffers more than they do, at the hands of 'deep thinking' adults?
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Astro Cat »

simplicity wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:05 pm Happiness aside [as this is a matter of maintaining personal balance], let's take a look at where we stand as a society some 100 years after women have been on the liberation warpath. After all, isn't the true measure of society's success defined as how we are doing as a group? Is it not the case that empowered individuals foster empowered communities which make up society as a whole? Or should we allow the success of the very few to blind us into believing skewed data that fails to distinguish between mean and median?

While individual women have certainly been afforded greater opportunity in nearly every aspect of Western life, the result of this social transformation has been utter disaster for the group. The bedrock of any society [the nuclear family] has been devastated by divorce, absentee mothers, disappeared fathers, technology, a host of metal health disorders, and other factors that have rendered this institution a mere phantasm of its former self. Contributing to this precipitous decline has been an egregious lack of support from other institutions, particularly Education.

So what have we gained [as a society] from the liberation of women?
This post is a little bit all over the place, so it's difficult to formulate a place to begin with.

I get the sense that you're dissatisfied with things like divorce. Have you ever considered that forcing women to rely on husbands that may potentially abuse them by financially controlling them was never a good thing? For instance, did you know that it wasn't until the Fair Credit Opportunity Act in 1974 that women were granted the legal right to open a credit card in their own name? Have you considered that some marriages should never have had to remain intact because perhaps women were miserable, but had no means of recourse; no way to survive on their own to escape a potential abuser?

I am sure the reasons for divorce rates are multitudinous, and I'm certainly not suggesting they're all due to male spousal abuse and control (emotional or otherwise), but this is a post about women's liberation, so I think it's pertinent to suggest that the ability to divorce is not always a bad thing.

I'm having a hard time picking a single thread that sticks out from your post to comment on. You vaguely point out things you perceive to be societal ills, but you don't coherently tie them in any way to "women's lib." Could you maybe connect the dots a little more: choose something that's so bad you think subjugating half of the population is worth it to "solve?" Also, connect the dots as to why you think women having autonomy directly causes the problem?

This just seems like a shotgun approach to misogyny, honestly.
Last edited by Astro Cat on Fri Jun 24, 2022 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Astro Cat »

Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:36 pm It's not just "society." Let's look at the metric "women" themselves.

Even if we assume that, in some way, "liberation" has proved less than optimal for, say, children and men, or for the dynamics of the economy, or whatever else we pick -- leaving all that aside -- we should ask, "Are women markedly happier, better and more fulfilled nowadays than previously"?

And we should ask them, and see what they answer.
As a woman getting her MS in a STEM field this fall (and beginning her PhD in the same soon after), yes, I'd say I'm markedly happier and more fulfilled than the days when I would have already hit a glass ceiling based solely on perceptions of me due to my sex/gender.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Phil8659 »

simplicity wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:05 pm Happiness aside [as this is a matter of maintaining personal balance], let's take a look at where we stand as a society some 100 years after women have been on the liberation warpath. After all, isn't the true measure of society's success defined as how we are doing as a group? Is it not the case that empowered individuals foster empowered communities which make up society as a whole? Or should we allow the success of the very few to blind us into believing skewed data that fails to distinguish between mean and median?

While individual women have certainly been afforded greater opportunity in nearly every aspect of Western life, the result of this social transformation has been utter disaster for the group. The bedrock of any society [the nuclear family] has been devastated by divorce, absentee mothers, disappeared fathers, technology, a host of metal health disorders, and other factors that have rendered this institution a mere phantasm of its former self. Contributing to this precipitous decline has been an egregious lack of support from other institutions, particularly Education.

So what have we gained [as a society] from the liberation of women?
Really? Women have been liberated? From what? And, where on earth is there any government which even recognizes the basic tenet that ever human being is entitled to the fruits of their own labor?
An incomplete sentence is no sentence at all. As far as I see it, everywhere you go, mankind is feverishly engaged in liberating each from the other, every thing they can.

I do not vote. Let us look at the so called right and power to vote. Who, but a complete moron would even consider claiming that any other human being had any power what so ever over anybody else? How many people, even admit, for example, let us take the JCS (Judeo-Christian Scripture) advocates a social structure where no one rules over anyone, but rule is given by the biological function of a mind, judgment, which, by the way, man is still incapable of today.
Socrates refused to vote for the very same reason. Socrates knew what real power is, and it is not to respect someone who just turns out to be just another sociopath.

Women once had real power, the power to educate children to be better than the stupid men who imagined that they were wise enough to set themselves up as the standard of behavior. I see this so called liberation movement as a surrender of women of their real power because they were too stupid to comprehend it. Who, but an idiot would trade the future of their children for the privilege of being just as much a fool as a man?
Take a good look at the internet and all the porn sites, who degrades women more than women themselves?
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Astro Cat »

Phil8659 wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:13 pm Really? Women have been liberated? From what?
My friend, we weren't even always allowed to have our own credit cards all the way up until the 70's. The history of the oppression of women is undeniable and it's systemic to this day even when it's implicit rather than explicit.
Phil8659 wrote:Women once had real power, the power to educate children to be better than the stupid men who imagined that they were wise enough to set themselves up as the standard of behavior. I see this so called liberation movement as a surrender of women of their real power because they were too stupid to comprehend it. Who, but an idiot would trade the future of their children for the privilege of being just as much a fool as a man?
Take a good look at the internet and all the porn sites, who degrades women more than women themselves?
Women don't have the sole responsibility for raising children, that is a joint responsibility for parents.

And at the risk of blowing up the thread on super unrelated things (though let's be honest, the original poster of this thread didn't have anything really to say anyway), not all porn is degrading; it's the industry that is predatory but the mere act of being a performer isn't degrading in itself.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Phil8659 »

Astro Cat wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:22 am
Phil8659 wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:13 pm Really? Women have been liberated? From what?
My friend, we weren't even always allowed to have our own credit cards all the way up until the 70's. The history of the oppression of women is undeniable and it's systemic to this day even when it's implicit rather than explicit.
Phil8659 wrote:Women once had real power, the power to educate children to be better than the stupid men who imagined that they were wise enough to set themselves up as the standard of behavior. I see this so called liberation movement as a surrender of women of their real power because they were too stupid to comprehend it. Who, but an idiot would trade the future of their children for the privilege of being just as much a fool as a man?
Take a good look at the internet and all the porn sites, who degrades women more than women themselves?
Women don't have the sole responsibility for raising children, that is a joint responsibility for parents.

And at the risk of blowing up the thread on super unrelated things (though let's be honest, the original poster of this thread didn't have anything really to say anyway), not all porn is degrading; it's the industry that is predatory but the mere act of being a performer isn't degrading in itself.
You do not see my point at all. So far, I have met no one on the forum capable of thought beyond the simple and particular. They are not even aware, that addressing each particular, they just step into another contradiction with another particular under a name.

What does the word liberated mean? Not in the particular but universally. How is that you, or anyone can imagine that as long as people cannot think their way out of a paper bag, that anyone is free? What does it mean to be free? And why are you unable to understand the most fundamental concept in reasoning? That as Man is defined as Mind, an intelligent person does not try to answer in terms of a particular and perceptible behavior, but in terms of that which is responsible for producing ANY behavior? I have found nothing on this forum which suggest anyone is capable of rational thought. You do not see that this is the same as a dog chasing its own tale. For the dog it is a game, for a mind it is a sign of dysfunction.

What may be predicated of anything, by grammatical fact, is wholly determined by the definition of that thing. It is a concept great minds seem to inherently know, and their arguments show it. No one here is even close.

My belief is that the fault is the education children receive. The GI Joe problem, GIGO, Garbage in, Garbage out. One cannot functionally use Language through grammar systems which no one has had the wit to construct. That is why I do my work. Since I was a child, I knew I lived in a very curious world where the minds of people just were not working, and, nobody even aware of it. I have lived among strangers all of my life.
Explain it, if you think I am lying. How is it I discovered a geometry the greatest minds in history could not? A geometry that is incredibly powerful? It is because it is just another grammar system. In my mind, I find it incredible that anyone even reading just the first book of Euclid did not see it. It took me a while to see it, but I kept at it until I could grasp it. And if you cannot comprehend one member of a grammar Matrix, you cannot comprehend any of them. You look at the geometry, and all you see are lines that have no meaning. Every system of grammar is just another way to effect binary recursion. It is only a delusion to imagine that one can be good in one grammar, but not another.
So, can the world, can mankind, be saved from its current insanity? The only thing a rational mind can do, is point the way, to show a mind how it has to function.

I sat down one day to teach myself geometry, within a very short time I was writing equations to figures, it just came naturally. I did not learn it from anybody.

So, there is a world of difference between solving a problem and solving the problem that normal people do not get, they cannot focus their mind.
Now, it is easy to dumb down, but when looking for something special, one has to look for someone who can step up, but when you do, you have to realize you are in a pack of wolves who are just going to howl.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Astro Cat »

Phil8659 wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:34 am You do not see my point at all. So far, I have met no one on the forum capable of thought beyond the simple and particular. They are not even aware, that addressing each particular, they just step into another contradiction with another particular under a name.

What does the word liberated mean? Not in the particular but universally. How is that you, or anyone can imagine that as long as people cannot think their way out of a paper bag, that anyone is free? What does it mean to be free? And why are you unable to understand the most fundamental concept in reasoning? That as Man is defined as Mind, an intelligent person does not try to answer in terms of a particular and perceptible behavior, but in terms of that which is responsible for producing ANY behavior? I have found nothing on this forum which suggest anyone is capable of rational thought. You do not see that this is the same as a dog chasing its own tale. For the dog it is a game, for a mind it is a sign of dysfunction.

What may be predicated of anything, by grammatical fact, is wholly determined by the definition of that thing. It is a concept great minds seem to inherently know, and their arguments show it. No one here is even close.

My belief is that the fault is the education children receive. The GI Joe problem, GIGO, Garbage in, Garbage out. One cannot functionally use Language through grammar systems which no one has had the wit to construct. That is why I do my work. Since I was a child, I knew I lived in a very curious world where the minds of people just were not working, and, nobody even aware of it. I have lived among strangers all of my life.
Explain it, if you think I am lying. How is it I discovered a geometry the greatest minds in history could not? A geometry that is incredibly powerful? It is because it is just another grammar system. In my mind, I find it incredible that anyone even reading just the first book of Euclid did not see it. It took me a while to see it, but I kept at it until I could grasp it. And if you cannot comprehend one member of a grammar Matrix, you cannot comprehend any of them. You look at the geometry, and all you see are lines that have no meaning. Every system of grammar is just another way to effect binary recursion. It is only a delusion to imagine that one can be good in one grammar, but not another.
So, can the world, can mankind, be saved from its current insanity? The only thing a rational mind can do, is point the way, to show a mind how it has to function.

I sat down one day to teach myself geometry, within a very short time I was writing equations to figures, it just came naturally. I did not learn it from anybody.

So, there is a world of difference between solving a problem and solving the problem that normal people do not get, they cannot focus their mind.
Now, it is easy to dumb down, but when looking for something special, one has to look for someone who can step up, but when you do, you have to realize you are in a pack of wolves who are just going to howl.
We scant mortals, I suppose we must stand in your shadow and speak mere sense.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Phil8659 »

Astro Cat wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:12 pm
We scant mortals, I suppose we must stand in your shadow and speak mere sense.
See what I mean about illiteracy? After explaining, that information processing is the standard, i.e. grammar itself, by which judgments are formed, is the measure of any use of grammar, you still, automatically, without thought, claim it is me. How absurd, and illiterate can one be?

That is about as bright as claiming that Freud was justified in trying to claim that women suffer from penis envy. I thought you, of all people would laugh at that.

Would you describe your self as someone who envies where the penis goes to die?
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Astro Cat »

Phil8659 wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:14 am
Astro Cat wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:12 pm
We scant mortals, I suppose we must stand in your shadow and speak mere sense.
See what I mean about illiteracy? After explaining, that information processing is the standard, i.e. grammar itself, by which judgments are formed, is the measure of any use of grammar, you still, automatically, without thought, claim it is me. How absurd, and illiterate can one be?

That is about as bright as claiming that Freud was justified in trying to claim that women suffer from penis envy. I thought you, of all people would laugh at that.

Would you describe your self as someone who envies where the penis goes to die?
Speaking of Freud, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. The subject was about women's lib: systemic barriers to women in social equality. You entered the topic and started speaking about "binary recursion" and grammar. I've seen you do this on multiple posts. You essentially ignore the subject material to talk about whatever it is that you want to talk about, and it never makes any sense.

I am not a stupid woman, but I have no idea what you mean by "binary recursion" or grammar in these contexts. When I've asked for clarification in a couple of instances, you've berated and belittled me. At a certain point I was just finished trying. You speak of gibberish and nonsense, but your posts are full of them. I've come to suspect a mental illness, which I'm highly empathetic over; but that's difficult when you're also just positively mean about it.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Phil8659 »

Astro Cat wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:11 am I've come to suspect a mental illness, which I'm highly empathetic over; but that's difficult when you're also just positively mean about it.
I gladly take that challenge.
Now, in case you do not know,

How does a computer process all information?

How many parts of speech does it use to produce everything it does?
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