Ukraine Crisis

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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by promethean75 »

No nukes man. Not unless they are low yield and made by terrorist groups.

I'm telling you the trans-atlantic partition is coming. China, which will invade Taiwan, will combine forces with Russia eventually taking control of everything on that side of the Atlantic, while Canada, US and Brazil will experience an influx of European and middle eastern people.

The globe will be divided by the Atlantic into two hemispheres holding two super countries.... and the race for the moon and space will begin.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

iambiguous wrote: Sun May 15, 2022 6:19 pm
iambiguous wrote: Thu May 12, 2022 5:53 pm
Nope, I still say to the extent that Putin isn't Hitler, let him bring the Soviet Union back together sans Marxism.
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sat May 14, 2022 9:54 amYou're wrong, he's killing people, innocent children, he deserves to die for his crimes against humanity.
Yeah, that is no less a legitimate point of view than mine. Only I suggest that each of us comes to believe what he or she does about Putin subjectively...based on the manner in which our lived lives created and then sustained a particular existential trajectory predisposing us to one set of value judgments here rather than another.

That, further, philosophers, ethicists, political scientists etc., appear unable to provide us with the optimal or the only rational conclusion.

In other words, deontologically, ought Putin to be killed?

After all, if those who are in sync with your convictions here do attempt to kill him and this is the trigger that prompts Putin to launch the nuclear warheads, literally millions and millions and millions of men, women and children could be wiped out of existence.

But you're willing to take that chance, right?

Here, of course, based on our individual sets of circumstances, we all take our own personal leap of faith into the future.

The "agony of choice in the face of uncertainty" let's call it.

You draw your line, I draw mine. But I would never be foolish enough to insist that those who don't draw the line where I do are wrong. What could I possibly know about their sets of circumstances? And, as always, both sides here are more than capable of providing us with reasonable arguments for or against killing Putin. Or, for that matter, for or against sending in American and Nato troops to fight along side the Ukrainians.
I fully understand, I'm a veteran, I worked with weapon systems from a .45 caliber semiautomatic all the way up to and including nuclear weapons.

The fact of hiding in fear while you allow practically genocide to take place under the specific circumstances the Ukrainians are under, i.e., them previously relinquishing all nuclear weapons at the insistence of Putin is cowardice supreme, and it makes the cowards just as guilty as Putin. That's you my friend. And the problem is if you always choose to run and hide in fear, one day you'll have no place to run and hide, and Putin will have you in his sights, bang, you're dead, because you were too afraid to act!

The rabid man should be put down like the dog he is. I don't mean through his front door, I mean a well thought out surgical strike. He likes to use poison, that would be very poetic, wouldn't you say?
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

iambiguous wrote: Sun May 15, 2022 8:30 pm Going nuclear... ... s-nuclear/

'Talk of total victory aligns well with another recently floated objective: an extended bloodletting of the Russian army. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin asserted on April 25 that the United States wants “to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.” And that fits with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark A. Milley’s prediction that the war will turn into a “protracted conflict … measured in years.”

'Yet crippling Russia’s military or expelling Russia from Ukraine are significantly more dangerous aims than preventing the further loss of Ukrainian territory or, through limited offensive operations, gaining some of it back. Unfortunately, if Russian President Vladimir Putin begins to think that his back is against the wall, he may lash out by directly confronting NATO, intensifying the conventional war in the east, or even using nuclear weapons.

'Keep in mind that while Russia’s campaign has been horrific, it can still get much, much worse. Russia has been fighting with one hand tied behind its back, largely for domestic political reasons. In Putin’s Russia, after all, the conflict has not been described as a war but rather as a “special military operation.” But the worse the battle goes for Putin, the more he will be tempted to mobilize his society to fight it as a full-blown war, despite the political risks of calling up reservists or expanding conscription. Russia has more than three times the population of Ukraine, giving it a hard-to-surmount advantage in any war of attrition, despite Ukraine’s skilled and motivated soldiers. Ukraine should try assiduously to avoid any further mobilization on Russia’s part, yet the West’s expanding war aims make it more likely.

'Even worse, Putin could turn to unconventional weapons, including low-yield nuclear weapons, to stave off defeat. Skeptics might argue that Putin is not suicidal and would never risk nuclear escalation with the West. But Russia is overwhelmingly likely to begin any nuclear escalation — or, for that matter, chemical escalation — inside Ukraine, which would put the onus on the West as to how to respond. With a handful of nuclear weapons Putin could obliterate significant portions of the Ukrainian army, especially if conventional battles forced it to mass in a relatively small area in the east. (To presume that the architect of Bucha would blanch at using nuclear weapons against Ukraine, which cannot respond in kind, is wishful thinking.) All the new heavy weapons flowing to the Ukrainian military would not save it from destruction in this situation, to say nothing of the casualties among Ukrainian civilians.

'Going nuclear would be extremely dangerous for Putin. But if he believes that the West is trying to permanently weaken Russia, will never lift sanctions or even aims to topple his regime (despite repeated denials from Western policymakers), he may become willing to roll the dice. Putin could see escalation as a way to preserve the military as the basis of both his international clout and domestic security.'

Okay, you're Biden. How far would you go in "rolling the dice" to actually win the war and/or to topple Putin?
If Putin does go to Nucs all bets are off, and while the west shall definitely suffer some loss, in the aftermath, Russia will no longer exist. Of course no one shall take over their land anytime soon, and we all may eventually die from a nuclear winter. The earth may be nudged off it's current trajectory and the current equilibrium lost and their goes all her population along with her as well. Using today's Nuclear weapons could be complete devastation. So who's really crazy enough to wipe out all of humanity? To ensure no one wins! Does Putin care for no one? It sure seems he does or he wouldn't have invaded Ukraine.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

DPMartin wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 11:11 pm
iambiguous wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 6:52 pm The Gray Lady takes stock:

'The Senate passed a $40 billion emergency aid package for Ukraine on Thursday, but with a small group of isolationist Republicans loudly criticizing the spending and the war entering a new and complicated phase, continued bipartisan support is not guaranteed.

'Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, warned the Senate Armed Services Committee recently that the next few months may be volatile. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia could take “a more unpredictable and potentially escalatory trajectory,” she said, with the increased likelihood that Russia could threaten to use nuclear weapons.'

Yes, the ruling class itself is getting nervous. Still, threatening to use nukes and actually precipitating an all-out nuclear war is either more or less probable.

We just don't know.

But those who own and operate the global economy can't help but be increasingly jittery about what makes Putin tick. And about whether Biden and the NATO equivalents might be assuming a too optimistic set of assumptions about how far they can push him.

Me? Well, the one thing I keep coming back to is the Cuban Missile crisis. How palpable the fear was then of a nuclear armageddon, holocaust, apocalypse.

I never expected to see it reprised. But now you know how it was for us back then. Only this time it's not ideological so much what exactly?
Putin knows Biden is a wuss, the real elephant in the room. it would be completely stupid to make a move on Biden's part, he's a day late and a dollar short besides there's a good chance the Russians did all they could to get Biden in for just that reason. Biden and Biden's son had some difficulties with Ukraine leaders some time back which is another reason the Russians back doored support for Biden. so get the US to give lip service and throw moneys at it as though that will do anything. the Ukraine belongs to Russia they are merely taking it back who freakin cares. the Ukraine's show of resistance is futile and stupid. no body's going to go nuke for the Ukraine's defense. nuclear Armageddon will come, but not over the Ukraine
You don't know shit about the USSR they were: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics much like the EU, that the UK just left. Ukraine was an individual state before it became part of the USSR, just like the current EU. And Putin doesn't deserve shit, he was born in 1952 and the USSR was formed in part in 1922.
And as to who cares, the Ukrainians care. Dumb-ass. Your apathy is only overshadowed by your cowardice.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

iambiguous wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 5:01 pm
DPMartin wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 11:11 pm
iambiguous wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 6:52 pm The Gray Lady takes stock:

'The Senate passed a $40 billion emergency aid package for Ukraine on Thursday, but with a small group of isolationist Republicans loudly criticizing the spending and the war entering a new and complicated phase, continued bipartisan support is not guaranteed.

'Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, warned the Senate Armed Services Committee recently that the next few months may be volatile. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia could take “a more unpredictable and potentially escalatory trajectory,” she said, with the increased likelihood that Russia could threaten to use nuclear weapons.'

Yes, the ruling class itself is getting nervous. Still, threatening to use nukes and actually precipitating an all-out nuclear war is either more or less probable.

We just don't know.

But those who own and operate the global economy can't help but be increasingly jittery about what makes Putin tick. And about whether Biden and the NATO equivalents might be assuming a too optimistic set of assumptions about how far they can push him.

Me? Well, the one thing I keep coming back to is the Cuban Missile crisis. How palpable the fear was then of a nuclear armageddon, holocaust, apocalypse.

I never expected to see it reprised. But now you know how it was for us back then. Only this time it's not ideological so much what exactly?
Putin knows Biden is a wuss, the real elephant in the room. it would be completely stupid to make a move on Biden's part, he's a day late and a dollar short besides there's a good chance the Russians did all they could to get Biden in for just that reason. Biden and Biden's son had some difficulties with Ukraine leaders some time back which is another reason the Russians back doored support for Biden. so get the US to give lip service and throw moneys at it as though that will do anything. the Ukraine belongs to Russia they are merely taking it back who freakin cares. the Ukraine's show of resistance is futile and stupid. no body's going to go nuke for the Ukraine's defense. nuclear Armageddon will come, but not over the Ukraine
I'm sure there is absolutely no possibility whatsoever of this not being correct.
So both of you dip-shits have a crystal ball and swear that it actually works, huh? So I guess you believe in Nostradamus?
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

popeye1945 wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 12:40 am What is the old saying, things change but ever remain the same? Once the old colonialism of the British and European countries enslaved the world being the ultimate powers of the time. With the first world war the power started to shift and British power transformed into American power and American empire. Empires are concerned with spreading enslaving and self-survival the American empire is the aggressor here using NATO as its tool to threaten Russia. American apple pie is bullshit and as merciless and violent as the British empire ever was. War is the global cottage industry of America and the curse of the world.
America didn't cause the fall of the USSR, it's people did. And now one of it's former republics wants to remain relatively free, and worship money like many other countries do, and it's their right to do so, whether we agree or not.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

iambiguous wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 7:18 pm From the NYT:

'TOKYO — President Biden indicated on Monday that he would use military force to defend Taiwan if it were ever attacked by China, dispensing with the “strategic ambiguity” traditionally favored by American presidents and repeating even more unequivocally statements that his staff tried to walk back in the past.'

All this talk about Putin being a few sandwiches short of a picnic can distract us from the fact that, perhaps, this concern ought to be aimed at Biden as well.

Is he altogether in the head?
I bet he considers what his advisors have to say in matters such as these much more than Putin does.

Threatening China with war if they invade Taiwan? Okay, what if he comes around to that frame of mind in regard to Ukraine too?

And let's face it the argument over whether Ukraine was once a part of Russia or whether Taiwan once a part of China is not exactly cut and dry.

Different historical narratives here to say the least.

Anyway, let's keep an eye on Biden as well. Him here in America with 1,357 nuclear warheads currently deployed and Putin in Russia with 1,456...

What could possibly go wrong?
I doubt you know the actual numbers, because if you did and you divulged such Top Secret information you'd be breaking rocks in Leavenworth post haste, if not executed.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by popeye1945 »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 1:40 am
popeye1945 wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 12:40 am What is the old saying, things change but ever remain the same? Once the old colonialism of the British and European countries enslaved the world being the ultimate powers of the time. With the first world war the power started to shift and British power transformed into American power and American empire. Empires are concerned with spreading enslaving and self-survival the American empire is the aggressor here using NATO as its tool to threaten Russia. American apple pie is bullshit and as merciless and violent as the British empire ever was. War is the global cottage industry of America and the curse of the world.
America didn't cause the fall of the USSR, it's people did. And now one of it's former republics wants to remain relatively free, and worship money like many other countries do, and it's their right to do so, whether we agree or not.
The government of the Ukraine is a puppet government of American power showing its aggression on the border of Russia. You sound like you believe in American apple pie. Empire has but a couple of interests, enlarging/spreading and staying in existence by any means necessary. America has put the world in jeapordy in its aggression towards Russia. The industrial military complex has its power in an ignorant population but the game its playing is Russian roulette. Try and envision a nuclear winter.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Walker »

popeye1945 wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 7:44 am The government of the Ukraine is a puppet government of American power showing its aggression on the border of Russia.
That's right. Few who see it, say it.

That’s why Trump was impeached. He wasn’t a political insider to international relations, so when Brandon was videoed bragging about how he, Joe Brandon, personally pushed around the Ukrainian government because you know, he has the power to speak for Obama, Trump as then president took notice and inquired from direct sources. Too many politicians were taking a taste of Ukraine, so that inquiring by Trump had to be stopped, one way or another.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Walker »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 1:40 am
popeye1945 wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 12:40 am What is the old saying, things change but ever remain the same? Once the old colonialism of the British and European countries enslaved the world being the ultimate powers of the time. With the first world war the power started to shift and British power transformed into American power and American empire. Empires are concerned with spreading enslaving and self-survival the American empire is the aggressor here using NATO as its tool to threaten Russia. American apple pie is bullshit and as merciless and violent as the British empire ever was. War is the global cottage industry of America and the curse of the world.
America didn't cause the fall of the USSR, it's people did. And now one of it's former republics wants to remain relatively free, and worship money like many other countries do, and it's their right to do so, whether we agree or not.
Such is the opinion of a Hillary Clinton supporter. "Nuff said.


Ronald Reagan was the voice of truth that caused the evil empire to collapse.

He was reviled for that by the media, in his own time. And the sheep believed it.

Now, everyone was his friend.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by popeye1945 »

Trumpers-------DUH!!!!!! By the way, I am just part of the global community that hates fascism.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by Sculptor »

Walker wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 9:33 am
Ronald Reagan was the voice of truth that caused the evil empire to collapse.
There were four voices that made the Iron curtain fall.
Those voices were bootlegged across the USSR, impressed on old X-Ray images and any other type oc celluloid that the bootleggers could get their hands on.
One man that was obsessed with those four voices was Mikhail Gorbechev, who loved to listen to those FOUR.
It changed the way he thought, and how many in his generation thought.
It was the Fab Four: The Beatles.

To be frank Reagan was to thick and stupid to have any real effect.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by DPMartin »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 1:33 am
DPMartin wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 11:11 pm
iambiguous wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 6:52 pm The Gray Lady takes stock:

'The Senate passed a $40 billion emergency aid package for Ukraine on Thursday, but with a small group of isolationist Republicans loudly criticizing the spending and the war entering a new and complicated phase, continued bipartisan support is not guaranteed.

'Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, warned the Senate Armed Services Committee recently that the next few months may be volatile. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia could take “a more unpredictable and potentially escalatory trajectory,” she said, with the increased likelihood that Russia could threaten to use nuclear weapons.'

Yes, the ruling class itself is getting nervous. Still, threatening to use nukes and actually precipitating an all-out nuclear war is either more or less probable.

We just don't know.

But those who own and operate the global economy can't help but be increasingly jittery about what makes Putin tick. And about whether Biden and the NATO equivalents might be assuming a too optimistic set of assumptions about how far they can push him.

Me? Well, the one thing I keep coming back to is the Cuban Missile crisis. How palpable the fear was then of a nuclear armageddon, holocaust, apocalypse.

I never expected to see it reprised. But now you know how it was for us back then. Only this time it's not ideological so much what exactly?
Putin knows Biden is a wuss, the real elephant in the room. it would be completely stupid to make a move on Biden's part, he's a day late and a dollar short besides there's a good chance the Russians did all they could to get Biden in for just that reason. Biden and Biden's son had some difficulties with Ukraine leaders some time back which is another reason the Russians back doored support for Biden. so get the US to give lip service and throw moneys at it as though that will do anything. the Ukraine belongs to Russia they are merely taking it back who freakin cares. the Ukraine's show of resistance is futile and stupid. no body's going to go nuke for the Ukraine's defense. nuclear Armageddon will come, but not over the Ukraine
You don't know shit about the USSR they were: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics much like the EU, that the UK just left. Ukraine was an individual state before it became part of the USSR, just like the current EU. And Putin doesn't deserve shit, he was born in 1952 and the USSR was formed in part in 1922.
And as to who cares, the Ukrainians care. Dumb-ass. Your apathy is only overshadowed by your cowardice.
read WWII history butt head, everyone knows Stalin starved out aprox 10 mill of Ukrainians to get grain to trade for tanks. so that would mean the Ukraine was a part of Russians territory then.
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by iambiguous »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 12:59 am
iambiguous wrote: Sun May 15, 2022 6:19 pm
iambiguous wrote: Thu May 12, 2022 5:53 pm
Nope, I still say to the extent that Putin isn't Hitler, let him bring the Soviet Union back together sans Marxism.
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sat May 14, 2022 9:54 amYou're wrong, he's killing people, innocent children, he deserves to die for his crimes against humanity.
Yeah, that is no less a legitimate point of view than mine. Only I suggest that each of us comes to believe what he or she does about Putin subjectively...based on the manner in which our lived lives created and then sustained a particular existential trajectory predisposing us to one set of value judgments here rather than another.

That, further, philosophers, ethicists, political scientists etc., appear unable to provide us with the optimal or the only rational conclusion.

In other words, deontologically, ought Putin to be killed?

After all, if those who are in sync with your convictions here do attempt to kill him and this is the trigger that prompts Putin to launch the nuclear warheads, literally millions and millions and millions of men, women and children could be wiped out of existence.

But you're willing to take that chance, right?

Here, of course, based on our individual sets of circumstances, we all take our own personal leap of faith into the future.

The "agony of choice in the face of uncertainty" let's call it.

You draw your line, I draw mine. But I would never be foolish enough to insist that those who don't draw the line where I do are wrong. What could I possibly know about their sets of circumstances? And, as always, both sides here are more than capable of providing us with reasonable arguments for or against killing Putin. Or, for that matter, for or against sending in American and Nato troops to fight along side the Ukrainians.
I fully understand, I'm a veteran...
Yeah, me too. Army veteran who was awarded both the Bronze Star and an Army Commendation Medal w/ a V device for valor.
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 12:59 amThe fact of hiding in fear while you allow practically genocide to take place under the specific circumstances the Ukrainians are under, i.e., them previously relinquishing all nuclear weapons at the insistence of Putin is cowardice supreme, and it makes the cowards just as guilty as Putin. That's you my friend. And the problem is if you always choose to run and hide in fear, one day you'll have no place to run and hide, and Putin will have you in his sights, bang, you're dead, because you were too afraid to act!
Okay, Mr Guts and Glory, what specifically are you doing to stop Putin dead in his tracks? Are you posting this from Ukraine itself? Are you gunning down the Russkies in between posts?

And then this part:
After all, if those who are in sync with your convictions here do attempt to kill him and this is the trigger that prompts Putin to launch the nuclear warheads, literally millions and millions and millions of men, women and children could be wiped out of existence.
Not even worth considering at all, right?
The rabid man should be put down like the dog he is. I don't mean through his front door, I mean a well thought out surgical strike. He likes to use poison, that would be very poetic, wouldn't you say?
Just out of curiosity, who else around the globe would you personally be willing to put down like a dog? Are all cowards fair game?
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Re: Ukraine Crisis

Post by iambiguous »

Joe Biden in the New York Times:

'We have moved quickly to send Ukraine a significant amount of weaponry and ammunition so it can fight on the battlefield and be in the strongest possible position at the negotiating table.

That’s why I’ve decided that we will provide the Ukrainians with more advanced rocket systems and munitions that will enable them to more precisely strike key targets on the battlefield in Ukraine.'


'We will continue providing Ukraine with advanced weaponry, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, Stinger antiaircraft missiles, powerful artillery and precision rocket systems, radars, unmanned aerial vehicles, Mi-17 helicopters and ammunition. We will also send billions more in financial assistance, as authorized by Congress.'

Then this:

'We do not seek a war between NATO and Russia.'

Okay, you're Vladimir Putin. You note that America and NATO continue to send advanced armaments to the nation you are at war with. Even if you don't call it a war. These weapons result in the deaths of thousands of Russian soldiers and a war that has now dragged on for months.

And, if the war drags on for many months more, when will the crippling costs of it either persuade you to back off and back out...or prompt you to use the sort of weapons at your disposal that could cripple Ukraine once and for all.

Sleepy Joe Biden and the madman Vladimir Putin, eyeball to eyeball.

What could possibly go wrong?

Then from the next opinion column down...

Christopher Caldwell

'It was Russia that massed its troops on the frontier last fall and winter and — having demanded from NATO a number of Ukraine-related security guarantees that NATO rejected — began the shelling and killing on Feb. 24.

'But the United States has helped turn this tragic, local and ambiguous conflict into a potential world conflagration. By misunderstanding the war’s logic, Mr. Guaino argues, the West, led by the Biden administration, is giving the conflict a momentum that may be impossible to stop.

He is right.'


'Since 2018, Ukraine has received U.S.-built Javelin antitank missiles, Czech artillery and Turkish Bayraktar drones and other NATO-interoperable weaponry. The United States and Canada have lately sent up-to-date British-designed M777 howitzers that fire GPS-guided Excalibur shells. President Biden just signed into law a $40 billion military aid package.

In this light, mockery of Russia’s battlefield performance is misplaced. Russia is not being stymied by a plucky agricultural country a third its size; it is holding its own, at least for now, against NATO’s advanced economic, cyber and battlefield weapons.'


'And the United States may be playing an even more direct role. There are thousands of foreign fighters in Ukraine. One volunteer spoke to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation this month of fighting alongside “friends” who “come from the Marines, from the States.” Just as it is easy to cross the line between being a weapons supplier and being a combatant, it is easy to cross the line from waging a proxy war to waging a secret war.''


'But if the war does not end soon, its dangers will increase. “Negotiations need to begin in the next two months,” the former U.S. secretary of state Henry Kissinger warned last week, “before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome.” Calling for a return to the status quo ante bellum, he added, “Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine but a new war against Russia itself.”

In this, Mr. Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. Guaino. “To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression,” Mr. Guaino warned. “To make none would be submitting to insanity.”

The United States is making no concessions. That would be to lose face. There’s an election coming. So the administration is closing off avenues of negotiation and working to intensify the war. We’re in it to win it. With time, the huge import of deadly weaponry, including that from the newly authorized $40 billion allocation, could take the war to a different level. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine warned in an address to students this month that the bloodiest days of the war were coming.'

Kissinger. The ruling class personified. Bilderberg embodied. You're damn straight he and his ilk are concerned about their precious global economy nuked out of existence.

And lest we forget those advanced armaments don't just grow on trees. They come from the heart and soul of the military industrial complex itself. The "war economy". Only the profits garnered by this sector of the economy may result in the whole system going up in nuclear smoke.
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