euler's symbolisms

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euler's symbolisms

Post by stan »

.....euclid, euler, einstein, etc.....all summed (thousands of) words into a few lines and/or a brief (formula) collection of script symbols.....
euler's philosophies showed in his creations; example - the ln base number 'e' (2.718281828...) is as a metaphysical-reality.....what do the
numbers 'say' to you.....just numbers and/or a metaphor what various kinds of ideas mathematical or otherwise....such as a topology of thought.

.....a ln(x) equivalency of some number (x) is - that number (x) expressed in terms of an exponential of 'e'.....meaning that (x) is rewritten as an
exponential power of a transcendental metaphysical concept.....the number 'e'.....such that, ln(x) now reflects as a quanta concept of a consistently
irrational directly reflects the randomness expressed relatively as in probability theory.....

....therefore, philosophically speaking, any number/symbol count can be made to reflect an abstracted relative-metaphysical common-concept medium, a reflection of a phenomenological perspective......a common concept medium establishes a topological perspective of
thought itself.....a common concept as a metaphysical building block is as that of any other theoretical physics and its inherent particle system....

stans sand
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Re: euler's symbolisms

Post by stan »

....the phenomenological perspective is with respect the unseen being of a (self-supporting content/context) source/cause of what is
perceived as three dimensional change 'effects'........effects that are typically labelled as a reality, and/or as the 'passage of time'...

....time as a reality is perceived by the human animal within a metaphysics/topology of thought fed by chaotic/inconsistent sensory input;
and, also by the feedback of 'logics' from the mental recycling/reflections of patterns observed as 'order', in the chaos, of sensory input....

....all reality is then of the fractal (chaos/order commonality) being of self-supporting metaphysical-topological logics...

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Re: euler's symbolisms

Post by stan »

....all in existence is of a fractal time-change logic/mathematics.......thought itself is as a fractal process recycling
leftover remainder; as some metaphysical shadow of time-changes or an echoing of unseen cause....

....evolution enhances a life forms survival probabilities via such as its fractal feedback development of camoflauge patterning
to comfortably match a surrounding random patterning in/of some 'here and now'....

.....the mind also has evolved to pattern its self-logic to echo that in/of the 'here and now' fractal-function leftover...and, thereby
echo an unseen fractal function cause.....which results in an abstracted grasp of the notion of cause and effect, free will....
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Re: euler's symbolisms

Post by alan1000 »

.... and yet, where every beginning is simultaneously a resolution, and every ending simultaneously a revelation.... where meaning is meaningless, and significance is mute.... and the deaf mute which is the unspoken, can only gesture.... and yet....
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