free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Dontaskme »

henry quirk wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:15 pm I'm not responding to any of your posts on this thread, because Henry doesn't like it, and I respect that.

I formally cede the thread to you two: don't stop on my account


See, no need to be passive agressive over what is just some egoic opinionated philosophical discussion. All egos are different and unique, all just wanting to broadcast what they believe is their personal treasure trove archived away in the caverns of some grey matter that hides behind a think layer of bone, and never sees the light of day. Imagine that, all our knowledge stored away inside some lumpy slimey sausage like flesh. Hmm, kind of weird when you really think about that. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🧟‍♀️😮🙄😱🤢

That you have had a change of heart tells me you do not mind the drama after all. . good so now we can just be more accepting and tolerable of each others unique opinions, that are nothing more than stories anyway.

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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by henry quirk »

jeez, you coulda stopped at one 👍

That you have had a change of heart

no heart change: I just don't care about the thread any more

so: piss in it as much as you like
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Dontaskme »

henry quirk wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:57 pm jeez, you coulda stopped at one 👍
henry quirk wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:57 pmThat you have had a change of heart

no heart change: I just don't care about the thread any more

so: piss in it as much as you like
Great ..and thanks, I love pissing around with knowledge, sometimes I like to take a 💩 here as well.
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:50 pm
Age wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:10 pmI NEVER even KNEW that 'gestures' could be presented in the form or words. I thought that 'gestures' were, literally, movements of the body and a form of nonverbal (or non word) communication.

Stop trying to use this as an excuse to worm your way out again.
To "worm out" of WHAT, EXACTLY, AGAIN?

I just said I what I did NOT KNOW.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:50 pm Deaf people understand words by the use of non-verbal body movements like sign language. Well guess what Age, there's another surprise ...Hearing people can understand verbal gestures as well, in the form of words, which are also known as signs Age....can you read 'sign posts' Age?
What does the word 'gestures' EVEN MEAN to 'you', "dontaskme"?

And, how, EXACTLY, can ANY one "see" 'gestures' in written words?
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:50 pm Hello, are you reading me, is there anyone in there? :roll:
We are reading words, and just TRYING TO to get 'you', "dontaskme" to CLARIFY what you ACTUALLY MEAN.

We are also waiting patiently for you to do so.

Also, when you SAY and WRITE things like; I'm not responding to any of your posts on this thread,

What does that ACTUALLY MEAN to you?

It appears to MEAN A VERY DIFFERENT to 'you', then it does to 'us'.
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm I'm sorry Age, but you are still trying to worm your way out this. You know you'd do yourself and everyone else concerned a big favour by just owning it.
What does the 'this' word and what does the 'it' word here refer to, EXACTLY?
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm
Age wrote:

BUT it was 'you', "dontaskme", who said something about moving ALL of discussions to another thread. I am just STILL WAITING for 'you' to do so.

Do 'you' REALLY NEED to be TOLD to do some thing which you said you were going to do ANYWAY?
To which Henry replied to Age's comment:
Henry wrote:
simply movin' to another thread wasn't dramatic enough

DAM must have her drama, don't you know

center ring, spotlight focused and hot
Henry said to Age...don't you know.

To which Age responded to Henry's comment, that said DONT YOU agreeing Dam likes drama,
BUT, I NEVER agreed to that AT ALL, as can be CLEARLY SEEN and PROVED True in what I ACTUALLY DID WRITE above. I wrote, SPECIFICALLY and PURPOSELY, the ACTUAL WORDS:

How much 'drama' we individually put into this, or not put into this, is another matter though, and as you rightly pointed out some add more 'drama' then "others" do.

Of which it can be PROVED that I NEVER even MENTIONED 'your name' "dontaskme" LET ALONE AGREED to absolutely ANY thing AT ALL about you. So, 'you', ONCE AGAIN, ADDING WORDS that I have NEVER USED NOR WROTE, is MISLEADING, at best, and DECEPTION or DECEIVING, at worst.

Now, if you WANT to make a CLAIM about what I SAY, MEAN, or DO, then USE thee ACTUAL WORDS I have USED and NOT the ONES that 'you' think or ASSUME I am USING/MEANING. Is this FAIR ENOUGH?
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm but then instead of saying yes Dam likes drama, Age twisted it by saying yes, I agree with Henry's response by saying ''some'' more than others, implying Dam.
LOL "dontaskme" 'you' could NOT have TWISTED this "yourself" FURTHER even if you WANT TO.

What I ACTUALLY WROTE and SAID can be CLEARLY SEEN above, and what can be CLEARLY SEEN is that my ACTUAL WORDS are VERY, VERY DIFFERENT from the ONES you have CLAIMED here that I SAID.

Just for STARTERS your USE of the 'YES" word is NOWHERE in what I ACTUALLY WROTE. Which I have ALREADY POINTED OUT, and which the readers have CLEARLY NOTICED and SEEN, YET 'you' will STILL go on with your OWN TWISTED and DISTORTED VERSION.

This, here, is ANOTHER PRIME EXAMPLE of just HOW MUCH BELIEFS can and DO STOP and PREVENT people from SEEING thee ACTUAL Truth of things.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm Anyways, I will continue to remind you Age of this event that you keep denying has happened.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm It will only stop when you accept that you really did agree with Henry that Dam likes drama.
'What', EXACTLY, WILL STOP? Thee 'drama' that 'you' are now CREATING and CAUSING?

Also, if I agree with "henry quirk" that "dontaskme" likes 'drama', then WHY would 'you' STOP?

If this is True, then WHY would 'you' STOP doing what 'you' LIKE?
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm So keep on with the pretence of denial all you want, because everytime you respond denying what you meant, I'll just keep reminding you of your denial in your refusal to accept that you did indeed agree with Henry that Dam likes creating drama.
But I have NEVER 'agreed' that "dontasme" LIKES 'drama' NOR LIKES 'creating drama', AND, I have NEVER 'disagreed' that "dontaskme" LIKES 'drama' AND LIKES 'creating drama'.

In Fact, from what I can CLEARLY SEE 'you' are DOING here, which is CREATING 'drama' and MORE, completely UNNECESSARY 'drama', it appears VERY, VERY LIKELY that the one known as "dontaskme" LOVES 'drama' or LOVES 'creating drama', and maybe will even LOVE to 'create, EVEN MORE, 'drama'.

We will just have to WAIT, and SEE.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm You did not have to respond to Henry's reply to your comment, you could have remained silent, but you wanted to stir the wasps nest...didn't you Age, yes you did.
And just like "henry quirk" you write a question, but do NOT put a question mark, which can be a VERY CLEAR INDICATION of when the human beings, back in the days when this was being written, were proposing 'rhetorical questions', ONLY, because, to them, they BELIEVED that they ALREADY KNEW the One and ONLY correct and right answer.

Oh, and by the way, NO one 'has to' reply to ANY comment, made by ANY one, and so could just remain silent, just like you COULD "dontaskme". And, if by your very own "logic" here, EACH TIME 'you' respond, 'you' are just WANTING to "stir the wasps nest", or as "others" say, 'create MORE DRAMA', RIGHT "dontaskme"?
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm I said I was going to move my posts to your own thread Age, isn't that enough for you to understand, and sorry if I didn't move my posts to your thread, in the time frame that you would have preferred,
I have ABSOLUTE NO CONCERN AT ALL WHEN or you do or even IF you do, or NOT do. I REALLY could NOT care less EITHER WAY.

I was just POINTING OUT and SHOWING that you SAID you WERE GOING TO, BUT that you are STILL HERE, ('causing and creating, even more, drama', as some might say).

Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm is that why you felt the urge to bring up the issue again by informing me that you are still waiting for me to move them....I'M SORRY, I didn't move them fast enough for you...and why the hell did you have to say this to me >
Do 'you' REALLY NEED to be TOLD to do some thing which you said you were going to do ANYWAY?
To FIND OUT if you REALLY NEED to be TOLD to do some thing , which you "yourself" said that you were going to to do it ANYWAY, that is WHY "in the (so-called) hell I asked you that question.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Which, by the way, thee True, Right, AND Correct answer for, is either a 'Yes' OR a 'No'.

Do 'you' KNOW WHY your fellow adult companions, in the days when this was written, REALLY had such a HARD TIME to just ACCEPT that AT TIMES questions can be ASKED for NO other reason than just FOR CLARIFICATION?

Do 'you' KNOW WHY there was FEAR, within, that there was ALWAYS an UNDERLYING MEANING or REASON of usually some sort of DECEIVING going on behind WORDS USED and/or QUESTIONS being ASKED?

How many of 'you' have ACTUALLY STOPPED, long enough, to CONSIDER this FULLY?
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:50 pm
Age wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:10 pmI NEVER even KNEW that 'gestures' could be presented in the form or words. I thought that 'gestures' were, literally, movements of the body and a form of nonverbal (or non word) communication.

Stop trying to use this as an excuse to worm your way out again.

Deaf people understand words by the use of non-verbal body movements like sign language.
So to can hearing human beings understand thing by the use of non-verbal clues, or body movements, like sign language or not. And, it is said that a huge percentage of communication is relayed MORE through non-verbal body movements, and NOT sign language, than is through the words themselves. But, NONE OF THIS has absolutely ANY thing to do with what 'you' WROTE here and this is OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE EVERY bit of communication, this this forum, is in WORDS, and WORDS ALONE.

Which is a HUGE REASON WHY ALL of 'us', posters, MISCONSTRUE and/or MISUNDERSTAND a LOT of what is being SAID and WRITTEN here.

Some just MISCONSTRUE and MISUNDERSTAND MORE than "others" do BECAUSE that MAKE ASSUMPTIONS and/or CONCLUDE 'things' BEFORE they CLARIFY 'things'.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm Well guess what Age, there's another surprise ...Hearing people can understand verbal gestures as well, in the form of words, which are also known as signs Age....can you read 'sign posts' Age?
'Words' AND 'sign posts' are NOT ALWAYS referred to as 'gestures'.

For example, WHERE is the 'gesture' in the word 'age', and, what IS the ACTUAL 'gesture' in the word 'age'?
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:39 pm Hello, are you reading me, is there anyone in there? :roll:
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:15 pm I'm not responding to any of your posts on this thread, because Henry doesn't like it, and I respect that.

I formally cede the thread to you two: don't stop on my account

And HOW COME 'you' do NOT like it when the one known as "dontaskme" responds to ANY of my posts, here, in this thread?

And, to 'you', if someone, supposedly and allegedly, KNOWS that 'you' do NOT like them responding to someone "else's" posts, here in this thread, and that they, supposedly and allegedly, RESPECTS that, then would that, usually, be a SIGN that they WOULD STOP?
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Dontaskme »

AGE>..Your still in denial that you did indeed agree with Henry that Dam likes to be dramatic on this forum.

Henry responded to you personally and wrote ''Dam loves the drama DONT YOU KNOW''

To which you responded by saying ''some more than others'' as if you were acknowledging Henry's DONT YOU KNOW comment, which was pointing to Dam as being the ''some more than others''....that you posited as a response.

Hey, it's not that I care about any of this, It's perfectly ok for you to agree with Henry's comment about Dam liking drama, I don't have a problem with your opinion, but just don't deny and lie about the fact that you did indeed agree with Henry that Dam likes drama, just own it and be truthful about it that's all I want from people, I like honesty, not deception. I prefer absolute honesty when it comes to true, real and genuine opinions. At the end of the day, as long as we are not physically harming other human beings with the intent to kill them, then it's perfectly ok to exchange opinions with ourselves, just don't intentionally lie in order to decieve is all I ask.

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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Dontaskme »

Age wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:49 am
'Words' AND 'sign posts' are NOT ALWAYS referred to as 'gestures'.
Yes they are, and for those who have a high awareness of being able to read between the lines when engaging in a two way discourse... some people are more able to discern if there is a hidden meaning and are able to decipher what the hidden gesture is actually saying. Gesture can be given in both verbal and non-verbal ways.

I'm talking about information recieved by the reader from the writer.

For example: someone can say to someone else ''I want you to stop doing that'' ....and then the other person can reply by saying, ok I understand the gesture, I will stop doing that...but then the request can be worded in a completely different
way and still mean the exact same thing, is what I am trying to say...but if you do not understand what I am saying here now, then so be it, I'm not going to try and explain it any more to you.

What is the meaning of kind gesture?
1 having a friendly or generous nature or attitude.

Henry was politely gesturing that we were highjacking his thread.

Gesture can also be seen in the written word.
Verbal communication involves the use of words or speech or auditory language to express emotions or thoughts or exchange.

Gesture is not all about hand or other bodily's about verbal communication as well.

End of sermon.

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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by henry quirk »

HOW COME 'you' do NOT like it when the one known as "dontaskme" responds to ANY of my posts, here, in this thread?

hey, I've ceded the thread to you two, signalin' my lack of interest in both thread and the DAM-Age Dialogues

leave me out of it
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Dontaskme »

henry quirk wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:04 pm HOW COME 'you' do NOT like it when the one known as "dontaskme" responds to ANY of my posts, here, in this thread?

hey, I've ceded the thread to you two, signalin' my lack of interest in both thread and the DAM-Age Dialogues

leave me out of it


Welcome to the broken universe, how may I fix you? 8) :D
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am
Age wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:49 am
'Words' AND 'sign posts' are NOT ALWAYS referred to as 'gestures'.
Yes they are,
So, to you, 'words' are ALWAYS referred to as 'gestures'.

But, just so you become AWARE, to some the word 'gesture' refers to 'body movement', and has nothing at all to do with 'words', themselves.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 amand for those who have a high awareness of being able to read between the lines when engaging in a two way discourse...
How, EXACTLY, are the two related here?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am some people are more able to discern if there is a hidden meaning and are able to decipher what the hidden gesture is actually saying.
Very True that some are more able to discern, better, if there is a, supposed, "hidden" message or meaning within expressed 'words', than "others" are able to. But the 'gesture' word does NOT mean NOR refers to the 'meaning' NOR the 'message' words to some "others".
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am Gesture can be given in both verbal and non-verbal ways.
Can it really?

Will you provide some examples?

If no, then WHY NOT?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am I'm talking about information recieved by the reader from the writer.
Okay but to "others" what you talk about here has absolutely nothing at all to do with what 'gestures' are, to them.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am For example: someone can say to someone else ''I want you to stop doing that'' ....and then the other person can reply by saying, ok I understand the gesture, I will stop doing that...
But what was the 'gesture' here EXACTLY?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am but then the request can be worded in a completely different way and still mean the exact same thing, is what I am trying to say...
Well, just so you are completely AWARE, that has absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEV AT ALL to with 'gesture', to some.

That is just saying, WITH WORDS, what one WANTS done.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am but if you do not understand what I am saying here now, then so be it, I'm not going to try and explain it any more to you.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am What is the meaning of kind gesture?
1 having a friendly or generous nature or attitude.

Henry was politely gesturing that we were highjacking his thread.
Are you STILL hijacking "henry quirk's" thread here?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am Gesture can also be seen in the written word.
Verbal communication involves the use of words or speech or auditory language to express emotions or thoughts or exchange.

Gesture is not all about hand or other bodily's about verbal communication as well.

Do you have a link to a dictionary, which contains your definition here?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am End of sermon.
Thank God.
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Dontaskme »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am End of sermon.
Age wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:54 pmThank God.
You could have ended it much sooner yourself, but your obvious craving for drama supercedes your thankful welcome relief from it. :mrgreen:
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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Dontaskme »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am Gesture is not all about hand or other bodily's about verbal communication as well.
Age wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:54 pmDo you have a link to a dictionary, which contains your definition here?
Don't need a dictionary... Once upon a time, my friend said to me, would you like me to take your children to the cinema to watch a movie. I was feeling unwell at the time, so the idea of a small break from my children sounded like a welcoming idea. So I said yes I would, and then thanked my friend by saying to her, thanks friend for offering to take my children to the cinema, I could do with a break, what a lovely gesture.

That's just an example of what is a verbal gesture, in my humble opinion, if you do not agree that that is an example of verbal gesture, then so be it, and quite frankly I do not give two shiny shites whether you agree or not....because I already know no one ever made up the definition of a word... words are just a bunch of bibbley babbley boo noises that just happen to appear like a story someone wrote, when in reality, no one ever wrote a dam thing... So there! stick that in your pipe and smoke it. 8)

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Re: free will: yep, another thread about 'that'...

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:36 am
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:04 am End of sermon.
Age wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:54 pmThank God.
You could have ended it much sooner yourself, but your obvious craving for drama supercedes your thankful welcome relief from it. :mrgreen:
You said and wrote; "End of sermon", in regards to what 'you wrote'.

I just said and wrote; "Thank God", in regards to what 'you wrote/your sermon'.
Last edited by Age on Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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