Since Women Were "Liberated"

Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Scott Mayers
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Scott Mayers »

simplicity wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:54 pm
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am "Family" is just a comfortable group that EVERYONE defaults to stick to where it exists. I don't get the argument that 'family' needs MORE attention when it more often comes from those who already have the value of it and who just judge others as though they were CHOSING to run away from it. The reason for those seeking larger genetic associations is more likely because they lack the REALISTIC fortune of supportive immediate families and this often relates to ones' economic state of poverty, not some arbitrary preference AGAINST family values. And so those SEEKING rhetoric regarding 'family' from the people who suffer more, it is understandably interpreted as ones 'race' (or 'sex').
The family is the best thing our species has going for it. Even dys-functional families [and all are to a certain degree] are better than none at all. Look at what happened to the Black community when LBJ's "Great Society" made it feasible for black women to have children out of wedlock. Before the sixties, the Black family [against great odds] was the glue that held those folks together. Look at what those folks were able to accomplish!

The best thing any society can do is provide lots of support for parents who are trying to do a good job, be they white, black, yellow, red, purple or green. This is one thing we do know! Let the rest be up to the individual. Don't be critical of those who are doing it correct and succeeding. Their behaviors should be modeled by the rest. Thinking you can lead a successful life by doing unsuccessful things is one of the most bizarre out-croppings of woke ideology.
When one says they "support the family", it IMPLIES that (1) family is NOT the default means of protection and (2)that others intentionally opted OUT of the nuclear immediate family that you think IS 'superior' universally and unqualified. The 'woke' support larger 'family' extention. The problems of THESE are due to the extension of belief that one's OWN KIND is better to stick with because they are most empowered. And if you are correct, they are then even MORE correct for embracing their aunts, uncles, ancestors, etc.

To me, the problems that lead from 'family' are to those who independently opt to EXCLUDE others with the belief that one's GENETIC associations are preferred to coincide with their ENVIRONMENTAL associations. And then it is a fact that beliefs that are DEFAULT to the individual also exend to the STRENGTH of one's LOVE for that group. So the stronger one's "LOVE" is for ones own 'family', the more self preserving they are in demanding their members PERSIST in keeping that LOVE STRONG.

The next stage towards the problems is based upon ecomomy: there is a LIMIT to the finite resources available and so leads to disparities that ADD FORCE to favoring your own while EXCLUDING those especially where struggle exists more. Thus, this combination leads to a counter "HATE" of outsiders when they demand those with such happy adjusted families refuse the social responsibility to support other beyond themselves, like limiting their tax burden so that is doesn't help outsiders while opposingly demanding it 'fair' for them to uniquely act as the 'governor' of the profit machine without outsiders complaining about exploiting by the profit incentive.

So the COUNTER woke movements are no different than those demanding we pay ATTENTION ONLY TO OUR OWN KIND.
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am The FACT of evolutionary biology in ALL species is that a MINORITY of them are PREFERRED based upon their genetics while the rest are expected to find second-hand glory in supporting them without complaint. In other words, those who interpret the value of family HAVE at least something genetic of interest by others and so are NOT simply DOING something that merits their virtue of HAVING good families.
That's the way it goes. You play the hand you are dealt. The good news is that in many society's, you can still achieve quite a bit if you work harder. The best way to give the greatest number of people the greatest opportunity are strong families. This has been known forever...
This is an example of the reflection of the one WITH power advising the worth of being WITHOUT as though they are on par but as DISTINCT SPECIES. Should a poor person accept the fate as though they are distinct species? Are wealthy or successful people born as 'lions' while the impoverished or unsuccessful born to be 'mice'? This is tending towards the justification for thinking in terms of "Supremacists" as though everyone regardless of what income they have started with, the 'lions' will always arise to sucess and the rest will always fall to prove their innate 'mice-hood'!
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am In other words, the "family" values that you are interpreting is about something that only a privileged minority get to realize because the pre-requisite of the formula that goes into even being acceptable in successful relationships is still INHERITANCE (genetic, for the biological attraction, and environmental, for the means of security of one another and the children they could have). This is an unrealistic goal and the only reason why the West has more of the variation of sexual 'preferences' that seem as though we are tending towards 'anti-family' traditional sentiments is because (1), we CAN due to better options available in relatively 'wealthier' countries BUT (2) the 'family' value supporters 'prefer' a world that makes such options ILLEGAL and SINFUL. So the trend 'against' the family is justified if only because we ALL want at least SOME happiness and ALL do not like to be 'enslavened' to serve those who have these 'family values'.
Scott, you make your own happiness in this world. You don't seem like a person who would dwell on all the things that can present a problem. People who are successful do what they have to do regardless of all of these challenges. Make your own life. Nobody cares if you don't want a family but standing in the way of having strong families is an enormous mistake. Personally, I am a philosophical anarchist but that doesn't mean that I don't support the most functional government possible.
? NO ONE chooses to default to be without family. They only ADAPT to either seek alternatives or die off regardless. No one OWNS their own 'happiness' EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHO STILL SURVIVE WITHOUT family supports and who don't BLOW their brains out.

I ADAPT because I have NO CHOICE but to or I die. I ADAPT in spite of whatever unhappiness I have due to the lack of supports and HOPE to adapt to be happy. But successful people do NOT 'earn' their happiness. They either ARE happy or are NOT as an accidental biological reflection of their present conditions. So only those who are forced to adapt ALWAYS 'own' any happiness IF they survive and adapt.

I don't approve of the 'positive' think movements that propose such delusions of 'owning' credit to themselves is earned.

But there are exceptions: The motivativing con artists who 'succeed' by selling the very story of their 'success'. The likes of an Anthony Robins to me is a joke when just his physical stature alone suffices to make others GIVE in to the scheme. That is, he is no different than how Marylin Monroe was propped up for success except that she happened to prefer people love her for what's in her head and not its color. And Marylin is a good example of how the successful also do not 'own' their happiness in principle.

IT IS DARWINIAN: If your environment FITS with what you are born with inherently, this alone determines your longevity and the improved but not guaranteed happiness upon that fitness as supported by the environment (appeal to your 'fitness'), then you get the fortune to have sex and thus, 'family'.
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am To me, I am not shocked by the extremes and although we are tending to swing to unusual 'weirdness' by traditional standards, IF we accept these as more 'normal', then those, like those 'ugly ducklings' will FIND interests they are presently being conflicted to explosive degrees. Things like rape and murders, and those who turn to child predation are most related to the fact that they are DENIED the equivalence of power to have normal 'family' relationships by default. This did not differ in the past but was just more hidden better.
These are all very complex issues. Human beings are strange animals.
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am The "liberating" of women is also for men too.
I've never met anybody against the idea that society should be structured to support maximum opportunity for the maximum amount of people. As I stated originally, most all the professional women [with younger families] I have known over the years have been miserable people. The pressure to do it all has taken a great toll on their husbands, their children, and especially themselves. There is nothing liberating in being a single mom in her forties dropping the kids off at day care in her leased Lexus while sporting the latest handbag and a modicum of jewelry salvaged from her failed family relationship.

This experiment has been a massive failure.
You never heard of "utilitarianism"?: To appeal to the maximum satisfaction of the most people. It is a main principle underlying liberal democracies and DEFINES it.

The way your wrote that last part seemed oddly less discriptive of the majority but a caricature of the 'poor' person trying to salvage a prior relative state of comfort. one who initially wins a lottery but loses it all in some freak accident! [That's the 'privilege' misinterpreting poverty as the dynamic suffering of loss but not the direct meaning of poverty given that is the bottom, whether born there or not.]

Those are not an 'experiments' unless you interpret all progress as such. Then you shouldn't mind proving it by giving up the 'progressive' luxuries and going back to nature, if you can find any space left!
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Immanuel Can
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Immanuel Can »

...unestablished non-existing victims that your favored 'media' makes up:
Nope. You can find them yourself. ... llegations and here: ... iams199805 and here: ... on-2017-11 advocated for Trump...
Wrong again. I'm not an American. I don't vote for or "advocate" anybody there.
...why mention Bill Clinton's sex scandals but not Trump's?
Because we were discussing the Leftist allegation that we should "believe all women," and Bill Clinton is a darling of the Leftists. Only a Leftist is relevant to showing the hypocrisy of a Leftist policy.

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Immanuel Can
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Immanuel Can »

Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:16 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 1:03 am
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:22 am I know that you disapprove of Trudeau based upon what he is doing yet without noticing that he is precisely politically based upon the very partiality to favor religion in our government that you do.
You couldn't be more wrong...about a couple of things. One is that I have no interest in any church becoming "State," nor in any State authority abridging the practice of religion. Both are nuts. Secondly, Trudeau is at least nominally Catholic. I am not a Catholic at all.

So I call hogwash on that.
You are flippant.
No, I'm honest. And I simply decline to be misrepresented.

I do not believe in any overlap of Church and State, and have said no such thing. If you think I have, quote it. If you can't, don't allege it, because it's false.

You jumped to that conclusion all by yourself, without any help from me. I merely point out to you that it's hogwash.
Trudea is a relative "political conservative"
No, not even close.

I was right: you don't even know what "conservative" means.
Don't hold back then. So the following etymology is wrong because you say so?:
conservative (adj.)
late 14c., conservatyf, "tending to preserve or protect, preservative, having the power to keep whole or safe," from Old French conservatif, from Medieval Latin conservativus, from Latin conservatus, past participle of conservare "to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard," from assimilated form of com-, here perhaps an intensive prefix (see com-), + servare "keep watch, maintain" (from PIE root *ser- (1) "to protect").
No, the definition is fine: but it's got nothing to do with Trudeau.

So what all this shows me is you have a very simplistic, naive envy for rich people and Constitutionalists, whom you term "conservatives" and are busy hating. But you have no idea in actuality what's going on or who you're hating. You're just angry. Somebody did you dirt, and you're mad about it. That's all. It's not really any deeper than that, despite all the words.

I don't know what I can tell you, Scott. If you think Trudeau is a "conservative," then you just don't know at all what one is. Nobody's going to agree with you on least, nobody who knows Trudeau at all.
You are completely deluded.
:D Well, if that's not how it is, Scott, then explain to me why you think Canada's very Left leaning political parties -- which really describes the whole Canadian political spectrum, from (Progressive) Conservative to Liberal to NDP and Greens, with the possible exception of the PQ, the PPC and the Freedom Party -- is actually "conservative."

You're clearly defining "conservative" in a way that nobody else is.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by simplicity »

Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 am When one says they "support the family", it IMPLIES that (1) family is NOT the default means of protection and (2)that others intentionally opted OUT of the nuclear immediate family that you think IS 'superior' universally and unqualified. The 'woke' support larger 'family' extention. The problems of THESE are due to the extension of belief that one's OWN KIND is better to stick with because they are most empowered. And if you are correct, they are then even MORE correct for embracing their aunts, uncles, ancestors, etc.
People can do whatever they want, but not supporting something as fundamental as the nuclear family is an enormous mistake. One of the problems with progressive thinking [in general] is that it assumes that everything [except what is currently working for them] needs to change. Some things are the way they are for very good reason!
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amTo me, the problems that lead from 'family' are to those who independently opt to EXCLUDE others with the belief that one's GENETIC associations are preferred to coincide with their ENVIRONMENTAL associations. And then it is a fact that beliefs that are DEFAULT to the individual also exend to the STRENGTH of one's LOVE for that group. So the stronger one's "LOVE" is for ones own 'family', the more self preserving they are in demanding their members PERSIST in keeping that LOVE STRONG.
I am not sure what you are getting at here. Blood is thicker than water is something that has thought to been true throughout history. Obviously, it's not true all the time, but would you deny that many [if not most] have a bond with their immediate family? Thinking you can replace this is not a popular notion. Can you have other relationships, sure. Have as many as you like.
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amThe next stage towards the problems is based upon ecomomy: there is a LIMIT to the finite resources available and so leads to disparities that ADD FORCE to favoring your own while EXCLUDING those especially where struggle exists more.
Every group is like this. People have a tendency to associate [do business with] those who they are most comfortable with. This happens EVERYWHERE. What's wrong with that? Work hard and provide a superior product/service and the vast majority will do well.
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amThus, this combination leads to a counter "HATE" of outsiders when they demand those with such happy adjusted families refuse the social responsibility to support other beyond themselves, like limiting their tax burden so that is doesn't help outsiders while opposingly demanding it 'fair' for them to uniquely act as the 'governor' of the profit machine without outsiders complaining about exploiting by the profit incentive.

So the COUNTER woke movements are no different than those demanding we pay ATTENTION ONLY TO OUR OWN KIND.
Every group that came to the U.S. had to make it on their own. Special treatment has only created dependency. You work hard and you win. You live a completely dys-functional life and you exist.
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am The FACT of evolutionary biology in ALL species is that a MINORITY of them are PREFERRED based upon their genetics while the rest are expected to find second-hand glory in supporting them without complaint. In other words, those who interpret the value of family HAVE at least something genetic of interest by others and so are NOT simply DOING something that merits their virtue of HAVING good families.
That's the way it goes. You play the hand you are dealt. The good news is that in many society's, you can still achieve quite a bit if you work harder. The best way to give the greatest number of people the greatest opportunity are strong families. This has been known forever... [/quote]
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amThis is an example of the reflection of the one WITH power advising the worth of being WITHOUT as though they are on par but as DISTINCT SPECIES. Should a poor person accept the fate as though they are distinct species? Are wealthy or successful people born as 'lions' while the impoverished or unsuccessful born to be 'mice'? This is tending towards the justification for thinking in terms of "Supremacists" as though everyone regardless of what income they have started with, the 'lions' will always arise to success and the rest will always fall to prove their innate 'mice-hood'!
There will always be those with advantages. It's just the way it is. Again, the good news is that we live in a time where the majority can do something about their station in life. It's a hell of a lot better than it used to be.

Equality of outcome is never going to happen nor would you want it to happen. To make this occur would involve creating the ultimate dystopian nightmare. The USSR was a little glimpse into such a future. Those who push for such outcomes become the most vile authoritarians.
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am In other words, the "family" values that you are interpreting is about something that only a privileged minority get to realize because the pre-requisite of the formula that goes into even being acceptable in successful relationships is still INHERITANCE (genetic, for the biological attraction, and environmental, for the means of security of one another and the children they could have). This is an unrealistic goal and the only reason why the West has more of the variation of sexual 'preferences' that seem as though we are tending towards 'anti-family' traditional sentiments is because (1), we CAN due to better options available in relatively 'wealthier' countries BUT (2) the 'family' value supporters 'prefer' a world that makes such options ILLEGAL and SINFUL. So the trend 'against' the family is justified if only because we ALL want at least SOME happiness and ALL do not like to be 'enslavened' to serve those who have these 'family values'.
Scott, you make your own happiness in this world. You don't seem like a person who would dwell on all the things that can present a problem. People who are successful do what they have to do regardless of all of these challenges. Make your own life. Nobody cares if you don't want a family but standing in the way of having strong families is an enormous mistake. Personally, I am a philosophical anarchist but that doesn't mean that I don't support the most functional government possible.[/quote]
? NO ONE chooses to default to be without family. They only ADAPT to either seek alternatives or die off regardless. No one OWNS their own 'happiness' EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHO STILL SURVIVE WITHOUT family supports and who don't BLOW their brains out.

I ADAPT because I have NO CHOICE but to or I die. I ADAPT in spite of whatever unhappiness I have due to the lack of supports and HOPE to adapt to be happy. But successful people do NOT 'earn' their happiness. They either ARE happy or are NOT as an accidental biological reflection of their present conditions. So only those who are forced to adapt ALWAYS 'own' any happiness IF they survive and adapt. [/quote]

This is where you are so wrong. People do earn their own happiness. The vast majority of people raised int so-called normal homes are not overly happy. Happiness [or contentment] is something each individual can create by doing the things that bring balance into their lives. Do you have a better chance at success growing up in a better environment. Of course, but you also have a better chance if you are good looking, smart, in good health and physical condition, educate yourself, be a nice person, etc. It's not just about being born into a "good' family.
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amI don't approve of the 'positive' think movements that propose such delusions of 'owning' credit to themselves is earned.

But there are exceptions: The motivativing con artists who 'succeed' by selling the very story of their 'success'. The likes of an Anthony Robins to me is a joke when just his physical stature alone suffices to make others GIVE in to the scheme. That is, he is no different than how Marylin Monroe was propped up for success except that she happened to prefer people love her for what's in her head and not its color. And Marylin is a good example of how the successful also do not 'own' their happiness in principle.

IT IS DARWINIAN: If your environment FITS with what you are born with inherently, this alone determines your longevity and the improved but not guaranteed happiness upon that fitness as supported by the environment (appeal to your 'fitness'), then you get the fortune to have sex and thus, 'family'.
You really believe this way? How old are you?
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am To me, I am not shocked by the extremes and although we are tending to swing to unusual 'weirdness' by traditional standards, IF we accept these as more 'normal', then those, like those 'ugly ducklings' will FIND interests they are presently being conflicted to explosive degrees. Things like rape and murders, and those who turn to child predation are most related to the fact that they are DENIED the equivalence of power to have normal 'family' relationships by default. This did not differ in the past but was just more hidden better.
These are all very complex issues. Human beings are strange animals.
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am The "liberating" of women is also for men too.
I've never met anybody against the idea that society should be structured to support maximum opportunity for the maximum amount of people. As I stated originally, most all the professional women [with younger families] I have known over the years have been miserable people. The pressure to do it all has taken a great toll on their husbands, their children, and especially themselves. There is nothing liberating in being a single mom in her forties dropping the kids off at day care in her leased Lexus while sporting the latest handbag and a modicum of jewelry salvaged from her failed family relationship.

This experiment has been a massive failure.
You never heard of "utilitarianism"?: To appeal to the maximum satisfaction of the most people. It is a main principle underlying liberal democracies and DEFINES it.

The way your wrote that last part seemed oddly less discriptive of the majority but a caricature of the 'poor' person trying to salvage a prior relative state of comfort. one who initially wins a lottery but loses it all in some freak accident! [That's the 'privilege' misinterpreting poverty as the dynamic suffering of loss but not the direct meaning of poverty given that is the bottom, whether born there or not.]

Those are not an 'experiments' unless you interpret all progress as such. Then you shouldn't mind proving it by giving up the 'progressive' luxuries and going back to nature, if you can find any space left!

Scott, it's not about self [in a higher sense]. After you get your own act together, then you try to help others. What you see as progress is only on a very superficial marginal level. Look at the bigger picture. Take a step back and look at generations. In the midst of all this technology, human beings are falling apart.
Scott Mayers
Posts: 2446
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:53 am

Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Scott Mayers »

Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:42 pm ...unestablished non-existing victims that your favored 'media' makes up:
Nope. You can find them yourself. ... llegations and here: ... iams199805 and here: ... on-2017-11 advocated for Trump...
Wrong again. I'm not an American. I don't vote for or "advocate" anybody there.
...why mention Bill Clinton's sex scandals but not Trump's?
Because we were discussing the Leftist allegation that we should "believe all women," and Bill Clinton is a darling of the Leftists. Only a Leftist is relevant to showing the hypocrisy of a Leftist policy.

Easy to disprove:

I am "Leftist". I do not believe that all women should be trusted by default.

As to Bill Clinton, you are not American you just said, and if you were are also correct that he violated women, then he would not believe that all women should be trusted. Then he would not support a policy to demand all women be trusted by default. Nor have you any proof of such a policy.

You say you do not 'advocate' for the likes of Trump, but are 'advocating' against Bill Clinton.

You have not ground to stand on and this issue is closed. Continuing to insist otherwise is just proof that you are 'advocating' in bias of some particular people and against another exclusively set of people and it makes you a further hypocrite to maintain your anonymity if you are unafraid of the consequences of your slanderous accusations.
Scott Mayers
Posts: 2446
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Scott Mayers »

Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:54 pm
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:16 am You are completely deluded.
:D Well, if that's not how it is, Scott, then explain to me why you think Canada's very Left leaning political parties -- which really describes the whole Canadian political spectrum, from (Progressive) Conservative to Liberal to NDP and Greens, with the possible exception of the PQ, the PPC and the Freedom Party -- is actually "conservative."

You're clearly defining "conservative" in a way that nobody else is.
Then I must be a 'nobody'. I'll wait for you to unmask your cloak to see if you aren't just another 'nobody' like me too.
Scott Mayers
Posts: 2446
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:53 am

Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Scott Mayers »

simplicity wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:31 pm
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 am When one says they "support the family", it IMPLIES that (1) family is NOT the default means of protection and (2)that others intentionally opted OUT of the nuclear immediate family that you think IS 'superior' universally and unqualified. The 'woke' support larger 'family' extention. The problems of THESE are due to the extension of belief that one's OWN KIND is better to stick with because they are most empowered. And if you are correct, they are then even MORE correct for embracing their aunts, uncles, ancestors, etc.
People can do whatever they want, but not supporting something as fundamental as the nuclear family is an enormous mistake. One of the problems with progressive thinking [in general] is that it assumes that everything [except what is currently working for them] needs to change. Some things are the way they are for very good reason!
What specifically is lacking support of the nuclear family?

That is, you either believe some (1) POSITIVE legislations are needed to add the power of bonding in immediate families or (2) NEGATIVE ones to remove laws you believe are interfering in the success of them or both.

If (1), what positive laws would add force to favor families?

If (2) Negative ones to remove
You point to the 'progressive thinking' here at least and so imply that you certainly dislike certain laws that NEGATE some success of immediate families and so what is affecting ...
(a) the specific success of your family personally, whether directly or indirectly? ... or
(b)the general success of any family?

Note that people do not opt out of immediate family without a reason of some degree of dysfunction. As such "People can do what they want but...." doesn't deal with 'wants' unless they are breaking potential traditional religious views in which case you need to express what these are before we look at them.

Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amTo me, the problems that lead from 'family' are to those who independently opt to EXCLUDE others with the belief that one's GENETIC associations are preferred to coincide with their ENVIRONMENTAL associations. And then it is a fact that beliefs that are DEFAULT to the individual also exend to the STRENGTH of one's LOVE for that group. So the stronger one's "LOVE" is for ones own 'family', the more self preserving they are in demanding their members PERSIST in keeping that LOVE STRONG.
I am not sure what you are getting at here. Blood is thicker than water is something that has thought to been true throughout history. Obviously, it's not true all the time, but would you deny that many [if not most] have a bond with their immediate family? Thinking you can replace this is not a popular notion. Can you have other relationships, sure. Have as many as you like.
This is about how the general concentration of genetic identity for those in better economic standing increase in favor of 'family' centered laws but opposingly amplify the racial concentration of those in poor communities based not upon hate but love. This is one of those CRT factors that assert indirect unintended causes of imbalances between racial identity concentrations and their economy. Also, given those who have better economic states when raising thier families act as a deterent to the negative values you are concerned about, you have to notice how "supporting family" requires at minimal increasing their income to PAR before even considering how other additional 'supports' that are equal across economic boundaries are effective. For instance, my mother used child tax credits to buy luxuries for herself as she interpreted this as acting indirectly to grant her return against the burden she percieved from our expense. Thus, she percieved we were still the ones receiving this indirectly because she felt less negative about the 'losses'. Now of course I disagree and perhaps you and most others would share this differenc of opinion too. But it did improve how she behaved towards us during those times of struggle for the relatively short period of the benefit.

As to the concentration issue, given that we identify with those we love strongly the similar physiological identities in those we choose to have new families with, we tend to bias favor to the racial identity regardless of overt intent and derive an evasive attitude towards those by EXCLUSIONARY attention to foreign concerns outside those interests, amplified strengthening of 'family' based upon LOVE amplies at the very least, an INDIFFERENCE towards the compassion of others of physiological identities most apparently defining, such as race. Because of this, if given even the best mix of applicants for a job, especially entry level ones, those who have identities of the 'indifferent' races get passed by even by the least racist employer. This then adds force to the rejection of those races who are already dominantly poor and increases their general 'negative' reactions. Favoring 'family' thus disfavors the poor without respecting things like welfare. But even those supports are coinciding with those of you from the Right. As such, whether you admit it or not, your 'family' values concept actualy fosters racism where it is EXCLUSIVE of non-family issue supports. If you believe that 'progressive' means to aide the poor are destroying families, this is not true AND is more because of the superhyper decision of most supports for 'welfare' to be limited to NOT be fully sufficient to get by on by default. The usual supports there impose underpar survival aide with the presumption of fear that they'd lose 'incentive' to work. Unlike even on par-family struggles by the WORKING POOR, most do not get incentives enough to even FAIL at employers expectations based upon prior states. As such, if a poor person who might get a McJob, if they begin below par by the welfare considerations, as soon as they begin work, they lose the welfare supports and require a period of abscense of income for the average month they are beginning work.

Now tell me how you could function in that period without fucking up somewhere? It could be something as simple as being late once or twice. Once they either get fired or quit, they are then less likely to be able get the aide they had and thus lose twice as much. Remember that we are also talking about the racial factor. The common behavior of the poor would also add force to real stereotypes of those people.

And this is not to mention the fact that when whole families are poor and in larger concentrations, any gain of one who does get to keep a job, their relative gains are expected to be shared. I mean, imagine a poor black kid who just successfully got through the month and upon receiving his check opts to go buy himself a nice meal. How would his friends feel about just going along with him to watch him eat the meal while not expecting anything for themselves?

The racial disparities initiate the subtle discrimination that then gets worse and worse until someone somewhere explodes. And of course you should expect the likelihood of this to occur in the ones of the impoverished concentrated classes. But it actually is amplified more by those of the opposite who FEAR those who lack just as the kid in the poor community would of his relative gain among his more impoverished friends. Thus the 'hate' occurs between those who have more against those who do not with more force because where they DO help, those in need act as desperate vaccuums (regardless of intent) and, especially for those working poor who get the work successfully in contrast to the welfare poor. And since the favor of stereotypes is to the races of the wealthier, even the discrimination of those entry level working poor are concentrated with imbalances.

Favoring the 'family' is defaulted to regardless of where you are. But if the favoring is about negating the welfare of other such families, it enhances racial division and hate that begun by mere indifference.
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amThe next stage towards the problems is based upon ecomomy: there is a LIMIT to the finite resources available and so leads to disparities that ADD FORCE to favoring your own while EXCLUDING those especially where struggle exists more.
Every group is like this. People have a tendency to associate [do business with] those who they are most comfortable with. This happens EVERYWHERE. What's wrong with that? Work hard and provide a superior product/service and the vast majority will do well.
I just explained this on my last point. And given you seem to think that all 'hard' working people get paid based upon thier merit, you are deluded. Capitalism operates by exploiting the supply/demand that is not merely about product or service value but about how desperate one of the ones 'trading' is by contrast.

How you do not know this just tells me that you come from the better off communities, not that you work harder than the others or that the poor CHOOSE to be less productive. Now if we were in a Communist country, it WOULD be more about 'choice' given people begin on par with each other. They only fail where the whole community itself suffers and if they BEGUN such communism in poverty. Western styles of communism fair better and often get above average middle class benefits .....unions! Also, communes of those who have but chosen voluntarily in such societies where the surrounding world is better off also survive relatively well.

So 'welfare' aides to poorer families are not usually the issue. Rather, the means to FORCE the poor into requiring underpar aides acts to TEASE their survival. For instance, supports pre-family (single people) forces single people to live with others....other poor people in kind, and rarely gives them enough to have their own places as they get into the workforce. That alone creates tremendous problems I cannot begin to address here. But as a hint, just imagine one of your roomates has not paid some bill that you both share. That suffices to often hold liable the others and often forces them to own the debt.
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amThus, this combination leads to a counter "HATE" of outsiders when they demand those with such happy adjusted families refuse the social responsibility to support other beyond themselves, like limiting their tax burden so that is doesn't help outsiders while opposingly demanding it 'fair' for them to uniquely act as the 'governor' of the profit machine without outsiders complaining about exploiting by the profit incentive.

So the COUNTER woke movements are no different than those demanding we pay ATTENTION ONLY TO OUR OWN KIND.
Every group that came to the U.S. had to make it on their own. Special treatment has only created dependency. You work hard and you win. You live a completely dys-functional life and you exist.
Maybe you favor the foreign newcomer over those poor at home for work based on the presumption they work harder, right? But what you might miss is that those who come here NEW from other countries are defaulted to isolated groups who share in the novel conditions and that suffices to enable them to work AND LIVE together, a point I just made above that is opposite. Especially for those come FROM communist countries or are defaulted to having wealth when they get here, the ability to stick together AS 'FAMILY' operates for anyone moving to new countries regardless. But the cause of failure of those at home who fail to meet your expectations are beginning with whole communities of loss past second generation arrivals. Ghettos are not just the PLACES one comes from literally but the large 'family' classes who are impoverished by a generation or more.

Anyone who defaults to success from labor always looks back at their success in a better light than those who do not. NOBODY who succeeds would say "I was a lazy person who somehow got lucky." Or do you know of such? Your judgement of OTHERS failures relies on some assumption of equality by the standards of initial conditions.....'equity' was the word as it means "capital ownership equality".
Scott Mayers wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:23 am The FACT of evolutionary biology in ALL species is that a MINORITY of them are PREFERRED based upon their genetics while the rest are expected to find second-hand glory in supporting them without complaint. In other words, those who interpret the value of family HAVE at least something genetic of interest by others and so are NOT simply DOING something that merits their virtue of HAVING good families.
That's the way it goes. You play the hand you are dealt. The good news is that in many society's, you can still achieve quite a bit if you work harder. The best way to give the greatest number of people the greatest opportunity are strong families. This has been known forever...
You are biased to not recognize that this is not in isolation of initial capital equality or by those who come from prior states of systems you hate in principle who CAN live together when novel to the capitalist system. But it is also competing families of distinctly different cultures who create isolated mobs that get them ahead in generations to come against other groups of the same.

You are ignorant of your reflective superiority in merit. Also IF your mentality to "play that hand you are dealt" is fair, you are playing poker and not asshole. !
Games of chance actually apply when you consider the distinct power of those who play based upon their prior state of wealth and how the house's odds are always against the player.

In fact, if you were to play poker, do you not have to begin with each other having the same initial input or they are excluded without some unusually unfair lender capitalizing on the neediest?
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amThis is an example of the reflection of the one WITH power advising the worth of being WITHOUT as though they are on par but as DISTINCT SPECIES. Should a poor person accept the fate as though they are distinct species? Are wealthy or successful people born as 'lions' while the impoverished or unsuccessful born to be 'mice'? This is tending towards the justification for thinking in terms of "Supremacists" as though everyone regardless of what income they have started with, the 'lions' will always arise to success and the rest will always fall to prove their innate 'mice-hood'!
There will always be those with advantages. It's just the way it is. Again, the good news is that we live in a time where the majority can do something about their station in life. It's a hell of a lot better than it used to be.

Equality of outcome is never going to happen nor would you want it to happen. To make this occur would involve creating the ultimate dystopian nightmare. The USSR was a little glimpse into such a future. Those who push for such outcomes become the most vile authoritarians.
You guys always use "equality of outcome" to imply that this places the horse before the cart. The 'equality' is of INITIAL STATES that require granting an adjustment to the head start due to the default head start of the more fortunate. You refuse to allow taking away your advantage so you have to grant the right of the one defaulted to a weakened original state the advance head start as you do to adjust the starting gate around oval race tracks where the inner track has a smaller distance than the outer one.

As to the failure of the Communist states comment, they BEGUN their system in dire circumstances and it favored those of such pre-impoverished communities the particular ones who managed to get IN the inital positions from relatively devious origins. If 'communism' begins in an established ghetto without external original wealth then the gangs would represent the 'union' leaders who create the problems by their prior state of relative power. They 'capitalize' on their ability to delude the masses that their intentions are sincerely for community interests but they favor their own in the same way. North Korea is technically 'Communistic' for a lower class but 'Capitalistic' of the leadership class given they pass their powers through INHERITANCE! without the same right of the rest.
Simplicity wrote:

Scott, you make your own happiness in this world. You don't seem like a person who would dwell on all the things that can present a problem. People who are successful do what they have to do regardless of all of these challenges. Make your own life. Nobody cares if you don't want a family but standing in the way of having strong families is an enormous mistake. Personally, I am a philosophical anarchist but that doesn't mean that I don't support the most functional government possible.
? NO ONE chooses to default to be without family. They only ADAPT to either seek alternatives or die off regardless. No one OWNS their own 'happiness' EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHO STILL SURVIVE WITHOUT family supports and who don't BLOW their brains out.

I ADAPT because I have NO CHOICE but to or I die. I ADAPT in spite of whatever unhappiness I have due to the lack of supports and HOPE to adapt to be happy. But successful people do NOT 'earn' their happiness. They either ARE happy or are NOT as an accidental biological reflection of their present conditions. So only those who are forced to adapt ALWAYS 'own' any happiness IF they survive and adapt.
This is where you are so wrong. People do earn their own happiness. The vast majority of people raised int so-called normal homes are not overly happy. Happiness [or contentment] is something each individual can create by doing the things that bring balance into their lives. Do you have a better chance at success growing up in a better environment. Of course, but you also have a better chance if you are good looking, smart, in good health and physical condition, educate yourself, be a nice person, etc. It's not just about being born into a "good' family.
Absolutely disagree. This is a "religious" and arrogant imposition of people that says if someone fails, it must be due to their innate evil as though they earn it. It works for the con artists who require keeping up the motivation of their victims to continue investing when they are skeptical. Pyramid schemes focus on selling 'motivation' literature and conventions because it acts as signicant means to INVERT the onus of the con artist to the one they are conning.

It IS about being born in better relative fortune. It works even better when those groups EXCLUDE membership to only their own kind. Sorry, but I am immune to this type of con.
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:28 amI don't approve of the 'positive' think movements that propose such delusions of 'owning' credit to themselves is earned.

But there are exceptions: The motivativing con artists who 'succeed' by selling the very story of their 'success'. The likes of an Anthony Robins to me is a joke when just his physical stature alone suffices to make others GIVE in to the scheme. That is, he is no different than how Marylin Monroe was propped up for success except that she happened to prefer people love her for what's in her head and not its color. And Marylin is a good example of how the successful also do not 'own' their happiness in principle.

IT IS DARWINIAN: If your environment FITS with what you are born with inherently, this alone determines your longevity and the improved but not guaranteed happiness upon that fitness as supported by the environment (appeal to your 'fitness'), then you get the fortune to have sex and thus, 'family'.
You really believe this way? How old are you?
What? why? Besides being likely your senior, what does age have to do with this? Perhaps I should be asking you this because unless you can demonstrate your own actual argument for what I said was wrong, then you are evading the issue prematurely!
Scott Mayers wrote:

These are all very complex issues. Human beings are strange animals.

I've never met anybody against the idea that society should be structured to support maximum opportunity for the maximum amount of people. As I stated originally, most all the professional women [with younger families] I have known over the years have been miserable people. The pressure to do it all has taken a great toll on their husbands, their children, and especially themselves. There is nothing liberating in being a single mom in her forties dropping the kids off at day care in her leased Lexus while sporting the latest handbag and a modicum of jewelry salvaged from her failed family relationship.

This experiment has been a massive failure.
You never heard of "utilitarianism"?: To appeal to the maximum satisfaction of the most people. It is a main principle underlying liberal democracies and DEFINES it.

The way your wrote that last part seemed oddly less discriptive of the majority but a caricature of the 'poor' person trying to salvage a prior relative state of comfort. one who initially wins a lottery but loses it all in some freak accident! [That's the 'privilege' misinterpreting poverty as the dynamic suffering of loss but not the direct meaning of poverty given that is the bottom, whether born there or not.]

Those are not an 'experiments' unless you interpret all progress as such. Then you shouldn't mind proving it by giving up the 'progressive' luxuries and going back to nature, if you can find any space left!
Scott, it's not about self [in a higher sense]. After you get your own act together, then you try to help others. What you see as progress is only on a very superficial marginal level. Look at the bigger picture. Take a step back and look at generations. In the midst of all this technology, human beings are falling apart.
Oh, you mean like how the conservative can step back to see the whole picture of how the Earth is being destroyed by man? Tell me, do you believe that mankind's selfishness has contributed to Global climate changes that are creating havoc on us of late?

As long as the capitalist has not volunteered laws that CAP the wealth, you have no proof that people who supposedly improve pay it back. "Progressive" luxuries was referencing the advances that those of you on the Right exploit without respecting the social systems that have granted you your head start.

Your thinking is like demanding that the turtoise in a race with Hercules should not have been given a head start or the tortoise is the one being unfair.

Did you know, by the way, that the conniving capitalist inverts the story to favor themselves as the tortoise? In the Tortoise and the Hare, the virtue is given to the tortoise as being the wiser representative of the 'hard working capitalist' who KNOWING THAT THE HARE IS SO SELFISH that he'd greedily take a counter-confidence in himself as to go take a nap BY CHOICE. The ambiguity of the hare as being to the 'progressive' representative of the democratic majority with the tortoises' own steady confidence as a minority 'conservative' comes from a time when Kings interpreted their superior minority RIGHT to rule as based upon the stupidity of the masses! :roll:
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Immanuel Can »

Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 5:23 am I do not believe that all women should be trusted by default.
I'm glad to hear that. Far too many on the Left jumped on that bandwagon. But I've never met a woman who couldn't tell horror stories about lies other women told about something's terribly wrong with that theory, even on women's terms.
As to Bill Clinton, you are not American you just said, and if you were are also correct that he violated women, then he would not believe that all women should be trusted.

Bill Clinton is a predator. It seems it was actually Hillary who bullied his accusers and silenced them, in some cases. ... ew/546170/

Or here's the New York Times on the J. Flowers case:

"By the time Mr. Clinton finally admitted to “sexual relations” with Ms. Flowers, years later, Clinton aides had used stories collected by the private investigator to brand her as a “bimbo” and a “pathological liar.” "

The NYT isn't exactly a "right wing" publication, for sure. They're extremely biased in favour of the Democrats. But even they admit this is what the Clintons did.
You say you do not 'advocate' for the likes of Trump, but are 'advocating' against Bill Clinton.

I'm against all sex predators, of course. I trust you are, as well.
You have not ground to stand on and this issue is closed.
Actually, I do, and have provided the necessary evidence. In any case, who is this person who has the power to "close" that issue? It's neither me nor you, Scott, that much we know.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Immanuel Can »

Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 5:27 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:54 pm
Scott Mayers wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:16 am You are completely deluded.
:D Well, if that's not how it is, Scott, then explain to me why you think Canada's very Left leaning political parties -- which really describes the whole Canadian political spectrum, from (Progressive) Conservative to Liberal to NDP and Greens, with the possible exception of the PQ, the PPC and the Freedom Party -- is actually "conservative."

You're clearly defining "conservative" in a way that nobody else is.
Then I must be a 'nobody'.
I didn't say that, Scott, nor imply it. I said there is nobody who has your definition of "conservative." That just makes you a "somebody" with the wrong definition in mind, not a "nobody."
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by simplicity »

Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 am If (1), what positive laws would add force to favor families?
Let's take an extreme case [China] and there one child policy which has severely screwed-up their demographics. This is going to have a negative effect on that country for decades to come [much like what is happening in Japan]. There are all kinds of ways you can support the family. Tax laws, housing help, great schools, safe neighborhoods, intelligent community planning, free markets and maximum opportunity for all...for starters.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amIf (2) Negative ones to remove
Thousands of laws have been changed since the 70's which has served to decimate the American economy through financialization and exporting jobs. Both of these processes were ANTI-family...big time. You support the family by supporting the economy and allowing individuals to do the rest.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amYou point to the 'progressive thinking' here at least and so imply that you certainly dislike certain laws that NEGATE some success of immediate families and so what is affecting ...
(a) the specific success of your family personally, whether directly or indirectly? ... or
(b)the general success of any family?
I am a HUGE advocate of change when it is needed...when it pushes things forward, creates more opportunity, but only in the context of freedom and never with the idea that somebody else knows what's better for all. Allow individuals to make their own choices.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amNote that people do not opt out of immediate family without a reason of some degree of dysfunction. As such "People can do what they want but...." doesn't deal with 'wants' unless they are breaking potential traditional religious views in which case you need to express what these are before we look at them.
So what's the answer, create a pseudo-society or do everything you can to support the family in the first place. Not everybody is going to win and there should be alternatives available [but not at the expense of the family].
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amThis is about how the general concentration of genetic identity for those in better economic standing increase in favor of 'family' centered laws but opposingly amplify the racial concentration of those in poor communities based not upon hate but love. This is one of those CRT factors that assert indirect unintended causes of imbalances between racial identity concentrations and their economy.
How does that work for Asians?
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amAs to the concentration issue, given that we identify with those we love strongly the similar physiological identities in those we choose to have new families with, we tend to bias favor to the racial identity regardless of overt intent and derive an evasive attitude towards those by EXCLUSIONARY attention to foreign concerns outside those interests, amplified strengthening of 'family' based upon LOVE amplies at the very least, an INDIFFERENCE towards the compassion of others of physiological identities most apparently defining, such as race. Because of this, if given even the best mix of applicants for a job, especially entry level ones, those who have identities of the 'indifferent' races get passed by even by the least racist employer. This then adds force to the rejection of those races who are already dominantly poor and increases their general 'negative' reactions. Favoring 'family' thus disfavors the poor without respecting things like welfare. But even those supports are coinciding with those of you from the Right. As such, whether you admit it or not, your 'family' values concept actualy fosters racism where it is EXCLUSIVE of non-family issue supports. If you believe that 'progressive' means to aide the poor are destroying families, this is not true AND is more because of the superhyper decision of most supports for 'welfare' to be limited to NOT be fully sufficient to get by on by default. The usual supports there impose underpar survival aide with the presumption of fear that they'd lose 'incentive' to work. Unlike even on par-family struggles by the WORKING POOR, most do not get incentives enough to even FAIL at employers expectations based upon prior states. As such, if a poor person who might get a McJob, if they begin below par by the welfare considerations, as soon as they begin work, they lose the welfare supports and require a period of abscense of income for the average month they are beginning work.
I am not really sure how to answer what you wrote above. It appears as if somebody is trying REALLY hard to come up with as many excises as is possible for not doing what needs to be done. Again, what so you say to the Asians who have been able to succeed? Or the black folks who come here from Africa?
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amNow tell me how you could function in that period without fucking up somewhere? It could be something as simple as being late once or twice. Once they either get fired or quit, they are then less likely to be able get the aide they had and thus lose twice as much. Remember that we are also talking about the racial factor. The common behavior of the poor would also add force to real stereotypes of those people.

And this is not to mention the fact that when whole families are poor and in larger concentrations, any gain of one who does get to keep a job, their relative gains are expected to be shared. I mean, imagine a poor black kid who just successfully got through the month and upon receiving his check opts to go buy himself a nice meal. How would his friends feel about just going along with him to watch him eat the meal while not expecting anything for themselves?
Every group started out poor. You do what you have to do...which is work harder to catch-up. That's the only answer and the reason that a fair percentage of the black community is succeeding. [nearly] EVERYBODY wants to see the black community succeed. Who exactly benefits from their continued impoverishment [except Democratic politicians]?
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amI just explained this on my last point. And given you seem to think that all 'hard' working people get paid based upon thier merit, you are deluded. Capitalism operates by exploiting the supply/demand that is not merely about product or service value but about how desperate one of the ones 'trading' is by contrast.

How you do not know this just tells me that you come from the better off communities, not that you work harder than the others or that the poor CHOOSE to be less productive. Now if we were in a Communist country, it WOULD be more about 'choice' given people begin on par with each other. They only fail where the whole community itself suffers and if they BEGUN such communism in poverty. Western styles of communism fair better and often get above average middle class benefits .....unions! Also, communes of those who have but chosen voluntarily in such societies where the surrounding world is better off also survive relatively well.
Scott, I understand how capitalism works. It has many issues but it's the only game in town. The less corruption that exists, the better it works.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amYou guys always use "equality of outcome" to imply that this places the horse before the cart. The 'equality' is of INITIAL STATES that require granting an adjustment to the head start due to the default head start of the more fortunate. You refuse to allow taking away your advantage so you have to grant the right of the one defaulted to a weakened original state the advance head start as you do to adjust the starting gate around oval race tracks where the inner track has a smaller distance than the outer one.
Equality of initial states? Come on now. One of the main motivators for human beings is the belief that their hard work should translate into as advantage for their off-spring. And why shouldn't it? This is NOT a game of monopoly where you just hand in all your assets and play a new game.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amAs to the failure of the Communist states comment, they BEGUN their system in dire circumstances and it favored those of such pre-impoverished communities the particular ones who managed to get IN the inital positions from relatively devious origins. If 'communism' begins in an established ghetto without external original wealth then the gangs would represent the 'union' leaders who create the problems by their prior state of relative power. They 'capitalize' on their ability to delude the masses that their intentions are sincerely for community interests but they favor their own in the same way. North Korea is technically 'Communistic' for a lower class but 'Capitalistic' of the leadership class given they pass their powers through INHERITANCE! without the same right of the rest.
You still believe that communism is the way? If it were possible, it would be the greatest nightmare of all-time.

Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amAbsolutely disagree. This is a "religious" and arrogant imposition of people that says if someone fails, it must be due to their innate evil as though they earn it. It works for the con artists who require keeping up the motivation of their victims to continue investing when they are skeptical. Pyramid schemes focus on selling 'motivation' literature and conventions because it acts as signicant means to INVERT the onus of the con artist to the one they are conning.

It IS about being born in better relative fortune. It works even better when those groups EXCLUDE membership to only their own kind. Sorry, but I am immune to this type of con.
Con? Why accuse me of being dis-ingenuous? I have nothing to gain from that.

Again, people are born into an infinite number of circumstances. Everybody's situation is unique. The best any of us can do is work as hard as we can and hope for the best.

You really believe this way? How old are you?[/quote]
What? why? Besides being likely your senior, what does age have to do with this? Perhaps I should be asking you this because unless you can demonstrate your own actual argument for what I said was wrong, then you are evading the issue prematurely!

I am 66. You?

Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amOh, you mean like how the conservative can step back to see the whole picture of how the Earth is being destroyed by man? Tell me, do you believe that mankind's selfishness has contributed to Global climate changes that are creating havoc on us of late?

As long as the capitalist has not volunteered laws that CAP the wealth, you have no proof that people who supposedly improve pay it back. "Progressive" luxuries was referencing the advances that those of you on the Right exploit without respecting the social systems that have granted you your head start.
Scott, do you ever think outside of the RIght/Left, Wealth/Poverty thing? Is it always oppressors and victims [because we are all oppressors and victims].

I enjoy chatting with you but let's take one subject and explore it more fully. You bring up fifty issues with each of your posts and I cannot even begin to address them in any reasonable way. My proposal...

What would you do about the problem of the inner cities in America?
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Sculptor »

simplicity wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:15 am What would you do about the problem of the inner cities in America?
Introduce democratic socialism.

Rather than using poverty as a means by which rich people loot government finances to build dodgy "projects",
Tax dollars could be used to build better schools and pay teachers a decent wage.
Projects led by the communities rather than capitalist pigs with their faces in troughs might also help to offer more targeted and useful benefits to the communities such as sex education; rape crisis centres; family planning clinics, homeless shelters, and crime prevention initiatives.

Aside from that a lot MORE libertation for women.
This would include special courts to convict rapists.

Rather than spew your unrefereced shit. I thought you might want to read some EVIDENCE based information as to how liberative women has benefits.. ... e-children
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by simplicity »

Sculptor wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 10:27 am
simplicity wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:15 am What would you do about the problem of the inner cities in America?
Introduce democratic socialism.

Rather than using poverty as a means by which rich people loot government finances to build dodgy "projects",
Tax dollars could be used to build better schools and pay teachers a decent wage.
Projects led by the communities rather than capitalist pigs with their faces in troughs might also help to offer more targeted and useful benefits to the communities such as sex education; rape crisis centres; family planning clinics, homeless shelters, and crime prevention initiatives.

Aside from that a lot MORE libertation for women.
This would include special courts to convict rapists.

Rather than spew your unrefereced shit. I thought you might want to read some EVIDENCE based information as to how liberative women has benefits.. ... e-children
Please take your incredible negativity elsewhere. I've had it.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Sculptor »

simplicity wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:03 pm
Sculptor wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 10:27 am
simplicity wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:15 am What would you do about the problem of the inner cities in America?
Introduce democratic socialism.

Rather than using poverty as a means by which rich people loot government finances to build dodgy "projects",
Tax dollars could be used to build better schools and pay teachers a decent wage.
Projects led by the communities rather than capitalist pigs with their faces in troughs might also help to offer more targeted and useful benefits to the communities such as sex education; rape crisis centres; family planning clinics, homeless shelters, and crime prevention initiatives.

Aside from that a lot MORE libertation for women.
This would include special courts to convict rapists.

Rather than spew your unrefereced shit. I thought you might want to read some EVIDENCE based information as to how liberative women has benefits.. ... e-children
Please take your incredible negativity elsewhere. I've had it.
Yes it is very important for a bigot to avoid evience, so run along.
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by simplicity »

Sculptor wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 12:32 pm Introduce democratic socialism.
So taking over 50% of my income isn't enough socialism for you? How much should the government take? 60%? 70%? 80%?

Socialism doesn't work. It just takes a while before you have taken hard working people and destroyed their incentive to be productive.

You must incentivise work and de-incentivise those who wish to get by otherwise. The truly needy should be helped outside of government. Nobody is against helping people who absolutely need help. This is true charity. Governments know nothing more than creating dependency to ensure the bureaucracy lives on.
Scott Mayers
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Re: Since Women Were "Liberated"

Post by Scott Mayers »

simplicity wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:15 am
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 am If (1), what positive laws would add force to favor families?
Let's take an extreme case [China] and there one child policy which has severely screwed-up their demographics. This is going to have a negative effect on that country for decades to come [much like what is happening in Japan]. There are all kinds of ways you can support the family. Tax laws, housing help, great schools, safe neighborhoods, intelligent community planning, free markets and maximum opportunity for all...for starters.
This non-related response to the question either tells me that you are evading the question or not understanding what 'positive' laws are. I'm afraid of wasting my time responding to those who are advocating for Right-wing anti-(democratic)-governments. I asked what positive laws you suggest already understanding that your Right-wing preferences. So instead of giving me a set of GENERAL classes of interest with the leading negation of China's policies [who actually increased their one child policy to two due to the concern to the aging population being overrepresented (and at least significantly due to technological progress that extends life expectancies unanticipated)], give me explicit examples of positive laws that you believe support 'family'.
Simplicity wrote:
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amIf (2) Negative ones to remove
Thousands of laws have been changed since the 70's which has served to decimate the American economy through financialization and exporting jobs. Both of these processes were ANTI-family...big time. You support the family by supporting the economy and allowing individuals to do the rest.
OKAY, you are not responding to the quoted question and I might be wasting further time responding. The implicit statement you have answered is to some general assertion of laws that you find emotionally 'negative'. I'm betting that the kinds of emotionally negative laws you are implying are also religious views about things like abortion and divorce. (?)

"Negative" laws are laws that tell others what they cannot do; "Positive" laws are laws that affirm what will or can be allowed. For example, the ten commandments are 'negative' given they assert "Thou shalt not..." for each law. A "positive" law might be one like, "Anyone with children shall get a right to have a free elementary education." A "negative" law might be, "All families with children must be married" [This is 'negating' the rights of those families with children who are unmarried to exist legally, for example.]
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amYou point to the 'progressive thinking' here at least and so imply that you certainly dislike certain laws that NEGATE some success of immediate families and so what is affecting ...
(a) the specific success of your family personally, whether directly or indirectly? ... or
(b)the general success of any family?
I am a HUGE advocate of change when it is needed...when it pushes things forward, creates more opportunity, but only in the context of freedom and never with the idea that somebody else knows what's better for all. Allow individuals to make their own choices.
Okay, I see that you are not going to answer my questions. I was trying to break down the issue by these questions to narrow down what you are actually concerned about and you are not willing to do so.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amNote that people do not opt out of immediate family without a reason of some degree of dysfunction. As such "People can do what they want but...." doesn't deal with 'wants' unless they are breaking potential traditional religious views in which case you need to express what these are before we look at them.
So what's the answer, create a pseudo-society or do everything you can to support the family in the first place. Not everybody is going to win and there should be alternatives available [but not at the expense of the family].
This is non-responsive evasion. I was asking for specific answers by you and not being rhetorically implying some opposing position you guessed.

The last note about not everyone being able to win, "[but not at the expense of the family.]" requires you define 'family' and express why they are not applicable to those who must ACCEPT loses as a subset of society. Are not single individuals 'family'? Are only those with children family, and if so, why should the general population other than such 'families' be concerned to FAVOR taxes or social programs that benefit them exclusively. Why are you insisting on rights of some 'family' when we all have these? Who are 'non-families'?
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amThis is about how the general concentration of genetic identity for those in better economic standing increase in favor of 'family' centered laws but opposingly amplify the racial concentration of those in poor communities based not upon hate but love. This is one of those CRT factors that assert indirect unintended causes of imbalances between racial identity concentrations and their economy.
How does that work for Asians?
What? This sounds like you have some stereotype about them that I'm not getting.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amAs to the concentration issue, given that we identify with those we love strongly the similar physiological identities in those we choose to have new families with, we tend to bias favor to the racial identity regardless of overt intent and derive an evasive attitude towards those by EXCLUSIONARY attention to foreign concerns outside those interests, amplified strengthening of 'family' based upon LOVE amplies at the very least, an INDIFFERENCE towards the compassion of others of physiological identities most apparently defining, such as race. Because of this, if given even the best mix of applicants for a job, especially entry level ones, those who have identities of the 'indifferent' races get passed by even by the least racist employer. This then adds force to the rejection of those races who are already dominantly poor and increases their general 'negative' reactions. Favoring 'family' thus disfavors the poor without respecting things like welfare. But even those supports are coinciding with those of you from the Right. As such, whether you admit it or not, your 'family' values concept actualy fosters racism where it is EXCLUSIVE of non-family issue supports. If you believe that 'progressive' means to aide the poor are destroying families, this is not true AND is more because of the superhyper decision of most supports for 'welfare' to be limited to NOT be fully sufficient to get by on by default. The usual supports there impose underpar survival aide with the presumption of fear that they'd lose 'incentive' to work. Unlike even on par-family struggles by the WORKING POOR, most do not get incentives enough to even FAIL at employers expectations based upon prior states. As such, if a poor person who might get a McJob, if they begin below par by the welfare considerations, as soon as they begin work, they lose the welfare supports and require a period of abscense of income for the average month they are beginning work.
I am not really sure how to answer what you wrote above. It appears as if somebody is trying REALLY hard to come up with as many excises as is possible for not doing what needs to be done. Again, what so you say to the Asians who have been able to succeed? Or the black folks who come here from Africa?
Oh, I get it. The stereotype of successes of Asians. I ALREADY expressed that many NEW people (from anywhere) have successes that grant some credit to their countries of origin's means of raising their kids, to whatever wealth they bring in by default, and to their ability to have a predefined community based upon relative differences of places they come which enable them to live and cooperate together.

I was expressing about how people from HERE who are poor, especially for generations, and stuck in communities of poverty that lack options by the extensive example I gave above.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amNow tell me how you could function in that period without fucking up somewhere? It could be something as simple as being late once or twice. Once they either get fired or quit, they are then less likely to be able get the aide they had and thus lose twice as much. Remember that we are also talking about the racial factor. The common behavior of the poor would also add force to real stereotypes of those people.

And this is not to mention the fact that when whole families are poor and in larger concentrations, any gain of one who does get to keep a job, their relative gains are expected to be shared. I mean, imagine a poor black kid who just successfully got through the month and upon receiving his check opts to go buy himself a nice meal. How would his friends feel about just going along with him to watch him eat the meal while not expecting anything for themselves?
Every group started out poor. You do what you have to do...which is work harder to catch-up. That's the only answer and the reason that a fair percentage of the black community is succeeding. [nearly] EVERYBODY wants to see the black community succeed. Who exactly benefits from their continued impoverishment [except Democratic politicians]?
Oh, the CAUSE of those standing up for the poor is due to the greed of those benefiting by standing up for them? And thus you imply that anyone defending the rights of those without wealth being exploited by those who are because their representative advocates are being CAPITITALISTIC OPPORTUNISTS for taking a political position that is arbitrarily sufficient to get themselves employment? Maybe there are too many lawyers taking up the preferential commercial corporate jobs that these defenders opted to defend the poor simply because there is no other profitable venture to serve?

If you were correct, it would be based on your very bias of recognizing that politicians anywhere in this capitialist system default to BE advocates for those with money as a priority. So, if you were correct, the reason for MISREPRESENTATION of the poor has to be from those damn politicians who are actually Right-wing exploiters of profit without a concern about HOW they profit? Wouldn't this just be a negative for the Right you think is sufficient to rule by default? Wouldn't you be just opting for a government owned BY the pre-privileged owners of society where no DEMOCRACY is desired?
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amI just explained this on my last point. And given you seem to think that all 'hard' working people get paid based upon thier merit, you are deluded. Capitalism operates by exploiting the supply/demand that is not merely about product or service value but about how desperate one of the ones 'trading' is by contrast.

How you do not know this just tells me that you come from the better off communities, not that you work harder than the others or that the poor CHOOSE to be less productive. Now if we were in a Communist country, it WOULD be more about 'choice' given people begin on par with each other. They only fail where the whole community itself suffers and if they BEGUN such communism in poverty. Western styles of communism fair better and often get above average middle class benefits .....unions! Also, communes of those who have but chosen voluntarily in such societies where the surrounding world is better off also survive relatively well.
Scott, I understand how capitalism works. It has many issues but it's the only game in town. The less corruption that exists, the better it works.
But without any system of democratic governments, you DO have corruption against those who have no ownership rights on par with others. You have a government that is run by corrupt FAMILIES who believe in exploiting non-family members with priority and exclude any system that enables their own members to be held accountable. Without regulators that the Right discourages or demands should not exist outside of PRIVATE privileged industry collectives, no one can even be DEFINED as being "deceptive" or "criminal". And only the wealthy get to decide over all the serfs (those non-owners who lack a right to rule with Rightwing ideals). So "criminal" would become specifically laws against the arrogant poor you believe are just sinful greedy fucks. What other social programs are needed for them when you can surplant 'churches' to serve as the mechanism to dictate cultish mantras that make them serve the wealthy 'lords'?

It is NOT the only game in town unless, like the last point, that ALL politicians are Right-winged idealists capitalizing on PRETENDING to be LEFT-wing. In fact, the whole Left could not exist if you were correct.
ANY government law relating society, especially if you include "family", is relatively socialist in principle.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amYou guys always use "equality of outcome" to imply that this places the horse before the cart. The 'equality' is of INITIAL STATES that require granting an adjustment to the head start due to the default head start of the more fortunate. You refuse to allow taking away your advantage so you have to grant the right of the one defaulted to a weakened original state the advance head start as you do to adjust the starting gate around oval race tracks where the inner track has a smaller distance than the outer one.
Equality of initial states? Come on now. One of the main motivators for human beings is the belief that their hard work should translate into as advantage for their off-spring. And why shouldn't it? This is NOT a game of monopoly where you just hand in all your assets and play a new game.
Funny that you should compare it to a game of Monopoly. The original game was actually meant to demonstrate the means of the wealthy to treat society as a game where only greed and luck sufficed! The creator believed in capitalism of what would be "left" of center today in that land ownership should be 'equal'.
History of Monopoly wrote:... via The Landlord's Game....
History of the board game Monopoly
In 1902 to 1903, Magie designed the game[2] and play tested it in Arden, Delaware.[3] The game was created to be a "practical demonstration of the present system of land grabbing with all its usual outcomes and consequences". She based the game on the economic principles of Georgism, a system proposed by Henry George, with the object of demonstrating how rents enrich property owners and impoverish tenants.
That all people WANT the capacity to pass on benefits MINUS THE LOSES is the no brainer ideals you hold onto. Or should we do what originally was done for most of history and demand that inhertance SHOULD pass on DEBTS as well? Of course the motive exists. What matters is that a 'civilization' is itself an ARTIFICIAL construct that has made us different than all other animals in that we CAN go against this default greed that was necessary when we all lived in the trees.

And to point out even Monopoly is odd given that game, as well as most others, operate by BEGINNING with all players being 'equal in initial wealth'. That is why I linked you to a game that does not. [The "Presidents' Game" or what some of us call, "Asshole", "Scum" or "Capitalism", is a prime example. It is intentionally unfair but maps to reality by setting arbitrary players to be privileged against others unprivileged. The odds of the player selected to be most unprivileged tends not to win versus theose most privileged.]
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amAs to the failure of the Communist states comment, they BEGUN their system in dire circumstances and it favored those of such pre-impoverished communities the particular ones who managed to get IN the inital positions from relatively devious origins. If 'communism' begins in an established ghetto without external original wealth then the gangs would represent the 'union' leaders who create the problems by their prior state of relative power. They 'capitalize' on their ability to delude the masses that their intentions are sincerely for community interests but they favor their own in the same way. North Korea is technically 'Communistic' for a lower class but 'Capitalistic' of the leadership class given they pass their powers through INHERITANCE! without the same right of the rest.
You still believe that communism is the way? If it were possible, it would be the greatest nightmare of all-time.
It is not going so bad in some places. But my point was arguing that the very failure of it is due directly to non-Communist exploiters. But as a degree of ideal, note that it too favors an ideal system with NO formal rules or rulers. The dream was that IF, like how you believe in supporting families, that society could BE supported as one big family, the world would just fall right into place without further forces. The only formal governments that have attempted this though begun in empoverished systems. The ideal doesn't work unless ALL were on par with each other IN COMFORT.

But note that I DID NOT argue to have such an extreme. I was pointing to the fact that it had good intentions just as you arrogantly think about 'family'. The 'family' is the cue word for indirectly supporting the races already in predominant control in practice. See the plural in races there? While you attempted to speak of Asians, in the West, they aren't discriminated upon economically to the same extremes other groups are.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amAbsolutely disagree. This is a "religious" and arrogant imposition of people that says if someone fails, it must be due to their innate evil as though they earn it. It works for the con artists who require keeping up the motivation of their victims to continue investing when they are skeptical. Pyramid schemes focus on selling 'motivation' literature and conventions because it acts as signicant means to INVERT the onus of the con artist to the one they are conning.

It IS about being born in better relative fortune. It works even better when those groups EXCLUDE membership to only their own kind. Sorry, but I am immune to this type of con.
Con? Why accuse me of being dis-ingenuous? I have nothing to gain from that.

Again, people are born into an infinite number of circumstances. Everybody's situation is unique. The best any of us can do is work as hard as we can and hope for the best.
But you are biased to presume YOUR successes are valid but that others' failures are NOT! Such arrogance is just psychological reflection post hoc the realities.
Scott Mayers wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:50 amOh, you mean like how the conservative can step back to see the whole picture of how the Earth is being destroyed by man? Tell me, do you believe that mankind's selfishness has contributed to Global climate changes that are creating havoc on us of late?

As long as the capitalist has not volunteered laws that CAP the wealth, you have no proof that people who supposedly improve pay it back. "Progressive" luxuries was referencing the advances that those of you on the Right exploit without respecting the social systems that have granted you your head start.
Scott, do you ever think outside of the RIght/Left, Wealth/Poverty thing? Is it always oppressors and victims [because we are all oppressors and victims].

I enjoy chatting with you but let's take one subject and explore it more fully. You bring up fifty issues with each of your posts and I cannot even begin to address them in any reasonable way. My proposal...

What would you do about the problem of the inner cities in America?
I tried by asking those questions you evaded. I figured it would be interesting to show by your own support of 'family' that the laws being asked to support "social" issues include the family by default. The intended meaning of demanding 'family' centered laws is just a means to CONSERVE those who are defaulted to better privilege by contrast OR it is some smokescreen to permit making religious laws used to DEFINE 'family' and set up restrictions against others' beliefs regardless.

To solve inner city poverty requires socialistic laws that spread the wealth. When America was founded, it ignored 'ownership' rights of the prior inhabitants in order to get its initial wealth. That is, people were promised 'free lands' and set up literal races (as though a game) for those to run out and stake a claim under the protection of the 'players'.

If you think we should not give 'free' money to the poor so that they can experience the benefits that others in the suburbs receive by default of many generations, they won't EVER have a chance in our Western systems. What needs first attention would be a CAP on wealth and a PLUG limiting poverty. Antidemocratic government ideals perpetuate poverty extremes and enhances powers of extreme wealth; the empoverished majority is necessary in captitalism that favors the wealthy minorities.
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