An Ether "Model of Everything"

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Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

The main reason that physics rejects the existence of an ether is the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 (MMX), in which the behaviors of light beams subjected to different gravity settings were studied to "detect the interaction of light with any possible type of ether." The observations were interpreted as negative for an ether, and ever since, physics has referred to this result in dismissing the existence of an ether.

My own model of ether would have it that a universal ether originated post-first-causally, and consists predominantly of post-oscillational, vibrational, units that are so super-rarified that the photons (which transmit the visible light that were measured in MMX, under the assumption that light is in contact with, and thus would interact inertially with, any possible type of ether) "brush ether units aside," preventing any inertial interaction between light and such an ether. (One can think of this as being analogous to a motorcar passing through a cloud of dust, where the car (photon) merely "brushes aside" the dust particles (elemental ether units) without any inertial interaction occurring between them. With this model, MMX made a false assumption about the interaction that would occur between light and "any type of" ether.

However, in my Ether Model, the ether nevertheless interacts in another way with the photons of visible light, because photons, like all quantum-size units, were originally formed through linear alignments of the vibrations of elemental ether units, producing entrainments of these smaller units into larger and larger units, all the way up to the size of quantum units and atoms. -As a result, the photons of visible light retain an ability, like all quantum units, to interact, vibrationally, with surrounding ether units, especially if the ether units in the surrounding area have a photonic vibratory pattern.

This kind of ether model fits with quantum entanglement and other phenomena. -Quantum units such as photons, and all larger units, were originally formed through entrainments of "building block" elemental ether units.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

To elaborate on the last sentence, my model would have it that ever-larger energy units would be "built up" in the ether according to a systematic pattern. - In the very beginning, when individual ether units were oscillating separately with all the other units, eventually oscillatory fatigue set in (oscillatory fatigue is a known process. It occurs in metals), causing neighboring units to fall toward each other in "Yin and Yang" fashion. Then, whenever two such paired units happened to come into contact, vibrationally, their matching dual-vibrations would lock them together as a still-larger unit. -This would represent a template for how ever-larger energy units, up to atomic-size, could be formed in the ether matrix.

Whenever I read about a "new type of particle" being discovered at an accelerator/collider, my reaction is "So what?" -The important question should instead be "What units were involved naturally (not in an artificial setting) when atoms first formed in the universe?"
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

In evaluating this Ether Model, it's worth noting that its basic concept, of a post-first-causal, universal, ether, made up of super-rarified, vibrating, ether units, provides a rational model for the nature of Time.

There is no agreed-on theory for the nature of Time. A few fairly-well-known theorists have even suggested abandoning the idea that Time exists at all.

Using this basic ether model, Time would be a Rate, specifically the rate of vibration of the individual units making up the universal ether matrix, because the ether exists everywhere, both inside and outside of everything.
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by RCSaunders »

Michael MD wrote: Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:49 pm There is no agreed-on theory for the nature of Time.
Well, there is everything wrong with that. It implies a correct explanation of time depends on some consensus.

Time is very well understood and very simple. It is nothing more than a means of measuring the relationship between motions. One metric is velocity, the other is time. There is no other ontological meaning of time. It's only a measurement concept, not a thing, and has no existence independent of human minds.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

The rate of the passage of time varies when certain physical variables are applied. Changes in location, especially in outer space, and changes in velocity of motion (of the clock being observed) have been found to change the rate of time for a body subjected to the change. -If Time were not a true physical-world effect, these changes would not occur.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

A way to more clearly conceptualize my Ether Model would be to think of it in the context of "the ether is everywhere." Two theoretic questions are adapted to using this approach - the nature of Time, and the question of how light beams are propagated.

In my Model, a universal ether arose first-causally, when ultimately-minuscule point-like localities everywhere transitioned, from oscillating reciprocally, to independently vibrating, interacting with each other via contact vibrations.

The nature of Time is not agreed on by theorists. With my Model, Time represents a Rate, specifically the rate of vibration of elemental ether units, because an underlying ether exists everywhere, both inside and outside of everything.

The question of how light beams are propagated also falls readily into this kind of ether-framework. Quantists don't have a completely coherent notion of how, for example, sun beams exert their effects on earth. Quantum photons associated with a sunbeam can number in the trillions. A nagging question remains as to where all those photons are coming from, and how they arrived here, when the energy source is millions of miles away.

With my ether model, the answer would lie in the ether, as the primary actor in the transmission of light. It views the ether as a limitless-distance transmitting vehicle for such transmissions. -Reviewing a few concepts of my Model as given in earlier posts here, the way an energy source (like the sun) sends out its energy, would involve the way it activates nearby underlying ether units. These minuscule units react to such an energic-stimulus by changing their pattern of vibration from vibrating quietly, normally, and randomly. The linearity of the new energic stimulus produces re-alignment of the vibrations of nearby ether units to a pattern in which their vibrations become interactively aligned with each other, This in turn produces entrainments of ether units into larger and larger units, up to the size of photons, as groups of gradually-enlarging units contact other units having a matching vibrational pattern, so that they lock and link up into ever-larger units.

With this kind of model, the photons that are seen with light beams represent newly-generated units stemming from the underlying ether forces - not "solid quantum particles" somehow traveling through space to distant spots like earth.

This kind of model views ether units as ultra-minuscule vibrational units that are able to form a continuous connection, allowing transmissions covering any distance, through the universal underlying ether. (In this model, individual ether units are not perfectly contiguous, being vibrational, but they are able to connect with each other vibrationally in a continuous fashion unlimited by distances.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

I might focus on the parts of my Ether Model dealing with how a universal ether could have arisen, in connection with a new concept of first-cause, which propose a first-causal mechanism quite different from Big Bang concepts, with potential implications of interest to philosophy.

In earlier threads I presented an ether-based model for origin of the universe. It proposes that a universal ether arose out of processes that happened first-causally in original space. Original space would have been different from space now, being more "pure," i.e., free from anything else, such as forces. Thus, space could have been extremely self-compatible, then, with an inherent "shimmering" effect existing, in which ultimately-rarified, or "elemental," point-like localities existed in a state of perfect reciprocal oscillation.

If so, it is worth considering the well-known depiction called "Yin and Yang," which shows a pair of identical, tear-drop-shaped, units joining together, forming a couplet-unit. -If this was intended to depict some key process in the universe, it could be intended to show how first-causal units could have initiated the universe.

The way this would fit into my Ether Model is that the process involved would have been that elemental units of space, which had been reciprocally oscillating with the other elemental units, had just undergone oscillatory fatigue, so that neighboring units fell toward each other, in a kind of combination shown in Yin and Yang. (Oscillatory fatigue is a known process. It occurs in metals, for example.)

Originally, the two units would not have been tear-drop in shape, and were quite likely spherical. Then, once fatigue had set in, and they moved directionally for the first time, they would have changed shape, as well as having their orientation changed with respect to each other and to other elemental points.

In my Ether Model, the next step would have been that wherever two such couplets contacted one another, their matching double-vibrations would have contacted directly, forming a "tetrad" unit, as the two couplets "lock and link up." -This would be a model,for how ever-larger units could form in an ether matrix, up to the size scale of protons and atoms.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

In my Ether Model, an "ether world" preceded our present quantum/atomic world. The concept of this transition is that partly-quantized "islands" existed within the preceding world, from which creational projections of quantum electrons could be sent through the ether matrix.

As the electrons passed through the ether, it produced a self-sustained, chain-reactional, process which systematically generated the protons and atoms our world is built of.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

In the Ether Model I present, a universal ether arose after oscillating point-localities of original space transitioned, via oscillational fatigue, to independently-vibrating elemental etheric force-units capable of combining with each other. This first-causal process resulted in an ether consisting (initially) of elemental etheric force-units, existing everywhere, interacting with each other as their vibrations come into contact.

Through oscillational fatigue, initial first-causal contacts between newly-formed singlet ether units produced "Yin-Yang" couplet units. Then, as pairs of these couplets came into contact, their matching vibrations produced tetrad units. This process in the ether matrix continued, producing larger and larger force-units, up to the size of quantum units and atoms.

How the process would work could be described as a "lock and link-up" mechanism. As more and more ether units combine into larger and larger units, the "locking" mechanism would operate in an instantaneous manner. For example, much-larger (than elemental ether units) quantum-order units like photons would be formed all along the path of light-transmission, as etheric units having a photonic vibrational pattern in the ether, and which initiate such a transmission of light, transmit their vibrational-contact impulse through the ether. Therefore, there would be no inertial motion involved at any point in the whole process (unlike the standard model of light transmission, where photons are pictured as "speeding through space") either in the impulse involving the ether units that pass the light transmission along toward an ultimate photonically-vibrating "target" area (which, at the source, had been "felt" through the ether), or in the formation of the quantum photons that appear all along the transmission's path.

The photons that are seen with all light-transmissions are what we need to visualize the light. Our eyes are atomically-structured, and thus would be unable to "see" the etheric portion of a light transmission.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

An interesting extension of the above ether model and its "vibrational contact of ether units/locking and linking into larger units" would be how it would account for the production of heat in thermodynamics processes.

In the lock-and-link process, ether units form larger quantum units, like photons and electrons, as part of the same contact/linkage mechanism. The mechanism involves one ether unit's vibration combining with another ether unit's vibration, which would always be a linear process, and therefore "cool." -In any energy transmission such as light or electric, the primary force involved is the etheric linkage. The larger quantum units which are generated as part of the etheric transmission would not follow the same exact pathway. These larger units would interact with each other non-linearly, which would be what produces the heat in thermodynamics.
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Advocate »

[quote="Michael MD" post_id=389672 time=1546606620 user_id=10908]
My Model proposes that the very first "happening"...

There never was a first happening. The universe is one big ongoing happening.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

In my Ether Model, our present universe, whose structure is made of quantum units and forces, was created after a "first cause" oi all, when original space transitioned to a universal ether.

In earlier posts here, I gave the model for how an original oscillational space transitioned to a universal ether consisting of elemental vibrational units. Eventually, mobile ether units passing through the ether matrix produced energic etheric radiations, which led to at least one particular "partially quantized" "cosmic egg moiety" in the ether which then became a sapient entity (as tangential radiations reverberated and cross-reverberated (as seen in brain circuitry). This sapient Entity was capable of mentally projecting quantum electrons through the ether matrix, which could have produced a designed created universe we have now. (The ether being truly elemental, has virtually unlimited capacity to replicate and chain-reactionally reproduce any kind of designed "solidity" bodies now in the universe, via the tiny created quantum units originally passed into it.)
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

Michael MD wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 11:53 am An interesting extension of the above ether model and its "vibrational contact of ether units/locking and linking into larger units" would be how it would account for the production of heat in thermodynamics processes.

In the lock-and-link process, ether units form larger quantum units, like photons and electrons, as part of the same contact/linkage mechanism. The mechanism involves one ether unit's vibration combining with another ether unit's vibration, which would always be a linear process, and therefore "cool." -In any energy transmission such as light or electric, the primary force involved is the etheric linkage. The larger quantum units which are generated as part of the etheric transmission would not follow the same exact pathway. These larger units would interact with each other non-linearly, which would be what produces the heat in thermodynamics.
To add a little more to how the ether could better describe how electrical and light transmissions work:

As ether units initiate such transmissions of energy through the ether matrix, the primary energy impulse, consisting of ether units interacting as their vibrations come into contact, it forms a flow of energy in an instantaneous fashion, as their "locking and linking" mechanism links them together, in such an instantaneous way that our minds must have difficulty picturing it. One has to picture how energy units that stem from a different kind of world-setting, i.e., a first-causal setting, could behave in such a dynamic way. Pictured this way, how a transmitted impulse could travel at the "speed of light" is not hard to understand.

The quantum units, which are what we are able to see with such transmissions (photons or electrons), are formed as an integral part of the transmission, via "extension" of the same lock-and-link ether mechanism, as the transmission passes through the ether matrix.
Michael MD
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by Michael MD »

To support this Ether Model, it would be helpful to consider a pair of unexplained phenomena (Quantum Entanglement (Q.E.) and Acustic Levitation (A.L.)

The Ether Model proposes that a universal ether arose from space before space contained anything else - no atoms and no quantum physical forces, and that space then was so self-compatible that it consisted of ultimately-tiny point-localities that were reciprocally oscillating with each other, a kind of "shimmering," after which oscillatory fatigue caused neighboring "points" to fall toward each other, as "Yin and Yang" couplets. (Oscillatory fatigue is a known process. It occurs in metals, for example.) These units formed a universal ether of space, in which etheric units, rather than oscillating, were now independently vibrating, and interacting with each other as their vibrations came into contact. -Wherever a pair of Yin Yang couplets contacted, their matching vibrations formed a larger tetrad unit. In this way, larger and larger units formed, up to the size of quantum units and atoms, in a kind of "lock and link up" mechanism.

This kind of model is ideal for explaining Q.E., which is viewed as representing radiated packets of etheric energy which have the same vibratory pattern. In Q.E., unlike in A.L. (where somewhat larger, intermediate, transitional "etheroidal" units are involved), elemental ether units are the only actual participants, with the pair of "entangled" quantum units kinetically walled off, like cool arms of a quiet, purring, universal ether mechanism. A key point in this model for Q.E. is that the two quantum units, like all larger units, were originally formed from "building block" elemental ether units, and retain an ability to interact vibrationally with the ether units in the universal ether matrix, all around them.

In A.L., when intense sound waves of a suitable vibratory frequency are focused upon an object, the object becomes lighter and may even levitate. -The way this ether model would account for it would be that the vibrational energy of the wave is conducted down the entire range of energy units making up the object's structure, from its atoms all the way down to the etheric units at the tiniest size scale. However, unlike in Q.E., where the tiniest elemental ether units are involved, in A.L., the process only extends to somewhat-larger transitional "etheroidal" units. (If elemental units of the ether were involved, the object would vanish entirely. Since only intermnediate ether units are involved in A.L., when the sound energy stimulus is removed, the object's atoms can revert to their normal atomic state.
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Re: An Ether "Model of Everything"

Post by promethean75 »

So what do we do now?
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