Accepting Life

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Gary Childress
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by Gary Childress »

Dontaskme wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:42 am
Gary Childress wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:05 pm I don't have any children, siblings nor loved ones other than my parents to lose. In some sense, I suppose that makes me lucky but in others, it's sometimes very lonely and isolating and when my parents are gone, I'll be alone. And there will be no one to take care of me when I reach old age either. In that sense, I think I can identify to some extent with at least a small part of your loss (unless you have other children to help you along when the time comes).
With all due respect Gary. I personally cringe when I hear things like that.

I think it is wrong to impose the burden of responsibilty upon a child to be there for it's lonely, aging and dying parent. No child signs up for the job of caring for their elderly parent. It is a selfish idea to force such expectation on a child. It's not a childs moral duty to carry out what they never consented or signed up for.

It's like those selfish 600 lb overweight people, who just cannot stop eating, who then place the responsibilty of their personal hygiene general care and well being upon the tiny immature innocent shoulders of their children, all because they are too fat to care for themselves, it's the epitomy of pure selfish evil, that only exists in the human species.

If we are having children, just for the fear of being alone in the world, then we should not be having them. No child signs up for the job of wiping the slobber away from old peoples mouths, or wiping the shit from their arse. Those kind of jobs are for the already living, who have consented to the job in the first place, namely the nurses and care workers.

I'm sorry I made you cringe, DAM. The reason I personally have never sought to have children was very similar to Schopenhauer's quote you cited. I wanted to spare my children from a miserable life. Do I think that everyone's children will have a miserable life? Not necessarily. I think some have wonderful lives, however, I have a mental illness and I was largely deprived of healthy social relations when I was young. So I didn't have children because I was afraid I would both make a bad father and have bad genetics to offer them.

And I would never have children just to ensure that I had someone to take care of me in old age. However, it is a very real concern as a person grows older; what will happen to them. Will I die of poor health due to neglect and an eventual inability to take care of myself? It's something one thinks about from time to time.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by Dontaskme »

simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:19 am
Compassion is not feeling sorry for another, it is seeing things clearly and helping people in that way which will result in the best outcome. Not everybody is as highly developed as you appear to be, so put some of your philosophy [ego] aside and see people as they are, not as you wish they would be.

Compassion is another made-up concept, it's an automatic reflexive response in the instantaneous moment to pain and suffering, that is felt as a deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate their suffering.

Misfortune is the game of life, no one gets out alive gracefully or wins this disgraceful existence. Life for sentient feeling creatures is a distressing horror show from cradle to grave, it's a stupid dumb game played by pain addicts. It's like a drug that we cannot let go, we love our suffering. We love to give birth to babies and watch them struggle with their disabilties and deformities, we love to watch our loved ones die undignified deaths due to cancer etc... we love to gossip about other peoples misfortunes. We love to hear about marriage break-ups and relationship break-ups...makes us feel lucky and grateful. Yup, we love to watch each others physical pains, hardships, adversities,mental anguishes and torments, all because we get to experience a reflexive response in our own being to the sadistic horror, of it all, oh yes, we feel compassion because we KNOW life for sentient feeling beings is an unpleasant and painful affair. We KNOW because we've all experienced the horror via first hand direct experience, we're all walking the same hazardous tightrope here, trying to find balance and stability in a life we have no control over whatsoever, we're all hoping to avoid losing our balance as we are forced to walk this razor edge of a life.

We know how it feels to be abused, tormented by physical and mentally inflicted pain. We hate it, we long for relief from the grief of this horror show. We feel bad for others dire misfortunes because we know their pain and suffering could be our own at any time, we have no control. So yeah, of course we are going to have compassion. We do not want to see our children suffer or be harmed, and yet it never occurs to people to not impose it on them in the first place by bringing them into existence knowing what we know. Knowing that we might just have to feel COMPASSION for them one day, because we love to watch them struggle all their lives just to die in the end. Yup, pretty dumb losing game. But it's ok, as long as we've got our little big bag of fix it tricks..called COMPASSION.

Another trick they pull out of their little big fix it bags, is self help books, yes, people actually write about how you can fix your broken self using many different techniques all to help alleviate and make you feel in a different mood, the ultimate goal is to make one better.

Pity none of the fix-its never really work, otherwise we'd never have to feel compassion ever again.

Humans are dumb, selfish and very stupid. What's even more stupid, is that when you point this stupid out to the stupids, they just call you stupid and tell you you need to fix yourself because they think there is something wrong with you. It's just a hopeless pointless losing game that everyone pretends they are winning. They live in hope, and when that does not work, they make up the idea of a loving God whose got everything under control.

Human delusions know no barriers, because humans are as dumb as the rest of the wild animals on this planet.

Broken people thinking they know what's best for some other broken person. Yup, life is a hot mess. For humans especially, because they are under the delusion, they have a separate they are already born self inflicted, there's no hope for those people.
Their only job to do in life is to make a mess, just to clean up the mess they make.

Make a problem, fix a problem...they love it, and is why they call it Love.

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Re: Accepting Life

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Gary Childress wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:21 am Life and the way things are are difficult to accept sometimes. If I had one wish I think it would be to be happy with the way things are. Discontentment doesn't seem to be helping me any.
If you are a living non-human entity, it would NOT be facing the above issues about its life.
Life for non-humans as it is would be just matter of natural unconscious indifference from birth to death. Without a high degree of self-awareness [like humans] has its pros and cons from our perspective.

Humans evolved with a sense of self-awareness which overcome some critical cons faced by non-humans. But such self-awareness comes with its set of pros and cons.

One of the cons [also a pro] with self-awareness is the necessary awareness of one's sufferings and be able feels the pains of one's sufferings [physical or mental, real or false].
The sufferings and situation you are currently stuck with is a mental pain.

However, humans are also evolved with a Problem Solving Program to deal with problems arising from being self-aware of the sufferings one is faced with and the need to relieve those sufferings expeditiously., i.e. the associated terrible pains one is facing.

Unfortunately the Problem Solving Program inherent in All humans is still evolving and it is not active and effective in all humans. The majority are still ignorant of it and most merely rely on trial and error and do the best they can.

That you are whining about your mental sufferings and has not be able to relieve it indicate you are ignorant of your inherent life's problem solving technique and you have not self-develop it to any degree of sufficient efficiency.

Here is the Generic Life Problem Solving Technique;
4NT-8FP is a Generic Life Problem Solving Technique.

If you are able to understand and self-develop [it is not a straight-forward easy process] the above generic inherent life Problem Solving Technique to a reasonable degree of efficiency you will be able to manage, modulate and relieve [not necessary resolve the specific problem] all mental sufferings that do not require serious psychiatric interventions.

However, there are a % of people who because of their psychological, chemical, neural states just cannot put the Generic Life Problem Solving Technique into practice even when they understand it. In this case, nature will take its course.

Maybe it is still not too late for your to activate your inherent Generic Life Problem Solving Technique guided by the [url]above[/url].

If and When you have run out of rational options, believing in God [deistic not theistic] as a last resort may help.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by RCSaunders »

simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:19 am
RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:43 am
simplicity wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 7:00 pm I am also the parent of five children.

Debt or obligation should not be the motivating factors which cause people to take care of each other. Communities that work particularly well are those where people have invested themselves in others' welfare [to some degree]. After all, one of the main ingredients in getting ones own act together is learning to help others.

The road to hell is lined with folks who allow their egos to supersede their compassion.
What a load of sickly sentimental collectivist pap.

Compassion, sympathy, empathy:
Do you know what those slimy sentimental words mean? They all mean the same thing. They mean, to feel with: compassion: com (with) passion (feeling); sympathy: sym (together) pathy (feel); empathy: em (with) pathy (feel). They all mean having feelings that are the same as or like someone else's feelings, but they only pertain to feelings of human failure like suffering, sadness, grief, misfortune, and despair.

They only ever pertain to the pathetic. You will not find any words that describe, "feeling with," or, "sharing the joy," of the successful, the happy, the achievers, the normal, the healthy, and the triumphant.
I ran across the following question during my research: "Don't you want nurses to be compassionate?" I was suddenly aware of the relevance to the whole question of compassion.

NO! I want any nurse who tends to me to be competent, knowledgable, and efficient. The nurse's "feelings" are absolutely worthless to me. The nurse may be dripping with compassion but if that nurse screws up my IV, I'm dead.

Your Feelings Don't Matter

With regard to principles, especially one's values, feelings do not matter. Principles, if they are right principles, are determined by reality and discovered by objective reason. Feelings are irrelevant to all principles of what is true and false, what is right and wrong, what is or is not important.

The problem is that most people do not know what feelings are. For example, one dictionary definition of sentiment is: "A thought, view, or attitude, especially one based mainly on emotion instead of reason." Dictionary definitions are often inaccurate, but this one is perfectly correct.
Instead Of Virtue

Most of the people who promote themselves as empathetic and compassionate, consider their pathetic feelings to be some kind of virtue, a virtue that makes them superior to those who do not have the, "right kind of feelings." But their feelings are worth exactly nothing to anyone else, or even to themselves.

Nobody's compassion ever fed the starving, nobody's empathy every relieved the suffering of the sick, and nobody's sentiments ever provided a product or service of any real value to anyone.

Real virtue is difficult. Growing, transporting, and marketing food requires very hard work. Discovering and producing drugs, providing real medical services, and performing life-saving operations require the kind of discipline and acquired knowledge the sentimental have neither the will or ability to achieve. Those who produce and make the products and services that truly benefit human beings frequently have little feeling for those who benefit from their efforts. What they feel strongly about is their achievement and accomplishment, which is what any who benefits from their ruthless dedication to principle ought to really appreciate.

It is much easier to "feel" than to "do," and pat oneself on the back because one, "cares about others," while being absolutely worthless to themselves or anyone else.
From: Sentimental Journey
Positive And Negative Human Relationships

The advantages of society are, however, only potential, not guaranteed. The history of the world is sadly a history of human interactions dominated by cruelty and oppression. While human beings can obviously be of great value to one another, they are also capable of being great threats to one another. Social relationships are not automatically benevolent, and many are disastrously malevolent.

Whether or not social relationships are benevolent or malevolent is determined by the kinds of individuals in those relationships.

Negative Human Relationships

Positive human relationships are only possible between individuals who are not a threat or danger to one another and have something of value to offer one another. There is no advantage to any social relationship with others who would use force to harm us or interfere in our lives. Social relationships in which one's own life is endangered or compromised by the intent or actions of others are negative social relationships. They are relationships we would be better off without.

There is no advantage to a relationship with those who produce nothing of value and take, by threat or force, what others have produced. There is no advantage to a relationship with others who threaten to force us to do what they like against our will. There is no advantage to any relationship with others who have nothing of value to offer and only want to use us for their own gratification.

Positive Human Relationships

In any society, it is only the egoistic independent productive individuals who are capable of positive social relationships and deserve the benefits of society because they are the only individuals in any society who are never a threat to others and have anything of value to offer others in that society. All other members of a society are, at some level, a threat to others' lives and freedom and have nothing of positive value to offer.

Only independent individuals are benevolent in all their relationships with others, because they neither seek or desire any relationships others do not freely choose to be a part of. Only independent individuals make no demands of others or ever interfere in how others choose to live their lives. Only independent individuals are capable of enjoying the success of others knowing that other's success can only be a benefit to themselves.
From: Why Live In Society?—And who is worthy of it?
I consider myself a philosophical anarchist so no need to school me. Compassion is not feeling sorry for another, it is seeing things clearly and helping people in that way which will result in the best outcome. Not everybody is as highly developed as you appear to be, so put some of your philosophy [ego] aside and see people as they are, not as you wish they would be.
Good. Consider yourself anything you like. I'm not interested in teaching you anything or convincing you of anything, I'm simply addressing your whole vile view of mankind as some helpless defective thing that cannot get along without the help of those who think they know what is good for everyone else and what, "the best outcome," is for everyone.

The view that someone who does not want your help (read interference in their life), who regards their own life, that is, their ego, as worth making the best they possibly can by their own effort is some kind evil is just wrong.

I don't want to shock you, but most human beings do not want or need your "do-gooder," help and are perfectly capable of living their lives without your meddling in them. You may despise the, "ego," of those who actually believe their life is important and worth living, but what do you call that hubris that believes the world cannot get along without their, "help." Others do not want or need you to, "take care of them." What they want from you is for you to be honest with them, providing whatever service or product of real value you can produce in exchange for what they produce to your mutual benefit. If you have nothing of real value to offer, then just leave them alone.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by simplicity »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 am
simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:19 am
Compassion is not feeling sorry for another, it is seeing things clearly and helping people in that way which will result in the best outcome. Not everybody is as highly developed as you appear to be, so put some of your philosophy [ego] aside and see people as they are, not as you wish they would be.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 am We know how it feels to be abused, tormented by physical and mentally inflicted pain. We hate it, we long for relief from the grief of this horror show. We feel bad for others dire misfortunes because we know their pain and suffering could be our own at any time, we have no control. So yeah, of course we are going to have compassion. We do not want to see our children suffer or be harmed, and yet it never occurs to people to not impose it on them in the first place by bringing them into existence knowing what we know. Knowing that we might just have to feel COMPASSION for them one day, because we love to watch them struggle all their lives just to die in the end. Yup, pretty dumb losing game. But it's ok, as long as we've got our little big bag of fix it tricks..called COMPASSION.
You do not understand how real compassion manifests. Compassion has nothing to do with feeling sorry or pitying somebody. It is simply having the capacity to see another person's situation clearly. Once you understand, then you decide what there is to do about it [and most times there is nothing to be done].
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 amHumans are dumb, selfish and very stupid. What's even more stupid, is that when you point this stupid out to the stupids, they just call you stupid and tell you you need to fix yourself because they think there is something wrong with you. It's just a hopeless pointless losing game that everyone pretends they are winning. They live in hope, and when that does not work, they make up the idea of a loving God whose got everything under control.
Humans are also intelligent, selfless, and pretty smart [equal amount of good and bad in everything]. There are many ways to look at things. A more balanced view might leave you a bit more content.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 amHuman delusions know no barriers, because humans are as dumb as the rest of the wild animals on this planet.
People are ignorant, not stupid.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 amBroken people thinking they know what's best for some other broken person. Yup, life is a hot mess. For humans especially, because they are under the delusion, they have a separate they are already born self inflicted, there's no hope for those people.
Their only job to do in life is to make a mess, just to clean up the mess they make.
Who is under the delusion that they have a separate self? :)
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by simplicity »

RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:34 pmGood. Consider yourself anything you like. I'm not interested in teaching you anything or convincing you of anything, I'm simply addressing your whole vile view of mankind as some helpless defective thing that cannot get along without the help of those who think they know what is good for everyone else and what, "the best outcome," is for everyone.
This is how you see everybody. I never said any of that, but if you don't believe life is about helping others, I am sorry...
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 amThe view that someone who does not want your help (read interference in their life), who regards their own life, that is, their ego, as worth making the best they possibly can by their own effort is some kind evil is just wrong.
You don't understand what really helping somebody else means.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 amI don't want to shock you, but most human beings do not want or need your "do-gooder," help and are perfectly capable of living their lives without your meddling in them. You may despise the, "ego," of those who actually believe their life is important and worth living, but what do you call that hubris that believes the world cannot get along without their, "help." Others do not want or need you to, "take care of them." What they want from you is for you to be honest with them, providing whatever service or product of real value you can produce in exchange for what they produce to your mutual benefit. If you have nothing of real value to offer, then just leave them alone.
No kidding, but that doesn't mean that there are not people out there who do need help at times. Have you ever helped out a friend or family member before? Has anybody ever helped you before or have you been completely autonomous since day one?

Extreme [anything] doesn't work. Independence and self-reliance are some of the highest virtues, but so is real compassion. Try is sometime.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by Dontaskme »

Gary Childress wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:21 am
Dontaskme wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:42 am
Gary Childress wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:05 pm I don't have any children, siblings nor loved ones other than my parents to lose. In some sense, I suppose that makes me lucky but in others, it's sometimes very lonely and isolating and when my parents are gone, I'll be alone. And there will be no one to take care of me when I reach old age either. In that sense, I think I can identify to some extent with at least a small part of your loss (unless you have other children to help you along when the time comes).
With all due respect Gary. I personally cringe when I hear things like that.

I think it is wrong to impose the burden of responsibilty upon a child to be there for it's lonely, aging and dying parent. No child signs up for the job of caring for their elderly parent. It is a selfish idea to force such expectation on a child. It's not a childs moral duty to carry out what they never consented or signed up for.

It's like those selfish 600 lb overweight people, who just cannot stop eating, who then place the responsibilty of their personal hygiene general care and well being upon the tiny immature innocent shoulders of their children, all because they are too fat to care for themselves, it's the epitomy of pure selfish evil, that only exists in the human species.

If we are having children, just for the fear of being alone in the world, then we should not be having them. No child signs up for the job of wiping the slobber away from old peoples mouths, or wiping the shit from their arse. Those kind of jobs are for the already living, who have consented to the job in the first place, namely the nurses and care workers.

I'm sorry I made you cringe, DAM. The reason I personally have never sought to have children was very similar to Schopenhauer's quote you cited. I wanted to spare my children from a miserable life. Do I think that everyone's children will have a miserable life? Not necessarily. I think some have wonderful lives, however, I have a mental illness and I was largely deprived of healthy social relations when I was young. So I didn't have children because I was afraid I would both make a bad father and have bad genetics to offer them.

And I would never have children just to ensure that I had someone to take care of me in old age. However, it is a very real concern as a person grows older; what will happen to them. Will I die of poor health due to neglect and an eventual inability to take care of myself? It's something one thinks about from time to time.
I hear your concern…it is very frightening growing old.

But I trust in the natural order of birth and death. Wild animals have to deal with aging and death unaided…all the time.
I don’t care about death, or how it happens…it’s not like we are still traumatised by the event after it’s happened…
You were very wise and intelligent for not wanting a child ..considering your personal circumstances…

Sorry I can’t write much at the moment…I’ll be back tomorrow…take care Gary.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by RCSaunders »

simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:05 pm
RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:34 pmGood. Consider yourself anything you like. I'm not interested in teaching you anything or convincing you of anything, I'm simply addressing your whole vile view of mankind as some helpless defective thing that cannot get along without the help of those who think they know what is good for everyone else and what, "the best outcome," is for everyone.
This is how you see everybody. I never said any of that, but if you don't believe life is about helping others, I am sorry...
RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 amThe view that someone who does not want your help (read interference in their life), who regards their own life, that is, their ego, as worth making the best they possibly can by their own effort is some kind evil is just wrong.
You don't understand what really helping somebody else means.
RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:49 amI don't want to shock you, but most human beings do not want or need your "do-gooder," help and are perfectly capable of living their lives without your meddling in them. You may despise the, "ego," of those who actually believe their life is important and worth living, but what do you call that hubris that believes the world cannot get along without their, "help." Others do not want or need you to, "take care of them." What they want from you is for you to be honest with them, providing whatever service or product of real value you can produce in exchange for what they produce to your mutual benefit. If you have nothing of real value to offer, then just leave them alone.
No kidding, but that doesn't mean that there are not people out there who do need help at times. Have you ever helped out a friend or family member before? Has anybody ever helped you before or have you been completely autonomous since day one?

Extreme [anything] doesn't work. Independence and self-reliance are some of the highest virtues, but so is real compassion. Try is sometime.
Help anyone you like in any way you like. Except for a few psychopaths, everyone helps others, they just do not turn it into one's whole reason for living.

I think it's important for individuals to understand, their own life is the most important life in the world, and for that individual, the only one that really matters. The most important thing in life is not, "learning to help others," but learning how to live one's own life successfully and being all one can be. I'd like everyone to understand, they have not been put into this world as a sacrificial lamb to every other failure and beggar in this world; that the purpose of their life is to make it the most successful they possibly can because, only then, will they be a value to themselves or anyone else and in a position to really help those they choose to help and who deserve it.

I want people to understand, their, "lives," their, "selves," their "egos," are not evil things but the rough gem stones they have been given to polish into sparkling lights of success making real contributions of light and value in the world.

I'd like others to know that within the limits of physical reality and the limits of their own physiological and intellectual abilities there are no limits to what they can be and achieve and that every individual is given their own life and mind and must use them as well as they can to be and produce all they can, and must never waste or squander their life and resources on others who have not used their own resources to be all they can. Then they can be be real help to others if those others truly want that help. The truth is, very few self-respecting individuals of integrity want anyone else's help. Most would much prefer all their relations with others be based on mutual respect and appreciation of each others values, not wallowing in sympathy over their defects, shortcomings, and needs.

Almost all human beings help one another in a million small ways every day as a matter of normal human intercourse, not to fulfill some mystic requirement or as an expression of some evolutionary mandate, but because it is one of the ways human being enjoy each other. To raise that kind of natural behavior to an ideology is absurd and ultimately turns into a destructive harmful intrusion into others lives. The intentions may all be good, but Shaw got it right:

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." ...which are almost always motivated by some sentimental notion of compassion.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by RCSaunders »

simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:05 pm Extreme [anything] doesn't work.
Of course, everybody knows how awful it is to be extremely honest, extremely healthy, and extremely faithful. It's much better to be a little crooked, a little sick, and an occasional philanderer. And nobody wants their water to be extremely pure, it's much better contaminated with a little arsenic and botulism.

Where do you get your ideas?
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by simplicity »

RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:25 pmHelp anyone you like in any way you like. Except for a few psychopaths, everyone helps others, they just do not turn it into one's whole reason for living.

I think it's important for individuals to understand, their own life is the most important life in the world, and for that individual, the only one that really matters. The most important thing in life is not, "learning to help others," but learning how to live one's own life successfully and being all one can be. I'd like everyone to understand, they have not been put into this world as a sacrificial lamb to every other failure and beggar in this world; that the purpose of their life is to make it the most successful they possibly can because, only then, will they be a value to themselves or anyone else and in a position to really help those they choose to help and who deserve it.

I want people to understand, their, "lives," their, "selves," their "egos," are not evil things but the rough gem stones they have been given to polish into sparkling lights of success making real contributions of light and value in the world.

I'd like others to know that within the limits of physical reality and the limits of their own physiological and intellectual abilities there are no limits to what they can be and achieve and that every individual is given their own life and mind and must use them as well as they can to be and produce all they can, and must never waste or squander their life and resources on others who have not used their own resources to be all they can. Then they can be be real help to others if those others truly want that help. The truth is, very few self-respecting individuals of integrity want anyone else's help. Most would much prefer all their relations with others be based on mutual respect and appreciation of each others values, not wallowing in sympathy over their defects, shortcomings, and needs.

Almost all human beings help one another in a million small ways every day as a matter of normal human intercourse, not to fulfill some mystic requirement or as an expression of some evolutionary mandate, but because it is one of the ways human being enjoy each other. To raise that kind of natural behavior to an ideology is absurd and ultimately turns into a destructive harmful intrusion into others lives. The intentions may all be good, but Shaw got it right:

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." ...which are almost always motivated by some sentimental notion of compassion.
It must be quite empowering to stand before all humanity and make such grandiose pronouncements. As if you could really understand another person's condition/situation?

I have been a physician for over forty years and have helped thousands of people who come from all walks of life and have all kinds of difficulties. If you had my experience, perhaps you wouldn't be in such a rush to judgement concerning the nature of mankind.

It must be nice to live in your philosophical fantasyland where all people can ideally act-out life as perhaps it should be, but that's not life in Anytown, USA. People are who they are and do what they do for an infinite number of reasons you and I will never comprehend. In the meantime, and if you've got your own act together, perhaps it not such a bad idea to help others if you can without worrying that your kindness will further cripple their progress. If you are causing harm, then you are not reading the situation clearly.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by simplicity »

RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:33 pm
simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:05 pm Extreme [anything] doesn't work.
Of course, everybody knows how awful it is to be extremely honest, extremely healthy, and extremely faithful. It's much better to be a little crooked, a little sick, and an occasional philanderer. And nobody wants their water to be extremely pure, it's much better contaminated with a little arsenic and botulism.

Where do you get your ideas?
Let's say a gunman forces his way into your home and asks if there is anybody upstairs. Are you going to be extremely honest and tell the perpetrator where your five kids are hiding? I guess you must drink distilled water? A little sick provides people with life-long immunity. Weren't you allowed to go out to play? I see that becoming one with the neighborhood dirt didn't kill you off.

Extremism is unsustainable resulting in all kinds of dysfunction. It is balance that leads to the best [and most productive] outcomes.

Where do I get my ideas? :)
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by RCSaunders »

simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:52 pm
RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:25 pmHelp anyone you like in any way you like. Except for a few psychopaths, everyone helps others, they just do not turn it into one's whole reason for living.

I think it's important for individuals to understand, their own life is the most important life in the world, and for that individual, the only one that really matters. The most important thing in life is not, "learning to help others," but learning how to live one's own life successfully and being all one can be. I'd like everyone to understand, they have not been put into this world as a sacrificial lamb to every other failure and beggar in this world; that the purpose of their life is to make it the most successful they possibly can because, only then, will they be a value to themselves or anyone else and in a position to really help those they choose to help and who deserve it.

I want people to understand, their, "lives," their, "selves," their "egos," are not evil things but the rough gem stones they have been given to polish into sparkling lights of success making real contributions of light and value in the world.

I'd like others to know that within the limits of physical reality and the limits of their own physiological and intellectual abilities there are no limits to what they can be and achieve and that every individual is given their own life and mind and must use them as well as they can to be and produce all they can, and must never waste or squander their life and resources on others who have not used their own resources to be all they can. Then they can be be real help to others if those others truly want that help. The truth is, very few self-respecting individuals of integrity want anyone else's help. Most would much prefer all their relations with others be based on mutual respect and appreciation of each others values, not wallowing in sympathy over their defects, shortcomings, and needs.

Almost all human beings help one another in a million small ways every day as a matter of normal human intercourse, not to fulfill some mystic requirement or as an expression of some evolutionary mandate, but because it is one of the ways human being enjoy each other. To raise that kind of natural behavior to an ideology is absurd and ultimately turns into a destructive harmful intrusion into others lives. The intentions may all be good, but Shaw got it right:

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." ...which are almost always motivated by some sentimental notion of compassion.
It must be quite empowering to stand before all humanity and make such grandiose pronouncements. As if you could really understand another person's condition/situation?

I have been a physician for over forty years and have helped thousands of people who come from all walks of life and have all kinds of difficulties. If you had my experience, perhaps you wouldn't be in such a rush to judgement concerning the nature of mankind.
Wrong tactic. I was nearly killed by three physicians, before I did my own research and discovered Doctor Walter Lever of the New England Medical Center. I was dying from a fatal auto-immune disease and all three doctors misdiagnosed my disease.

I cannot think of a field today where there is more incompetence. Very few doctors are truly interested in medicine and only in gaming the system. The entire medical field has become a crooked cartel, a government enforced coercive syndicate that prevents individuals from seeking and paying for their own medical treatment. I truly hope you are not part of that.

You have no idea what my own experience with others has been or what I have or haven't done with others, but it doesn't matter. You've already proven you judge others without evidence, which is your loss. I certainly don't care what you think of me.

I only wish you well!
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by RCSaunders »

simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:04 pm
RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:33 pm
simplicity wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:05 pm Extreme [anything] doesn't work.
Of course, everybody knows how awful it is to be extremely honest, extremely healthy, and extremely faithful. It's much better to be a little crooked, a little sick, and an occasional philanderer. And nobody wants their water to be extremely pure, it's much better contaminated with a little arsenic and botulism.

Where do you get your ideas?
Let's say a gunman forces his way into your home and asks if there is anybody upstairs. ...
He's dead. He won't be asking any questions.

If you're wondering why he's dead, it because my wife will shoot anyone breaking into our home, and if she doesn't, I will. I always let my wife go first when we're having fun.

We're 100% radical extremists. We will not eat off a plate with fecal matter on it, no matter how little there is. In any compromise between right and wrong, wrong wins. If you believe all extremes are wrong, I certainly would not trust you to write a prescription for me.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by simplicity »

RCSaunders wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:59 amWrong tactic. I was nearly killed by three physicians, before I did my own research and discovered Doctor Walter Lever of the New England Medical Center. I was dying from a fatal auto-immune disease and all three doctors misdiagnosed my disease.
So you were misdiagnosed by three doctors and then correctly diagnosed. And because of this you are willing to stand in judgement of the millions of health care professionals in this country, many who have sacrificed a great deal of their lives so they can help people in significant ways? What, is this all about you? How about the hundreds of millions of people who have received wonderful care from these people? You are acting like a woke 20 year old Ivy League college student who is complaining about how unfair life is.
RCSaunders wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:59 amI cannot think of a field today where there is more incompetence. Very few doctors are truly interested in medicine and only in gaming the system. The entire medical field has become a crooked cartel, a government enforced coercive syndicate that prevents individuals from seeking and paying for their own medical treatment. I truly hope you are not part of that.
No shit. This has been going on since the 80's when the corporate/government cabal finally took complete control of the system. One might believe that people like yourself would think more highly of health care workers because they must work in such a horrendous system, but no, you see only the bad. You have no idea how incredibly caring the vast majority of health care providers are.
RCSaunders wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:59 amYou have no idea what my own experience with others has been or what I have or haven't done with others, but it doesn't matter. You've already proven you judge others without evidence, which is your loss. I certainly don't care what you think of me.
You are correct, I do not know you, but you have revealed what you are about. Like most people who frequent the edge, you are nothing more than a cowardly hypocrite whining about how horrible everything is and blaming everybody else for not presenting you with a world as you would like it. Perhaps you should take a step back and give thanks for the good you have been able to enjoy, as well.
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Re: Accepting Life

Post by simplicity »

RCSaunders wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:20 amWe're 100% radical extremists. We will not eat off a plate with fecal matter on it, no matter how little there is. In any compromise between right and wrong, wrong wins. If you believe all extremes are wrong, I certainly would not trust you to write a prescription for me.
I know, your shit doesn't stink.

Can you give me an example in life where extreme behavior is the correct prescription?
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