Crime and punishment

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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by Age »

mickthinks wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:04 pm Derek Chauvin is on trial for murder in Minneapolis because ... he appears to have murdered someone.
Well put and well said.

Thee ACTUAL Truth really is the SIMPLEST view and perspective.

mickthinks wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:04 pm ... last year George Floyd would not comply and get into the police car is in no way an excuse, pretext or justification for murder.

Do you really want to litigate the case here at the PhiNow Phorum, Walker? Why? What could that possibly achieve?
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henry quirk
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by henry quirk »

“If George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced just know that all hell is going to break loose. Don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire.”
- Maya Echols, speaking for BLM.

There's a reason why these folks never take that riotous shit out into rural 'murica.
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Re: A question for Mick and W...

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:49 am A wastrel got snuffed by an incompetent Agent of the State.
WHY in YOUR view or belief "henry quirk" was "floyd" a "wastrel"?

Your Honest answer would be much appreciated.

But your FEAR here will probably prevent you from being Truly Honest here now, correct?
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:49 am Why should I care?
Why should you care about 'what', EXACTLY? That a human being KILLED another human being, or something else?
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:49 am Floyd was self-destined to end badly, and Chauvin is a garden-variety example of what ought not be in uniform.
LOL "self-destined to end badly". And how do you KNOW this, EXACTLY?
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:49 am Please, no appeals to the Rule of Law or Justice.
Okay. Just your Truly OPEN and Honest answers to my CLARIFYING questions would be appreciated.
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:49 am Just tell me why my dander ought to be up.
What does 'dander' mean, to you?
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by Age »

Walker wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:59 am
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:38 am
Walker wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:33 pm It’s an opportunity to trace causes from beginning to effect in real time, rather than go through the typical exercise of correcting revisionist history, an exercise in stupidity, which never allows a premise to take hold for some in-depth discussion.

So, why not just get on with the topic … rather than making me the topic of your interest because frankly, your creepiness stinks up the thread.
Strange the way the creepiness seeps through into just a handful of sentences :o

Under normal circumstances it would be hard to make a murder charge stick--manslaughter yes, but as the US seems to be beholden to mob rule (not to mention the 'god' of celebrity) then who knows? My gut feeling is that he didn't intend to kill the guy--just torture him for a while. Either way, he shouldn't have been a cop.
Perhaps creepiness is not the most precise descriptive term. I know quite a few more, but like HIP HOP lyrics that the lying Kamala Harris prefers (says she listened to Tupac in college for which she was called out), they’re not necessary. I feel no need to encourage trash, or creepy fools who say they respect those misogynists who do, such as the pandering Kamala.

- Your verdict appears accurate so far, and I get it. Figure out the verdict ahead of time and move on.
- However, while moving on there are some interesting observations along the way.
- The most important, at this stage of the drama … can Chauvin get a fair trial?
The onesidedness 'you', adult human beings, have and behold is really rather very obvious, but your onesidedness "walker" is even more outstanding and shines even more brightly.
Walker wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:59 am - The mob that wants blood is an implicit threat to judge, jury, witnesses, and attorneys.
- There’s no Dream-Team defense for Chauvin, however the prosecution is flush. They’re even getting donations, which can be used to buy the rope to hang Chauvin.
- A witness for the prosecution, a MMA guy, wore a BLM T-shirt visible under his dress shirt. BLM is anti-cop. The jury saw that T-shirt.
- City governments that sided with BLM to defund their police departments, and denounce the police, and not back-up the police, have experienced high levels of crime. Cops are discouraged when the system abandons them, then prosecutes them for following the procedures they were told to follow.
WHY is the "system" abandoning cops?

If it is because of "the mob", then WHY is "the mob" abandoning cops?

Your Honest answers would be much appreciated.
Walker wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:59 am - When cops are discouraged, the public suffers. Why should a cop risk his life?
- After losing lots of cops because of pandering to the mob, these cities are now quietly spending big bucks to beef up their police forces again, big bucks courtesy of the Republicans who properly govern cities.
- The toxicology report, reported that Floyd had enough drugs in his system to kill a horse, although they used fancier language.
And, what EXACTLY was that, so called, "fancier language"?

Implying something was said, is NOT actually Honesty in the truest of sense.

I suggest just saying and claiming what you can ACTUALLY back up and support. That way you will NOT be SO WRONG and MISTAKEN, so often as you are.
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Re: A question for Mick and W...

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:58 am Answer 1: You don't have to care, and it isn't clear that you even have the capacity to care in the humanitarian sense, but you clearly care in the intellectual sense, because you are here bothering to read and post.

Yeah, I suppose so.

Answer 2: Because Floyd died horribly and Chauvin killed him in your name.

Chauvin killed him on behalf of the State; Floyd was gonna end horribly no matter what.
What ACTUAL EVIDENCE and/or PROOF are you basing this CLAIM upon?
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:58 am Answer 3: Because the case has wider implications for citizen's rights and police (and state) power and accountability.

Citizens have no rights; cops -- as agents of the state -- can do just about any damn thing they like; the State -- any version -- is a cancer. Them there are the only implications worth considerin'.
What do you base the CLAIM, "Citizens have NO rights", on?
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Re: A question for Mick and W...

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:30 pm Some of us do.

We have privileges which are quite apart from life, liberty, and property (ours naturally).
So, 'you' have absolutely NO rights AT ALL, correct?

Just out of curiosity what laws do you live UNDER?
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:30 pm Police officers have a lot of power, but it isn't total.

Practically, it is.
I am not sure what county or state you live in, but it appears to be in a VERY DISTORTED STATE.
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:30 pm This doesn't mean much, and it denies significant differences between states like eg. Finland and China. In whatever sense being citizens of Finland and China is like having cancer, most of us would prefer the Finnish disease, I think.

Skin cancer is better than lung cancer: I still don't want it.
Are you suggesting here that you do not want to live?

You, after all, will HAVE TO live under and with a state.

If ANY state is a cancer, then you WILL HAVE TO live with a cancer.
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by henry quirk »

But your FEAR here will probably prevent you from being Truly Honest here now, correct?

Only thing I fear, when it comes to you, is you draggin' me thru page and pages of nutjobbery.

No thanks...find another playmate.
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Re: A question for Mick and W...

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:32 pm perhaps you can explain in more detail

I can, and have (elsewhere, in-forum), but, reality is, I don't like you and have no obligation or desire to indulge you.

But, as I'm not a complete jackhole...

viewtopic.php?f=15&t=32456 and learn (or not...makes me no difference either way).
You providing "other's" words is NOT you explaining something in more detail.

If you can NOT or will NOT explain something in more detail in your own words, then providing "other's" words is NOT going to help in understanding what 'you' SEE and UNDERSTAND.

If you can NOT explain something SIMPLY, in your own words, then this is a sign that you do NOT actually KNOW the subject at all, nor fully.
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Re: A question for Mick and W...

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:30 pm OK. So wouldn't you agree that Chauvin unjustifiably killed Floyd? If Chauvin was the instrument of an unjust state, then he must have murdered in the name of that unjust state. No? So you should be standing up in favor of Floyd--at least I would think.

Oh, Chauvin was wrong...He woulda been kinder to Floyd if he'd just pulled his nightstick and beat the piss outta him.
Are you here suggesting that it would be kinder to bash you to "an inch of your life", as some say, then to just kill you?

I know some who would love to do either to 'you', "henry quirk".
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:30 pm But, Floyd? Yeah, I can say buddy, you got screwed but I'd be foolish to ignore his own complicity in the circumstance.
So what was "floyd's" complicity in "himself" being killed?
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:30 pm His own complicity?
Good question.
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:30 pm Oh, he was as complicit in his own death as the woman who, after accompanying a stranger to his hotel room at 4am for conversation and, instead of exchangin' bon mots, is sodomized, is complicit in her rape. She shouldn't have been raped -- that guy needs a bullet to the brain -- but she wouldn't have been raped if she'd exercised a lil common sense to begin with.
So, if you are killed in your OWN home, because you pull a gun on someone else in that home, means that you ARE COMPLICIT also?

But does this "complicit" thing only work one way, which all depends on your own, OBVIOUSLY, VERY JUDGMENTAL views and beliefs?
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:30 pm But, that's blaming the victim, Henry! Yes, it is. She, the sodomized, and he, the knelt-upon, both coulda avoided those awful events with just a smidge of common sense and a thimble-full of self-discipline.
And you could also have AVOIDED ALL the situations where you put "yourself" IN when you, allegedly and supposedly, 'need' to pull a gun on someone else.

Also, do NOT forget that if you are shot dead or killed, then you ARE COMPLICIT in that, and that if someone chooses to just bash you instead of killing you, and allowing you to live the rest of your life in pain and in suffering, then this is kinder.
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:30 pm So, yeah, I can sympathize with Floyd (after all, gettin' offed by a moron with a badge...well, that's just plain humiliatin'), but stand up for him? Nope.
Some say that 'you', "henry quirk", with your views and beliefs, getting, so called, "offed", by ANY one or ANY moron, would just be MUCH KINDER for ALL of humanity.

Your, so called, "sympathy" here is about one of the most weakest ATTEMPTS of "sympathizing" that I have ever seen. Your racist and judgmental views are SO STRONG and shine SO BRIGHT that they are actually BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS.
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by Age »

Gary Childress wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:25 pm Although, by the same token as the rapist deserving a "bullet to the brain," doesn't Chauvin deserve the justice of being sentenced for murder or else, at the very least, manslaughter?
The OBVIOUS judgmental views that 'you', adult human beings, have, which are BEING SHOWN and ILLUSTRATED here VERY CLEARLY, is the very reason WHY 'you', human beings, are so BACKWARDS and living in the war and crime riddled "world" that you live in, in the days of when this is being written.

The VERY REASON WHY human beings grow up to become CRIMINALS is because of people like 'you', "gary childress", "henry quirk", and "walker", and your EXTREMELY prejudiced views and beliefs.

It is ACTUALLY people like you that is CAUSING the problems of the "world". But, inside of your OWN TINY LITTLE "worlds" you BELIEVE you are the good and right ones, which only further and literally purports the issues and problems here.

It is because of adult human beings like you three, which is ALL of 'you', adult human beings, that ALL Truly innocent children grow up doing Wrong.

And until 'you' are Truly OPEN and Honest about this FACT then 'you' will keep creating and causing the "world" and behavior, which you say you do not like and detest.
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:45 pm
Gary Childress wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:25 pm Although, by the same token as the rapist deserving a "bullet to the brain," doesn't Chauvin deserve the justice of being sentenced for murder?
He ought to fry if he murdered Floyd, yeah.

That's the question: did he *murder the man?

Did he even **kill Floyd, or was his knee just a contributin' factor to a ***death already in progress?

The trial is supposed to answer these questions.

*he intended to off Floyd

**he didn't intend to off Floyd

***heart attack, organ failure, etc.
And because of the way 'you', adult human beings, ARE, NONE of 'you' besides "chauvin" will KNOW what thee ACTUAL Truth IS.

But even "chauvin" does NOT YET KNOW what thee ACTUAL Truth IS. This is because "chauvin" is and has been lying and deceiving its own 'self'.

'you', adult human beings, in the days when this was written, were so accustomed to lying and deceiving that 'you' can NOT, yet, even SEE and RECOGNIZE what thee ACTUAL Truth WAS, nor even consisted of.
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:45 am
Gary Childress wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:48 pm
henry quirk wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:45 pm

He ought to fry if he murdered Floyd, yeah.

That's the question: did he *murder the man?

Did he even **kill Floyd, or was his knee just a contributin' factor to a ***death already in progress?

The trial is supposed to answer these questions.

*he intended to off Floyd

**he didn't intend to off Floyd

***heart attack, organ failure, etc.
If his knee was a contributing factor, then he could be sentenced for manslaughter.
At the very least he oughta get an ass-whippin'.
This is the EXACT MENTALITY, which caused and created that Truly MESSED UP "world" that you live/d in.

The "world" that existed when this was written was 'HURT someone who HURTS someone'.

The ABSOLUTE ABSURDITY and STUPIDITY of this speaks for itself.

I do NOT 'need' to say anymore.
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by Age »

Walker wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:46 pm “If George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced just know that all hell is going to break loose. Don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire.”
- Maya Echols, speaking for BLM.
If we changed the words "george floyd's" here with "911's", (-anyone, speaking for "americans"), then would this be justifiable and acceptable, to you?

If yes, then WHY?

But if no, then WHY NOT?
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:35 pm “If George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced just know that all hell is going to break loose. Don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire.”
- Maya Echols, speaking for BLM.

There's a reason why these folks never take that riotous shit out into rural 'murica.
And what is that reason?
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Re: Crime and punishment

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:05 pm But your FEAR here will probably prevent you from being Truly Honest here now, correct?

Only thing I fear, when it comes to you, is you draggin' me thru page and pages of nutjobbery.

No thanks...find another playmate.

"henry" claims to have NO fear NOR any concern shooting dead ANY one who "steals" ANY thing from him, but is Truly SCARED to just answer some clarifying questions. Why do people with this FEAR come into discussion forums, and especially philosophy forums?

The answer is actually OBVIOUS. That is; once one is able to SEE Truly CLEARLY.
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