The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

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The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Post by Paradigmer »

The entire observable universe is subliminally paradoxical.

I have a webpage that articulates on the above notion, and titled it as "The paradoxical effect of the cosmos"

I cut and paste the text here less the images, links, and clutters. This is intended for the convenience of quoting for specific discussions, but recommend readers to read it from the webpage for its full presentation.

Here goes:

The paradoxical effect of the cosmos is a subliminal natural effect that misleads people in its states of delusion with its naturally manifested negations. In the observable universe, this effect subliminally renders all sorts of natural cognitive paradox by negating the observations of natural phenomena in a typical obfuscated manner.

In the UVS worldview, the entire structure of the observable universe is intrinsically formed in a vortical system of the cosmos that could negate to obfuscate. All physical states of existence and the underlying structures of natural phenomena are thus inherently imbued with its paradoxical characteristics.

This paradoxical nature of reality is subliminally caused by the delusional characteristics of the cosmic hypersphere, and it manifests all sorts of subliminally negated circumstances by obfuscating the observations of the natural phenomena. The effect subliminally renders all sorts of natural cognitive paradoxes with their natural negations, and thus obfuscate to render the paradoxical observations of the natural phenomena that contradicts their actualities.

These cognitive paradoxes could be efficaciously resolved with the UVS research methodology in its analyses of the subliminally imbued paradoxical effects. And these could be systematically analyzed with the UVS inductive resolutions on the empirical observations of the natural phenomena, which are subtly demonstrating the hyperspherical variants of the structurally transformed torus and their intrinsic vortical characteristics.

These are through identifying the various forms of nested torus structure with their inferred unisonal vortices, which are being demonstrated elusively in the empirically observed natural phenomena. They are then analyzed with the UVS model in its conceptual framework, which could thus induce the insights for resolving their subliminal negations.

This epistemic process could elucidate how the observational delusions in their subliminally negated circumstances, are rendering their cognitive paradoxes.

Heuristically, this can elevate the perceptions of an observer for the natural phenomena to their transcendental perspectives to know how the cognitive paradoxes negate their actualities, how they mislead people with their delusionally perceived observations, and to fundamentally understand how such naturally negated observations, have had subliminally led to their cognitive paradox fallacies.

An empirically resolved example to illustrate a subliminal natural negation, is the perception of the morning Sun that rises in the east from the horizon.

Sunrise is a delusional observation perceived in a subliminally obfuscated manner; the Sun does not rise like it apparently seems to be. This is merely a perception on a rotating Earth that renders its relative motion illusion in its delusion.

The subliminal natural negation of its cognitive paradox, is caused by its observation in a localized perspective on an apparently motionless Earth that actually rotates.

The delusional observation of a morning rising Sun, is paradoxically a cognitive contradiction of its actuality.

For millenniums in the past, the majority of people from all over the whole wide world in its illusion of knowing about the Sun, were incognizantly misled by its delusion, and thus has had led to its physical paradoxes with all sorts of geocentrism.

The illusion of knowing in a delusion, is apparently real in its cognitive paradox.

A paradoxical effect can consistently fool us with its cognitive paradox in its state of delusion.

With manifold negating factors that are subliminally manifested, the paradoxical effect of the cosmos causes natural phenomena to be intermingled with multifarious cognitive paradoxes for their apparent observations. As thus, these observations would always paradoxically render as enigmas by obfuscating to contradict their actualities in a combination of subliminally negated circumstances. These enigmas of the natural phenomena are thus rendered in their manifold delusional observations, they therefore are counterintuitive, mysterious, confusing, and paradoxically misleading.

Paradoxically, the Sun does not rise in the east like it apparently seems to be, it is not stationary like it had been believed to be so with the putative laws of physics that assert heliocentrism, and it is also not the center of the Solar System like it was being thought as with its conventional wisdom; nothing could be further from the truth than these false facts that were established in all sorts of delusion about the Sun.

Without realizing the cognitive paradoxes that naturally negate to cause delusions in the observable universe, the paradoxical effect of the cosmos has had fooled even the very intelligent people.

The realization of a manifested paradoxical effect in its transcendental perspective, could elucidate its delusion.

With the delusion of a natural phenomenon elucidated, it reveals the natural negation of its manifested paradoxical effect that renders the subliminally negated circumstances for causing its cognitive paradox.

In the observable universe, the apparently observed natural phenomena that are being paradoxically rendered in all sorts of subliminally negated circumstances, are overwhelming.

With the inductive approach of the UVS research to intuitively analyze apparently observed natural phenomena in the conceptual framework of UVS, construed with their hypothetical constructs based on the UVS model for illustrating their underlying structures and mechanisms, it could elucidate their delusions to efficaciously resolve the subliminally negated circumstances that render their cognitive paradoxes.

Intuition is a cognitive function that has the ability to acquire knowledge without conscious reasoning. And with the visualization intuitively induced in its state of awakening for acquiring knowledge, it has the element of surprise with a rush of jubilation for its enlightenment when its state of delusion is dispersed. With the intuition and its insight for the actuality of a paradoxically rendered natural phenomenon, it could elucidate its delusion for resolving its cognitive paradox, and thus solves the misconception, mystery, or anomaly of its apparent observation.

Being enlightened in the conceptual framework of UVS with their inductive resolutions, has an awakening effect for understanding how the delusions of natural phenomena, could be rendered in all sorts of subliminally negated circumstances. This is by discerning the subliminally manifested paradoxical effects, so as to resolve all sorts of natural cognitive paradoxes that are manifested with all sorts of negations in a typical obfuscated manner.

The awakening from delusion is enlightenment; awakened from delusion is enlightening.

Enlightenment on the paradoxical effect of the cosmos, enlightens.

By realizing the paradoxical effect of the cosmos, it enlightens on how natural phenomena could be negated to render their delusions in a typical obfuscated manner.

The enigmas of the natural phenomena could be resolved by knowing how the paradoxical effect of the cosmos subliminally negates, which are causing the circumstances of their observational delusions.

This epistemic process in its coherently grounded transcendental perspectivalism, could enlighten with the insights of the UVS hypothetical constructs that explicate their underlying structures and mechanisms. This approach could intuitively induce the resolutions that have very profound resolving capability for the revelations of their obfuscated actualities. And with their induced visual thinkings, it therefore could resolve the delusions of those paradoxically rendered natural phenomena.

The enlightenment experienced with the UVS research when resolving an enigmatic natural phenomenon, could be analogous to a person is attempting to find the way out in an outskirt area to no avail during the night fall.

Then with the unexpected flashes of lightning bolts, whatever that were obfuscated in the darkness, are suddenly illuminated to render the visuals for the scenes that were obscured by darkness. The optically negated scenarios, are thus briefly lit up in the sudden overall illuminations.

These strokes of sudden illumination thus render the visualizations that could resolve the enigmas, and so forth triggered their explosions of discoveries.

To understand how the inductive resolutions of the UVS research made their revolutionary discoveries, one should experience the discovery process himself. This can begin by assimilating the UVS cosmological model, and then practice it on those well-resolved cognitive paradoxes of the paradoxically rendered natural phenomena that are easier to comprehend. Try to understand the manifested paradoxical circumstances on how it could render all sorts of subliminally negated circumstances, which are being manifested in a typical obfuscated manner to negate the observations of these natural phenomena.

An inductive resolution of the UVS research that enlightens intuitively, and therefore at a stroke resolves the enigma of a paradoxically rendered natural phenomenon, could trigger its explosion of discoveries.

After realizing the negation of a paradoxically observed natural phenomenon, and at the moment of being snapped out of its delusion at a stroke, in the state of its enlightenment it could intuitively resolve its cognitive paradox with its transcendental perspective by perceiving its actuality in the conceptual framework of UVS. Thereafter, other comparable natural phenomena in the generalization of a nested vortical paradigm that is scalable and systematically transformable with the UVS model, could be explored with its comparative analyses by addressing their comparable paradoxical effects to efficaciously resolve their cognitive paradoxes.

Essentially, this is an epistemic process with its nested positive feedback loop for the inductive resolutions on those comparable natural phenomena, where their apparent observations on different scale levels, are also appearing to be enigmatic as a result of their typically manifested natural cognitive paradoxes.

For the application of the UVS grounded methodology on any enigmatic natural phenomenon that could be paradoxically rendered, first develops its hypothetical construct to explicate its underlying structure and mechanism based on the UVS model. Then contemplates in the UVS worldview to intuitively resolve its cognitive paradox with the inductive approach in its conceptual framework, and then test its inspired insight with the UVS' theory of knowledge for its criteria of truth to evaluate the perceived actuality.

It would be an awe-inspiring experience in the awakened state of its enlightenment when one begins to realize the actuality of an enigmatic natural phenomenon, which is being enlightened at a stroke with its delusion elucidated in its inductive resolution. This would drive us to turn every stone for its evaluations, which could lead to evidence for supporting or against the transpired actuality. Nonetheless, discreetly avoid the pitfalls of self-fulfilling prophecy, and applies necessary discretions appropriately to check with qualitative rigor for cogency.

With the enlightenment, it can be incredibly simple and easy to perceive the actualities of enigmatic natural phenomena. However, under all sorts of subliminally negated circumstances, the state of such enlightenments could be extremely hard to attain. Despite the paradoxical effect of the cosmos could be explicitly understood, its abstraction under all sorts of negations are extremely difficult to grasp or accept at all for the very well-informed.

Under negated circumstances, when interpreting the actuality of a natural phenomenon as apparently observed, we could always be fooled by our hard-core beliefs of the mainstream endorsed scientific method of the modern science.

What we have undoubtedly believed as a reality is one thing, what is its actuality could be another thing.

The paradoxical effect of the cosmos would always cause such natural phenomena to be counterintuitive for the subliminally obfuscated observers; the actualities for such natural phenomena are always obfuscated in delusions that would subliminally negate our perceptions to mislead us. Our awareness in the fixed mindsets of our hard-core beliefs are naturally focused to only perceive what we have subconsciously prepared to accept. Hence, we are always misled by all sorts of manifested paradoxical effects with all sorts of delusion perceived in all sorts of obfuscated circumstances.

Always examine ourselves inward, the shortcomings and flaws are absolutely within us. And as a result of our obscured perceptions and limitations in many aspects, the actualities of the subliminally negated natural phenomena are therefore not apparent to us. Don't be stubborn with our beliefs, don't condition our thought to our beliefs on how the natural phenonmena are happening, don't be outright denial with what being revealed to us are contradicting our beliefs, and most of all, don't let our ego rule with our hard-core beliefs.

The hardest part is on dealing with our egocentric perceptions that would hold us from truly letting go our hard-core beliefs, which would obstruct us from any opportunity at all for resolving the cognitive paradox of any paradoxically rendered natural phenomenon; our ego would negate our intuition to obscure us from being able to realize the cognitive paradoxes that are subliminally rendered in negated circumstances.

Such beliefs could only lead us to visualize any natural phenomenon with its confirmation bias, caused by how we have anticipated a preferred outcome that subconsciously has satisfied our deep-seated belief. Thus, our perception would always end up regressing inside paradoxical realms to let us firmly believe all things are already thoroughly investigated, fully covered, and correctly understood to the rank and file levels. And with such illusions of knowing that assert our beliefs, we would relentlessly fool ourselves in all sorts of delusion.

Naturally, we all are cognitively negated fools.

When fathoming any natural phenomenon for its actuality, we must not fool ourselves.

Ironically, we must not be afraid of being fooled; we are fools fooling ourselves by afraid of being fooled after we are being subliminally fooled.

The more we think we know something, the least we would explore outside our hard-core beliefs for the ease in our comfort zone, and the more hindrance we would have with our arrogant when fathoming any natural phenomenon for its actuality.

Regardless of how much we think we know about the actuality of a natural phenomenon, we have to be humble so as to become hollowed out for its groundwork research, and accept that we could be fooled as a result of its subliminal negation. And to become truly humble for contemplating on the actualities of natural phenomena, it needs the humility to transcend our ego. This prerequisitely requires us to recognize and know that the hindrances and shortcomings are within us, and honestly acknowledges that inherently we all are cognitively negated fools.

To fathom any natural phenomenon with the UVS model in its conceptual framework, all hard-core beliefs have to be put aside until we are hollowed out enough so as to become receptive to the very bizarre ideology of a non-standard cosmological model without prejudice. Thus, we would not outrightly reject its postulation that contradicts our hard-core belief, and could therefore conceptually visualize to contemplate with its inspiration for what it is revealing.

Under all sorts of subliminally negated circumstances, only by being hollowed out with a pure intention to know, we could then be inspired to transpire the actualities of the natural phenomena to become disillusioned of our preconceptions.

This is no mean feat, and our ego needs to be vigilantly dealt with. This is especially so when we are trying to really let go any deep-seated belief in its disbelief while overcoming our egocentric perceptions. And consequently, we could undergo extreme traumatic mental experiences, such as become irrationally denial, psychologically stressed, emotionally depressed, or devastatingly anguished; in cognitive dissonance it can be very agonizing to face a total collapse of our hard-core beliefs.

To resolve a paradoxically rendered natural phenomenon in the conceptual framework of UVS, its observation has to be brought to its transcendental perception with its underlying structure and mechanism vividly perceived with the UVS model, so as to be able to conceptually visualize it for interacting with it in its conceptual thinking to comprehend it intuitively.

In the contemplating process, have integrity, and be absolutely honest with ourselves on any finding. Without the slightest attachment to our thoughts on the finding, have perseverance, and stay focused. Put our beliefs aside so as to free our imagination, and surrender our rigid mind to our intuition. Do not expect anything but be opened to everything including contradictions, and then let the imagination run, let it organize, and let it show.

When the perception of a paradoxically rendered natural phenomenon in its transcendental visualization, is coherently organized and vividly shown with the conceptual framework of UVS, we could be unexpectedly enlightened by its inspired intuition that elucidates its delusion. This could reveal its actuality for resolving its natural cognitive paradox in the realism of the objective reality, and would therefore transpire to solve the misconception, mystery, or anomaly of its apparent observation.

By visualizing the underlying vortical structures and mechanisms, it intuitively reveals the actualities of the mysteriously rendered natural phenomena.

Recapitulating on the example for resolving the delusory perception of sunrise, its delusion could be elucidated with its transcendental visualization of the Solar System on how a rotating spheroidal Earth, is rendering the relative motion illusion of a morning rising Sun. With this transcendental perception, we therefore could perceive how it subliminally negates to naturally render its cognitive paradox, which is as a result of the Earth's rotating motion is paradoxically appearing to be motionless for the earthbound observers.

By knowing the paradoxical effect of the cosmos on how it could subliminally negate in a typical obfuscated manner, and with the conceived hypothetical constructs that are coherently construed with the UVS model, in the transcendental perspectivalism of the UVS conceptual framework, the inductive resolutions of the UVS research thus intuitively enlighten to reveal the actualities of the paradoxically rendered natural phenomena.
Last edited by Paradigmer on Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:14 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: The paradoxical effect of nature

Post by wtf »

Cool story bro'.
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Re: The paradoxical effect of nature

Post by Paradigmer »

wtf wrote: Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:15 pmCool story bro'.
Thank you. :D

Most of all, I hope you had enjoyed the read like many did.
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Re: The paradoxical effect of nature

Post by Paradigmer »

The philosophical ideology of the entire observable is subliminally paradoxical, could be the very foundation of the next scientific revolution.

The scientific revolution of the UVS research

The scientific revolution of the UVS research with its elucidated delusions of the paradoxically rendered natural phenomena, emphasizes on the resolutions for the actualities of their empirical observations.

Extensively, the inductive resolutions of the research have had resolved numerous natural cognitive paradoxes of the paradoxically rendered natural phenomena, and thus had elucidated their observational delusions. These elucidations can be applied to re-evaluate those mainstream scientific theories of the physical science that are explicating on such natural phenomena with all sorts of physical paradoxes.

The resolved natural cognitive paradoxes can be efficaciously used to critically review these scientific theories from their first principles, and thus could elucidate the science delusions in their spurious propositions that predicate what are going on in the empirically observed natural phenomena.

With the elucidated science delusions, these can resolve the misconceptions of those fallacious mainstream scientific theories that insidiously mislead with the artificial cognitive paradoxes created in their scientific constructs.

In independent qualitative evaluations to review the criteria of truth construed in the theories of justification for these scientific theories that suffered science delusions, their artificial cognitive paradoxes were thus meticulously resolved.

Intrinsically, the artificial cognitive paradoxes of these fundamentally incorrect scientific theories, rendered their physical paradoxes with their fallaciously contrived posits, which have had resulted in all sorts of science delusion.

The cognitive paradox fallacies in the fallaciously validated propositions of these mainstream scientific theories, the informal fallacies in their posits, and the formal fallacies in their deductions, were thus addressed and resolved in their reviews.

These reviews also elucidate on how the fallacious mainstream scientific theories, were all speciously validated in their follies with the intrinsically flawed scientific method.
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Re: The paradoxical effect of nature

Post by Atla »

Does this nested vortical universe structure have an "eye", a central point? If so, where would that be?
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Re: The paradoxical effect of nature

Post by Paradigmer »

Atla wrote: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:59 pm Does this nested vortical universe structure have an "eye", a central point? If so, where would that be?
Appreciate your question, for it provides me the insight of how a third party could be attempting to comprehend the postulated Universal Vortical Singularity.

Strictly speaking, this "eye" is not a physical structure, but it undulates the structures of the nested vortical universe it manifests.

And you could find in the entire UVS treatise, I did not use the term "nested vortical universe structure" at all. IMO, this terminology is in itself a fallacy to start with for comprehending the postulated hyperspherical vortex universe. Please pardon my linguistic limitations for not being able to explicate clearly.

Allow me to rephrase your question in this light: "Does this nested vortical universe have an "eye", a central point?"


In the UVS worldview, the entities of the vortical "eye" exist everywhere in the objective reality and centered in every physical structure, but it is not a physical entity that could be found anywhere or detected directly.

It is an ethereal entity that manifested the vortical voids as "eyes" in all physical structures of the cosmos.

This nested "eye" is so huge it is the cosmos that encapsulates the entire observable, and its nested forms is so minute they manifest the empirically observed dark matters. It is an entity that underlies the dark matter blob as an hyperspherical ethereal structure that encapsulate their galaxy clusters. It is also the postulated gravitational singularity that form the supermassive black hole of a galaxy where it resides as a non-material entity. And it is also the postulated gravitational singularity manifested in the nucleus of every atomic element that thus renders its physical structure. Also, another classical example is, it is a nothingness manifested as the barycenter of the Solar System where all planetary objects including the Sun are gyrating around while it revolves around the hypothesised gravitational singularity of the Milky Way galaxy.

Thank you for your inquiry.
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Re: The paradoxical effect of nature

Post by Paradigmer »

Atla wrote: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:59 pm Does this nested vortical universe structure have an "eye", a central point? If so, where would that be?
You might want to check out on this UVS abstract to intuitively understand the postulated aethereal "eye":

The hyperspherical vortex of 137 nested 3-spheres

You may perceive it as the ubiquitously manifested electromagnetic nested "eyes" that vortically formed the cosmos as an omnipresent nested "eye" of 137 nested "eyes", which pervades the macrocosm and mirocosm in the entire cosmos, and in a nested vortical paradigm it underlies in all its vortically manifested physical structures.
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Re: The paradoxical effect of nature

Post by Paradigmer »

Atla wrote: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:59 pm Does this nested vortical universe structure have an "eye", a central point? If so, where would that be?
The vortical mechanism of this "eye" of the cosmos, could be fundamental to why all living things that have eyes, have had consequently evolute from the cosmic eyes to evolve as the biological eyes.

Just speculating.
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Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Post by Paradigmer »


I had reorganized the flow of text as well as added an animation to better present my webpage on "The paradoxical effect of the cosmos".

Looking forward to a renewed and lively discussion here.
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