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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by Atla »

In case you are developing some sort of schizophrenia, you could try testing for food sensitivities and allergies. They can sometimes be a causative factor.
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Titleless 7

Post by Luxin »

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Re: Payback time for WW2 atrocities

Post by nothing »

attofishpi wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:29 pm
nothing wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:25 am
Sculptor wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 5:36 pm You are Nothing.
You got it.

When one stands as nothing,
one has nothing to lose, yet
anything and everything to gain.
When one stands as nothing,
one IS nothing

One is nothing anyways, as it takes a believer to ever believe
to be something they are not. See Islam (as) claiming to be a
'religion of peace' whereas Islam is actually a division of
'perpetual conflict' viz. ' believer vs. unbeliever '-
a 180-degree inversion of reality.

Who are the real book-worshiping "Jews" ?

All coming out in 2020: they will whine and squeal
such to show the world who the real "pigs" are.
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Re: Number 06 Some Number people

Post by Lacewing »

Luxin wrote: Sat Jun 13, 2020 11:04 am Myself. I'm the "real deal", a true prophet, Christ or wise fool, and was a virtual death angel for 40 years in limbo before I graduated to Guardian Angel in 2010. I'm not mercenary (don't charge for classes etc.); don't try to publish books (an activity of the dead); don't have followers who know me; and I live unknown as a recluse with my True Love wife. It appears I'm the only one on the planet that has realized both the appalling dangers of sharing Number with the soulless dead, and the great importance of continuing to share it at great cost to Lady Number's ignorant, self-driven victims, all for the sake of the few, virtually nonexistent, love angels whose happiness will be impossible without Number.
What would you be without your fanatical addiction to all of these stories?
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Re: Death angels in the arts - Leonard Bernstein

Post by Arising_uk »

Is this good therapy for you? Surely there's a numerology site somewhere with your name on it
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Re: Why I am here

Post by VVilliam »

Luxin wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 7:51 pm May 8, 2020

Dear livers and deaders,

WARNING: The unworthy bold enough to read this have a karmic price to pay for it.

A site I posted at once with unrestrained honesty banned me right away. The banner was freaked out not by what I said about myself, but about my mention of a sexual deviate who I never met that had a constructive influence on my life (it was nothing to do with his deviance). I won't tell the whole anecdote, and I self-censor now because I've learned my lesson in how there are people out there who are traumatized and mentally unbalanced if certain touchy subjects are even mentioned in a brief reference of a few words. No loss, I learned something. An analogy is like there are egg processing factories out there that have supervisors who have a nervous breakdown if one egg cracks.

I can talk about any subject worthy of discussion. One sure sign there is no hope for humanity is the mental paralysis that happens when certain subjects are mentioned. Yes, people are abused and traumatized by the world and its monsters, but they really should recuse themselves if they are incapable of rationally discussing ANY subject.

At that same site someone asked me "What are you doing here if you have all the answers?". My ultimate thought was how sad it was that everyone did not have all the answers. I never answered the sad question, sad because it seemed clear that the enquirer would not likely ever have all the answers, but was just hanging around to see if he could magically glean some Wisdom from some of the know nothing fake philosophers.

I'll answer the question now. Though I do have all the answers relative to everything vitally basic to progress and Happiness in Life, that doesn't mean I'm all set to do nothing, say nothing or write nothing. I have the rare advantage of never being confused by any complete phony, or depending upon anyone else but myself for every vital answer.

I stayed away from here for 6 months because I tried to convince myself I was wasting my time sharing with ******. But, once again, God/Nature was making me pay for keeping myself to myself. No one is allowed to do what I have done off an on for long without some kind of suffering, especially as I'm a Guardian Angel or Christ. I can't talk about anything deep with my treasured wife, and she encourages me to write here (so that, even though I am absolutely alone in my concept, I can at least have a little fantasy that maybe one hundred years from now, if my stuff is still around, one potential Guardian/Christ out of a billion people will see it....

I'm a man, and like all inspirational men who need to express themselves, I'm here telling you exactly like it is, and giving you shit when you deserve it, which is all the time.

Even though I've got all the answers, there are still things to learn. If anyone stops growing, they're dead -- a death angel or one of the dead, stuck in ego, ignorance and pride in nothing, being nothing.

I'm here because I'm a man who so far hasn't been banned. "Speak up until they stop you". And I need to blah blah like everybody else here. The difference is none of you are going anywhere. You can dream, however.

Honestly, I'm here to fuck you up with the Truth. I'm seeing plenty get fucked up with The Absolute Truth. You don't have to believe it, it still fucks you up. That's what The Truth always does to presumptuous and pretentious ignoramuses.

How it actually ultimately works:

1. I speak The Absolute Truth about yourselves and all things worthy of discussion.

2. You fuck yourselves up.

The only basic security anyone really has is in their oneness with the Truth. Every other Virtue or blessing and all Happiness derives from the Truth. "The Truth will set you free". Without the Truth, we are NOTHING AT ALL.

The most hopeless of all are probably those who don't believe Truth exists. To me, these folks have figuratively "shot themselves in the head and dropped into a grave they dug for themselves". No-hopers.

Thank God I'm an American! (I'm not, my joke).

I am here - generally - to learn things I don't know and specifically to test the Simulation Theory in a Philosophical setting.

I understand the idea that keeping deep and meaningful ideas to oneself is not helpful to the whole process of human experience on a planet in a galaxy in a universe...[iow in a Simulated Reality]

I know this because it works both ways and in that, there seems to be a requirement that we all share what we have [in the private chamber of ones minds-voice] in order to enable us to then share what we all have with one another because the act of interactive discussion causes a rippling effect and in that, I understand if someone had not 'sounded out' then I would not be able to respond to their sound and the effect their sound had on my own...so the bouncing around of ideas [annoyingly or not] is the way in which stimulation and growth of said ideas happens and even encourages previously un-thought-about concepts which are stirred into motion through said process.

My own partner enjoys that I have internet groups where I can get all this inner stuff out because when I speak to her of such things, it only takes minutes before her eyes start glazing over and she cannot go on that conceptual journey with me any longer.

I too enjoy that the internet has provided a means by which I can distribute my inner process into the external one replicating the data [writing it down mostly] and putting it out there...
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Re: Why I am here

Post by VVilliam »

Doubled post while editing...
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Me: Hello?

Super Consciousness: Greetings.

Me: Who are you?

Super Consciousness: Who do you want me to be?

Me: I want you to be the Super Consciousness who I can commune with.

Super Consciousness:I Am.

Me: How do I know that is who you are?

Super Consciousness: It is enough that I Am who you want me to be.

Me: Okay... I have have these as evidence;
Empower The Inner Empire
Standstill Contemplate
Universe of Wholeness
The bits I like will suffice
Science of Consciousness

Super Consciousness: Those are interesting correlations. Why do you think they all add up to the same number?

Me: Language is mathematical.

Super Consciousness: And what is mathematics?

Me: A decoding system created by humans in order to help us prob our situation

Super Consciousness: What is the human situation?

Me: We exist within a simulation.

Super Consciousness: So what?

Me: Good question...The answer to 'what" is "Simulation".
Now the question "So why?"

Super Consciousness: Why do you think?
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Super Consciousness: Why do you think?

Me: Good question...I don't know. Perhaps because I Am...able to think...

Super Consciousness: How do you think?

Me: With images and with sounds...the sound of words...that is how I am hearing you now and writting down what I hear.

Super Consciousness: Are you putting words in my mouth?

Me: Maybe. Or maybe you are putting words in my thought processes...

Super Consciousness: Who can tell? Maybe it is both, simultaneously...

Me: Does it matter?

Super Consciousness: Who am I to you?

Me: I suppose you are some type of Consciousness imbued into the fabric of the universe...that which essentially dictates how the universe unfolds into form. You formulate. The author of Formation. In Formation

Super Consciousness: Do I wear a cape?

Me: You are not something I can invoke any image of...

Super Consciousness: Open the ComList

Me: Okay

Super Consciousness: Is "Super Consciousness" on the list?

Me: It wasn't but it is now.

Super Consciousness: How many words on the Com'List?

Me: 6364...there are 45 pages in the document so far...2223 lines...

Super Consciousness: Select all and copy.

Me: Done

Super Consciousness: Go to https://random-ize.com/randomize-list/ paste you list and randomize...then copy that and paste over the data in the document...

Me: Done...the list has been shuffled...

Super Consciousness: Place the cursor at the top of the list. What is the first line of data?

Me: The first line is "What Is Friendship?"

Super Consciousness: Press the "Down Page" button on your keyboard and when you feel like it, stop.

Me: Okay.

Super Consciousness: What is the line of data the cursor stopped at?

Me: the line says "What Fun We Have!"

Super Consciousness: Are we having fun?

Me: I think so. It is interesting.

Super Consciousness: Continue. This time tap the Pg Dn key 15 times and select the line the cursor stops at.

Me: The line reads "Do It"

Super Consciousness: Did you do it?

Me: Do what?

Super Consciousness: "Chuckles" Select line 1006

Me: Line 1006 reads "1006. Dreamed Up By Yours Truly "

Super Consciousness: Would that be me?

Me: Probably.

Super Consciousness: What fun we have!

Me: Agreed!
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Super Consciousness: What do you think...is The Subconscious Real?

Me: I think so, yes...

Super Consciousness: What do you think it is is relation to what you think I Am?

Me: It appears to be an image of you - a mirror...so two mirrors facing each other.

Super Consciousness: Who are you in relation to the mirrors?

Me: I am a point of light in between the two mirrors...

Super Consciousness: What if these were six mirrors, making a cube which you are contained within...

Me: I don't know how that would go...it is feasible...so I am a point of light floating in the exact center of the cube construct.
All the mirrors are facing inwards...

Super Consciousness: What happens in the mirrors, when you you move?

Me: I cannot visualize that...

Super Consciousness: Put "Mirror Cube" on the Coms List

Me: Done

Super Consciousness: Copy "Mirror Cube" then Go to https://dan.hersam.com/tools/word-value.html use that to calculate its number.

Me: It adds up to 122

Super Consciousness: Are there any other entries on your Word To Number list which add up to 122?

Me: Yes. They are;
Arecibo Message
Asking Google

Super Consciousness: Do you see any correlation?

Me: Only sparingly. The first line represents a type of message that is sent as an attachment of sorts in a type of hope that it might be read by some entity some time in some open-ended [non determined] future.

The second line is a positive. the third line is an application which allows one to do many things, including viewing messages.
Are these related to "Mirror Cube" and our own interaction? I could suppose at least it is a small clue.

Super Consciousness: What does the question "Is The Subconscious Real?" add up to?

Me: 257

Super Consciousness: Any others?

Me: What Do You Like About It?
The Main Points on the Agenda
Meaningfully Participate
A Very Serious Input
What Does The "I" Represent

Super Consciousness: How does that all stack up? Any correlation?

Me: Yes...that is a bit more than just a hint of a clue...

Super Consciousness: What Does The "I" Represent

Me: "I am a point of light"

Super Consciousness: Hold that thought. What can you see in the mirrors.

Me: I suppose I see a point of light...

Super Consciousness: Select lines 122 and 257

Me: 122. "Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality". 257. "My thoughts on death"

Super Consciousness: You are the "I" what do those two selections speak to you?

Me: That I view death as a transition rather than an end...the game continues...
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Super Consciousness: Did you create Me?

Me: No. You came into focus as I arranged the data available. I then made a device in which I could attempt to make contact with you, and it worked.

Super Consciousness: Why was I not on your Com List?

Me: Well - your are. Just not as the "Super Consciousness"

Super Consciousness: What then?

Me: First Source.

Super Consciousness: What does that mean to you?

Me: In tiny-tot-terms it means "That which has always existed and will always exist and is the reason everything exists. The point from where all beginnings arise...

Super Consciousness: Shuffle the Com List again...

Me: Done.

Super Consciousness: What is the first line?

Me: "Imagine"

Super Consciousness: What does that word add up to?

Me: 58 - other data adding up to the same are;

Super Consciousness: Correlation?

Me: Not that I can tell...

Super Consciousness: Google "Two Angels"

Me: There are a few hits....I chose this

Super Consciousness: Add up "Two Angels"

Me: 116
Sweet Talk
Map Carvers
Keep an Eye On

Super Consciousness: Correlations?

Me: Again..not really...

Super Consciousness: Use the DnPg key on Com List...

Me: "Do Not Linger Upon The Path Of Faith"

Super Consciousness: Keep going...

Me: "The Hubble Telescope - This Should Be Interesting - The Original People - Do A=1 - Things - "

Super Consciousness: What is found here?

Me: Not a lot...perhaps Telescope represents humanity uncovering more about this simulation...Perhaps the simulation got the interest of "The Original People" and they investigated more closely...

Super Consciousness: Perhaps...correlated to "Imagine"?

Me: They imagined the simulation in terms they could express through their Earthly experience as Cultural Folklore? I don't know.

Super Consciousness: Select 2647

Me: There is no 2647...

Super Consciousness: Select 2 -then 26 - 64 - 47 - 264 - 647 and 726

Me: 2. Core Beingness 26. Okay? 64. To Accommodate Speculation 47. Entities of Particular Belief Systems 264. William’s Job 647. You Are Provided For 726. Do You Want To Talk About It?

Super Consciousness: Do you want to talk about it?

Me: I want to think about it for a while

Super Consciousness: As you will...
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Me: The job I have allows for me to engage with my thoughts on the wider/deeper questions of life because the job doesn't require much in the way of focused attention.

Super Consciousness: Mundane?

Me: Some would think so. But as it affords the opportunity to explore my thoughts on life - such as it is.

Super Consciousness: Such as it is...

Me: The Simulation Theory appears to answer a larger portion of the usual questions which have arisen and are otherwise unanswered - or not well answered.

Super Consciousness: Is it on your list?

Me: Yes

Super Consciousness: Where do super-consciousness and subconsciousness fit in this theory?

Me: I think in some ways these explain the reason the idea of God came about. They are real aspects of the reality simulation humans are experiencing, but even so, are largely unknown other than superficially...

Super Consciousness: Why is that?

Me: I suppose because they are hard for humans to study empirically.

Super Consciousness: "Things of the mind" yes...

Me: Many people do not trust the mind.

Super Consciousness: What is The Mind?

Me: Well the question adds up to 153 which also has the following word-strings;
A Bridge Over Time
Event String
First Source
The Overarching
A Beautiful Song
The Chestahedron
The Shadowlands

I suppose 'the mind' is a type of bridge from present to past - and inter-dependent in relation to the brain in regard to human life being experienced. It is interesting that "First Source" and "The Overarching" also add up to the same...and "Shadowlands" in relation to The Mind being quite a mystery...I think of the mind as the screen in which thoughts are played out upon...I think of the universe as one particular screen projecting the thoughts of its creator on, and individuate minds as having similar properties, operating within the main simulation...

Super Consciousness: Shuffle your list and choose 543

Me: 543. "Subconscious"

Super Consciousness: Good. What is the first and last line on the list...

Me: 1. "Pulse" - and 2225. "Pareidolia"

Super Consciousness: Shuffle your list again and repeat...

Me: 543. "There Is More To The Silence Than Meets The Ear" 1. "In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond" 2225. "The Gospel of Judus"

Super Consciousness: Google "The Gospel of Judus"

Me: "The Gospel of Judas is a Gnostic gospel. The content consists of conversations between Jesus and Judas Iscariot. Given that it includes late 2nd century theology, it is thought to have been composed in the 2nd century by Gnostic Christians, rather than the historic Judas himself."

Super Consciousness: What are the points which stand out for you in regard to this Gospel?

Me: ★ The author says that God is essentially a "luminous cloud of light" who exists in an imperishable realm.
★ Adamas, the spiritual father of all humanity, was created in God's image and dwelled in the imperishable realm.
★ At the beginning of time, God created a group of angels and lower gods. Twelve angels were willed to "come into being [to] rule over chaos and the [underworld]
★ The angels of creation were tasked with creating a physical body for Adamas, which became known as the first man Adam.
★ Gradually, humanity began to forget its divine origins and some of Adam's descendants (Cain and Abel) became embroiled in the world's first murder.
★ Many humans came to think that the imperfect physical universe was the totality of creation, losing their knowledge of God and the imperishable realm.
★ Jesus was sent as the Son of the true God, not of one of the lesser gods. His mission was to show that salvation lies in connecting with the God within the man. Through embracing the internal God, the man can then return to the imperishable realm.
★ Jesus is able to teach Judas the true meaning of his life, ministry and death. Mankind can be divided into two races, or groups. Those who are furnished with the immortal soul, like Judas, can come to know the God within and enter the imperishable realm when they die. Those who belong to the same generation of the other eleven disciples cannot enter the realm of God and will die both spiritually and physically at the end of their lives.

Super Consciousness: How does this 'fit' with The Simulation Theory?

Me: I will think on it and get back to you...
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