Sick until proven healthy

For philosophical reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic. How can philosophy help us to understand it, to combat it and to survive it?

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Gary Childress
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Gary Childress »

henry quirk wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 7:21 pm
I don't see much reason to be up in guns about anything.
I do.
Like what? What is so terrible that we need to be waving guns about it?
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Gary Childress »

henry quirk wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 7:21 pm
I think most of us have it pretty good in the US compared to a lot of other places in the world.
So do I, that's why guns.
Are you saying you are up in arms about being better off than many people in the third world? That would be a strange complaint. In any case, many places in the Third world are improving too. Our own businesses are shifting a lot of their work to the third world, gaining people in those countries revenue and know-how.
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Arising_uk »

henry quirk wrote: Wow. Many can overpower one: thank you Capt. Obvious.
Not to do with numbers but better training, better firepower and combat experience along with squad loyalty. I'll bet on two full squads of US infantry against a much larger number of unregulated militia men any day of the week.
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by FlashDangerpants »

Gloominary wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 5:39 pm Some allopaths, laymen and most Naturopaths agree with me.
From my experience, it's the terrain.
Time after time I've proven to myself it's malnutrition, toxicity and stress that makes me sick, not germs.
My health is not affected by whether I come into contact with lots of filth or not, whether I wash my hands, social distance or not, it's affected by what I eat, my emotional wellbeing, and toxicity in what I put in, on and around my body.
I'm not saying germs can never, ever make anyone sick, just that the role they play in our health has been greatly exaggerated.
You should check in with hobnob7, he can probably demonstrate via angularity and all things being reflections of reflections of themselves that Covid-19 is caused by pyramids. You seem like you would enjoy that.
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Gloominary »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 9:56 pm
Gloominary wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 5:39 pm Some allopaths, laymen and most Naturopaths agree with me.
From my experience, it's the terrain.
Time after time I've proven to myself it's malnutrition, toxicity and stress that makes me sick, not germs.
My health is not affected by whether I come into contact with lots of filth or not, whether I wash my hands, social distance or not, it's affected by what I eat, my emotional wellbeing, and toxicity in what I put in, on and around my body.
I'm not saying germs can never, ever make anyone sick, just that the role they play in our health has been greatly exaggerated.
You should check in with hobnob7, he can probably demonstrate via angularity and all things being reflections of reflections of themselves that Covid-19 is caused by pyramids. You seem like you would enjoy that.
You should move to communist China, they don't allow people to think for themselves, question or criticize authority over there, you'd fit right in.
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Gloominary »

And make sure to get plenty of aluminum, detergent, formaldehyde and mercury filled vaccinations this and every year.

Big brother, pharma and Monsanto are looking out for you. :wink:
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by henry quirk »

Like what? What is so terrible that we need to be waving guns about it?

Nuthin', at the *moment (one of the reasons bein' guns).

Are you saying you are up in arms about being better off than many people in the third world?

No. I'm sayin' guns, in part, keep 'murica from bein' a third world nation.


Not to do with numbers but better training, better firepower and combat experience along with squad loyalty.

Good points.

I'll bet on two full squads of US infantry against a much larger number of unregulated militia men any day of the week.

And I'm bettin' a goodly chunk of those well-trained, well-armed, experienced folks will be fillin' out the already swollen ranks of the militia. Military (current and former), police officers (current and former), Sheriffs and deputies (current and former): not all are robotic follow any order given units.

Them re-education camps might have to stay empty.

*I'm mindful of the various state-level over-reaches goin' on cuz of beer virus...I'm also aware of the peaceful pushback against those over-reaches...the well-played over-reaction isn't goin' as planned...but ground was lost...tomorrow, we'll see how much can be regained, and how
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Arising_uk »

henry quirk wrote: And I'm bettin' a goodly chunk of those well-trained, well-armed, experienced folks will be fillin' out the already swollen ranks of the militia. Military (current and former), police officers (current and former), Sheriffs and deputies (current and former): not all are robotic follow any order given units. ...
Lol! You mean these guys? ... e&ie=UTF-8

Apart from the joke, there is a big difference between military and police combat training not least because the military will tend to face equally heavily armed and well trained opponents whereas the police tend to be the 'greater numbers' brigade.
Them re-education camps might have to stay empty. ...
No-one was talking about 're-education' camps but quarantine camps and I'm betting the military would follow orders in this respect as ironically compared to other nations your squaddies have a higher than average number of the high-percentile high-school grads in their ranks, presumably because these bright sons of the hard-working joe can't afford a higher education and use service as the route to it, and will understand the reasoning. Not that I think this will be happening.

*I'm mindful that the US squaddie does not have to legally follow orders.
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Gloominary »

Gary Childress wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 7:25 pm
henry quirk wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 7:21 pm
I don't see much reason to be up in guns about anything.
I do.
Like what? What is so terrible that we need to be waving guns about it?
Big Business Has All the Advantages in the Pandemic
Even now, some of them are hiring and expanding while small companies are getting crushed. ... e-pandemic
A total of 81% of the global workforce of 3.3 billion people have had their workplace fully or partly closed.
‘Instead of Coronavirus, the Hunger Will Kill Us.’
A Global Food Crisis Looms.
The world has never faced a hunger emergency like this, experts say.
It could double the number of people facing acute hunger to 265 million by the end of this year. ... risis.html
New Zealand domestic violence services to get $200m as lockdown takes toll.
Nation has one of the highest rates of sexual and domestic violence in the developed world and rates have risen during coronavirus. ... takes-toll
Pandemic lockdown increases child abuse risk. ... abuse.html
150,000 Brits will die an 'avoidable death' during coronavirus pandemic through depression, domestic violence and suicides. ... cides.html
It's not just civil liberties.
Many other charter rights have been violated in Covid19 pandemic. ... 9-pandemic
Denmark rushes through emergency coronavirus law.
Denmark's parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police.
As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus. ... avirus-law
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by henry quirk »

there is a big difference between military and police combat training not least because the military will tend to face equally heavily armed and well trained opponents whereas the police tend to be the 'greater numbers' brigade.

You need to read what I posted.

No-one was talking about 're-education' camps but quarantine camps

Half a dozen of one, six of the other.
Gary Childress
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Gary Childress »

Gloominary wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 11:52 pm
[see above as the forum isn't allowing me to quote all of it for some reason]
From the article regarding the hunger crisis:
While the system of food distribution and retailing in rich nations is organized and automated, he said, systems in developing countries are “labor intensive,” making “these supply chains much more vulnerable to Covid-19 and social distancing regulations.”
If a country is in a situation where they can't afford to lockdown due to greater risk of hunger and food shortages, then, by all means, they should probably not lockdown--just run the risk of the outbreak and hope the outcome isn't too bad. As far as domestic violence, should policies be shaped around a few people who can't behave themselves? We can't take precautions because Archie will beat his wife more?

And I'm sure big businesses with deep pockets or that are "too big to fail" will fare better than small ones. That generally happens in just about every scenario, even on good days. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot anyone can do about it short of doing away with private ownership of major industries so that the few aren't benefitting off of it more so than the rest.

As I say, it's possible that the lockdown wasn't necessary, however, I don't believe it was part of some evil scheme to subvert the public.
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Dontaskme »

Gloominary wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 9:59 pm You should move to communist China, they don't allow people to think for themselves, question or criticize authority over there, you'd fit right in.
And God forbid if you even dare to make up your own mind about reality and how it works.

It's like we are born into a reality that we didn't even asked to be born into in the first place, and then just expected to conform to the way things are that other people have made up according to their own way of thinking and believing...and then it's like how dare anyone else rock the boat...without being labeled a crazy, and be told ''....your totally insane mad you are....''

I remember as far back as 4 /6 years years old thinking, hang on a minute, there's something not quite right about all this...and then I successfully proved myself right many years later...just by using my own intelligence and common sense, the sense I was born with...not the sense I was told was mine by someone else.

That revelation was worth waiting for, and certainly worth the price of admission being born into a world where you are told you are insane mad you are...ooh, if only they knew how true that really is. And yet was the biggest lie ever told, but nope, they didn't want to look at the lie, they would rather live the lie, ..they would literally lie in the lie.

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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Arising_uk »

Gloominaru wrote: Trump reluctantly went along with some of the left's proposals, while rejecting others.
It's primarily the left that's pushing for this shit.
Look at populist president Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, he completely rejected their bullshit.
The response will vary by country and Brazil can afford to I guess as their over 60s are what 9% of the total whereas the states have 16 odd percent. I guess it boils down to how well ones health services could cope. Over here it was clear that allowing the virus to have free rein would have collapsed ours. Unless a vaccine is discovered there will in the long run be as many dying as there would have under a free rein response. The whole point was to slow the curve so our health service would cope. That and that no government would having to bury a few million bodies all at once.
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Arising_uk »

henry quirk wrote:
You need to read what I posted.
I did.
The vast majority of your police are ill-trained in the use of firearms in a combat situation. Those who have such training will not have squads trained to the same standard so will not be effective. This idea that your guns keep you free from an oppressive government is a myth propagated via the myth about the success of your revolution being the result of citizen militias. It's why Washingtin heartily disliked the militias and tried to hobble them. All they are really useful for is oppressing the civilian population.
Half a dozen of one, six of the other.
Apples and oranges.

If this virus was an airborne Ebola style one there's be no discussion. It's because it's not that there are issues about the responses.
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Re: Sick until proven healthy

Post by Gloominary »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 9:58 am
Gloominary wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 9:59 pm You should move to communist China, they don't allow people to think for themselves, question or criticize authority over there, you'd fit right in.
And God forbid if you even dare to make up your own mind about reality and how it works.

It's like we are born into a reality that we didn't even asked to be born into in the first place, and then just expected to conform to the way things are that other people have made up according to their own way of thinking and believing...and then it's like how dare anyone else rock the boat...without being labeled a crazy, and be told ''....your totally insane mad you are....''

I remember as far back as 4 /6 years years old thinking, hang on a minute, there's something not quite right about all this...and then I successfully proved myself right many years later...just by using my own intelligence and common sense, the sense I was born with...not the sense I was told was mine by someone else.

That revelation was worth waiting for, and certainly worth the price of admission being born into a world where you are told you are insane mad you are...ooh, if only they knew how true that really is. And yet was the biggest lie ever told, but nope, they didn't want to look at the lie, they would rather live the lie, ..they would literally lie in the lie.

Right, these days, many people have been indoctrinated to hate democracy and liberty.
They worship technocrats.
They'd rather live in a technocracy where 'the experts' run our lives for us.
If it's not explicit it's implicit in everything they think and say.
If you question or criticize the scientific consensus (or what big brother, pharma, Monsanto and MSM want you to believe the scientific consensus is), you're a heretic and you should be censored.
The more extreme ones believe you should be fined, incarcerated, re-educated, sterilized and lobotomized.
These people are enemies of the people.
Blind faith in 'the specialists' is a betrayal of democracy and liberty.
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