To AMod, supreme Nazi ***

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To AMod, supreme Nazi ***

Post by Luxin »

October 2, 2019

AMod, you useless, ignorant and presumptuous *** of Rick Lewis's *** --

Do your *** job you phony supreme authority on all things philosophy --

Ban me you quintissential *** !!

Thank you very much in advance.

Without anger, just perfectly accurate as always....


PS. Delete all my posts, that are meant for normal people, not retarded-in-every-way mental dwarves like you. I don't want to be part of the criminal deception or fraud all the "philosopher" criminals you, Rick Lewis, and my favorite Nazis Walker and dachshund are perpetrating.

Get with it you *** supreme....remember a good Nazi always eliminates the intellectuals first ... that means you must also eliminate yourself, because you are a sad Nazi who is so deluded you think you're an intellectual.

Be a good *** too, and ***. Of course, my advice is unnecessary because you and all your Nazi scum here were *** long ago.

[Edited by iMod]
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Re: To AMod, supreme Nazi ***

Post by AMod »

Luxin wrote:...

Get with it you *** supreme....remember a good Nazi always eliminates the intellectuals first ... that means you must also eliminate yourself, because you are a sad Nazi who is so deluded you think you're an intellectual.
No they don't, they come for the disabled first. The intellectuals pick sides and try to survive.