Why is nazism popular today?

How should society be organised, if at all?

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Post by Arising_uk »

Logik wrote:Surely you don't think brandishing a swastika and shouting Sig Heil makes one a Nazi in 2019?
Don't know about yours but ours generally don't do anything that stupid anymore.
The world is more complex than appearances.
I agree and so do they, that's why the alt-right sound so reasonable now but the message is the same old same old, 'they' are taking away your rights, you are becoming second-class citizens in your own country, 'they' are taking your jobs, capitalist globalization is evil, you are losing your national identity and 'they' are taking it away from you, etc, etc.
Like who?
Like Jo Cox, like the 69 kids in Norway, like the murders in NZ.

But you are right, I think I over reacted to IC's post as in Europe the bulk of attacks have been from Islamic Jihadists and their attempts to cause a reaction towards the muslim communities as they are following Mao's idea of terrorism to force a violent response towards the moderate muslims in an attempt to drive them into their camp and Bin Laden's brilliant lesson from the Americans to franchise out his terrorism is proving very popular with the disaffected. But any rise of the far-right has strong associations with it over here that maybe Americans don't feel but one can see the connections being built up amongst the far-right extremist groups to push their guff, you can hear it in the rise of far-right political parties across Europe and the idea of 'iliberal democracy'.

Then again I read stuff like this on wiki
"As of December 2018, the New America Foundation placed the number killed in terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11 as follows: 104 killed in jihadist terrorist attacks, 86 killed in far-right attacks, 8 killed in black separatist/nationalist/supremacist attacks, and 8 killed in ideological misogyny/"incel" ideology attacks. The politically conservative Daily Caller News Foundation using data from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), found 92% of all "ideologically motivated homicide incidents" committed in the United States from 2007 to 2016 were motivated by right-wing extremism or white supremacism. According to the Government Accountability Office of the United States, 73% of violent extremist incidents that resulted in deaths since September 12, 2001 were caused by right-wing extremist groups."
Gary Childress
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Post by Gary Childress »

Arising_uk wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:56 am
Logik wrote:Surely you don't think brandishing a swastika and shouting Sig Heil makes one a Nazi in 2019?
Don't know about yours but ours generally don't do anything that stupid anymore.
The world is more complex than appearances.
I agree and so do they, that's why the alt-right sound so reasonable now but the message is the same old same old, 'they' are taking away your rights, you are becoming second-class citizens in your own country, 'they' are taking your jobs, capitalist globalization is evil, you are losing your national identity and 'they' are taking it away from you, etc, etc.
Like who?
Like Jo Cox, like the 69 kids in Norway, like the murders in NZ.

But you are right, I think I over reacted to IC's post as in Europe the bulk of attacks have been from Islamic Jihadists and their attempts to cause a reaction towards the muslim communities as they are following Mao's idea of terrorism to force a violent response towards the moderate muslims in an attempt to drive them into their camp and Bin Laden's brilliant lesson from the Americans to franchise out his terrorism is proving very popular with the disaffected. But any rise of the far-right has strong associations with it over here that maybe Americans don't feel but one can see the connections being built up amongst the far-right extremist groups to push their guff, you can hear it in the rise of far-right political parties across Europe and the idea of 'iliberal democracy'.

Then again I read stuff like this on wiki
"As of December 2018, the New America Foundation placed the number killed in terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11 as follows: 104 killed in jihadist terrorist attacks, 86 killed in far-right attacks, 8 killed in black separatist/nationalist/supremacist attacks, and 8 killed in ideological misogyny/"incel" ideology attacks. The politically conservative Daily Caller News Foundation using data from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), found 92% of all "ideologically motivated homicide incidents" committed in the United States from 2007 to 2016 were motivated by right-wing extremism or white supremacism. According to the Government Accountability Office of the United States, 73% of violent extremist incidents that resulted in deaths since September 12, 2001 were caused by right-wing extremist groups."
I think you are correct, Arising_UK. I googled Wiki for "left wing terrorism" and came up empty but "right wing terrorism" seems to be much more active. Even googling Antifa, I couldn't find many actual violent acts attributed to them. At worst they have maybe gotten into squabbles in the middle of protests where they pepper sprayed people or hit people who were also armed but their record doesn't seem to match up with the list of right wing attacks that can be found here:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-win ... ted_States

Somehow or another, it seems to be a misconception on this forum that the left is more dangerous than the right in Western nations. However, from what I can tell, it appears to be the opposite. I'm not a big fan of PC culture and SJWs for personal reasons, however, I have to go with the facts here and say that at worst they are a nuisance with their practices of public shaming and shouting down their opponents. However, it doesn't appear that they are really engaging in much in the way of physical violence and terror from the looks of it.
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Re: "Universal healthcare which works out cheaper than many privatised insurance systems."

Post by Dachshund »

-1- wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:56 am
However, you are nothing more than a cog, Henry. Your society is structured hierarchically; everyone is responsible to some authority, everyone has some power, but basically, people are arranged to perform in a hierarchical fashion.

- 1 -

As you like the song "Wont Get Fooled Again", here's a bit of pop trivia that you may appreciate re the lyrics: "Meet the new boss"/"Same as the old boss" that conclude the song. Pete Townshend went to art college in the UK when he was a youngster; art colleges in England at the time were renowned hotbeds of of the yoof counterculture ( in the sense of what the Americans called Hippy philosophy in the 1960's) and also packed with admirers of Herbert Marcuse and that kind of hard Left (Marxist/Frankfurt School) political activism that was referred to collectively as the "New Left" in the US the 1960's and early 1970's.

Anyway, -to get to the point-, the story is that when Townshend was at art college he made some friends who were members of the "Young Communist League". These friends told him that whenever a Labour government supplanted a Tory (Conservative) administration, their "official" comment was, quote:

Meet the New Boss
Same as the Old Boss


(2) What you say about the principle of hierarchy exposes you as a traditional Conservative (Tory). (Would that be right ?) I am a Tory as well.(BTW, If you declare that you are a Conservative, young people on a forum like this tend to think , or even tell you, that you are a diabolical fascist or a Nazi, because they believe that the left has an absolute monopoly on compassion, empathy and justice.) I think that once you have rationally grasped the fact that the principle of hierarchy is valid in the temporal world, and we can (most of us) state this is an objective truth because we are clearly endowed with sufficient "right reason" as Thomas Aquinas would put it, then the corollary is that hierarchy must be an innate property of the universe. If this is the case, then it must have been ordained by divine Providence (God). Do you agree ?


Last edited by Dachshund on Sat Apr 20, 2019 8:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: "I don't really care one way or the other at this point what you do with your taxes."

Post by Dachshund »

Arising_uk wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:18 am
Are you taking the piss!? The far-right is all over the weeb and social media punting their rebranded toss. They are also out and about murdering people and politicians.

Well said, Arising_UK,

The far-right is running rampant throught Western Cyberspace, and their terrorist groups are murdering countless innocent Brits and Americans every year.

This is why it is so desperately important Comrade - why it is , indeed, our MORAL DUTY - to throw all of our energies into the goal of realising a brave, new socialist political order for the West.

This is the only way to effectively eliminate the lunatic right's heinous crimes of terror and hate in our communities in the future.

In fact, can't think of one good reason why we should not be out marching in the streets promoting the cause of socialism right now !

You know, people keep saying to me that the Left is bad ! That Stalin tortured and murdered 60,000,000 of his own people in the Soviet Union, that Mao Zedong was a Marxist who murdered another 50.000.000 people in the 1960's in Red China - that Pol Pot used blunt farm tools like axes and shovels to hack 2,000,000 of his people to death in rural Cambodia between 1976 and 1978 - that Ho Chi Minh was a Sino-Soviet puppet, doing the bidding of his Marxist masters - that "Uncle Ho" was responsible for forcing the US into a proxy conflict in the Indochinese theatre of the global Cold War - that the war in Vietnam killed 58,000 GIs and hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese civilians were either summarily executed by the Viet Cong, or died from starvation or disease or execution in the "re-education Centres run by the NVA after the fall of Saigon in 1975.

You know, I've lost count of the number of times I've had to listen this malarkey , but every time I hear it again, it still shocks me. I mean, the astronomical level of ignorance I'm dealing with. I tell them, "DO YOU NOT REALISE that all of this is nothing but disgusting CIA propaganda - pure fabrication ! DON'T YOU NOT REALISE that these terrible stories are all a pack of monstrous lies and NONE of these things you are telling me about EVER ACTUALLY HAPPENED". It's all part of a gigantic conspiracy that was concocted by the extreme right and some very wealthy Jews in America." (Keep this under your hat, but I heard on the grapevine recently that the Russians have evidence that Trump has been involved in the scam for years). And do you know that they - some of them - even go so far as to demand that decent, respectable people like me, who are on the political left, should APOLOGISE for these fake atrocities, you know, like Germany is expected to keep officially apologising to the world every 6 months for Hitler and the Holocaust. I tell them, "Apologise ! Sure, I'll apologise, as long as you're prepared to wait till Hell freezes over ! Ha, Ha - that shuts the bastards up quick smart, let me tell you!"

The very idea that ANYTHING in classical Marxist theory - which, as you know, is a veritable fountainhead of love, kindness, justice, sugar and spice and all things nice, could POSSIBLY have any harmful potential is totally and absolutely delusional. But I guess in a way that doesn't surprise me, because let me tell you, the kind of people who are responsible for confecting and spreading these outlandish lies are real "sickos". Yes Sir, they're a gang of very sick little puppies.

:D :D :D :D :D


Last edited by Dachshund on Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Universal healthcare which works out cheaper than many privatised insurance systems."

Post by -1- »

Dachshund wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:12 am
(2) What you say about the principle of hierarchy exposes you as a traditional Conservative (Tory). I am a Tory as well.(BTW, If you declare that you are a Conservative, young people on a forum like this tend to think , or even tell you, that you are a diabolical fascist or a Nazi, because they believe that the left has an absolute monopoly on compassion, empathy and justice.) I think that once you have rationally grasped the fact that the principle of hierarchy is valid in the temporal world, and we can (most of us) state this is an objective truth because we are clearly endowed with sufficient "right reason" as Aquinas would put it, then the corollary is that hierarchy must be an innate property of the universe. If this is the case, then it must have been ordained by divine Providence (God). Do you agree ?


I believe that some parts of the biological world (temporal world? You are assuming too much) is hierarchical, and some parts of it are not. Socially arranged animals live mostly in hierarchical societies, but not all animals. Mollusks, amoeba, trees, shrubs, skunks, and tigers don't live and operate in a social setting, so they are not hierarchical.

Furthermore, some animals that live and hunt together, or make a living together, don't form socially hierarchical societies. Pigeons don't, wading birds don't, fish which swim together in HUGE numbers in unison don't form hierarchies; sharks don't, etc. etc. So you can't see this as a pervasive quality of the "temporal" world.

For YOU to derive that the divine principle orders the world from a simple fact that we, humans, live in hierarchical societies, is not valid. At least not logically. If you believe in the scriptures, they say that already, so no proof is required for the faithful. The scriptures are -- allegedly -- the word of the god of the faithful, so no further proof, elaboration, etc. is necessary beyond what the scriptures say.

If you pattern the world (the entire world) on human organization, you are very much off the target. Atoms are not organized in human-type organizations. So is not the weather, gravity, nanodilators in maximum flow of large molecules suspended in aqueous solutions, etc. etc., not even wardrobe chests or pebbles on the beach.

I wish you could open your mind up. You seem to be grasping one truth that you believe in, and not let go of that truth, no matter how restrictive it is to your thinking and ability of inquiry. Whereas this wonderful world out there is full of beautiful truths, all obtainable and learned without the involvement of a belief in divine principle.

But, to each his own. Happy trails in your search for a proof of your god's existence.
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Re: Re:

Post by Arising_uk »

Dachshund wrote:What do you mean by claiming "I yak on...about the political history white half-castes in Britain ?" ...
I'm always amazed that the Normans are hardly mentioned.
Regarding Chartism. I see you have been reading the standard, "Mary Poppins" , "air - brushed" version/s of history which convey the notion that Chartism was a noble, altruistic movement; one that sought to establish a universal "right to vote" and demand democratic government in Britain as a matter of moral principle. Ronald Reagan once said: "Democracy is worth dying for, because its's the most deeply honourable form of government ever devised by man." And that is exactly the kind of lofty sentiment that no Chartist would ever have uttered. ...
Ronnie Raygun no less. :lol:
Given that the Chartists wanted to achieve their aims democratically and were ignored despite having a claimed petition of six million votes I know where I think democracy lay. And pay attention at the back there! Five out of six of their main aims are now part of our representative parliamentary democracy.
I'm afraid, that's not true, old sport. Chartism was a political movement that is best understood as a determined, socialist revolt; a 13- year - long, gruelling class struggle between British workers and the Victorian ruling class of the time (1837 - 1850) The Chartists demanded the "right to vote" for the British working class (or proletariat as Marx would call them). They wanted the "right to vote" because gaining it would mean that the working class would then be able to install working class MPs in the parliament, who would then enact laws that favoured the proletariat in good old Blighty. At the same time, the ruling class (the aristocracy, etc) realised that it MUST maintain control because the workers were directly linking obtaining the vote to its economic struggles as a class. ...
I'm always impressed by how Marx's work has and still does influence political thought on the right.
In short,he Chartists were primarily socialist "revolutionaries" who were trying to secure the "right to vote" in order that they could use it as a political weapon to kick the collective butts of the British ruling class out of the state/government corridors of power and place themselves in charge of the affairs of state; whereafter they would , of course, govern in their own best interests. In sum, the Chartist movement was all about POWER - the Bristish workers were trying to seize political power to advance the economic, social etc interests of their class. They saw "democracy" as nothing more than a means to the end of improving their material lot in life. ...
Well dur! Breaking news - Politics is about power. Once again Marx's writings impress me.
Now, as for Marx.Communism, in short, has two phases according to Uncle Karl. The first phase of communism is what he termed in his theory ("scientific") socialism, which is the phase between capitalism and communism. The second phase of communism is the perfect stage. There is now no inequality or injustice in this stage. Communist society was one, Marx claimed, where products would be delivered according to individual needs. ...
Nope, 'scientific socialism' was Proudhon and later Engel applied it to Marx's thought. Marx himself thought that he had grounded 'scientific socialism' with his Historical Materialism. Marx never claimed there would be no inequality or injustice, just that the inequalities and injustices of the capitalist system would not exist as the worker would be the owner of their production.
Kindest Regards

Dachshund WOOF !! WOOF !!
I think you mean Yap!! Yap!! From wolf to german sausage dog, how apt.
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Re: "Universal healthcare which works out cheaper than many privatised insurance systems."

Post by Dachshund »

-1- wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:05 pm

I believe that some parts of the biological world (temporal world? You are assuming too much) is hierarchical, and some parts of it are not. Socially arranged animals live mostly in hierarchical societies, but not all animals. Mollusks, amoeba, trees, shrubs, skunks, and tigers don't live and operate in a social setting, so they are not hierarchical.

Furthermore, some animals that live and hunt together, or make a living together, don't form socially hierarchical societies. Pigeons don't, wading birds don't, fish which swim together in HUGE numbers in unison don't form hierarchies; sharks don't, etc. etc. So you can't see this as a pervasive quality of the "temporal" world.

- 1 -

If you don't mind, "Number One", I'll, respond (here) to your recent reply to my post by dealing first with your beliefs( above) respecting the presence of hierarchical organisation in the biological world, and then , with you view that of a divine Providence (i.e; the Biblical God) does not exist and, moreover, could hardly be argued to exist using the notion of universal hierarchy.

First of all, the relevant mainstream bioscience typically refers to living organisms like the: molluscs; amoeba; trees; schrubs; and tigers you mention as "biological systems". Likewise, rose bushes, bacteria, earth worms, fungi, insects, parasites (like hook worms) dachshund dogs; goldfish; birds and reptiles like snakes are also "biological systems." And I'm sorry to tell you that there is empirical evidence published in the reputable , mainstream scientific literature which supports the conclusion that "the hierarchical organisation of all the Earth's "biological systems" is an innate property of nature." (cf: Bioengineered. 2014 , Mar 1; 5(2):73-79. This is an eminently accessible paper for the non-expert).

OK, so now lets deal with the abiotic phenomena/physical objects you refer to. You say that: "...atoms are nor organised in human type organisations; nor is the weather, gravity, nanodilators in maximum flow of large molecules suspended in aqueous solution, etc; not even wardrobe chests or pebbles on the beach."

All of these, any many other abiotic entities are all components of the universe, right "Number One"? (Because the universe, or cosmos, is, by definition, all that exists. So, briefly, the universe does exhibit an hierarchical structure. The large - scale structure of the universe is hierarchical bin that it is comprised of "voids" and "filaments", and these can be progressively broken down into:"superclusters"; "clusters"; "galaxy groups; and then into galaxies. At a relatively smaller scale, galaxies are known to be made up of stars and their constituents, our own solar system being one of them. It is by understanding ther ordered, hierarchical structure of things, that we are able to gain a clearer visualisation of the roles each individual component plays and how they fit into the larger picture. For instance, if we go down to the world of the very small we know, for instance, that water molecules in an aqueous solution can be chopped down into atoms (of hydrogen and oxygen), then these atom can be broken down into the neutron, proton and electrons that they are composed of. Then these neutrons, protons and electrons can be split into the smaller entities, like quarks that make them up, and so on.

Before I conclude, I'd like to deal a couple of technical issues regarding hierarchies, one is taxonomic, the other definitional. So here we go...(1) It's important to bear in mind that hierarchies can be classified into different types based on various criteria. For example, in terms of their contents and dimensions, we may have spatial vs non - spatial hierarchies, structural vs functional hierarchies, living vs non - living hierarchies, as well as political,moral, aesthetic, social, religious, economic and physical hierarchies. (2) How should we define the term "hierarchy?" I thought that consulting a reputable modern dictionary would probably be the best way to find out, so I consult the "Merriam - Webster" on-line dictionary and here is what it said...the term hierarchy is defined as:

(A) a division of Angels; (Bi) a ruling body of clergy organised into orders or ranks each subordinate to the one above it; especially: the bishops of a province or nation; (Bii) church government by a hierarchy; (C) a body of persons in authority; (D) the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic or professional standing; (E) a graded or ranked series< a hierarchy of values >

Not how these definitions indicate that hierarchy originated in a religious context, and that its connotations are mostly human - centred, with a marked sense of authority/competence/dominance/ power ( of some type or another. None of the definitions adequately captures the breadth of the modern- day term. The later, which I have used a number of times in this post, is a rather "mechanistic" defintion of hierarchy that describes it a system that is structured in layers or levels that have asymmetric relations. For example, I said (above) that all living organisms are referred to by bioscientists as "biological systems", and "biological systems" are accepted as being innately hierarchic in nature. I'll try to explain what "hierarchical connotes in this context as follows...

To begin with, all "biological systems" (i.e; living organisms are formed by subsystems of various orders and are parts of suprasystems of a higher order. The hierarchy of a given "biological system" is formed, in turn, by subsystems of various orders depending on the physical state of the specific system. For instance, the system called "human being" is constituted by first order subsystems such as the: endocrine:; the nerve; the circulatory; the respiratory; the digestive; the renal excretory; the thermal dissipater; the sensorial; the motor, etc. These subsystems are, in turn, formed by second order subsystems: organ and tissues, which, in turn, are formed by third order subsystems: cells. Cells, in turn, are formed by fourth order subsystems, organelles. This also works the other way around: systems form suprasystems of first (families), second (societies) and then higher orders. Obviously, if one decides to study a particular ecological system, the individuals would be subsystems of a given order of the original system. Independent of the chosen hierarchy, the fundamental subsystem is the nucleosome (formed by a DNA segment associated to a protein nucleus) and the higher suprasystem found all the way to Gaia, the set of all living organisms. So, to illustrate...If we consider a human being as our base system, represented by S[0], some of the subsystems can be:

* the nervous system S {-1}

*the brain S {-2}

*the neurons S {-3}

* the nucleosome S {-4}

Whereas some of the suprasystems are:

* the family S {+1}

* the society S {+2}

* the species S {+3}

* GAIA S {+4}

If we represent with < the set inclusion (namely all the elements of the left set are part of the right hand one), then we can write the following hierarchy relation, which establishes the order of the "biological system"...

S {-4} < S {-3} < S {-2] < S {-1} < S {0} < S {+1} < S {+2} < S {+3} < S { +4}

To conclude. With respect to justifying why I think that the concept of hierarchy can be used to provide a compelling argument for the existence of divine Providence (the Biblical God, (which will be business of my next post) I will chiefly be focusing on the notions on human political, moral and aesthetic hierarchies, and authority/ dominance/power, though I will also be focusing, where appropriate, on how the physical/mechanical type of hierarchy I have just described plays a key role in my argument as well.

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Re: "Universal healthcare which works out cheaper than many privatised insurance systems."

Post by -1- »

Dachshund wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 4:55 am
-1- wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:05 pm

I believe that some parts of the biological world (temporal world? You are assuming too much) is hierarchical, and some parts of it are not. Socially arranged animals live mostly in hierarchical societies, but not all animals. Mollusks, amoeba, trees, shrubs, skunks, and tigers don't live and operate in a social setting, so they are not hierarchical.

Furthermore, some animals that live and hunt together, or make a living together, don't form socially hierarchical societies. Pigeons don't, wading birds don't, fish which swim together in HUGE numbers in unison don't form hierarchies; sharks don't, etc. etc. So you can't see this as a pervasive quality of the "temporal" world.

- 1 -

If you don't mind, "Number One", I'll, respond (here) to your recent reply to my post by dealing first with your beliefs( above) respecting the presence of hierarchical organisation in the biological world, and then , with you view that of a divine Providence (i.e; the Biblical God) does not exist and, moreover, could hardly be argued to exist using the notion of universal hierarchy.

First of all, the relevant mainstream bioscience typically refers to living organisms like the: molluscs; amoeba; trees; schrubs; and tigers you mention as "biological systems". Likewise, rose bushes, bacteria, earth worms, fungi, insects, parasites (like hook worms) dachshund dogs; goldfish; birds and reptiles like snakes are also "biological systems." And I'm sorry to tell you that there is empirical evidence published in the reputable , mainstream scientific literature which supports the conclusion that "the hierarchical organisation of all the Earth's "biological systems" is an innate property of nature." (cf: Bioengineered. 2014 , Mar 1; 5(2):73-79. This is an eminently accessible paper for the non-expert).

OK, so now lets deal with the abiotic phenomena/physical objects you refer to. You say that: "...atoms are nor organised in human type organisations; nor is the weather, gravity, nanodilators in maximum flow of large molecules suspended in aqueous solution, etc; not even wardrobe chests or pebbles on the beach."

All of these, any many other abiotic entities are all components of the universe, right "Number One"? (Because the universe, or cosmos, is, by definition, all that exists. So, briefly, the universe does exhibit an hierarchical structure. The large - scale structure of the universe is hierarchical bin that it is comprised of "voids" and "filaments", and these can be progressively broken down into:"superclusters"; "clusters"; "galaxy groups; and then into galaxies. At a relatively smaller scale, galaxies are known to be made up of stars and their constituents, our own solar system being one of them. It is by understanding ther ordered, hierarchical structure of things, that we are able to gain a clearer visualisation of the roles each individual component plays and how they fit into the larger picture. For instance, if we go down to the world of the very small we know, for instance, that water molecules in an aqueous solution can be chopped down into atoms (of hydrogen and oxygen), then these atom can be broken down into the neutron, proton and electrons that they are composed of. Then these neutrons, protons and electrons can be split into the smaller entities, like quarks that make them up, and so on.

Before I conclude, I'd like to deal a couple of technical issues regarding hierarchies, one is taxonomic, the other definitional. So here we go...(1) It's important to bear in mind that hierarchies can be classified into different types based on various criteria. For example, in terms of their contents and dimensions, we may have spatial vs non - spatial hierarchies, structural vs functional hierarchies, living vs non - living hierarchies, as well as political,moral, aesthetic, social, religious, economic and physical hierarchies. (2) How should we define the term "hierarchy?" I thought that consulting a reputable modern dictionary would probably be the best way to find out, so I consult the "Merriam - Webster" on-line dictionary and here is what it said...the term hierarchy is defined as:

(A) a division of Angels; (Bi) a ruling body of clergy organised into orders or ranks each subordinate to the one above it; especially: the bishops of a province or nation; (Bii) church government by a hierarchy; (C) a body of persons in authority; (D) the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic or professional standing; (E) a graded or ranked series< a hierarchy of values >

Not how these definitions indicate that hierarchy originated in a religious context, and that its connotations are mostly human - centred, with a marked sense of authority/competence/dominance/ power ( of some type or another. None of the definitions adequately captures the breadth of the modern- day term. The later, which I have used a number of times in this post, is a rather "mechanistic" defintion of hierarchy that describes it a system that is structured in layers or levels that have asymmetric relations. For example, I said (above) that all living organisms are referred to by bioscientists as "biological systems", and "biological systems" are accepted as being innately hierarchic in nature. I'll try to explain what "hierarchical connotes in this context as follows...

To begin with, all "biological systems" (i.e; living organisms are formed by subsystems of various orders and are parts of suprasystems of a higher order. The hierarchy of a given "biological system" is formed, in turn, by subsystems of various orders depending on the physical state of the specific system. For instance, the system called "human being" is constituted by first order subsystems such as the: endocrine:; the nerve; the circulatory; the respiratory; the digestive; the renal excretory; the thermal dissipater; the sensorial; the motor, etc. These subsystems are, in turn, formed by second order subsystems: organ and tissues, which, in turn, are formed by third order subsystems: cells. Cells, in turn, are formed by fourth order subsystems, organelles. This also works the other way around: systems form suprasystems of first (families), second (societies) and then higher orders. Obviously, if one decides to study a particular ecological system, the individuals would be subsystems of a given order of the original system. Independent of the chosen hierarchy, the fundamental subsystem is the nucleosome (formed by a DNA segment associated to a protein nucleus) and the higher suprasystem found all the way to Gaia, the set of all living organisms. So, to illustrate...If we consider a human being as our base system, represented by S[0], some of the subsystems can be:

* the nervous system S {-1}

*the brain S {-2}

*the neurons S {-3}

* the nucleosome S {-4}

Whereas some of the suprasystems are:

* the family S {+1}

* the society S {+2}

* the species S {+3}

* GAIA S {+4}

If we represent with < the set inclusion (namely all the elements of the left set are part of the right hand one), then we can write the following hierarchy relation, which establishes the order of the "biological system"...

S {-4} < S {-3} < S {-2] < S {-1} < S {0} < S {+1} < S {+2} < S {+3} < S { +4}

To conclude. With respect to justifying why I think that the concept of hierarchy can be used to provide a compelling argument for the existence of divine Providence (the Biblical God, (which will be business of my next post) I will chiefly be focusing on the notions on human political, moral and aesthetic hierarchies, and authority/ dominance/power, though I will also be focusing, where appropriate, on how the physical/mechanical type of hierarchy I have just described plays a key role in my argument as well.

Kindest Regards

It's a brave effort, Dachshund, what you are doing. But you will only convince the choir with this.

If the world is organized as hierarchical (which is not in its entirety; no matter how many examples as pros you list, there will always be counter-examples) it still proves nothing.

You might as well conclude that there is a god because the world exists. "The world exists; therefore god exists". You can use any argument, really, because you can only convince those who share your belief.

However, your logic lacks the power of proof. You're exhausting yourself for nothing.

Okay, so there are many, many things that are hierarchical in this universe. But why ought that, and that alone, constitute an argument for the existence of a god? A mere similarity between the description of god and its relationship to the world which is also hierarchical is not a proof at all. One can argue that the scriptures and its god were man's inventions, and since man ab ovo thinks in hierarchical terms, the bible described a hierarchical structure. Period, no argument can defeat this, only faith.
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by Dachshund »

- 1-

You point out that "my logic lacks the power of proof. You're exhausting yourself for nothing." With respect to my post above that is entirly correct, though bear in mind this post was chiefly just a preamble to clarify some definitional, etc, issues about the meaning of the term hierarchy - a mere "curtain - raiser" for the "main event." You must endeavour to be charitable and bear with me while I am in the process of finalising what I have to say on this topic, - 1-, as it is - i assure you - an extraordinary complex and challenging business, (that which I am trying to explain and justify).

Although, as I say, I will be getting down to the "knitty - gritty" of the subject in my concluding post. The later will not, (of course), contain any irrefragable proof ( which is a mathematical concept, BTW, "Number One") of the existence of God. Rather, what it will contain, I hope, is a very compelling argument for why I believe it is highly likely that God (divine Providence) exists.

Finally, you are right that one cannot use reason ( that is, rational cognition) to acquire faith. Faith and reason complement each other, in the sense that they are like the two wings of of birds. The two wings a bird possesses endow, when they are working together in harmony, endow the bird with a capacity for flight. Similarly, by analogy, faith and reason are the two "wings" upon which the human spirit is lofted. (That's how Thomas Aquinas conceptualised it anyway).

However, as you know, the two "wings" of faith and reason are separate "capacities"- they are not one and the same.

Reason (rational cognition) is a human faculty, while faith is true belief in supernatural,divinely revealed knowledge.One cannot rationalise or "logic-chop" their way to true faith.

Faith is a a freely - bestowed, divine gift of grace. You can ask (God) for faith, but there is no guarantee that it will be given to you You might receive the gift of faith, but then again you might not. I keep asking for it all the time, but - Alas ! - so far no luck :( :( :(

Kindest Regards

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Post by Arising_uk »

Dachshund wrote:Well said, Arising_UK,

The far-right is running rampant throught Western Cyberspace, and their terrorist groups are murdering countless innocent Brits and Americans every year. ...
Not countless but compared to the zero murdered by the left in the UK and US definitely a number.
This is why it is so desperately important Comrade - why it is , indeed, our MORAL DUTY - to throw all of our energies into the goal of realising a brave, new socialist political order for the West. ...
Nope, it's time to start remembering the value of a liberal democracy.
This is the only way to effectively eliminate the lunatic right's heinous crimes of terror and hate in our communities in the future. ...
I agree, the only way is to remember that it's not all about right-wing monetarist economics but about a liberal democratic society.
In fact, can't think of one good reason why we should not be out marching in the streets promoting the cause of socialism right now !
Funnily enough you may get your wish, as a while back I thought it unthinkable that Corbyn could get a elected but it looks like Cameron's last ditch ploy to keep his party united is going to fail, as his assault on British representative democracy by calling for a plebiscite purely for party political purposes to keep UKIP from splitting the Tory vote and letting Labour in is failing and with Farage's new Brexit Party the Tories will have the same problem at the next general election, of course this may well affect Labour as well but this time around might be different as Labour are attracting the youth as they've never actually heard anything like it before as it's been effectively the right-wing message for four decades now and to them Corbyn et al sound positively new.
You know, people keep saying to me that the Left is bad ! That Stalin tortured and murdered 60,000,000 of his own people in the Soviet Union, that Mao Zedong was a Marxist who murdered another 50.000.000 people in the 1960's in Red China - that Pol Pot used blunt farm tools like axes and shovels to hack 2,000,000 of his people to death in rural Cambodia between 1976 and 1978 - that Ho Chi Minh was a Sino-Soviet puppet, doing the bidding of his Marxist masters - that "Uncle Ho" was responsible for forcing the US into a proxy conflict in the Indochinese theatre of the global Cold War - that the war in Vietnam killed 58,000 GIs and hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese civilians were either summarily executed by the Viet Cong, or died from starvation or disease or execution in the "re-education Centres run by the NVA after the fall of Saigon in 1975.

You know, I've lost count of the number of times I've had to listen this malarkey , but every time I hear it again, it still shocks me. I mean, the astronomical level of ignorance I'm dealing with. I tell them, "DO YOU NOT REALISE that all of this is nothing but disgusting CIA propaganda - pure fabrication ! DON'T YOU NOT REALISE that these terrible stories are all a pack of monstrous lies and NONE of these things you are telling me about EVER ACTUALLY HAPPENED". It's all part of a gigantic conspiracy that was concocted by the extreme right and some very wealthy Jews in America." (Keep this under your hat, but I heard on the grapevine recently that the Russians have evidence that Trump has been involved in the scam for years). And do you know that they - some of them - even go so far as to demand that decent, respectable people like me, who are on the political left, should APOLOGISE for these fake atrocities, you know, like Germany is expected to keep officially apologising to the world every 6 months for Hitler and the Holocaust. I tell them, "Apologise ! Sure, I'll apologise, as long as you're prepared to wait till Hell freezes over ! Ha, Ha - that shuts the bastards up quick smart, let me tell you!"

The very idea that ANYTHING in classical Marxist theory - which, as you know, is a veritable fountainhead of love, kindness, justice, sugar and spice and all things nice, could POSSIBLY have any harmful potential is totally and absolutely delusional. But I guess in a way that doesn't surprise me, because let me tell you, the kind of people who are responsible for confecting and spreading these outlandish lies are real "sickos". Yes Sir, they're a gang of very sick little puppies.

:D :D :D :D :D
Pretty much why Marx said he wasn't a Marxist as the idea that you can buck his Historical Materialism is just to misunderstand what a theory of History is about. It's like you and your assertions about Spengler's organic theory of History and how socialism will be the downfall of western society, selective reading. As the point of Spengler's theory of History is that all cultures start, flower and end regardless of whatever political systems are in place and the 'West' flowered a long time back and it's going to end like all organic things do.
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Post by Dachshund »

Arising_uk wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:01 am]Funnily enough you may get your wish, as a while back I thought it unthinkable that Corbyn could get a elected

Corbyn IS unelectable. Corbyn IS an irreformable, inveterate,"old school" socialist, a ridiculous ghost from the militant British Left of the 1960s.The fact that he is - in 2019 - leader of HM loyal Opposition demonstrates just how brainless the British Labour Party truly are ! Hell will freeze over before the English people put a loony -left head case like Jeremy Corbyn in Number 10, surely even YOU can understand that ? Comrade Corbyn may be a big hit with the teenagers at Glastonbury, quoting Shelley ( whom , ironically, is a first order "Dead, White, Male", none of the cheering youth would ever have been taught) on centre stage, and so on But a mob of callow youth at a Glastonbury Rock Festival, many of whom were doubltless drug-intoxicated, does not (thank God) equate to the "Great British Public." This is one reason why, I believe the legal voting age - (if I many divert to this separate issue briefly) should be raised to 25. Most mainstream neoroscientists would agree. Why ? Because In human beings, it is known for a scientific fact that the part of the brain which mediates what you might call "good, common sense", sound judgement or prudential wisdom (a part called the prefrontal cortex, PFC), does not fully mature until about the age of 25. In Eighteen -year- olds, the PFC is not fully developed, this means that they lack the wisdom ( NOTE CAREFULLY: "Wisdom" is NOT synonymous with "rational intelligence"/IQ) of a neurologically matured adult ( i.e. someone aged 25 or above). In other words, In the case of 18 - 25 years olds, the capacity for common sense and prudent judgement, that is, "wisdom", in still relatively deficient.This is mainly why such young people, are naturally impressionable, idealistic, vulnerable to the romantic, utopist, rhethoric of socialist moral egalitarianism and other "romantic" socialist political principles. As I am sure you will recall, at the last General Election in the UK, many of the 18 - 25 year demographic voted socialist, and from what I've read, it appears that they also largely voted to "remain" in the Brexit referendum of 2016. In short, it worries me. I do not think "children" should be legally permitted to vote in public elections in the UK (and, more broadly speaking, the West, e.g Australia, Canada, the US), they lack the requisite wisdom to responsibly weight the issues in play, and at present have the ability to exert a material influence on the outcome of General Elections and national plebiscites, etc.

To continue. With respect to your personal politics, need I remind you that you are NOT a citizen in some imaginary "liberal democracy" (whatever that term is supposed to mean ?); YOU, old sport, are an Englishman and therefore a SUBJECT of the British Crown. Am I right ?? ( OF COURSE I am !!) Therefore, your duty is to obey and revere her gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Are you going to tell me that you do not cherish the Crown ?! (You wouldn't DARE; I'd have you hanged from the yardarm - like a dog - for TREASON)!). If Her Majesty tells you to vote Tory , which she clearly does, (albeit in a gracefully tacit manner); if Her Majesty has explicitly supported "Brexit" (and she did/does) then YOU WILL follow suit and do what your Queen has told you to do i.e; support the Tory Party and England's "Brexiteers" ! Indeed, If the Queen tells you to butt-hole the neighbour's cat, then that is EXACTLY WHAT YOU WILL DO; moreover, it will be your great privilege to do your duty !!

I hope I have made myself clear (!)


Dachshund (by appointment to Her Majesty, Hound Defender of the Realm and Scourge of the British Left)

Last edited by Dachshund on Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Gary Childress
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by Gary Childress »

Holy cats! I don't think I'd butt-hole a cat if God commanded it, let alone any monarch. No wonder my family ended up over here across the pond!! England must have been proud to get rid of us! :shock:
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by Dachshund »

Gary Childress wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:24 am Holy cats! I don't think I'd butt-hole a cat if God commanded it, let alone any monarch. No wonder my family ended up over here across the pond!! England must have been proud to get rid of us! :shock:
I was speaking metaphorically, of course, Gary; my aim was to emphasise the solemn duty of loyatly to the British Crown that is owed by all Englishmen. Something I felt a nascent leftist like "Arrising_uk would to well to bear in mind.


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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by Dachshund »

Gary Childress wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:24 am Holy cats! I don't think I'd butt-hole a cat if God commanded it, let alone any monarch. No wonder my family ended up over here across the pond!! England must have been proud to get rid of us! :shock:
Your fate, Gary ( i.e. the fate of any white, West European -descended native American) - your tragic destiny in the US is to be "butt-holed", (figuratively speaking), by immigrants "of colour", shortly after American whites become a demographic minority in the US. Historically speaking, this is due to occur in a relatively short period of time. Soon, you and all other white Americans, will become a despised minority, you will pushed aside and spat upon in the street; you will have no rights and there will be no justice or mercy shown to you by the mobs in the streets. You will be made an example of for crimes: like transatlantic slavery ( and the actions of white American criminals like Jefferson Davis and Robert E, Lee who fought against abolition ; the racist history of brutal, Anglo-American imperialism (like the bloody racist onslaught against Muslims in Iraq that was called the "Gulf War"), Jim Crow, Apartheid (just being white makes you guilty for this) ,and so on, that were perpetrated in the United States by the former White /European, culture/civilization - it will be pa-back time for the savages.

If I were you, I'd take advantage of your 2 nd Amendment right to "bear arms" and buy some heavy -duty firepower to protect your "hearth and home" , i.e; your own "privileged", "racist", white ass. Coz that's what they're gunna call it, and they'll be gunnin for it, "Charlie Brown", sooner than you might think - mark my words.


Last edited by Dachshund on Tue Apr 23, 2019 6:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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