Why the Focus on Religious-Based Evil Only?

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Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Why the Focus on Religious-Based Evil Only?

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

-1- wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:24 am
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:10 am
-1- wrote: Sat Dec 01, 2018 8:56 pm
So... embrace Islam. World peace achieved.

You don't have to become a Muslim... or a believer in the words of the Koran. You are only asked to embrace it. That shouldn't be too hard.

Heck, I embrace my wife, and that's no little feat.

But you, veritas, forgot to read an important part of your document quote: (quote) Quote:"The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands,"

This is steep. You are asking us to have pity for you, when you bomb others, imporison them, torture them... fuck man, go fuck yourself, don't ask for pity if you do those horrible things to others. And you have no right to talk about cruel this and evil that, when you do those things with a straight face as if they were the most natural things to do in the world. Pfuy, pig. Fuck you.
There are two or more meanings to 'embrace', i.e.
  • 1.hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection.

    2. accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.
Regardless of some ambiguity, the principle of Islam within the Quran is basically convert or die with temporary provision for Christians and Jews [people of the Book] who must be submissive and pay protection tax.

The Quran dictates that all human beings are born Muslims [bloody arrogance] and thus must revert and confirm to be a Muslim as soon as possible. Thus not reverting and embracing Islam is a state of disobedience and insult to Islam if a person remains a non-Muslim.
I see. I have two choices. To be a Muslim and get the heck bombed out of my country, and have my people kidnapped, taken to a remote island to be kept there indefinitely and tortured incessantly; or else to not become a Muslim and be hated by those who are Muslims.

I'd rather be hated than be tortured, killed, maimed and bombed.

Because I bow to the bigger threat.

I am a coward. I would rather live and be hated by some remote people, than to be tortured and kept tied up in painful poses, while hungry, sleep deprived and really having to go to the washroom. Then come the water boarding before bed, where I am raped by well-hung prison guards. Hallelujah to the Lord, Hozhannah (however you spell this word) to the Heavens.
No, you are not a coward. All normal humans would want to live till the inevitable.

The cowards are those [Islam apologists] who insist there is no such evil potential from Islam, i.e. insisting Islam is a religion of peace so that they can feel comfortable in this false belief.

The Islam-apologists are so confident of their belief - Islam is peaceful - that they invite Islam [practitioners] into their homes, e.g. Europe & Merkel, UK. When the Islamists practiced exactly what their religion preaches, i.e. evil acts, e.g. rioting, murder and raping, no go zones, arrogance, etc., the Islamist-apologists switch to ostrich mode and pretend/insist there are no issues with the religion per se.
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Re: Why the Focus on Religious-Based Evil Only?

Post by -1- »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:32 am
No, you are not a coward. All normal humans would want to live till the inevitable.

The cowards are those [Islam apologists] who insist there is no such evil potential from Islam, i.e. insisting Islam is a religion of peace so that they can feel comfortable in this false belief.

The Islam-apologists are so confident of their belief - Islam is peaceful - that they invite Islam [practitioners] into their homes, e.g. Europe & Merkel, UK. When the Islamists practiced exactly what their religion preaches, i.e. evil acts, e.g. rioting, murder and raping, no go zones, arrogance, etc., the Islamist-apologists switch to ostrich mode and pretend/insist there are no issues with the religion per se.
Your stance would make a LOT of sense if and only if the only people who rioted, murdered, raped, and were arrogant, were exclusively the Muslim subjects of European societies.

But they are not.

In North America the riots used to happen at regular intervals and often. It is now better, and they happen less often, because the gov worked its butt off to improve race relations, and have supplied an actual way for people of colour to be empowered to make an honest living and become part of mainstream society. Also due to the fact that shop owners have acquired better security systems, including obtaining more deadly and accurate fire power that the law allows them to use in case of break-ins.

Muslims (some of them) are arrogant. But so are you and I, in our own ways.

Rape, statutory rape, and sexual assault is high in North American Christian populations, especially in areas where the teaching of the Bible is the rule of the day. My ex girlfriend for 26 years told me horror stories how her numerous brothers, uncles, and cousins often pinned down her or her sisters and had their way with them without actual vaginal penetration. (Because V.P. outside the blessed bindings of holy matrimony is forbidden by the Bible.) Two of these of her brothers went on to become preachers, heading a congregation each. One of her sisters and this sister's husband regularly beat their own adopted children senseless, and never had to face the law for it.

Murder? All civilian mass murders in America are first blamed on the Muslims, until the investigators come around and reveal that the murderer was a White Christian male with guns who got tired of paying taxes to keep schools running.

One huge exception were the 9/11 attacks.

I simply don't buy your agitating propaganda about the evil nature of Islam. It is not nice, life is not nice for the common person in Islamic countries, for many-many reasons. But then again, Christian life in Christian countries was unbearable for a thousand years, too, in Europe, with our expectations of quality of life today. Not even counting the abject poverty and living on the rink of constant fear of disease, war, pestilence, and deathly starvation.

I also don't buy your agitating propaganda because I live in a country, in a city, with a huge visible minority of Muslim people, and other than the resentment against them by the indigenous population, there has never been trouble due to Islam-instigated civil disobedience.

I don't buy your agitating propaganda because the facts I see, hear, and experience, nullify all your hate-mongering.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Why the Focus on Religious-Based Evil Only?

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

-1- wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:05 am
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:32 am
No, you are not a coward. All normal humans would want to live till the inevitable.

The cowards are those [Islam apologists] who insist there is no such evil potential from Islam, i.e. insisting Islam is a religion of peace so that they can feel comfortable in this false belief.

The Islam-apologists are so confident of their belief - Islam is peaceful - that they invite Islam [practitioners] into their homes, e.g. Europe & Merkel, UK. When the Islamists practiced exactly what their religion preaches, i.e. evil acts, e.g. rioting, murder and raping, no go zones, arrogance, etc., the Islamist-apologists switch to ostrich mode and pretend/insist there are no issues with the religion per se.
Your stance would make a LOT of sense if and only if the only people who rioted, murdered, raped, and were arrogant, were exclusively the Muslim subjects of European societies.

But they are not.

In North America the riots used to happen at regular intervals and often. It is now better, and they happen less often, because the gov worked its butt off to improve race relations, and have supplied an actual way for people of colour to be empowered to make an honest living and become part of mainstream society. Also due to the fact that shop owners have acquired better security systems, including obtaining more deadly and accurate fire power that the law allows them to use in case of break-ins.

Muslims (some of them) are arrogant. But so are you and I, in our own ways.

Rape, statutory rape, and sexual assault is high in North American Christian populations, especially in areas where the teaching of the Bible is the rule of the day. My ex girlfriend for 26 years told me horror stories how her numerous brothers, uncles, and cousins often pinned down her or her sisters and had their way with them without actual vaginal penetration. (Because V.P. outside the blessed bindings of holy matrimony is forbidden by the Bible.) Two of these of her brothers went on to become preachers, heading a congregation each. One of her sisters and this sister's husband regularly beat their own adopted children senseless, and never had to face the law for it.

Murder? All civilian mass murders in America are first blamed on the Muslims, until the investigators come around and reveal that the murderer was a White Christian male with guns who got tired of paying taxes to keep schools running.

One huge exception were the 9/11 attacks.

I simply don't buy your agitating propaganda about the evil nature of Islam. It is not nice, life is not nice for the common person in Islamic countries, for many-many reasons. But then again, Christian life in Christian countries was unbearable for a thousand years, too, in Europe, with our expectations of quality of life today. Not even counting the abject poverty and living on the rink of constant fear of disease, war, pestilence, and deathly starvation.

I also don't buy your agitating propaganda because I live in a country, in a city, with a huge visible minority of Muslim people, and other than the resentment against them by the indigenous population, there has never been trouble due to Islam-instigated civil disobedience.

I don't buy your agitating propaganda because the facts I see, hear, and experience, nullify all your hate-mongering.
You should re-read the OP on why I am focusing on Islam
with a concern for ALL types of evil.

In addition I do not recommend hatred;
Hatred Mode?

I also do not attack Muslims but the ideology
Do not Blame Muslims

My approach and critique is basically very rational.

On the other hand your concern is very emotional and psychological.
It is unfortunate you have been terrorized by the Islamist strategy of terror as per their holy text to the extent it pains you to read even any rational criticisms of Islam.
If you can't take it, I suggest you ignore it and leave others to exercise their Freedom of Speech.
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Re: Why the Focus on Religious-Based Evil Only?

Post by -1- »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:28 am
My approach and critique is basically very rational.

On the other hand your concern is very emotional and psychological.
It is unfortunate you have been terrorized by the Islamist strategy of terror as per their holy text to the extent it pains you to read even any rational criticisms of Islam.
If you can't take it, I suggest you ignore it and leave others to exercise their Freedom of Speech.
Your attack (not approach) is not rational. You are psychotic.

This is proven to me by your ideation that I have been terrorized by the alleged (by you) Islamist terror etc. That is not true. The way you put it, shows more clearly than the azure sky in the deep summer that you are imagining things, you believe your own fantasies over facts, and you can't be convinced otherwise.

Three hundred million North Americans can't be wrong.

I don't leave it. If you can't handle a correct and to you disastrous criticism of your thoughts, then I suggest that you leave it, and allow me to exercise my freedom of speech.

You are completely irrational, masked in a rational voice, and worse, you can't tell the difference.

Please see a psychiatrist at your earliest opportunity. I beg you. You are displaying a classic, clearly marked case of paranoid schizophrenia. Delusional thinking, inability to follow reason, and a feeling of persecution.

I am a layman, and I can't diagnose people, so take it as my opinion only, and as my right to express myself with free speech.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Why the Focus on Religious-Based Evil Only?

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

-1- wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 6:31 pm
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:28 am
My approach and critique is basically very rational.

On the other hand your concern is very emotional and psychological.
It is unfortunate you have been terrorized by the Islamist strategy of terror as per their holy text to the extent it pains you to read even any rational criticisms of Islam.
If you can't take it, I suggest you ignore it and leave others to exercise their Freedom of Speech.
Your attack (not approach) is not rational. You are psychotic.

This is proven to me by your ideation that I have been terrorized by the alleged (by you) Islamist terror etc. That is not true. The way you put it, shows more clearly than the azure sky in the deep summer that you are imagining things, you believe your own fantasies over facts, and you can't be convinced otherwise.

Three hundred million North Americans can't be wrong.

I don't leave it. If you can't handle a correct and to you disastrous criticism of your thoughts, then I suggest that you leave it, and allow me to exercise my freedom of speech.

You are completely irrational, masked in a rational voice, and worse, you can't tell the difference.

Please see a psychiatrist at your earliest opportunity. I beg you. You are displaying a classic, clearly marked case of paranoid schizophrenia. Delusional thinking, inability to follow reason, and a feeling of persecution.

I am a layman, and I can't diagnose people, so take it as my opinion only, and as my right to express myself with free speech.
LOL ..
Note I was merely discussing rationally, you are the first one to get emotional and attack without reasonable evidence and arguments.

If you have not been living a tall silo but had been exposed to news of the Salman Rushdie case, 911, the evil terror acts of I..SIS, plus all the regular news of Islamic driven terror you are likely to have been terrorized by those as potential threats. You may not realize it consciously but it is working subliminally [you know this word?].

The evidence of your being terrorized is your lashing out at me for merely criticizing the evil of Islam and discussing the points rationally. I have always invite rational counter arguments not emotional attacks in an attempt to shut me up.

Whatever what one's views are, you have the discretion to ignore it or discuss it rationally with supporting evidence and arguments [a default expectation within a Philosophy Forum].
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Re: Why the Focus on Religious-Based Evil Only?

Post by -1- »

Whatever. You are clearly nuts. I've tended to stay away from arguing with schizophrenics, because of their tenacious insistence on something wrong, awry, or incomprehensible.

You are one of them, Veritas, in my esteem. There is no evidence, there is no amount of evidence that will make you change your mind. If God himself came down to Earth and told you you were wrong, you still would not be convinced. Logic does not convince you. Facts can't convince you. Logic and facts can't convince you. So what are you doing around here? You are merely using this site under the pretext of thought, to advocate your immense hatred fed to you by nothing but an imaginary fixed idea you have made your own.

You are not evil. You are not a philosopher. You are not a thinker. You are a schizophrenic in my opinion. Getting rid of you or to make you change your mind is impossible. It is not just impossible; your inertia is on a deeper, much deeper level of impossible. You have a fixed idea, and for some reason (which all schizophrenics share) you can't detach yourself from your fixed idea.

I am not sorry for you. I don't feel any compassion. I am sorry that you exist, though, and that you keep poisoning the atmosphere around here with your inabilities, with your immense immovability, with your immense metaphysical stink.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Why the Focus on Religious-Based Evil Only?

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

You're running out of argument??
You need to present logical and rational arguments.

It is so easy to throw your own words at you;
  • -1-,

    Whatever. You,-1-, are clearly nuts. I've tended to stay away from arguing with schizophrenics, because of their tenacious insistence on something wrong, awry, or incomprehensible.

    You are one of them, -1-, in my esteem. There is no evidence, there is no amount of evidence that will make you change your mind. If God himself came down to Earth and told you you were wrong, you still would not be convinced. Logic does not convince you. Facts can't convince you. Logic and facts can't convince you. So what are you doing around here? You are merely using this site under the pretext of thought, to advocate your immense hatred fed to you by nothing but an imaginary fixed idea you have made your own.

    You are not evil. You, [-1-] are not a philosopher. You are not a thinker. You are a schizophrenic in my opinion. Getting rid of you or to make you change your mind is impossible. It is not just impossible; your inertia is on a deeper, much deeper level of impossible. You have a fixed idea, and for some reason (which all schizophrenics share) you can't detach yourself from your fixed idea.

    I am not sorry for you, -1-. I don't feel any compassion. I am sorry that you exist, though, and that you keep poisoning the atmosphere around here with your inabilities, with your immense immovability, with your immense metaphysical stink.
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