The Dualistic Mind

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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Nick_A »


As has been proven historically, the views I support are hated by the world. Jesus and Socrates were both killed because they spoke of and lived reality in accordance with their respective quality of being. The ideas they introduced into the world must be hated. The dominance of the dualistic great beast thrives on fear and self justifying imagination. Opening to the triune perspective and our collective connection with higher consciousness means the death of this dominance. It doesn’t want to die. Anyone appearing to be Mr. Wonderful as a spiritual teacher is a fraud.

I’ve never claimed to be a conscious human being. My advantage over you is my admitting to be what I am. I’ve experienced what consciousness is which is not to make me conscious. For example, I’ve experienced the triune mind making me capable of experiencing what is described in the Gospel of Thomas:
(3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
This is a wonderful description of vertical consciousness beyond the limitations of the linear dualistic mind.

For a person to have the experience of the wholeness of themselves requires the ability for conscious observation from a higher level of reality. This quality of conscious observation attracts higher consciousness from a higher level of reality. These three levels of consciousness can only be experienced as a whole by the triune mind. The reactive consciousness of our animal Man is witnessed by a conscious part of ourselves which in turn becomes witnessed by higher consciousness. This is a psychological ladder in which the higher feeds the lower with a higher quality of energy and a natural part of a universal evolutionary process..

The fact that I’ve witnessed this doesn’t make me anything special. It just means I’m concerned with more than complaining to satisfy my need for “meaning.”
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Greta »

Greta wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:58 am
Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:01 am
Greta wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:54 pm
The verification has been done and no fairies were found. Remember all the tests trying to find God and soul? All the theists were super excited to hear of a test to measure the weight of a departing soul from the recently deceased. They were less excited to have a negative result.

There are, of course, other dimensions to reality of which we are unaware, but that is not what you are talking about, which is the access of those other dimensions.

If a person claims to access other or higher dimensions of reality, one would expect observable results of this access. Such a person would be expected to possess extraordinary qualities. However, the only extraordinary quality I see in you is persistence. You are otherwise so often shallow and aggressive, and also appear to be afflicted with chronic anxiety issues, so it's clear that either:

1. Whatever you are promoting is 'snake oil' (or at you've misunderstood it) or

2. You were incredibly messed up and this amusingly neurotic persona of yours that I've grappled with for far too long is the new improved version.

So Nicholas, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. If you are claiming to be of a higher consciousness than the rest of us then you would need to demonstrate unusual patience, forbearance, compassion, kindness, understanding, empathy, humility and maturity or no one will believe you.

By the same token, I'm not going to take the advice of a life coach who looks depressed and careworn, or a chainsmoking physical trainer, a scientist who cant read or count to high school standard or priests claiming to be in touch with God while actually touching children.
You are clearly exhibiting psychological projection. You do exactly what you accuse me of. You are closed to these ideas such as Plato's divided line only because of misguided emotional denial. Your loss IMO.
Nooo, stop playing games and address what has been written. I'm not promoting anything, so your claim of projection is so misguided it suggests that you don't understand what the term means.

After all these years of claiming to be of a higher consciousness than others, Nick, it's beholden on you to explain why you show few of the qualities to be expected in one who enjoys this purported higher state of consciousness - patience, forbearance, compassion, kindness, understanding, empathy, humility and maturity.

This is such a fatal flaw that you will surely be destined to lay idiotic games online for the rest of your life because people will keep seeing what I'm seeing - a fairly mediocre fellow who claims that his consciousness is operating on a higher plane than most others.

In this you come across as akin to one preaching patience as the most important aspect of life and then snapping at anyone who even looks like disagreeing.
I have to repeat this because you have not properly addressed the post.

You are an amazing wriggler when cornered. It's fun to watch, wondering what device you'll try to distract from your false claims being exposed. Projection - check. Hate - check. Spirit killer - check.

You cannot escape the fact that the proof is in the reality, not the claims. At the very least your alleged level of spiritual understanding should have imbued you with clear and noticeable wisdom based qualities as listed above. There is no way around this. People do not gain great awareness and continue to behave the same.

As for and alleged "kingdom of God" it's not in or outside but both of those, and through us - obviously - which is just what happens if you are part of reality. How we perceive these dynamics tends to change over a lifetime rather than being locked to dogmas.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Lacewing »

Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:46 am tell me what idea or ideas I am closed to.
Don't you agree that you are closed to everything outside of your platform of ideas that you incessantly talk about here? You have repeatedly shown that you will not see/admit the value or truth of anything else that has been presented to you. You ignore good points and questions, and return to your repetition. Most of the time, I wonder if you're just putting us on? It would be insane if you could not see/embrace a much broader Universe than you do. Meanwhile, you imagine yourself having a "triune mind", although (here online) your thinking actually seems quite one-dimensional -- as if you have a very limited loop of tape in your head.

Also, as Greta pointed out, you do not display the characteristics of a higher state of consciousness. There are many people in this world who DO exhibit such qualities -- and you are nothing like them. Rather, you are a gloomy cave dweller who appears to despise and blame most humans and society, while demonstrating/accomplishing nothing impressive yourself. It's hard to imagine you singing songs (as you said). What do you connect with people on when you're being social in the world? Why don't you do that here?
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Nick_A »

Lacewing wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:39 am
Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:46 am tell me what idea or ideas I am closed to.
Don't you agree that you are closed to everything outside of your platform of ideas that you incessantly talk about here? You have repeatedly shown that you will not see/admit the value or truth of anything else that has been presented to you. You ignore good points and questions, and return to your repetition. Most of the time, I wonder if you're just putting us on? It would be insane if you could not see/embrace a much broader Universe than you do. Meanwhile, you imagine yourself having a "triune mind", although (here online) your thinking actually seems quite one-dimensional -- as if you have a very limited loop of tape in your head.

Also, as Greta pointed out, you do not display the characteristics of a higher state of consciousness. There are many people in this world who DO exhibit such qualities -- and you are nothing like them. Rather, you are a gloomy cave dweller who appears to despise and blame most humans and society, while demonstrating/accomplishing nothing impressive yourself. It's hard to imagine you singing songs (as you said). What do you connect with people on when you're being social in the world? Why don't you do that here?
Don't you agree that you are closed to everything outside of your platform of ideas that you incessantly talk about here? You have repeatedly shown that you will not see/admit the value or truth of anything else that has been presented to you. You ignore good points and questions, and return to your repetition.
This is meaningless unless you provide at least one example. What specific truth have I failed to admit the value of? What good point am I ignoring that pertains to the love of wisdom or the calling of philosophy?
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Nick_A »

Greta wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:43 am
Greta wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:58 am
Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:01 am

You are clearly exhibiting psychological projection. You do exactly what you accuse me of. You are closed to these ideas such as Plato's divided line only because of misguided emotional denial. Your loss IMO.
Nooo, stop playing games and address what has been written. I'm not promoting anything, so your claim of projection is so misguided it suggests that you don't understand what the term means.

After all these years of claiming to be of a higher consciousness than others, Nick, it's beholden on you to explain why you show few of the qualities to be expected in one who enjoys this purported higher state of consciousness - patience, forbearance, compassion, kindness, understanding, empathy, humility and maturity.

This is such a fatal flaw that you will surely be destined to lay idiotic games online for the rest of your life because people will keep seeing what I'm seeing - a fairly mediocre fellow who claims that his consciousness is operating on a higher plane than most others.

In this you come across as akin to one preaching patience as the most important aspect of life and then snapping at anyone who even looks like disagreeing.
I have to repeat this because you have not properly addressed the post.

You are an amazing wriggler when cornered. It's fun to watch, wondering what device you'll try to distract from your false claims being exposed. Projection - check. Hate - check. Spirit killer - check.

You cannot escape the fact that the proof is in the reality, not the claims. At the very least your alleged level of spiritual understanding should have imbued you with clear and noticeable wisdom based qualities as listed above. There is no way around this. People do not gain great awareness and continue to behave the same.

As for and alleged "kingdom of God" it's not in or outside but both of those, and through us - obviously - which is just what happens if you are part of reality. How we perceive these dynamics tends to change over a lifetime rather than being locked to dogmas.
You are an amazing wriggler when cornered. It's fun to watch, wondering what device you'll try to distract from your false claims being exposed. Projection - check. Hate - check. Spirit killer - check.

Yes I have said that the ideas I support must be hated and have proven to be hated. Why? Jesus said the same. He was far more important so must be hated far more than me. I'm not really worth being hated. But the point is the same. Ideas of a certain quality must be hated in the world and only become valued for those who are not totally identified with the world. You reject these people so hate these ideas. I support them so it annoys you.
John 15:

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Lacewing »

Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:32 pm This is meaningless unless you provide at least one example. What specific truth have I failed to admit the value of? What good point am I ignoring that pertains to the love of wisdom or the calling of philosophy?
This is a perfect example of the Nick mind. People like Nick only pretend to be focused on actual examples and proof, when in truth they will claim it is all meaningless unless it fits into their narrow warped models. This has been shown countless times. It is a game they go round and round with. The Nick mind craves participants for its Merry-go-round that goes nowhere -- demonstrating the love of delusion, NOT wisdom or philosophy.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Nick_A »

Lacewing wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:33 pm
Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:32 pm This is meaningless unless you provide at least one example. What specific truth have I failed to admit the value of? What good point am I ignoring that pertains to the love of wisdom or the calling of philosophy?
This is a perfect example of the Nick mind. People like Nick only pretend to be focused on actual examples and proof, when in truth they will claim it is all meaningless unless it fits into their narrow warped models. This has been shown countless times. It is a game they go round and round with. The Nick mind craves participants for its Merry-go-round that goes nowhere -- demonstrating the love of delusion, NOT wisdom or philosophy.
You should at least try to be open as to our basic disagreement. I believe that the human condition is described by plato in his cave allegory. The dualistic mind keeps us attached to the shadows on the wall. Values for cave life are determined by reactions to life within the horizontal linear process of daily life within Plato's cave.

Since there are no absolutes for cave life we just create our own reality and opinions must be considered the ultimate source of value.

I support the repulsive most hated idea that cave life is an acquired abnormality created by the fallen human condition. So rather than arguing the opinions normal for cave life the question becomes how to consciously leave cave life and become normal for human being. This requires triune reason to become psychologically aware of the vertical difference in quality between cave life and human life and open to the human attribute of "conscience" which reveals objective human values.
“We will be destroyed unless we create a cosmic conscience. And we have to begin to do that on an individual level, with the youth that are the politicians of tomorrow…. But no one, and certainly no state, can take over the responsibility that the individual has to his conscience.” Albert Einstein, in Einstein and the Poet – In Search of the Cosmic Man by William Hermanns (Branden Press, 1983, p. 141. Conversation in Summer of 1954)
"One never goes wrong following his feeling. I don’t mean emotions, I mean feeling, for feeling and intuition are one.” Albert Einstein, in Einstein and the Poet – In Search of the Cosmic Man by William Hermanns (Branden Press, 1983, p. 95. – conversation on September 14, 1948)
Opening to the human attribute of conscience requires opening to "absolutes" that those like you and Greta oppose in favor or sophic relativism. Unfortunately your perspective has become dominant in the world so the union of consciousness and conscience, reason and faith will be rejected and Man will be destroyed.

I know I seem depressing at times but to be aware that there is more to philosophy than an obsession with Trump and realizing the reality of the human condition will never be accepted in the world. It may be fun partying with a sinking ship but at times a person remembers what is happening which takes the fun out of it. A person may then question that even if collective Man must go down with the ship, can certain individuals remain afloat?

That is one of the deeper meanings of the story of Noah's Ark. The Ark is symbolic of a quality of consciousness we are capable of so as not to be swallowed up by the ever increasing conflicting impressions created by the shadows on the wall pulling us further down into lunacy.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Lacewing »

Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 7:56 pm ...the ever increasing conflicting impressions created by the shadows on the wall pulling us further down into lunacy.
This is not my experience... so it must be yours.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Greta »

Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:45 pm
Greta wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:43 amNooo, stop playing games and address what has been written. I'm not promoting anything, so your claim of projection is so misguided it suggests that you don't understand what the term means.

After all these years of claiming to be of a higher consciousness than others, Nick, it's beholden on you to explain why you show few of the qualities to be expected in one who enjoys this purported higher state of consciousness - patience, forbearance, compassion, kindness, understanding, empathy, humility and maturity.

This is such a fatal flaw that you will surely be destined to lay idiotic games online for the rest of your life because people will keep seeing what I'm seeing - a fairly mediocre fellow who claims that his consciousness is operating on a higher plane than most others.

In this you come across as akin to one preaching patience as the most important aspect of life and then snapping at anyone who even looks like disagreeing.

I have to repeat this because you have not properly addressed the post.

You are an amazing wriggler when cornered. It's fun to watch, wondering what device you'll try to distract from your false claims being exposed. Projection - check. Hate - check. Spirit killer - check.
Yes I have said that the ideas I support must be hated and have proven to be hated. Why? Jesus said the same. He was far more important so must be hated far more than me. I'm not really worth being hated. But the point is the same. Ideas of a certain quality must be hated in the world and only become valued for those who are not totally identified with the world. You reject these people so hate these ideas. I support them so it annoys you.
The "hate" game is a deliberate falsehood you keep repeating.

Who hates the idea of improving their consciousness? No one. (Well, not too many).

The point is that YOU PERSONALLY display NONE of the qualities one would expect from a person who had achieved a higher state of consciousness than the norm.

You undermine your claims with your own conduct. It is that simple.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Nick_A »

Greta wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 10:31 pm
Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:45 pm
Greta wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:43 amNooo, stop playing games and address what has been written. I'm not promoting anything, so your claim of projection is so misguided it suggests that you don't understand what the term means.

After all these years of claiming to be of a higher consciousness than others, Nick, it's beholden on you to explain why you show few of the qualities to be expected in one who enjoys this purported higher state of consciousness - patience, forbearance, compassion, kindness, understanding, empathy, humility and maturity.

This is such a fatal flaw that you will surely be destined to lay idiotic games online for the rest of your life because people will keep seeing what I'm seeing - a fairly mediocre fellow who claims that his consciousness is operating on a higher plane than most others.

In this you come across as akin to one preaching patience as the most important aspect of life and then snapping at anyone who even looks like disagreeing.

I have to repeat this because you have not properly addressed the post.

You are an amazing wriggler when cornered. It's fun to watch, wondering what device you'll try to distract from your false claims being exposed. Projection - check. Hate - check. Spirit killer - check.
Yes I have said that the ideas I support must be hated and have proven to be hated. Why? Jesus said the same. He was far more important so must be hated far more than me. I'm not really worth being hated. But the point is the same. Ideas of a certain quality must be hated in the world and only become valued for those who are not totally identified with the world. You reject these people so hate these ideas. I support them so it annoys you.
The "hate" game is a deliberate falsehood you keep repeating.

Who hates the idea of improving their consciousness? No one.

The point is that YOU PERSONALLY display NONE of the qualities one would expect from a person who had achieved a higher state of consciousness than the norm.

You undermine your claims with your own conduct. It is that simple.
Becoming louder only makes your ignorance more pronounced. The hatred by the world for awakening is reality. Your defense of your acquired dualistic mindset assures you cannot understand why the World must hate the Christ. I am not worthy of being hated but I can admire those who have become so.
John 15:

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Nick_A »

Greta wrote

Who hates the idea of improving their consciousness? No one.

This is what you do not understand. Humanity functioning by dualistic reason struggles against triune human consciousness. It is only imagination that makes living with obvious hypocrisy tolerable.

You equate consciousness and conscious contemplation with imagination and altered states of consciousness. They are mutually exclusive. A conscious human being cannot be in a state of imagination.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Dubious »

Nick_A wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:53 am But if the universe is conscious, it is not really a stretch to contemplate it as levels of reality. It makes sense to me since the alternative that we are the only conscious beings in the universe serving no purpose is just idiotic. A conscious universe with Man serving a conscious purpose within it makes perfect sense. This excerpt concludes with the following. Only conscious Man can verify it. Animal Man is limited to the domain of earthly duality ... leman.html
Then you have to define Purpose to know what it is that man serves. In lieu of that you haven't got a case...unless "Purpose" is defined and made active symbolically as a prime projection of consciousness which is the only way it can be done!

It's always been super easy to define Purpose generically not truly knowing what would create it. Without that knowledge there is only the forward thrust of consciousness wanting to artificially inseminate its own importance in a virtually infinite, uncaring, cold, indifferent universe which neither negates or confirms any such aspirations, maintaining its unconditional silence to the end in which even god is missing.

Purpose isn't precluded within conscious beings; it just isn't included in the universe which doesn't care whether the Suzerainty of consciousness gets annulled by accident or by its own stupidity. In the universe, any "Either" equates to its "Or" condition as a matter of complete neutrality.

Everything you say or have ever said are simply projections of your beliefs or those you have adopted and desperately fear to break away from. There are no truths or revelations to be rinsed from those who simply borrow and never THINK but still write as if they are the modern saints and prophets in their fulminations against the neglect and dereliction of wisdom you suppose inherent in the secular world.

The opportunistic way you debate finding constant fault with those who dare analyze your borrowed wisdom and false assertions multiplies those deficiencies even more.

Btw, I have read the entire excerpt provided by your link twice. I wanted to know in what ways Needleman differs from you .
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Lacewing »

Nick_A wrote: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:58 am It is only imagination that makes living with obvious hypocrisy tolerable.
Again, you appear to speak of your own reality. This definitely makes sense in regard to the imagination you clearly use, and the hypocrisy you seem able to ignore. It's fascinating, Nick, to see how perceptive you are about the mechanics of such thinking... even though you have yet to realize how much of it is YOU that you're trying to project outward. The level of denial is quite extraordinary.
Nick_A wrote: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:58 amYou equate consciousness and conscious contemplation with imagination and altered states of consciousness.
You wrote that statement to Greta, but I wonder who are you really talking about? I've not seen or heard anything that would suggest this to be true of Greta, nor myself, nor the people I know in my life. So to me, it's very odd -- that description -- and rather seems like it might fit yourself and some others here on the forum.
Nick_A wrote: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:58 amA conscious human being cannot be in a state of imagination.
Yet this state appears to be where you spend so much of your time -- speaking of things that do not match up with broader reality and vast potential, as you prefer what you have condensed everything down to. Speaking of expanded consciousness (and repeating phrases, and quoting others) does not mean that you understand it or have it -- and no one is fooled into believing such a thing when there's no real or consistent demonstration of it. And all of the hate you keep talking about -- is that coming from you too? I'm not seeing it, but you do. Do you think you are responsible for your reality?
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Greta »

Nick_A wrote: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:58 am
Greta wrote

Who hates the idea of improving their consciousness? No one.
This is what you do not understand. Humanity functioning by dualistic reason struggles against triune human consciousness. It is only imagination that makes living with obvious hypocrisy tolerable.

You equate consciousness and conscious contemplation with imagination and altered states of consciousness. They are mutually exclusive. A conscious human being cannot be in a state of imagination.
I certainly don't mistake cognition for altered states and imagination or I would not be able to function in real life. Again, it's a naive and baseless claim by you.

As I keep saying - but you are not listening - it is your own clearly unwise conduct that undermines your claims. You make silly and baseless claims like the above where you suggest that I and other "secularists" lack any cognitive faculties - it's all just animal response :lol:

Think of it this way - if you are an example of a person with with special capacity to understand and utilise the "triune brain" then few would see any value in it because you are such a patently mediocre human being. Simply, you are a poor advertisement for your snake oil.

If you were debating a definition of God, no problem, your personal characteristics are irrelevant. However, when you are speaking about things that make for a better human being, you should ideally be an example of a better human being yourself. Else others might ask, "What about you? You are a goose who tends towards immaturity, aggression, dishonesty, manipulativeness and rashness, so how might you have benefited from your access to extra dimensions of mentality?" (Theoretically speaking, of course, I would never say such things hehe).

Did you know that the idea of the triune mind was based on dated notions of the brain's structure? It appears that a quaternary mind would be a more accurate position to take: wrote:The Triune Brain theory is a poetic and intuitive picture of how the brain has evolved and works in humans. It’s too bad it isn’t really true, but it isn’t completely wrong either.

The Triune Brain theory is never mentioned in neuroscience research. The hypothesis originated in psychiatry in the 1960s, but is too simplistic and wrong in too many places to be useful as a scientific model for the brain.

An analogy could be made to the division of plants into “fruits” and “vegetables.” This is a fairly intuitive division that captures some basic themes and commonalities, but it is useless scientifically. Many fruits, like squash and tomatoes, are called vegetables. And many vegetables, like corn and beans, are actually grains. Meanwhile peanuts are a type of bean and potatoes are a type of plant stem.

In broad brushstrokes, the Triune Brain theory captures several core ideas regarding the evolution of the brain and the relationship between emotional psychology and the major brain structures. This is partly what has made the conceptual model so talked about in “pop neuroscience.”

What is right about the Triune Brain model:

- The human brain does indeed have older “preserved” brain structures for basic survival functions (e.g. the “reptilian brain” and/or “paleomammalian brain”) and also more recently evolved structures that support cognition (the “neomammalian brain” or neocortex)
- There is, to some extent, competition for control of behavior across “more primitive” and “more modern” circuits, with limbic system reflexes being more core and instinctual, while the prefrontal cortex is the highest level, most flexible, and goal oriented.
- The idea of the “limbic system,” also introduced by MacLean and somewhat related to the Triune Brain model, has remained a core concept in modern neuroscience and is widely referenced (although now seen as simplistic and misleading).

What is wrong about the Triune Brain model:

- The layering proposed by MacLean has not stood the test of time. For example MacLean included the basal ganglia in the lowest “reptilian” layer whereas this would now be seen as a middle layer. A more modern model might have 4 layers: brainstem & hypothalamus (basic survival functions), limbic system (amygdala, etc., complex automatic behavior), basal ganglia (adaptive behavior sequence optimization), prefrontal cortex (goal-oriented learning, behavior, & reasoning); but these are subsystems within a larger systems and not true layers.
- The brain did not evolve by adding layers, as MacLean’s model implies. Rather, the core circuits of the whole brain have reorganized over time, with certain circuit elements and regions expanding and becoming more complex. Even reptiles have cortex-like structures, just smaller and less complex.
- The “competing brain area” aspect of the Triune Brain model is simplistic and inaccurate. At a broad conceptual level, cognitive circuits do play a larger role in humans, whereas “limbic circuits” take over in moments of threat (fight-or-flight). However the brain is a whole system and all circuits are engaged and collaborating all the time. The prefrontal cortex requires the rest of the brain to function, and fight-or-flight responses engage circuits in the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex.
- In general, the brain as a whole has proven to be highly complex and intricate, with deep interconnections and cross-connections. Circuit elements and brain regions are part of a complex dynamic system that does not easily separate into independent modules. For example the limbic regions do not really form a coherent system, and the limbic subregions, like the amygdala or hippocampus, are better understood in relation to the brain as a whole rather than to other limbic system elements.
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Re: The Dualistic Mind

Post by Nick_A »

Greta,You are good at ad hom attacks and missing the point but at least your absurdity is consistent.

The Holy Trinity is one. The tripartite soul described by Plato is another. The triune brain theory is another and the triune mind is also another. Yes they are all related but cannot be considered the same.

A dog has a triune brain but not a triune mind capable of conscious triune reason
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