The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Science Fan »

And here comes Veggie once again trying to twist a post into her maniacal hatred for Americans. Had Veggie been honest, and read the OP, she would have noted that the issue raised was not confined to the USA, but is in fact global, as it is even endorsed by the Swedish Nobel Peace Prize committee. I can also give numerous examples of western nations treating victims as experts solely because they are victims.

Here are the facts though: 1. Most American gun owners are law-abiding citizens who do not misuse their guns. 2. The media hardly ever mentions the numerous times a gun is used by a person in successfully defending themselves from an attack. There are numerous cases of young teenagers gaining access to their parents' guns, and successfully defending themselves against home invasions, as well as elderly and handicapped people doing so. Because the media never mentions these events, people have a very distorted impression regarding the benefits of gun ownership.

Here are some of the flaws in arguing substantively against gun ownership: 1. It is normally accepted in the western world that one is only held responsible for the wrongful acts that one commits, and that a person is not held liable for the wrongful conduct of others. Yet, the argument gun control advocates make violates this fundamental principle of western justice. They advocate punishing lawful gun owners because of the criminal acts of someone else. That's like taking away every adult's right to drink alcohol because someone drove under the influence. 2. The leftists who make this argument are well-known bigots. In every major leftist event, there is always an anti-Semitic group involved. It doesn't matter if the event is for gays, or women, there will be a contingent of open Jew-haters among the leftist crowd. This is why Jews are now leaving the left in droves. At these events, any Jew is asked to leave, because the left is that anti-Semitic. So, I'll be damned if I'll ever let a group of anti-Semitic, self-righteous, leftist prigs, tell Jews that they cannot own guns to defend themselves against these Jew-hating scumbags. In other words, the left can piss off with their attempt to disarm the Jews. It's not going to happen.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Science Fan »

Atla: Veggie admitted to me, on this forum, that she really does believe in the things she writes about Americans.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Walker »

uwot wrote: Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:20 am
Walker wrote: Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:11 am Missing the principle for the particular.

1984, not American, same principle.

It’s the way of the world.
All politics are local.

Y’all should get out more.
Still trudging across the tundra, Walker?
Subjectively, since there’s been no SPC tracking of data, the frequency of idiotic questions does seem to have lessened.

When high profile gun-confiscation-folks like politicians, entertainers, and athletes move through public without their armed bodyguards, their words will be true.

Put gun confiscation through the legal process.
Put it to a vote.
Allow the people to speak through their representatives.

That’s the way it should have been done with abortion law.

That’s the system in the USA, the greatest country on the face of the earth.

Then, if the public’s will for gun confiscation comes up to specs, no problem.

Dems won’t ever let that happen because they know what the vote would be.
It’s why they bypassed the legislative process for abortion law.

Confiscators are likely to find that border jumpers who were casually and illegally given a voice in the USA political process like their guns, too.


Did you know that in the United States, The Supreme Court of the Land decreed that the police have no legal obligation to protect you?

Their legal obligation is to uphold the law.

Repeal of the second amendment would disable you from protecting yourself.

See the paradox?

Irrational. Tilt. Danger, Will Robinson.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Science Fan »

It's also rather interesting how gun control advocates misuse statistics. Keep in mind that one can easily drown in a pool of water that is on average only two feet deep, because there can be a far deeper end to the pool. I'm a middle-aged American, and never once have I been involved in any gun fight, or seen anyone involved in a gun fight. I even know law enforcement officers who have spent years on the force and they have never once been involved in a gun fight.

The gun violence largely occurs in poor, gang-ridden neighborhoods where the life expectancy can be quite low. Outside of those areas, there is a problem with domestic violence, but that can occur with or without guns easily enough. In any event, taking guns away from domestic abusers is presently the law, and it should be enforced more than it is now. But if one is not involved in a domestic violence situation or living in a gang-infested neighborhood, gun violence is so low I've never seen it. Gun-control advocates try to paint the false picture that gun-violence is occurring uniformly across the country, when it just isn't true.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Atla wrote: Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:41 pm Americans don't seem to be running their own country, they don't seem to be the ones in control, but aside from that they are generally OK people and not dumber than the rest of the planet. But still, hating on them / envying them is always fun.

I wonder though, if someone plays this game for too long, does something click in her head eventually, and does she turn into a genuine hater one day? :)
Who says it's not genuine? It's always so much more fun to say 'oooh, you're a 'hater' (whatever that means)/bigot/homophobe/islamophobe/racist/xenophobe.... did I miss any?, than to actually address any of the points made(which all happen to be true btw).
So, I'm a 'hater' for despising the US (the country that has fucked up the entire planet with its greed and bullying), yet SF posts hateful, nasty bullshit in practically every comment about some mythical 'left' that he doesn't seem to be capable of defining.
So sorry if my particular hate doesn't sit comfortably with the ''Progressive'' agenda.
Kindly go fuck your disingenuous and hypocritical self.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

I would hate to see any kind of gun control imposed in the US. In fact, the laws are far too tight and restricting as they stand.
See? We can agree sometimes. That must make me right-wing like you :D
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Science Fan »

The US already has gun control. For example, little kids cannot carry a gun to school. The issue isn't whether there should be gun control, but the extent of gun control. And as a minority in the USA, I find it hypocritical that the same identity-politics the left uses is completely ignored when they want to ban gun ownership. It's not that a white Christian majority has to worry about not having guns in the USA. It's the minorities who have to worry. So, the one time where minority rights should count, in the area of gun control, the left completely ignores minority rights. That makes them hypocritical assholes in my book.

And for the record, I'm all for background checks, and do not want to see abusers, mentally ill people, or violent criminals in possession of guns. However, I also do believe that minorities, like Jewish Americans, definitely should have the right to arm themselves, especially when the leftist Democratic party has normalized anti-Semitism in the USA.

On behalf of American minorities, I am thus giving the finger to the American leftist assholes.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Its just a shame all those tossers protesting 'against gun violence' (idiots can't even protest intelligently. You might as well have a 'protest against stupidity', or a 'protest against unattractiveness'), can't find the energy to protest against ANY of the vile things their country is doing to 'non-Americans'.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

''As a member of a minority in the US'' :lol:
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Science Fan »

It's true that the USA has been arming the Saudis in a proxy war with Iran in Yemen. Hundreds of thousands have been targeted for starvation, and civilians have been targeted and killed. Yet, where is the outrage? Where is the demand for boycotts? Where are the same assholes on the left who call for boycotts against Israel, a nation that has been helping Syrian refugees for years, when it comes to the mass murders in Yemen? Since they cannot blame the deaths of those Muslims in Yemen on Jews, they don't give a shit. Yemen is proof of the anti-Semitism that drives the left in fixating on Israel. While the left dehumanizes the Jews in Israel, a country that gives free education and medical care to its Arab citizens, the left completely ignores the mass murder of Muslims by American weapons in Yemen. Their hypocrisy could not be any greater than it is. May they go piss off.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Science Fan »

To give people an idea why Jews in the USA should not be disarmed, I recall seeing a video on YouTube, which is probably still up. A guy was standing on top of some stairs at Berkeley University, a well-known, left-leaning university. He was waiving an ISIS flag. Now, ISIS beheads Jews for simply being Jews, as well as Christians, and Muslims that are secular-minded. What was the response from the students? They cheered on the flag waver. Then, the same guy returns to the same spot about an hour later with an Israeli flag. What was the response? Students started yelling at him, throwing things at him, challenging him to a fight, etc. So, at one of America's top universities, the students prefer ISIS to Israel. So, this is why Jews in the USA will hold on to their guns, no thank you leftist scumbags. It's you whom the Jews have to defend themselves against.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

At least I'm not a one-eyed bigot like some on here. ALL Americans should be armed to the teeth. And not just guns. Flame-throwers, military drones, grenades, bazookas, rocket launchers, those cute 'pocket nuclear bombs' they have now......
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Philosophy Explorer »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:18 pm At least I'm not a one-eyed bigot like some on here. ALL Americans should be armed to the teeth. And not just guns. Flame-throwers, military drones, grenades, bazookas, rocket launchers, those cute 'pocket nuclear bombs' they have now......
I'm not armed to the teeth. Does that mean I'm not American? Nor disloyal? Does this mean you are an American?

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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Sir-Sister-of-Suck »

I absolutely agree that being a statistic in a shooting doesn't make you an expert in how to bring down that statistic.

I don't want to say too much because I would rather target their ideas, and not these teenagers as people. I have a lot of sympathy for what they went through, and would rather not pick on them. I will say that the main thing that irks me about David Hogg, is his idea of trying to paint this as a bipartisan issue, while simultaneously contradicting that idea with every other statement. It's the most basic form of emotional manipulation, to pretend like you're not a participant in divisive politics. And you're the one making them divisive.
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Re: The Irrationalism of David Hogg Media Sensation

Post by Philosophy Explorer »

Plain and simple, I believe in both execution and torture or an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This would save on taxes and help keep other people from harm. Can't call me a murderer because it's the guilty party who pulled the switch on himself through his behavior (where lower forms of life are harmed, I favor the same punishment when it comes to mammals). When it comes to state of mind, I don't see where the intelligence of the guilty party is a factor.

PhilX 🇺🇸
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