I hope Football dies off

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I hope Football dies off

Post by EchoesOfTheHorizon »

I'm really hoping American Football dies off. Mostly cause I hate sports in general. I can sorta tolerate watch baseball if in stadium, but can't waste time watching on tv.

Doesn't help that Football is super racist and Anti-American now. I'm very opposed to racism, and don't tolerate when it comes from whites, but also when it comes from blacks either. I'm sick and tired of it in general, and am completely turned off by the old democratic game rebooted under Obama and Hillary of racial division. My neighborhood is mixed race, I just want to have neighbors, not discussion of racial identity with neighbors, just be my neighbor. When I see kids fighting in the park, I want to yell at them to knock it off cause I'm a large grown man, not a white man yelling at a white boy or a black boy. I'm completely turned off by the fake liberal race war. Easiest way to end it is to turn them off, tell them to go F themselves, not into that.

That's the current football state, and the last thing I care for is to be preached by a bunch of racist organizations that employ thugs who keep getting charged with rape and burgundy, murder, etc. Even if you took the fake race war out, I would still despise football cause it is full of criminals. I don't want kids looking up to such people. So I hope Football does die off, and it appears it is, good riddance.

But just because I hate sports, doesn't mean everyone else is going to get rid of them, something will replace Football. Question is, what should it be?

Options are (add your own)

1) Baseball
Generally good. They make a effort to be classical role models for kids, community out reach. They are athletic, but not brutal, not slamming heads together like four legged goats and rams do. Rule based game, all American, lots of other countries play it too.

2) Soccer
It is a game kids play, as well as teenage girls. I support our women's soccer team, when they won the World Cup. Other than that.... it is about as exciting as watching white bread mold. Nothing happens, balls bounce around, and people jump around in the stands, screaming in Spanish. Sometimes the stands fall, killing everyone. Riots and city wide burnings also occur.... not sure I want this sort of stuff. Pretty much every country the US has gone to war with has been soccer fans as of late, so I'm suspicious of it's virtues. Low probability of success of being taken serious as a sport, don't think the people will accept it.

3) Boxing

Very violent, head bashing. It is literally just people punching one another in the head. This really shouldn't be entertaining.... but it has a allure. Everyone can't help but watch as some guy gets hit upside the head. Winner is the one who isn't knocked unconscious. Not a improvement at all over the Football head bashing, but potentially more sportsmanship.

4) Mixed Marshall Arts

Awesome, but ummm.... not for kids. I hate a baseball card collection as a kid, none of the players covered in blood. Good for adults, men.... man, nobody under 13 should be watching,isn't something that should be watched at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Grandma shouldn't be made to watch that sorta stuff when over visiting when sitting with the guys.

5) Rugby

Everyone from football would just migrate over, and everyone would continue smashing heads, without protection. It would be as racist and hateful as ever. Nope

6) Figure Skating


7) Chess Tournaments


8) Golf

No no no no no


Turn left, turn left, turn left..... hours go by. Blah

10) Hockey

Sorta like basketball, but on Ice. Too many Canadians. I suppose though, been around, tested, seems to work.

11) Basketball

Pretty racist, and is getting political too, remember them attacking Carolina over the bathroom laws? It's a proxy for a political party, so likely can't become the national sport, it will sink after it takes over for football in short order as well. I doubt they will have a change of heart over Football's nasty politics, and will go full steam ahead, and sink.

12) Tennis

Anything the Queen is a fan of isn't going to get the testosterone running. No chance of becoming Number 1 in America.

Suggestions for a national sport for the US? Something someone who hates sports can stomach, but has a allure everyone can rally around. Something non-political, non racist? Has good, clean players lacking extensive rap sheets? I'm talking about finding the top sport for the US, not a third place contender, something all Americans can get behind, not just racists or extremists.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by attofishpi »

I also hope American 'football' dies off.

The fact is the US really is not much of a player on the international sporting scene. 'Word series baseball' !! - the US wishing again.

What about cricket - a huge international sport played by teams including but not restricted to:- India, South Africa, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Australia, England, Ireland, Wales, New Zealand, Pakistan...

I see little in the way of racism when we all get together at a ground and have a beer together.
The same applies for 5) Rugby
Everyone from football would just migrate over, and everyone would continue smashing heads, without protection. It would be as racist and hateful as ever.
You couldn't be MORE wrong. Very little by way of racism - and what hate??
This is what the international world of rugby stands for - The World in Union:-

Actually - the US with all its current bigotry should just stay the F' away from international sport (as it pretty much does).
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by EchoesOfTheHorizon »

The bigotry is currently synthetic. When we have racism, I mean actual in the community racial tensions today, it usually is when a large migration of blacks push into a community that was once affluent, but lost it's main industries. Drug problems start up (started by white dealers, but nobody cares to note that in the beginning stages) shooting start as larger gangs move in.

It isn't perceptible when it starts, just some honest people fleeing crime neighborhoods. My part of West Virginia took in people from Baltimore, who liked our model working class community, and lots of homes for sale for cheap given suddenly no work available.... but it didn't matter to the rest of the older white population, they took off. It's called white flight. We had a few tumult years, but things got settled after everyone got locked up. I mean like, everyone except me, cause I was a bookworm who went into the military. Now it is everyone mixed together, playing on the streets, doing normal stuff like before. What I see on liberal media doesn't bare much resemblence to racism as it actually occurs, happens 50-50 both ways on average here. People mostly don't bother with it, everyone except the druggies hate the black Chicago gangs (stick out like a sore thumb) or white hill billy meth dealers. Both are equally hated here.

And I'm 100% certain the racism in the football community would just carry over to rugby. It is a tamed down version of football, no real differences, other than Australians claiming it is so much tougher.... but I don't care as both are equally annoying to me, and I seriously doubt a British or Aussie rugby player could survive long against the caliber of NFL players. We would go overkill on it.

I agree the US World Series kinda should be a real World Series. Include Japan, South America.

As to cricket, no American knows the rules. I haven't the dampest concept how that works. I know it involves a flat bat, held downwards. Some polo boards are in the ground, not certain at all what the hell your doing with them. Where is the ball supposed to get hit too? What you do once it is smacked. If you put a bunch of Americans onto a field and didn't tell us the rules, we would just play baseball with the stuff. Dammit, we got baseball, and everyone knows the rules for it already.

On Star Trek Enterprise, Water Polo was played..... man.... I dunno. I'm not even sure how to play polo, is it playing pool but with horses, a big free for all? I don't think this going to become a common sport for kids in every neighborhood to rush out and play after school.

Ping Pong (Table Tennis) was like, the only Marxist approved sport we could play during the Cold War. That is sorta boring, but also a Everyman sport? Don't really want to see it on TV.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by attofishpi »

EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:49 amAnd I'm 100% certain the racism in the football community would just carry over to rugby. It is a tamed down version of football, no real differences, other than Australians claiming it is so much tougher...
Claiming? The entire International community know that American Football is a bunch of overweights wearing tights and helmets so they can bounce off each other with little to no skill. US 'football' is extremely boring and non-tough. US 'football' is a lame version of rugby not the other way around.
What racism - the rest of the rugby world get along just fine thank you very much.
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:49 am. but I don't care as both are equally annoying to me, and I seriously doubt a British or Aussie rugby player could survive long against the caliber of NFL players. We would go overkill on it.
lol. An average Rugby player has had broken noses, has 'cabbage' ears and more, the pansy US players would run and scream in the opposite direction without all their protection garb. The US don't have skills that would come close to a rugby player. Watch a few games of rugby - have a look at where a field goal is kicked for FFS, not directly in front of the goals like the US boring game - it is in line with where the try was placed - in other words from some very obscure angles and the skill required is beyond comprehension.
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:49 amI agree the US World Series kinda should be a real World Series. Include Japan, South America.
Ooo two other countries - look at the international scene for real football, cricket and rugby.
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:49 amAs to cricket, no American knows the rules.
Actually, you do have a team.
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:49 amI haven't the dampest concept how that works. I know it involves a flat bat, held downwards. Some polo boards are in the ground, not certain at all what the hell your doing with them. Where is the ball supposed to get hit too? What you do once it is smacked. If you put a bunch of Americans onto a field and didn't tell us the rules, we would just play baseball with the stuff. Dammit, we got baseball, and everyone knows the rules for it already.
Baseball is just an adaptation of the British school game of rounders.[/quote]
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by EchoesOfTheHorizon »

First off, South America isn't a country, it is a continent. I also included Meso-America and the Caribbean in it generically.

And Rugby is a soft helmeted version of football. And I think they both suck, but we definitely produce far higher caliber of athletes, absolute default. Zero chance if we earnestly took after Rugby or Soccer as a national team that either Britian or Australia would beat us.... you'll be in permanent losing streaks. Your gene pool is rather slim, and you have a small population to take from. Your university population of athletes is puny, and you don't have the kind of money to attract top caliber international players if we directly competed. We would suck the world talent dry. That's the sole reason teams like Manchester United are popular.... cause they play a sport the US doesn't care for, so they get the talent. If we entered into it with equal enthusiasm, be the end times for European dominance. We have several times the population of any European country, and drown athletes in cash. Not exactly proud of it, but it is the simple truth. And cauliflower ears on rugby players is nothing compared to repetitive concussions and brain trauma, football is a rather nasty and idiotic sport that destroys the brain. Nobody wants to play it.

I seriously don't really know if we have a soccer stadium in the Pittsburgh PA area, or where the closest national league team is. We gotta have something somewhere, cause we keep getting someone going into playing in World Cup playoffs. They can't possibly be talking in quality athletes though, no money in it as nobody is watching, no sponsors, can't impress girls cause it isn't a real sport. If someone told me they were a professional soccer player in the US, I would giggle or sigh, how could you pretend to be impressed? What, like, a few hundred people watch?
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by attofishpi »

EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:21 am First off, South America isn't a country, it is a continent. I also included Meso-America and the Caribbean in it generically.
No shit, I misread as South Africa, i do apologise.
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:21 amAnd Rugby is a soft helmeted version of football. And I think they both suck, but we definitely produce far higher caliber of athletes, absolute default.
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:21 amZero chance if we earnestly took after Rugby or Soccer as a national team that either Britian or Australia would beat us.... you'll be in permanent losing streaks.
You do have national teams ..FFS. ...and you really don't understand sport do you! Permanent losing streaks DONT EXIST!
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:21 amYour gene pool is rather slim, and you have a small population to take from. Your university population of athletes is puny, and you don't have the kind of money to attract top caliber international players if we directly competed. We would suck the world talent dry. That's the sole reason teams like Manchester United are popular.... cause they play a sport the US doesn't care for, so they get the talent. If we entered into it with equal enthusiasm, be the end times for European dominance. We have several times the population of any European country, and drown athletes in cash.
We don't do UNI to direct our sports - UNI is for places people LEARN STUFF.

Appears the US don't care for sport that might inflict damage on their national pride!

You've got to be kidding mate - the English Premier league has the best players from across the entire planet, you really need to attempt to look at the international sporting scene the minute you pull you head out of the place its in. Why do so many US posters have such a little clue about the world beyond their borders - its really rather intriguing.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by Arising_uk »

EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote:...
2) Soccer
It is a game kids play, as well as teenage girls. I support our women's soccer team, when they won the World Cup. Other than that.... it is about as exciting as watching white bread mold. Nothing happens, balls bounce around, and people jump around in the stands, screaming in Spanish. Sometimes the stands fall, killing everyone. Riots and city wide burnings also occur.... not sure I want this sort of stuff. Pretty much every country the US has gone to war with has been soccer fans as of late, so I'm suspicious of it's virtues. Low probability of success of being taken serious as a sport, don't think the people will accept it. ...
:lol: It's called Football and since it's the most popular game in the world I think it no surprise that you've gone to war with a country with football fans, so I think the people have accepted it but will the Yank? I doubt it as it's also the simplest and easiest game to play with the least equipment needed. Add to that that it requires quite a high-level of co-ordination and that the result can be a draw or no score and that you have to pay attention for forty-five minutes at a time I also doubt that the average Yank will be able to play it or watch it.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by Arising_uk »

EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote:... It is a tamed down version of football, no real differences, other than Australians claiming it is so much tougher....
Wrong, American football is a version of rugby and the Aussies also have a version called Australian Rules football which is different from both.
... and I seriously doubt a British or Aussie rugby player could survive long against the caliber of NFL players. We would go overkill on it.
This would depend, as in rugby only one can tackle at a time and not from any direction or any height so definitely less hits in a way but then your NFL players are armoured to the hilt and I wonder how they'd feel about being hit without that protection and that they'd have to play for two forty minute sessions with much fewer breaks in play.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by Impenitent »

when football dies off, the bloodlust of American spectators will find fresher targets

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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by artisticsolution »

Impenitent wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:43 pm when football dies off, the bloodlust of American spectators will find fresher targets

Football won't "die off" its just not trendy now, because of all the kneeling for humanity. Its trendy to hate kindness...has been for awhile.

Fast forward several years or decades it will be trendy to love one another...black, white, man woman....will have peace.

Just as soon as putin or some other jackass nukes your ass into oblivion, who's ever left will have their stupid ass eyes open....and it will be trendy to be kind.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by Walker »

Little Doug Flutie popularized I Hope football with the Hail Mary pass.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by Impenitent »

Walker wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:34 am Little Doug Flutie popularized I Hope football with the Hail Mary pass.
Staubach did it 9 years earlier

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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by thedoc »

EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:17 am Mostly cause I hate sports in general. I can sorta tolerate watch baseball if in stadium, but can't waste time watching on tv.
For some who doesn't like any sport, you certainly have a lot of opinions, but someone as ill-informed as you certainly doesn't have the correct opinion.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by duszek »

Only sports which are beneficial to health should be promoted.

Chess is a good one too, for the brain cells and to prevent Alzheimer and inertia.

A darts competition is a nice event, it was in one of the Barnaby films.
It´s like shooting with a bow but with mere hands, concentration is required.

Meditation as a sport could be tried, too.
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Re: I hope Football dies off

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

artisticsolution wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:27 pm
Impenitent wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:43 pm when football dies off, the bloodlust of American spectators will find fresher targets

Football won't "die off" its just not trendy now, because of all the kneeling for humanity. Its trendy to hate kindness...has been for awhile.

Fast forward several years or decades it will be trendy to love one another...black, white, man woman....will have peace.

Just as soon as putin or some other jackass nukes your ass into oblivion, who's ever left will have their stupid ass eyes open....and it will be trendy to be kind.
Of course. It would have to be Putin. Not an American, even though the US is the only country that has ever 'nuked anyone's arse to oblivion' (such a cute way to put it). Do you think of yourself as 'kind' then? How so?
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