Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

Harbal wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote: Not surprisingly "anyone" would think you were a bit stupid, given your other posts, and assumed you meant "Those trying (and failing) to commit suicide, end up regretting it"
Have you got nothing better to do than respond to stupid posts?
Are you not capable or writing a post that is not stupid?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Lacewing »

Osric wrote:The purpose of life might be to experience the good and the bad that life has to offer.
There may not be any sort of meaning or purpose... rather, life is simply an experience. And the experience could include a wide range of what is possible. Making us "experiencers"... unless we cut the cord and say we don't want to be an experiencer. But that might be short-sighted if we haven't explored/applied our capabilities as an experiencer.

I think what makes life difficult are the judgments of good and bad that we apply to everything all the time. It seems we cannot even look at a thing, or experience something, without applying some judgment. And that judgment is just "made up". It means nothing really. So we can easily change it. In that way, we're creating much of our experience of this world. So if we think it sucks, maybe it is our judgments that suck. :D I think a person can be full of love or hate in any moment, regardless of what the situation is. So I don't think situations must drive or determine anything.

Even though there's probably no point or any particular way that we HAVE TO live this life, there seems to be lots of evidence all around that there are many, many ways to do so! So my question for myself is "how do I want to do it"? I find that a fascinating challenge to explore -- as well as exploring what I am capable of. It really doesn't matter WHAT THIS OR ANYTHING IS. What AM I DOING WITH IT and making of it?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Harbal »

Hobbes' Choice wrote: Are you not capable or writing a post that is not stupid?
Yes but I don't think I'd make the effort for you.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

Harbal wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote: Are you not capable or writing a post that is not stupid?
Yes but I don't think I'd make the effort for you.
How stupid!
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by alpha »

@ hc, i can tell you miss spheres. :wink:
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Harbal »

Hobbes' Choice wrote: How stupid!
I'll be back.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

Harbal wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote: How stupid!
I'll be back.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Tolfdir123 »

I fucking hate this stupid meaningless existence. All we do is grow, go to school, graduate, and get a job. Well for what? Just to stay warm and stuffed in your house? That is not the way life should be. Life sucks soo much, why is fantasy better? Such as skyrim and many more is 1k times better then this stupid meaningless existence we live in!!
I try everything that i like in life, but there are always problems. My mom: don't go swimming, it's too dangerous. I fucking want to commit suicide. All i do in life is prohibited and not in this world such as going swimming at ocean at summer and winter and lucid dreaming does not work, i have tried for soo long but nothing happens. I fucking hate this reality, dream's are much better, i never get bored in my dreams. But in this dam reality i'm always bored, what the fuck??? There is no meaning to life for me. Why does everything suck in reality? What i want is what i can't get no matter what. Screw this stupid meaningless life.
I don't need anyone that will not be the solution, nothing will. Fuck this existence.
"Things in life that make me happy."

"Games-good, Dreams-extremely good, swimming-okay, internet-fine, in a restaurant-nice."

Maybe, i need to be in a coma for the rest of my life and live in dreams. Maybe that is the solution for my stupid meaningless life.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Kira »

I know this sounds kinda clique of me, but I understand what you mean when you say life is boring. Everyday in my life, almost 98% of the time when I’m in or out of school, I feel like everyone is just a spec of sand to me. There was no one I can look up to or have a real close relationship to, whether it be close friends or close family, because I feel none of that, not even my mum or dad. And I know this may sound awful or selfish of me but I am speaking this from my heart, I have a friend but I never consider him to be truely close to me, even despite his contradictory opinion of me, I sometimes saw him as a boring loser (To be more precise though, I think I almost see everyone as a boring loser in their own similar ways). Sometimes through my waking days I secretly wished that I’d die from a quick and painless accident, but no...I’m still here and alive, typing this. I did sometimes thought I was a coward to even end myself. Everyday of the week I just attend to school and just sit my bloody ass down and work boring work. I feared in the future I’d end up having a deadbeat depressing boring job in the office.

You know what’s the worse part about me? I can’t do anything to change this life I live. I can’t choose who I want to see and have a real close relationship with, or how my days or life will go. I just feel like a talking shell saying all of this. I really want to have a damn exciting life, I want to see the beauty of the outside world, but no, I got none of that. This is just me, a deadbeat boring and lonely shell. Just like you. And I think we both know that we sure as hell wished we were never born in the first place, and it can be easy to blame our parents for this.

Just to give you a note, I have a skill to illustrate imaginations from my head, it’s all I was ever good at, drawing and painting on a tablet. And I would always imagine my three main characters as soldiers in a different planet, and they have to fight together to save people from the manufactured monsters the other planet made for war purposes. Regardless of the burdens the three characters faced, the three main characters are very close friends together, like a family. And regardless of their profession they can see and explore wonders of the natural beauties of the world together, plus their job isn’t boring, they get to fight for their people, not sit their asses down on a bloody chair. This story is my first manga project, and I like to create concept illustrations from my imagination.

And let me tell you this, maybe you might feel the same way like I do on this one, but ever since I created my three main characters I felt like they are the closet people in my heart. I really loved them like a family member and I can always see the adventures they have in my imagination. They are only my from my imagination but I have such strong feelings for them, unlike real people from the real world. And this may be wishful thinking, but I really hope that somehow, through defying the odds, I could really meet them and perhaps even work with them and explore the world in a different and beautiful planet 😊. It might not happen in this life, but maybe the next one? Well, wishful thinking of course.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by tbieter »

Tolfdir123 wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:40 am I fucking hate this stupid meaningless existence. All we do is grow, go to school, graduate, and get a job. Well for what? Just to stay warm and stuffed in your house? That is not the way life should be. Life sucks soo much, why is fantasy better? Such as skyrim and many more is 1k times better then this stupid meaningless existence we live in!!
I try everything that i like in life, but there are always problems. My mom: don't go swimming, it's too dangerous. I fucking want to commit suicide. All i do in life is prohibited and not in this world such as going swimming at ocean at summer and winter and lucid dreaming does not work, i have tried for soo long but nothing happens. I fucking hate this reality, dream's are much better, i never get bored in my dreams. But in this dam reality i'm always bored, what the fuck??? There is no meaning to life for me. Why does everything suck in reality? What i want is what i can't get no matter what. Screw this stupid meaningless life.
I don't need anyone that will not be the solution, nothing will. Fuck this existence.
"Things in life that make me happy."

"Games-good, Dreams-extremely good, swimming-okay, internet-fine, in a restaurant-nice."

Maybe, i need to be in a coma for the rest of my life and live in dreams. Maybe that is the solution for my stupid meaningless life.
So, why haven't you commited suicide?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Arising_uk »

Tolfdir123 wrote:...
Maybe, i need to be in a coma for the rest of my life and live in dreams. Maybe that is the solution for my stupid meaningless life.
Or maybe you could do something about your stupid meaningless life?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by GreatandWiseTrixie »

niki wrote: Tue May 26, 2015 12:28 am Life is boring and meaningless, and most people / humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life? Is there actually any point at all? If there is actually none, then is it okay to commit suicide to end this ridiculous, stupid, empty, & meaningless existence?

I always feel very alone in all my 'deep'-thinking/pondering. It's like I can't relate/connect to majority (99%) people / humans anymore. Most of them are just too superficial, and they just seem happy living everyday life just like that, while I'm not. I always continually keep learning, reading, and searching for the ultimate meaning of life, existence, & purpose.

I'm often alone in all my own deep thoughts.
this petty existence now just feel utterly meaningless to me.

Sometimes I can't help to think:
Why human's imaginations, dreams, & fantasy are better than reality / real life / real world ? (& usually the best ideas come from the real creative and/or intelligent people)
Movies, novels, comics books, video games, anime/manga, basically the world/universe created by human's Imaginations are better than this boring reality. For example: Harry Potter, Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Marvel / Marvels, Avengers Age of Ultron , X-Men, Divergent, Star Wars, The Hobbits, The Matrix, Sword Art Online (SAO), Skyrim, Log Horizon, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, DOTA, Assassin’s Creed, etc

Also, in those fictional worlds / universe , everything seems to have much more Purpose & exciting things going on, rather than this dull, boring real life / real world / reality. In reality / real-life / real-world, everyday life is the same & repetitive : wake up, eat, go to school/work, boring, then go back home, eat, then sleep, then repeat again.

Furthermore, in real life / real world / reality everything is only all about money, & also shallow, superficial, stupid / dumb things like sex, party / partying , fight over religions, race, ethnicity, & even small little unimportant things. I hate people / humans / humanity, and I honestly feel that humanity / mankind is hopeless.

Is anyone else here also feel the same? Can anyone here relate to what I'm feeling & thinking above?

So, again, Life is boring and meaningless, and most people are ignorant & stupid.
Then what is the meaning of life & our petty human existence?

(PS: have you heard of things like Virtual Reality (VR), Oculus Rift, and then also Lucid Dreaming / Lucid Dream , Astral Projection, Out of Body (OBE) experiences ? how I wish those things are real, so I can escape this boring world / boring life / boring real world / boring real life / boring reality ).
this is because humanity is nihilistic, disconnected from natural desires.
my guess is you want virtual reality, because u have sexual and violent urges that are not allowed to be expressed in society.
and/or, are dissastified with the genetics you were born with, and dissatisfied with the genetics of the human avatar you find yourself trapped in.
the reason you like fantasy movies, is because they contain adventure, a temporary escape from the boring bubble of a life you have to endure.

as far as suicide goes, it has to do with logic. you dont commit suicide because as a philosopher, you have a logical duty to find out where you go when you die. commiting suicide is a roll of the dice, until philosophers and scientists discover what the afterlife will be, you are shooting blind, a foolish legacy.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Science Fan »

Niki: When you claim that life is meaningless, are you claiming that everyone's life is meaningless, or just that you find your own particular life meaningless? And if you find your life meaningless, is this a permanent state in your opinion, or are you merely saying that right now your life Is meaningless, but, things could change in the future so that your life has meaning?

You also mentioned that in fictional works people's lives have meaning. So, that seems to indicate that if you could change your life, to do something you find worthwhile, like a character in a novel, that your life would have meaning. So, why not figure out what you value doing, and then do that? Wouldn't that solve your problem over your life having no meaning?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by LAA »

You are discouraged. You take refuge in the books/stories you've mentioned, wishing they were real but they are not. You are not living, you are existing. Get out there and do some good for people who don't expect it. Be polite. Buy an item for someone you know who really needs it and then give it to them. Help someone who's struggling keeping their lawn up or carrying groceries. Send encouraging notes. Forget yourself and live for the happiness of others, that is the value of life.

Find God. Life is tough and it is a test. Guess what? It's not easy doing the right thing, that's why so many are doing it wrong. Quit lying, cheating, drinking, smoking, having extra-marital sex, etc. Whatever is the wrong thing to do in God's eyes, quit doing it. Even your thoughts. Decide to quit thinking bad things about yourself and others. Choose everlasting life. Choose God and His Ways. God made man to be able to fully express His Love. Love is fully expressed through mercy and forgiveness to those who don't deserve it, namely us. Our life is an experience and a test, a race-we are to decide whether to choose God and His Ways or not. If we reject God we reject the inventor of love, kindness, everything that is Good and Right. And if we reject everything that is good and right, then we become trash and our worthless, therefore we throw ourselves into everlasting death. Choose God. The God of the Bible. Pray that God show you He is real and then actively seek Him.
The Woodster
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by The Woodster »

Hi nikki,
Read my theory on the meaning of life, it will take you about 30 mins, and even if you disagree with most of it, parts of it are guaranteed to change your outlook on life, the universe and everything from this day forward. It contains original scientific theories which are unlike anything you will have read about or even imagined before, and allow you to view the world anew, with deeper understanding and awareness.
Forget all the different beliefs that we are given to choose from and put our faith into, all the religions, philosophies, sciences, etc. There are other, better choices available, ones never before contemplated or believed possible.
The theory is on this site, by The Woodster and titled "New theory about life, something never before contemplated....."
It will not be a wasted 30 mins, what have you to lose?

The Woodster
Last edited by The Woodster on Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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