Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by tbieter »

Dalek Prime wrote:
tbieter wrote:
niki wrote:Life is boring and meaningless, and most people / humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life? Is there actually any point at all? If there is actually none, then is it okay to commit suicide to end this ridiculous, stupid, empty, & meaningless existence?

I always feel very alone in all my 'deep'-thinking/pondering. It's like I can't relate/connect to majority (99%) people / humans anymore. Most of them are just too superficial, and they just seem happy living everyday life just like that, while I'm not. I always continually keep learning, reading, and searching for the ultimate meaning of life, existence, & purpose.

I'm often alone in all my own deep thoughts.
this petty existence now just feel utterly meaningless to me.

Sometimes I can't help to think:
Why human's imaginations, dreams, & fantasy are better than reality / real life / real world ? (& usually the best ideas come from the real creative and/or intelligent people)
Movies, novels, comics books, video games, anime/manga, basically the world/universe created by human's Imaginations are better than this boring reality. For example: Harry Potter, Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Marvel / Marvels, Avengers Age of Ultron , X-Men, Divergent, Star Wars, The Hobbits, The Matrix, Sword Art Online (SAO), Skyrim, Log Horizon, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, DOTA, Assassin’s Creed, etc

Also, in those fictional worlds / universe , everything seems to have much more Purpose & exciting things going on, rather than this dull, boring real life / real world / reality. In reality / real-life / real-world, everyday life is the same & repetitive : wake up, eat, go to school/work, boring, then go back home, eat, then sleep, then repeat again.

Furthermore, in real life / real world / reality everything is only all about money, & also shallow, superficial, stupid / dumb things like sex, party / partying , fight over religions, race, ethnicity, & even small little unimportant things. I hate people / humans / humanity, and I honestly feel that humanity / mankind is hopeless.

Is anyone else here also feel the same? Can anyone here relate to what I'm feeling & thinking above?

So, again, Life is boring and meaningless, and most people are ignorant & stupid.
Then what is the meaning of life & our petty human existence?

(PS: have you heard of things like Virtual Reality (VR), Oculus Rift, and then also Lucid Dreaming / Lucid Dream , Astral Projection, Out of Body (OBE) experiences ? how I wish those things are real, so I can escape this boring world / boring life / boring real world / boring real life / boring reality ).
Ironically, this morning I started reading ACEDIA and its discontent - Metaphysical Boredom in an Empire of Desire by R. J. Snell. ... iscontents

The issue of metaphysical discontent was recently raised by Bill's plea of suffering:
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=14480 I responded that his plea sounded like the ancient vice of acedia. Here is what I wrote:

"Above, Bill has written the following:
"Although what I have been experiencing has pushed me to my very limits, that heaviness of my soul...this, Dark Night of the Soul
is something that I, at least so far, have been able to bear.
I think, if this isn't a preclusion my immediate demise, I will survive. And possibly be larger for it.
This emptiness, this sadness has expanded me to emotions I have not been able to experience before." (Emphasis added)
One of my mentors, James V. Schall, S.J., repeatedly writes that the philosopher, in his investigations, must be open to the totality of reality. Upon that counsel, I dare to sugget an answer from the world of Christian religous thought. Your condition may be from the vice of sloth. Perhaps you should do some reading on sloth, or consult a trustworthy learned priest.

If this suggestion offends you, Bill, disregard it and accept my sincere apology.

In the past I read quite a lot about monks and sloth. It is a special danger to them. As I read this thread, I thought of those readings and also what I know about sloth.

'When many of us think of sloth, we probably conjure up images of an ugly South American animal that eats shoots and actually hangs around. Or maybe we think of unshaven Joe Sixpack lying on the sofa all weekend, not lifting a finger except to open another cold one.

The latter is a fairly apt image of the vice of sloth or its synonyms such as boredom, acedia, and laziness. Boredom refers to a certain emptiness of soul or lack of passion; acedia refers to the sadness that comes from our unwillingness to tackle the difficulties involved in attaining something good; laziness more generally refers to the torpor and idleness of one who is not inclined to exert himself.

Sloth encompasses all these ideas and more. ... n-of-sloth "

Perhaps we now have two sufferers.
You.mean 'coincidentally', not 'ironically'.

Please save your judgments on others for how they deal with meaninglessness. I'm.sick of hearing you tell people how slothful they are, because of their views, and that they should be more optimistic, and find false meaning to.get through tbe day.
You lack an open mind.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


As I stated earlier, all of us may be tripped-up upon semantics.

We need a body & a degree of self-consciousness in order to realize that we are existing.

I am confident that we experience our same existence over & over again - with many of the same characteristics and experiences.

That is what I know to be true.

All of our opinions upon life & death are equally as valid as mine.

NONE of us know what life or death is. Nor do we understand it's exact meaning.

Philosophy = question without answers
Religion = answers without question

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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

ncrbrts wrote:I concede - I didn't have the patience to raid my brain for the right word.
What Bill "understands" is anyone's guess as to what species of thing, that understanding might refer to.

Maybe "some shit I heard on the Discovery Channel", might clinch it?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Arising_uk »

ncrbrts wrote:So in order to avoid boredom we should maintain lives that are filled with eternal struggles and unhappiness? ...
No, just that if you are bored then it's likely you are not in an eternal struggle nor unhappy, not that this means you are happy.
Is happiness the ultimate reward but bittersweet because it is then coupled with boredom?
I doubt you are happy if you are bored. I'd have thought boredom a gift once only the purview of the rich and powerful but now available to many more and as such an opportunity to do something new.
I read this point of view recently and while I concede that while striving for something keeps us occupied, either for brief periods or entire lifetimes, I still don't understand why anyone would strive for anything when their immediate future (in the context of infinite time) lies in their death, and the deaths of everyone who may care to remember them.
I'd have thought comfort or contentment or respite in this short life would be enough of an incentive or how about doing it just because you can?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Arising_uk »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:...
NONE of us know what life or death is.
Sure we do, life is birth to death and death the end of life.
Nor do we understand it's exact meaning. [/size]
Why would there be such a meaning?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Dalek Prime »

tbieter wrote:
Dalek Prime wrote:You mean 'coincidentally', not 'ironically'.

Please save your judgments on others for how they deal with meaninglessness. I'm sick of hearing you tell people how slothful they are, because of their views, and that they should be more optimistic, and find false meaning to get through tbe day.
You lack an open mind.
So, sue me. You lack empathy. You're obviously perfect in your own mind. :roll:
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Greylorn Ell »

niki wrote:Life is boring and meaningless, and most people / humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life? Is there actually any point at all? If there is actually none, then is it okay to commit suicide to end this ridiculous, stupid, empty, & meaningless existence?

I always feel very alone in all my 'deep'-thinking/pondering. It's like I can't relate/connect to majority (99%) people / humans anymore. Most of them are just too superficial, and they just seem happy living everyday life just like that, while I'm not. I always continually keep learning, reading, and searching for the ultimate meaning of life, existence, & purpose.

I'm often alone in all my own deep thoughts.
this petty existence now just feel utterly meaningless to me.

Sometimes I can't help to think:
Why human's imaginations, dreams, & fantasy are better than reality / real life / real world ? (& usually the best ideas come from the real creative and/or intelligent people)
Movies, novels, comics books, video games, anime/manga, basically the world/universe created by human's Imaginations are better than this boring reality. For example: Harry Potter, Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Marvel / Marvels, Avengers Age of Ultron , X-Men, Divergent, Star Wars, The Hobbits, The Matrix, Sword Art Online (SAO), Skyrim, Log Horizon, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, DOTA, Assassin’s Creed, etc

Also, in those fictional worlds / universe , everything seems to have much more Purpose & exciting things going on, rather than this dull, boring real life / real world / reality. In reality / real-life / real-world, everyday life is the same & repetitive : wake up, eat, go to school/work, boring, then go back home, eat, then sleep, then repeat again.

Furthermore, in real life / real world / reality everything is only all about money, & also shallow, superficial, stupid / dumb things like sex, party / partying , fight over religions, race, ethnicity, & even small little unimportant things. I hate people / humans / humanity, and I honestly feel that humanity / mankind is hopeless.

Is anyone else here also feel the same? Can anyone here relate to what I'm feeling & thinking above?

So, again, Life is boring and meaningless, and most people are ignorant & stupid.
Then what is the meaning of life & our petty human existence?

(PS: have you heard of things like Virtual Reality (VR), Oculus Rift, and then also Lucid Dreaming / Lucid Dream , Astral Projection, Out of Body (OBE) experiences ? how I wish those things are real, so I can escape this boring world / boring life / boring real world / boring real life / boring reality ).

So you've discovered that life is empty and meaningless. Good first step, one which others have taken millennia before your birth.

Next step is to realize that your life is all about yourself-- your happiness, ego gratification, satisfaction, etc.

Since in the short course of your life you've accomplished nothing, contributed nothing to the world that nourished you, educated you, and turned you loose, your personal life is empty and meaningless. How could it be otherwise? Here you are sitting on your fat dumb ass expecting the world to bring you meaningfulness, while personally contributing jack shit.

Some of the paranormal things you've read about are out there and available, but not to a mindless and irrelevant dipshit. The opportunity to become a rocket scientist is available to you or to anyone else who chooses to study rocket science. Likewise any field of human endeavor. If you want to experience OBEs, first learn how. Practice meditation. Ask yourself what you want to learn from an OBE. Work with yoga practitioners. Join a Buddhist monastery. Do your base work, else keep whining.

Along the way learn to heal people. There are a variety of touch-healing methods that anyone can learn. Not easy, but a way to contribute to the well-being of others. Once you have actually contributed to the healing of another person, your egocentric focus will begin to blur, and you will be on the road to learning what you claim to want.

In simple terms: Quit bellyaching about your life. No one gives a shit about you, which seems fair since you don't give a shit about anyone else. How do you expect a life based upon video games to be meaningful? Get off your useless ass and accomplish something. You won't heal yourself without healing others. Else you can serve this planet best by leaving it.

Until you accomplish something worth noting, keep yourself in the ignorant and stupid category with the rest of the nits you imagine yourself to have transcended.

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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Harbal »

niki wrote: it okay to commit suicide to end this ridiculous, stupid, empty, & meaningless existence?
Numerous studies have shown that the vast majority of people who commit suicide end up regretting it.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

Harbal wrote:
niki wrote: it okay to commit suicide to end this ridiculous, stupid, empty, & meaningless existence?
Numerous studies have shown that the vast majority of people who commit suicide end up regretting it.
Er... hang on.
Death has no regrets.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Harbal »

Hobbes' Choice wrote: Death has no regrets.
Maybe not but the dead may well have some.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

Harbal wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote: Death has no regrets.
Maybe not but the dead may well have some.
You can't regret when you are dead. That's why they call it "DEATH".
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Harbal »

Hobbes' Choice wrote: You can't regret when you are dead. That's why they call it "DEATH".
What's the connection between not being able to regret being dead and calling being dead "DEATH"?
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

Harbal wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote: You can't regret when you are dead. That's why they call it "DEATH".
What's the connection between not being able to regret being dead and calling being dead "DEATH"?
Figure it out!
Dalek Prime
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Dalek Prime »

I don't understand why people can't figure that out, Hobbes. Seems pretty obvious.
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Re: Life is boring and meaningless, and most humans are ignorant & stupid. What is the meaning of life?

Post by Harbal »

Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Figure it out!
If you don't know the answer why don't you just say so?
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