What is Art? What is Beauty?

What is art? What is beauty?

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Bill Wiltrack
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What is Art? What is Beauty?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


What is Art? What is Beauty?

Sorry...to misdirect a title so badly.

I saw this video; Ben: Diary of a Heroin Addict.

It was compelling.

It was the most disturbing thing I have ever watched in my life.

I don't know why.

I ask - What is Art?

I think this video is art?...because I watched it. I looked at it.

What is Beauty? Beauty?...can beauty be painful? Because this was painful.

Painful to watch.


Sorry to misdirect this so badly.

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Re: What is Art? What is Beauty?

Post by reasonvemotion »

The only person I felt for was the father.

Still working at 71, wondering if he would have a roof over his head, both he and the wife were good people.

"Ben" made the decision to take that first hit. Everyone knows the evils of heroin, yet he did it.

He was full of sadness for himself when he realised his body was breaking down and he might actually die.

What I found most sad in this vid. was Ben's father, facing the camera saying to Ben "I love you".

Painful to watch? It is all too common today. I think nearly everyone of us knows someone who has died from drugs.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: What is Art? What is Beauty?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »



I too felt that way about the mother and the father.

They perfectly expressed what unconditional love is.

In addition, I felt empathy for Ben himself. Who amongst us has not tasted the fruit of heroin, hash, or even a hangover in our experimental youth?

Ben is part of the 5% or so amongst us that gets caught in the web of addiction.

None of us are stronger than an addiction, if the conditions are just meant to be.

Last edited by Bill Wiltrack on Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is Art? What is Beauty?

Post by reasonvemotion »

Not me, for that very reason. No one knows who will be the addict.
if the conditions are just meant to be.
If you create them.

All Ben had to say was "No". His selfishness was nauseating in this vid and his sycophant attitude infuriating. I am sorry Dad, I love you Dad. Wrong.com.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: What is Art? What is Beauty?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Part of what I think disturbed me, moved me, about this video: Ben: Diary of a Heroin Addict, is the perception of me actually watching the video itself.

The video is art. It was consciously made and edited. The video tells a story. It is art. That I know.

Is pain, is the opening up within us...the pain of another part of us - exposed...is this the precursor to beauty? A new type of beauty within us.

I watched the video. I painfully watched the video and felt the canyon that Ben had fallen into.

I know I felt pain. I felt empathy. I don't know how to express what I still feel now - a strong emotion.

Is this within me the recognition of a beauty? Is this the same mechanism? - But dirty?

The beauty of the recognition that addiction is a universal human trait. We are all helpless against addiction. All drugs humble us with their power.

Beauty in the filth of my life, or rather real life, instead of in a separate medium like a painting on the wall or a major motion picture?

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