Teaching Satyr Evolution

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Teaching Satyr Evolution

Post by Satyr »

And I'm happy to learn from those with knowledge.
I am Satyr, a stranger from a strange northern land called Hyperborea.
I come here to learn about your species.
Teach me.

From Wikepedia...
I've underlined the important points.
Wikepedia wrote:Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organisation, including species, individual organisms and molecules such as DNA and proteins.

Life on Earth originated and then evolved from a universal common ancestor approximately 3.7 billion years ago. Repeated speciation and the divergence of life can be inferred from shared sets of biochemical and morphological traits, or by shared DNA sequences. These homologous traits and sequences are more similar among species that share a more recent common ancestor, and can be used to reconstruct evolutionary histories, using both existing species and the fossil record. Existing patterns of biodiversity have been shaped both by speciation and by extinction.

Charles Darwin was the first to formulate a scientific argument for the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Evolution by natural selection is a process that is inferred from three facts about populations: 1) more offspring are produced than can possibly survive, 2) traits vary among individuals, leading to differential rates of survival and reproduction, and 3) trait differences are heritable. Thus, when members of a population die they are replaced by the progeny of parents that were better adapted to survive and reproduce in the environment in which natural selection took place. This process creates and preserves traits that are seemingly fitted for the functional roles they perform. Natural selection is the only known cause of adaptation, but not the only known cause of evolution. Other, nonadaptive causes of evolution include mutation and genetic drift.

In the early 20th century, genetics was integrated with Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection through the discipline of population genetics. The importance of natural selection as a cause of evolution was accepted into other branches of biology. Moreover, previously held notions about evolution, such as orthogenesis and "progress" became obsolete. Scientists continue to study various aspects of evolution by forming and testing hypotheses, constructing scientific theories, using observational data, and performing experiments in both the field and the laboratory. Biologists agree that descent with modification is one of the most reliably established facts in science. Discoveries in evolutionary biology have made a significant impact not just within the traditional branches of biology, but also in other academic disciplines (e.g., anthropology and psychology) and on society at large.
Still a very controversial topic.
It hits right at the heart of one's identity and one's sense of well-being.
It often confronts his/her survival.

Even those pretending to be scientifically minded and open to all hypothesis appear reluctant to accept this theory entirely, calling aspects of it Darwinian as if to insult it by using its originator as a slur, or by refusing to apply its tenets to human social dynamics.
Most prescribe a more skeptical stringent method when dealing with it, though they show no such passion and reservations for any other field of human thought.
What they easily accept in every other area, no matter the flaws, they vehemently deny, looking for the slightest flaw to dismiss it with when dealing with evolution.

This topic touches a social, emotional, nerve and it contradicts current cultural norms and mythologies concerning race and sex...or the uniformity of potentials which are currently sold to children and as political agendas.
But personal preferences should never factor into what we observe.

Therefore, the majority of "normal", "well-adjusted" individuals dismiss Evolution Theory selectively, or they choose to reinterpret it so as to adhere to their desired social and moral standards, but then apply it wholeheartedly when it does not imply anything about them, their families or humans, in general.

Evolution is about the adaptation of individuals (populations) to environments.
Since environments are fluid adaptation is never complete, and what is fit is ever-changing.
Surprisingly such traits as intelligence can be detrimental towards this end (survival), and so will be weeded out of a population within certain environmental conditions.
Stupidity, simplicity, a social form of autism produced by increasing specialization, and a form of schizophrenia where a mind is divided between natural drives and social imperatives, dishonesty, self-delusion, can be considered as being an aspect of adaptation in regards to human environments.

Evolutionary Psychologists point out that in many respects being deluded may be advantageous to an organism because the goal is survival and not clarity.
Robert Trivers says this on the subject:
Trivers, Robert wrote:If…deceit is fundamental to animal communication, then there must be strong selection to spot deception and this ought, in turn to select for a degree of self-deception, rendering some facts and motives unconscious so as to not betray – by the subtle signs of self-knowledge – the deception being practiced. Thus, the conventional view that natural selection favors nervous systems which produce ever more accurate images of the world must be a very naïve view of mental evolution.

There is no progress upward, and depending on your values, you might hold you may even call some adaptations as regressive.
For example, in Modern Western systems masculine traits are increasingly becoming disruptive to cohesion. this due to the need for assimilating into stable unities heterogeneous population groups.
The stabilizing factor in any social unity is uniformity.

Man, imposing his Will upon nature producing many side-effects, one of which is pollution: material and genetic.
He then considered it progressive, or a sign of his enlightened privileged state, when he innovates ways to cope with the collateral effects of his original interventions.
Such interventions result in overpopulation which in turn demands emasculation on an unprecedented scale.
But this is only one side-effect amongst many.

Rampant reproduction has sheltered mutations which would have naturally been weeded out of the human gene pool, only compounding the consequences when later mutations are added to them.
In many ways, particularly in the Modern West, we might even say that man's ideals have become distinctly anti-nature and nihilistic.
The rejection of the world as it is, and the promotion of an alternative one, begins, at least in the west, with Judeo-Christian dogma, leading to the illusion of the other-wordly Paradise as the life-after-life compensation for surrender, denouncing life as we know it as a fake, a step towards a more real reality; this morphs into Marxism and then secular humanism, by eliminating the divisive God aspect making the dogma even more universal (cosmopolitan), with its denouncement of natural processes (culling, violence, discrimination, kin selection) and the promotion of a quarantined version of nature - reinventing Paradise as an earthbound Utopia, which is described in a way which eliminates the factors that contributed to the ascent of man to his present position of dominance over other species.
Paradise is no longer in some "beyond" but in some "yet to come". The future becomes the immanent Deity.
It is a self-hating, world-annulling position, which exposes its dissatisfaction with the world and the self, as it has evolved within it, in the extraordinary detachments it proposes from sensual reality.
In many cases the senses are dismissed ad sources of illusion rather than as tools for perception.

One symptom of this is this desire to change the world in regards to human preferences, rather than to change one's self in regards to the world.
Take as an example the common attitude towards beauty.
Here we have a perfect example of stupidity, fear, weakness trying to change reality to comfort itself
Beauty is deemed "superficial", meaningless, irrelevant, and this sounds so good in our ears. Never-mind that symmetry is a basic aspect of attraction, in this "new world" it is replaced by the mystical "inner beauty", some vague reference to some deeper value referring to personality, character etc.
Still, we choose friends using this, but not lovers. ask anyone who is honest and they will always choose to have sex with the hot chick or the tall dark and handsome man, or the intelligent man (intelligence is a product of brain symmetry).
Now the fat, ugly one does not try to improve his/her looks, and so improve his/her sexual options, but instead demands that the world change it attitude towards beauty.
Billions of years of adaptation, evolution, natural selection, leading to an attraction for symmetry and the lonely, unfortunate, fuck, wishes to change all that just so that he or she does not face up to his situation and his inheritance.

Adaptation takes on the form of world annulment. It is not the individual who must adapt to the environment, but the environment that must adapt to man.
Man imposes, or tries to, his Will upon Otherness, rather than upon Self.
This is also used as an excuse to explain man's failure to bring about his "perfect world".

But then what form this man-made, artificial, environment takes becomes a matter of conflict. We fight wars over which ideal world will replace the natural one and what type of man will be considered the Ideal to aspire towards - politics.
Utopia, like Paradise, becomes a way of controlling the sheeple...the multitude of simpletons necessary to maintain a complex system; a sophisticated method of slave control, or human farming.

One can, in fact, determine the level of an individual's dissatisfaction with himself and the world by the degree of detachment, disconnect, his Ideals have from anything real or form anything sensually perceived.
The more extraordinary his hopes and his projection of a desired alternative to this world, all the more extraordinary his dissatisfaction with how things are.

It is obvious that all living organisms are dissatisfied, to one degree or another, with the world, because existence is characterized by a lack, experienced as need.
But this is a matter concerning metaphysics which should not be used to avoid physics, in the original, Greek, definitions of the words.
Last edited by Satyr on Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Evolution

Post by Satyr »

But what is nature and what is nurture?

Nature = The sum of all previous nurturing, encoded and passed on through replication.
How each member participating in our emergence (inter)acted with the environment, including others of its kind, determined the parameters, the limits, of my presence.

Nurture= The sum total of my past (nature) (inter)acting with the environment and determining how much of my inherited potential I will realize.

All identity is rooted in the past. To know yourself means to know your history, as much as this is possible.
Denying the past is a form of self-denial.
Modern systems dismiss the determinations of the past so as to detach the mind form its own identity, making it desperate for an alternative. It then enters to offer it the values of the system: money, privilege, wealth, status, fame...etc.

In the past the male was a representative of the system, because in homogenous populations the individual man was a reflection of the genes and memes of the whole.
The family structure was meant to offer each man his own small kingdom. this necessitated the curbing of natural sexual proclivities, in males but mostly in females whose sexual activities had more severe long-term consequences.
Ergo, a man had a family, which raised children taught the shared values of the clan.

In modern times the necessity to integrate heterogeneous genes and memes into a stable unity made the family unity, as we know it, disruptive. The child had to be disconnected form its own heritage so as to make it more vulnerable to assimilation within current value systems and self-identifying markers.
The family had to be reinvented by disconnecting it from its original procreative, sexual, purpose.

A child growing up today is imbued with shallow art-forms and superficial identifications, manipulating its nature which is also denied relevance.
In the void of substance it grabs unto the systemic values which in the modern west are: wealth, fame, social status, hedonism (immediate gratification), rights (entitlement) and so on.
All these are accessible via servitude and submission to the systemic rules.
One gains privilege when one has displayed a loyalty and has fully accepted the values of the system he participates within.

The past (nature) becomes totally detrimental to this social scent. this is why it is ignored, trivialized or reduced to statistics or numbers with no application.
This is the culture of no culture.
The individual believes he is free because he can choose between coke and pepsi when in fact his choices are forced upon him, eliminating anything outside of their premises.
He thinks he is unique and free-spirited when he follows like a sheep marketing and political messaging.
The true "individuality" of modern man can be witnessed in elections where 360 million people choose between 2 options...or in how certain product brands have been associated with certain emotions and certain values.

The common modern mind, in the west, feels free and proud of being able, through years of service, to purchase a car of a particular type....associated with status and luxury and quality.
Why he associates this tool with so much he never wonders. Why he needs it he never asks.
The void in himself, the absence of identity is now fulfilled, momentarily, with an object....he wears it, like an accessory, feelnig enlarged, more substantial within its mass.
Same goes for clothing.
Why certain garments, certain cuts, certain coloration, make one feel a certain way, the average woman and man never explores.

She surrenders to the sensation.
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Re: Evolution

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Abstracted masculinity, like abstracted resources, make it accessible to all.
Just as one can purchase, with money, pride, privilege, respect, love, so too one can purchase masculinity.

The only masculine entity is the institution....and so anyone can represent it: man, woman....child.
The individual is merely a representation of the real power...therefore all the particular qualities of the individual do not matter, except those which display submission to common morals, common values, common beliefs.

This abstraction opens up the possibility for power to hide behind the representation of it....but we shall not get into that.

As with all forms of internationalization an artificial environment is constructed, walled in by the system's artifices, where all participants live within and are encompassed by.
The hierarchies and rules within the institutional boundaries are totally controlled - it is a controlled environment.
Baurdillard spoke of this.

Nature, in our own particular institutionalization, is pushed to the periphery, excluded selectively, quarantined, cleansed, made pristine.
We walk in a park or a zoo thinking we are engaging nature, when we are engaging is at a distance.

Nature, being the sum of the past, loses significance. Our temporal horizons diminish...we become more like animals, with short attention spans, short memories...we are urged to "live in the moment".
In other words we are reduced to an animal status, concerned with immediate gratification, and untroubled by anything beyond the present.
We feel proud of being spontaneous, careless, like children...being infantile is turned into a virtue.
The institution watches over us...takes care that we do not overly hurt ourselves...it provides sheltering and guidance and identification.

Everything associated with nature, race,s ex, heritage is denounced as irrelevant or evil.
We give it form, horns, hooves....a goat-like appearance and call it Satan....or is that Satyr?
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Re: Evolution

Post by Kuznetzova »

I have called this principle, whereby each slight variation, if useful, is preserved by the term Natural Selection.
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Re: Evolution

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A pedophile would say so.

But in nature you would be dealt with quickly.
You survive under artificial, unnatural, protection...human moral standards defend your sickness your unfit mutation.
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Re: Evolution

Post by Kuznetzova »


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Re: Evolution

Post by Satyr »

Once more:

You are a pedophile.

Slight variations can accumulate into deluded, weaklings suffering from some form of Paraphilia.

Under any other circumstances except the present ones that protect unfit mutations and helps propagate illness and weakness, you would be dealt with quickly.

Nothing you've said or done changes that.
These people should witness you, for what you are, because their ideals aid in your emergence and help you in your deficiencies.
You are one more symptom of modernity and the decadence and decay it leads to.

Have fun.
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Re: Evolution

Post by Satyr »

The decline in masculine energy can be witnessed in western culture in the state of its art-forms.

Everything from sculpting, music, movies, poetry is degenerating into hedonistic atrocities, primal beats, continuous talk of love, hyper-masculine displays or it has settled upon an endless recycling of previous creativity.
There is still some creativity occurring but this too is in decline as emasculation will gradually increase feminization.
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Re: Evolution

Post by reasonvemotion »

"How much less we know, when we find out how much more there is to know". Which is the reason we all should keep an open mind and be continually doubters and sceptics on both sides.

What is the purpose
Why are we here
Where are we going

Science has gotten much better over time but can science answer any of the above questions? No, it is mute, inert.

May I quote Jean Paul Sartre.

"Hell is other people."
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Re: Evolution

Post by Satyr »

Meaning is not given from without, one does not ask an other to give him purpose.
This is what a slave does. He begs of his master to give him a task, to give his life a value.

A man gives himself a meaning.
A man seeks direction not in the gods but in his ancestors who become his gods.
They are with him continuously for he, this man, is the product of their living.
They are his creators and he is made in their image.
A man was the representative of his gods, and so a demi-god himself.
A woman sought to be a means toward an end for him, and in this she found her own value.

Now females serve the institution and think themselves important...yet an emptiness resides in their soul.
What they thought was going to be fulfilling has become void.

Pagans, had a hearth where a fire continuously burned.
This represented their family...all the dead.
Pagans staked their place upon the earth...and were not wandering vagabonds with no place and no center.

Originally their worship consisted in offering to their own dead.

Now that the disease has taken over, the God is "out there", separate, domineering, alien.
It is a Deity that asks of a family to sacrifice his own son.....it is a God who urges his followers to leave behind their families and everyone they've loved if they hope to be his disciples.
It is a God who hates life, because He offers an alternate one.
Last edited by Satyr on Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evolution

Post by reasonvemotion »

There does not have to be a meaning. I agree.
to an external source.
which I meant to convey. Edited after posting.

So what about a Cause?

Is it rational to think no event occurs without a cause? Everything that has a beginning has a cause.
Last edited by reasonvemotion on Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Evolution

Post by Satyr »

Reread what I wrote.

I did not say there doesn't have to be a meaning.
You are still suffering from an addiction to an external source.
But this is typically female.

A cause...a cause for what?
There is no first cause as there is no beginning and no end...and no absolute.
There is only flux and a continuum.
There is no separation between cause and effect....the effect is the sum of all causes that merged into it.
Everything is a continuum...the apex of a wave made up of many currents.
There are cycles of ebb and flow.
There is more order and less order...never complete order.
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Re: Evolution

Post by reasonvemotion »

At some point rational knowledge has to end. What comes next?
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Re: Evolution

Post by Satyr »

No, knowledge never ends for there are no absolutes, and therefore no omniscience is possible.
It never ends because all is always in flux, it is always changing. This means that what you know one moment may not be so the next.
But change does not happen at a rate where knowledge in useless.

The trick is to find knowledge, patterns in the change, which hold true for longer periods of time. We call those minds that do so "genius".
Genius is a term used to describe a mind which is not contained within the temporal and geographic boundaries, like others...but who has an awareness what its more timeless.
In fact intelligence is this finding of patterns which can preempt events and offer the individual an advantage over bigger, stronger, faster species.

One more tying on meaning, which also relates to identity.
Man projects an ideal he then strives for.
An honest, wise man, knows the ideal will never be attained for it is not meant to be attained. If it were struggle, life, would cease.

The ideal is meant to inspire.
Man strives to reach it and in so doing he finds a character and an identity...a sense of self and a purpose.

Like with everything no two ideals are equal...nor do they produce the same character.

The present one, for example, the Judeo-Christian one, now called Marxism, or secular humanism, or progressiveness, or liberalism, is an ideal which teaches the mind to hate itself, nature and the world, to feel ashamed of its past, to seek to forget what it is and from where it came from.

To make this sacrifice possible it promises extraordinary, supernatural, rewards, as a compensation for the great loss of self.
Many consider this forgetfulness a relief...and s they embrace it. they call it "losing the baggage". They feel liberated when all they've done is made themselves vulnerable to the clever.
A ship with no sails and anchor is lost to the winds and tides.
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Re: Evolution

Post by reasonvemotion »

In fact intelligence is this finding of patterns which can preempt events
My question then is, where do revelations of future events fit in. There are many people who have dreams for example, of an event before it actually happens and they are accurate. Science cannot explain everything we observe or how we came to be here. It can't really tell us about the origin of the universe in a way that we have proof of how life came into being. Science cannot explain how it came about that a huge amount of information was encoded in DNA. It (science) has no explanation for the experience of concsciousness.

If there were explanations to these unanswered questions, what if we did know, what would life be like with this knowledge.

We would cease to exist?
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