HAIDT quoted bhy Baggini

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HAIDT quoted bhy Baggini

Post by RWStanding »

It has been mentioned elsewhere that, in The Righteous Mind, Jonathan Haidt famously argued that there are six key aspects of moral judgement: care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, sanctity/degradation, and liberty/oppression. People use these according to inborn prejudice.
Haidt is no doubt right, and as I have long affirmed, people are born and imbued with prejudice in their formative years. Ethicists are in vogue today but they are apt to rationalise their standing predilictions.
The Haidt aspects of moral judgement quoted, cannot be seen in isolation, they relate together to define the moral person or society.
The use of antonyms gives rise to a binary illusion in ethics.
If harm, cheating, betrayal, subversion, degradation, and oppression, are taken together to define the person and society, we have what may be termed social chaos or lawlessness. No doubt in varying degrees and subject to the laws of nature.
But the opposite values, care, fairness, loyalty, authority, sanctity, and liberty, only define a law-abiding or fairly cohesive society. It is how those values combine, and their objective, that defines what kind of society is created.
The liberty of authoritarian religion, its sanctity, loyalty to it, with care and fairness for those who subcribe to it, has been found widely in the past and today.
The authority of the free individual, and sanctity of individual rights, with care and fairness for the autonomous individual and society, quite another thing.
While altruist democracy, with communal authority, the sanctity of individual responsibilities to each other, with care and fairness for individual people and national societies, is the third alternative.
Anything else being simply a mish-mash or compromise.
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