Reith Lectures

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Reith Lectures

Post by RWStanding »

Reith Lectures
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear.
These lectures deal with what may be termed social ethics in the common reductionist or piecemeal way. No doubt the four most pressing concerns we have today. But there are many more ethical values than freedom that together define classes of society and aspiration.
The first lecture on Freedom of Speech, came to conclusions that most people in this country may find acceptable. Views expressed being set against the angst of totalitarian authoritarianism. With an eventual admission that absolute freedom of speech would be mayhem. What this admits is that a binary analysis is inadequate.
A logical analysis requires a threefold path – at least to avoid excessive complications and confusion.
Keeping to the one subject of Free Speech, social aspiration in this one aspect can be defined in a limited way. Imagining three forms of society arising out of social chaos, much as the world of today.
The plain fact is that national societies as they exist have an almost infinite mix of dissociated values and related values, thereby with much contradiction and humbug.
Law and Order and Survivalism is the minimalist ethic of all and any kind of stable society. Such a society is essentially authoritarian, usually based on a state religion or a god king. Should this mean human sacrifice to keep the sun rising; women being subject to men; some peoples considered inferior and fit to be slaves. These have all existed with a long-term degree of practical stability. We know many examples of these Authoritarian national societies today, in which the only freedom of speech is that which does not question orthodoxy. A minimal degree of pragmatism is needed in all and every stable society.
Fortunately for altruists there are religions or faiths that are at present very liberal, such as Christianity in Britain, but retaining a core belief in a particular form of ‘god’. The dangers of blind faith and authoritarianism remain.
The speaker for Freedom of Speech eventually admitted that unrestrained freedom would be chaotic. But there exists two ways for freedom, nonetheless. It depends on what other values it relates to, such as plain ego or social responsibility. If ego is the governing qualification, there must still be a ‘law abiding’ national society [or global groups of the same]. Freedom is essentially egalitarian in one way or another. A sort of anarchism or belief in personal autonomy defines this wing of ‘freedom’. Overall a very libertine wing with manifold ‘rights’ but one that separates people and their business from each other and cannot dominate. Free speech undoubtedly maximised but not so as to knowingly spread falsehoods regarding material facts. A form of society that is perhaps the least pragmatic.
The other wing of Free Speech is that for a national or other society which qualifies freedom by social responsibility and mutual benefit, including between nations and for the natural world. That freedom existing within the parameters of ‘altruism’ or a moral code, and is not libertine. With speech that covers all subjects whatsoever, but does so with a degree of politeness, and is not a random broadcaster.
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Agent Smith
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Re: Reith Lectures

Post by Agent Smith »

I presume, a rather big presumption I'm afraid, that I got yer point. I like the Tao of Evil if you catch me drift mate! Having had considerable experience (haha) in dealing with nastiness of all shapes and sizes, I sympathize most deeply with our ethically challenged brethren.
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Re: Reith Lectures

Post by alan1000 »

Reith believed that the Roman Empire collapsed because of depopulation resulting from the widespread practice of homosexuality. As a first-hand witess to the lecture I can attest to this.
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Re: Reith Lectures

Post by Impenitent »

I thought the collapse of Rome was due to lead eating/drinking utensils

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