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Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:50 pm
by Eodnhoj7

The nature of assumption, as both abstract and empirical, relies upon a formless state being imprinted by form.

Empirically, use sand for example, it takes the imprinting of a rock dropped onto it and the rock, as being worn down by the sand, is inversely imprinted by the sand.

The same occurs where the psyche is imprinted by images through which it assumes. The psyche as a blank slate through absense of thought, receives a pattern, is imprinted by it, and then reprojects the pattern into a new form.

The nature of the imprintable mind is one of formlessness. It is this formlessness which receives the imprint through sensory experience or thought. An absense of an imprint is an absence of thought therefore what imprints is what manifests as thought. A thoughtless mind is that which is without form and blank. It is void.

This blank slate is self negating through self reflection; this absence of form is a point of awareness. Formlessness is negated into form where the void voids itself into a form. This first form is a circle. Being extends itself in all directions simultaneously. This circle is the projection of one's point of awareness in all directions. The act of self reflection thus is a negation of one's prior empty state into that of form.

This first form, the circle, in turn reassumes itself resulting in another circle then another circle ad infinitum until the circles act as particles within the mind's eye assembling and reassembling into newer and newer forms. These forms, as extensions of the circle's they are derived from, are empty as well, thus acting as patterns through which we absorb further patterns like a sieve. Patterns which align with the patterns in the minds eye are absorbed, patterns which do not align with the patterns in the mind's eye are rejected. This beginning state of acceptance and rejection of patterns results in what we call as "bias", where patterns are assumed according to there ability to align with the angle of awareness the self originates from.

The patterns, as self assuming, are negated and divided into newer patterns through a process of self assumption. This self assumption is an act of self reflection, with this self reflection as a process of self negation where the priorly formless subjective point of awareness changes into an objective form through which the subjective self operates. A point of view is that which assumes thus is empty of form. When this point of view reflects back upon itself a form is given. This subjective self reflecting upon itself becomes multiple points of view thus necessitating the self becoming an objective state of being.

What is subjective is formless. What is objective is form. All consciousness, through self reflection, begins with a negation of negation thus is cyclic by nature.

It is this nature of double negation which mandates awareness as a process of inverting forms.

The act of inverting one assumption to another occurs through the act of "counting":

1. Division is the inversion of one phenomenon or one set of phenomenon into multiple phenomenon or sets of phenomenon. The Phenomenon is assumed, through a point of awareness, and its inverted into further phenomena. The point of awareness, is void in an of itself, thus the phenomena is inverted from one state of being into another. Assumption is inversive by nature as void is effectively nothing, and all assumptions are inherently void.

2. Basic division starts with measurement, basic measurement starts with forms, one basic form for reality is the line. This is inherent within the act of measurement itself. Measurement is a means of manifesting finiteness as quantity and infiniteness as quality. All measurement as grounded in the line necessitates the line as both quantity and quality.

3. If I divide the line or line segment, in half what I do is take one form and turn it into many forms. This is the foundation of measurement.

4. The inversion of one line (or line segment considering the math community views each differently) into two lines is the inversion of one form into many forms. It is simultaneously the inversion of many forms into 1. One line into two lines is two lines as one line.

5. This division occurs through the application of a 0d point. The 0d point is formless and can be considered "void". It is purely assumed, with all assumption not only being void but fundamentally beginning with void considering the "dot" is purely assumed. All assumption is thus the voiding of a form through the context of the observer. This context of the observer, as inherently empty, inverts the form(s) into one or many further form(s).

6. One form Inverts to many forms through "voiding" of unity. This voiding of unity results it inverting into multiple unities. We see this with the voiding of one line resulting in many lines which still individually are lines. For example, the line is assumed, thus it Inverts from one form into another. The line may be inverted into multiple lines or take the form of a square or horse, with the respective forms being composed of fractal lines. Thus one line exists through many

7. Thus formlessness, as void, negates form into forms but form always exists. Thus the voiding of a phenomena, by assuming it, is "change". Change is the inversion of form through formlessness.

8. Void is nothing in itself, it cannot be observed as nothing is "there" to observe. All we can see are multiple states. Using a glass of water and air as example: half is full of water, half is full of air. The dividing line in the middle observes the inversion of one substance (air or water) into another substance (respectively water or air).

Another example may be a rose in the garden. The rose is individuated within its inherent context of the field and garden by its respective "curvature". Even the color scheme is grounded in how light curves, or rather is composed of curves. Its smell follows the same manner as the relation of particles that exist through the relative curvature in which they exist. Getting down to the subatomic level we are left with the particle itself being fundamentally empty except for curvature.

This recursion of curvature, which forms the phenomenon, is grounded in the basic isomorphism of a simple line into multiple states simultaneously.

9. Void as formless, is thus indefinite. It cannot be defined much like infinity cannot be defined. Thus it is always voiding itself. The voiding of void is form, as Nothingness is not only a self negating concept that creates a concept of "no-thing" but also perpetually negates form as well.

10. So void voids itself, because is not really there, as "form". This may sound like a play on words, but step back and think about it. Infinite(void) 0d points(void) result in the "line". The point negates itself through the line. The line however is effectively the point given movement with all movement occurring through direction as the progression of one point to another.

The point inverting itself into another point necessitates the point voiding itself through itself, thus the point necessitates a projection in one infinite set of directions as 1 set of directions. This can be observed as the circle being infinite lines stemming from a center point. The circle is all directions at once. Thus not only does all recursion and inversion necessitate progress but a cycle as well.

The inversion of one point into another point as two points results in the point as nothing becoming something.

The same phenomena occurs with:

11A. Mass projecting itself as volume.

11B. 0 projecting itself to 1, then 1 again as 2, 3, 4, etc. on the number line.

11C. Self reflection where a state of boredom results in a spontaneous thought or action as a "form".

This corresponds with the act of awareness itself, as assumption is in itself empty. The assumption of assumption is the beginning of I as a context that is both assumed and assumes.

11. This form is thus infinite as well until it is voided into multiple forms in which case it becomes finite. One line is indefinite, considering the voiding of void is indefinite, until the form is voided into multiple forms. This continual division of lines simultaneously results in the continual multiplication of lines. The same occurs with any form as a "quality" whether is be a color as frequencies or the form of the horse.

Thus the line or form (as recursion of the line) is a quality considering it is composed of infinite fractals as a boundary of change. The line/form, as continually manifesting into further lines forms, is thus an "infinity" in itself with each line/form as a finite entity being multiple infinites.

12. So to summarize:

A. Void voids itself into form. 0d point cancels itself into line/form.

B. Void voids form into forms. The line in turn is voids into multiple lines.

C. The continual manifestation of forms results in one set of forms. The line is composed of infinite lines as one set. This continuity is grounded in void, where void as nothing necessitates a continuity of form which is infinite with any finiteness being them relation of multiple forms which are inherently infinite.

D. The nature of consciousness as grounded in assumption, necessitates space as fundamentally aware, with all reasoning grounded in basic platonic entities. Thus technology, as a projection of inherently assumed axioms, is strictly a means of using curvature (tool) to invert further curvature(elements) under a self reciprocating cycle.

Labels, as in complex symbols that summate a set of relations, are acts of counting in and of themselves and as such follow the same nature as the above. "Counting" and "Naming" are dualisms of the same nature of "measurement" where one may place a strictly emphasis on quantity, and the other respectively as "quality", the natures are isomorphic.

All systems of measurement consist of the same phenomena which they measure thus causing a self referential cycle to occur. This self referentiality necessitates measurement to be a process of the phenomena diverging and reconverging into a new form. For example in the measurement of electrons, a test apparatus must be developed which is composed of the very same electrons it is measuring. The electrons are diverged, from those being tested, and reconverged, into the test apparatus itself. The formation of the test apparatus is the formation of the phenomenon being tested.

This inversion of one form into another reflects the inversion of one set into another as both a fractal and fraction.

The Set of all Sets is a Member of Itself.

1. A set exists. This set is equivalent to P=P and therefore is circular. As circular it is intrinsically empty of meaning in and of itself.

An example of this set can be presented as a line. A line is composed of further lines thus is a set (ie a set of lines). Each line simultaneously represents a loop considering both the beginning point and end point are the same.

2. The set as intrinsically empty inverts into a new set. This new set is Q=Q. Q=Q is a variation of P=P as ((P=P)=(P=P)). As circular, through P=P, Q=Q is intrinsically empty of meaning in and of itself unless it Inverts into a new set and this set Inverts into a new set ad infinitum.

An example of this set would be a single line inverting to two lines. One line exists composed of 2 1/2 lines. Each line is 1 line as 1/2 of the original. As the set of line converts to further lines so does the original line progress from 2 1/2 lines to 3 1/3 lines to 4 1/4 lines, etc. Each line, as a fraction of the original yet a singular line in itself, inverts to further lines as well so that fractions contain fractions and multiples contain multiples.

3. P=P contains Q=Q. Q=Q is a variation of P=P, thus for P=P to contain Q=Q, P=P must contain itself as ((P=P)=((P=P)).

An example of this would be 1 line containing 2 1/2 lines. Each 1/2 is a singular line in itself thus equal to the original in the respect both the original line and the variation are equal to 1 line on their own terms. 1 contains 2 thus 2 as a variation of 1 contains 1. Each subset, as a variation of the original, contains the original as both a fraction and fractal. The set contains itself through fractions and fractals which are multiples of the original set. A subset therefore is a recursion of the original set and as such the set contains itself.

4. The set as containing itself is equivalent to an empty loop containing an empty loop. This loop within a loop is synonymous to a line within a line. This is considering the line contains the same beginning and end points as the 0d point itself. Each line, or loop, within a line, or loop, is the same set repeating itself through further subsets. This summation of lines, or loops, as both the set and the set within the sets necessitates an inherent emptiness of all sets.

This can be pictured under a series of rings within rings. Each ring within a ring necessitates both the outer ring as intrinsically empty, through the rings it contains as being empty, as well as being full of rings. The outer ring is thus simultaneously empty and full of rings; therefore what we understand of the set is a dynamic entity where it is a means of inverting one set into another through a series of fractions and fractals. The set is an observation of recurssion, as repetition, and isomorphism, as the inversion from one symmetrical state into another.

The nature of sets through sets applies to the nature of all terms that compose language.

All Language is Rings within Rings.

1. All terms as subject to the law of identity, P=P, are circular.

2. This circularity necessitates each term as intrinsically empty.

3. As intrinsically empty each terms continues to a further term to justify it. This justification is the replication of terms that results in a symmetry as the phenomena being repeated. This repetition, as justification, is structure.

4. One term inverts to another term as a subset of the original term thus resulting in a fraction of that term as a fractal.

5. Each term as fractal/fraction of the original necessitates the original term being produced in continual variation. This variation necessitates each term as a variable. Each variable, as composed of further variables necessitates the variable as a boundary of change. The term, as composed of further terms, is a summation of progressive terms thus is ever changing. A term, as a variable, is progressive change.

6. The term, as a boundary of change, is a summation of the progressive terms which define it, thus necessitating the law of identity as a boundary of change. This change is progression and this progression is repeated across all terms, even the terms which compose the original term. Each term is thus a progression of progression where any intrinsic meaning is derived implicitly through use.

This applies to numbers as well.

1. All numbers are grounded in the ability to quantify a phenomenon.

2. This quantification begins with basic forms.

3. The most basic form is the line.

4. The line is the projection of a point towards another point.

5. The negation of negation, as the voiding of void, is the point projecting to a line.

6. This line is the beginning of quantity as form.

7. The line is 0=0. This 0=0, as x=x, is 1=1. ((0=0)=(1=1))=(x=x). 0 equals 1 through X.

8. The projection of 0, as 0=0 through the line, results in the first quantity.

This act of inversion occurs within arithmetic as well where subtraction/addition and multiplication/division cycle between eachother and are inseperable:

1. A line exists.
2. This line is divided in half.
3. Each half of the line is 1 line as 2 lines.
4. Division and multiplication occur simultaneously and are inseperable.
5. A line is added to another line.
6. This one line is now two lines thus subtracting half of the original line.
7. Subtraction and addition occur simultaneously and are inseperable.

This circularity is universal:

1. The negation of negation leads to a positive.

2. The positive of a positive necessitates grades of being thus a negative.

3. The doubling of a phenomenon, be it double positives or double negatives, results in the cycling of a phenomenon where all phenomena are grounded in a circularity.

4. This circularity begins with the repetition of phenomena, thus repetition is the foundation for being.

5. The inversion of one phenomena into another form, where previous forms are repeated in a new variation (ex: 4 legs and a tail repeats itself across various types of mammals like a dog or cat for example), observes a foundation for repetition.

6. The repetition of one form inverting into another observes repetition as the foundation for this inversion.

7. Repetition and inversion cycle between eachother through contexts of existence. This context is the principle of identity itself as (P=P).

(P=P) is repetitive and circular.

(P=P)=((Q=Q)=((P=P)=(P=P))) is the inversion of one phenomenon to another. What is constant is the context itself (...).