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The Point

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:43 pm
by Eodnhoj7

What exists as beyond both empirical and abstract knowledge is form.

A form is a series of converging and diverging points which summate to a given complex actual state of being. The points may be relative point particles, observed empirically, or may be a series of abstract viewpoints. Such thing as an atom may have a given form, as a series of points which summate to a sphere or looping type of shape. Another thing, a perspective for instance, may be the summation of multiple points of view.

Just as the Big Bang of physics originates from a point, and the Principle of explosion originates from a point of view, so do forms originate from a single source.

The absense of form, dually, is an absence of converging and diverging points. This can be reflected as a single point which is conducive to a boundless field.

Take for example a single white point. It is formless and only seen for what it is against a black backdrop. Take away the black back drop and the point is fundamentally a formless abyss. Now if this formless abyss divides, a line between two points occurs as the division of the point. Formlessness self negates, through double negation, into form. The formless nature of any assertion results in self negation when the original assertion reassumes itself. The formless negates into form, and this originates with the point. This point is intrinsically empty through the point of view, of the observer's assumptive capacity, in which reality is imprinted.

The assumption of assumption results in a tautology through the isomorphism of one assumption into many, and recursion as the underlying assumptions which stem across all of its variations. This begins with the point of view of the observer, under the Principle of explosion where from self contradiction (the formlessness of formlessness) anything follows. It also occurs under the big bang where all being occurs from the voiding of void.

An assertion breaks down into multiple assertions and resynthesizes into a single assertion. This takes the nature of a pulse. Knowledge expands then contracts then reexpands again in such a many where knowledge is a process of change as much as change itself. This process of change mandates knowledge as a dynamic entity where what is static is only an approximation of potential later states.

This expansion and contraction necessitates knowledge as circular where what has been known in previous times will eventually be revealed again in future times. An example of this would be that Rome was the height of information. It dissolved into the dark ages with less information. It steadily increased again during the middle ages then decreased. The Information Again Increased With The Enlightenment. Another example would be that the English language assumed portions of a variety of languages. For example the term "skunk" was from native American cultures. As native American language died it was assumed through new languages, such as English. The language of one culture dies, and it re-expands into a new language.

Knowledge thus takes the place of a form, as is occurs through the pulsating alternation between expansion and contraction, and as such is mandated as subsequent to form itself. This subsequentness to form necessitates knowledge as form itself where any assertion strictly exists "as is" with this "as is-ness" necessitates all assertions as having a truth value by existence alone. Form is existence and existence is truth. A truth value is derived through existence alone and is grounded in this pulsating expansion and contraction of knowledge where all assertions converge and diverge from a single point.

Reality is a series of forms superimposed upon forms with these forms acting as a means for further forms. These forms are the contexts which hold reality together through an expansion or contraction of being itself as the movement from one point into many and then back into one.

A form such as a horse, from a position far away, expands as it draws relatively closer to the point of observation. It exists as a single point, then multiplies as a series of points into a form with the observer expanding relatively at the same time. The space between the observer and horse contracts simultaneously thus necessitating an inherent isomorphism that inversely occurs as expansion progression.

As the observer's distance expands the horse contracts from one form to another form until the form is a singular point. Another example, that of a line shrinking, shows the contraction of one line into another as the line becomes less and less.

Concepts expand and contract simultaneously as well, through the manifestation of a tautology. As a concept is analyzed up close it expands into further concepts. The concept exists as a single point of observation then expands into many. Through absence of analysis the concept contracts into something simpler, again as a singular point of observation.

This expansion and contraction of concepts reflects the same nature of expansion and contraction empirically, thus showing the same nature of expansion and contraction existing across empirical and abstract forms which compose reality as the converge and divergence of points.

The point, as the origin of all forms, be it abstract or physical, thus maintains a dualistic nature.

The dualism between the point and boundless field can be observed a synonymous to the particle wave dualism. On one hand the point is formless, when observed in a singular state. On the other hand it allows for form when observed in multiple states. This point represents the origin of both the empirical point particle of physics and the point of view of all logical assertions.

It is the synthesis of points, diverging and converging, that result in the dimensions of reality.

"Dimension", as defined, is tautological to "form" by nature as a series of complex forms which work together to form a new form. As such, through this nature of definition, we see any philosophical definition as following the same definition mapping as the words and symbols which form it. Just as the empirical and abstract are composed of complex forms which respectively exist each to their own, so a dimension is a complex myriad of forms which work together to form a whole.

It is this tautology of forms, into dimensions, which show an underlying common ground between the different dimtensions of abstractness and empiricality as forms in themselves.

For example in one dimension a unicorn may exist, as an abstraction, as certain forms (the horn, horse-like body) that work together to whole. One form superimposes on another into a new a form.

Yet certain forms exist distinctly as abstract due to the distinction of empiricality from abstraction. The dimension of Empricality is an isomorphism of abstractness, one dimension is a recursion of the other through the origin of the point.

Empirically the form of a unicorn may only exist as a picture. In one dimension the unicorn acts as whole actualized entity, in another dimension it appears only as an image of itself.

The distinction between any set of forms, as dimensions, such as the dichotomy between abstractions and empirically sensed phenomena, occurs by the ability to align through a symmetry. For example a unicorn may exist abstractly but the absense of unicorns empirically, barring symbolism through art, sets a distinction between these dimensions.

All being, as defined consists of forms and dimensions as complex forms. All that exists stems from a singular point with the point being the center of all form.

All forms, when compared through grades, can be seen as more or less than other forms by the degrees of seperation from the original point. It is this degree of distinction from the original point that all forms take on the nature of an image with the image being synonymous to form as both give definition.

Imagination is the dimension of abstraction where diverging and converging points form a new image which may align or not align in accords to the nature of the empirical dimension. A unicorn may exist as an empirical drawing in one dimension of existence and as a thought only in another dimension. One dimension exists outside of another, thus possibly imposing form onto the other. A unicorn as a thought imposes itself under a drawing. What is imaginary is that which is given image too.

However, in these respects, the physical can be seen as imaginary, that which is given image to. It is this divergence from a single point which allows for one set of forms, be it abstract or physical, to effectively synthesize through the common source. This common source is the point, be it a point of view or point particle.

What "possibility" is is the state of actuality of one form in one dimension and its potentiality in another. One form, in one dimension, exists at a higher level in time relative to another. Where a form may be actual under abstraction it is potentially existing empirically and vice-versa. One dimension supercedes the other in a timeline. Again a form such as a unicorn exists abstractly but may exist possibly through a drawing or genetic engineering. It exists as part of one dimension and potentially in another along the same timeline.

Possible forms are manifested empirically through the projection of an abstraction onto the formless nature of the empirical dimension.

For example a skyscraper exists as a series of abstractions. The empirically existing field is absent of this skyscraper form, it is formless relative to the skyscraper actually existing. One state, the abstraction, exists as actual form, the other state, the empirical exists as potential form. Actuality is form, potentiality is formless. The actual projects onto the potential and the potential assfumes the imprint of the actual. Under these respects the form of the skyscraper, existing an an abstraction, is thus inverted into a physical state upon the field, as in it is built. The form of one dimension Inverts into another dimension. One dimension projects and the other is imprinted. Formlessness assume form. What is indefinite is imprinted by what is definite.

The existence of one form in one dimension, and its absence in another, sets the distinction between dimensions. In one dimension the form ceases to exist, thus representing a state of relative formlessness to that image. This allow for an isomorphic imprinting between dimensions, where symmetrically opposite dimensions, one representing being and the other non-being, synthesize.