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Post by Eodnhoj7 »


The nature of consciousness is the awareness of forms where the form is imprinted on the psyche and inverted to a further form. It is the nature of forms occuring through forms where each form is a phenomena observed "as is". Form is observed as evident by existence alone. This inversion of one form to another, which sets the foundation for counting, and all measurement as label application by default, hence reasoning by further default, again reflects the dichotomy between what is abstract and what is empirical. This dichotomy occurs through abstractions being applied to empirical phenomenon and in turn empirical phenomenon setting the foundation for abstractions. It is the application of one dimension of being through another that necessitates a synthetic quality grounded in this dualism.

It is this dualism between the abstraction and physical that underlies a common middle context of "form" which binds reality together.

An example of this would be a house.

Does a house gain structure through the materials or the form? It is the form which binds the materials together with space acting as the glue which holds the house together. The house exists because of rectangles and triangles, not because of the wooden beams as these wooden beams are composed of shapes also. Matter is shape.

Under a unified version of the universe, where all exists as one, movement becomes static and is observed as only an approximation of the one. This movement is expressed through form, where form is a summation of movements.

For example a car going about in circles shows a series of movements. From a seperate time zone, where all movements exist as one, the cars movements appear as a static circle. These movements cannot occur excepting through a looping pattern through which they result. All potential movement, given a car driving in circles in actual time, is derived from a form which transcends all the the loop in this case.

Movement exists through form, where form acts as the glue which holds reality together. Thus static forms are instrumental in determining the movements of the phenomenon. The car moves only because the loop exists, the car does not create the loop, the loop creates the movements of the car. Each movement of the car is an approximation, a part of, the loop through which it manifests. The parts of the car, as forms, are composed of moving particles which result in the static form of the car itself. All movements results in forms and movements composed of movements are forms composed of forms.

The same applies to a logical argument, does an argument gain structure through propositions or form? It is the form which binds the propositions together. The argument exists because of linearism (progression of one assertion to another), circularity (repetition of assertions) and the point of awareness it represents.

This form occurs through recursion, where one phenomena repeats into another. A simple square as the repetition of lines is an example of this.

Replication is the generation of a phenomenon, be it thought, word or deed, which gives precedence to order out of Nothingness. It is the inversion of Nothingness into Somethingness allowing for "being" to form an isomorphic relation to "nothing".

It is the dynamic state under which being inverts and repeats into further being, that necessitates assumption as being a process of change within what we considering experience and reason. That which is assumed changes into a new form.

Being is a series of movements within movements, with each movement existing as a timezone. A timezone is the summation of parts as a singularity which exist within a whole. Time, as definitive, reverts again to dualism between generals and particulars. A general is a singular summation of parts, a particular is one thing expressed in a variety of ways. Both express finiteness as the expression of a singularity. This nature of time, as finiteness, extends across all empirical and abstract phenomenon.

For example, water dripping from a roof is measured under the movements of a particle as seconds. This particle may be the cesium atom or the movement of a celestial entity. The particle could be anything that exists as part of a greater whole. These particle's movements result in a form, in this case a line. A second is a series of revolutions of a particle existing as a series of circumferances. This series of circumferances acts as a series of lines considering the circumferance unravels into a series of lines. The particle is a summation of forms with many forms existing as variations of the same phenomenon.

What we consider as movements is multiple lengths of space forming ratios as forms within forms, in this case the line within a line. The relationship between generals and particulate is one of ratios. The most basic rational form is that of the line.

These same ratios which form lines are the same linear ratios where a word, as a series of linear definitions, is composed of a further series of progressive definitions. One set of progressive definitions exists inside of another. Language shares this same finite nature as time itself thus abstractions are also subject to time.

Time is a series of linear forms existing within linear forms, and as such is a ratio of spaces. It is this nature of spaces within spaces that time is composed of forms which supercede it. Time is ratiozation thus is not limited to an empirical means but exhibits itself through abstractions.

All movement in time is dependent upon a form which exists above time. For example a car driving in a circle requires the circle, as the summation of the car's movements within a given time zone, to literally glue the car's movements together. The car can only drive in a circle if the form of the circle exists as a glue which holds the movements together. The same occurs through reasoning where the progression of one form to another results in a linear form.

Form is space which binds reality. This same nature of form as glue occurs through reasoning: an argument exists because it is linear or circular. A progresses to B through a circular recursion of A into a new state and a linear voiding A into B.

All phenomena are thus grounded in the reoccurrence of forms.

Take for example a rectangle: □

Inversely the shape which space takes through the rectangle is: ■

The form of the rectangle, □, repeats itself through isomorphism as, ■, where ■ is not only the inverse of □ but is a summation of a series of forms within eachother which exists much like Russian Mirror Dolls.

Dually this isomorphism and recurssion occurs through the 1d Line and 2d circle. A line on its side is a 1 dimensional representation of a 2 dimensional circle. Take a clock on its side an attach a light to one of the hands. On its side the light moves back an forth in the form of a line.

The alternation between points necessitates a single point as inverting from one direction to another, resulting in an isomorphism of directions. Isomorphism, as the self negation of one phenomenon into its polar opposite necessitates the first cyclical form. This isomorphism begins with the dualism between the line and point.

This inversion observes the first degree of replication of movements where this replication is the looping of said phenomena. This is given since the beginning and end results in the same point of awareness. A line going in one direction, then another, shows the same 1d line repeating.

Inversion, as isomorphism, is self negation. Self negation is a loop which results in recursion as another loop. This alternation between isomorphism and repetition in itself is another loop as isomorphism repeats and recursion self negates to isomorphism. Looping thus follows its own nature and is expressed linearly as well as circulary. The line and circles are two degrees of the same phenomenon observed from different angles, thus is subject to the point of view from which they originate.

This point of view begins with the point itself expressing itself dualistically through the line and circle as one and the same phenomenon. This point of awareness, between the line and circle acts as a means of inversion between the phenomenon. The point inverting into another point, thus repeating, is the grounding of isomorphism and recursion. One point self negates into another point.

This self negation of the point results in it projecting in one direction as a line. Dually it results in a projection in all directions, at one time, as the circle. The point, specifically the point of awareness which begins with the point, acts as a means of inversion with this inversion being a repetition. It is the inversion of the point, into another point, which dually inverts into the repetition of the point. Isomorphism results in recursion and recursion results in isomorphism.

This angle of awareness reflects further through the spiral where the spiral as an ever expanding circle, which when turned on its side becomes a wave. This wave is a series of alternating lines as an ever expanding series of rings within rings.

Thus all phenomena, as expressed through a spiral or wave, are the approximation of a series of static lines and circles through the summation of their movements. The spiral and wave is strictly the act of the line and circle moving through time with time being the approximation of a single unified static form. One unified state is observed through a series of parts, each part is an approximation of a whole. The point, line and circle are 3 in 1 and 1 in 3.

Space takes form through form. Form and space are inseperable.

This beginning of form, through space, begins with a process of assumption:

1. All being occurs through a process of imprinting.

2. This imprinting is the inversion of one pattern into another as isomorphism.

3. A formless state receives the imprint of a form. This formless state may be the subconsciousness or a material such as sand. The form projects itself onto that which is formless. A thought may imprint itself on the subconscious or a rock imprints itself upon sand.

4. This imprinting is the repetition of one pattern into a new state as the new pattern.

5. All being as imprintable necessitates all being as assumptive by nature. Imprintation is the assumption of patterns where a previous lack of patterns assumes a new pattern.

6. This inversion of one pattern into another is the division of the pattern from one state into many. Form is divided by what is formless. An example of this would be a point and line. The line, as a form, is divided by what is formless, a point, into a new line. One form Inverts into another through formlessness. Another example would be a rock and sand. The sand as formless divides the imprint of the rock into a new imprint of the rock itself through the sand.

7. The projection of the form is the formlessness of formlessness, or a double negation where that which is without form, void, is further voided into form. This double negation, of which is formless and void, necessitates the first underlying form as a cycle where what is formless negates into a pattern which projects in all directions given the only boundaries which limit this form are void.

8. It is this double negation, the voiding of void or formlessness of form, which necessitates the beginning of any underlying pattern as a cycle. The voiding of void results in the first pattern, a pattern which is intrinsically empty as it contains void. This new pattern, the sphere, in turn imprints itself through itself as intrinsically empty, thus resulting in new spheres. The first pattern assumes itself thus inverting from one state into many.

9. These many spheres, as point particles or monads, rearrange into an infinite variety of shapes as their relationships to eachother result from a continual process of self assuming. Each pattern, as intrinsically empty, is imprinted through itself into a variety of shapes and forms where each pattern Inverts into a new pattern with an infinite variety of patterns as the expression of being in infinite multiplicity. The underlying void, which is not subject to being, continually assumes new patterns.

10. Void voids itself into a pattern, this pattern is thus reassumed by the void and Inverts into a new pattern where the void Inverts one pattern into many. The act of assumptions is the inversion of one pattern into many, with this inversion being the repetition of patterns. The first pattern being that of a cycle, considering in void "being" projects into all directs, in turn inverts into many patterns.

What we understand of reality is forms which exist through forms and this form exists recursively and isomorphically producing further form. Form is movement and this movement occurs through cycles:

1. A circle is intrinsically empty.

2. The emptiness of the circle is imprinted by the circle resulting in one circle inverting into another circle.

3. The inversion of one circle into another, as self assuming, necessitates the replication of the circle.

4. The replication of the circle results in multiple circles which in turn form shapes which are intrinsically empty as they are composed of forms which are empty.

5. These forms, as empty, in turn self assume resulting in the replications of these forms.

6. Each form, as traceable, exists as variations of circle as their beginning points of any tracing result in the same point as the end.

7. One circle inverts to many, many invert to a form, this form exists as a loop. One loop Inverts to many.

It is this replication and isomorphism of phenomena that deem its truth value as something is deemed real based upon its ability to replicate across time. This is exhibited in basic programming under binary code and the inversion from 1 to 0. It it also expressed within the scientific method as the replication of results, where the hypothesis as unproven inverts into results which are proven. The replication of forms, and their inversion into other forms, necessitates symmetry as order and this order occuring under basic forms which superimpose across reality. For example a car making a zigzag is the repetition of alternating lines from the perspective of a larger timezone. This same zigzag pattern occurs within the underlying frequencies which compose reality.

Replication is the generation of a phenomenon, be it thought, word or deed, which gives precedence to order out of Nothingness under the expansion and contraction of form. In simpler terms, all being, expands and contracts repeatedly through a point. This point may be the empty assumptive nature of consciousness as a point of awareness or a point particle.

It is the inversion of Nothingness into Somethingness allowing for "being" to form an isomorphic relation to "non-being". One form of isomorphism Inverts into another form of isomorphiom: void Inverts to being, and one being Inverts to many being, with both "void to being" and "being to many being" inverting between the other.
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