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Who/What/When/Where/How/Why as Axioms of Space

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:14 pm
by Eodnhoj7
When observing the nature of space western instinct lends itself to the question of "what", that is, "what is space"? However if one what to observe the nature of the "space" as a universal in respect that all being at it's root is composed of it, "what" inherently is non proportional to the nature of the question for "what" itself is rooted in space. It is from this improportional nature of "what" that symmetry of the question is further revealed through the further possible natures of "who, when, where, how, why". These natures form inherent duels of who/what, where/when, how/why which in turn form a trinity of dualities whose culmination manifests as the statement ".", exclamation "!" and question "?". These 9 dimensions of language and logic exist as inherent axioms upon which an understanding of space is founded for at their roots they are space itself.

It is within the nature of "How" that we observe the nature of cause and effect, for the question of "how" breaks down to a nature of "structure" or "being". How x leads to y is inevitably to ask the nature of symmetry between x and y. "How" does x "cause" y with y being the "effect" of x points to the nature of x and y as structures of cause and effect. It is within that nature of cause and effect that we can further observe the "effect" itself taking the role of "cause". The nature of y as a "cause" to "z" as an effect further extends what we understand of "how". It is in these respects that as x is cause for y and y is cause for z that we observe both y and z as effects of x and in this respect x, y and z are "unified" through a nature of "causality" with effect strictly being a self-reflection of cause.

While x may cause y and y may cause z, inevitably leading x to cause z, the unified median of x, y, z inevitably points to reflective properties between them. x, y and z are in turn inherent reflections of each other through the nature of cause and effect, as points, for a cause without an effect is no cause at all due to its inability to maintain any form of structure or symmetry. Effect cannot exist without cause for effect is strictly the reflection of causal points. It is in the observation of cause and effect that we observe structure, with "How" being the logistic space from which we observe this nature.

It is within the nature of "why" that we observe the nature of randomness through approximation of cause as effect. With effect fundamentally being an approximate of a median cause, it is still a cause in itself. This cause is an approximate of the original cause and in these respects while being composed of it is not equal to it. Take for example, 1 reflecting upon 1 as a cause. It's effect, 2, is an approximate of 1 and is composed
of 1, however it is not equal to one. It does not share the same degree of unity or wholeness as one and in these respects it is deficient. This deficiency, of unity or wholeness (which fundamentally equates to being) is in itself "randomness" as approximation. It is in these respect the nature of "why" is a dual logistic structure to "how" in the respect that "why" is an approximate to "how". Where "How" observes the nature of
structure as "cause" and "effect", "why" observes the deficiecies as limits to that structure. "Why" focuses upon the nature of the deficiencies of cause and effect to begin with, or in simply terms "a deficiency" in structure.

It is in these respects that "How" and "Why" observe structures through the nature of Reflection as a unified structure.

From the questions of "How" and "Why" as reflective structures, the nature of "where" and "when" manifest as gradations through the nature of Relativity.

"Where" manifests as spatial dual to the temporal construct of "when" and from this we observe the nature of Relativity for through the nature of "where/when" we observe p articulation of space as time.

It is within the nature of "where" that we observe space as an actual particulate for the nature of a "place" is fundamentally a particle of "space". It is in this nature of an actual particle of "space" relating to a actual "particle" of space that the nature of flux is observed for a particle (or "fractal") exists only through relation to another particle. This nature of flux between particle relations manifests a dual "potential" particle relative to the "actual" particle. It is then nature of "potential" particulate we observe the nature of "when" as strict potentiality, or time as the relation of actual spaces.

It is in these respects that "Where" and "When" observe particles through the nature of Relativity as a flux of particles.

From the questions of "How" and "Why" as reflective unified structures and "Where" and "When" as relative fluxing particles a dualism occurs between stability/reflectivity and flux/relativity. This inherent polarity, embodied through the nature of a duality is in itself unstable unless a medial point is observed. This third element as synthesis is embodied under the nature of "who" and "what".

"Who" manifests as a subjective dual to the objective "what" and forms the root of what we deem as the "axiom" or "self"-"evidence". From this we observe the nature of Synthesis.

It is within the nature of "What" that we observe the nature of "dimensional limits" or the limits which compose a space as a space. All objects, by their very nature, are strictly space composed through limits which in themselves are space. It is within this nature of "what" we observe the objective nature of reality as definition through dimensional limit.

These dimensional limits, which in themselves are strictly space, manifest as "possible natures" (further dimensional limits) which are embodied under the nature of "who" for the nature of subjectivity is in itself a cessation of limit through the possibility of further limits. In simpler terms, in the observation of "who" we observe the nature of consciousness as a median from which further limits are made. The nature of consciousness, through who, is synonymous with the nature of measurement.

It is through "who" and "what" that the nature of subjectivity and objectivity the the non-limit and limit to space occurs. This is embodied further within the nature of the axiom as "self (subjective/non-limited) - evidence (objective/limited)" which manifest primarily through the statement ".", exclamation "!" and question "?".

It is from the nature of the axiom as a statement through "." that the dual natures of the question "?" and exclamation "!" are observed within the nature of logic corresponding to "?" as a negative value, "!" as a positive value, and "." as a median value of "positive/negative".

In these respects, through the nature of "the question", space reflects through 6 dimensions of logic with these dimensions being the
planes or fields from which the points, which are axioms, grow. It is these six planes, which give structure to the nature of reality through the nature of a cube, for the nature of understanding lies fundamentally within the nature of observing angles. It is within this nature of the "cube" or "squaring off" of reality, that we develop a matrix from which further understand is rooted an grows. (We can observe facets of this in the many cultures, specifically Native American, who reference the female aspects of creation/the womb through a "square", or matrix being an approximate to Hebrew for "womb". In a separate respect the nature of "who, what, when, where, how, why" manifest as polarities whose relations define each other.

Who, what, when, where, how, why can be seen as the corresponding six planes of the cube through which we "square" of reality in an attempt to not only understand to but synthesize it by creating a matrix of understanding through which further axioms are plant and give birth. In separate respect These six planes correspond to the six universal functions of mathematics as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation and
root leading to a who, what, when, where, how, why to have a reflective symmetry to these functions. It is in these respects that who, what, when, where, how, why can be observed as having a reflective symmetry, therefore structure, through addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation and root.