Spinoza is right... and how is that?

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Peter Kropotkin
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Spinoza is right... and how is that?

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

first of all, we have to understand what Spinoza was about....
the universe was made up of one substance, nature
and that nature is god... the two, nature and god,
are but one thing...and everything in the universe
is nature/god...there is but one substance in the universe...

as everything is within nature/god, including us, we can now
make some sense of things that have been a mystery to us...
where does math come from and how do we know it?
do we discover math or do we simply retrieve math?
if we think that everything is within nature, that include us
and it include math...we exists within nature.. and as part of
nature, we have access to parts of nature.. which includes math...
math is simply another part of nature.. just as we are....math doesn't
exist in the great unknown that is apart or separate from us....
math is part of us as is entropy as is physics and is the laws
of thermodynamics... we live within the laws of gravity
and evolution and physics.. they are as much a part of us as our lungs
and our breathing and our heart...all of which is part of nature...

and the same is true of math.... the same equations that Newton
and Einstein "discovered" are simply a part of our nature...
we are created within/and by mathematical equations...
the human body follows a mathematical equation...
Da Vinci "Vitruvian Man" is just a mathematical equation
of the human body...we are math and math is us....
as we all belong to one substance... which we have called nature
and some have called god and both are right...

the problem we have is that we take aspects of nature and isolate them...
we see history and economics and philosophy and science to be different
and isolated things.... they are simply pictures of the same thing
recall the story of the 12 blind men who examined an elephant..
each blind man could only feel one aspect of the elephant and
thought that the elephant was all trunk or all leg or all tail..
if they could see the whole elephant, they would know
that they were examining the exact same thing
and we are the blind men, examining the elephant,
nature and seeing different things, we hold that nature is
vastly different things and reality is quite different....
we exists within and part of nature and so we do have
access to all aspect of nature/reality.... we just have to find it...

if we only understood that we are gravity... make a human being
large enough and we will be able to see gravity work as it
does for a planet...we are entropy in action and we are evolution
at work.... all the forces of nature, apply and work within us....
all we have to do is find that aspect...so, we are also
nature in terms of science, history, economics, social studies,
and ART.... all ART is able to do is connect us to nature, or
to be blunt, connect us to us...as we are part of nature and
nature is everything, we are ART... we can paint and draw
and write poems and we can, in our actions and beliefs,
be ART... we are ART... both in form and in actions...

what we see as isolated and separate things, are really all
part of the whole, which we call nature...and we human beings
are also part of nature.... thus the laws of physics and the laws
of gravity are just another aspect of our nature, our collective
nature and that is just another word for all of nature...

so the equation looks like this:

human being = nature/god/everything...

but in reality the equation more like this...

human being/nature/god/everything....and there is
nothing on the other side of the equation......

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Agent Smith
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Re: Spinoza is right... and how is that?

Post by Agent Smith »

"How the hell do we get outta here? Anyone? Come on guys, think, think!"

"It looks like we're in a castle."

"In the castle's dungeon to be precise!"

"We already know that, you numskulls! How do we get out?!"

"Well, I don't know if it's of any help but my hood had a rip in it and I remember seeing something."

"What?! A lever?! The combination to the lock!? A crowbar?! Where is it??"

"Well ... er ... the guard, the one on the left, the tall one with the Russian accent, he was talking about how his aunt used to visit every second Tuesday and ..."

"What are you rambling on about?! Get to the point!! What exactly do you remember?!"

"Well, his shoes, something about his shoes, I'm not sure ..."

"His shoes?! You gotta be kidding me!"

"Well, I did say I wasn't sure if it could get us out of this mess, didn't I? Ah! Now I remember! The shoes, the shoes were either red or blue, not both and not neither!!!"

"You were the only one who had a chance of seeing something that could and all that you noticed were shoe colors!!! Really, Pete, really?!"

"Shhh. Quiet down, I can hear footsteps!"

"It's the same guy, the one with either blue or red shoes!"

"This is serious Pete, quit it!"

"I am being serious. Can't you tell? Blue or red, blue or red, blue or red."

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