in our understanding...

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Peter Kropotkin
Posts: 1734
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

in our understanding...

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

we are educated in our "modern" values and beliefs...
we hold certain values and beliefs and those beliefs and values
are limited... we cannot hold values and beliefs that exists outside
of our state, culture, society.. in other words, the values I hold, personally,
are still values and beliefs that are inherent or possible within my own
state, culture, society... I cannot hold beliefs or values that have not
been discussed or studied outside of my society, state or culture..

I am bounded, limited in my own values and beliefs because I cannot
go outside of the values and beliefs of the state, society, or culture...
the values I hold personally, have been, vetted so to speak, by my
own society, state, or culture..

so, what this means is that I cannot, except in a very superficial way,
hold beliefs or values that already haven't been written about, or talked
about or studied.... this is why I cannot imagine or hold beliefs of an
Alien race... and why an alien race cannot hold to the values or beliefs
of human beings... we are limited, very limited in our values and
beliefs to our own society and culture...for example, it is clear that
the values and beliefs of say, Iran, I cannot hold because those values
and beliefs lie outside of my education, training, study, reading...
it has been said, even by those who have lived in Japan, a long time,
that even after 30 years, the Japanese culture and values are still
a mystery... we cannot get into the mindset of the Japanese people,
no matter how we try because it lies outside of our "education" our
training, our day to day living in which the values and beliefs of a culture,
people, are installed in us...
and we certainly cannot ever truly get into the mindset of someone from
ancient Greece or Rome... and they cannot get into our mindset.. they are
just as limited and defined by their own values and beliefs as we are..

I cannot escape my society values and beliefs even if I wanted to..
I have been indoctrinated, or programmed, one might even use the
word brainwashed into the values and beliefs of one's state, society,
culture.... and it is very hard to escape that programming/brainwashing...

I cannot hope to escape my own society's programming...
I am forced to hold and discuss values, beliefs, assumptions,
faith, and conclusions of the society/state/culture in which I
grew up in.. I quite often explain things in Judeo/Christain
ideology and language because I was raised with that ism and
language.. today, I am an atheist, but I still use that language
to describe people, places, events and ideas... I cannot escape my
childhood education and indoctrinations all the way...
I am limited in how far I can go in my words, values and beliefs
because of my education/indoctrinations..

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